What are the physiological needs of a person. Basic human physiological needs

The term "physiological need" has been heard by many. But not everyone can explain what this is. The article will help you better understand what is meant by this seemingly simple concept, how the needs of an adult and a child differ, and also how not to allow the need to become an addiction.

What are physiological needs

The physiological needs of a person are the most important driver of the behavior of both an individual and entire nations. We know from history how, fleeing from hunger, on lean lands, tribes went to war against their neighbors, beating off their fields and cattle. The thirst of those lost in the desert could push them to kill if another person stood between them and the water. Therefore, no one will argue about the importance of these human needs. However, fortunately, man lives not only by them. Otherwise, absolutely nothing would distinguish us from animals living by instincts. What, besides food and water, does a person need? See below.

What needs does a person have apart from physiological ones? Maslow pyramid

This concept is interpreted in many branches of science in different ways. The famous American psychologist A. Maslow even created the so-called "pyramid of needs." This is a kind of human motivation model. This pyramid has gained immense popularity, it was literally taken apart brick by brick by marketers, psychologists and psychiatrists, advertising creators and management luminaries. However, the professor himself never used it to explain his theories. The physiological needs of a person were considered leading to them, only when they were pathological dissatisfaction. Simply put, food becomes the main thing for a person during its (possibly long) absence. If the individual is full, then that need gives way to higher and more valuable ones.

At the heart of the diagram, we see the physiological needs of a person, such as hunger and thirst, as well as key sexual instincts (or libidinal, as the great Freud called them).

Safety comes second. The concept is somewhat vague, it includes the well-known concept of comfort, coziness, stability of the habitat (home), protection from external factors and possible enemies. And only in third place are social needs, that is, a person will think about their satisfaction after saturation and stay in comfort. That is, the physiological need is key. After social (communication, caring, common affairs), the fourth level of the diagram depicts the so-called "prestigious", or needs for prestige, that is, respect and self-esteem (whether these concepts are related or not, we will leave it to psychologists to understand). The crown of the pyramid is spiritual needs.

Why you need to satisfy physiological needs

According to Maslow, satisfaction of needs comes from the bottom up. That is, only with the maximum complete satisfaction of the lower level is the transition to the higher one possible. Spiritual and social development a person is important, but in the power of hunger he simply will not be up to them. These schemes were used by tyrants and generals in the ancient powers even before our era. Hungry people are easier to manage than well-fed people. Unsatisfied physiological needs of the human body relieved him of the ability to think, and even more so to strive for freedom or independence. Fortunately, the tyranny and slave system is almost eradicated today, but the magical secret pyramid has been taken over by marketers and creators (advertising creators). They build their texts, appealing to the lower instincts of man.

Physiological needs of the child

Why are we given physiological needs? The answer is simple - for survival. Without these needs, we simply could not survive and live. A person is already born with the given needs. This can be seen especially clearly on the example of newborns. A baby's meal is usually triggered by a demanding loud cry. And this is understandable, the child cannot say or demand what is needed in any other way. The key needs of the baby are food, motherly warmth (which replaces several needs of our pyramid at once: safety and social contact), good dream and normal health. When these needs of the child are met, we will get a calm smiling child who wants to play and see something interesting; in case of dissatisfaction - a continuously screaming and crying lump, reminiscent of a wounded animal.

Physiological needs of an adult

The needs of an adult repeat in everything the needs of a child, only one more especially important instinct is added to them - reproduction (sexual, libidinal). This "basic instinct", if dissatisfied with it, can turn a person into a real aggressor. With an adequate hormonal background, of course. Now due to pollution the environment, poor nutrition and other factors, this need is muted for many. However, there are also people for whom it exceeds other needs, which pushes them to crime. Fortunately, there are only a few of them, and they most likely have a history of psychiatric pathologies.

As for healthy people, where this physiological need stands in its rightful place, it should be said that both understatement of its importance and exaggeration are wrong. The latter is characteristic of cinematography and pop stars who appeal with their appearance and creativity to this ancient instinct. A healthy, adequate attitude is very important here. Intimate relationships are important for a person, but it does not mean that you need to indulge in them at every opportunity. Ideal option is a marriage or a stable relationship with a loved one.

Food. How to keep your needs from becoming addictive

Hunger and thirst, as we said above, was even the cause of wars and the nomadic life of our ancient ancestors. Fortunately, in civilized countries, the concept of hunger is familiar only from history textbooks. V popular culture the other extreme is being promoted - constant weight loss, pills to reduce appetite, healthy fasting have become fashionable and popular things. But people who go on about advertising are often not aware that fighting with the cornerstones laid by nature is fraught with consequences for both physical and psychological health. Against the background of the mass pursuit of an ideal body, more and more clinical cases of bulimia (mental or physiological disorder characterized by a constant desire to eat) and anorexia (refusal to eat due to psychological personality disorders) arise. It is worth not forgetting that the unmet need of the body can become addiction and mania.

Healthy sleep as the most important of the needs

Sleep is on a par with the needs for food and water, satisfaction of the sexual instinct and breathing. However, many underestimate its importance, which is done in vain. The example of Napoleon, who slept several hours a day, will fade if we recall the unstable psyche and panic attacks of this historical character. Do you want to experience these "joys" for yourself? Unlikely. Lack and lack of sleep deprive us of psychological comfort, lower the pain threshold (make us more sensitive to pain), and negatively affect performance. An unmet physiological need for sleep can even lead to visual and auditory hallucinations. Moreover, a person who does not sleep enough, working with mechanisms or vehicles, can be fatally dangerous to those around him during the microsleep phase (a phenomenon when a person's brain, which has not known rest and sleep for a long time, “turns off” for a fraction of a second).


Physiological needs, including the need for food and water, healthy sleep, intimate instincts are undoubtedly important for a person. Only by satisfying these basic needs will he be able to move to higher, spiritual goals. You do not need to indulge your excessive addictions, for example, in food, but it is unreasonable to fight with instincts inherent in nature. You will not get out of this struggle without losses. The secret is happy life in harmony and golden mean.

Need Is a perceived psychological or physiological deficit of something, reflected in a person's perception.

Basic human needs: to have, to be to do, to love, to grow. The motivation for human activity is the desire to satisfy these needs. The ability to satisfy their needs in people depends on the following general factors: age, environment, knowledge, skills, desires, abilities of the person himself. The disease, causing a violation of the function of one or another organ, one or another system, interferes with the satisfaction of needs.

In 1943, an American psychologist Maslow conducted research on the incentives of human behavior and developed one of the theories of needs. He classified them according to a hierarchical system - from physiological needs ( lower level) to the needs for self-expression (higher). Maslow depicted the levels of needs as a pyramid (Figure 3.1). Physiological needs - the foundation of human life - the base of the pyramid.

Rice. 3.1.

For a nurse, this classification is important, since a patient may have one or more unmet needs of any level, the implementation of which should be included in the care plan. The priority of physiological needs is associated with the maintenance of human life.

Rice. 3.2.

Characteristics of needs

Physiological needs

These needs are fundamental. When caring for and monitoring a patient, helping to meet these needs is a priority because associated with the maintenance of the patient's life.

  • In normal breathing, in oxygen (breathe)- priority for a nurse. Breathing and life are inseparable concepts. Breathing maintains the essential for life gas composition blood. The cerebral cortex is very sensitive to phenomena hypoxia- insufficient supply of oxygen to tissues and organs.
    • Manifestations of a violation of the need: shortness of breath, cough, nasal breathing difficulties, pallor and cyanosis (cyanosis) of the skin and mucous membranes, chest pain.
    • Risk factors: smoking, environmental pollution.
    • Nurse assistance: raise the head of the bed, ventilate the room, prohibit smoking, teach the technique of coughing and breathing exercises, watch out for free nasal breathing.
  • In food (is). Food is the main source of energy and nutrients necessary for normal life. For a child, it ensures normal growth and development, for an adult it helps to eliminate risk factors for many diseases. Adequate nutrition during illness promotes recovery.
    • Manifestations of impaired need: impaired appetite (decreased appetite, anorexia- complete lack of appetite, bulimia- increased appetite), nausea, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal pain.
    • Risk factors - violation of the diet, unbalanced diet, overeating, lack of teeth.
    • Nurse assistance: provide assistance with food intake, teach proper nutrition.
  • In liquid (drink)- a person needs to consume 1.5 - 2 liters daily. To maintain a normal water balance, you need to consume more fluids than to excrete, otherwise dehydration of the body, dysfunction of organs and systems will occur.
    • Manifestations of a violation of the need: thirst, dry mouth, dry skin and mucous membranes, decreased or increased urine output (amount of urine excreted), constipation.
    • Risk factors: use poor quality water, insufficient or excess water intake.
    • Nurse assistance: Help with fluid intake and ensure adequate fluid intake.
  • In the release of waste products (in physiological functions). Waste products of the body are excreted in urine and feces. Urination and the act of defecation are individual, intimate processes. The nurse must be delicate, confidential, and provide privacy for the patient.
    • Manifestations of violation of the need: frequent loose stools (diarrhea) stool retention (constipation), decreased urine separation, urinary incontinence, painful urination, etc.
    • Risk factors: inaccuracies in diet, sedentary lifestyle, insufficient fluid intake, hypothermia.
    • Nurse assistance: help the patient to get to the toilet, provide a vessel and urine collection system.
  • In sleep and rest. Rest and sleep are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, to overcome the received harmful effects... Lack of sleep leads to overwork, the appearance psychological problems, deterioration of brain nutrition. This is especially important for the patient. The nurse must create an environment that supports this need.
    • Manifestations of violation of the need: interrupted sleep, insomnia, fatigue, yawning, irritability.
    • Risk factors: noise, bright light, violation of the daily routine, violation thermal conditions, uncomfortable bed, pain, etc.
    • Help of a nurse: to provide comfortable conditions for sleep, to find out the reasons for its disturbance.
  • In move- restriction leads to problems with the skin (bedsores), musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. In addition, if this need is violated, a person is deprived of communication with the environment, the ability to serve himself. A nurse's help should be aimed at restoring mobility and improving the patient's quality of life.
    • Manifestations of a violation of the need: the inability or limitation of movement due to weakness, absence of a limb, pain, the presence of paralysis, a disorder of consciousness, psyche.
    • Risk factors: sedentary lifestyle - physical inactivity.
    • Nurse assistance: help the patient to move, provide assistive devices, teach passive and active exercises in bed.
  • Maintain a normal body temperature. Normal vital activity of organs and tissues is impossible without the relative temperature constancy of the internal environment of the body. Human body using physiological mechanisms regulates heat production and heat transfer. Diseases increase body temperature: infections, inflammation, malignant neoplasms, cerebral hemorrhage.
    • Manifestations of impaired need: pallor or redness of the skin (flushing), dry or moist skin, chills or a feeling of heat, headache, rapid breathing and heartbeat, high or low temperature.
    • Risk factors: violation of the thermal regime in the room, clothing out of season, reduced immunity, hormonal imbalance.
    • Nurse assistance: control of body temperature, maintenance optimal temperature in room.

Physiological needs

Human needs.

To live, be healthy and happy, people need food, air, sleep, etc. A person independently satisfies these needs throughout his life. They largely depend on the behavior or lifestyle of the person. The disease also interferes with the satisfaction of needs, leads to discomfort.

In 1943, an American psychologist A. Maslow developed a theory of the hierarchy of needs that determine (direct) human behavior. According to his theory, some needs are more important for a person than others. This provision made it possible to classify them according to a hierarchical system: from physiological (the lowest level) to the needs for self-expression (the highest level).

A. Maslow located 14 vital human needs in order of priority for their satisfaction: from the lowest physiological, congenital to the highest psychosocial, acquired in the process of growth and development, in the form of a pyramid. At the same time, at the base of the pyramid are the lowest physiological needs, since they are the basis of human life, without them life is impossible in the biological sense of the word. If a person does not satisfy these needs, then he will simply die, like anyone Living being on the ground.

The ability of people to satisfy their needs is different and depends on several factors: age, environment, knowledge, skills, desires and abilities of the person himself. First of all, they satisfy the needs of the lowest order, i.e. physiological.

Physiological needs

To live, a person needs to satisfy the physiological needs for air, food, water. In addition, each of us needs movement, sleep, the administration of physiological needs, as well as communication with people, satisfaction of our sexual interests.

It should be remembered that physiological needs are the same for all people, but are met to varying degrees.

Oxygen demand(normal breathing) - the basic physiological need of a person. Breathing and life are inseparable concepts. A man learned a long time ago: dum spiro spero(lat.) - while I breathe, I hope. Many words in Russian have a "breathing" meaning: rest, inspiration, spirit, etc. Maintaining this need should be a priority for the nurse. The cerebral cortex is very sensitive to lack of oxygen. With a lack of oxygen, breathing becomes frequent and shallow (tachypnea), shortness of breath appears. For example, a long-term decrease in oxygen concentration in tissues leads to cyanosis: the skin and visible mucous membranes acquire a bluish tint.

A person, satisfying the need for oxygen, maintains the blood gas composition necessary for life.

Need for food. Nutrition is important for maintaining health and wellness. Parents, satisfying the baby's need for rational nutrition, show not only parental care, but also provide the child with the opportunity for normal growth and development. A balanced adult diet helps to eliminate risk factors for many diseases. For example, coronary heart disease is caused by eating foods rich in saturated animal fat and cholesterol.

Note that a person's unmet need for nutrition often leads to a deterioration in well-being and health.

The need for fluid. A healthy person should drink 12.5-3 liters of liquid daily. This amount of fluid replenishes physiological losses in the form of urine, sweat, feces and fumes during breathing. To maintain water balance, a person must consume more fluids than they excrete, otherwise signs of dehydration appear. The ability of the patient to avoid many complications depends on the knowledge and ability of the nurse to anticipate dehydration.

The need for physiological functions. The undigested part of the food is excreted from the body in the form of feces. The act of defecation and urination is individual for everyone, and their satisfaction cannot be postponed for a long time. Most people consider these processes personal, intimate, and prefer not to discuss them. In this regard, the nurse, while assisting the patient,

who has problems with the administration of physiological needs, should be especially delicate and, respecting the person's right to confidentiality, provide him with the possibility of privacy.

Hello dear blog readers! The physiological needs of a person, or, as they are also called biological, are the most important and valuable, in comparison with the rest, indicated in the hierarchy of psychologist Abraham Maslow. Because they provide his life. Simply put, if we start to ignore them, we will die. Now, if we do not experience the recognition of our colleagues, we will suffer, worry, be angry and sad. And if we find ourselves without oxygen for a couple of minutes, we will die.

Despite the fact that they are so significant, there are good news- they are the easiest to recognize. And also - they unite all people on the planet. Because, despite the differences in character, temperament, outlook on life, etc., they are equally necessary for each of us.



The body needs oxygen, and even a slight lack of it leads to irreversible consequences. Breathing is the most important physiological need. If only because if you suspend it for five minutes, biological death can occur. At best, a coma, but the brain damage will be so severe that it will be impossible to return to normal life.

With a lack of oxygen, a person experiences weakness, fatigue, it is difficult for him to think. Shortness of breath and headache appear. Therefore, it is important to spend more time in nature. Walk in the park more often, get out to the river or the sea, help the body to saturate the blood with oxygen. Then each of its cells will be enriched and will be able to serve you longer.


The digestion process has three main functions:

  • provides the body with the necessary substances that help maintain its vital functions, and also produce new cells.
  • fills with energy that is wasted every second and allows you to lead an active lifestyle, to fight for your existence.
  • conveys the information necessary to keep in touch with the nature of which he is a part.

A person experiences hunger when the amount of carbohydrates and other nutrients in the blood decreases. The food center, which is located in the brain, or rather, in the hypothalamus, receives a signal that forms excitement. Which will disappear only after a feeling of fullness. And this excitement is so significant for the body that all the energy generated by it will be directed only to satisfy the need for food. That is why, when a person is hungry, he is unable to think about anything other than food.

It is important to carefully monitor your diet. The diet should be rich and varied, then you will feel good. You can heal even from chronic ailments, and keep you young and active. You will find out which products are the most useful.


Man loses during the day a large number of liquids. Not only when urinating, but also during the process of sweating, breathing, and even defecation. And in the case of an upset stomach, the losses are so significant that they must first be replenished before other organs are affected. Dehydration leads to serious consequences, and if you do not restore the water balance, then this can lead to death.

A person without water can live for several days, no more. That is why this need is on the list of basic, basic, without which it is impossible to do. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters per day, but with physical exertion, stress, etc., the body loses more than usual. Therefore, when calculating daily doses, one should take into account individual characteristics personality, and her way of life. It is considered the norm if fluid flows in an order of magnitude more than consumed.

Examples of positive physiological changes, if consumed in sufficient quantities pure water you get in


Sleep provides rest, recovery, and energy. Some processes take place directly at this moment. For example, the hormone cortisol, which protects us from depression, is produced at night, provided that a person is asleep.

An undersleep person experiences fatigue, is unable to concentrate, becomes irritable and has an increased pain threshold, that is, is more sensitive to pain. Prolonged sleep deprivation may well lead to hallucinations, both auditory and visual. The brain with significant lack of sleep can simply turn off. And even a couple of seconds unconscious can lead to disastrous consequences. For example, if you fall asleep while driving as a commuter bus driver.

The negative aspects of frequent lack of sleep include mental instability, and as a result - panic attacks and obsessions. It was these disorders that overtook Napoleon, who is held up as an example of hard work and curiosity. Yes, he gave up a long rest, he had more time to do and learn, but what a terrible price he had to pay for this, isn't it? In order not to bring yourself to such a state, and to feel cheerfulness even at the end of the working day, read the recommendations indicated.


Satisfying your sexual instincts is extremely important. And although in the absence of sexual contact, the person is unlikely to die, but it may well turn into an aggressor. Arousal builds up, eventually transforming into anger, which is quite normal when you feel dissatisfied. This anger can so "capture the mind" that it will push you to commit crimes, and possibly provoke the development of psychiatric diseases. But this will happen if they already had a history, and just "waited" for a stimulus.

Ecology at the moment leaves much to be desired, which affects the hormonal background of people. Namely, the need for the implementation of sexual energy depends on him. From which someone is required more often, but someone is not at all up to this. In any case, the reproductive instinct is also included in the list of biological needs.


Biological needs, although they are very different in meaning and significance from the rest, cannot be regarded as separate. They are closely related to the desire to receive love, recognition, show their independence, and so on. Think of the same babies who require breasts, sometimes just to feel the closeness of their mother, to experience the reassurance that they are safe.

Have you heard of such mental illnesses as bulimia, anorexia? Modern society promotes the need to have a perfect body, which is why various weight loss products are actively and aggressively advertised everywhere. Sometimes success, intellectual abilities are equal to the beautiful appearance... This makes itself felt by the formed false stereotype. That only in excellent physical shape and ironed suit a person is able to generate brilliant ideas and control people.

So, when, thanks to diets, the digestion process is disturbed, if only due to the fact that food rarely enters the body, disturbances occur in a person's ability to recognize the feeling of hunger. At the moment of stress, some people refuse food, some, on the contrary, abuse it in order to distract, switch. They try to "sweeten" their lives with baked goods. Fill the feeling of "inner emptiness" with large volumes.

Relationships with food may well turn into addiction, when it is difficult to control and limit oneself. Especially in moments of heightened anxiety, anxiety, dissatisfaction. This is why it is so important to be attentive to yourself, and to eat when you really feel hungry. And not just a desire to experience joy or calm down.

Hierarchy of values

Abaraham Maslow, the creator of the pyramid of needs (you will learn about it in detail by clicking), believed that all of the above needs are leading only at the moment when their dissatisfaction is felt. The rest of the time, the person is more concerned with material and spiritual values.

For example, do you think about how you breathe? Just like that, solving work issues and doing daily activities? Do you pay attention to this vital necessary process until difficulties arise that interfere with breathing in and out? If you are not meditating, or trying to do techniques for tranquility, then it is unlikely. Until there is a lack of oxygen, attention will be focused on other tasks.


As you understand, it is extremely necessary to take care of yourself, and if all is well with health, you can calmly realize your ambitions and make your dreams come true. So good luck and achievements!

By the way, you can find out how to achieve your dreams at this free seminar.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, gestalt therapist Zhuravina Alina.

Classification of needs according to A. Maslow

Topic 4. Classification of needs in the socio-psychological aspect

Control questions

1. How do biological and social needs interact?

2. How modern organizations satisfy material and spiritual needs?

3. Expand the difference between individual and social needs.

4. Expand the relationship between individual and social needs.

5. Is creativity a process or a result?

6. What are the components of creative activity.

7. Give brief description stages of creative activity.

On the behavior of buyers a huge impact has the interaction of three factors: the ability to make a purchase, the ability to make it and motivation.

The factor "ability": in this case, it means the ability, efficiency, creditworthiness of the buyer.

The factor "opportunity" means the likelihood, admissibility, attainability, feasibility, law, reality, a convenient opportunity to purchase a product.

The central question of the factor "motivation": but if there is a physical ability and knowledge about the product, will the consumer buy it?

If, analyzing needs, a person gives an answer to the question why he acts or does not act in a certain way, then when analyzing motives, an answer is given to the question “why?”.

It is natural for a person to experience many needs, some of them are biological and due to physiological reasons(hunger, thirst), the rest are psychological and consist in the desire for recognition, respect, spiritual closeness.

Most of the needs of the second category are not strong enough to prompt a person to take urgent action.

When needs reach a sufficient level of intensity, they become a motive. Motive- this is a need that has reached such a level of intensity that it prompts a person to perform actions aimed at its satisfaction. Thus, motive is an incentive to activity associated with satisfying the needs of the subject; set of external or internal conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determine its direction.

Motivation- This is a feeling of lack of something that has a certain direction. It is a behavioral manifestation of a need and is focused on achieving a goal.

It should be noted that there is a huge number of diverse human needs, those goals that, in the understanding of each person, lead to the satisfaction of his needs, as well as types of behavior, in achieving these goals.

Analyzing this problem, Stephen Carroll and Henry Tosi note: “The structure of a person's needs is determined by his place in social structure or previous experience. Consequently, there are many differences between people regarding those needs that are important to them. More importantly, there are many ways and means to satisfy a particular type of need. For example, one person's need for self-affirmation can be satisfied by recognizing him as the best employee in the department. And to satisfy a similar need for someone else means to recognize the style of his clothes as the best, explaining to everyone that he dresses better than everyone else in the group.

The specific way a person can satisfy his specific need is determined by him based on life experience. We learn empirically that some situations are more desirable (rewarding) than others, and we strive for them. We try to avoid other situations. "

There is no single generally accepted classification of needs. Psychologists were even forced to abandon compiling them. complete list since human needs are so numerous, they constantly change, arise and disappear.

The most famous attempt to systematize needs is A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs. He arranged basic (that is, basic, most general and fundamental) needs in the form of a five-stage pyramid, starting with the urgent ones, without which the human body cannot physically exist, and ending with the most complex - social ones.

A. Maslow's approach to motivation is based on four premises:

All people have the same set of motives due to heredity and social interaction.

Some motives are more fundamental or more significant than others.

Basic motives must be satisfied at least minimally before other motives are activated.

After the satisfaction of basic motives, higher motives begin to operate.

Rice. 4.1. Classification of needs according to A. Maslow

The hierarchy of needs according to A. Maslow is presented in the form of a pyramid in Fig. 4.1.

Physiological needs: food, water, sleep, etc. Until these motives are minimally satisfied, other motives are not activated.

Security Needs: Striving for security, stability, familiar surroundings.

Needs for love and belonging: the desire for love, friendship, belonging to a group.

Needs for respect: the desire for status, superiority, achievement, respect, prestige.

The need for self-actualization: to become what a person is able to become, enrichment of experience.

In his concept, A. Maslow not only considers psychological traits personality, but also establishes their connection with the surrounding social environment. Meeting the basic needs of all five steps directly depends on public system, the dominant political views and cultural traditions in it.

Let's give more detailed description basic needs using the material of modern sociology and psychology.

The first, most fundamental layer of basic human needs is physiological needs (primary, urgent, vital), the satisfaction of which is necessary to maintain life. This is the need for food, shelter, clothing. By their origin, they are biological in nature, although they are always satisfied with some socially conditioned ways that have developed in a particular culture.

However, the definition of basic physiological needs, such as the need for food, clothing and housing, requires clarification. For example, for many Africans, the need for food can only be met at a minimal level and turns into a matter of life and death, while the middle class in wealthy Western countries now hardly notice it.

However, in modern world occurs quite often deprivation- that is, insufficient satisfaction of physiological needs. Needs deprivation leads to frustration - difficult mental state oppressive tension, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness and despair. Prolonged frustration of urgent needs causes profound changes in the worldview, and then in the mental health of individuals and entire strata of society.

Summing up, it should be noted that all types of service activities must inevitably take into account physiological, including urgent, needs. human body... Subtle and competent satisfaction of physiological needs, creation comfortable conditions for the client (including in the contact area) is always a powerful factor in increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the service duration.