Electrical equipment. Electrical installation definition Define the term electrical equipment

equipment intended for the production, transmission, distribution and change of characteristics (voltage, frequency, type electric current etc.) electrical energy, as well as for its conversion into other types of energy. E. include machines, transformers, devices, measuring instruments, protection devices, cable products, household electrical appliances. regulatory documents developed on the basis of the standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) establish 4 classes (0, I, II, III) of electricity. The classification indicates the method of protection against electric shock when using electricity in various electrical installations. E. class 0, characterized by the lowest level of electrical safety, is gradually being replaced by E. class I, the use of which in electrical installations of buildings makes it possible to obtain more high level electrical safety. At present, the vast majority of stationary and mobile household electricity (electric stoves, electric water heaters, washing machines, refrigerators, etc.), as well as some portable electricity (electric kettles, electric irons, etc.) correspond to class I. A large number of portable electricity (electrified tools, electric hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, etc.) corresponds to class II. E. Class 0 - E., in which protection against electric shock is provided only by basic insulation of live parts. open conductive parts of the E., if any, are not connected to the protective conductors of stationary electrical wiring, i.e., protective grounding of open conductive parts (OCP) is not used. If the main insulation is damaged, protection against electric shock must be provided by the environment (air, floor insulation, etc.). Human contact with an energized VFC may result in electric shock. E. class I - E., in which protection against electric shock is provided by the basic insulation of live parts and the connection of the frequency converter with the protective conductors of stationary electrical wiring (protective grounding of exposed conductive parts is used). If the main insulation of the current-carrying part is damaged and it is shorted to the VFC, the appropriate protection must operate and automatically turn off the power. The EFCs will be energized for the period of time required for the protection to operate. A person who touches an energized VFC can receive an electric shock only during the short period of time required for the protection to operate. E. class II - E., in which protection against electric shock is ensured by the use of double or reinforced insulation of live parts. Class II equipment VFCs, if any, are not connected to the protective conductors of fixed electrical wiring (i.e., there are no means of protective grounding of the VFC). Protective properties environment are also not used to ensure electrical safety. E. class III- E., in which protection against electric shock is based on power from a safety extra-low voltage source and in which voltages above safety extra-low voltage (50 V AC and 120 V direct current). e. with normal insulation - E., intended for use in electrical installations exposed to atmospheric overvoltages, with conventional lightning protection measures. e. with lightweight insulation - E., intended for use in electrical installations not exposed to atmospheric surges, or when special measures lightning protection, limiting the amplitude of atmospheric overvoltages to values ​​not exceeding the amplitude of atmospheric overvoltages and not exceeding the amplitude of a one-minute test voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz.

Since during operation a number of controversial issues arise about what equipment can be defined as an operating electrical installation, it is worth considering in detail the main regulatory documents of PTEEP and PUE. The first of which is decisive in relation to operating standards, and the second sets requirements for installation and design.


In general, the concept of an electrical installation includes all kinds of elements in which the transmission, transformation, distribution and subsequent consumption of electricity can occur. And an operating electrical installation should be understood not only as those devices, lines or structures through which electric current flows or into which voltage is applied, but also all that this moment are disconnected, but voltage may appear on them. In this case, the way voltage appears in the electrical installation does not matter; it can be:

  • switching switching devices;
  • being near equipment that creates;
  • crossing power lines in vertical plane with other lines.
Crossing power lines

Therefore, to transfer an operating electrical installation to the inactive category, it is not enough to simply turn off the switch or power switch. To do this, it is necessary to make it impossible for a potential to arise, either with or without an electrical connection.


Existing electrical installations are designed for the transmission and redistribution of electrical energy. Since modern electricity consumers are characterized by a large number of sensitive devices with a wide variety of operating principles, electrical installations must also provide high quality supplied energy. If we consider in detail the concept of an electrical installation, it includes not only transmission and distribution devices, but also switching and protective devices. Therefore, another purpose is the timely shutdown of various categories of consumers and the supply of backup or second power.

Depending on the importance of powering the electrical circuit, three categories of consumers are distinguished:

  • for the first category, a break may be allowed no more than the time required for automatic switching to the second or backup power supply;
  • the second allows a break in power no longer than for the duration of the team’s departure or the manual entry of the second source;
  • the third allows a break in meals of no more than a day, and for individual apartments and houses two days, but not more than three times a year.


Depending on the parameter, existing electrical installations are divided into the following types. According to the voltage level, devices up to 1000 V and above 1000 V are distinguished. Each category includes all voltage levels within their limits.

Depending on the purpose, the following devices are distinguished:

  • Power– characterized by a large amount of power, flowing current, high voltage. They are usually used on an industrial scale for the operation of electrical networks and electrical substations.
  • Transformative– designed to convert one type of current to another. They are used in a wide variety of fields.
  • Switching– are intended for making switches in electrical diagram from high-voltage to household.
  • Electrical operating– auxiliary equipment that can perform any technological operations(heating, moving, etc.).
  • Lighting– designed to convert electrical energy into light.

According to the installation method they are divided into:


As an example of existing electrical installations, we can consider both specific equipment and their groups. In practice, the following devices should be distinguished as existing electrical installations:

  • Electrical machines (motors, transformers, generators);
  • Lines, including wires, supports, brackets, insulators, cables and other equipment;
  • Switches (air, oil vacuum and others), disconnectors and short circuiters;
  • Rectifier and inverter installations for conversion;
  • Protection and overvoltage control devices, normalization of electricity parameters.

Household consumers, in particular, wiring, switchboards, lighting devices and other devices can also be considered as an example of an existing electrical installation.


It should be noted that the operation of electrical installations must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the rules. Therefore, only specially trained workers who have passed an electrical safety knowledge test can be involved in servicing electrical installations. They are required to periodically inspect the equipment, Maintenance, scheduled and extraordinary repairs, testing of electrical equipment and other manipulations. At the same time, electrical personnel servicing electrical installations are required to fill out the appropriate documents on carrying out certain types of work.

To constantly monitor operating conditions, prompt maintenance of existing electrical installations is used in practice. At the same time, work is carried out to perform switching operations, inspect devices, and admit repair and operational personnel. Various operating modes are recorded and the compliance of power supply circuits is monitored.

Security measures

To provide safe conditions work in existing electrical installations, a number of measures are envisaged. Which must be implemented at all stages - before, during and at the end of work. All activities are divided into organizational and technical. The first of them provide for the organization of certain actions in electrical installations (registration of work, appointment of responsible persons, preparation of the work site, conducting briefings, etc.). The latter involve specific manipulations with electrical installation devices (switching, checking the presence or absence of voltage in live parts, installation protective grounding and others).

Depending on local conditions and the scope of application of existing electrical installations, safety measures may be supplemented in accordance with the characteristics of a particular industry.

Articles, partners Energy

Electrical equipment. Why and how

Energy metrics - automation components for: automated process control systems, “intelligent” building, electrical cabinet, power metering systems. SCADA systems.

Electrical equipment is devices or mechanisms whose main purpose is the generation or consumption of electrical energy. This also includes electrical equipment used to convert, transmit or distribute electrical current: transformers, cables, etc.

Electricity-producing equipment includes power plants and generators, while energy-consuming equipment includes household appliances, power tools, lighting, manufacturing equipment and automotive electrical equipment.

Electrical equipment for home and office - from household appliances to industrial mechanisms - like electricity in general, it has firmly entered our lives. Depends on him manufacturing process, which has long been put on an automated basis, because it was electrical equipment that made it possible to make a huge leap towards increasing labor productivity. It is indispensable in every home, because our everyday life is no longer possible without such benefits of civilization as electric lighting, a refrigerator, a microwave oven, an iron or washing machine. In addition, when arranging any apartment or office, a person cannot do without the equipment that accompanies all this variety of electrical appliances, such as sockets, cables and wires.

The production and sale of electrical equipment has long been on stream. Today there are a myriad of specialized stores (and even highly specialized ones offering a huge range of, say, lighting fixtures or cables), but you can also purchase electrical equipment at markets and supermarkets.

When purchasing any electrical equipment, you need to pay attention, first of all, of course, to specifications products. Decide on the purposes for which you need this or that device. Conventionally, the selection criteria for any electrical equipment can be divided into functional and technical. You determine the functional ones depending on what you want to get from the device and what conditions of its functioning suit you. When buying, for example, a refrigerator, you must decide in advance about its volume, dimensions, various options, whether you need freezer etc. Technical criteria include the energy consumption class (for large household appliances), the materials from which the device is made, and the voltage for which it is designed. You may also need to buy a voltage stabilizer to sharp jump it didn't burn out any voltage.

It should be noted that in Lately The economic crisis and deteriorating environmental situation have caused an increase in the popularity of energy-saving technologies, which not only reduce energy costs, but also contribute to the saving of natural resources. The most common example is Powersave lamp.

In addition, it is always necessary to carefully study the instructions for the safe handling of electrical equipment and strictly follow the operating rules contained therein.

Electrical installation- a set of machines, devices, lines and auxiliary equipment(together with the structures and premises in which they are installed) intended for the production, conversion, transformation, transmission, distribution of electrical energy and its conversion into another type of energy.

The electrical installation is operational

Existing electrical installation- an electrical installation or its section that is energized or to which voltage can be applied by turning on switching devices, as well as overhead lines ( overhead line power transmission) located in the zone of induced voltage or having an intersection with an existing overhead line.

The electrical installation is:

Electrical installation

Electrical installation- a set of machines, apparatus, lines and auxiliary equipment (together with the structures and premises in which they are installed) intended for the production, transformation, transformation, transmission, distribution, consumption of electrical energy and its conversion into another type of energy.

According to GOST 19431-84: "Power installation intended for the production or transformation, transmission, distribution or consumption of electricity."

Main normative document for the creation of electrical installations are the “Rules for the construction of electrical installations” (PUE), and for operation - the “Rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers" (PTEEP).

Electrical installations are divided by purpose (generating, consumer and converter-distribution), type of current (direct and alternating) and voltage (up to 1000 V and above 1000 V).

The electrical installation is operational

Existing electrical installation- an electrical installation or a section thereof that is energized or to which voltage can be applied by turning on switching devices, as well as an overhead power line (overhead power line) located in the area of ​​induced voltage or having an intersection with an active overhead line.

A set of machines, apparatus, lines of auxiliary equipment (together with the structures and premises in which they are installed) intended for the production, transformation, transformation, transmission, distribution of electrical energy and its conversion into another type of energy

2. How is the absence of voltage checked in electrical installations up to 1000 V with a grounded neutral?

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V with a grounded neutral, when using a two-pole indicator, it is necessary to check the absence of voltage both between the phases and between each phase and the grounded equipment body or protective conductor. It is allowed to use a previously tested voltmeter. It is not allowed to use control lamps.

Define “work performed in the course of routine operation”

Small-scale (no more than one shift) repair and other work on

maintenance performed in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V by operational, operational and repair personnel on assigned equipment in accordance with the list approved by the head of the organization

The electrical installation is:

Electrical installation English: Electrical installation A set of electrical equipment interconnected to each other that performs a specific function, for example, the production, transformation, transmission, distribution, accumulation or consumption of electrical energy (according to ST SEV 2726-80)
Any combination of interconnected electrical equipment within a given space or room (according to GOST 30331.1-95 GOST R 50571.1-93)
Power installation intended for the production or transformation, transmission, distribution or consumption of electrical energy (according to GOST 19431-84)
Source: Terms and definitions in the electric power industry. Directory
a set of machines, apparatus, lines and auxiliary equipment designed for the production, transformation, transformation, distribution of electricity and its conversion into another type of energy. (See: MGSN 2.01-99. Energy saving in buildings. Standards for thermal protection and heat and water power supply.) Source: "House: Construction terminology", M.: Buk-press, 2006.

Construction dictionary.

Questions and answers for preparing electrical personnel to test knowledge of electrical safety

Question 1. Define the term “electrical safety”

Answer. Electrical safety is a system of organizational and technical measures and means that ensure the protection of people from the harmful and dangerous effects of electric current, electric arc, electromagnetic field and static electricity.

Question 2. Define the term “electrical installation”.

Answer. Electrical installations are a set of machines, apparatus, lines and auxiliary equipment (together with the structures and premises in which they are installed) intended for the production, transformation, transformation, transmission, distribution of electrical energy and its conversion into another type of energy. According to electrical safety conditions, electrical installations are divided into electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V and electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V.

The electrical installation of a building is a set of interconnected electrical equipment within a building or room.

Question 3. Define the term “electrical equipment”.

Answer. Electrical equipment – ​​equipment intended for the production, conversion, transmission, distribution or consumption of electrical energy.

Question 4. Define the term “Electric energy consumer”.

Answer. Consumer of electrical energy - enterprise, organization, institution, geographically isolated workshop, construction site, apartment, in which electrical energy receivers are connected to electrical network and use electrical energy.

Question 5. Define the term “Receiver of electrical energy”.

Answer. An electrical receiver is electrical equipment that converts electrical energy into another type of energy for its use.

Question6. How electrical installations are divided according to their protection from atmospheric influences.

Answer. Electrical installations can be open or outdoor, not protected by the building from atmospheric influences.

Electrical installations protected only by canopies and mesh fences are considered external.

Closed or internal - placed inside a building that protects them from atmospheric influences.

Question 7. Describe electrical premises.

Answer. Electrical rooms are rooms or parts of a room fenced off, for example with nets, that are accessible only to qualified personnel. service personnel, in which electrical installations are located.

Dry rooms are rooms in which the relative air humidity does not exceed 60%.

Wet rooms - the relative air humidity in them is more than 60%, but does not exceed 75%.

Damp rooms - the relative air humidity in them exceeds 75% for a long time.

Particularly damp - relative air humidity is close to 100%;

Hot rooms, where the temperature constantly or periodically (more than 1 day) exceeds +35°C.

In dusty rooms, due to production conditions, process dust is released in such quantities that it can settle on wires and penetrate into machines and devices.

In rooms with a chemically active or organic environment, aggressive vapors, gases, liquids are constantly or for a long time contained, deposits or mold are formed that destroy the insulation of electrical equipment.

What is an electrical installation

An electrical installation is any combination of interconnected electrical equipment within a given space or room. http://lib.rus.ec/b/165191/read

Electrical installation - a set of machines, devices, lines and auxiliary equipment (together with the structures and premises in which they are installed) intended for the production, conversion, transformation, transmission, distribution, consumption of electrical energy and its conversion into another type of energy

An operating electrical installation is an electrical installation or a section thereof that is energized or to which voltage can be applied by turning on switching devices, as well as an overhead power line (overhead power line) located in the area of ​​the induced voltage or having an intersection with an existing overhead power line.

What is "electrical engineering"?

What is electrical engineering?

In everyday life, the concepts of electrical engineering, electrician and electronics are often confused. In fact, these are completely different terms. In this article, we will explain the difference between them.

Electrical engineering

First of all, electrical engineering is an engineering science. Electrical engineering as a scientific discipline studies everything related to the practical use of electrical energy. Namely, its production, transmission, distribution and use. On the other hand, applied electrical engineering is interpreted in a narrower sense. She's doing the math electrical circuits and their components, ranging from power lines to lamps.
Also, the word electrical engineering can act as an abbreviation for “electrical engineering,” denoting not science, but a certain group of equipment - that which uses electricity. This group includes industrial or household electrical appliances connected to an electrical circuit.
A special place in electrical engineering is occupied by equipment called the even more confusing term “electrical devices” or “electrical equipment”. Unlike household and industrial appliances, which convert electricity into useful work(lighting, heating, etc.), electrical devices convert and control only the parameters of electricity. An example of an electrical device is a voltage transformer. In accordance with their parameters, electrical equipment is divided into high-voltage, intended mainly for transmitting electricity, and low-voltage, ensuring its safe consumption. According to the principle of operation, electrical equipment can be electromagnetic, inductive, and can also be designed for alternating or direct current. Depending on the purpose of devices in the network, the following groups of electrical devices can also be distinguished:
  • managers - switch circuits manually (sockets, switches, circuit breakers) or remotely (relays, starters);
  • protective - protect equipment from overloads and short circuits(circuit breakers, circuit breakers);
  • control and measurement sensors, instrument transformers, electricity meters;
  • distribution - distribute energy between end consumers (electrical panels);
  • regulating - automatically maintain the specified mode.
In industry, electrical devices are used for automation technological processes. The circuit must respond to external signals - and this is electronics. That is, the processes of information transfer, rather than the transfer of electrical energy, come to the fore.
Electrics is an everyday word that means everything related to the installation and repair of electrical wiring, including what professionals call electrical equipment.