Make an indoor fountain with your own hands. How to make an indoor fountain with your own hands at home? Video - do-it-yourself tire fountain

How nice after hard times working day relax by the cool, calming fountain made by the murmur of water with my own hands. Even a small decorative fountain in a summer cottage will not only bright decoration landscape, but also a favorite place for relaxation, where you can enjoy unity with nature. It won’t be difficult to give yourself this incomparable pleasure if you realize the idea yourself, knowing how to make a fountain in your dacha with your own hands.

Choosing a suitable location

Garden fountains – the best way solving the issue of air humidification during the hot summer months. Regardless of the style in which the hydraulic installation will be made, be it classic, rustic, oriental, avant-garde, it will be a bright touch in the landscape design. The mesmerizing play of water streams, playing in the sun's rays with all the colors of the rainbow, will not leave anyone indifferent.

The key to successfully choosing a place for a fountain is proportionality with the appearance of the site and the overall harmony of the garden.

When choosing a location, it is important to consider the possibility of connecting to a power supply for uninterrupted operation of the pump.

When deciding on the location of the fountain, you should take into account the presence and degree of slope of the ground. It is better if the installation is located in a lowland, which will increase the saturation of the air with moisture, as well as adjust the volume of groundwater.

It is not advisable to place fountains:

  • in too open areas of the site, since direct sunlight will provoke “blooming” of water;
  • near trees, since powerful roots can deform the fountain bowl and damage the waterproofing, and leaves from trees, fruits, seeds and fluff entering the reservoir can cause malfunctions;
  • in the immediate vicinity of the house so that wind currents do not bring moisture to the walls of the building.

The best place is a platform that is clearly visible from the house and various corners garden

Preparing a suitable container

When deciding to create a fountain with your own hands in the garden, it is important to wisely choose or make your own container for a hydraulic installation.

You can use ready-made ones as a fountain bowl. plastic containers various shapes that provide reliable waterproofing

To create larger fountains, it is necessary to dig a pit, at the bottom of which a foundation will be installed. future design. The bottom of the dug pit for the fountain is covered with a layer of sand, the side walls are reinforced with bricks. After this, the inner surface of the tank can be covered plastic film, which does not allow water to pass through. Sealing of surface seams can be achieved by treating them with frost-resistant silicone.

An important point: the depth of the foundation must be below the soil level. This placement will eliminate the possibility of soil being washed away around the fountain bowl.

An emergency drain can be provided not far from the edge of the surface, the presence of which will prevent the water from rising above the required level.

Craftsmen, when creating a fountain with their own hands at the dacha, use any waste materials: natural stones, river pebbles, car tires, glass products, ceramic parts

The main requirement for the material is high strength characteristics and the ability to withstand temperature changes.

The finished bowl can be filled with water.

Pumping system installation

It is impossible to put a garden fountain into operation without connecting its “heart” - a powerful pump that ensures the continuous movement of a powerful flow. The success of the long-lasting operation of the fountain directly depends on the correctness. The general principle of operation of the system is quite simple: water thrown out through the nozzle is collected in a bowl. From the bowl it flows into the drain hole, from where it enters the pipeline and, as it moves, it first undergoes coarse and later finer cleaning. A pump from the pipeline forces already purified water to the nozzle.

When thinking about the question of how to make a fountain in a country house, you should definitely consider installing a drainage system. The pipeline for the system can be equipped with plastic pipes with a diameter of about 16mm. The plastic is excellent performance characteristics And for a long time services. Plastic construction Easily connected using a special soldering iron.

Decorative fountains for the garden are mainly equipped with circulation pumps, in which water is taken from the bowl, passing through a circle, and discharged back into the fountain

The power of the pump directly depends on the capacity of the fountain bowl, as well as the expected power of the jet, which will be knocked out of the water like a bright fireworks display.

The fountain's water circulation system can be supplemented by installing a receiver - a pressure tank. Installing a receiver allows you to ensure constant pressure for water to enter the nozzle and stable operation of the system as a whole. With this configuration, water is pumped into the receiver by a pump, and then transferred to a nozzle located a level below.

The action of cascading fountains is based on the same principle.

The water in the cascade smoothly flows down a small waterfall along several steps located at different levels

After installation, the pump should be checked for functionality and only then decorated with decorative elements.

Optional equipment

Installation additional equipment for a fountain will allow you to transform and diversify the design.

Special attachments allow you to give jets of emitted water the most unusual shapes: geysers, tulips, domes, umbrellas, hemispheres

The combination of nozzles and the effect of the shapes they form allows you to create fancy water pictures.

Additional lighting amazingly transforms a garden fountain, giving it a magical effect. Since light sources often come into contact with water and are located directly in the body of the fountain, increased requirements should be placed on their selection: contacts protected from water, hermetically sealed.

Decorative lighting, disguised in the bottom of the reservoir, will delight the eye in the coming twilight with the effect of glowing water

Underwater ones are very popular for decorating fountains. lighting, as well as all kinds of floating lamps.

An interesting decorative option is a small water mill. Making instructions:

Will help extend the service life of a hydraulic installation proper care behind the fountain: removable structural elements on winter period preferably dismantled. With the onset of cold weather, the tank itself should be emptied of water and securely covered with a film that protects from dust, dirt and precipitation.

Decorative ponds and fountains on personal plot can be the main elements landscape design. You can set up next to them cozy area recreation. The murmur of living water will create a feeling of peace and tranquility. You can create such a corner with your own hands, even if you have little skill and means.

The principle of operation of the fountain and its types

In order to understand the structure of this useful and decorative structure, a basic knowledge of physical laws is sufficient. All existing fountains are divided into two large groups:

  • having a closed system of fluid movement;
  • having an open water flow system.

The first type of fountains requires a reservoir filled with water. This can be either a pond or a specially selected container, for example, a plastic basin. Water circulation is started by a pump. After the wet “fireworks” splashes out, the liquid returns to the tank and repeats the same path again. It turns out that there is a water cycle - but not in nature, but in a system of tubes connected to the pump.

Fountains of the second type are characterized by the absence of a circulation and, as a rule, are connected to flow-through hydraulic structures. In particular, if done in the outside water pipe hole, you get the most primitive fountain. In this case, no container is required. All that remains is to think about which way to direct the water flows further.

The diagram shows all the components of the fountain

The principle of operation of any type of fountain is that liquid is supplied under pressure into a pipe ending with a spray nozzle. The type of nozzle gives the water discharged out a certain shape.


The liquid, pouring alternately from one container to another, resembles a multi-tiered waterfall. Instead, you can also run water down “steps” of stones. You can also do without nozzles; the end of the pipe is masked.

Water is transferred from one bowl to another, forming a cascade


Vertical water discharge - distinctive feature this is the most common type. It resembles natural springs gushing out of the ground - geysers. Noisy splashes give garden plot liveliness and irrigate nearby plantings.

The geyser resembles springs gushing out of the ground


A vertical stream of water passes through a special nozzle made of two disks, distributed evenly along its edges. The walls of the resulting water hemisphere become smooth and continuous.

Water passes through the nozzle and turns into a “bell”


The nozzle for the spray fountain has a lot of holes for releasing water. Some types of nozzles are capable of moving and rotating under pressure, creating either rain or a shower.

The nozzle has many holes, the water at the outlet turns into small splashes

Pump selection

For small fountains the best option will submersible pump. It is not only more expedient in a home-made structure, but also cheaper.

External pumps are only required where the fountain has a complex structure and occupies large area. Their noise is not dampened by the thickness of the water, and to avoid theft outdoor equipment have to be masked separately. On the other hand, “dry” outdoor pumps are easier to maintain.

An important parameter of the equipment is its power. If the height of the water jet does not exceed one and a half meters, then you should limit yourself to 70 W. If the power is greater, then the cascade will come out higher. Pumps with the ability to adjust the pressure force are preferred; they allow you to change the height of the fountain.

The strength of the water output depends on the power of the equipment

When choosing a pump, you should focus on the ratio of indicators such as pressure and performance of the device. The first parameter characterizes the height to which an upward jet can rise. The second indicates the volume of water that is pumped by the fountain pump per hour.

Table: pump selection for different types of fountains

Type of fountain maximum head (Hmax), m maximum productivity (Qmax), m3/h
Geyser 0,2 2
0,3 3
0,5 4
0,7 5
0,8 7
Cascade 0,6 1
1 2
1,5 3
2 5
2,5 6
3 8
Bell 0,3 0,9
0,4 1,2
0,5–0,6 3
0,8 4
0,9 6

How to make a fountain with your own hands

The first step is to decide on the location of the hydraulic structure. It should be:

  • away from trees so that the tank remains free from foliage falling into it;
  • away from walls that can deteriorate from excess moisture;
  • away from the paths so as not to block the road.

A good choice would be to decorate a playground or a place for relaxation with a fountain. Flowers, stones, etc. would be appropriate nearby. If on a site with a slope the fountain is placed in a low place, the air for plants growing higher will become more humid and favorable. If you settle at the top, and even with open system, then excess water will automatically water the garden.

Preparation of materials

In addition to the pump purchased in the store, the remaining parts can be assembled from scrap materials. You will need either an unnecessary container or a pond. For the latter, a special hydro-repellent film - liner - is added to the shopping list. To hold the film in place, its edges are pressed with bricks or stones.

Sand, gravel or expanded clay are suitable for drainage.

Often installed on top of the bowl metal grid, on which stones masking the pump are placed. The presence of such a clever detail significantly saves the amount of other materials that would have to be used to fill the water space without it.

A simple diagram of a spray fountain

Work algorithm

  1. Under a reservoir or pond, dig a hole in the ground equal to the height of the container plus 5 cm.
  2. In the direction where the drain will be directed, they are deepened by 40 cm.
  3. Geotextiles are laid on the bottom.
  4. Set up a drainage layer of coarse sand 5 centimeters thick.
  5. The reservoir is immersed in the resulting “hole”.
  6. The submersible pump is installed at the bottom of the tank. To keep it there, the device is made heavier. To do this, attach any object of great weight to it. Alternatively, the pump is placed in a basket and filled with stones.

A hole is dug for a pond or reservoir.

To install the pump correctly, three rules must be followed:

  • disguise. All electrics must be hidden;
  • transformer. The device is connected to a low-voltage transformer located inside the nearest room;
  • electrical safety. All connectors for extending the electrical cable must be reliably protected from moisture. A separate machine and RCD on the line would not be superfluous.

Provide the pump uninterrupted operation by protecting it from contamination. To do this, a filter is installed in front of the device nozzle to trap debris. There is also protection against “dry running”.

The finished fountain mechanism is decorated, the reservoir is filled with water and the pump is started. If required, the pump power is adjusted. If desired, the structure can be illuminated for evening relaxation hours.

Is it possible to make a fountain without a pump?

Magnificent Peterhof is famous for its 176 fountains that operate without pumps. The source of water in them is the Ropshinsky springs, passing through many pools and locks. Therefore, if there is a spring on your summer cottage, you can “connect” the fountain directly to it.

Another way to do without a pump would be to create a device called Heron's fountain. This option is also suitable for those who do not have natural sources on the site.

The principle of the “eternal” fountain is cyclical

Two of the three containers shown in the diagram - namely B and C - are closed hermetically, water is poured into A - this is a visible fountain reservoir. The whole trinity is located on top of each other and is connected by a system of tubes. In order to start the mechanism, it is enough to add water into the open bowl A. Pressure is created and the liquid begins to move. The magic stops when all the water from the middle vessel goes into the bottom one. The thinner the tubes, the longer this moment is delayed.

You can create a fountain with your own hands using the law of communicating vessels according to the ancient Heronian method even from ordinary plastic bottles. If you use five-liter ones, then one charge of water is enough for 40 minutes of continuous operation of the mechanism. The preferred tubes are those used in IVs. The tightness of the vessels is ensured with silicone sealant.

Primitive fountain model

Video: how to make a fountain yourself

How to arrange

Statues and figurines always remain classics of the genre. Modeling enthusiasts with artistic talent will enjoy working on masking the pump. The material for the manufacture of monumental figures is polymer concrete - fake diamond. It retains the strength of its forms even in bitter frosts.

Modeling and statues are traditional decorative elements

In a large area, even a car can be disposed of. Let currents of living water pass through it and give strength to the green shoots around, and let the neighbors stop to take a selfie against such an unusual background.

Even an old car can come in handy

A still life like this will be more appetizing. Antique samovars, teapots and cups will be used, and the pump tube will be hidden in the leg of the tea table. The abundance pouring out onto the earth will be a symbol of the endless hospitality of the owner of the dacha.

Fountain-still life - original composition in the recreation area

Imitation of a natural source will always be appropriate among amateurs natural farming. To decorate the fountain, only the stone that is under your feet is taken. Naturalness is ensured by this technique one hundred percent.

Natural stone is one of the popular materials used in landscape design

Great illustration of what to do earthworks not necessary for arranging a fountain. A geometrically adjusted stone slab becomes an obstacle to the source supposedly gushing from the depths and, unable to withstand its power, lets it upward.

An ordinary stone slab can be installed among plants on large pebbles

The fountain in the Art Nouveau style is modern and minimalistic with its right angles. The emphasis of the structure is given by successful lighting in the place where the water flow falls. Bulbs for underwater “chandeliers” are purchased exclusively from LEDs and are completely protected from moisture getting inside.

Successful backlighting will make the entire composition more lively

You can even imitate the miracle of levitation. To create the illusion of a water tap floating above the ground, simply veil the pump hose in a transparent plastic tube. The water flows into the tap, turns around and falls down.

By skillfully decorating tubes and wires, you can create an unusual composition

In this version, it is as if an invisible gardener is watering the flowers in the flowerbed. If the tube is thin enough, it will not be visible from a distance. For such a fountain, any used dishes are taken. Here a bowl was added to the teapot.

An old kettle and a rusty bowl were put to good use

From these bottles will flow continuous fun. With such an original fountain, there is no shame in inviting friends to a barbecue. And let alcohol remain at the celebration of life only in this form - in the form of cooling water.

An original fountain, next to which you can sit with friends

There's nothing easier than putting the old one musical instrument into a bathtub filled with water. A child's rubber duck quietly sways on the waves of pouring “music.” Such an installation may be envied best museums peace. If desired, the structure is removed and the bath is used for its intended purpose. The versatility of the tank is another feature of the presented masterpiece.

The structure is easy to assemble and disassemble

Care and maintenance rules

The same water, circulating in a circle, gradually evaporates. Adding a new portion is the very first thing you will have to deal with when operating the fountain.

Periodically, the water must be completely replaced to avoid spoilage. Over time, dust settles in the liquid, contaminating it. The water becomes cloudy and an unpleasant odor appears. Simple measures can reduce the amount of dirt coming from outside - just cover the top of the fountain with any available material after each use.

When draining the water, you need to clean everything internal surfaces fountain. The filter, attached to the pump nozzle, is rubbed with a brush.

Shading the fountain helps delay the blooming of water.

Before the onset of the winter months, all water is removed completely and the fountain is dried. The pump is removed and moved indoors until spring. If the device is to be stored in cold room, after drying it is cleaned of deposits. If the room is warm, you can avoid the cleaning procedure by storing the pump in a bucket of water.

If the size allows and the fountain is mobile, it is moved entirely under cover. If not, the structure is covered with film.

In a pond equipped with a hydraulic structure, it is difficult to frequently change the water. Large debris floating on the surface is caught with a net with a long handle. The process of purifying a reservoir can be started by planting algae and populating it with mollusks. The stronger the pump nozzle sprays, the more oxygen the pond will receive - this also has a positive effect on the freshness of the water.

A properly selected pump and a creative touch in the design are all that is required for complete dacha happiness. They say that a person can look at fire and water endlessly. However, even five minutes spent near a murmuring fountain can give you a feeling of infinity.

Don't let the start-up costs scare you. I'm on personal experience I was convinced that ABSOLUTELY ALL methods home business without initial costs, they do not bring the desired income and satisfaction from the (sometimes simply HUGE) work done. Therefore, I suggest you do some very interesting work. The essence of the idea is simple: the production of decorative indoor fountains. At low cost you get amazing results.

The system of any decorative indoor fountain is a cycle in which water rises upward with the help of a pump and then flows down the stone into a container. Thus, we're talking about about a closed system in which the used water is gradually renewed, since the initial supply of water is no longer sufficient by a certain time.

The pump is usually powered by a set of batteries or a power supply, or both. Typically, for decorative indoor fountains, pumps powered from 3 to 9 volts are used. The higher the supply, the greater the power of the pump, which allows more water to be lifted upward, and this, in turn, affects the location of the pipes through which the water flows. You can create a very tricky labyrinth of tubes, from which water will flow out in different directions and with different strengths and, believe me, it looks very, very beautiful!

Now let's talk about the design

The basis of any decorative indoor fountain can be anything. While shopping, pay attention to all kinds of bowls with lids. Your fountain will depend on the selected diameter of the bowl. The lid should fit onto the bowl, or fit very tightly to the bowl so that it is difficult to tear off. But even if the lid does not fit very tightly to the bowl, you can drip glue in three or four places - and the problem is solved.

Usually, the lid is designed first, so to speak the entire appearance of your fountain. Depending on your idea, a hole is drilled in a certain place in the lid and a tube is inserted into it. At the beginning, it is desirable that from below it reaches the bottom of the bowl, and from above it is 5-10 centimeters higher than the calculated size of the fountain. Even if you don’t need these tolerances, you will always have time to trim off unnecessary ends, but it’s better to have them just in case. Any types of tubes, cambrics and pipes are suitable as tubes. And it doesn’t matter what they are made of: let it be aluminum tubes or flexible PVC tubes, for example from droppers.

Next, a base is made around the tube to create the appearance. Most often, a mixture of cement and pebbles is used. Everything is clear with cement, but I’ll tell you separately about pebbles. Wherever you are (in the city, in the country, in the forest, at the sea, etc.), always pay attention to the pebbles. The more standard and fanciful the shape, the more unexpected its color, the better! And in general, try to notice all sorts of non-standard things (pebbles, twigs, roots, etc.) in order to later use all these materials for the production of fountains. When creating the base, simply throw cement on the lid and, before it hardens, intersperse pebbles into it, immediately forming the landscape of the future fountain. Keep in mind that the water needs to get inside the bowl and flow through the landscape. Therefore, try to make some kind of depression at the lowest point of your landscape so that water collects there and immediately drill a hole there (but a small one, otherwise the water will immediately flow into the bowl. And it is much better when the water remains in the depression for a short time. It turns out to be a small lake) . If you don’t get along with cement, then you can use all kinds of adhesive-sealants, polymer compositions, epoxy resins. Our task is to create a landscape from natural material, fastening it together and with the base. The fastening material must be moisture-resistant so that the artistic composition does not fall apart.

You can also use various hi-tech techniques. Forged landscapes, bronze, metal, plastic or glass.

You can create complex textures and geometric patterns using a 3D printer. Then your fountains will have no competition at all.

Video: tabletop fountain made using a 3D printer

If you don’t consider yourself an unrecognized artist or sculptor, it doesn’t matter. Sometimes just a bunch of pebbles piled together turns into a masterpiece. Add absolutely any materials (usually they just stick to the landscape), but do not forget that water is a very patient cutter. Therefore, it is advisable to use materials that do not decompose with water. Otherwise there will be an unpleasant smell of rotten water. But even with organic materials there are very interesting cases. For example, when I wanted to plant real swamp moss on the fountain, then quite unexpectedly it began to become covered with white mold. But the most interesting thing is that there was no smell! The mold itself is penicillin, and most likely even helped filter the water. But it turned out very beautiful. The fountain has turned into a real living organism that does not age, because... bog moss can live for centuries without increasing in volume.

After the external design, all you have to do is connect the pump to the supply tube and connect it to the power supply. ALL!

After you try to make 3-4 fountains, try adding light to the landscape elements. I recommend using LEDs. Firstly, you can choose LEDs of the desired color to highlight certain parts of your landscape. Secondly, LEDs are currently sold with different light powers, flashing, with damping pulsation, etc., which will also greatly help you when designing your landscape. Thirdly, they are practically eternal, do not burn out and are not afraid of contact with water.

I'll give you one more smart piece of advice. It is advisable to add a pair of relay contacts to the receiving container at a certain level (it is established experimentally) so that the water closes them and breaks when the water level drops below a given norm electrical circuit so as not to waste the pump without water. But here there are two options. The first and simplest is to turn off the power to the pump.

But, as practice has shown, very few people read the instructions for using a decorative indoor fountain, which says that when the fountain stops working, you first need to add water. Therefore, we had to slightly improve the fountain and add a circuit to it, which, when the contacts are opened, lights up a flashing “Add water” sign at the bottom and emits an intermittent, quiet signal. Safety precautions are observed in this case, since the power supply to the pump and circuit ranges from 3 to 12 volts and will not in any way affect the touching of water with your hands.

That's all! Next, turn on your imagination and create! For example, when I made quite a lot of landscape-type fountains, I began making fountains in the form of water mills and adding various moving figures to them. It turns out great!

Video - how to quickly and easily make a fountain for your home

The essence of business

All this is usually sold on the city market, or through social media. At the market there is always a crowd near my trading place. Fountains typically sell for between $50 and $150. But some copies cost me $300.

Some clients themselves then came to me and asked me to make a custom-made fountain, taking into account their personal wishes. Naturally, the price in this case automatically increased by 50%. You can also go to offices and offer them decorative fountains. Many people are willing to take it. You just need to make the fountains for offices a little more massive and larger in size. For example, for one office I made a fountain 150 cm high, and its width occupied a square of 100x100 cm.

The arithmetic of profit here is very simple, so you yourself can calculate the profit at the cost. If a copy doesn’t sell for a long time, then I reduce the price on it and they buy it right away.

These days, mini-fountains are becoming increasingly popular, as well as decorative waterfalls. Such decorative elements allow you to relax, and in the summer they humidify the air, creating an optimal microclimate. Looking at the flowing water, it is convenient to concentrate, you can even meditate, if you are interested. The article will discuss a method for creating a simple waterfall, and the pump is also made by hand. The homemade product is easy to assemble and requires a minimum amount of materials that are easy to obtain.

Materials and tools for homemade work:
- a small motor (can be found in a camera or phone);
- plastic gear (found in toys, watches, etc.);
- a piece of plastic a couple of millimeters thick;
- bottle cap;
- deodorant cap;
- foil;
- regular ball pen;
- LEDs;
- resistor;
- wires;
- shells;
- mobile battery;
- a small plastic box.

Tools you will need:
- drill;
- scissors;
- pliers;
- hot glue gun;
- soldering iron;
- Super glue;
- hacksaw.

Fountain manufacturing process:

Step one. Fountain device
To operate the fountain you will need a pump; here you can make it yourself. Its operating principle is shown in the diagram.

The number 1 indicates the hole for the liquid inlet.
Under the number 2 is the pump wheel.
3 is the pump body.
Well, the 4th pipe indicates the outlet for water.

Step two. We prepare the motor and make the impeller

The motor should be small, since the mini-fountain will not be much larger in size than a pack of cigarettes. The author uses a camera motor for these purposes. As an option for these purposes, a vibration motor from a mobile phone is also perfect.

Next you need to make an impeller; it is made from a regular plastic gear. These are found in toys, watches and other mechanisms. However, other materials can be used, the main thing is that the workpiece is suitable in shape and size. The gear needs to be ground in a circle to the size of the pump housing.

To make the blades for the wheel, you will need rectangular pieces of plastic. There will be 4 of them in total. The pieces need to be glued to the gear.

Step three. Pump body
The author makes the pump body from a deodorant cap. You need to cut off all unnecessary parts from it, and then drill holes as shown in the photo. The top needs to be drilled small hole so that the engine axis comes out through it. Water will come out through the large hole.

Step four. The final stage of pump assembly
To create the outlet tube you will need a ballpoint pen. You need to cut off all the excess from it, and then the handle is simply glued to the body.

As for the motor, it is also glued using hot glue. You need to glue the motor carefully so as not to pour it through the cooling holes and glue the axle. The impeller should be located evenly in the housing, it should not touch anything.

You will also need to make a cover for the pump. The lid is made from a bottle cap; you need to make a hole in it, as seen in the photo. Water will enter the pump through this hole. The lid is glued to the body with hot glue.

That's all, the miniature pump is ready. According to the author, it is capable of forming a water column 20 cm high, and all this from a 3.7V power source (mobile battery). This power is quite enough to create a miniature fountain or waterfall.

Step five. How to make a slide for a fountain. The final stage assemblies
Stone stylization was taken as the main idea. Here you need to use all your imagination. Externally, the fountain can be made any way you want. You can ensure that no one can distinguish it from a store-bought one. To create the “stones,” the author used crumpled foil glued with hot glue. The photo shows the preliminary painting.

To do decorative source water, you will need a shell of the appropriate size and shape. You need to make a hole in it for the tube. Well, then the whole structure is assembled as in the diagram.

Every owner of a suburban area strives to make his home and the space around it as comfortable as possible and at the same time beautiful. After all, a well-designed landscape design is not only decoration. summer cottage, but also harmonious combination different zones in one area. How nice it is to have dinner in the gazebo with your family after a hard day, or to relax on a bench in the hot summer, enjoying the coolness of the fountain. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article, and more specifically, how to make a fountain with your own hands.


Most would agree with the statement of psychologists that the sound of water has a calming effect on the nervous system. A person watching the flow of water internally relaxes and gains emotional balance. You can sit by the fountain for hours, watch its play and splashes, and think about your own thoughts.

There is nothing complicated in the design, so almost anyone can install a fountain in their dacha with their own hands - you just need to have the desire and the necessary materials. We will also consider the latter in our article.

The incomparable advantage of the fountain is that it can be an excellent addition to the landscape design of any suburban area. Besides, homemade fountain with the right lighting it will become your guests’ favorite place to relax.

Depending on your preferences and the general style of landscape design, the design of the fountain is selected, just take into account the size: if the area is small, then it is better for you to install a small garden fountain with your own hands.

How it works?

The device uses the principle of circular water supply. In other words, initially a certain amount of water is poured into the reservoir (bowl), which, using a pump, then circulates throughout the entire structure. There is a nozzle above the surface of the bowl, to which water is supplied. To prevent the bowl from overflowing, install special device, regulating the amount of water.

This generalized scheme, which describes the simplicity of the design. Therefore, having installed a fountain in your dacha, you don’t need to think about the fact that water consumption in the area will increase. Just fill it once required volume water and from time to time just check the degree of contamination. Even though the pump has a filter, the water should still not be too dirty.

Choosing a place

Of course, before installing a fountain with your own hands, you need to at least visually determine the most suitable place for it. Better yet, draw a plan in order to have a specific idea of ​​the location of the structure and take into account all the nuances in advance. We offer you several practical advice by choice of location:

  1. The structure should be visible from anywhere on your site and not block the paths.
  2. If there is a gazebo or summer cuisine, then a cozy do-it-yourself fountain will be an ideal addition to such a recreation area. If you have a playground, you can make a mini fountain nearby with your own hands - children will be happy to splash in it in the summer.
  3. Study the topography of your site and find a low-lying place - it is best suited for installing a fountain on the site with your own hands - in the warm season it will be cool and comfortable here.
  4. The presence of trees nearby is not the most in the best possible way will affect the operation of your fountain - roots can damage part of the structure underground, and falling leaves can clog the water. At the same time, too much open space in direct sunlight can cause water to “bloom.”
  5. It is best to install the structure away from the house, since gusts of wind can blow the stream of water to the side, causing the walls to be constantly wet.


Surely many have noticed that the fountains differ in appearance not only in design, but also in design. Some are made in the form of reservoirs with nozzles, others are on a stand in the shape of jugs, statues and other devices from which water flows.

Accordingly, fountains come in two types:

  • submersible;
  • stationary.

The first option has simple design and is often found on suburban areas and even in houses. To make such a home fountain with your own hands, you will need a bowl, a plastic pipe, a pump and a nozzle.

Stationary have more complex design and pompous appearance. Such devices can often be found in city parks and squares. For this option, you already need to lay the foundation, since the body is made mainly of stone or marble - durable materials that are resistant to aggressive weather conditions.

For a large area of ​​ten to twenty square meters A large stationary fountain is suitable, but for a small area it is best to install a submersible one. Well, the style of landscape design also dictates its own rules: for Japanese garden, for example, a submersible type is suitable.

Construction design

As we noted earlier, design style also plays an important role. After all, all elements of landscape design should complement each other and be in harmony with each other. The most common option is the classic submersible jet fountain. Its construction does not require large financial and physical costs, and it will look advantageous in any design. Especially if you want to complement an artificial pond with it. If you want to see options for what do-it-yourself fountains for a garden might look like, we presented a photo of the idea at the end of the article.

The shape of the bowl is most often symmetrical - it is either a circle or a square. You can put it around the edges decorative rock or pebbles, add greenery. Only the plants must be moisture-loving, otherwise the appearance of the composition will be hopelessly spoiled by rotting plants.

Necessary materials

Before you make a decorative fountain with your own hands, you should take care of the materials and tools for construction in advance. If you want to make a stone fountain, then you will need following materials:

  • smooth round and flat stones of different sizes;
  • gravel or crushed stone for drainage;
  • water bowl;
  • water pump;
  • copper tube;
  • coupling;
  • small diameter plastic pipe;
  • silicone;
  • boards to strengthen the structure.

In accordance with the above materials, you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • jigsaw or small saw;
  • scissors;
  • fum tape;
  • drill;
  • sliding key.

Depending on the desired method decor, may be needed Additional materials and tools. Here you can get your bearings on the situation or make a list of necessary items for work in advance, so as not to be distracted during the process.

Pump installation

Undoubtedly, the main and important detail The whole structure is a pump. If you are a beginner and don’t yet know how to build a fountain at your dacha with your own hands, listen to our advice: you need to approach the choice of pump thoroughly. First, consider the volume of the bowl - the larger it is, the more powerful the pump will be required. The presence of a filter will protect it from various debris and extend its service life.

There are two types:

  • surface;
  • submersible

The first type is installed on the surface, but in no case above the water level. The principle of communicating vessels works here.

It is advisable to install the submersible pump not at the very bottom of the bowl, but at some elevation - then sediment will not fall into the filter. Keep in mind that the pump will consume electricity, so make the necessary communications in advance and provide a shield for safety.

Even if it is not possible to install an electric pump, do not be upset - then we will tell you how to make a fountain in the country without one.

Design without pump

Without a submersible pump, you can make an open fountain. If you have a well with a pump on your site, you can remove this water through a pipe into a fountain. The only thing you will need to decide is where the water will flow - for example, you can simultaneously turn on the fountain and water nearby plants.

Thus, you can create mini fountains for your garden with your own hands at several points on your site.

Exterior design

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the end result of your work. Appearance finished design should please the eye, and the lighting will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the fountain in evening time. We offer you some decorating tips:

  1. You can use a variety of nozzles: the shape of the jet will depend on their shape. It can be in the form of a dome, an umbrella, or even a geyser.
  2. Properly selected lighting will add zest and mystery to the pond. Light sources can be installed not only around the perimeter of the fountain, but also under water. And it’s not at all necessary to use standard options– the multi-colored glow of the water will definitely fascinate any viewer.
  3. Use flowers and shrubs to decorate the pond - thanks to them, the impression of a truly “paradise” will be created.

We invite you to see how beautifully decorated garden fountains with your own hands, photos of which are below.

Ideas and important little things

There are many photos on the Internet country fountains, methods of their construction are described. You can also find enough information on how to do home fountain with your own hands. Yes, yes, such mini-devices look very original and complement the interior. Such designs are especially popular among supporters of Feng Shui. Of course, the process of their construction is much simpler and cheaper - and their dimensions are quite small.

If you still have a desire, but don’t know how to make a fountain at home, we will help you make a choice and give you a few useful tips:

  1. If there is no space on the site, a fountain can be made even at home - in the hallway, for example, or in the greenhouse. Its dimensions can be completely different - depending on your desires and the available space.
  2. A submersible fountain can be made from available materials - the bowl can be an old cast-iron bathtub or a bathtub cut lengthwise car tire, large flower pot, wide basin.
  3. The stationary option can be made in the form of a jug, bottles, stones, in the middle of which there is a water hose - this is also an excellent option for homemade design.
  4. The fountain does not have to be installed separately - it can be part of a wall or landscape composition.
  5. The cascade fountain is a stationary type, and has an undeniable advantage - such a structure can become the fruit of even the wildest imagination. The matter may be limited not only to traditional pots from which water flows and overflows, but also to entire structures in the form of garden carts, teapots, samovars, watering cans with buckets, etc.
  6. Fountain elements can be painted in various colors, often use special treatment compounds to prevent the appearance of moss and mold.

And, of course, you shouldn’t forget about maintenance - with the onset of cold weather, you need to turn off the fountain, drain the water from it and cover the entire structure with film until it warms up. In this case, your little country oasis will delight all household members and guests with its joyful murmur for many years to come.

Photo gallery

We present to your attention a successful selection of 30 photo ideas for do-it-yourself fountain design.