Creation of hedges and compositions with ginnal maple. Alphabetical index of plants from “A” to “Z” Riverside ginnala maple

An integral element of landscape design are ornamental shrubs And dwarf trees. They can be used as a background or as part of a single composition. Single plants also look good. All this applies to the ginnala maple.


Let's look at the ginnal maple, description. Its other name is river maple. As you can see in the photo, this plant has a bushy form. The height can vary from 3 to 5 meters. IN natural conditions this type maple can be found in Southeast Asia. Ginnala also grows in our country. The date of breeding of the variety is 1860.

The crown is spreading, tent-shaped, wide and dense. There can be one or several trunks. Specimens with one trunk have a cone-shaped crown. The diameter can vary from 5 to 7 meters.

The shrub looks most impressive in autumn. The leaves first change color to yellow, then to orange, and then to fiery red.

The leaf blades are three-lobed. Their length can reach up to 8 cm.

The flowers are small, collected in panicles. Color – cream. They emit a fragrant aroma.

The fruits have elongated shape, look like wings. The length of the lionfish is approximately 3 cm. The color is quite decorative, the intensity and tone depend on the degree of lighting. The color scheme can be either green or red.

Maple grows quite quickly. It adds up to 0.25 m per year in all directions. The life span of the bush is more than a hundred years. The ginnala maple is a subspecies of the Tatarian maple.

Maple care

Planting and caring for the ginnala maple is a fairly simple matter. Even a novice gardener can handle it.

This shrub is light-loving, so the place to grow it should be open and sunny. Partial shade is also acceptable, but in small quantities. A lack of light will lead to a decrease in the decorativeness of the plant.

There is no need to plant maple deep into the ground. The planting depth should not exceed 5 cm. Before this, the soil must be fertilized. Humus or any fertilizer is suitable as a top dressing. mineral based. If the soil on the site is excessively wet, then you need to take care of drainage. You can use crushed stone for this purpose.

The ginnala maple tolerates frost well. But young plants up to 3 years old require shelter for the winter. The root collar also needs to be protected from the cold. You can use spruce branches and burlap for this.

Once a year the shrub needs pruning. It is usually carried out in the spring. In March and April, the tree is carefully inspected and all branches and shoots damaged by frost are removed.

Watering maple

From the description of planting and caring for the ginnal maple in open ground, it follows that the plant requires regular and abundant watering.

In the summer, up to 20 liters of water must be poured onto one bush every 7 days. In the spring-autumn period, the watering volume is reduced to 20 liters once a month. To prevent the soil from compacting, it is necessary to systematically loosen it.

Maple fertilizer

You can fertilize the soil only a year after planting the seedling. Superphosphate, urea or kemira are suitable as fertilizers. It is also appropriate to use potash fertilizer.


Reproduction occurs:

  • by seed method;
  • cuttings;
  • vaccination.

Propagation by seeds

This method is used in spring or autumn. In the first case, the seeds must be stratified by first placing them in a pot with river sand, and then left in the refrigerator for 90 days. Planted in open ground usually in mid-April or May.

If you want to improve root germination, then first soak the seed in hydrogen peroxide for three days. You can see the first shoots after half a month.

Autumn planting does not require stratification. It is produced in late autumn, just before the snow.

Caring for seedlings includes weeding, loosening and watering. You will also need a shading device. On permanent place After residence, the plants are replanted after a year or three.

Propagation by cuttings

The method involves planting pre-prepared cuttings up to 25 cm long. For the winter, they are buried in the ground, and only in the spring they are planted in separate containers.

Reproduction by vaccinations

This is the most common reproduction technology decorative maple. Vaccinations are divided into:

  • budding;
  • copulation.

The length of the trunk can vary from 0.5 to 3 m. The optimal time for the procedure is the beginning of spring.

Maple ginnala in landscape design garden plots are used quite often. This is due to its aesthetic appearance. Therefore, if you are thinking about decorating your local area, then be sure to take a closer look at this ornamental shrub.

Photo of ginnala maple


Ginnala or riverine maple (Acer Ginnala) R asthet in the form of a large shrub up to 6 meters tall. It grows quickly, is winter-hardy, light-loving, and tolerates replanting and city conditions. Gives abundant growth. Beautiful ornamental plant, suitable for group and single plantings, creating bright hedges, landscaping the banks of reservoirs. It is especially good in the fall, when it stands out as a fiery red spot against the background of greenery. Looks good in combination with snowberry, dogwood, sucker, against the background coniferous species.

The flowers are yellowish, fragrant, in dense multi-flowered panicles, blooming after the leaves bloom. The fruits are lionfish up to 3 cm green, with a bright red blush in the sun.

The leaves are three-lobed with an elongated middle lobe. Autumn color ranging from yellow-orange to fiery red is particularly striking in good light.

Ginnala maple borders are very beautiful when regularly trimmed to a height of no higher than 0.5 m. The dense mosaic of leaves and bright autumn colors make such a border very impressive.

Beneficial features:

  • Clen is an excellent antidepressant, relieves nervous tension, reduces aggression, harmonizes, leads to energy restoration. In early spring In the vessels of maple wood, large quantities of sap accumulate - a tasty, nutritious drink. Maple sap contains a lot of sugar and vitamin C, as well as mineral salts, nitrogenous and other substances. The juice is almost colorless, sweetish, with pleasant aroma, they drink it for scurvy, for lower back pain. Maple sap was used to heal wounds and cure ulcers. It produces an unusually tasty syrup - a natural, environmentally friendly product containing minerals.
  • Maple sap contains a rich complex of B vitamins: for example, thiamine affects the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. The juice of the plant is a real storehouse of antioxidants, including polyphenols, which contribute to the rapid recovery of cancer patients. It is recommended to be used for heart problems. The fructose content allows condensed juice to be used by obese people and diabetics. By adding syrup to the diet for pancreatic dysfunction, patients receive the help of abscisic acid (phytohormone).
  • Norway maple leaves and shoots are used in folk medicine as a choleretic, antiseptic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Infusions and decoctions of the leaves are used to treat jaundice, scurvy, and kidney stones; they are taken in the same way as a diuretic, antiemetic and tonic. Fresh leaves, crushed, are applied to purulent wounds and ulcers. Studying chemical composition leaves showed that they accumulate up to 268 mg% of vitamin C and contain alkaloids and tannins.
  • To prepare the syrup, the sap of only several types of maple is used, namely: black, red, silver and sugar. Fresh, finely crushed leaves are applied to damaged skin, decoctions and juice are drunk for vitamin deficiency and asthenia. Viral infections, kidney diseases, hepatitis, bronchitis are treated more effectively if healing agents from maple are added to the complex of medications.

To create an attractive landscape design, you can use not only flowers and shrubs, but also trees. A correctly chosen tree should have high decorative qualities, be unpretentious, easy to care for, not be too tall, decorate the area and at the same time serve as sun protection for the flowers growing below. The ginnala maple is exactly such a tree - we’ll talk about planting and growing this plant in the article.

The ginnala maple, or as it is also called - Tatar, riverine - is a decorative representative of the maple genus of the Sapindaceae family.

The plant does not grow too tall, so it is ideal for small personal plots. On average, maple reaches a height of 3 to 5 meters, but sometimes there are specimens up to 8 meters.

The tree has a wide, spreading crown with a diameter of 5 to 7 meters. The crown is located like a round cap, a tent, which looks very original. Photo of the plant on our website.

The bark is smooth, brown-gray in color. When the tree reaches a venerable age, it cracks. The leaves grow on petioles of an original pinkish hue, while the foliage itself is dark green at the beginning, and in the fall it turns yellow, orange, even red.

Maple blossoms: Flowers appear in the spring after the leaves have bloomed. The flowers are greenish-yellow in color, small panicles, and very fragrant.

The use of ginnala maple in landscape design is widespread: it is used for spectacular single plantings, the formation of hedges, and combined plantings with coniferous trees.

The ginnala maple grows at a moderate pace, adding an average of 30 cm per year. The tree is long-lived and, under favorable external circumstances, easily overcomes the hundred-year mark.

In nature, the Tatarian maple ginnala is found in Asia, in the southeast of Siberia. It also grows in the forests of Mongolia, China, Japan, and Korea. IN wild conditions The tree usually settles near ponds, streams, and coasts. It is because of its love for water that the maple received its second name “riverside”. In Russia, maple has been grown since the 19th century - the tree is more common in regions with a mild climate.

Growing conditions

Let’s find out what requirements this tree makes for its habitat.


It is best to grow the tree in an area well lit by the sun. The plant does not like shade; only sparse, light shading is acceptable. The fact is that a maple growing in the shade will not be so decorative - for example, it will definitely not please with red, bright foliage.

It is also important to plant the tree in an area where there is no close groundwater. Although maple grows in nature near water bodies, it cannot tolerate stagnation in the soil. If you cannot find such a place, you will have to take care of high-quality drainage before planting.

The soil

Ordinary crushed stone can serve as drainage, which must be laid at the bottom of the planting hole in a layer of 10-20 cm. If the soil contains a large number of lime, mix peat into it to create more favorable conditions for a plant.

The nutritional value of the soil is also important for this tree. If the soil is poor, it must be fertilized with compost or humus (4-8 kg of fertilizer per 1 m2 of soil). It is also important that the soil where the maple grows is light and loose. In heavy clay soils the plant grows upward more slowly and develops worse.


Let's consider the main points regarding planting the ginnala maple.


The plant can be rooted both in autumn and spring. Autumn is more suitable for the southern regions, but for the north and middle zone- spring. It is necessary to plant the plant during the period when the latter has no active sap flow. March or November are best.

Pit preparation

You should start preparing the planting hole a couple of weeks before autumn planting and from autumn to spring. The pit parameters should be as follows: 0.7x0.5x0.5 (depth-length-width).

The earth removed from the pit must be mixed with the following components:

  • humus (compost, peat) - 3 parts;
  • river sand - 1 part.

The earth itself is taken in relation to the other components, as two parts.

If you plan to plant plants to form a hedge, instead of a hole, dig a long trench.

Selection of seedlings

  1. A seedling is placed vertically in a hole half filled with prepared nutrient soil.
  2. The roots of the plant straighten out.
  3. The seedling is covered with earth (its root collar should be at ground level).
  4. When falling asleep, the earth must be lightly compacted.
  5. After planting, the seedling is watered immediately.
  6. The root circle is mulched using straw, peat, sawdust, spruce branches (layer 5-10 cm).


Planting and caring for the ginnala maple is a simple procedure. And if we figured out the landing, now we’ll find out how to do it proper care behind an ornamental tree growing on the site.


It is necessary to moisten the soil regularly during the active growing season: once a month. If the weather is very dry, the frequency of watering increases to once a week. In one procedure, it is necessary to pour 15-20 liters of water under the roots of the plant.

Important: immediately after planting, the maple is watered once a week for a month, using double the amount of water each time.


If all the necessary fertilizers were added to the soil during planting, you don’t have to feed the riverine maple for the next two years. However, if insufficient nutrition has been added, next year After planting in the spring, it is necessary to feed the plant using:

  • urea - 40 g per 1 m2;
  • superphosphate - 30-50 g per 1 m2;
  • potassium salt - 15-25 g per 1 m2.

In summer, maple will gratefully respond to fertilizing with complex mineral compounds. Kemira-universal is ideal: the composition is prepared at the rate of 100 g per 1 m2.


It is necessary to loosen the soil the next day after watering in order to break up the hard crust on the surface. This procedure will open air to the roots of the tree and also get rid of some weeds.

Attention: it is necessary to loosen to a depth of only 5-7 cm, since the roots of the maple lie superficially.


This procedure should be carried out as needed to rid the maple of taking away nutrients weeds.


The first maple tree is pruned the following spring after planting. The plant tolerates pruning well, recovering almost immediately after it. During formative pruning, the maple tree is most often given the shape of a pyramid, a tent, which perfectly matches its natural beauty.

The ginnala maple tolerates cold and frost quite well. Mature plants will survive without shelter even in very coldy, but it is better to cover young seedlings for the winter.

Gardeners use spruce branches as shelter. The root collar of a young plant is the most vulnerable place to frost, so the base of the trunk is wrapped in burlap. The seedling will need such protection until three years have passed after its planting.

Disease Control

The most vulnerable part of a tree to disease is its foliage. We will give a description of some diseases of the ginnal maple and find out how to cope with them.

The disease greatly spoils the decorative appearance of the tree and manifests itself as an unpleasant white coating on its leaves. Most often, pathology occurs in late spring and early summer. The disease is contagious and can spread to the entire tree and then to nearby plants. Are struggling with powdery mildew spraying with systemic fungicides.

White spot

The disease appears at the end of summer; its main symptom is spots on the leaves - white, small and multiple. In the center of each such spot there is a small black dot, which is the focus. Systemic fungicides are also used.

The plant is also likely to become infected with fungal diseases that affect the trunk and branches. Such diseases include, for example, wilt. This disease can completely destroy a tree, as it directly affects its blood vessels.

It is important to start fighting this disease as early as possible, so regularly inspect the maple for alarming symptoms: various stains, damage, rot.

Important: it is advisable to completely remove and burn the parts of the plant affected by the fungus. This measure will prevent further spread of the disease.

The ginnala maple is a wonderful ornamental plant that can decorate any personal plot. As you can see, planting and caring for this tree is not difficult, so even a beginner can grow it

(Acer Ginnala)

Ginnala Maple - small deciduous tree or a large bush. It grows quickly, is winter-hardy, light-loving, loses its decorative effect when planted in shaded areas, and tolerates replanting and city conditions well. Gives abundant growth. Prefers fertile soil. Photophilous. Frost-resistant. Withstands haircuts very well. An excellent ornamental plant, suitable for group and single plantings, creating bright hedges, landscaping the banks of reservoirs, and edge plantings. Looks good in combination with snowberry, dogwood, sucker, and against the background of conifers.

(Acer palmatum)

Fan maple is a shrub or small tree with very elegant carved leaves. It grows slowly. Demanding on soil fertility. Photophilous. Demanding on soil and air moisture. In frosty winters, without shelter it can freeze. In terms of brightness and grace of leaves in spring and autumn, it can successfully compete with the most exquisite flowers. Used in group and single plantings in protected corners of squares and parks, near paths.

(Acer palmatum Atropurpureum)

Maple palmate Atropurpureum is a bright large shrub or small tree. The leaves are initially bright red, later turning dark red. Slow growing. With age, it grows faster in width than in height. Demanding on soil fertility. Photophilous. Demanding on soil and air moisture. In frosty winters, without shelter it can freeze. Used in group and single plantings in protected corners of squares and parks, near paths.

(Acer palmatum Bloodgood)

Bloodgood maple is a shrub or small tree very beautiful shape, up to 3-4 m high. Grows slowly. Requires fertile humus, sufficiently moist soils. Sun-loving, but tolerates partially shaded planting sites. Demanding on moisture. Frost resistance is average. It is advisable to cover for the winter, especially young specimens. Very decorative variety for small gardens and container plantings.

(Acer palmatum Dissectum)

Maple palmate Dissectum is a shrub with filigree, cut leaves. It grows slowly. Requires fertile humus, sufficiently moist soils. Sun-loving, but tolerates partially shaded planting sites. Demanding on moisture. Frost resistance is average. It is advisable to cover it for the winter. Looks great in group and single plantings.

(Acer rubrum)

Red maple is a large deciduous tree with a fast growth rate. It is not picky about soils and does not tolerate stagnant water. Has high frost resistance. Decorative with a thick, strong crown, deeply notched foliage, large acorns, and autumn coloring of the leaves. Excellent in alley plantings, as a tapeworm and in large decorative groups.

(Acer rubrum Red Sunset)

Red Sunset Red Maple is a small, fast-growing tree with a conical, regular crown that becomes more rounded and well-branched with age. Prefers moist soils, but also grows in dry soils; it does not tolerate compacted soils. Photophilous, frost-hardy. Suffering from the heat. This plant is impossible not to notice in the fall; its foliage takes on a fiery color. Used in single and alley plantings.

(Acer pseudoplatanus brilliantissimum)

False sycamore maple Brilliantissimum is a medium-sized tree with a round-conical crown. It has very decorative foliage: golden yellow when emerging, then light yellow with a pinkish tint, and finally dark green in late summer and autumn. Refers to rocks that improve soil. Gives a lot of nectar good honey plant. Prefers fertile, moderately moist soil. Does not tolerate salinity. Sun-loving. Young shoots may freeze slightly, but recover quickly. A valuable variety for urban plantings and small gardens.

(Acer platanoides)

Norway maple is the most common species for gardening construction in Russia. Big sizes, beautiful dense crown, slender trunk, very ornamental foliage - the most valuable qualities. It is quite demanding regarding soil fertility and moisture. Shade-tolerant. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture and salinity. Winter-hardy. Used in single and alley plantings, large decorative groups. The colorful autumn outfit of the Norway maple stands out in contrast against the background of conifers.

(Acer platanoides Deborah)

Norway maple Deborah is a medium-sized tree with a dense rounded crown and bright reddish-purple leaves in spring that change color to bronze-green in summer and turn yellow-orange or bronze in fall. Light-loving, but grows well in partial shade. Drought resistant. Does not tolerate stagnant water. Winter-hardy. IN harsh winters Young shoots may be damaged. Prefers fertile, well-drained soil. Good resistance to air pollution, so grows well in urban environments. Used for single and group plantings, creating alleys and tree and shrub groups.

(Acer platanoides Drummondii)

Norway maple Drummondi has amazing tender leaves, bordered by a white uneven stripe. Even in the shadows, it illuminates and enlarges the space, making it airy and light. The growth rate is quite fast. Photophilous. Shade-tolerant, but in shady places loses its decorative effect. Does not tolerate drought. It is winter-hardy, but in severe winters, annual shoots may freeze. Used as a standart, in groups, alleys. Tolerates urban conditions well.

(Acer platanoides Crimson Sentry)

Norway maple Crimson Sentry is a columnar tree with bright purple leaves that can become a true decoration of any garden. It is the most compact of all red Norway maples. It is not picky about the soil, it can grow even on heavy clays, but it prefers fertile, loose, sufficiently moist soil. Light-loving, but can also grow in partial shade. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture and salinity. Frost-resistant. Ideal for creating bright and large spots in tree and shrub compositions.

(Acer platanoides Royal Red)

Norway maple Royal Red is a low deciduous tree with a pyramidal crown. The leaves are large and red. The variety is widely used in landscape compositions. Demanding on soil fertility. Does not tolerate salinity and suffers from soil compaction. Light-loving, but tolerates partial shade. Demanding on soil moisture, does not tolerate drought or stagnant water. It has high frost resistance, but in severe winters, annual shoots may freeze. It is used in single and group plantings, large tree and shrub compositions.

(Acer platanoides Faassens Black)

Norway maple Fassens Black is a large deciduous tree with a spectacular crown. Leaves range from light red to purple-violet. IN at a young age grows quickly, but slows down over time. Takes it all out fertile soils, from slightly acidic to alkaline, suffers on too wet marshy peatlands. Light-loving, in the shade the decorative effect of the leaves is lost. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Has high frost resistance. It is used in single and group plantings, large tree and shrub compositions.

(Acer campestre Nanum)

Field maple Nanum is a slow-growing tree with a dense spherical crown. Most often grown in standard form. The leaves are rich green, turning yellow in autumn. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture and salinity. Frost-resistant. It is highly resistant to diseases and pests. It tolerates urban conditions well and does not lose leaves even in dry, hot summers. Recommended for urban landscaping, planting on streets, squares, and small gardens.

(Acer saccharinum)

Silver maple is a large tree with graceful carved leaves. Blooms before the leaves bloom. The growth rate is fast. Prefers fertile, well-drained soils. Shade-tolerant, but reaches best development in sunny places. Tolerates short-term soil drought and temporary flooding. Has high winter hardiness. Beautiful crown shape throughout the growing season. Particularly beautiful during the autumn coloring of the leaves. Used in single and group plantings.

(Acer tataricum)

Tatarian maple is a large shrub or small tree. Grows moderately quickly. Tolerates soil salinity. Drought resistant. Frost-resistant. Tolerates haircuts well. Resistant to urban conditions. Used in single and group plantings, hedges and as undergrowth.

(Acer freemanii Autumn Blaze)

Freeman Maple Autumn Blaze is a hybrid of red and silver maples with an oval crown in orange-red and red tones. Doesn't bloom. The growth rate is fast. Prefers moist and fertile soils, but is generally not demanding. Can withstand temporary flooding and excess moisture. Resistant to urban conditions. Shade-tolerant, frost-resistant. Resistant to diseases and pests. Used in parks, squares, individual gardens as a fast-growing shady tree. Very beautiful during leaf fall with its fiery leaves.

(Acer negundo Flamingo)

Ash-leaved maple Flamingo is a tree or shrub with a wide crown and brittle branches that grows quickly. It tolerates shaping and cutting well. Flamingo is a low form with elegant leaves: green, with pinkish-white edges and stripes. Not demanding, prefers well-moistened and drained soils. Photophilous. Not demanding on moisture. Frost-resistant. Used in single plantings, decorative groups, and hedges.

The ginnala maple, the photo of which is located below, is a large shrub that can also grow in the form of a small tree. If the plant is multi-trunked, then the crown is quite wide and tent-shaped, and in the case when there is only one trunk, it is wide-conical. This shrub has quite moderate growth (annual growth averages about 30 centimeters).

The ginnala maple begins to bloom immediately after the leaves bloom. The latter have a three-lobed shape and reach eight centimeters in length. In the autumn season, their color becomes yellow-orange and can change to fiery red. It all depends on the degree of lightening. Fragrant flowers develop on multi-flowered dense panicles and have a yellowish tint. The fruits of the plant are green lionfish up to three centimeters in length, which are distinguished by a bright red blush in the sun.

Ginnala maple can be used in landscape design both in single plantings and in decorative groups. The plant's homeland is considered to be the Far Eastern region, where it became cultivated in the mid-nineteenth century. The diameter of the crown of the bush is on average five meters, although this figure can sometimes reach seven meters. The lifespan of this species is about one hundred years. There are cases when individual specimens lived for 250 years.

Among the advantages of such a plant as the ginnala maple, one should note its high light-loving nature, resistance to drought, and frost resistance. During the entire growing season it is decorative. This maple attracts attention not only with the shape of the crown, but also with its fruits and foliage. It is most beautiful in autumn.

For a plant like the ginnala maple, care is not very difficult. Maple is undemanding to soil. Its ideal option is a mixture that includes humus, turf soil and sand (3:2:1). Not necessary, but it is also recommended to add about 150 grams to the planting hole mineral fertilizer(nitroammofoski). In the case when they are close groundwater, drainage should be created. This is usually done over a layer of crushed stone. The plant develops best in open areas.

Despite the drought resistance of this maple, in the dry season it must be watered once a week at the rate of 20 liters of water per plant. With normal precipitation, the same amount of moisture is required, only once a month. After planting, mulch with earth or peat. Loosening should be regular, but shallow. Dry and diseased branches should be constantly removed.

In frosty winters, if there is a lack of snow cover, young plants near the root collar must be covered. Annual shoots should be removed if they become frostbitten. The crown will quickly recover thanks to new woody shoots. It should be noted that the winter hardiness of the shrub increases with its age. The ginnala maple can be susceptible to diseases such as black spot and its main enemies are pests such as whitefly and leaf weevil.