Wooden house covered with siding. We cover a log house with siding ourselves. Video - An interesting way to solve the laying of thermal insulation

Materials for self-finishing There are many facades. However, covering a house with siding with your own hands stands out among them due to its low cost and extreme ease of installation. Most often, home craftsmen choose vinyl for such cladding of their cottage. façade panels, the installation technology of which we will consider in detail in this article.

  • Components and start of work

    To properly cover a house with siding from the street, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions. Most of the complaints about self-stuffed PVC cladding then arise precisely because of non-compliance with the banal rules of its installation.

    There are several types of vinyl siding planks:

    Types of components

      Initial – starting rail, the first lowest element;

      The main panel is the basic segment of siding covering a house;

      Finish – the topmost stripe;

      Connecting (docking) – H-profile for joining short panels;

      Hinged - ebb protecting the windows and base of the house from precipitation;

      Near-window (wide J-profile) - platband for decorating slopes;

      Corner (external and internal) – for covering the ends of siding panels at corner joints;

      Soffit – ceiling panel for sewing cornices and gables of houses;

      J-trim – narrow universal J-profile.

    The variety of plank shapes only simplifies independent cladding. There is a set element for every corner and ledge of the house; you just need to correctly calculate the required number.

    Calculation of material for cladding and necessary tools

    For calculation Supplies you need to calculate the area of ​​the facade covered with siding, and then divide it by the square footage of the selected panels. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the sizes of windows and doors that the house has, removing them from the calculations. You also need to take a 10% margin for adjustment so that everything can be finished without problems or restrictions.

    To decorate a house with siding you will need the following set of tools:

      Level and plumb;


    • Screwdriver;

    • Scissors and hacksaw for metal.

    If the walls of the cottage are built of concrete or brick, then you will need a drill to drill holes for the dowels of the sheathing. Will not interfere with siding self-cladding at home and grinder. It will make cutting the panels easier and faster.

    Insulation and waterproofing of the house

    Before you start covering the house, you need to clean the walls and seal the cracks in them. Under the siding old paint and the plaster will not be visible, but it is better to get rid of them. If the house is made of wood or aerated concrete blocks, then a vapor-permeable waterproofing film must be attached to it under the sheathing.

    The insulation is placed between the guides of the frame, which is stuffed under the finishing material in question for the facade of a private house. Next, another layer of waterproofing is laid on top of it. Moreover, everything is done so that an air cushion remains between the membrane and the heat insulator on the walls of the house.

    DIY siding installation

    To attach vinyl panels to the sheathing, you can take:

      Screws (self-tapping screws) with a diameter of 3.5–4 mm

      Nails with a stem section of 3 mm and a head from 8 mm

    Their consumption when decorating a house with siding is calculated based on the step between these hardware on the planks of 30 cm. The fasteners must fit at least 20 mm into the wooden lath or metal profile of the frame. In this case, a space of 1 mm should be left between its cap and the PVC lining. If this is not done, the vinyl siding of the house will warp and ripple when the outside temperature changes.

    Assembling sheathing for cladding a house with siding

    The sheathing is made vertical or horizontal with a distance between the slats (profiles) of 30–40 cm. These guides must be placed across the main vinyl planks. But by definition there should be no crossbars between them. You need to cover the house with siding with your own hands so that there is space under the panels for natural circulation air.

    To ensure reliable fastening of the PVC cladding, additional support rails are installed around the openings and along the corners of the building. They are also needed in places where lamps and drains are hung on walls. It is required to securely fasten not only facade panels for exterior decoration of the house, but also various decorative elements on them.

    House sheathing

    Installing the starting bar

    The first to be fixed to the walls is the starting bar. To do this, a rope is pulled level around the house on nails at a height of 3-4 cm from the lower edge of the mounted sheathing. The starting profiles are attached around the perimeter of the building not end-to-end, but at intervals of 5–6 mm in case of thermal expansion.

    Installation of low tide and starting bar. Low tides are installed from the corner of the house. The starting profile is mounted 30-40 mm above the ebb strip.

    When covering houses with siding, it is extremely important to fix the starting strip correctly and evenly. It serves as the basis for the entire structure of the external cladding. Clarity depends on it geometric lines and the general appearance of the siding trim of a private house.

    Setting internal and external corners

    Next, external and internal corners are attached, installed at the joints of two walls. Their lower edge should be located just below the starting strip already attached to the house. The first self-tapping screw is screwed into the top hole for fasteners so that the corner hangs on it.

    External and internal corners are installed so that the bottom edge is 4-6 mm below the starting profile, and top part 1-3 mm below the soffit or cornice

    Then the corner is aligned strictly vertically. The remaining screws are screwed down the bar in 30 cm increments in the middle of the holes and not all the way. This is the only way the PVC cladding of the house can “breathe” and not deform.

    The corner elements are built up with an overlap. At the bottom of the top bar, the inner side edges are trimmed by 25 mm. It is inserted into the bottom corner by 20 mm, which leaves a gap of 5 mm for thermal expansion.

    Installation of strips on door and window openings

    The next stage is covering the house openings for windows and doors with platband. In order for everything to turn out beautifully in the end, you will have to work hard here. In the upper horizontal J-profiles you will have to make cuts in the sides with a bend of the cut part of the panel, and in the lower ones you will have to make an angled cut at 45 degrees.

    Trimming the window profile

    Vertical strips are cut at an angle at the top, and cut out at the bottom with a similar bend on the side. The purpose of all these manipulations is not just to cover the house beautifully with siding, but to join the platbands so that water cannot seep into the joints anywhere.

    Installing the main panels

    With basic planks everything is much simpler. The first of them just needs to be inserted into the starting profile, and then fixed to the sheathing. The rest will follow one after another. It is the ease of installation of the main panels that allows you to decorate your house with siding with your own hands in literally a day.

    If there is not enough siding length, we join several planks through an H-profile. To do this, do not forget to install and secure the connecting H-profile in advance. The distances below and above are the same as for the outer or inner corner

    Installation starts from the starting profile and ends with the finishing profile or molding

    Don’t forget to make “hooks” at the top of the panel

    The finishing strip is attached to the upper edge of the wind board using “hooks” similar to the molding.

    Soffits are installed between the molding and the J-bevel

    The planks should be fastened from the middle to the edges, placing the screws exactly in the middle of the holes on the edge. The finishing touch to the vinyl cladding of houses is the installation of the finishing panel with the insertion of the topmost main PVC strip into it.

    What to consider in order to properly sheathe a house with siding

    The technology of work is such that house cladding can be done all year round. But when sub-zero temperature The siding should be taken outside in advance to allow the material to acclimatize.

    If the house is old, then there should be no problems with vinyl paneling. But the new building must be allowed to settle completely, otherwise the façade decor will necessarily be deformed. No amount of clearance will help in this situation.

    Numerous photos of houses covered with siding are pleasing to the eye. To self-installation everything turned out no worse, it is extremely important to follow the installation instructions and leave gaps where necessary to compensate for the expansion of the material when heated under the sun.

    Table of temperature gaps

    When installing vinyl siding, consider the air temperature according to the table below. For example, if you carry out installation at a temperature of +10 degrees, then the main strip 3.6 m long can lengthen by 8 mm in warmer weather, and shrink by 12 mm in colder weather.

  • Finishing siding on a log house: features, recommendations and our experience

    If you are a happy (hopefully) owner log house, then you know that these houses are special, and when protecting such a house from the weather with “vinyl armor,” this must be taken into account.

    In this article we will look at what are the main differences between siding a house made of round timber, and what you should pay attention to.

    Why decorate a log house with siding?

    Wooden house, in addition to its own undeniable advantages, has a number of disadvantages.

    It's cold in the house

    Log house, like timber house, consists of “crowns” - horizontally stacked tree trunks (logs or beams).

    Because of this, the thickness of the wall is uneven: in the middle of the crown it is maximum, in the place where the crowns are connected to each other (between the logs) it is minimal.

    Heat is like water: it flows where there is the least resistance. Therefore, the thermal conductivity of the wall is determined by the thermal conductivity of the “coldest” section.

    In a house made of logs, there are exactly the same number of such areas as the number of crowns that make up the wall. The thicker the log, the fewer crowns. The thinner the more.

    If we take the most common thickness of a log house log (25 cm), it turns out that a wall 2.5 m high will consist of 14 crowns (including a bowl in each crown).

    Even if your log house was made by masters of their craft, it is still impossible to achieve perfect contact between the crowns. To reduce heat loss in the cracks between the logs, the house is insulated with inter-crown insulation and the cracks that formed during the shrinkage of the house are caulked.

    But, whatever one may say, it is impossible to completely solve the problem of cracks. That's why log house, like timber, lose heat much more than, for example, frame.

    If a house loses heat, then it must be insulated, otherwise it will only be warm inside in the summer. And the simplest and effective method insulate log wall- This is to mount the insulation on the outside and cover it with siding.

    The house has “lost its appearance”

    Log - very beautiful material. Of course, there will be people who disagree with this, but there are fewer of them than who agree.

    A new and fresh log house looks great: golden-yellow trunks, natural wood pattern pleasing to the eye.

    But if the house has stood for 20-30 years, then its appearance is no longer so pleasing: somewhere it has turned black, somewhere it has turned green, somewhere dust has eaten into the wood.

    When a tree is alive, it is covered with bark and vitality help fight external influences. But when it is cut down and “stripped”, it becomes defenseless to the changing seasons, rain, sun and dust.

    That's why old log house it no longer looks so festive and pleasant, and is not pleasing to the eye. I want to cover it with something.

    Once again, vinyl siding comes to your aid and solves this problem quickly and easily.

    Exterior cladding increases the lifespan of a home

    A tree deprived of natural protection quickly becomes unusable. And if you want your log house to last you longer, you will have to help it.

    In order to increase the service life of a log house, you need to take care of it: treat it with special compounds on the outside, caulk the cracks, and immediately remove fungus and mold.

    It's not the most enjoyable job, and it takes time and effort.

    Another option is to encase your home in “vinyl armor,” which will protect it from the elements and UV rays.

    The main advantage of such protection is that you don’t have to take care of it: just trim it and forget it.

    In addition, if the cladding is professionally installed, it will provide all the necessary conditions: protection from external influences and proper ventilation outer surface.

    This will make your home last longer.

    Why do some people think that a log house cannot be sheathed with siding?

    There is a widespread opinion among lovers of wooden houses, as well as log house builders, that a log house cannot be covered with siding.

    They usually say that “the log under the siding does not breathe, so it rots.”

    And this is true if the people who install the siding do not understand the technology.

    Properly installed siding provides all the necessary ventilation for any house: log, timber, aerated concrete or frame.

    In order for the house to “breathe”, it is necessary to observe technology: order and correct fastening membranes and insulation, as well as a ventilated gap under the siding.

    From our experience working with vinyl panels since 2009, we can responsibly declare: a log house properly covered with siding does not rot and lasts longer.

    What is the main difference between the walls of a log house when finishing with siding?

    The surface of the log house is uneven. Of course, if your house is not built from a gun carriage, hewn on both sides. But then it will be more suitable for you, because the walls made of carriages behave like a timber house when installing siding.

    The surface of “round timber” is entirely made up of waves, and this distinguishes it from other materials. It is more difficult to attach insulation and membranes to it than to a flat surface.

    There are no more differences. Everything is the same: films, frame, panels and accessories.

    Features of installing siding on log walls

    Due to the unevenness of the wall, there are a number of features for installing the frame and insulation if the walls of your house are insulated.

    Let's look at the most basic features so you know what to look for when you order siding for your home.

    Installation of the frame on a log wall

    Due to the wavy surface of the wall, installation of the frame on which the vinyl panels, becomes more complex.

    The logs in the crowns of your log house can be different thicknesses or have convexities and concavities in the most unexpected places. This leads to the fact that the frame has to be aligned with the most “protruding” crown.

    As a result, it may happen that one log in the middle of the wall will become a supporting one and will determine the passage of all the sheathing posts.

    If the house is insulated, this is not so noticeable, because the insulation will partially hide the unevenness of the facade.

    The next factor that complicates the alignment of walls is the presence of outcrops of logs (they are also remnants, they are also corners).

    If in the case, for example, frame house, we first set the corners, and then align all the other frame posts with the corners, but here we simply do not have outer corners due to the protruding ends of the logs.

    The only way to level the wall is vertical plane- this is to align the outer boards on the wall, secure them and build off of them as a base.

    Bypassing siding of log outcrops (corners, remnants)

    Another difficulty with the cladding of a log house lies in these very remnants of logs: in order to make a warm corner with a strong lock, the logs are adjusted to each other in a special way.

    There are about 30 forms and names of these castles, and we are not so well versed in log construction to consider them all. And there are construction methods in which there are no corners:

    But most castles have one obvious property in common: when the logs are placed one on top of the other, cross-shaped joints are formed at the corners of the house, which cannot be sawed off to level the facade.

    Such angles complicate siding and lead to higher prices for materials and work.

    To get around the corners of a log house when installing siding, we use three methods.

    Method number 1. Box on the corners

    With this method, we make a box in which the takeout is completely hidden.

    In this case we use:

    • external on the side of the wall;
    • external on the corner of the box.

    It turns out that for such a walk we will need three external and two internal corners on each corner of the house.

    Many customers do not like this method, because the house becomes bulky in appearance.

    Method number 2. Walking along the surface of the log

    In this case, we go around all the outlets, as if covering them with siding from the outside.

    For one corner we need:

    • internal angle between the wall and the extension;
    • external from the wall side;
    • external from the corner side;
    • internal between perpendicular extensions;
    • external on the second extension from the corner side;
    • external from the side of the second wall;
    • internal between the second extension and the second wall.

    This bypass method is the most material-intensive, but it has its advantages.

    For example, a house sheathed in this way retains an appearance close to the original: the cross-shaped corners are preserved.

    In addition, this covering allows you to make the stems less bulky and conspicuous.

    Method No. 3. Preserving raw corners

    In some cases, customers ask to preserve the stem without covering it with siding.

    We approach the corner along the wall and finish the siding with J-profile. The stems are left "as they were" and the customer usually paints them in a color that matches the color of the panels or roofing.

    The disadvantage of this approach is that the corners of the log house continue to be exposed to environment, and they are not protected by vinyl.

    Another disadvantage is that the corner remains cold, and if the walls are insulated, then heat will flow away there.

    But from the point of view of material consumption, this method is the most economical.

    Method number 4. Sheathing “flat”

    If the ends of the logs do not stick out very much, then sometimes they can be hidden with a frame so that from the outside it will not be clear whether there were corners or not.

    In this case, after the cladding, the house looks as usual: no boxes or leftovers.

    Insulation of a log house under siding

    If a log house is insulated during finishing, then the “pie” of this insulation is no different from the standard “pie” that we use on other houses.

    First, the log house is covered with a vapor barrier, and it is mounted closely, enveloping each crown.

    Then hangers are mounted on the vapor barrier, on which the frame will be attached.

    After this, insulation is placed on the hangers, which is then pressed against the first layer of the frame.

    In some cases, the customer believes that without a vapor barrier the house will “breathe” better. People who read construction forums, where users of varying degrees of sophistication share tips, especially often think this way.

    We have nothing against sharing construction experience, but we ask you to take into account that anyone can write an intelligent and confident post on the forum: a professional with 20 years of experience, or just a person who does not understand anything about construction , but likes to give advice.

    And you won't be able to distinguish one from the other. So be careful and listen to those who are responsible for their recommendations with money.

    In addition to insulating walls, remember that heat leaks through corners and openings: windows and doors. And, of course, through the roof or ceiling in a cold attic.

    So, even insulated walls do not always guarantee that the house will become warmer. Heat is like water, it flows away where there is less resistance, remember?

    And if you decide to insulate a log house under the siding, approach this task comprehensively. Better yet, turn to professionals.

    That's all.

    Call by phone in St. Petersburg 956-17-30 or click on the button on the right " CALCULATE AN ESTIMATE«.

    If you have recently built wooden house or want to update the old walls of a house built a long time ago, then siding is just what you need. Siding can not only significantly transform walls wooden house giving them originality appearance, but also to protect them from harmful external influences caused by: temperature changes, rain, winds, ultraviolet radiation, etc. How to cover a wooden house with siding with your own hands and save on installers’ services? As part of the article, we will present step by step instructions on covering a wooden house with siding with your own hands, and the videos and photos in the article will help resolve some issues related to DIY siding installation.

    How to properly cover a wooden house with siding with your own hands: detailed instructions

    Finishing a wooden house with siding somewhat different from cladding, such as brick walls. The whole point is that sheathing on wooden walls is much easier and faster than installing it on brick walls with preliminary drilling of holes for dowels for installing and fastening the sheathing under the siding.

    ON A NOTE! The price of covering a house with siding per square meter primarily depends on the material from which the walls of the building are constructed.

    Leveling the walls of a wooden house for installing siding

    No matter how well the builders try to erect the walls of the house, in any case, these measures are unlikely to be without errors. Just in order to smooth out the flaws of the builders before installing the siding, it is necessary to make a leveling sheathing from wooden blocks or metal profile. It is the sheathing or subsystem that makes it possible to correctly attach the siding to a wooden house without much difficulty.

    Taking everything into account technological nuances then it is impossible to do without a leveling sheathing, since any type of siding whether vinyl or metal, plinth or wood requires for high-quality installation correctly configured subsystem. In addition, if you plan to insulate the walls of the house under siding, then it is not possible to do this without pre-installed sheathing.

    ADVICE! It should be borne in mind that even with leveling sheathing, if it is not installed correctly when covering the house with siding yourself, you can end up with visually noticeable crooked walls.

    The sheathing step for covering a wooden house with siding must be done as often as possible, thereby ensuring that the entire cladding is given maximum rigidity. The average pitch of the sheathing between the slats is 400-600 mm, however, you can make this distance smaller, for example 300 mm, but taking a pitch of more than 600 mm is not recommended, especially for vinyl siding, since PVC panels are very fragile and easily deformed when low or high temperature conditions and mechanical stress, for example in strong winds.

    Do-it-yourself insulation of a wooden house under siding

    If you want to insulate the facade of a wooden house, then you should take care of this in advance. You need to decide on the type of insulation that is most suitable in your case. It is advisable to use insulation required thickness. So, for example, if the walls of a house are built from timber 180 by 180 mm, then it is better to choose insulation, for example polystyrene foam no more than 30 mm thick. And if the walls are no more than 150 mm thick, then it is better to choose a slightly larger foam thickness, for example 50 mm.

    Insulation for the outside walls of a house under siding is used in a variety of ways, ranging from budgetary ones - polystyrene foam, slag wool, glass wool and ending with mineral wool, basalt slabs, polyurethane foam, extruded polystyrene foam, etc. It is quite common to insulate a wooden house from the outside with mineral wool under siding, and also using polystyrene foam.

    Experts, based on their many years of observations, recommend using slab insulation when insulating the facade of a house rather than roll insulation, since it is slab materials that are sufficient to hold in place without noticeable movement long term The same cannot be said about rolled materials. Roll insulation It is quite heavy and is mainly used for insulation on horizontal surfaces. Mounted on a vertical plane, it will certainly sag over time, leaving noticeable gaps which in turn will open up access to cold air.

    Dowels for installing insulation on the walls of a wooden house are not needed, and instead of them, nails of the appropriate length and a plastic cap are used, which presses and holds the slab, preventing it from sliding down. See photo below.

    Fasteners for insulation under house siding

    You can also attach the insulation to wooden walls using self-tapping screws of the appropriate length and plastic caps.

    IMPORTANT! If polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene boards are used as insulation, then the connecting seams between them must be foamed polyurethane foam pre-installed on the mounting gun.

    Vapor and wind protection films when installing siding on the wooden facade of a house

    Vapor protection installation - necessary condition when covering a wooden house with siding. The film is mounted directly on the walls of the facade, that is, under the insulation. Taking into account the technology and physical laws, the installation of wind protection is simply necessary. The vapor barrier film protects the insulation from the accumulation of moisture vapor, thereby preventing its destruction.

    Wind and hydroprotective film is a unique protective technology, widely used mainly in the installation of roofs and facades. The uniqueness of the wind-hydroprotective membrane lies in its ability to retain heat and not let the cold in from the outside. In addition, the membrane structure of the film is capable of “breathing,” i.e., providing the necessary ventilation under the skin.

    A film is mounted, covering the insulation on the main sheathing, after which they are stuffed perpendicularly on top of it. wooden slats counter battens with a diameter of no more than 30x40 mm, which in turn provide a ventilation gap that prevents condensation from accumulating under the casing. See photo below.

    The photo shows how to correctly install an intro-lattice under the horizontal cladding of a wooden house with siding

    Covering a wooden house with siding yourself in 5 stages

    Installation of scaffolding

    • The first thing you need to do when covering the facade of a wooden house with siding with your own hands This is to install scaffolding and stepladders if necessary, for example, in the case of tall buildings of 2 or more floors. To do this, the space around the house must be cleared at a distance of at least 2 meters.
    • Scaffolding It is best to rent for the required period. You can also build scaffolding from dry, strong boards. Dry boards with a length of at least 4 meters and a thickness of 40-50 mm can be used as flooring. No cracks or noticeable knots. It is recommended to install scaffolding for installing siding with your own hands first on one side of the facade, and after covering it, move it to the next side, and so on until the entire area of ​​the facade of a wooden house is covered.
    Scaffolding for siding a wooden house

    Preparing the facade for siding installation

    • The plan for preparing the facade for siding involves dismantling engineering communications: electrical cables and devices, plumbing pipes, ventilation hatches, etc.
    • All loose façade elements must be carefully secured.
    • Next, the walls of the facade of the house should be sheathed with an overlapping vapor barrier film.
    Steam and hydroprotective film for covering the facade of a wooden house with siding

    Do-it-yourself sheathing installation

    • After installing the membrane protective film you can begin installing the sheathing under the siding. For the sheathing, a dry flat wooden block 30-50 mm thick, treated with antiseptic agents or a PP metal profile 60x27x3000 mm is suitable.
    • When cladding the facade of a wooden house horizontally, the sheathing is installed vertically and vice versa. The pitch between the slats should not exceed 600 mm, ideally 30-40 mm for vinyl siding and 40-50 mm for installation of metal siding.
    • The sheathing slats are fastened to metal profile hangers see photo below.
    Hangers for fastening the sheathing under the sheathing wooden cottage siding
    • A self-tapping screw for attaching the suspension to the wall is used with large rare wood carvings of at least 30 mm in length. See photo below.
    Self-tapping screw for fastening the hanger under the lathing to a wooden facade
    • Fastening of the leveling lathing slats is carried out using self-tapping screws with a press washer no more than 20 mm long for a metal profile and a wood self-tapping screw no less than 30 mm long for fastening wooden beams.
    Fastening the leveling battens using self-tapping screws with a press washer under the siding

    ADVICE! The shorter the self-tapping screw for attaching the suspension to the rail, the easier and faster it is to screw it in. Therefore, try to purchase a shorter fastener.

    Insulation of the facade of a wooden house

    • Insulation for installation of siding panels is carried out after installation of the sheathing. It is necessary to select in advance before installing the sheathing optimal view insulation based on price, quality and size. Only after the thickness of the material is known can the walls of the façade be leveled with slats.

    ADVICE! Remember that the insulation should not protrude beyond the subsystem. Ideally, it should be flush with the plane of the sheathing or slightly sunk into it.

    • After the insulation is secured, all seams should be foamed if necessary. Next, the insulated façade needs to be covered with a layer of wind-hydroprotection.
    Installation of windproof film under siding
    • At this point, the insulation of the walls of a wooden house under siding with your own hands is completed, and you can proceed directly to the finishing of the siding itself.

    Installation of siding on a wooden house

    • Installation of panels should be done from bottom to top. Knowing the length of the panel, you can install connecting profiles. Recommended clearances must be maintained throughout for vinyl siding. So, for example, you should not tightly screw the panel to the sheathing; the gap should be at least 1 mm. The panel should seem to slide slightly on the screws. At joints in corners and connecting strips, it is also necessary to leave a gap of at least 5 mm between the panel and the joining elements.

    ADVICE! It is better to screw siding panels onto small screws or nails. For example, it is better to use galvanized fasteners that do not rust and, as a result, do not leave visible stains on the surface of the facade.

    • The windows around the perimeter are framed with siding, and the slopes are finished with special PVC slope strips, included in the kit or selected separately. A metal sill is installed at the bottom of the window.
    • Options for lining the roof eaves include the use of a soffit panel or siding. For this purpose, a j-profile for siding is used and installed along the entire length of the cornice, the length of the panels is measured, after which the soffits are cut and inserted into the fixing profile, after which they are screwed onto self-tapping screws.

    Let's sum it up

    Sheathing, finishing, cladding of a wooden house with siding- This is an excellent alternative to any other facade design option. Installing siding with your own hands on a wooden house only seems difficult, but in fact, if you arm yourself with a sense of enthusiasm and optimism, you can easily, originally and quickly decorate the facade of a wooden house without involving professional installers. In addition, you can save a lot if you do the installation work yourself.

    How to cover a wooden house with siding with your own hands: video instructions

    Many people cover their dachas with siding - it’s fashionable and practical. Installing siding with your own hands on a wooden house is quite a common occurrence, since country houses usually made from logs or wood. The exterior decoration of a wooden house is quite complex - this is due both to the selection of materials and to wood processing and installation. facing materials. At the same time, siding is one of the most optimal materials For exterior finishing Houses.

    Installing siding on wooden walls quite simple, but requires careful preparatory work and taking accurate measurements. The material is very light, the weight of the siding does not load the walls, which is one of the main points when choosing materials. About how to cover a wooden house with siding panels, what is required for this, and what preliminary work should be performed, will be described below.

    What you need to buy and prepare

    You should start with the tools. Covering a house with siding requires minimal equipment: grinder(grinders), metal cutting scissors, screwdriver, electric impact drill, hammer, measuring instruments(tape tapes, meters, angles, plumb lines) and markers for marking. It is worth stocking up on sawhorses that are high enough to reach the roof (can be replaced with a stepladder).

    The main material is panels, but in addition to them it is recommended to purchase the following things:

    1. External and internal corners. For one-story buildings, it is recommended to use whole, uncut elements. Their dimensions must correspond to the height of the walls of the house.
    2. Wind boards and soffits - they are used to trim the cornice, they protect the panels from being torn off by the wind.
    3. Starting bars. Necessary elements that must be along the entire length of the walls of the house (perimeter) minus the doorway.
    4. Window trims are also necessary elements. They cover window openings.
    5. Low tides and drain strips. Recommended for installation.
    6. J-profile for differences in height of attachment points for extensions.
    7. H-profile for connecting panels if the length of the wall exceeds the length of the panels.
    8. Hardware for fastening. Almost always, their role is played by self-tapping screws (quite long - 35 mm).
    9. Wooden beam for sheathing.

    In this case, the number of panels is calculated based on the area of ​​the walls. The total area of ​​the walls is divided by the area of ​​one panel, and the area of ​​windows and windows is subtracted from the total area of ​​the walls. doorways, and about 15% of the total estimated number of panels is added to the result obtained. The latter is required to cover defects and trim.

    Preparation for sheathing

    In order to cover a wooden house with siding on your own in a high-quality and durable manner, it requires very careful preparation walls Since wood is a rather capricious material, the walls of wooden houses are treated with special solutions before covering them. All protruding parts are cut off from them in advance (for example, metal fittings, knots, etc.). Then the walls are cleaned of dirt and dust.

    After these preparatory work, installation of the sheathing begins.

    Mandatory lathing

    To cover a wooden house with siding, it is necessary to install the sheathing, and then attach the siding to it. This involves the technology of covering a wooden house with siding with your own hands. Before this, the timber for the sheathing should be given time to rest in the house so that it does not move. Usually a few days are enough. 40x40 timber is suitable for sheathing.

    First of all, a contour is filled around the entire perimeter of the house for attaching the starting strips. It is from the starting strips that the siding of a wooden house begins. The sheathing line must be level - the level should be constantly monitored. In this case, if there is a difference in height, then the lower part is covered with plaster.

    Next, the vertical slats are filled. Their filling should be carried out according to the recommendations of the siding manufacturer. With their instructions they determine the interval between the vertical bars. Installation of vertical ribs should be done from the corners, i.e. First, they are stuffed onto the corners of the house with your own hands, and the required intervals are measured from the corners.

    After completing the installation of the sheathing, begin installing the waterproofing. This is a very important and mandatory job before installing siding panels yourself. For this purpose, a membrane is used, which is laid on the panel. If desired, under the waterproofing, the sheathing cells can be laid thermal insulation material (stone wool). However, before sheathing the building with insulation, it is necessary to properly perform a vapor barrier so that condensation does not accumulate on the walls - otherwise they will quickly rot from high humidity.

    When the installation of the sheathing and moisture-proofing membrane is completed, the installation of siding panels begins.

    Installation of siding panels

    Sheathing a wooden house with siding begins with flashings for the base, because this is a rigid structure that cannot be bent. Next are installed corner profiles(if they plan to use them). Both corners and ebbs must be firmly secured with self-tapping screws along the mounting holes.

    If you plan to use “H” shaped profiles during installation, you should carefully maintain a horizontal level. The finishing strip is installed last; it is attached under the eaves where the end of the siding is planned.

    After installing all the planks, they begin to cover the walls with panels. The panels are inserted into the slats until they click, and then attached to the wall with self-tapping screws. Moreover, if there is no strong winds, then you don’t have to do the fastening. To quickly cover a wooden house with siding, first install all the panels and then fasten them with self-tapping screws - this significantly saves time.

    More articles on this topic:

    A wooden house differs in many ways positive qualities, the most important of which is environmental safety. However, there are a number of unfavorable factors that cause the development of biological lesions in natural wood. Mold, mildew and rot attack wood when exposed to precipitation. Siding will help reduce the risk of destruction of a wooden house from rot and fungus, as well as provide reliable insulation of the building from the outside. This article will help you learn how to cover a house with siding with your own hands. Videos and photos on the installation of siding - to help the master.

    Homes from natural wood prudent owners use siding for the following reasons:

    Types of siding for finishing wooden buildings

    For finishing wooden buildings commonly used classic types siding: plastic or metal, the base belt can be finished with cladding stylized as stone. There are varieties of cladding panels made from valuable species wood and natural stone.

    All types of siding are characterized by resistance to moisture, ultraviolet radiation, low temperatures. The facing material made of vinyl and metal has significant strength, durability, attractive design, easy to install without the use of unique tools. With a little experience, siding installation can be performed even by an unqualified consumer. Finishing boards They are environmentally friendly and have high fire-fighting properties.

    Metal siding

    The choice of cladding material depends on the taste and requests of the owner of the building, as well as on the design parameters of the building, the operating conditions of the building, the condition of the main load-bearing structures. Fundamentality and thoroughness give exterior decoration stone houses and wooden surfaces. Of course, such siding is highly expensive, but the lined surfaces do not require annual finishing and can be used for many years without investing in repairs. However, the stone has significant weight, so it is impossible to cover light and dilapidated buildings with such siding, the strengthening of which is not provided for during construction. finishing works.

    Plastic siding

    The most common option is to use plastic cladding material. Plastic siding Perfectly suitable for cladding low-rise and high-rise construction projects. PVC strips have locking system, which is fixed in one click when assembled. The edge has a perforated edge for securing with special fasteners. High degree of wear resistance, strength, durability, resistance to moisture and ultraviolet radiation - selection criteria plastic siding For facing works facade of any building.

    Metal siding more durable than vinyl counterparts. Suitable for cladding any surfaces, including objects industrial purposes. The industry produces steel and galvanized cladding materials, as well as aluminum siding. Stripes metal cladding are not subject to destruction from moisture, ultraviolet rays and minor mechanical loads.

    Material resources and tools for facing work

    To perform quality work on external cladding building requires the use of special tools:

    • Bulgarian;
    • screwdriver;
    • perforator;
    • measuring instruments;
    • hammer;

    For the cladding process, prepare necessary tools
    • metal cutting scissors;
    • screwdrivers;
    • fastening hardware.

    When performing work on our own It’s easy to purchase all the necessary equipment at any building materials supermarket.

    Advice! It is best to purchase fasteners for mounting cladding panels made of galvanized steel or aluminum. Such hardware is characterized by high strength, reliability, and is not destroyed by rust.

    Materials required for façade cladding:

    • siding;
    • external and internal corners;
    • starting and finishing bars;
    • strips for fastening window openings;
    • J and H profiles.

    Vinyl siding

    Calculation of the need for external corners: measure the length of all external corners of the building and divide by 3 (manufacturers produce external corners 3 m long).

    Advice! It is necessary to provide priority for the use of only solid corners, avoiding mounting short sections in the outer corners.

    To calculate the internal corners, measurements are required internal corners buildings, divide the total by 3. Calculation of the need for starting strips: perform preliminary measurements of the length of the house, excluding the sum of the lengths of the openings. Starter strips are produced in a length of 3.8 m. The J-profile is used when installing siding at the junction of adjacent buildings. The siding panels are fastened together using an H-profile. The space near the windows is reinforced with special strips for installation near windows. Trim strips help strengthen the siding where it meets the roof.

    Profiles for siding installation

    Secrets of installing cladding panels

    Cladding panels are laid on a pre-laid sheathing made of wood or metal. When laying siding over the sheathing, you should leave a gap of about 2 mm. As temperatures fluctuate, the material contracts or expands, so sufficient clearance must be provided in advance. When laying panels “overlapping”, the gap should be at least 6 mm.

    Requirements for self-tapping screws: short, galvanized fasteners with a rounded head and no drill at the end of the screw part. It is possible to use nails on roofing felt.

    Advice! Cutting the material should be done as needed.

    Preparatory work for installing cladding should first be done on wall surfaces. The walls must first be cleaned of dirt and dust, and old facing materials. Cleaned surfaces are treated with a primer deep penetration with antiseptic properties.

    Advice! Before laying siding, mold stains and areas of fungal infection should be removed from the surface of the walls.

    The next stage of preparatory work is the installation of a waterproofing layer under the sheathing. The waterproofing is fixed directly to the wall of the building, which is necessary for the presence ventilation gaps.

    External cladding of the house

    Installation of the sheathing is made of metal or wooden parts. Metal or wooden (50 x 80 mm) planks are mounted on the walls of the building in increments of 30 - 40 mm. Wooden parts nailed to the walls with nails up to 100 mm long. To securely fasten the cladding, vertical and horizontal frames are mounted.

    Advice! Using the finished sheathing, you can begin installing the cladding panels, and the laying should begin from the corner of the building.

    The facade of a wooden house can be insulated; this work is combined with cladding work. Used for wall insulation mineral wool, mats made of basalt fiber, polystyrene foam, penoplex. The insulation is placed in the space between the profiles, and a gap of 1-3 cm should be provided between the siding panels and insulating mats. A layer of insulation is laid along the outer surface waterproofing material- isospan.

    The process of covering a house with siding

    You can get acquainted with the intricacies of cladding a wooden house by watching the video for this article, which shows in detail the basic techniques for laying facade slabs, the installation of lathing and the technology for laying and fastening insulating material.

    Siding technology: video