The leaves of the euonymus dry out and fall off. Euonymus: leaves turn pale and dry out. Euonymus varieties for home cultivation

Euonymus(Euonumus) or Pseudolaurus belongs to the genus Celastraceae.

Grows in the form of evergreen or deciduous shrubs, hanging plants or small trees, mainly in temperate climatic zones Asia, including China and the Himalayas.

More often Euonymus is grown under open air in parks and gardens as beautiful, unpretentious and shade-tolerant shrubs.

At home Mainly two compact species are cultivated: Japanese euonymus and rooting euonymus.

Leaves indoor varieties Euonymus are green or variegated with spots of yellow or cream. It is in the beauty of the crown and leaves that the entire attractiveness of this plant lies.

If produced correctly pruning, forming a beautiful lush crown, then this plant can become magnificent exquisite decoration any home. Euonymus flowers are inconspicuous, small, collected in axillary inflorescences.

And here fruit, ripening by autumn, and covered with red, pinkish-brown or orange color, look very decorative. True, at home, euonymus almost never blooms.

Types of euonymus

or Euonymus japonica - a flower intended for indoor growing. A spreading evergreen shrub, it has beautiful variegated, ovoid leaves with light spots.

Pale green inflorescences appear in June and in autumn appearance The plant is revitalized by ripening pods of orange seeds. This species has gained great popularity among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness and undemandingness to strict adherence to temperature conditions.

Euonymus Fortune or Euonymus fortunei is one of the most winter-hardy species, a creeping shrub with long branches reaching 3 m outdoors and more than 1 m indoors. Looks beautiful on a support. There are many decorative forms This variety has variegated white-green leaves.

IN last years Euonymus fortunena is widely used for landscaping balconies. In summer it is grown in the open air, in the garden, and with the onset of cold weather it is transferred to glazed balconies, where the temperature can drop below 0°C.

For such a winter needs to be insulated plant roots: place foam under the bottom of the pot, mulch the substrate with peat or sawdust, tie the container with batting or burlap.


Euonymus direct sunlight in small quantities is not scary, but for a permanent location it is still better to choose places with diffused light.

Ideal conditions Maintenance for these plants: cool temperature and plenty of light. If there is a lack of lighting, the leaves may turn yellow, and if high temperature air - dry out.

Optimal temperature regime - no higher than +25°C in summer and +6+7°C in winter (the exception is Japanese euonymus, which can withstand up to +18°C).

This is precisely the difficulty of keeping these plants at home - the need for a full wintering, otherwise the leaves fall off and the bush dies.


During the growing season In spring and summer, euonymuses need regular dosed watering as the top layer of soil dries, and in winter and autumn, watering should be reduced by at least half. Plants Those in winter quarters are watered very carefully, rarely, without over-moistening the soil. Use only settled water.

Humidity air is not very important for this representative of the subtropics, and yet regular spraying will benefit him. Use only boiled water for this, otherwise salts will get on the leaves and they will quickly begin to become dirty. It is advisable to spray only adult large plants, and “bathe” small and young ones in the shower.

Pruning and shaping the plant

During the growing season, the pseudolaurel needs to be done pruning, freeing the bush from weak or thickening shoots. In order for the plant to branch well, it needs to pinch off its shoots in the spring.

If desired, from any variety of euonymus you can grow shrubs with several trunks or get a small standard tree, removing all the lower branches.

You can give the euonymus a lush crown any form: sphere, cone, ellipse. It all depends on your imagination. Proper pruning promotes the awakening of dormant buds and the formation of new young shoots.

Transplantation and propagation

For transplantation, this is best suited priming:

  • 2 parts of turf;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part leaf soil;
  • 1 part sand.

Transplanted young euonymus plants annually, adults - once every two years.

Multiply pseudolaurus is possible different ways: division, seeds, cuttings.

If you decide to propagate the plant seeds, you need to first stratify them for 3-4 months in calcined sand or in semi-decomposed moistened sphagnum at a temperature of +2+3°C, until the skin of most seeds bursts.

Then clean carefully them from the seedlings and soak them for 24 hours in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds sown in the following soil mixture:

  • humus - 2 parts;
  • turf – 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 4 parts;
  • sand - 1 part.

Young green cuttings For propagation, cut in June-July. Each seedling should be from 4 to 6 cm in size and have one internode. Pour leaf soil into the tray, and on top - a layer of turf, humus and sand (in layers).

Cuttings take root within 1.5-2 months. After planting, care for young euonymus is maintained the same as for adult plants.

We have collected important information for you about why plants need them.

Lemon is a whimsical plant. But using the rules, you can grow it in room conditions.

Caring for areca at home will give you pleasure. Take note.

Possible difficulties

If the rules for caring for indoor euonymus are violated, the plant may display the following symptoms.

  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight Euonymus leaves fade, the edges curl and the ends dry out.
  • When the bush is waterlogged drops leaves and stops growing.
  • In case of insufficient humidity and elevated temperature V winter period the plant can also drop the leaves.
  • Beware attacks and Fungal infection- the main disease of euonymus.

Looking at this beautiful plant, it's hard to believe that its seeds are poisonous. But this is true. They say, euonymus was grown by one evil witch to punish people, but then she softened and decided to make this plant medicinal. And she herself turned into a robin - a bird to which the euonymus does not harm.

In every place where a robin drops a tiny seed into the ground, a beautiful new euonymus bush will soon grow.

And for the most curious, we suggest you watch a video about euonymus.

Euonymus diseases often harm already quite mature plants. This is very disappointing, since all the gardener’s efforts can always be undone in 1-2 weeks. The article assumes all pests and diseases of euonymus, which are most often found in the central and southern regions of our country. All measures for the prevention and protection of shrubs are described taking into account modern realities. Examples of chemical protection products are given that will not harm the garden or the health of people around. Please note that when carrying out measures to combat pests and diseases of euonymus on your personal plot, don't poison beneficial insects and birds. Less chemicals, more natural products.

Look at the main diseases of euonymus in the photos, which are presented in large numbers as illustrations for the article.

Diseases of euonymus and the fight against them

Drying of euonymus branches

The causative agent is the fungus Phomopsis laschii v. Hohn. - causes necrosis of the branch bark. The affected bark turns brown, shrinks, cracks, and by autumn small, flat fruiting bodies - pycnidia - form in it. The spores re-infect neighboring branches, on which the leaves begin to turn brown and dry out in the summer.

Control measures. Removal of dry branches and dried bushes, preventive spraying in the spring with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Tubercular necrosis of the cortex

Control measures. Removal of dry branches and dried bushes, preventive spraying in the spring with copper-containing preparations.

Ascochyta blotch

The causative agent is the fungus Ascochyta evonymicola Allesch. - Causes large rusty-brown spots to appear on both sides of the leaf. The spots turn white over time, but a rusty-brown border always remains. Pycnidia form by autumn on both sides of the leaf.

Control measures. Collection and disposal of fallen leaves, spraying in the spring with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Pests of euonymus and how to treat them

It's time to get acquainted with the pests of euonymus, which are most often recorded in private gardens. It also talks about how to treat euonymus pests so as not to harm the plants themselves.

Euonymus ermine moth

Euonymus ermine moth Yponomeuta cognatellus Hb. - a silvery-white butterfly with rows of black dots on its wings. The caterpillar is 16-18 mm long, dirty yellow-green in color. The head, legs, and chest shield are black; there are numerous black spots, dashes and warts with hairs on the body. Caterpillars overwinter younger age under the egg shield, young leaves are mined in the spring, then they are eaten away, leaving only the main veins. At the end of June, the caterpillars pupate in cocoons in the web. The flight of butterflies has been observed since mid-July; females lay eggs on the bark under the scutes, covering them with a gray-brown liquid.

Control measures. Collection and destruction of nests with caterpillars and cocoons. Spraying in the spring with one of the following preparations: Fitoverm, Kinmiks, Fufanon, Iskra, Inta-Vir.

Brown euonymus aphid

Brown euonymus aphid Aphis cognatella Jones. - a small sucking insect of brown color with a waxy coating. They suck on the underside of young leaves, causing the leaf blades to curl slightly and turn yellow. They feed on one plant and do not migrate to other crops. The eggs overwinter under the bud scales. When there are a large number of aphids, the leaves turn yellow prematurely and fall off.

Control measures. Preventive spraying in the spring and eradicating in the summer with one of the preparations: Fitoverm, Kinmiks, Fufanon, Iskra, Inta-Vir.


Euonymus (Euonymus L.), a genus of deciduous and evergreen shrubs or small trees of the family Euonymus, includes, according to various sources, from 170 to 200 plant species, most of them grow in southwestern China.
In nature they can reach 5-7 meters in height, with simple, mostly opposite, petiolate, oval leaves. The leaves can be either green or variegated. Flowers are bisexual, 4-5-membered, in complex or simple semi-umbrellas, occasionally solitary. The pink fruit boxes of this plant are very beautiful. The fruit is a leathery 4-5-cell capsule. The seeds are surrounded by a brightly colored appendage (aryllus).

Euonymus belongs to plants whose beauty is not in flowers. Under artificial conditions, these plants almost never bloom. The beauty of euonymus lies in their crown. But how beautiful it will be depends only on the people who grow the plant. At proper care you can get a very dense crown of an interesting shape.

Almost all euonymus are poisonous.

Euonymus verrucosus Scop..
Homeland - temperate latitudes of Eurasia.
A shrub up to 3.5 m high, less often a small tree up to 6 m high. Young shoots are green, covered with black-brown warts. Flowers on long stalks. Blooms in May - June. The capsule is 4-lobed, pink-red when mature. The seeds are black or gray, half covered with a bright red or pinkish-orange seed. The fruits ripen in August - September.

Euonymus europaeus L..
Homeland - Europe. Shrub or tree up to 7 m high.
Characteristic are cork growths on the branches, giving them a 4-sided shape. Flowers with green petals on short stalks. Blooms in May - June. The fruits ripen in September - October. The capsules are pink, the seeds are white, black or bright red, completely covered by the seed. Drought resistant.

Dwarf euonymus (Euonymus nanus M. Bieb.). Occurs as - Euonymus nana.
Homeland - temperate regions of Eurasia.
The shoots are vertical, reaching 1 meter in height. Leaves are 1-4 cm long, narrowly lanceolate, sparsely finely toothed. The fruits are pale yellow-greenish capsules and ripen in August-September. Shade-loving. Propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering, and dividing bushes.

Winged euonymus (Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Siebold), occurs as E. alata, or how Euonymus sacrosanctus Koidz.. According to English taxonomy Sacred euonymus (E. sacrosanctus Koidz.) is a synonym Various winged euonymus. pubescens (Euonymus alatus var. pubescens Maxim.).
At home (at Far East) shrub up to 2 meters high. In the middle zone - up to 1 meter, but sometimes higher. Young branches are green, rounded-tetrahedral, with longitudinal brownish cork wings up to 0.5 cm wide. Decorative fruits are dark red 4-membered capsules. Autumn leaf color is bright red. Shade-tolerant.

Euonymus semenovii Regel & Herder.
Homeland - mountains Central Asia, where it grows under the forest canopy. Shrub up to 1 meter high, often creeping. The leaves are leathery, yellowish-green, with short petioles, ovate-lanceolate in shape, 1.5-6 cm long and 0.5-2 cm wide. The flowers are small, dark purple, with greenish edges of the petals, collected in small umbrellas at the edges of the branches. Blooms in July, bears fruit in August. Shade-tolerant. Winter-hardy. Prefers shady places with moderate humidity. Propagated by seeds.

Fortune's euonymus (Euonymus fortunei (Turcz.) Hand.-Mazz.).
Homeland - China.
Creeping shrub 30-60 cm tall, with long, up to three meters, branches. The branches at the nodes take root and climb onto the support, if there is one. The leaves are small, elliptical, pointed, leathery, up to 2-6 cm long. Drought resistant. Gas resistant. Prefers loose, fertilized soils. The most frost-resistant of the evergreen euonymuses. Prefers partial shade, but can withstand full sun, although it grows worse. There are many decorative forms.

Among them "Emerald in Gold"- young foliage has a bright yellow edge, which becomes light green with age, and in winter time- red-brown. It is acceptable to grow this type of euonymus indoors if it is possible to provide cold wintering. In conditions middle zone outdoors, it is advisable to grow in container form, put away in the winter unheated premises, or provide good cover for plantings.

Japanese euonymus (Euonymus japonicus Thunb.).
Synonym: Pseudolaurus.
Homeland - Japan. In the Moscow region - a shrub up to 0.5 meters high, in nature and in the south - a shrub or vine up to 7 m. The leaves are obovate, less often narrowly elliptical, 3-8 cm long, leathery, dark green, sometimes shiny on top, bare on both sides. The leaf tip is blunt or rounded. Blooms in June, yellowish-green flowers up to 1 cm, collected in umbrella inflorescences of 10-30 pieces. Tolerates partial shade. Resistant to air pollution. This species is used in indoor culture. Suitable plant for a bright unheated room. In the room with central heating it will probably shed its leaves in winter. There are many decorative forms.

Sometimes in indoor floriculture meets Euonymus rooting (Euoaymus radicans Siebold ex Miq.), with creeping shoots that need support. There are forms with green and variegated white-green leaves.


Euonymus is unpretentious and shade-tolerant. They prefer good, breathable humus, neutral or slightly alkaline soils. City conditions, pruning and replanting are tolerated well. Actively used as ornamental shrubs in gardens and parks. Several species are used in indoor floriculture. Euonymus can be used in landscaping cool rooms, including industrial hallways and corridors. In compositions it goes well with pittosporum, fatshedera, and hibiscus.

Rest period.

Comes from October to February ( optimal temperature 6-8°C, not higher than 12°C, regular watering, do not feed).



Bright diffused light with some direct sunlight. Both western and eastern windows will do. On the south window there is shading only during the hottest hours. The variegated euonymus gets used to the sun and even on a south-facing window may not need shading.


Moderate to cool. The winter minimum for euonymus is 10°C. In a heated room in winter, it can shed its leaves. In the summer they exhibit open air in partial shade.

Abundant from spring to autumn. The soil of the euonymus should be moist all the time. In winter, watering is moderate.

Air humidity.

Air humidity does not play a special role, but spraying has a positive effect on the condition of the plant. But for this purpose it is better to use boiled water, which contains less dissolved salts, the sediment of which causes rapid contamination of the leaves. You can wash the plant in the shower, but if the plant is large, then by frequent spraying.

Maintaining appearance.

During the growing season, it is necessary to carry out cleansing pruning to remove weak and thickening shoots. In spring, young shoots are pinched for more intensive branching.
Also, over time, you can shape the plant to your liking, either as a standard tree or a plant with several trunks. With proper care, you can get a very dense crown of an interesting shape. Both are obtained as a result of correct and timely pruning of branches, which always stimulates the development of dormant buds and the formation of a large number of young shoots from them. The choice of crown shape depends entirely on the taste of the owners. Plants with a large number of large skeletal branches, starting from the very bottom of the trunk, and grown in the so-called “standard” form. In the latter case, the plants have absolutely no branches at the bottom. They are simply constantly removed. Upon reaching a certain height, intensive and frequent pruning is done, which leads to the formation of a dense, most often spherical crown. Although, if desired and skillful, you can get the shape of a cone or ellipse.


Euonymus is grown in pots and tubs. Plants are replanted in the spring as needed: young annually, adults after 2-4 years. The substrate for adult specimens is made up of turf, leaf, humus soil and sand (2:1:1:1) or from turf soil, peat and sand (3 :0.5:1).


From spring to autumn, fertilize once a week with mineral and organic fertilizers; do not feed during the dormant period.


Propagated by seeds in summer, green cuttings and dividing the bush in spring.

When propagating seeds, before planting, they are stratified at 2-3°C for 3-4 months, until 70-80% of the seeds have a durable seed coat. Then the seeds are cleared of arils and pickled in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate. Stratify the seeds in coarse calcined sand or slightly decomposed moistened sphagnum peat in a ratio of 1:2. The mixture for sowing seeds consists of leaf, turf, humus soil and sand (4:1:2:1).

When propagated by green cuttings, they are cut in June-July from young elastic shoots. The length of the cutting is 4-6 cm, usually with one internode. Root in the following substrate: the bottom layer is sand, on top is a layer of a fertile mixture of leaf, turf, humus soil and sand (4: 2: 1: 1: 0.5). Rooting occurs after 1.5-2 months.

Diseases and pests.

Scale insects.
Brown plaques appear on the surface of leaves and stems and suck out cell sap. The leaves lose color, turn yellow, dry out and fall off. Spray the plant with 0.15% Actellik solution (1-2 ml per liter of water). The problem is that it is difficult to remove pests manually from the numerous leaves of the euonymus.

Spider mite.
Cobwebs appear in the internodes of the stems, the leaves become limp and fall off. Wipe the plant with a soapy sponge and wash under a warm shower. Spray regularly. In case of very severe damage, the euonymus can be sprayed with a 0.15% Actellik solution (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Red flat tick.
The pest itself is not visible, but light spots appear on the leaves and they become distorted. Young shoots are especially affected. Remove damaged leaves and spray the plant with any insecticide.

As indoor plants Evergreen species of euonymus, characterized by their compact size, are most often used. They are very beautiful decorative look and are easy to care for.

Popular types of indoor euonymus

Feels good in room conditions. It's pretty tall bush, reaching up to 1.5 m in height, with variegated green leaves. Blooms with small inflorescences, colored yellow with a slight green tint.

In addition, as ampelous flowers in the room, the following euonymuses are grown:

  1. Microphyllus. It has branches up to 50 cm long, the color of the leaves is yellow-green, the inflorescences are white.
  2. Dwarf. The length of the branches can be up to 1 m, the color of the leaves is light green. After flowering it sets small pink or yellow fruits.

To prevent the plants from starting to shed their leaves, it is better to give the euonymus a cool room. This is especially important in heating season– in winter Maximum temperature the temperature in the room should not be higher than 12 degrees Celsius.

In summer, shrubs can be taken outside.

Rules of care

When growing euonymus as indoor plants, it is necessary to properly care for them. This is the case when excessive care can destroy even the most persistent flower. First of all, it concerns watering. Euonymus does not like stagnant moisture, so it should be watered only after the soil has dried. But the euonymus loves spraying, so you can do it often.

To prevent water from stagnating in the pot, it is necessary to lay good drainage at the bottom.

Starting in spring, plants can be fed with complex preparations for decorative foliage flowers, but not more than once every two weeks. With the end of autumn, feeding is stopped.

In spring, you should also cut off the tops of the shoots on the bush - this will help give it a neat shape and allow you to create a lush crown. The young branches that appear must, in turn, be pinched.

Although indoor euonymus They do not grow particularly fast, so they still need to be replanted. For adult specimens, it is enough to change the flowerpot and soil once every 3-4 years, but young and growing bushes may need an annual replanting, replacing the soil with fresh one.

Indoor euonymus: growing features - video

Euonymus is light-loving (especially variegated forms), so in winter, without additional lighting, it suffers from a lack of light. Therefore, in winter the euonymus is placed on a sunny southern window, but they try to maintain the temperature from October to February no higher than 10 degrees (in warmer conditions, the leaves of the euonymus fall off and powdery mildew appears), and at higher temperatures they maintain air humidity. In the remaining months of the year, euonymus grows well in cool (18 degrees) bright rooms, in humus-rich soil at proper watering(from March to September - abundant, in other months - moderate). In hot weather, euonymus needs to be sprayed with water; in summer it is better to take it out Fresh air(protect from direct sun). Both in winter and summer, euonymus leaves must be systematically cleaned of dust.
Euonymus leaves dry out from heat and dry air, from excessive watering in winter (if there is too much moisture in the soil, the roots rot) or from attack by pests. Microscopic greenish-yellow can settle on the underside of euonymus leaves. spider mites or other types of mites that suck the juice from the leaves, as a result of which the leaves dry out and fall off (from mites, the euonymus is sprayed with neoron (1 ml per liter of water) 2-3 times with an interval of 5-10 days). First, the euonymus scale settles on the trunk and branches, and then on the leaves of the euonymus, in the form of motionless oblong dark brown growths with transverse ribs, sucking the juice from the plant; When scale insects are found, they are removed from the euonymus with a cotton swab dipped in vodka and the plant is wiped with a cotton swab dipped in vodka. From chemicals To protect against scale insects, treat the plant with Actellik (2 ml per liter of water).