What can you make your own coffee table from? Coffee table DIY coffee table made of wood

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It seems like people lived without coffee tables and can continue to live. But if you look at the thing from a different angle, it turns out that the interior becomes more perfect and complete, and the thing turns out to be very comfortable. I talked on the phone and put my mobile phone on the table. I read a book - it’s convenient to leave it on the table so that I can return to reading soon. Do I need to go and buy the product?

The more complex the design, the more difficulties await in the work

To create a table, take into account your physical and financial capabilities, availability necessary materials and tools, skills in handling them and free time.

How to prepare your own drawings with dimensions for a coffee table

Even those people who did not study drawing at school are faced with the need to work from drawings. To make some models, a drawing may not be required, but for a do-it-yourself wooden coffee table you cannot do without it.

To create your own drawing, arm yourself with a large sheet of paper, a pencil, a ruler and a tape measure. The dimensions of the future product are measured using a tape measure; it should fit smoothly into the allotted space in the room.

All dimensions are recorded and transferred to paper using a ruler. All parts are cut out according to the drawings. Don’t forget to include the thickness of the legs and table top in the drawing.

What materials can a coffee table be made from?

Let's decide what kind of model should be in the room. There are different options, and each has its own nuances.

In any case, it would be a good idea to prepare a hacksaw, hammer, scissors, pliers, fasteners, carpentry or furniture glue, screws and nails.

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The tabletop determines not only the appearance of the product, but also the decor of the room. It is not at all necessary to make a standard rectangular or square tabletop; its shape can be unique. Also, the type of countertop serves as a determining factor for which style the product will suit.

It’s more difficult to work with glass without skills; if you don’t have any, it’s better to turn to a professional.

Legs for coffee table

The legs must be strong and be able to easily support not only the weight of the tabletop, but also the objects placed on top. The type of legs matches the style of the tabletop.

Advice! You can take the legs from old furniture, cleaning them and processing them.

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: photo best ideas. What can be made from pallets for an apartment, office and cottage; rules for selecting and processing pallets; Master classes on making a table, sofa, bench, armchair and shelving - read our publication.

Making your own wooden coffee table

How do you want something like this made of wood? Coffee table ik just like in the photo! If the desire to have a thing made of wood is strong, then there is no point in stopping yourself: arm yourself with tools, study articles on wood processing and teak, and “full speed ahead”!

Country style table made from a wooden barrel

The DIY coffee table made of wood and barrels looks amazing in the photo. Country style is not as simple as it seems, with such a table it is something sophisticated.

Making your own coffee table from chipboard

Relatively inexpensive material, and the finished product looks modern and stylish.

Let's try to make a table step by step:

  1. Creating a drawing.
  2. Preparation of material and tools.
  3. Working with a jigsaw - all parts are transferred to chipboard sheet and sawed out.
  4. The legs are attached to the back of the tabletop lying on the floor using furniture corners.
  5. All edges of the chipboard are glued with a matching furniture edge.

How more complicated drawing, the more attention you need in your work.

How to make a coffee table from laminated chipboard

Coffee table made from plywood in a short time. Advice for inexperienced craftsmen: cutting of all parts can be ordered at a building materials store. Based on the sheet thickness of 18 mm, we order 800×800 mm - tabletop, 460×100 mm - four slats, 700×500 mm - shelf, 700×500 mm - two bottoms, four plastic corners, eight confirmations and 3.5× self-tapping screws 16 mm (16 pieces should be enough). All elements must be covered with melamine edge.

Let's move on to the assembly:

  1. According to the drawing, we cut out the required shape of the shelf with a jigsaw. Be sure to use a wood carving saw with fine pitches.
  2. We screw the vertical strips to the tabletop using corners and self-tapping screws.
  3. In the middle of the slats you need to install a shelf on the confirmations. To screw them in, we pre-drill the holes with a 4.5 mm drill. Also, the confirmations need to be screwed to the bottom.
  4. All conspicuous confirmations are covered with stubs.
Advice! If desired, this table can be mounted on wheeled supports.

Making a glass table with your own hands

For lovers of everything airy and spacious, a glass model is suitable. If you don’t have the skills to handle glass, it’s better to choose a table without unnecessary details.


  1. Drawing a drawing and making a cardboard pattern based on it.
  2. Cutting glass according to pattern.
  3. Sanding the edge with sandpaper or a drill at low speed.

The tabletop assembly diagram is shown in the photo below.

You can add a glass tabletop to a table made from car disks, barrels, wood, saw cuts, and pallets.

Making your own coffee table from scrap materials

Beloved by many creative people The topic is how to use available materials for practical use. Products made from tires are especially popular - they are convenient to install in dachas and verandas, and from suitcases that have served their time as travelers.

Tire table

There are different ideas on how to use tires as a table. The good news is that such products are durable, original and take minimal time to manufacture.

Here small instructions on creating a garden furniture set with a small table at the head.

IllustrationDescription of action
Prepare 11 tires of the same diameter. We take two tires on the chair and connect them using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. For the table we take three tires.
We cut out 4 circles from plywood (pressed shavings) with a size slightly larger than inner diameter tires, and one large circle for the tabletop.
The result is a cute garden set.

Suitcase table

Do you happen to have an old suitcase? How wonderful!

So, what is needed for such a rapid transformation? Four stable legs of any type - the main thing is that they are combined with the final decor option and easily support the product. Legs can be bought on Avito or torn off from an old one unnecessary furniture, do on lathe. You can use white enamel for painting, as it is easy to decorate. But, in general, the color can be any, even gilding. If the exterior of the suitcase is perfectly preserved, then you don’t have to paint it. If desired, you also need PVA glue, decoupage napkins, brushes, sandpaper, gold or silver acrylic.

First, paint the base and let it dry. All irregularities are sanded and a second layer of enamel is applied. Now we paint the legs and, as soon as they are dry, glue them to the base with furniture glue. That's all the work! We turn the table over and admire the result of our labor.

How to make your own coffee table with additional elements

If the hostess loves rearrangements, or the table must be moved, as additional element Wheel supports are attached to the legs. It is very comfortable. If the table is small, then it can be served for tea in the kitchen and rolled into the living room. Another additional and functional element is the drawers. It turns out that the table becomes doubly more comfortable.

Table on wheels

To create a coffee table on wheels with your own hands, you need ready-made wheel supports. Small photo gallery tables on wheels: they don’t have to be small; large metal or plastic wheels look even more interesting!

The wheels are attached to the legs when the supports themselves are already attached to the tabletop.

Table with drawers

There can be from one to three or four drawers, it depends on the table model.

To assemble a simple box, you need 4 small chipboard panels, wood glue, guides, and self-tapping screws.

After securing all the guides, check the smoothness and accuracy of movement. Then we assemble the box and simply insert it into the guides.

Do-it-yourself restoration of a coffee table: photos of interesting ideas

DIY coffee table decor is limited by the imagination of the creator. Any fantasy can be realized with effort. The decor must be selected to match the style of the room, otherwise dissonance will make the item superfluous. But if you don’t want to make a new coffee table with your own hands? Then you need to find out how to restore the old one.

Decoupage is an interesting technique using PVA glue, beautiful napkins. If you want to make decoupage look antique, then use crackle varnish.

The photo below is the answer to the question of how to update a coffee table with your own hands.

If the furniture needs updating due to its condition, then the first step is to turn the table over onto the tabletop and check the fastening of the support legs. If something needs to be corrected, there is no point in delaying it - the furniture will continue to deteriorate faster. You can simply repaint the table, sand it and try painting it.

PVA is applied to the tabletop and scraps are laid. At first the leaves may lie unevenly, but as they dry they will level out. Finally, the product is varnished.


The coffee table is a decoration and highlight of the interior. And an item made with your own hands is doubly valuable. It can be made from wood, glass, plastic and other materials. It's not difficult at all. You will need drawings and a little patience. A beautiful table will be a place where you can relax and read the press or sit with friends over a cup of tea. Step-by-step instruction with a photo will simplify the manufacturing process.

Preparatory work

In order to make a coffee table yourself, you will need not only drawings, but also materials and tools. Stock up on the following construction equipment:

  • wood (solid wood);
  • water-based coating varnish;
  • solvent;
  • acrylic paint;
  • brushes;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • jigsaw;

  • screwdriver;
  • grinding machine;
  • milling cutter;
  • drill.

As for wood, then best choice there will be a solid pine tree 2.5 cm thick. In accordance with the drawing, the parameters of the coffee table, which you plan to make yourself, are 1.5 m x 0.5 m.

Attention! The table does not need separate legs.

Varnish is required for coating finished design, in total you will need about 0.3 liters. It is better to purchase acrylic paint with glitter. With its help you can give an unusual look to an interior item. The table will be assembled using self-tapping screws. Their size should be 4 x 60 and 4 x 40 mm. As for other tools and materials, there are no special requirements for them.

Installation features

The first stage of making a coffee table is selecting drawings and cutting out the corresponding parts. Suitable diagrams can be found on the Internet or drawn up yourself.

Attention! It is much easier to use ready-made drawings and the table manufacturing process will be completed faster.

So, when all the parts are ready, you can start assembling the future interior decoration.

  • All joints and roughness wooden parts needs to be primed. This can be done using wood glue or PVA. Then let all components dry completely.

  • The slats and legs should be fastened with the self-tapping screws specified in the list of required materials.
  • The resin content of a coffee table can be easily removed with a solvent. The most popular product remains white spirit. Moisten a dry cloth a little with the product and wipe the surface of the table.

Advice. Do these manipulations in an open space, because in the apartment this smell will not disappear soon.

  • The table is almost ready. But it needs to be decorated. To do this you need to mix the varnish and acrylic paint with shiny splashes. Cover the entire surface of the table.
  • After the paint and varnish have dried, the coffee table can be placed indoors and used for its intended purpose.

Table made of wooden boxes

This is the simplest and original way make a decorative table. Designer item self made will rightfully take its place in the living room or bedroom. To make a table you will need wooden boxes. Precisely wooden ones, not plywood. Wood has good performance qualities, which cannot be said about plywood.

But still, this material will also be needed for a coffee table made of drawers. Take a few minutes for the instructions and you will definitely succeed!

  • Prepare a sheet of plywood. This is done so as not to burden the structure. Wooden boxes are not perfect geometric objects.
  • In this regard, the boxes should be laid on a horizontal, flat surface. Before cutting plywood sheet, draw the contours. And cover the sheet of plywood with varnish or stain.

Advice. For a coffee table made from drawers you will need wheels. They can be purchased at any hardware store or hypermarket. It is best to buy wheels that are small and low.

  • The wheels should be fixed at the corners, and the drawers should be attached to the lower tabletop.
  • All that remains is to varnish the coffee table. After applying the varnish, you need to let it dry and only then cover it with a new layer. This procedure is repeated several times.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden tables

Wooden tables are a popular option that will easily fit into any interior. It is only important to choose a suitable shade that will be in harmony with the rest of the furniture. Like all objects, such designs have their positive and negative sides. The advantages include:

  • big choice wood (soft, hard wood);
  • variety of shades and textures;
  • ease of manufacture and pliability of the material;
  • naturalness and environmental friendliness;
  • versatility.

Besides positive aspects, it is necessary to note the disadvantages. There are few of them, or rather, only two: the high cost of the material and susceptibility to mechanical effects (scratches, abrasions, etc.).

Popular ideas for making coffee tables from wood

Instances made of wood have always been environmentally friendly and beautiful. How much interesting ideas can be made a reality! It would seem that a simple table made of wood, what could be original about it? We offer you several popular options for making a coffee table.

  1. Table made from pallets. For its manufacture, ordinary pallets are required, to which the wheels are fixed. Distinctive feature This design has a small height. Just screw on the wheels and the table is ready. Some go further and decorate it with a tabletop and various shelves.
  2. Table made of old door. If you recently replaced the doors, then the old ones can be used as material for making a coffee table. The door needs to be cut into three parts: a table top and two legs. They are attached to each other using corners.
  3. Table made of wooden logs. Everything is very simple. You need to select or cut identical pieces of wood. A plywood base is taken. Movable wheels are attached to its lower part, and tree logs are attached to the top. The material used is birch, aspen or beech.
  4. Table made from a stump. It is enough to attach wheels to it, coat it with varnish and the decorative table is ready.

A handmade coffee table is an original way to decorate a room. The design, dimensions and other characteristics of the item depend entirely on the selected drawing and your preferences. It is worth noting that to make a table, you will need a minimum amount of materials.

DIY wooden coffee table: video

Wooden coffee table: photo

It is difficult to imagine rooms designed in a classic, ethnic or country style without furniture made of natural wood. Carved coffee table or desk made from solid wood - functional and eye-catching.

Design option for a carved coffee table

Wooden tables can fit into both simple and the most demanding interiors. The naturally beautiful texture of wood surprises with its originality, and brings some products closer to objects visual arts. The unique ability of wood to take any shape allows you to create furniture of the most bizarre shapes with rich carved finishes.

Exclusive handmade tables can be decorated with graceful legs or massive sculptural supports, various ornaments and even entire paintings carved from wood.

The shape of a wooden coffee table can be either simple geometric or complex figured. Unlike tables made of other materials, tables made of carved wood can have different heights, and not just the standard 40-50 cm.

Usually, as the height increases, the area of ​​the table top decreases, and vice versa, a classic low table made of wood should have a wide lid.

A wooden table made from solid hardwood has an almost indefinite service life. Natural wood is very durable, and over time, such furniture can be restored. After removing the old coating and polishing, the antique wooden table can be given new life and image using tinting products.

Types of artistic wood processing

Noble is created with the help of a variety of. carving art dates back more than a century and is constantly being improved. Previously, the work of making carved furniture required a lot of effort, talent and time from the master. Ready-made creations were very expensive, and only wealthy people could afford to buy them.

An example of artistic wood processing

Now many processes are mechanized. Modern machines with programming capabilities and high-precision cutting produce products of equal quality and at a more affordable price. Although the work of a master made with his own hands is difficult to replace, so many are willing to pay a lot of money for creations made with soul.

In the process of artistic processing wooden furniture The following carving techniques are used:

Where to put a carved wood table

This piece of furniture, made of natural material, fits organically into the interior and allows you to solve many design and practical problems:

Cost of wood carvings

On final cost A coffee or desk table made of carved wood is influenced by the following parameters:

  • wood type;
  • product dimensions;
  • complexity and uniqueness of the carved design;
  • are they used decorative overlays or the ornament is created directly on the array;
  • the presence of additional shelves, drawers, and drawers increases the amount of fittings and material used, as well as the price of the table.

The most inexpensive carved interior items are made from veneered MDF. Thus, a coffee table made of MDF with mahogany veneer can be bought from 7,500 rubles. The cost of carved solid wood furniture is much higher, even if the cutting, processing and standard carving of the products is carried out on machines.

Example of a carved MDF coffee table

Handmade products are highly valued. Small table made of wood valuable species: mahogany, cherry, beech will cost around 15 - 30 thousand rubles. Furniture made from solid birch, pine or hevea is slightly cheaper - from 9 to 13 thousand rubles.

You can also save money if you purchase products made from cheaper solid wood, veneered with valuable species of cherry, mahogany or oak.

In addition, tables can be combined - with legs made of solid wood, and the tabletop and shelves made of veneered MDF. Choose to your liking and financial capabilities is quite real. Well, if you have certain skills in carpentry and great desire, can be made unique item DIY interior. You will need a certain set of tools, including for carving, as well as boards and a drawing of the table you like.

Variant of carved coffee table pattern

Do you love designer items, but sigh in frustration when you look at the price tags that adorn them in stores? Try becoming a designer yourself. Do you think it's difficult? Nothing like this! By following the instructions, you can easily create an original piece of furniture with your own hands from scrap materials. And we suggest starting with a coffee table - such a simple, but very important piece of furniture. Believe me, at such a table you will be happy to serve tea to your guests, who will admire your skills. In addition, by creating a coffee table with your own hands, you will literally fill your home with warmth and put a piece of your soul into it. So it's definitely worth a try.

Idea in the style of "romantic". All year round, while sipping your favorite drink at this table, you will remember the warm sea, gentle surf and moonlit path. The “marine” table is tenderness, sophistication and originality in the very heart of your home.

How to do it?

1. Take the old window frame and clean it of dust and dirt. If the old glass is cracked, insert a new one, then get rid of the layer old paint and sand the surface. Next you should delete metal corners, which additionally fix the frame parts.

2. Cover the frame with white enamel or acrylic paint. If you choose acrylic paint, after drying, sand it so that the wood shows through - this will make the table look aged, which will give it a special sophisticated look. You can also use two colors by choosing white and blue. First paint the frame with blue paint, and after the first layer has dried, cover it with white. When the second layer dries, rub it with sandpaper - then blue paint will come out from under the white paint.

3. Making legs for the table. To do this, take the cutting and cut it into 4 equal parts (each approximately 34 cm), then go over them with sandpaper to remove all roughness.

5. Now each workpiece needs to be drilled in 4 places. Pre-mark and then drill a hole intended for attaching the leg, as well as another one in any convenient location- in order to secure the legs more securely.

6. Then, using a long screw, you need to attach each leg to the base.

7. Next you need to attach the legs to the frame using self-tapping screws. The window frame is a kind of “box” in which you will need to put everything you brought from your vacation. seafood– the front part of the frame, which stands on legs, will face the floor, down.

8. Now you will need a coarse thin rope that will need to be braided around each leg. Secure the rope using a glue gun.

9. Now you need to wash and degrease the glass on both sides. Next, select and place “seafood” on the glass. Arrange them so that they seem to be carelessly scattered and at the same time flow from one corner of the table to another - and their number should gradually disappear. Now you need to attach each element using two-component transparent glue. At the same time, marine elements should not protrude above the edges of the flat “box”.

10. You will need to order glass from a glass workshop, the thickness of which will be 4 mm. The size of the glass should be such that, resting on the frame, it can cover the “box”. In this case, 1.5-2 cm of the frame should be open on each side. You need to ask the workshop to process the edges of the glass and drill holes in them 4 mm in diameter. The glass needs to be wiped and the table covered with it. Cut out gaskets from leather or thin rubber that will be under the washers. Use self-tapping screws to secure the glass. They should be screwed in carefully to avoid cracking the glass.

11. Take a coarse thick rope and make a loop at one end that will be equal to half the length of the table. Using a glue gun, apply a folded rope from the center of the long side of the table to its edge. The loop itself (about 12-15 cm) does not need to be glued - it should be free so that you can tie a knot afterwards. “Walking around” the perimeter of the glass and going around all its corners, continue gluing the long end of the rope to it. When you reach the loop, you need to thread the end of the rope into it so that you get a sea knot. Now, having pulled the rope in the opposite direction (doubled), you need to glue it.

12. Decorate external corner the table - on the side where the most marine elements are located. Continue the composition by placing additional details as if they were “flowing” from the table leg directly under the glass of the tabletop.

Ready! Enjoy your creation and bring joy to your guests!

Suitcase table for travel lovers

Very original solution for an old favorite suitcase that has seen other lands with you and that you don’t want to throw away because of the memories.

How to do it?

First, go to the store where you will need to purchase furniture legs (wooden or metal). If you want to make a mobile table, then you need to take wheels. You will also need plywood, screws and a screwdriver.

Now we make markings on the bottom of the suitcase for future legs and drill holes. Since it will not be possible to attach the legs to the fabric, we put plywood inside the suitcase, make markings on it through the holes and also drill them. Now we attach the mount to the bottom of the suitcase and attach the legs. Using hot glue, glue the felt inside the suitcase.

To give the table an original look appearance, reminiscent of distant travels, you can decorate it with stickers made in the form of stamps, or decorate it at your discretion.

That's all - the unusual coffee table is ready! By the way, there are a huge number of options for turning suitcases into tables: by choosing the legs to your liking, you can make a table in a retro or classic style. You don’t have to attach the legs at all if you have a massive suitcase - it will look truly incredible: such a table will bring into the interior a sense of adventure and adventure, the spirit of travel and unknown distant countries.

Table made of logs for nature lovers

A table made of logs for lovers of nature, dacha or country house– warm and natural, it will always evoke a weekend mood, in which everything is imbued with tranquility, birdsong and the aromas of nature. Making such a wonderful table is also quite simple.

Let's take it wooden beams(in this case birch) of the same height and width, 32 pieces in total. You also need to take a base for the table, legs (4 pieces), putty to match the wood, a screwdriver and glue intended for wooden surfaces.

First you need to assemble the base for the table, then glue wooden beams around the perimeter, and sew up the middle with cardboard. Then we screw the legs to the bottom. Next we glue it to inner surface thin wooden dies - this will make it seem like the table is completely wooden. Now we take the putty and carefully fill in all the voids, after which we rub it in until we create absolutely flat surface. Voila! Now you are the owner of an extraordinary table that will become the highlight of your interior.

If you like the idea, you can create other tables using this scheme, using, for example, branches instead of bars. To create such a table, you need to take a plywood box, painted black, the size of which is 40x40x60 cm (or any other size at your discretion).

To paste the frame, we take branches from which we first remove the loose bark (we do this with sandpaper). What is the order of gluing: first we glue the branches on long side table, and then we select wooden dies and, like a mosaic, lay them out at the ends. The thickness of the dies should be approximately 1 cm; they can be cut into parquet or circular saw. And finally, install the glass that will serve as the tabletop. If desired, you can make it mobile by screwing the wheel supports to the table.

Using the same technology, you can create many more unusual pieces of furniture. You can lay out the branches horizontally and then you will get such a wonderful table. Such furniture looks not only very original, but also incredibly stylish.

Original table made from pallets

An original table made from pallets of pallets, which are probably lying around at every dacha? And you can make them into a very convenient and functional element of the interior.

How to do it?

First, collect all the tools necessary for your idea: the pallet itself, drill, clamps, hammer, screws, nail puller, wood glue, wheels, soap, primer, screwdriver. In addition, take paint brushes, a flap brush with abrasive bristles for a drill, varnish and a clear primer.

First of all, you should take a drill with an attachment designed for processing wood and use it to clean the surface of the boards from dirt. Now carefully disassemble the sanded pallet into pieces. Lightly tap out the rusty nails with a large hammer and carefully pull them out with a nail puller. Glue the broken pieces of boards with wood glue. At this stage you will need clamps. They need to carefully clamp the boards and wait until they dry.

Now the parts prepared for the tabletop need to be nailed and glued with reverse side, then clamp them with clamps and wait until they dry.

Then coat the table with a colorless primer, and then varnish. Next, on the back of the table, mark places for screws to attach the wheels. Drill holes for the fasteners with a drill. To ensure that the screws fit into the wood easily, lubricate them with soap. Using a ratchet wrench, you can quickly and conveniently tighten hex head screws.

A stylish, compact and quite functional table is ready!

Photo instructions for making a coffee table from pallets

Table made of drawers

A table made from drawers? But it has come, and now you yourself can create such an unusual piece of furniture at home. Surely you yourself will be delighted, and your guests will appreciate the originality of this idea.

How to do it?

Take 4 wooden boxes, sandpaper, varnish c water based, roller and brush, dowels, 10 mm plywood sheet, PVA glue, 4 wheels and screws.

First you need to sand the drawers and coat them with varnish. Then, using a drill with a stop, make holes at the ends of the drawers. Using wood glue, you need to fix the dowels at the fastening points and connect the ends of the boxes together. Attach wheels to a sheet of plywood, and then attach the sheet to the boxes with self-tapping screws. The table is ready!

Such extraordinary things can be created from quite ordinary materials. Having imagination and a desire for originality and comfort in your home, you can easily create miracles. Look around: maybe old window frame has every chance of becoming interesting element interior?

Or maybe a huge wooden reel of industrial cable that can become an elegant piece of furniture?

Believe me, there are a lot of things around us that can turn into something truly unique and precious. You just have to look at them from a slightly different angle.

A coffee table is not an essential item in the home, but without it, the interior is devoid of comfort. Such a small detail significantly changes the atmosphere in the room.

A table made from wood with your own hands adds a touch of homely warmth. Therefore, it is better to make a coffee table yourself than to purchase it in a store.

Before you start working on preparing materials, you need to decide which model will fit into the interior of the room. What are your preferences for shape? color scheme, height, etc. If a person has a sense of taste, he can create a coffee table project himself. Or modify it yourself suitable option, found both on the Internet and in specialized magazines.

Modern design solutions suggest models of this piece of furniture that are so diverse in shape that you can get lost in this abundance. Last years More and more often, not only standard geometric shapes tables, but also bold exclusive solutions.

  • square tables. A coffee table option quite familiar to the average person. The traditional shape of the tabletop is acceptable in a room with a similar set of furniture that is all designed in the same style. This form is quite functional if you equip the table with additional shelves and drawers. The dimensions of the tabletop may vary, depending on the location and wishes of the owner. But usually used in sizes 80 by 80 centimeters;
  • rectangular tables. This shape requires more space in the room, so it is not recommended to place rectangular coffee tables in small rooms. The width of such a standard table is usually 60 cm, the length is arbitrary, but not more than 160 cm. A small company can sit at such tables;
  • round and oval tabletop shapes. Most often, this form of coffee table can be found in a house where there are small children or old people. The rounded edges of the tabletop will prevent injury and injury to its owners. Behind the oval or round table It’s nice to have evening tea;
  • non-standard forms. It is very fashionable now to have furniture with non-standard solutions. Couples in love buy heart-shaped tables. Triangular table looks fantastic, like it's a gift from alien creatures. A coffee table in the shape of a curved snake gives the room uniqueness and extravagance.


The height of the coffee table is great importance, if not the main thing. The standards applicable to this type of table indicate that their height must be at least 40 centimeters and not exceed 50 centimeters.

These standards allow you to use it comfortably while sitting on an armchair or sofa.

But these recommendations are relative. The height of sofas and ottomans today is arbitrary. There are models that have high pillow placement. And there are models in which a person sits practically on the floor. Therefore, low table models are quite in demand today. They are reminiscent of Eastern customs, where it is customary to sit on the floor during meals.


The main criterion in choosing the width of the tabletop is the area of ​​the room where the coffee table will be located. Small apartment presupposes the presence compact furniture. And in spacious room It is appropriate to place a large table.

Important! Standards for coffee tables say that the width should be about 60 centimeters and the length should be 120 centimeters.

In many ways, the shape of the table depends on the functionality assigned to it. The presence of attached wheels at the bottom is suitable for frequent moving from place to place. You should also consider whether the wheels will cause damage floor covering. A large number of shelves are necessary for those who like to keep all sorts of little things at hand or want to use a table for creativity with their child.

What can it be made from?

The most common material for making a table is natural tree. It's environmentally friendly pure material, which makes excellent furniture.

But over time, the tree can dry out and fade, change its structure and shape. Therefore, it is undesirable to place pieces of furniture made from it near heating appliances.

In addition, types of wood such as wenge have a high price, which suggests the idea of ​​making only tabletops from wood.

MDF, laminated chipboard, special furniture boards, covered with plastic - cheaper options, from which you can make a table. This also includes laminated wood panels, which are made from less valuable types of wood, allowing significant savings, but at the same time they will look like a solid board of expensive wood. When making the bases of the table from these materials, they are covered with veneer.

It is very fashionable to have a table with transparent glass in your interior. glass tabletop. This table gives the room a luxurious and expensive look. But there is one significant drawback to such tables.

Important! Glass surface very easily soiled, any traces from fingers or cups remain immediately visible. That's why glass tables require increased care in use.

In addition to wood, MDF and glass, you can use non-traditional materials: cork material, stone, ceramics, metal, plastic and other materials that can be found in hardware stores.

Tools and materials

Before you make a coffee table with your own hands, you need to collect materials and tools:

  • Glue (preferably PVA),
  • Glue brush,
  • Blank for table top,
  • Blank for table legs,
  • Wheels (if necessary),
  • Tongues,
  • Hacksaw,
  • Jigsaw,
  • Roulette,
  • Square,
  • Marker or pencil
  • Drill,
  • Grinding attachment for drill,
  • Self-tapping screws,
  • Screwdriver,
  • Clamps,
  • Plane,
  • Chisel,
  • Bit,
  • Mallet.

How to make it yourself?

How to cut elements from wood yourself?

The main elements of a coffee table are table top, slats And legs. To make a tabletop, you can take materials such as MDF sheets, boards, glass, plywood, etc., but tradition dictates that you make your own first table from wood.

The main rule when preparing table elements is to make the markings correctly. The proverb “measure twice, cut once” fits perfectly in this case.

Using a jigsaw, we cut out the tabletop according to the intended markings. This tool will allow you to make an even cut and give the table any shape, from simple rectangular to curly. The legs (4 pieces) can be cut off with a hacksaw and then given any shape using a jigsaw. The planks (4 pieces) are also cut with a hacksaw. Then we make holes in the legs and tenons in the slats. In the future, it is necessary to sand all the blanks of the future table.


We pre-assemble the table, followed by adjustment of all parts. The connections should fit tightly into each other with little force by hand. If the coffee table turns out the way you envisioned, then you can move on to gluing the parts.

Important! To increase durability, you should disassemble the structure and coat all the spikes with PVA glue. final assembly. Secure the table parts with clamps and let the glue dry for 24 hours.

The next day, we clean the legs with the slats from any remaining glue. Then we attach the tabletop to the planks using self-tapping screws and glue. Self-tapping screws should not go right through the tabletop.. After drying, clean all seams again from any remaining glue.


When the coffee table has dried thoroughly, you can begin work that will protect the wood from moisture, rotting, fungi and mold. And also for decorating a home interior element created by yourself.

Protection is carried out with antiseptic agents that will protect the table from moisture and exposure to sunlight.

The most popular and accessible means for wooden products is stain. It prevents the material from deformation, mildew and mold.

The stain is water repellent deep penetration. There is a lot of choice color shades of this product, similar different breeds tree. After the stain has dried, a colorless varnish is applied, which adds shine and gloss.

Yacht varnish protects the tree from swelling, drying out and rotting. This varnish forms a film after a single application. Repeated treatment must be carried out after two years.

Important! Yacht varnish does not have decorative properties; its main function is to protect the wood.

Polyurethane varnish repels moisture and prevents deformation, drying out and wear of the material. This varnish comes in two types - matte and glossy.

Acrylic lacquer Helps protect the surface wooden table from the influence of external natural factors. This varnish is best used to treat furniture pieces summer cottage. He protects wooden product from moisture. Main component acrylic varnish– aqueous dispersion of resins. She gives decorative properties the finished product.

All these products can be easily applied with a roller or brush. You don't have to be to work with them. a great specialist in paint and varnish business. The main thing is to arm yourself by individual means protection (mask, respirator).


Useful video


A coffee table in the interior of a room is always a winning option. And made by our own with my own hands– this is a doubly pleasant thing than something purchased in a store. All guests of the house will appreciate the pride and satisfaction from contemplating their skills and the abilities of the master.

You can always purchase or order any furniture in the salon, but you can fully realize your dreams and wishes only if you do everything yourself. Moreover, this way you can guarantee the exclusivity of the product. Such a product will preserve the owner’s aura and attract the warmth and comfort of home into the house.

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