How to enlarge a room: choosing colors, furniture, design of walls, ceiling and floor. Interior of a narrow room: design, layout in Khrushchev How to arrange furniture in an elongated room

Designers often jokingly call a narrow room a “carriage.” Of course, everyone dreams of spacious apartments with room to roam. Reality presents us with surprises in the form of small narrow rooms without the possibility of redevelopment or demolition of walls. Don't despair! Useful tricks will help make the room more harmonious and spacious (at least visually)!

The main secrets of narrow room design

1. Colors and textures

Make friends with light shades - beige, gray, lavender, white, light blue. They can be used to paint long walls, and make short ones more saturated and bright. Horizontal patterns (especially stripes) look great on a short accent wall - they visually make the room wider. Partially, such decor can “run into” the adjacent wall.

Interesting! The ceiling can be made darker than the walls - it will also slightly adjust the boundaries of the room. Transverse dark ones look very stylish wooden beams on a light background!

Avoid large drawings! Focus on unusual textures: fake diamond, 3D panels, Venetian plaster! In most cases, dark floors are “contraindicated” for narrow rooms. flooring choose light ones too!

2. Perspective

Your task is to visually distance the walls from each other. Paintings and photo wallpapers with perspective are perfect for these purposes. The best choice is city or natural landscapes. For the window, you can also choose curtains with 3D prints - they not only look beautiful, but also create the illusion of space.

3. Mirrors and shiny surfaces

Design narrow room cannot do without glossy textures. If it is not possible to hang large mirror the entire wall, you can use mirror and glass inserts and shelves. Glossy ceiling And lacquered furniture will also give the desired effect.

4. Niches

They can be done on both short and long walls. They neutralize the tunnel effect and make the room more comfortable. Niches near the sofa, TV, and headboard look great!

5. Space zoning

You probably already realized that stationary partitions and cabinets under the ceiling can completely disfigure the space. To zone a narrow room, it is better to use podiums, contrasting flooring and mobile screens and partitions. It’s convenient to partition the living room by placing a sofa, a couple of armchairs or a transparent shelving unit across the room!

6. Play of light and lighting

A room with a lot of light always seems more spacious than a dark and uncomfortable “car”. It's better to do without heavy curtains and curtains. Roller and Roman blinds, light tulle, blinds - the best choice For narrow rooms. Artificial lighting should also be multi-level: the main light source (chandelier, lamp), spotlights, sconces. You can run an LED strip along the perimeter of the ceiling - it creates a special “floating” effect and visually expands the boundaries of the room.

7. Bright accessories

Bright pillows, large vases or plants are splashes of color that enliven a space. But there shouldn't be too many of them! The abundance of figurines, photographs and souvenirs only clutters the room!

8. Unusually shaped furniture

A standard rectangular sofa looks ordinary and boring. Choose original furniture. Hanging chairs, frameless poufs, round beds! They not only look interesting, but also visually make the room wider due to the absence of sharp corners! By the way, transformable furniture is also very relevant!

9. Built-in structures

Practical and help save space. For example, if you place cabinets and shelves around the headboard, you will get a spacious storage niche and visually expand the space.

Advice! Use a window sill - it can serve as a seating area and storage area.

10. Asymmetry

The chandelier does not have to be clearly in the center of the ceiling, and the TV does not have to be two steps away from the sofa. The typical layout of furniture in a narrow room ruins everything. Use the walls and ceiling more actively, and there should be a minimum of objects on the floor! Floor lamp can be replaced with a stylish built-in lamp, and a bulky chest of drawers can be replaced with lightweight shelves on the wall!

How to arrange furniture correctly in a narrow room?

A sofa or wardrobe can be located against a short wall - this way you can visually give the room a square shape. Other pieces of furniture can be arranged in the letter P or G. Try to avoid massive furniture: large corner sofa appropriate in square room, but not indoors, where every centimeter of width is valuable. Place the table, chair, ottomans, banquettes at an angle! It's unusual and beautiful!

Important! Don't try to outsmart yourself! If you arrange your furniture in a zigzag pattern, it will be unusual, but also extremely impractical. You risk earning yourself a lot of bruises and abrasions by avoiding obstacles!

Storage places - niches, open shelves, consoles, podiums. But the Soviet “wall” along a long wall is not the best solution!

Experiment and don’t be afraid to create a space “for yourself”, then the room will look individual, and not a faceless hotel room!

The owner of a square room does not have to think long about ways to decorate the living room. It does not depend on any rules or restrictions. The square is the ideal shape for any room, requiring very little: determining its functionality and creating a design that matches the tastes of the owners. The owner of an elongated rectangular room more problems and fewer opportunities to let your imagination run wild. He has to use various techniques that help visually expand the space.

How to arrange furniture in a rectangular living room?

First of all, you should decide on the functionality of your room. It should contain everything necessary for family celebrations, guest visits, friendly gatherings and comfortable rest in the family.

By her own rectangular shape, if the room is long, it encourages dividing the entire available area into zones. This makes the room more comfortable and masks its not-so-successful configuration. Often in a spacious living room there is a separate area in which to arrange. They put it here dinner table, chairs, pieces of furniture intended for storing cutlery, and in the other part - the so-called compositional center (home theater, electric fireplace), surrounded upholstered furniture. In such a room, sofas and armchairs can be placed both along the walls and closer to the center. However, we must not forget about free space, which makes it possible to move around the room.

The long living room is divided into a sitting area and…

...dining area

Design of a long rectangular living room

Zoning in a long narrow room

Long rectangular living room

A corner sofa is installed, some of the furniture is located closer to the central axis: this is the right approach

In a rectangular living room, furniture should be placed not only parallel to the long walls, but also perpendicular to them. It makes the room cozy

Everything you need for a work area (desk, bookshelf, shelves) are convenient to place near the window, especially if the room is extended in length from it.

If the window is located on an adjacent, longer wall, a different option for arranging furniture is recommended - a sliding wardrobe with doors of the same tone as the walls is built on the narrow side. The room becomes shorter with the depth of the closet, making it closer to a square.

It is important to avoid repeating the most common mistakes that owners of non-standard premises often make. First mistake- placement of furniture along the walls along the entire length of the room. Second- concentration of furniture in one corner. One mistake leads to a visual lengthening of the room and even a completely undesirable increase in the “corridor effect”, the second leads to excess emptiness and loss of harmony of space.

Decoration of the entrance door and floor

The feeling of spaciousness is achieved with the help of a wide doorway. Best to install sliding door. It's hard to think of more suitable option to separate the kitchen and living room, but only if appearance the doors correspond to the design of these premises.

Quite often laid on the floor light laminate. This coating can visually add lightness to all volumetric elements of the interior. You can visually shorten a long room using parquet planks laid parallel to the short walls (across the room). A pattern of squares would be appropriate on the floor. A soft square carpet in the center of the room will also help, which will emphasize the cozy and relaxing atmosphere in the recreation area.

Color scheme for a rectangular living room

When decorating a room, it is useful to listen to the recommendations experienced designers.

1. Light colors effectively mask the disadvantages of the layout, visually expanding the room. Use materials in white, beige, light gray, pale blue, light green, lilac, and cream colors to decorate the ceiling and walls.

2. The walls look stylish, top part which are painted, and the lower one is covered with patterned wallpaper of the same tone (or painted in a different color or paneled). This horizontal division of the walls contributes to the visual expansion of the room.

3. Want brightness? Add yellow, blue, orange, but try not to overload the interior with them. Your living room will sparkle with colors if textiles and other decorative elements are chosen correctly.

4. When choosing color range consider the location of your living room relative to the cardinal directions. If the windows face south, you can choose cooler shades of blue, brown, purple, gray and white flowers. For living rooms with windows facing north, choose warm yellow, orange, and green tones.

5. To express the interior, it is useful to use contrasts in its design. For example, give a richer tone to niches in a room with light walls.

To visually bring short walls closer to the center (and thereby make the room more like a square), you need to use “hot” or dark colors: For example, orange, red, terracotta, warm brown or black. The long walls remain light and cool.

Design of a narrow living room in loft style

A large rectangular living room looks like a square thanks to the play of colors

Narrow living room design

To arrange living room in a long and narrow room, the design approaches already mentioned above should be applied. However, there are several additional ways give the space of the “pencil case” room more harmony.

Experts advise not to limit yourself to just the correct arrangement various elements interior Do not use massive furniture. Should be given preference for light poufs, small open ones, glass elements, furnishings capable of transformation. An interesting solution is proposed for decorating the floor in a narrow living room - a striped carpet, the lines of which are perpendicular to the length of the wall. A transverse pattern can also be implemented on the ceiling (lightweight, painting with wide stripes, etc.).

Modern ones help create the illusion of an area much larger than the real one. Their role in creating the interior of a long and narrow living room is truly invaluable. You can adjust the space using high-quality images of natural landscapes, historical landmarks, space landscapes, and places that you have already visited or dream of visiting.

Do not give up mirror surfaces and large paintings that can “open up” the space.

So that the process of arranging your home pleases you with results and gives positive emotions, be bold in experiments, show imagination and use the experience accumulated by interior designers.

Design of an elongated living room: successful examples and mistakes

Large rectangular living room. However, it looks too elongated. This could be facilitated by the placement of rows of lamps along long walls, which visually lengthened the rooms. It would be worth changing the position of the lamps.

Red curtains visually bring the short wall closer, making the room closer to square. Some of the furniture is installed perpendicular to the long walls. Light flooring creates a feeling of spaciousness. Everything here is done right. But the picture would have been preferable to a neutral one.

Dark colors. Narrow stripes and frequent patterns. All this visually narrowed the room even more. The mirror doesn't help the situation. Stylish, but the mistakes are glaring.

Green, the color of space, was chosen well. The striped carpet on the floor serves as visual expansion. The furniture is arranged correctly. Both design and decor are thought out.

The area behind the sofa is busy, but the room still looks quite wide. This is facilitated by both the color scheme and the shelves behind the sofa, which give the illusion of volume.

The small narrow room does not look like a pencil case at all. The living room turned out to be harmonious and cozy thanks to color, asymmetry, correct placement elements in all directions (along long walls, across the room, along the central axis).

In a long rectangular living room, some of the furniture must be perpendicular to the long walls and/or diagonally.

A very long elongated living room. Uncomfortable and boring. Zoning has not been thought out. To remedy the situation, just put a large coffee table, and at the border of the living room area, place a couple of armchairs or a small couch perpendicular to the long wall.

It turned out to be a penalty. The flooring should be placed across the room. At least one piece of furniture had to be placed perpendicular to the long wall or along the central axis.

Complete harmony! However, the direction of the floorboard is controversial.

The material contains images from the photo bank

Carriage, pencil case, tunnel – there are many names for long narrow rooms. They, unfortunately, are frequent guests in domestic apartments. If the problem cannot be solved by redevelopment and demolition of the wall, then you will have to act more cunningly. Small narrow and long rooms are a challenge for many experienced designers, let alone ordinary people! But don't despair - right choice colors, proper placement of furniture and a few win-win techniques will help organize a drawn-in room and even bring its shape closer to an ideal square. So, the design of a long narrow room: what can you do and what should you never do?

No. 1. Color scheme and finish

The main friend of all small and non-standard shaped rooms is light shades. If white is not your thing, you can use light gray, beige and light shades of other colors. Dark and bright colors can only be used in small quantities.

The most effective technique– paint long walls in light colors, thereby moving them apart, and highlight short walls with a more saturated color, bringing them closer to each other. Two shades can be either in the general tone or contrasting. It is also advisable to make the ceiling light, like the floor.

To prevent the interior from seeming boring, you can use bright ones color accents : paintings, vases, textiles, small items Furniture in eye-catching colors will attract attention and distract the person entering from the true geometry of the room. At least that’s what designers say, backing this fact up with psychology.

Elements flooring It is better to lay it out parallel to short walls or even diagonally. This way the space of the room can be made visually a little wider.

One of the long walls can be finished with perspective. City and natural landscapes are suitable. This solution can be considered ingenious and universal, since due to the perspective the room expands significantly, and through other techniques it is possible to completely turn the trailer into a harmonious room of the correct shape.

They cope well with room correction mirrors. By placing a large mirror on a long wall, you can also achieve the effect of expanding the space. It is important not to overdo it and not use photo wallpaper and a large mirror in the same room. Interesting solution– use mirror inserts along the upper or lower edge of the wall, making the partitions airy and creating the illusion that the room is actually much larger than it is. In addition, mirrors perfectly reflect light, making the room more illuminated, which is very important in our case.

Some designers recommend using it to decorate one of the short walls. horizontal stripes , which will partially “enter” the adjacent long wall.

No. 2. Correct zoning

Another effective technique in the design of a long narrow room is to highlight two functional centers in one room. The main thing is not to use bulky cabinets and solid massive partitions to divide the space.

To zone an elongated room you can use:

  • color contrasting to the floor covering. In this case, all corners of the room will be quietly illuminated by sunlight, but at the same time, the living room area, for example, will be clearly separated from the working area with desk;
  • can be used to place a bed or workplace on it. The space under the podium can be used to organize storage of things. It's important to choose optimal height“pedestal” so that when you walk onto it you don’t hit your head on the ceiling. Additional separation can be achieved by different color walls;
  • small, placed across the room. Most of the area will turn into a living room of a regular square shape, and the smaller part can be used as;
  • rack with open through shelves works the same as a sofa. The main thing is that it is airy and does not block the light;
  • mobile partitions, screens and curtains suitable when in a narrow long room it is necessary to allocate space for sleeping and receiving guests, for example.

No. 3. Correct lighting

A well-lit room seems more spacious than a dark one of similar size. In a tram room, it is better to highlight every corner and make the most of sunlight, so light ones are chosen to frame the window compact curtains. They are also perfect because they allow you to easily open the entire window opening and, if desired, protect yourself from street light. If necessary, you can complement the window with delicate translucent tulle.

IN artificial lighting it is better to provide several levels: for general light, Spotlights, floor lamps and sconces for illuminating individual areas, as well as LED Strip Light to create decorative lighting.

No. 4. Furniture arrangement in a long narrow room

This is the most complex issue in the design of pencil cases. On the one hand, you want to fit all the required pieces of furniture in order to ensure a comfortable life. On the other hand, if you sideways and zigzag your way from the door to the window, then there is no question of any convenience.

The most effective techniques that designers use when arranging furniture in long narrow rooms:

  • location of the sofa against a short wall;
  • grouping furniture in one part of the room, leaving the rest more spacious;
  • instead of one large sofa sometimes it is appropriate to use several armchairs, which form a cozy living room group;
  • It is extremely undesirable to place absolutely all pieces of furniture along long walls - we risk getting something like a railway carriage, so a small sofa and an armchair placed at an angle to it are better than one long sofa;

  • at least some of the furniture should be perpendicular to the long walls;
  • If possible, leave long walls free; open shelves can be used;

  • It is better to place it against a short wall. This is how we acquire storage space and bring the room closer to the shape of a square.

No. 5. What other tricks can you use?

There are a number of other ways to change the perception of space and give a long room a more regular shape:

No. 6. Features of different rooms

The rules described above are equally valid for all long and narrow spaces, but still when arranging different rooms(living room, bedroom, etc.) it is worth taking into account some nuances.

Narrow and long living room

The living room is usually designated as a gathering place for all household members and guests. If you only have a long narrow room at your disposal, then it will not be easy. It will be doubly difficult if the room is small in size.

If the living room has a decent length, then it’s best to arrange several zones. In one there will be a sofa with a TV and other attributes of a living room, in the other - a work desk, or game Zone for children.

If the living room has the shape of a pencil case, and at the same time, then you may have to abandon the traditional large sofa. It can be replaced with a pair compact sofas or several chairs. They must be placed in different planes: parallel and perpendicular to the long wall. Lungs and multifunctional furniture. Storage locations are organized at open shelves and in a small console, which can double as a TV stand.

Narrow long bedroom

You can’t do without a bed in a bedroom, so its location is thought out first. It all depends on the size of the room and the bed itself. Standard length– 1.9-2 m. The width of a single bed is about 90 cm, a single bed is up to 140 cm, a double bed is 160-170 cm. Do not forget that you still need to leave room for movement near the bed – at least 50 cm on each side, or better yet 70 cm.

As a rule, there are no problems with a single bed. If you want to install a larger bed, you will have to carefully calculate everything. It is best to place its head against a long wall, but another option is also possible. As a last resort, you can move the bed one side to the wall.

If the bedroom is very elongated in length, then you can give part of it to create. The remaining space on the opposite side can be used to install a work or dressing table.

On the base standard apartments, which occupy the lion's share of the housing stock, you can often find a long and narrow room. They are equipped in Khrushchev-era buildings and other buildings of the Soviet period. In this location, kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms and other areas necessary in a living space are decorated.

Design experts have developed a number of recommendations that allow you to decorate a compact room as stylish and practical as possible.

Visual increase in space

Despite the dimensions, the room should be comfortable. The main task when decorating a narrow room is to correctly distribute the territory, arrange furniture and install other necessary elements. It is worth noting that the tips presented below can be used to decorate rooms with dimensions of 2 m by 5 m and for small room in size 12 sq. m.

Designers have developed a lot of techniques to “move” walls away from each other:

  • Short walls in a rectangular room need to be made as expressive as possible, that is, focus attention on them. Long walls must be decorated neutrally. As a rule, this is done using different finishing materials and bright colors.

  • The room must be properly zoned.
  • Install required amount light sources.
  • Do not place furniture along long walls. This advice also applies to installing flooring.

This general provisions that will help create a comfortable environment in the room. Next, consider these and other techniques in more detail.

Zoning Features

Experts from the field of residential design recommend dividing a rectangular room into two square locations. They can be the same in size or different, depending on the wishes and purposes of decoration.

As a tool for zoning, you can use partitions made of various materials and shelving. It is recommended to pay attention to the most compact options.

The purpose of the zones may be different:

  • Children's room: area for relaxation (bed) and games (soft corner with toys).

  • Living room: location for receiving guests (table with chairs or a spacious corner with a coffee table) and multimedia (TV, player, game console).
  • Kitchen: cooking area ( working surface, stove and other necessary elements) and eating (dining table).

Partition options

It is strongly recommended to abandon blind and high partitions, the height of which reaches the ceiling. In compact spaces it is better to install a structure from clear glass . This material will transmit light, and the thickness of the material will take up virtually no space.

pay attention to plasterboard partitions . From them you can equip shelves and compartments for storing things, as well as placing decorative elements or fresh flowers.

For zoning, you can even use curtains made of lightweight textile material or a compact screen. A small, cozy sofa chick.

Accent on the walls

As already mentioned, in order to change the shape of a room, you need to correctly decorate the walls. A narrow room will change significantly if you make long walls shorter and vice versa.

In this case, designers advise using the following modern ideas:

  • During renovation, cover long walls. plain wallpaper, and decorate the short ones with a canvas with a colorful pattern or print.
  • A blank short wall is decorated with wallpaper or curtains. The thickness of the fabric folds will block the space of the room.
  • Modern photo wallpapers will help to emphasize short walls. A colorful pattern on the canvas will decorate the room. Pay attention to the picture. An image with horizontal perspective and depth will visually enlarge the wall.


It is worth noting that this option finishing material often used to design narrow spaces such as corridors and hallways.

Visual increase space guaranteed.


Don't be afraid to play with shapes and experiment. When decorating a canvas or floor covering, use the technique of asymmetry. The coating can be laid at an angle. This decor will add dynamics and rhythm to the atmosphere.

Design elements

To make a long room visually shorter, you need to install some kind of object, a barrier, at the end of the room. This could be a small table, a cozy sofa or any other object.

If you need to arrange a room with a window at the end, it is recommended to choose an item that will not block the window opening.


As a rule, in compact room There is only one window installed. This is the only source natural light, so under no circumstances should you block it.

For window decoration choose curtains from light and translucent fabrics(silk, tulle, organza, cambric, chintz and others). It is better to avoid curtains made of heavy fabrics.

They will look great roller blinds. They are compact and easy to use. They are attached to window frame, due to which the wall around the window remains free. A thick canvas will instantly block the view of the room from prying eyes, and if desired, it can be easily rolled up.


Instead of doors in the room you can equip a stylish arch. Give preference to the color of the edge of the arch, which will contrast with the decoration of the walls. It is worth noting that if you need to create an intimate atmosphere in the room, then arches are not the best choice.

If the doorway is located on a long wall, experts recommend choosing swing doors with wide trims.


Flooring with a rectangular pattern is ideal for narrow rooms. The type of material is not important. The installation of the product must be carried out so that the coating pattern lies perpendicular to the long wall.

A rectangular rug will perfectly complement the room.. It will not only decorate the room, but also give the interior a touch of coziness.

Additional items

On the base compact premises designers recommend using glossy, smooth surfaces and mirrors. They reflect rays of light, thereby visually expanding the space. To avoid taking up space on the wall, large mirrors are hung on cabinets. It's convenient and practical way place an element necessary for everyday life in the room without taking up precious space.

If you place a pair of round mirrors on long walls, opposite each other, the room will visually noticeably increase in size.

Another way to expand a narrow room is to install niches in each wall. Recesses of various sizes will eliminate the tunnel effect and make the design more dynamic and expressive.

Color palette

White color - classic version, which is actively used in various styles to decorate compact, narrow rooms due to the effect visual expansion space, however, you cannot use only one color. Too a large number of white color will make the interior faded and monotonous.

Use a contrast effect. Paint one wall in a light color scheme, the second in a color several tones darker.

The most common palette for decorating compact rooms: white, light gray, beige, milky, pastel colors. When decorating a bedroom, it is recommended to use soft colors: pink, blue, lilac, peach and others.

Furniture selection

When choosing furniture, give preference to models with open backs that will not block the view of the room.

The modern market offers a huge variety of compact or multifunctional items furniture designed specifically for miniature living spaces.


If the room opens onto a balcony, the additional space can be profitably used for expansion. On the base modern apartments a loggia or balcony is combined with the main space of the room. To do this, remove the doors and window opening from the wall, which separates the two zones.

Remember that carrying out this procedure yourself is very dangerous. Use the services of professionals.

IN standard apartments, which make up the majority of the housing stock, often have a long, narrow room. Usually this is the living room, but there are also long bedrooms, kitchens. It is difficult to arrange such a room so that it is functional and seems wider. The main task design of a narrow room becomes the creation cozy space, in which the lack of geometry of the room turns into its main advantage. When decorating, it is important to choose colors wisely, arrange furniture and use all methods of visually expanding the area.

How to visually expand the space of a narrow long room

To “push apart” the walls, designers have developed several techniques:

  • It is necessary to visually focus the attention of those entering the room on the short walls, while leaving the long ones neutral. This effect works great.
  • Be careful and consider the lighting installation.
  • Avoid placing furniture along long walls. A similar rule also applies.
  • Play with the shape of the space.

We will look at ideas for implementing these techniques in more detail below.

Features of zoning and planning

Zoning assumes correct layout rooms taking into account all functional zones. This stage must begin before the repair begins, because... You need to think about the location of future niches and shelves in advance. This will make it easier to arrange furniture in the future and additional partitions will not interfere with each other.

Using partitions

A narrow room can be divided into two square zones using partitions and shelving, creating a kind of space. What the purpose of each zone will be is up to you to decide. If this is a children's room, then you can divide the room into areas for sleeping and studying, this is easy to do correctly. In the bedroom, you can select a more distant area with a bed for sleeping, and place a table and a chair for relaxation closer to the door. Also in any of the rooms you can find a corner for.

However, you should not make the partition completely blank, right up to the ceiling: the zones will turn out dark and uncomfortable. Also, you should not use solid cabinets as partitions.

Shelving in a small room

Divide the room with a shelving unit (you can use this advice when decorating), one that allows light to pass through, or a translucent screen, or light curtains. An excellent solution is to place it on the border of the zones.

Interior Design Ideas

The key task is to highlight the short walls as much as possible and visually reduce the length of the other two walls. How to do it? We offer several ideas to solve this problem:

  • Cover short walls with wallpaper in a richer color. The most common option is to use the same tone, but cover short walls with wallpaper with a bright pattern.
  • Decorate a short wall with curtains, drapes or drapes, which will perfectly hide the space due to the thickness of the folds.

  • Use them by placing them on a short wall with limited space or on a long wall with perspective. A plain stretching into the distance or a canyon will expand the room horizontally and, thus, neutralize the disproportion of a long, narrow room.
  • Design classic: wallpapering a long wall with vertical pattern, and a short wall - with a horizontal one.
  • Wallpaper with stripes will be very effective in this case. Place laminate or parquet panels perpendicular to long walls and emphasize this striped wallpaper on a short wall. As a result, you will get a noticeable effect of expanding the space.
  • Play with the shape of the room: make an asymmetry on the ceiling, install the flooring at an angle, and support it all with wall decoration. Non-standard solutions add dynamics to the space. These tips will work well when decorating.

  • A long, narrow room will appear shorter if you place a barrier at the very end. This could be a bench, a decorative screen, or a gaming table in front of the window. Such a barrier will help the eye to cling to it and stop looking.

If the window opens beautiful view, then place the sofa at an angle, inviting guests to admire the scenery. In this case, the length of the room will no longer be so obvious.

  • Install niches on the long and short sides. The difference in the depth of the walls will make the entire interior more dynamic and reduce the tunnel effect.
  • Large mirrors are an elementary way to deceive the eye. Place a mirrored cabinet, install large mirrors along the long side, and the room will visually become much wider. You can also use this one.

Color spectrum

White color, as you know, expands space, but it is not the only color in the interior that creates openness and lightness in the room. The walls should not be made completely monochromatic. Play with contrast: paint the side wall where you plan to place the most massive furniture. pale color, and the opposite one – a tone darker.

Also paint the ceiling pale neutral shade. But if it is very tall, then cover it with darker paint.

Don't be afraid to use delicate shades coffee, pink, lilac or orange. With the correct arrangement of furniture and decoration of the room, their intensity will be even more muted.

Doors and windows

  • On a long wall, doorways can be safely expanded. At the same time, give preference swing structures with the widest possible frames.
  • Another solution is to design the arch on site doorway. Finish the edge of the arch with a material that contrasts in color or texture with the wallpaper, plaster or paint. This will “eat up” the space along the long wall even more.
  • If there are windows on a long wall, then it is better to expand them too. In this case, make the openings with a “socket” towards the room. If the window is located on one of the short walls, then make the opening strictly rectangular.


When designing a narrow room, do not forget about this important element, How . It must be correctly selected and installed, taking into account the configuration of the room.

Choose a coating (tile, laminate, linoleum, parquet) with a rectangular pattern. When choosing a laminate, you need to take into account the substrate under the laminate. For living rooms generally used . Lay the rectangular covering so that the pattern is perpendicular to the long wall. When choosing rectangular tiles orient its short side along the long wall.

A rectangular carpet also copes well with the disadvantage long room. Place the narrow part of it against the long wall: this will make the room look a little shorter.

How to arrange furniture

Arrange the furniture so that there is a free passage between the attributes from one end of the room to the other. If there is a floor-to-ceiling bookcase or a bookcase against a long wall, place the furniture against the opposite wall and leave the middle free for unhindered movement. In general, choose furniture with open backs and legs so that you can see through them into the room.

Designers recommend, if possible, not to place furniture against the wall. Two small sofas placed perpendicular to the wall will make elongated room not so tight. But a huge soft corner will take up most of the room, so you should not select such furniture for a long room. Separate seating areas also visually “push apart” the walls.


Properly installed light sources will help hide the disproportion of the room, but obvious errors in lighting design will only highlight the shortcomings of the room.

Remember that in this case, installing a central chandelier is not at all appropriate. If you want to hang a traditional chandelier, then use two options:

  • Choose an asymmetrical chandelier, elongated in length, and hang it across the room.
  • Complement the central chandelier with other light sources. These could be floor lamps and Wall lights located on short walls. And here lighting installed on long walls will create the effect of a long corridor or tunnel.

- not a sentence at all. The main thing is to take this disadvantage into account when designing and competently beat it. In general, do not be afraid of color and bright spots: Brick wall, large paintings or posters, wallpaper with large prints, as well as several contrasting zones will make it more dynamic and complex in shape.

And then the main drawback of the room will not be sharply evident, and maybe even go unnoticed.