Where to plant delphiniums in the garden. Delphinium: care and planting. How to water and feed an extraordinary flower

Delphinium or spurn is a wonderful addition to your garden. Gardeners simply adore it. Candle-like inflorescences rise above other species and give the garden nobility and sophistication.

Delphinium flowers tolerate both drought and frost well. Terry buds of interesting shapes and shades will never add boredom to your garden.

Delphinium amazes with its variety of varieties and species, about 400 beautiful representatives. The color range of this plant is incredibly diverse, but the most valued in landscape design are the blue shades, which the spur is certainly rich in. Delphinium blooms 2 times a year, which makes it possible to double enjoy its beauty.

What does delphinium like, choice of location and soil

Delphinium is a plant that does not require too much effort to plant and care for. For successful growth and care of the delphinium, you need to select right place. This plant loves the sun, but is afraid of windy spaces. Therefore, we choose a suitable place for him.

Important! When planting a delphinium, make sure that it is in the sun until lunchtime, and then covered in partial shade.

As soon as you plant the delphinium, make sure that the soil is fertilized with compost or rotted manure, which will ensure abundant and rich flowering.

Delphinium tolerates the cold season well. It can withstand low temperatures, down to - 40°C. When planting delphinium, you first need to choose the right place. Dig up the soil and sprinkle with fertilizers, compost or humus. But all this must be done in moderation, since, although he is unpretentious, he does not respect acidic soil.

Did you know? The acidity of the soil affects the color saturation of the delphinium.

How to plant delphinium

Delphinium is grown in different ways. Some people plant seeds right away (fraught with late flowering and death of the seeds), while others first grow young sprouts in trays and then plant the future beauty in specially prepared soil.

The holes for planting spurs should be 4-5 cm deep. The distance between flowers must be determined independently, it all depends on the size of the future plant (20-30 cm). The soil that you removed from the holes prepared for young plants can be mixed with peat or rotted humus 1:2, filled with it at the bottom of the holes, and then the plants can be planted.

Important! When transplanting young plants, there is no need to cover the root collar with soil deeper than the soil level.

How to water and feed an extraordinary flower

Caring for delphinium is simple and pleasant. I am pleased with his unpretentiousness in almost all aspects of care.

Such a plant needs watering, weeding, fertilizers, pruning, and installation of supports. The flower survives the winter well, so it does not need sheltering or replanting in tubs. Delphinium begins to bloom in June.

During periods of drought, the spur needs watering, but we should not forget that it does not like stagnant water, so do not overwater it. You need to water at the root, otherwise if water gets on the leaves, the plant will get burned.

At proper care delphinium blooms for up to 50 days. Every time you need to cut off the stems that have faded. With regular watering and pruning, you can also admire the blooming delphinium in the fall.

The plant is also periodically susceptible to various diseases and pests - rotten root collar, powdery mildew, wilting, viral diseases, spider mites, delphinium fly, etc.

The optimal period for delphinium growth is 3 years. You should not leave it longer, as the central core of the bush rots and the plant loses its floweriness.

Important!After the flowering season, you need to cut off the dead flowers, and then the delphinium will delight you with its beautiful appearance next season.

Rules for trimming and gartering delphinium

Delphinium pruning is divided into 2 stages:

  • In the first stage, when the shoots reach 20-25 cm, you need to break off the weaker and thinner shoots, and leave the strongest ones (up to 5 pieces). This is done so that the plant does not spray its resources on all shoots, because it will not beautiful flowers neither large nor small. This is all that in this case requires caring for the delphinium in the spring and early summer.
  • The second stage is the post-flowering stage. It depends on whether you want to keep the seeds or not. You can simply cut the flower and place it in a vase, or you can leave the shoot until the fall so that the fruit is ripe for planting next year.

Important!After flowering they are lost decorative beauty colors and aesthetics. This affects the look of your garden.

Delphinium also needs a garter. After you have thinned out the shoots and left the strongest ones, after 1.5-2 weeks, when the growth of the shoots is close to 0.5 meters, you need to start staking them.

Prepare long stakes in advance and install them around the spur bush. Then tie a plant shoot to each peg. Garters should be made of fabric, as twine can damage thin stems.

In autumn, when the leaves of the plant have already died, the shoots should not be pruned. They are tubular - and water can get in there, leaving you with a rotten plant in the spring.

Important!When installing stakes, be careful that they do not damage the rhizome of the plant.

How to propagate delphinium

The species of delphiniums is very large and diverse. There are perennial, annual and crossed species. The most optimal and widespread is considered to be the crossed or cultivated spur. Delphinium is propagated in the traditional and, as you know, most accessible way - by planting delphinium from seeds, as well as by dividing the root itself. Delphinium should be cut half-bloomed, then it will stay in your vase for up to 12 days.

Rhizome division

At any age, the spur does not like this type of reproduction. Even if you divide young seedlings rather than an adult plant, some of them will likely die. When dividing the root, you need to approach the work with maximum delicacy. When dividing the rhizome, do not use a shovel and simply divide the root in half. The plant will definitely die.

To divide the root you need in early spring or in the fall, dig it up and carefully, without damaging the buds, separate it with your hands or cut it with a sharp knife. And those places where the plant was damaged must be treated with ash.

Interesting fact! Light varieties (pink and white) are most sensitive to such propagation.

Planting seeds

Delphinium is very interesting plant, its cultivation can begin not only by dividing the rhizome, but also from seeds. Propagation by seeds is the most affordable way. If you want to plant delphinium seeds, this must be done in March. The most optimal temperature at which you can plant and germinate delphinium is +12- +15. Seeds should be sown in boxes and pots rarely, at a comfortable distance, as they do not like cramped spaces. There are no special care requirements for such seedlings; as usual, you just need frequent watering.

Plants should be replanted in June, but you can speed up this process a little and transplant them into “nursery nurseries” in May, where you can keep them until the next season, and in the spring, strong, healthy individuals can be transplanted to convenient permanent places.

In the first year seed propagation plants bloom poorly. At this time, they grow rhizomes and greenery. In the second year, the delphinium will delight you with its color 2 times - in July and August (it all depends on the variety). If you decide not to bother with seedlings and plant the seeds directly into the soil, then you should be prepared for this. First of all, you need to prepare the place where you will plant the seeds. Fertilizer should be applied to this area, possibly with wood ash, and dug 30 cm deep.

Delphinium, also known as spur or larkspur, is especially loved by gardeners - it is one of the few herbaceous plants for open ground, the flowers of which are naturally colored in various shades of blue. Planting and caring for perennial delphinium requires special attention. careful preparation and consistency. Difficulties can be overcome if you use the proposed instructions and advice.

Preparing to plant delphinium in open ground

Spur is considered a capricious flower, the success of growing which depends on correctly carried out preparatory measures.

Landing dates

Plants can be planted/transplanted in spring (April-May) or autumn (from late August to mid-September). Growing delphinium seedlings is the most optimal method, suitable for any region. Sowing of seeds is carried out two months before the intended movement of young plants to flower beds.

Yes, for middle zone the best time is mid-March, in the southern regions - the second half of February, Siberia and the Urals - early April. Gardeners in the south do not bother with germinating seedlings, sowing seeds directly into open ground. The right time For sowing, the first half of April or from the second half of September to mid-October is considered.

Choosing a location on the site

If you choose the right place where it is best to plant the delphinium, the handsome openwork will show itself in all its glory:

  1. Good lighting. It is better to plant where the sun shines in the morning and late afternoon, and where there is shade at midday. Delphinium tolerates heat well, but the flowers of brightly colored varieties fade under the sun and lose their attractiveness and decorativeness.
  2. Wind protection. Most varieties are tall, the hollow stems of these plants easily break under gusts of wind. However, almost all garden flowers do not like drafty places.
  3. No moisture stagnation. Rain or melt water that is not absorbed into the soil for a long time contributes to rotting of the roots.
  4. Soil preparation
  5. The ideal soil for larkspur is moderately moist loam or sandy loam, rich in organic matter, neutral or slightly acidic.

Soil preparation

Clay areas are corrected: sand take 1-2 buckets/sq.m, mineral complexes - 50-80 g/sq.m, compost or humus - 20-25 kg/sq.m. Depleted soils are enriched per square: minerals - 40-50 g; organic - 10-15 kg. The acidic soil is limed, and granulated sulfur (30-50 g/sq.m.) is added to the alkaline soil.

  • dig up the soil using the bayonet of a shovel;
  • lay out a 20-centimeter layer of drainage;
  • mix the excavated soil with rotted compost (1 bucket), ash (2 cups), bone meal (1 cup) and superphosphate (2 tbsp) per 1 sq.m.

The flowerbed turns out to be elevated, which the delphiniums like.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Spurs are planted by seeds or vegetatively, that is, by cuttings or “divisions” of the rhizome. The vegetative method definitely produces pure-quality offspring. It is better to buy seeds for sowing from well-known manufacturers: agricultural companies “Aelita”, “Gavrish”, “SeDek”, “Poisk”, etc. Cuttings and “cuts” are taken from 2-3-year-old queen cells.

Seed preparation algorithm:

  1. Disinfection in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, Maxim or Fitosporin preparations for 20 minutes.
  2. The treated seeds are washed with running water.
  3. Then soak in water for a day with the addition of a few drops of Zircon or Epin. Medicines can be replaced with folk remedies - aloe, honey.
  4. The soaked seeds, wrapped in a damp cloth, are placed in a container and put away for stratification (i.e., in the refrigerator). The napkin in which the seeds are wrapped must remain moist, but not “float” in the water, otherwise the seeds will suffocate and die.
  5. Stratification continues until the seeds hatch. Then the bundle is moved to a well-lit windowsill and kept under a phytolamp for several days.
  6. Then the material is sown in seedling containers or in open ground.

Another method for preparing seeds: after disinfection, they are wrapped in a damp cloth and packaged in plastic bag and dig it in the area for a couple of weeks. The method is applicable at low (around 0°C) temperatures.

Landing technique

Successful germination of seeds and further care for seedlings completely depend on the accuracy of the technology.

Sowing seedlings

To please the capricious “king of the flower garden” with vigorous flowering from the first year, follow the following instructions sequentially:

  1. Determine the timing of sowing. They begin to sow in February if there is equipment for additional illumination of the seedlings, otherwise wait for an increase in the length of daylight hours.
  2. Pre-sowing seed treatment is carried out.
  3. Select containers for sowing. Quickly decomposing individual pots where one seed is sown is not the best option. The root system of the seedling does not immediately absorb the soil, which can lead to souring. It is optimal to sow in shallow seedling containers with drainage holes.
  4. On a note! A good option is disposable packaging for food products. If it has already been used, it must be disinfected.
  5. Prepare the substrate. Purchased soil is suitable: universal for seedlings or succulents. Mix peat, vegetable or garden soil, humus or compost, sand (2:4:2:1) yourself. The mixture is sifted, perlite is added (1 cup/10 liters of soil mixture).
  6. Disinfect the soil by heating it in the oven for an hour. Purchased soil is spilled with a solution of “Fitosporin” or “Fitolavina”.
  7. Fill the containers with the prepared substrate, tamping it lightly.
  8. The seeds are laid out on the surface, without deepening or pressing down.
  9. Sprinkled thin layer soil mixture or vermiculite.
  10. Cover with a lid or cover with cling film.
  11. The container with the crops is placed in a cool, dark place.
Spur shoots appear by the middle of the 2nd week. Gardeners advise checking the crops daily from 6-7 days in order to immediately transfer the seedlings to a warmer place. The film or cover can be removed.

Seedlings are grown under the following conditions:

  • moist soil;
  • daylight hours 12-14 hours;
  • temperature regime 18-20°C.

Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves. Place the sprouts in separate small glasses. The substrate is taken as for germination, adding complete mineral complex 2 tbsp/10 l of substrate.

After picking, the temperature and light conditions do not change. The first watering of seedlings is carried out after a week, if during the transplanting process the soil was abundantly moistened. Before planting in the flower bed, the seedlings are fed with complex mineral fertilizers (Agricola, Fertika Plus, etc.) every two weeks.

Attention! Root feeding; if the solution gets on the leaves, it should be washed off immediately with water.

Sowing in the ground

Direct sowing of spur grass seeds is carried out from the second half of April. For this purpose, a special garden bed is being prepared:

  • the soil is dug up to a depth of about 30 cm;
  • apply complex fertilizers;
  • make shallow grooves, about one and a half centimeters;
  • pour plenty of water;
  • seeds are laid out in the grooves;
  • sprinkle with dry substrate.

In order for the seeds to germinate faster and more easily, the crops are covered with agrofibre or a black (dark) film. The crops are periodically moistened, preventing the soil from drying out. The cover is removed after germination - at 3-4 weeks. During the first season, seedlings are watered moderately, fed twice a month, the soil is loosened and weeds are removed. In winter, the garden bed is covered with spruce branches so that the young plants do not freeze. In the spring of the second year, young shoots of spurs are transplanted onto prepared permanent place.

Caring for delphinium in open ground

Activities related to plant care are not difficult, the main rule is regularity.


During the growing season, one plant needs 65 liters of water. When there is little rainfall in the summer, 2-3 buckets of water are poured weekly under each bush. More frequent, but less abundant watering is required at the stage of inflorescence formation. If there is a lack of moisture, some of the buds do not develop properly, and empty spaces appear in the inflorescence.

Note! Water the delphinium strictly at the root, surface watering does not benefit the plant. It is undesirable for water to get on the green parts of the plant - stems, leaves.

In late autumn, if there is little precipitation, water abundantly so that preparation for winter takes place without complications. After each watering, when the soil dries, loosening is carried out.


The first time pruning is done when the stems grow to 30 cm. The flower stalks are thinned out according to the following scheme: for plants blooming for the first time, 2 stems are left; adults – 4-5. Side shoots of tapeworm plants are removed. Those growing up in mixed plantings delphiniums are left behind. Faded shoots are removed so that the plant does not waste energy on the formation and ripening of seeds. Before winter, cut off the last flower stalks at a height of 30 cm.

Top dressing

During the season, fertilizing is applied twice:

  • early spring - urea (2 tbsp), potassium sulfate (2 tbsp) and superphosphate (1 tbsp) per square;
  • before flowering, 1 tbsp. l. potassium and phosphorus fertilizers per sq. m;

From August, feeding is stopped so as not to stimulate growth and continued flowering, but to allow the plant to lay flower buds for the next season. To root system, located close to the surface of the earth, did not receive burns from fertilizers, it is recommended to dig special grooves into which to pour the nutrient solution. During budding, spur leaves are sprayed with a solution of boric acid (50 g/l).

Preparing for winter

After flowering is completed and the leaves dry, the stems are cut at a level of 30-35 cm above ground level. The internal cavities of the shoots are covered with garden pitch or clay so that moisture does not get into them, penetrate to the roots and cause rotting. Frost-resistant delphiniums do not need shelter for the winter; only young plants are covered. If weather forecasters promise frosts and little snow for the winter, it is advisable to cover the bases of delphinium bushes with spruce branches or straw. Experienced flower growers Before winter, they also dig grooves around each plant to drain rainwater in the fall and melt water in the spring.

Note! “When the stems grow to 60 cm tall, the plant needs to be tied up.

To do this, three pegs are driven into the ground around it and the flower stalks are fixed using a wide braid or tape.”

Reproduction methods

Like all herbaceous plants for open ground, delphinium can be grown from seeds, cuttings and “divisions” of rhizomes.

Reproduction of perennial delphinium by division

Dividing the rhizome of a mature spur is the simplest and therefore popular method. The age of the plant suitable for division is 3-4 years. Older or younger bushes tolerate the procedure less well. The division is carried out:

  • in spring, when fresh leaves begin to sprout;
  • in the fall, when the seeds begin to ripen (and new foliage grows again).

The root is carefully removed from the soil, keeping as large an earthen lump as possible. They break it or cut it with a sharp instrument, leaving on each division a bunch of roots, one young shoot and one dormant bud. This is enough for the young plant to quickly grow green mass and prepare for flowering. “Delenki” are seated in prepared places. They are carefully looked after until autumn and covered for the winter.

Propagation of perennial delphinium by seeds

A description of the process of growing spurs from seeds is given above. Let's add a few words about collecting and storing seeds. Delphinium sets seeds easily, but of varying quality. To minimize the loss of time and effort on germinating unpromising seeds, they resort to the following technique: 10-15 lower flowers are left in each inflorescence candle, the rest are cut off. To prevent ripe seeds (they must ripen while still standing) from scattering, the peduncle is wrapped in a single layer of thin cotton cloth or gauze. Ripe seeds are stored in glass jars or foil bags at low temperature. Self-collected seeds do not always inherit the varietal qualities of the parent plants; for those who like experiments and surprises, this serves as an additional incentive.

Propagation of delphinium by cuttings

For propagation, apical cuttings are taken. They are prepared in the spring by cutting out young 10-centimeter shoots. Separate from the mother bush at the very root collar with a piece of root tissue. Larkspur cuttings are rooted in a substrate consisting of peat and sand in a 1:1 ratio. Deepen by 2 cm and cover with a transparent cap. Conditions for successful rooting: shade, temperature 20-25°C, high humidity. The process lasts about 5-6 weeks. The cuttings are transplanted to a permanent place in the spring.

Note! “When growing delphiniums in groups, the distance between plants is maintained at least 30 cm.”

Diseases and pests

Black spot - black spots appear on the lower leaves, gradually rising up the stem. For treatment, spray with tetracycline solution (1 tablet/1 liter of water). Powdery mildew is a gray-white coating on the leaves that darkens to brown over time. Plants are treated with a solution of Fundazol, Topaz or other fungicides. Ramularia - leaves become covered with small spots, dry out, and fall off. Treated with antifungal agents. Ring spot - the appearance of yellow spots irregular shape on the leaves. It is a viral disease and there is no reliable means of combating it. Plants are dug up and destroyed.

Phorbia (delphinium fly) lays eggs in unopened buds. A control measure is spraying with insecticides (Prometrin, Iskra) at the budding stage. Spider mites attack plants when the air is too dry. Prevention and destruction of pests - green soap, Fitoverm. Aphids - plants are treated from the first days of spring. In addition to ready-made insecticides, they use folk remedies: infusions of tobacco, garlic, onion. Slugs are most dangerous for young seedlings. It is optimal to use traps or sprinkle the soil with dry mustard, eggshell, hot pepper.

Remember! Most often, delphinium diseases are the result of violations of care rules or unfavorable weather conditions, such as: prolonged rains, high humidity, poor air circulation between plants.

Popular types of delphinium

More than 400 species of annual and perennial delphiniums are known. They differ in height, color and structure of the flower, and flowering period. Domestic gardeners love several species.

Delphinium hybrids

A group of tall delphiniums - from 1 to 2 m and above. The rhizome is short, the stem is hollow, erect. Flowers of irregular shape - simple, semi-double and double - form a cluster-shaped inflorescence. The flowers are painted in various tones of blue, blue, lilac, violet, pink and white. Flowering in July, in the southern regions again in September. Preference is given to the varieties “blue lace”, “winter’s daughter”, “King Arthur”, “Pushkin”, “pink sunset”, “lilac spiral”.

On a note! The “black knight” variety is very impressive with large double flowers of a thick ink color.

Delphinium Belladonna

Graceful plants with loose panicle inflorescences. They begin to bloom in June, with the second wave occurring in mid-to-late August. The flowers are simple and semi-double, coloring from white to deep blue with all shades. They are considered ideal for beginners, since caring for this group of varieties is easier. Prominent representatives of “Berghimmel”, “Casablanca”, “Lamartine”, “Piccolo”.

Delphinium grandiflorum

The standard height of the species is up to 80 cm. The stem is straight, branched. The color of the flowers is rich, blue, pink or white. The flowers are medium in size, the inflorescence is racemose. Blooms from the second half of July. The favorite varieties of delphinium grandiflorum among summer residents are “pink butterfly”, “blue butterfly”, “white butterfly”.

Delphinium field

An annual plant up to one and a half meters high. The flowers are simple, double and semi-double, in pink, blue, lilac and white shades. Blooms from June to September. The following varieties have become widespread: FrostedSky, QisRose, QisDarkBlue.

Delphinium tall (DelphiniumElatum)

A tall (up to 180 cm) line of varieties with dense pyramidal inflorescences, the length of which reaches 40 cm. The flowers are often semi-double, large - about 8 cm. Flowering occurs in the second half of June - early June. Blooms again towards the end of summer. The best varieties: "agenweid", "finstearon", Sungleam. On a note! In addition to those listed, Pacific and New Zealand hybrids, distinguished by their variety of colors and tall stature, and hybrids of domestic selection - Marfinsky - are also popular.

Delphinium in landscape design

Slender, elegant delphiniums are used in the background of mixborders; next to decorative tall evergreen or early flowering shrubs; for decorating the walls of outbuildings and fences; to accent the center of the flowerbed; when decorating borders and ridges ( low-growing species); on alpine roller coaster (miniature varieties); as tapeworms in lawns or among ground covers. At joint plantings spurs looks impressive with phlox, roses (including climbing roses), and lilies.

Planting and caring for perennial delphinium requires some effort; it is not for nothing that it is called the “king of flower beds.” The troubles and time spent are completely repaid by the enchanting beauty of the blooming candle inflorescences. Besides, what you put your soul into, willy-nilly, you value more.

Delphinium - unusual flower from the buttercup family, which is a favorite of gardeners. This plant is often also called spur or larkspur. Making a mixborder, various varieties delphiniums are planted together in large groups. Thanks to its tall shoots (up to two meters), the spur will be an excellent background for low-growing flowers: carnations, daisies, phlox. In the wild, larkspur is found in China, southeast Asia, and America.

The plant is a tall shoot with dissected leaves and flowers of blue, blue or violet color, the shape of the inflorescences is asymmetrical, which gives the spur a special charm. In a flowerbed it looks simple and aristocratic at the same time; every photo of a delphinium serves as confirmation of this.

Where does the name delphinium come from?

About the origin of the spur is folded beautiful legend. An ancient Greek sculptor sculpted a stone statue in memory of his beloved girl who died untimely.

Love created a miracle - and the statue came to life. For this, the Gods became angry with the young man and turned him into a dolphin. One day he brought a beautiful flower from the depths of the sea as a gift to his beloved, who was waiting for him on the shore. This flower is called delphinium.

According to another version, the plant got its name due to the similarity of the shape of the unopened inflorescences with the head of a dolphin.

Types of larkspur

This herbaceous plant has more than 400 varieties. There are perennial and annual species of delphinium.

Perennial varieties of spurs are distinguished by the fact that there is no need to plant seeds every year. By planting a plant once, you can enjoy its beauty for five to seven years.

Pyramid delphinium was brought from the Himalayas, where it grows on rocky banks of streams. That's why this type easily tolerates frost. Peduncles lilac shade arranged in inflorescences in the shape of a pyramid, hence the name of the variety.

High spur is the most popular plant among gardeners. In nature it grows in Siberian forests and the steppes of Mongolia. The height of the stem can reach three meters. The flowers are bright blue in color, the inflorescences are collected in racemes. They bloom for an average of only 30 days (usually in July).

The hollow-stemmed delphinium does not tolerate cold weather, because it is accustomed to the hot California climate. A special feature is its flower coloring, which is unusual for a spur - petals of a delicate coral color and a yellow center. Plants with orange and deep red flower stalks have been bred through selection.

Annual varieties of larkspur require annual planting in the ground. The advantage of this type is the ability to update landscape design every season, as well as the opportunity to experiment with flowerbed design.

Field spur has been cultivated since 1572. The flowers are ordinary or double, white, lilac, pink shades. Blooms throughout summer season- from early summer until autumn.

Ajaxa was bred by crossing Doubtful and Eastern delphiniums. The spikelet-shaped inflorescences reach thirty centimeters. The color range of this variety is very wide: from white to purple. Ajaxa will delight the eye with its flowering from June until the first frost.

How to grow delphinium

Before you begin directly planting larkspur, you need to choose the right site. The soil is preferably moderately moist. The place should be sunny. You cannot grow delphinium in ravine areas where flooding is possible, since the plant tolerates drought well, but, on the contrary, suffers from waterlogging.

Spur grass can be propagated by seeds, cuttings and by dividing the bush.

Growing from seeds. Delphinium seeds are sown in a container with soil in holes at a distance of about 7 cm. Next, they are sprinkled with sifted soil and watered with a spray bottle. Seeds covered with cellophane will sprout in about 10 days.

IMPORTANT! Protect delphinium seeds from bright sunlight. The box with soil should be placed in a shaded place.

By cuttings. When choosing this method For further propagation, shoots are cut off. When separating a cutting, it is important to separate a piece of the root. The shoots are planted in a shaded area, moistened abundantly, and after the rhizome appears (after 20 days), the delphinium is planted in open ground.

The method of dividing a bush can be used when working with larkspur, which is more than three years. The plant is dug out of the soil and carefully divided into two or three shoots, with roots remaining in each of them.

The cut areas are sprinkled activated carbon in order to avoid infection. The shoots are first planted in pots, and after adaptation they are transferred to a permanent place.

ADVICE. The flower stalks that appear on the separated shoot should be cut off, otherwise the plant will spend all its energy on flowering and may die.

Rules for caring for delphinium

To grow a healthy plant, you need to take proper care of it: provide the necessary conditions watering, fertilizing, pruning and protecting spurs from pests and diseases.

Watering. An optimal water balance is necessary, so the delphinium does not tolerate waterlogging, but drought also affects it adversely: the leaves turn yellow and the plant does not produce buds. Therefore, during hot weather, it is recommended to water the flower at the root in moderate quantities.

Fertilizer is necessary factor for the growth of larkspur. During the season you need to feed the plant three times with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Pruning is done when the plant reaches a height of 30 cm, the top is cut off by 10 cm.

REFERENCE. Delphiniums whose height exceeds 50 cm in accordance with the variety must be tied to posts so that they do not break.

Protection from diseases and pests. Delphinium care also includes disease prevention and insect protection. To prevent slug attacks, it is recommended to spray the delphinium with a bleach solution. Karbofos will help protect the spur from aphids and flies.

Larkspur often suffers from viral diseases and powdery mildew, so it is necessary to treat the plants with tetracycline or iodine solution.

Photo of delphinium

Due to the fact that the flower bud resembles the head of a dolphin, the name “delphinium” came about.

There is a version that the flower is named after the city of Delphi located in Greece, since it first appeared here.

In order for a flower to grow for more than one year and have beautiful bright flowers, you must adhere to simple rules when planting a plant.

Selecting a location

For the most good results You need to grow the flower in a sunny place where there is no wind.

The soil should be loose and free of weeds, and trees and shrubs whose roots can inhibit the growth of delphinium are undesirable nearby.

Plants should be planted at a distance of 60 cm from each other, however, each species has its own characteristics when planting.

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Time to board

When the plant is less than 10 cm, then delphinium is planted from March to May. Otherwise, the suitable months for best rooting are August-September, when there is no frost yet.

If landing is done in summer season, then it is necessary to cut off the stems of the plant, leaving only 10 cm from the soil. The buds at the base of the stem should not be buried. When the flower is planted, it must be protected from direct sunlight and watered regularly.

Soil preparation

The peculiarity of the delphinium lies in its inflorescence - two small petals grow inside the flowers, contrasting in color with the sepals

Growing delphinium should be on loamy, fertile, well-drained soil. The reaction is allowed to be neutral or normal.

In the fall, before planting, you need to dig up the soil and add a handful of complex mineral fertilizer, humus (bucket per 1 sq.m.).

If the soil is clayey, add sand and broken slate, brick and crushed stone to the bottom, acidic - 50 grams of lime per 1 sq.m, sandy - peat.

Instead of complex fertilizer, potassium chloride, superphosphate and ash (3:2:1) are used.

Flower propagation

Delphinium is propagated by several methods: cuttings and seeds.

Propagation by seeds

Before planting, plant seeds must be kept in the cold, that is, undergo stratification. In the fall, the seeds are kept in the refrigerator and sown in March.

In boxes with soil mixture, make depressions of 0.3-0.5 cm at a distance of 6-7 cm and sow delphinium seeds. After the seeds are planted, moisten the soil.

After a month, the seedlings must be thinned so that the distance between plants is 7 cm. In May, delphinium is planted in open ground.

Propagation by cuttings

In spring, shoots that have grown 10-15 cm are cut off along with a piece (2-3 cm) of rhizome. The cuttings are immediately planted in open ground, where there is no direct sunlight, and after 2-3 weeks they are transplanted to a place where the plant will grow further. Or they root in indoors in pots (boxes).

Cuttings that have just been planted should be watered about 3-4 times a day.

Delphinium care

Delphinium for better growth and flowering plants should not only be planted correctly and watered well, but also fertilized, pruned and prepared for the winter season.

For abundant flowering daylily, you must follow basic rules of care: watering, fertilizing and pruning

Top dressing

The flower should be fed 3 times: in the spring season, before flowering and after. Fertilizing is carried out with complex mineral fertilizer.

After the end of July - beginning of August, the delphinium is not fed so that the plant blooms better next year.

Perennial delphiniums (over 3 years old) need to be fed more often. Make holes around the flower and feed it 2-3 times a season. liquid fertilizer along with water. During the period when the plant produces buds, you can feed boric acid on leaves (10 g per 1 l).


For a delphinium that has reached 30 cm, the stems should be thinned: annual plants They leave 2 peduncles, in adults – 4-6. For the beauty of the main cluster in the inflorescence, you can remove the side branches.

If there are other plants growing in the flower garden, then there is no need to remove the side brushes.

When the delphinium has faded, the inflorescences should be cut off. Also, when the leaves on the stem dry out, cut it off from the soil at a height of 30 cm and bend it down so that water does not get in.

In warm places, delphinium can bloom in the fall; in cool places, it is better to prevent flowering.

Winter care

Delphinium, which is more than 3 years old, tolerates quite well winter period. But newly transplanted or young plants are covered with film or spruce branches for the winter.

Sometimes it is enough to simply bury young plants planted in the fall with soil.

We choose.

Read about the rules for planting and caring for broom.

Disease and pest control

Delphinium can be affected by viral diseases, fungi or pests.

Viruses can be carried by aphids, so it is better to preventive measures. The plant is harmed by delphinium flies, which lay eggs in buds, slugs and caterpillars. Spraying with insecticides will help in the fight against these pests.

Delphinium is susceptible to various viruses and diseases; in order to avoid the death of the plant, it is necessary to remove all damaged parts of the flower

Black spot caused by bacteria: the leaves at the bottom are initially affected, gradually moving upward. The stems and the entire plant are also infected.

At the first stage of the disease, tetracycline (solution - 1 tablet per 1 liter of water) will help save the delphinium; before this, the infected leaves are removed.

Ring spot caused by viruses: yellow rings of irregular shape appear. Delphinium with the disease should be removed so as not to infect plants growing nearby.

Powdery mildew is a disease that is caused by a fungus and tends to develop quickly due to high humidity. A grayish-white coating appears on the leaves, then turns brown.

Spraying with a solution of foundationazole helps against the disease. But it is better to resort to the prevention of this disease: plant bushes at a distance, do not overwater the leaves, remove excess shoots.

Ramularia of leaves is the appearance of dark brown spots on leaves in large quantities up to 10 mm in size. The leaves gradually dry out and then fall off. The use of an antifungal drug will help eliminate the disease.

Delphinium varieties

Back in the 19th century, the first varieties of delphinium appeared, but in the coming decades quite a lot of varieties and species of this beautiful plant were bred.

Popular varieties:

  • Dwarf: bush – 60-70 cm, inflorescence – 20 cm, bluish-lilac dense and double flowers with a green stripe, small and spike-shaped.
  • Pink butterfly: inflorescences are 40 cm, the flowers are large and have a pyramidal shape. Blooms in July-August.
  • White Butterfly: Similar variety to Pink Butterfly, but the buds are white.
  • Princess Caroline: peduncle height – 180 cm, inflorescence – 60-70 cm. The flower has double soft pink petals with a diameter of 6-8 cm.
  • Red Caroline: Descended from Princess Caroline, but with a more powerful bush. The flowers are smaller and have a bright reddish color.
  • Bellamosum: reaches a height of up to 100 cm and has bright dark blue inflorescences. Blooms in July-August.
  • Snow lace: has large flowers snow-white color, there is a brown coating on the edge of the petals.
  • Pacific mixture: delphinium of the Dutch mixture, the height of which reaches up to 180 cm. Used for cutting planting, also for single and group plantings. Blooms in July and September.
  • Marfin hybrids: Lilac spiral, Pink sunset, Blue lace, Daughter of winter, Morpheus, Venus, Lavender obelisk. The varieties are not afraid of frost and are able to grow without replanting, without loss of decorativeness.
  • Foreign varieties: Summer Skies, Blue Shadow, Laurin, Early Gray, Black Night. The varieties are frost-resistant and drought-resistant and have large flowers.

Look at the photo for some popular varieties:

Its other names are larkspur, spur. It blooms at the end of June, when the peonies have faded, and the lilies and other magnificent July flowers have not yet bloomed.

The delphinium looks beautiful when planted on the lawn in a group of 5-7 bushes. This way you can plant plants of the same variety or select varieties in harmonious color combinations.

Larkspur is used to create a high background in mixborders with lychnis, roses, phlox, helenium, yarrow, aquilegia, irises and other plants.

Delphinium has been blooming in my garden for many years, but its flowers are pale blue, as if faded by the sun. I wanted to grow more bright specimen, but growing from seeds has not had any success for many years - larkspur seeds do not germinate.

Every time I try to find the reason, every year I correct my mistakes, but things are still there.

This winter I decided to make a deep dive into the natural world to learn as much as possible about this plant and its seeds.

Delphinium from seeds

It turns out that you can grow delphinium from purchased seeds It's really not easy. This plant sprouts well only from fresh or properly stored seeds. When stored in paper bags at room temperature, the seeds lose their viability after 11 months. In an aluminum foil bag they remain viable a little longer. And ours seed companies, as a rule, the shelf life of perennial seeds is taken to be three years.

That is, in the first year, viable seeds are still sold, and then...

There is also information that almost no delphinium seeds are produced in Russia. That is, Russian seed companies most likely buy the cheapest and low-quality seeds on the verge of expiration date, then package them in beautiful bags and sell them at a high price.

This year, as a last attempt, I bought plasma delphinium seeds, so let's see what comes out of them.

Best in quality experienced gardeners they still think own seeds delphinium collected in your garden or from friends. Store them in glass jars at a fairly low temperature (in the refrigerator or on the balcony).

Delphinium seeds must be stored in the cold for a long time (stratification).

There is information on the Internet that experiments carried out in the USA at the beginning of the 19th century showed the ability of delphinium seeds, when stored at a negative temperature (-15 degrees) in hermetically sealed vessels, to completely retain germination even after 16 years from the moment of ripening.

In order to stay in the cold for a long time, it is best to plant the seeds before winter. The bed should be well lit by the sun. When frost sets in, the crops need to be covered (with leaves, a layer of humus, peat, spruce branches, etc.). In the spring, the sprouted seedlings, when they grow up, should be planted.

They say that you can sow delphinium seeds in a box and leave it to winter on a loggia or balcony, covering it with film so that the soil does not dry out. Won't it be too cold for them? And will friendly shoots really appear in the boxes in the spring?

When I bought plasma delphinium seeds in January, the saleswoman advised me to keep them in the refrigerator until sowing, assuring that they would definitely sprout later. Now they are being stratified in my refrigerator door.

In spring, seeds also need to be sown correctly. It is best to carry out special treatment before sowing.

For seed germination, three conditions are necessary: ​​water, favorable temperature and air. But there doesn’t have to be a lot of water, and the temperature doesn’t have to be high at all.

Seeds should be kept in a damp cloth before sowing. The fabric should be soaked in water, but not completely immersed in it - because the seeds will die without access to air. This is very important to strictly observe, since the germinating seeds begin to breathe very intensively.

To keep the fabric with seeds constantly moist, but also not to fill it with water, it is recommended to cover the wrapped seeds with heavily moistened sphagnum moss, which can hold a lot of water - 10 times its weight.

The soaked seeds should be placed in a cold place with a temperature of +5...+6 degrees (and I usually put them in a warm place). Under these conditions, delphinium seeds are kept for about a week.

If everything was done correctly, then after a week the seeds will swell well and are ready for germination.

This method of pre-treatment is consistent with the natural processes that occur with seeds in nature.

Sowing delphinium

Sowing delphinium also has its own characteristics.

The thickness of the soil layer in the container should be at least 10 cm. It is better to sow delphinium seeds for seedlings at the end of March or in April. As a last resort, you can sow delphinium in May.

It turns out that sowing two delphinium seeds per 1 square meter is optimal. see. On the Internet, I read a statement that the density of crops greatly affects the germination of seeds and the development of seedlings. Delphinium is also not like other plants: with sparse sowing, the germination of its seeds is much lower than with thickened sowing.

The seeds, evenly and fairly densely distributed over the surface, need to be covered with a layer of soil 2-3 mm thick.

After this, you need to moisten the soil. To prevent the surface of the earth from drying out, the boxes are covered on top with newsprint or burlap. If the seeds are exposed, they are covered with soil, since light retards germination.

The boxes are again placed in a cool room with a temperature of +12...+15 degrees.

Delphinium seeds begin to germinate at temperatures above +8 degrees. Delphinium is a plant of temperate latitudes, so the sprouts cannot stand the heat. Above 20 degrees, inhibition of delphinium seedlings is already noticeable.

Shoots appear 8-10 days after sowing. If sprouts have not appeared after three weeks, it means something is wrong with the seeds or sowing technology.

Delphinium seedlings are afraid of waterlogging. Watering the seedlings should be very moderate, since even a small excess of water leads to the appearance of the “black leg” disease and the death of seedlings.

Picking is done when small plants have 1-2 true leaves.

Planting in open ground and care

Delphiniums are planted in open ground at the end of April or beginning of May, as they are not afraid of spring frosts.

In the area intended for planting, holes are made up to 50 cm deep. The removed soil is mixed with peat, humus or compost and poured back into the hole. When it settles, the plants are planted so that the root collar is at the level of the soil surface. After planting, abundant watering is required.

The best planting location is considered to be shaded during the midday hours, which helps maintain the brightness of the color.

When the shoots reach 10-15 cm, they should be fed with mineral or liquid organic fertilizers. For this purpose, use a solution of manure at the rate of one bucket per 10 buckets of water, water one bucket per five adult bushes. Mulching the soil with peat or humus has a good effect on plant development. First, remove the weeds and loosen the soil, then spread the mulch in a layer of 2-3 cm.

When the stems reach a height of 20-30 cm, you can thin them out somewhat. Sometimes, to obtain larger inflorescences, the number of stems is reduced to three to five.

When the plant height is 40-50 cm, supports about 2 m high are installed. When planting delphiniums among bushes, the plants can be grown without the use of supports.

You need to water at least once a week, pouring a bucket under the bush. During dry periods, it is necessary to pour 2-3 buckets of water per week under each bush.

After flowering, if of this plant There are no plans to collect seeds; the inflorescences are cut off. Sometimes new shoots appear at the base of old stems, and the plants bloom a second time in the fall.

Plants can be grown in one place for up to 8 years.

Vegetative propagation.

Delphinium can be propagated by cuttings. In April-May, for this purpose, young shoots 5-8 cm long are separated. The cut should be made at the very root collar so that the lower part does not have a cavity. Before planting, cuttings are treated with a solution of heteroauxin. Roots form, as a rule, after 2-3 weeks at a temperature of + 20-25°. Some varieties need 4-5 weeks for this.

Cuttings take root well if you sprinkle clean soil on top of the soil. river sand layer up to 5 cm. Rooted cuttings are planted in pots or directly into the ground.

Delphiniums are propagated not only by spring cuttings, but also by bud cuttings. Reproduction by buds ensures obtaining a genetically equalized planting material, and also guarantees the impossibility of transferring diseases to areas old fabric. Renewal buds located at the base of the stems are cut off in July after flowering. They take root in the same way as spring cuttings. In autumn they are planted on ridges or in flower beds.