What plants to plant hydrangea with. Beautiful hydrangea in the garden (41 photos) - magnificent decor without effort. Garden decorating ideas with hydrangeas

Plant nursery "Sign of the Earth"

Landscape design of the site

Landscape design of a site is a real art, which involves a whole group of specialists. Landscape design is distinguished by individuality, because you are unlikely to find two identical plots: each house with its surrounding area and landscape is unique. Therefore, designers and planners create a landscape design that is suitable only for you and where all your dreams are realized. Landscape design is only limited by your imagination. For example, you need to beautifully decorate your terrace for a pleasant pastime. Or maybe you dream of a small pond with a cascade of murmuring water. If the project includes a swimming pool, then a changing cabin is needed, and the ground around the entire perimeter must be covered with safe materials.
Having equipped a fountain, you can listen to the sound of falling water. Some people do not need the presence of ponds on their plot, then a landscape design specialist can create the appearance of water with the help of a “dry” stream. The imagination of our landscape designers is limitless, and the photo gallery of our completed projects will help you in determining what your summer cottage should be like. Our company employs creative individuals who are experienced and highly qualified specialists who are ready to fill your garden with life, which will bring the joy of communicating with it for many years.
Our landscape design studio strives to preserve and improve the natural environment that has developed on the site. In this regard, each tree, shrub or part of the relief, at your request, will become integral organic elements of the new garden design. Our specialists love their work and will be happy to provide any assistance!

Ornamental plant nursery

We are engaged landscaping personal plots, cottages, suburban and urban areas. Our task is integrated approach to landscaping. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but to deliver them and plant them.

Our plant nursery employs only competent and qualified specialists in various fields. Each of us has unique knowledge of planting and replanting plants, pruning trees and shrubs, we will tell you how to properly care for your garden and give recommendations on landscape design.

Garden hydrangea- a favorite of many gardeners. Attractive air caps of lush inflorescences in white, blue, pink, and light green shades add sophistication to any landscape.

To successfully plant and grow hydrangea in your garden, you need to follow a few simple recommendations.

Optimal time for planting garden hydrangea - spring, after the threat of overnight soil freezing has passed, but before the buds begin to bloom.

In regions with not very harsh winter autumn planting is acceptable, but here you need to be in time before the first frost.

Choosing the best location

Hydrangea tolerates some shade well and grows well in penumbra. Like any aristocrat, she does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. Choose a slightly shaded area that receives the brightest light in the first half of the day.

Keep in mind that an adult hydrangea bush, including branches and flowers, is approximately 1.5 m in diameter.

The soil for hydrangea should be loose, nutritious in composition, with predominantly acidic environment. Alkaline environment absolutely not suitable for hydrangeas - they lime is contraindicated.

The ideal option is mature compost containing many nutrients.

Bad and good neighbors

Not worth it place hydrangea next to plants with a shallow root system, since due to similar environmental requirements they will inhibit each other. Do not plant hydrangea under trees - the powerful roots of the trees take all the moisture from the soil.

Best neighborhood for hydrangea, these are plants with fleshy roots or tubers. Hydrangea goes very well with hostas and astilbe, and looks beautiful in combination with boxwood.

Welcome to your new home

If you purchased a new pet in a store, most likely it was raised in a greenhouse and therefore somewhat pampered. You need to accustom your princess to her new place of residence. For this upon landing remember:

  • if you are not going to plant hydrangea immediately after purchase, then water it generously until planting;
  • under no circumstances should you shorten or trim the roots of a plant taken out of a container (although this is often recommended!);
  • they also cannot be soaked or shaken off the ground;
  • The roots of the plant should not feel a sharp transition from the store-bought substrate to the garden soil, otherwise the growth of the root system will slow down or stop. Stir in the planting hole garden soil with fertilized at a distance of at least 25 cm from the plant.

When digging a planting hole, consider the size of the above-ground part of the plant. The volume of the root system should be comparable to the volume of the crown. The rule is simple - dig a hole of such depth and width that the plant can fit in it “upside down”!

After landinggreenhouse capricious, accustomed to drip irrigation and large doses of phytohormones and fertilizers, there will be a period of adaptation. You have to gradually “remove” the plant from stimulating nutrition, like a patient from strong painkillers. To do this, be sure to feed the plant once every two weeks for the first two months after planting.mineral and organic fertilizers.

If you planted a young plant grown from a rooted cutting in the first yeardon't let it bloom, cut off the resulting inflorescences to give the opportunity to lay full-fledged flower buds for the next year.

Seasonal care

Watering. Remember that hydrangea is a “vessel of water”: provide the possibility of abundant irrigation, ideally drip irrigation. Each plant should receive several buckets of water per week, under no circumstances tap water - only rainwater or settled water. To prevent the soil from drying out, mulch the tree trunk circle with peat, pine needles, sawdust and tree bark, spreading the mulch in a layer of 20-25 cm.

Throughout the summer, remove inflorescences that have bloomed and dried out - this will give the plant the opportunity to extend the flowering period. Carry out anti-aging pruning in the spring - remove shoots that have frozen after severe cold, as well as branches that are more than three years old. After the buds awaken, correct the result - cut off the shoots with unopened buds. In order for the bush to be lush, trim the shoots at 4-5 buds.

If you want to rejuvenate an old hydrangea bush, in the fall, completely cut off all the shoots at the root, leaving only a small stump. In spring, a powerful root system will allow you to quickly grow a lush crown.

Feeding. Water the hydrangea with water dissolved in it two to three times a month. organic fertilizer(humus, manure). Do not overdo it with mineral fertilizers; their excess can have a bad effect on the winter hardiness of the plant. Hydrangea cannot be fertilized with ash.

When to replant hydrangea?

If you want to replant a hydrangea, follow the same rules and recommendations as when you first planted the plant. It is best to do this in early spring or autumn after the flowering period has ended.

If your goal is not just a change of location for beautiful bush, A reproduction hydrangeas, then optimal technology will be the following:

  • 1.Water the plant generously and allow the moisture to be absorbed.
  • 2.Dig the hydrangea in a circle at a distance of 15 cm from the bush. It is more effective to use a pitchfork for this.
  • 3.Tilt the bush and use a sharp knife or shovel to separate part of it.
  • 4. Disinfect the incision site with ash.
  • 5.Transplant part of the bush into a previously prepared hole in a new location.

Take care of the Princess Hydrangea when planting, and this magnificent plant will thank you for your care in a spectacular way. appearance, becoming a real pearl of your beautiful garden.

20.09.2018 199 877

Hydrangea, planting and care - a beautiful shrub in the garden in 4 steps

Hydrangea, planting and care are of no small importance when growing, since an unsuccessfully chosen location and soil composition of the soil can lead to disease and poor development, in some cases, death. In addition, you need to properly care for the shrub after planting in order to achieve lush flowering and healthy growth...

Site selection and soil preparation

When to plant hydrangea? Best time to plant– spring, the moment when the earth thaws, the buds have not yet bloomed, and autumn – in the month of September. When choosing a place for an ornamental foliage plant, keep in mind that it is better to plant hydrangea in the shade or partial shade, since bright sun causes slow growth, as a result of which the inflorescences become smaller.

Some types of hydrangea can be grown in open, sunny areas, but require plenty of watering. It is advisable to protect young shrubs from bright sun And big winds. It is not recommended to place under trees that absorb water heavily.

The soil for hydrangea should be well-drained and moist, consist of a balanced mixture of humus, leaf soil, peat chips, river sand (2:2:1:1). Regardless of the type and variety of hydrangea, remember that lime in the soil negatively affects development. The soil must be level Ph approximately 5,0 .

Planting hydrangeas in open ground

In the northern regions of the country, plant hydrangea in open ground preferably in the spring; in the southern regions, including Kuban, the procedure is carried out in the fall. It is recommended to arrange a landing hole for beautiful bush, the dimensions of which are 0.4 m in diameter and 0.4-0.5 m in depth. When planting, be guided by the size of the root system; if it is too large, increase the volume of the hole. It is worth noting that the roots of hydrangea are quite branched.

choosing a location and planting hydrangeas with a closed root system - in the photo

It is necessary to add the prepared soil mixture into the hole and make a small mound, on which the seedling is then carefully placed and the roots are straightened, backfilled without deepening the root collar, which should be flush with the soil. A slight deepening is acceptable, but not more than 20-30 mm; too deep a planting can subsequently lead to rotting of the neck.

The soil in the tree trunk area must be compacted well. Watering hydrangeas after planting is mandatory; it is necessary that the water penetrates well to a root depth of 30-40 cm. It is better to water in a hole next to the plant.

Fertilizing and mulching as the basis of care

To retain moisture after planting in a permanent place, mulch the hydrangea in tree trunk circle. Mulch also inhibits the growth of weeds and protects the roots from overheating. Peat chips, wood chips or bark are used as mulching material, placing a uniform layer of 8-10 cm.

The mulch will decompose over time and become part of the soil, slightly acidifying it. It is best to lay mulch late spring, at a time when the earth has already warmed up well, but is still wet.

watering hydrangeas - pictured

So that the bush grows well and pleases abundant flowering, garden hydrangea is fertilized when planting, then in the spring in the third decade of May or in early summer - early June. Use a solution of mullein or chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Don't forget to fertilize with the complex mineral fertilizers or add at least the most basic components - 20 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of potassium nitrate and urea. Subsequent feeding of hydrangea is carried out at intervals of 17-20 days and ends at the end of July, so that the young shoots have time to become lignified by the winter period.

For strong and flexible shoots, decorative shrubs are watered with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate. In addition, garden stores sell special fertilizers for hydrangea, which contain magnesium and iron, which the plant needs.

mulching hydrangea with wood chips - pictured

Paniculate hydrangea, large-leaved and ground cover mostly have pinkish, cream colors, which can be changed if desired. The color of hydrangea is directly determined by the acidity of the soil. If the soil has a slightly alkaline reaction, the flowering will be pink and crimson; on acidic soils, hydrangea blooms with blue flowers.

To obtain blue flowers in alkaline soil, the bush is watered with solutions of iron salts. To get a more intense blue color under the hydrangea, you should bury rusty metal cans.

Pruning hydrangea - continue to care

Do I need to prune hydrangeas and how to do it? In order for the care to be correct, it is necessary to remember that pruning of large-leaved, serrated, prickly, Sargent, liana-shaped, oak-leaved hydrangeas is carried out taking into account the fact that flowers appear on the shoots of the second year, which means that you need to cut off old branches and weak ones to strong buds.

Pruning paniculata and tree hydrangea involves removing old and faded shoots, which are also weak. At the same time, experienced gardeners do not recommend removing a large number of shoots at the same time, it is better to extend the procedure over a year or two so that the plant does not lose strength and does not die from excessive cutting operations. As a rule, the main branches are not touched; only those that are bad and grow inside the bush are cut off.

autumn pruning of hydrangea - in the photo

Hydrangea can be trimmed in spring and autumn, but it is preferable to autumn period, since sap flow slows down, and cutting will promote lush flowering in the spring. During the spring months, improper pruning can slow down growth and delay flowering. In addition, in the spring, processes in the bush begin to actively start; juice is released when pruned, so be careful not to harm the plant. In spring, pruning is best done as early as possible, before the buds swell and constant warmth sets in.

For the winter, it is carried out as usual, with only one difference - it is better not to touch young shrubs and let them overwinter without surgical intervention, otherwise you risk ruining the plant. Hydrangea, planting and caring for which is not at all difficult, will definitely please its lush flowering, if you suddenly decide to grow unpretentious plant in your garden.

Gotensias: photos on the topic

2016-12-16 Igor Novitsky

Growing hydrangea in the garden is simple and profitable, because there are many varieties of this plant, and they are unpretentious in care. Having studied the special needs of the flower, the gardener will be able to properly prepare the soil for planting, choose a suitable planting site, and determine best time planting and getting a beautiful and healthy harvest.

Selecting a location

There are several types of hydrangea. Some of their requirements for growing conditions are the same, while others differ. For example, paniculata hydrangea grows in one place for a long time and does not tolerate transplantation as an adult. This distinguishes it from other species, for example, large-leaved hydrangea and serrate hydrangea, which can be replanted painlessly if the initially chosen location turned out to be not very successful. In addition, paniculata hydrangea is distinguished by the fragility of its shoots. Therefore, it should not be planted near buildings in order to protect it from snow falling from the roof in winter.

Another special type - petiole hydrangea has a vine-like shape, so it requires support. This hydrangea is convenient to plant near a fence, gazebo, or walls. country house. If you plant it in the middle of the plot, you will need to install some kind of structure nearby (arch, pergola, etc.) so that the vines have something to cling to.

In the first years of life, hydrangea bushes are not very decorative. Therefore, at first it is good to plant near them flowering annuals. But it’s better not to plant bulbous plants nearby. They have to be dug up every 2-3 years. When digging, you may hit root system hydrangea, and it is very sensitive to damage to its roots. In addition to the types of hydrangea, there are many more varieties of each species.

They may also differ slightly in size, flowering time, and greater or less resistance to frost. All this also needs to be taken into account when choosing a landing site. For example, less winter-hardy varieties planted so that it is convenient to equip a shelter for the winter. We will talk in more detail about the types and varieties of hydrangea in a separate chapter.

Most species and varieties of hydrangea prefer diffused lighting and openwork partial shade. They need a place that is lit for most of the day, but at the same time shaded from direct sunlight. Therefore, hydrangeas grow well where, during the midday hours, a not very dense shadow from the foliage of trees falls on them. However, they should not be planted in close proximity to trees, so that the plants do not compete for food and moisture - hydrangea has an extensive root system, and the feeding area is quite large. The most light-loving is petiolate hydrangea; it can be planted in an open place.

The second important requirement for the landing site is protection from prevailing winds. This is important both in summer and in winter time. The shoots of most hydrangeas are quite brittle, so strong summer winds can damage them. In winter, even the most cold-resistant varieties need the most comfortable and protected conditions, since the frost resistance of hydrangeas is still relatively low compared to other crops. It is good to plant hydrangeas near fences or walls of the house on the south or southwest side.

Hydrangeas (with the exception of the liana-shaped form) are most often planted in single plantings or in small groups on the lawn or in a mixborder. They coexist well with low-growing shrubs (for example, astilbe), hostas, all kinds of ornamental grasses and cereals, peonies, daylilies, phlox, and flowering annuals.

Relative to the height groundwater and there is no need to worry about the humidity of the area. Hydrangeas are very moisture-loving, with good care they take root even in marshy soils and lowlands (with the exception of paniculata hydrangea, which does not like waterlogging).

The soil

Hydrangeas require loose, moisture-absorbing, breathable soil with a high humus content. A special requirement is the acidity of the soil - hydrangeas prefer slightly acidic or even acidic soils, the pH should approach 5.5. Therefore, you cannot enter under them fresh manure– it shifts the acidity of the soil to neutral and alkaline. And under such conditions, plants experience leaf chlorosis caused by poor absorption of iron. It is better to use humus and peat as organic additives for hydrangeas. Heavy soil can be corrected by adding coarse river sand. If the soil is neutral, it is acidified with aluminum sulfate, ammonium sulfate or potassium chloride. The acidity level can be determined by the change in color of the hydrangeas. If the flowers turn pink, it means the soil is not acidic enough and the plant may soon get sick.

Landing dates

The time for planting hydrangeas in the ground depends on the condition of the seedling and the climate. The optimal time for planting is late spring (early to mid-May), when the soil has already completely warmed up and the threat of night frosts has passed. In regions with warmer climates, autumn planting of hydrangeas (mid to late September) is no less successful. It is also acceptable in a temperate climate, but only if the seedling is old enough and has a well-formed root system. Young seedlings with weak roots are best planted in spring beds for growing. They are left there until autumn or next spring.

Landing rules

The size of the planting hole depends on the size of the seedling (or rather, its root system). The largest seedlings are hydrangea paniculata, which are recommended to be purchased and planted in a permanent place at the age of 4-5 years, so that the plant takes root well and blooms already in the year of planting. For them, the pit size is 80 x 80 cm. For other types of hydrangea, the standard planting pit has a size of 50 x 50 cm.

The distance between planting holes (or to neighboring plants when planted alone) should be on average 1-1.5 m. If hydrangea is planted as a hedge, then the distance can be reduced to 0.7-0.9 m, but then once every For 1-2 years it will be necessary to do thinning pruning so that the bushes do not choke each other. For standard forms of paniculata hydrangea, the distance is greater than for other species - at least 2-2.5 m.

If the soil is very light and sandy, you can put a small layer of clay (2-3 cm) at the bottom of the planting hole. Next, a drainage layer (5-8 cm) is laid. For drainage, you can use expanded clay, small crushed stone, and broken brick. The hole is filled with a nutrient soil mixture on top of the drainage. There are several options for the mixture, but the main thing is that it contains humus and peat. Humus is added at the rate of 10 kg per pit. The amount of peat depends on the acidity of the soil. The lower it is, the larger proportion of the mixture should be peat. In addition, it is necessary to add superphosphate (60 g per pit) and potassium fertilizers (20 g of potassium sulfate per pit) to the mixture. Nitrogen fertilizers applied if planting occurs in the spring (20 g of urea per hole). At autumn planting they are not needed. Fresh manure and lime should not be added under any circumstances - hydrangeas cannot tolerate them.

At the end of summer, the flowers generally finish blooming, but hydrangea covers itself with a magnificent inflorescence until late autumn. Her time is coming!

During the first French expedition around the world, led by Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, a unique plant was brought to Europe. If not for a coincidence, now this flower would have had a different name - “poivria”. Karl-Heinrich Nassau-Siegen, prince of the Roman Empire, Philibert Commerson, a naturalist and a French doctor, took part in this expedition. It was Monsieur Commerson who suggested naming the flower in honor of Bougainville’s beautiful sister Hortense.

Variety of hydrangea

The homeland of some species is considered to be the Northern and South America, others - China, Japan, Sakhalin, Kurile Islands. There are 70-80 species of shrubs. But, unfortunately, not all grow in our area. Let's look at four types of hydrangea that are most common in our area:

  • tree-like - lat. name Hydrangéa arborescens
  • large-leaved hydrangea or large-leaved hydrangea - lat. name Hydrángea macrophylla
  • petiole - lat. name Hydrangea preslii
  • paniculata - lat. name Hydrangea paniculata

Tree hydrangea is a very persistent and completely unpretentious shrub, some varieties of which can reach 6 m in height. Blooms from July to October. The inflorescences are round, mostly white, cream and soft pink. The shrub is moisture-loving and grows well in partial shade. Can be planted singly or in a group. The most common varieties:

  • Annabelle. Medium size ball different shapes plant with inflorescences white.
  • Hayes Starburst. Dome-shaped inflorescences are white. It blooms for a long time due to the formation of new spherical flowers in the center of the flower.
  • White Dome. Dome-shaped bush. A large, numerous inflorescence in the center, the petals are creamy-white, and the edges are snow-white.

Tree hydrangea (lat. Hydrangéa arboréscens)

View large leaf hydrangea differs from other species in its variety of shades. Pink, white, purple, blue, lilac or violet - with all its riot of colors, the plant looks organically with other representatives of the flora, even dead wood. This variety of hydrangea is not resistant to frosty weather conditions. This is due to the biology of the plant: the ovary is formed at the ends of the shoots of the previous year. Poor winter hardiness due to the fact that the shoots freeze during cold weather, as a result the bush does not bloom. For this reason, before the onset of cold weather and frosts, carefully cover or hide the plant in the basement, where the temperature does not fall below zero.

In spring, do not rush to open or plant hydrangeas on the site until the air warms up enough. According to gardeners, she is more afraid spring frosts. Temperatures of -5 in spring are detrimental to hydrangea buds.

Large leaf hydrangea (lat. Hydrángea macrophýlla)

Caring for tree hydrangea (video)

IN Lately varieties have been developed that are not afraid of frost. Ovaries are formed not only on the shoots of the previous year, but also on the shoots of the current year.

For example, the Endless Summer series:

  • Blashing Bride. White flowers that turn pinkish over time
  • Original A spherical inflorescence of pink or soft lilac color.
  • Twist And Shout. The flowers of this variety are small central and large marginal.

Hydrangea Series Endless Summer Twist And Shout

The Forever and Ever series change color depending on the soil characteristics:

  • Pink - pink, but turns blue in more acidic soil
  • Blue - on the contrary from the Pink variety, blue, and on alkaline soil turn pink
  • Red - red at the beginning of the season, turning purple at the end
  • Dichromatik - two-color flowers, white with a pink eye.

The main advantage of large-leaved frost-resistant varieties is long flowering. After the shrub blooms for the first time, buds appear again after about five to six weeks. This goes on several times. As a result, the bush is decorated with color in good weather conditions from June to October.

Hydrangea series Forever and Ever

Petiolate, climbing hydrangea

The only species accepted in our area. Other species are afraid of the cold. The climbing variety is used in vertical gardening (house walls, terraces, fences, arches) due to its lush foliage. The plant receives nutrition not only from the roots that are in the soil, but also from the air. The vine climbs to a height of more than 10 m, growth increases by 50-100 cm over the season. The plant must be planted in partial shade, in a protected place from cold winds. Flowering occurs in June and July. Flowers are white or white-pink with pleasant aroma. Petiole hydrangea attracts bees with its aroma. The plant can be ground cover if support is not provided.

Planting and caring for petiole hydrangea (video)

Paniculata hydrangea

It got its name because of the shape of the inflorescences - panicles in the shape of a pyramid. The length of such a “pyramid” reaches 25 cm. Paniculate hydrangea flowers have two types - bisexual and sterile. Sterile flowers remain on the branches for a long time, and bisexual flowers immediately fall off after pollination.

One bush can occupy an area with a diameter of up to 2 m. For this reason, before planting the cutting, design the planting site, taking into account the fact that this variety needs space. The plant must be constantly replanted for 5 years, and regular feeding is required. Don't be afraid to plant hydrangea in shady places plot, because unlike others flowering plants, it takes root well in partial shade. The shrub is quite frost-resistant. Even if the frost catches you, it will quickly restore its strength and again delight you with its color in this year. Timely watering is the main thing in caring for shrubs. Even short-term drying out of the soil is detrimental to hydrangea.

The very name of the plant contains Greek word- water, which indicates the preference of the plant.

Paniculata hydrangea

After planting, the first flowering will occur after 4 years. Please be patient! Your wait will be rewarded with abundant color. It begins to bloom with white inflorescences and ends with rich pink flowers.

Consider the composition of the soil before planting paniculate species with other shrubs and trees. The plant reacts to its composition by changing color.

The slightly alkaline soil gives pink color, and acidic is a rich blue color. This happens due to the lack or absence of iron in the soil. Experts experiment with the addition of iron and various acids and obtain the desired shade of flowers or a combination of pink and blue flowers on the branches of one bush. After all the flowers have fallen, the soft velvety leaves will be no less attractive.

How to care for paniculate hydrangea (video)

Designers use paniculate hydrangea in decorative purposes for their original form and bright color which give garden territory amazing view.

We list the most famous varieties of this species:

  • Grandiflora. It is distinguished by its cream color, which changes its shade by autumn.
  • Kyushu. An aerial bush up to 3 m. The inflorescences have an openwork shape. Early flowering
  • Floribunda. Cream-colored inflorescences with dark green leaves.
  • Tardiva. The conical shape of the inflorescences is white, which change to pink and red.
  • Le Vasterival. The flowers are white and shaped like a propeller.
  • Limelight. A unique variety developed by Dutch specialists. Conical inflorescences up to 25 cm in length, lemon-colored. An interesting fact is that in the shade the inflorescences are lemon-colored, and those planted in sunny side plots are white.
  • Bobo (BoBo). This variety is dwarf, 50-70 cm in height. The flowers are usually white, but the color may change over time to lemon white and later even pink.

Paniculata hydrangea in landscape design - design styles

Landscaping with hydrangeas will give the site a sophisticated look. The shrub is beautiful when planted alone, even if one is planted in the middle of the plot. It is no less beautiful when planted in a group, for example, as a hedge. If you are planning to divide the territory into zones, you can safely use flowering shrub. Hydrangea will fulfill its function by forming a hedge or fence impenetrable to prying eyes. The plant, with careful pruning, takes on its intended shape and size. Garden decor or summer cottage with hydrangea creates an atmosphere of comfort and romance. Flowering compositions of hydrangeas near a gazebo, ponds, natural or artificial, have a relaxing and tranquil effect. The landscape becomes colorful from the bright flowering of the bushes when it is reflected in artificial or natural reservoirs. When flowering stops, the water reflection is decorated unusual leaves.

Hydrangea at home

Japanese garden

Hydrangeas in landscape design are used to decorate the garden in different styles. Creating Japanese garden, use plants of all types that grow in our area. It is possible for plants of the same variety to be arranged in tiny islands. Fan maple, pine trees, nivaki, ferns - all these plants are used in Japanese-style garden design. Looks great in a duet with rhododendron hydrangea.

Hydrangea in Japan

White Garden

For a white garden, tree-like and large-leaved shrubs with snow-white or white-lemon flowers are used. paniculate hydrangeas should be chosen with inflorescences that remain unchanged during flowering. White-flowered paniculates look festive with white roses.

Moon Garden


Modern Mediterranean style gardens use classic forms of stone, wood, metal and glass. In such a garden, the decoration will be hydrangea planted in ceramic vases or soil around the perimeter of the terrace. By choosing flowers in beige or terracotta shades, you add charm to the strict lines of buildings. The style will be complemented by a gravel bed and sandstone paths. Don’t forget to decorate small traditionally shaped ponds with hydrangea.

Mediterranean style

Eastern garden

This design style applies to small area With flat surface. The hydrangea variety Vanilla Fraze is an indispensable assistant in this style. Create patterns from flowers of this variety. Add paths of different shapes between the bushes.

English style

To design a garden in the style of a monochrome English flower garden, you need to choose plants with flowers of the same shade, which will not change their color during the flowering process. Adhering to the style arrangement, one plant is planted closer to the center of the site, and the others are placed at the same distance from each other.

English style

A garden in a traditional English style differs from a monochrome one in the abundance of colors, flowers, lawns, hedges and, of course, the constant ivy that covers the facade of the house. In order to create a flower garden that matches English style, geraniums are planted in a flowerbed, others ornamental plants. The completion of the composition will be a voluminous hydrangea bush.

Russian style

Yes, there is such a design style garden plot. It combines hydrangea with Russian birch, proud maple, weeping willow, and delicate lilac. The aesthetic charm of such a composition is given by the variety of crown shapes, colors and plant sizes.

The use of hydrangea in landscape design is limitless! And, no matter how fashion and styles change, hydrangea will decorate your site!