Rhododendrons in my garden. Rhododendrons - frost-resistant varieties What to do if there are no buds

Biological description

Evergreen shrub. At the age of 10 years it reaches a height of 60 cm and a width of 60-100 cm.

In culture

Withstands temperatures down to −32 °C.

It is demanding on the planting site, as in spring it is easily damaged by sunburn. It is recommended to plant in areas with high snow cover.

Diseases and pests

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Excerpt characterizing Rhododendron "Elviira"

– You must have been very sad to be so far from home?
– Yes, how can I tell you... At first, it was even interesting while my mother was alive. And when she died, the whole world darkened for me... I was too young then. But she never loved her father. He only lived by war, even I had only value for him that he could exchange me for marriage... He was a warrior to the core. And he died like that. But I always dreamed of returning home. I even saw dreams... But it didn’t work out.
– Do you want us to take you to Tristan? First we’ll show you how, and then you’ll walk on your own. It’s just...” I suggested, hoping in my heart that she would agree.
I really wanted to see this whole legend “in full”, since such an opportunity arose, and although I was a little ashamed, I decided this time not to listen to my very indignant “inner voice”, but to try to somehow convince Isolde to “take a walk” on the lower “floor” and find her Tristan there for her.
I really really loved this “cold” northern legend. She won my heart from the very minute she fell into my hands. The happiness in her was so fleeting, and there was so much sadness!.. Actually, as Isolde said, they apparently added a lot to it, because it really touched the soul very strongly. Or maybe that’s how it was?.. Who could really know this?.. After all, those who saw all this had not lived for a long time. That’s why I so strongly wanted to take advantage of this, probably the only opportunity, and find out how everything really was...
Isolde sat quietly, thinking about something, as if not daring to take advantage of this unique opportunity that had so unexpectedly presented itself to her, and to see the one whom fate had separated from her for so long...
author Dunaeva N.S., photo Tikhonov Alexander

Rhododendrons of different types, suitable, are grouped into three groups: deciduous, semi-evergreen and evergreen.

I want to tell the readers of the site about my experience in gardening near St. Petersburg.

Three years ago the first evergreen rhododendron appeared in my garden. I chose in partial shade. The acidic soil that these plants prefer is not a problem in the former swamp where our gardening is located.

The rhododendron bloomed all summer. But next spring it began to turn yellow. By autumn it had completely wilted, but could not survive the winter.

Then I began to study all the information I found about growing rhododendrons. I realized that I didn’t buy rhododendron, but; and that it is, of course, not winter-hardy in our climatic zone (5).

Rhododendron varieties "Elvira" and "Haaga"

I bought Finnish rhododendron variety “Elvira” that same fall.
This plant is a low, dense bush that overwinters well without shelter in our region, blooms successfully and grows 4-5 cm over the summer.

After the first happy shopping Two more Finnish rhododendrons appeared in our garden - the “Haaga” variety.
According to the description, this variety forms quite tall bushes. But here these plants have not yet grown enough, but they have already bloomed, delighting us with delicate pink-violet flowers.

However, I almost lost one of the copies. When digging up a plant adjacent to the rhododendron, the nearby surface roots of “Haaga” were apparently damaged.
The disturbed rhododendron began to shed its leaves in the spring, and I had to remove some of the dead branches. I sprayed the remaining branches and leaves with the “Bud” preparation very often. Finally, my rhododendron recovered and began to grow, it had new leaves. I think that this bush will hardly be able to bloom next spring - it is still weak.

Of course, they have the greatest decorative effect.
Rhododendrons bring a lot of joy in May and June, when their low and tall bushes are completely covered.

I will give some advice to all flower growers who like rhododendrons and who are thinking about growing these wonderful plants.
- If your garden has acidic soil, then you can plant rhododendrons there.
- If you are looking for ornamental-leaved and beautifully flowering woody plants that are easy to care for, then rhododendrons are for you!
- If you are sure that the purchased types of rhododendrons are suitable for growing in your area, then the bushes do not need to be covered for the winter. Not cold resistant enough.

I wish gardeners success in growing rhododendrons!

Nadezhda Semenovna Dunaeva (St. Petersburg)

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Location: When choosing a location, you need to keep in mind that it should be protected from prevailing winds and direct sunlight. Most wild rhododendrons in nature hide under the canopy of trees, and if they find themselves on open place, then on such slopes where the sun penetrates only part of the day. Such “problem” places in our gardens, such as areas directly adjacent to the northern walls of the house and other buildings, are excellent for rhododendrons. They also do well in wooded areas, especially under pine trees and not very dense spruce trees.

Ideal arrangement of evergreen rhododendrons
(the crowns of coniferous trees protect plants from the spring sun)
1- area with rhododendrons
2- coniferous trees(spruce, thuja, cypress).

Soil: heavy clay soils, soils with a dense lower horizon, where stagnation of rain and melt water is possible, are unsuitable for growing rhododendrons. Optimal soil mixture: leaf soil, peat and coniferous litter (3:2:1) with the addition of complete mineral fertilizer: 70 g per hole. Optimal soil acidity is 4.5 - 5.0.

Planting: The best time to plant rhododendrons is spring. At the site of future plantings, holes about 50 cm deep and at least 70 cm wide are dug in advance. Drainage is required, a layer of broken brick and sand is 15-20 cm, if the planting hole is deep, then the drainage layer increases to 30 - 40 cm and includes fine gravel or crushed stone (but not limestone). The distance between plants depends on the height and diameter of the crown of the bush and averages from 0.7 to 2 m. When planting plants, you need to ensure that they are root system was not buried, but was located 2-4 cm above the soil level, taking into account its settlement. Make a hole around the bush with raised edges and water it abundantly. Rhododendrons have a shallow root system (30-40 cm), which develops mainly in the litter and humus horizon. Therefore, mulching material is poured around the planted bushes - peat, pine needles in a layer of 4-8 cm, which retains moisture, prevents the growth of weeds, protects the roots from mechanical damage, and reduces the depth of soil freezing.

Planting pattern:
1- primer
2- drainage 15-40 cm
3- soil mixture 20-40 cm
4- needles (preferably pine) 5-15 cm.

Care: involves weeding the tree trunks, watering and fertilizing.

For normal growth and development of plants, the soil should be fertilized once every 2-3 years. In the spring, one bucket of nutrient mixture (rotted cow manure, decomposed compost) is added to the tree trunk circle at a shallow depth. In early spring, rhododendrons are fed with mineral fertilizers containing NPK in a ratio of 2:1:1.5 (ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, potassium sulfate) at the rate of 30-40 g per sq.m. The plants are fed a second time after flowering with a mixture of 2 parts phosphorus and 1 part potassium fertilizer, which promotes the formation of flower buds on next year. If necessary, you can feed them in the summer. But not at the end of it, otherwise this may cause untimely growth of shoots and their freezing in winter. Large doses of superphosphate are dangerous - they create iron deficiency. Fertilizers containing lime and chlorine should be avoided. It is better to feed young plants with low concentrations of mineral fertilizers in liquid form.

Rhododendron (Rhododendron) is a member of the Ericaceae family. This genus is represented by shrubs and trees that are deciduous, semi-deciduous and evergreen. According to various sources, this genus includes 800–1300 species, including azaleas, which are very popular among gardeners; they are also called “indoor rhododendron.” The name of this plant includes 2 words: “rhodon”, which translates as “rose” and “dendron” - meaning “tree”. In this regard, rhododendron means “tree with roses” or “rose tree”. The fact is that azalea flowers are similar in appearance to roses. IN wild conditions Rhododendrons are most widespread in the Northern Hemisphere (in Southern China, the Himalayas, Southeast Asia, Japan and North America). They prefer to grow in the coastal zone of seas, rivers and oceans, on the northern slopes of mountains and in the partial shade of undergrowth. Some species reach a height of 0.3 m, while others are creeping shrubs. Flowers of different species of this genus differ from each other not only in color, but also in shape and size. For example, the most large flowers in diameter they can reach 0.2 m, while the smallest ones are simply tiny in size. Today there are approximately 3 thousand varieties, forms and varieties of garden rhododendron.

Garden rhododendron is a shrub. Different kinds may differ from each other in the size and shape of the leaf blades, which are biennial, annual and perennial, petiolate or sessile, alternately arranged, serrate or entire, obovate or ovate. This plant is relatively popular in all countries of the world due to its decorative foliage, as well as beautiful flowers that are part of racemes or corymbose inflorescences, which look like amazingly beautiful bouquets. Flowers can be colored pink, purple, white, red or lilac. The shape of the flowers directly depends on the type and variety of the plant and can be funnel-shaped, tubular, bell-shaped or wheel-shaped. In some species, flowers have pleasant smell. The fruit is a five-leaf multi-seeded capsule, inside of which there are two-millimeter seeds. The superficial compact root system of this crop consists of a large number of fibrous roots. Due to the fact that the root system is superficial, replanting rhododendron is quite easy, and the plant tolerates it well. This shrub is considered an excellent early spring honey plant.

Choosing the time and place of landing

In mid-latitudes, it is recommended to cultivate only those types of rhododendron that are highly frost-resistant. Plant a plant in open ground possible from April to the second half of May, and also in September–November. Experienced gardeners They plant rhododendron throughout the entire growing season, with the exception of the flowering time of such a shrub, and this should not be done for 7–15 days after flowering.

For planting, you should choose a shaded area located on the north side of the building. The soil must be well drained, loose, contain a large number of humus and be sour. If the site depth groundwater less than 100 cm, then to plant this shrub you will have to make a raised bed. Rhododendron can be planted next to trees such as oak, pine, larch, since their root system goes deep. This shrub is not recommended to be planted next to chestnut, maple, elm, linden, alder, willow and poplar, because their root systems are at the same depth as those of rhododendron, so the latter will lack required quantity nutrients and moisture. If the rhododendron still has to be planted next to one of the listed trees, then the edges of the planting hole will need to be protected by digging slate, roofing felt or polyethylene into the soil. The most better neighbors for this crop are pear and apple trees.

Prepare a hole for planting, so its depth should be approximately 0.4 m, and its diameter should be about 0.6 m. You need to pour into it a soil mixture consisting of 3.5 buckets of loam (can be replaced with a couple of buckets of clay), as well as 8 buckets of high-moor peat. It should be mixed thoroughly. Then the soil mixture poured into the hole must be thoroughly compacted. After which a hole is made in it, the size of which should be equal to the size of the root ball of the plant being planted. Immediately before planting, the seedling must be immersed in a container filled with water. And it is necessary to pull it out only after air bubbles stop coming to the surface of the water. After this, the root system must be placed in a hole, which is filled with soil mixture; it must be compacted very well, so that there are no voids. The root collar of a planted seedling should be flush with the surface of the site. Planted plants need abundant watering. If the rhododendron was planted in dry soil, then the amount of watering should be such that the soil is wet to a depth of 20 centimeters. Then the surface of the tree trunk circle should be covered with a layer of mulch (oak leaves, pine needles, peat or moss), and its thickness should be 50–60 mm. If the seedling has a large number of buds, then some of them need to be torn off, in this case the plant’s forces will be directed to rooting, and not to lush flowering.

If only one rhododendron bush is planted in a spacious area, then the wind can shake the seedling. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to install a support, and it must be tilted towards the direction of the most often blowing winds. Then the planted plant is tied to the support. After the plant has taken root, the support can be removed if desired.

Rhododendron needs good care. It must be sprayed, watered, fed, weeded, formative pruning, and, if necessary, protected from pests and diseases in a timely manner. It is impossible to loosen or dig up the surface of the soil under the bushes due to the superficial location of the plant’s root system. Weeding must be done manually; using a hoe for this purpose is strictly prohibited.

The level of atmospheric and soil moisture is especially important for this crop compared to others. garden plants, especially during budding and flowering. It is very important to water rhododendron correctly because it has significant influence for laying flower buds for the next season. It is necessary to water the plant exclusively with soft water (settled or rain). Some gardeners soften and also acidify water very simply; to do this, they mix it with high-moor peat 24 hours before watering; you need to take a few handfuls. Based on the condition of the leaf blades, you can determine how often a given shrub should be watered. The plant needs watering if the foliage becomes dull and loses turgor. During watering, the soil should be soaked to a depth of 20 to 30 centimeters. But when watering, it is also very important that liquid does not stagnate in the soil, since the root system reacts extremely negatively to this. When water stagnates, rhododendron behaves in exactly the same way as when there is a lack of moisture, namely, the leaf plates curl up and droop. To avoid waterlogging, it is necessary to water the shrub during the hot dry period in the same way as always, but it must be moistened quite often from a sprayer, using soft water.

Since bushes most often have a naturally regular shape, there is no need for strong formative pruning. As a rule, the plant needs pruning if the bush has become excessively tall, if rejuvenating pruning is necessary, or if frost-damaged stems need to be cut off.

What are the rules for pruning mature shrubs? Pruning of the stems is carried out in the spring, and it must be done before the sap begins to flow. Cuts on branches whose thickness is from 20 to 40 mm must be coated with garden varnish. The awakening of dormant buds on the stems begins after 4 weeks, at the same time the renewal process begins, which lasts throughout the year. If the bush is very damaged by frost or is old, then it should be shortened to 0.3–0.4 meters, while in the first year one half of the bush is cut off, and the next - the second.

Such plants have one very important feature. So, in one year their flowering and fruiting are distinguished by their abundance, while the next year they bear fruit and bloom much more sparingly. However, this frequency can be corrected. To do this, after flowering is over, break out all the faded inflorescences. In this case, all saved forces and nutrients the bush will direct the planting of flower buds for the next season.

Feeding rhododendron

Even shrubs planted this season need feeding. The plant is fed for the first time during the season at the beginning of the spring, and the last time is at the end of July, when the plant fades and young stems begin to grow. Experts recommend using liquid fertilizers to feed this crop, which should include horn meal and half-rotted cow manure. To prepare such a fertilizer, manure should be combined with water in a ratio of 1:15, then it should sit for several days, only after which it can be fed to the bushes. Before feeding the rhododendron, it must be watered thoroughly.

Such plants need acidic soil, so choose mineral fertilizers should be those that do not disturb the reaction of the environment. Thus, it is recommended to use superphosphate, phosphate, potassium nitrate and sulfate, ammonium sulfate, calcium sulfate and magnesium, and take them in a weak concentration (1.2:1000). And the solution of potassium fertilizers should be even weaker.

  • at the beginning of spring, organic matter or mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen are applied, while by 1 square meter plot, take 50 grams of magnesium sulfate and the same amount of ammonium sulfate;
  • in the first days of June, when the plant fades, 20 grams of potassium sulfate and superphosphate, as well as 40 grams of ammonium sulfate are added per 1 square meter of land;
  • The rhododendron is fed for the third time in July, with 20 grams of potassium sulfate and superphosphate taken per 1 square meter of land.

Most often they settle on this shrub mealybugs, scale insects, spider mites, bugs, weevils, rhododendron flies, and also slugs and snails. When gastropods appear on the bushes, they should be collected manually, and for preventive purposes, the plant is sprayed with a solution of the fungicidal drug Thiram or TMTD (8%).

If rhododendron bugs, spider mites or weevils have settled on a rhododendron, then it must be sprayed with Diazinon. Moreover, when affected by weevils, not only the bush is treated, but also the surface of the earth around it. In order to get rid of other pests, use Karbofos, and you need to follow the instructions given in the instructions.

Most often, such a plant suffers from fungal diseases, for example: cancer, rust, chlorosis or leaf spot. Most often, such diseases develop as a result of insufficient aeration of the root system. If the bush is affected by rust and spotting, it is necessary to spray it with copper-containing preparations, for example, Bordeaux mixture. When diseased with chlorosis, the bush changes its color to yellow; in this case, iron chelate must be added to the water for irrigation. If the rhododendron is sick with cancer, then it is necessary to either cut off the affected stems to healthy tissue or completely remove them. For prevention purposes, at the beginning of the spring and late autumn, the bushes should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

Rhododendron propagation

Reproduce this plant can be done by seeds or by vegetative methods: layering, grafting, dividing the bush and cuttings. The fastest and easiest way to propagate such a plant is by layering.

To sow seeds, use bowls that are filled with moist peat or heather soil mixed with sand (3:1). After the seeds are sown, they are sprinkled with sand on top, which must be washed. The top of the containers must be covered with glass, and then they are transferred to a well-lit place. Crops must be watered in a timely manner, ventilated every day, and condensation must be regularly removed from the surface of the glass. As a rule, the first seedlings appear after 30 days. When the seedlings have formed a pair of true leaf blades, they will need to be planted more freely, using a 2x3 centimeter pattern. When transplanting, seedlings should be buried along the cotyledons, this will allow the formation strong system roots. In the first year of life, seedlings must be grown in a cool greenhouse. In the second year, the seedlings should be transplanted into open soil into training beds with garden soil mixed with a small amount of peat and sand. Such seedlings are characterized by relatively slow growth. Their first flowering can be seen only in 6–8 years.

Cuttings are also a rather complex method of propagation. Semi-lignified stems are used to take cuttings. The length of the cuttings can vary from 50 to 80 mm. The lower leaf plates from the cut cuttings should all be torn off. In this case, the lower sections must be immersed in a solution of a root growth stimulating agent (for example, heteroauxin) for 12–16 hours. For rooting, the cuttings are planted in a substrate consisting of sand and peat (1:3). Then the container on top needs to be covered with a transparent dome. Rooting cuttings is a long and difficult process. Thus, the rooting of evergreen species lasts from 3 to 4.5 months, and deciduous species - 6 weeks. For growing, the cuttings are planted in boxes filled with a substrate consisting of pine needles and peat (1:2). During winter period cuttings should be kept in a well-lit and cool (8 to 12 degrees) room. With the onset of spring, a box with cuttings should be buried in the garden plot. There they will grow for another 1 or 2 years, only after this the cuttings can be transplanted to permanent place.


The easiest and most natural method of propagating this crop is by dropping cuttings. In spring, you should choose a low-growing young flexible shoot; it must be bent and placed in a prepared groove, the depth of which must be at least 15 centimeters. The middle part of the stem must be fixed in the groove by pinning it. Next, the groove is filled with garden soil combined with peat. The top of the stem remaining on the surface must be tied to a vertically installed peg. When watering the bush itself, you should not forget to moisten the cuttings. In autumn or with the onset of next spring, the cuttings must be cut off from the parent plant and planted in a permanent place. This method Excellent for propagating deciduous rhododendron.

Autumn care

If there is a drought in autumn, then the rhododendron will need regular, abundant watering, so 10–12 liters of water should be poured under 1 bush. If systematic rains are observed in autumn, then there is no need to water such plants. In November, the root system of the shrub should be insulated; for this, the surface of the tree trunk circle should be mulched with a layer of peat.


If rhododendron is grown in mid-latitudes, then after the first frost the bushes should be insulated. To do this, pine or spruce branches are inserted between the branches of the plant, and the bush itself is slightly tied with twine. Then it should be covered with burlap. The bags should be removed from the plants in early spring after the snow cover has melted, and choose a cloudy day for this. If rhododendron is cultivated in a region with a fairly warm climate, then it does not need shelter for the winter.

Types and varieties of rhododendrons with photos and names

There are a very large number of species of rhododendron. Below we will describe those species that are cultivated by gardeners, as well as the most popular garden varieties.

Dahurian rhododendron (Rhododendron dahuricum)

IN natural conditions this type found on rocks and in coniferous forests Northeast China, Eastern Siberia, Primorsky Krai, Korea and Northern Mongolia. This medium-sized evergreen shrub is highly branched, its height can vary from 200 to 400 cm. The color of the bark is gray. The branches are directed upwards. Brown-red thin shoots closer to the tips have pubescence, which is a short pile. The length of small leathery leaf plates is about 30 mm, their front surface is smooth, and their back surface is scaly. The color of young leaves is pale green, and over time they become dark green; in autumn they turn green-red or brown. IN winter time Only a small part of the foliage flies away. The flowering is quite lush and lasts about 20 days. The flowers bloom before the foliage opens. They are large, funnel-shaped, pink-violet in color, and reach 40 mm in diameter. In autumn, re-blooming is sometimes observed. This species is highly resistant to frost, and it also propagates well from green cuttings. There are 2 varieties:

  • evergreen form - the color of the foliage is dark green, and the flowers are lilac-purple;
  • garden early hybrid - this low-growing plant blooms very luxuriantly, the flowers reach 50 mm in diameter, they open very early and are painted in a rich red-blue color, this form is less frost-resistant compared to the main species.

Adams rhododendron (Rhododendron adamsii)

This evergreen shrub grows on rocky slopes and in mountain forests of the Far East, as well as the northeastern foothills of Tibet. The height of the branched bush can reach up to 50 cm. On the surface of the shoots there is pubescence consisting of glandular pile. Matte dense leaf plates of green color have an oblong-elliptical shape in length and width; they can reach about 20 mm. Their front surface is bare, and on the back there are scales, which is why it has a red color. The scutes consist of 7–15 flowers, reaching 15 mm in diameter, they are colored in various shades of pink. This species is included in the Red Book of Buryatia.

Japanese rhododendron (Rhododendron japonicum)

The homeland of this species is Japan, or more precisely, the island of Honshu, where it prefers to grow on sunny mountains. This species is one of the most beautiful deciduous rhododendrons. The height of the branched shrub can reach up to 200 cm. The stems are bare or have silvery bristles on their surface. The green leaf plate has an oblong-lanceolate shape, and there is soft pubescence on both the front and back surfaces. In autumn, the foliage turns red-orange color. The brushes consist of 6–12 fragrant, bell-shaped flowers, reaching 80 mm in diameter and having a red-scarlet or orange color. Of all the species grown in mid-latitudes, this species is the most beautiful. It has high frost resistance, and also reproduces well by seed and cuttings.

Caucasian rhododendron (Rhododendron caucasicum)

This species is found in nature in the Caucasus. This not very tall shrub is evergreen, its branches are creeping. Leathery dark green leaf plates, located on fairly thick long petioles, have an oblong-oval shape. Their front surface is bare, and their back surface is felt-red. On the hairy peduncles there are racemes consisting of 8–10 fragrant flowers, funnel-bell-shaped and pale green in color, with green spots inside the pharynx. Decorative forms:

  • pink-white - flowering begins earlier than the main species;
  • shiny - the color of the flowers is dark pink;
  • golden yellow - there are pale green specks on the surface of the yellow flowers;
  • straw yellow - light red spots are located on the surface of yellow flowers.

Gardeners also cultivate such species as: Albrecht rhododendron, Atlantic rhododendron, Vazeya rhododendron, holoflowered, tree-like, yellow, coarse-haired, western, golden, Indian, Kamchatka, Canadian, Carolina, Carpathian, carpal, sticky, short-fruited, blushing, largest, large-leaved, Katevbinsky , Lapland, Ledebura, small-leaved, marigold, sea buckthorn, pointed, dense, Pontic, attractive, pukhansky, rusty, equal-tall, pink, Sikhotinsky, plum-leaved, obtuse, rooting, Yakushimansky, etc.

This includes hybrids and varieties that are cultivated by gardeners. Hybrid rhododendron is a garden rhododendron. The most popular varieties are:

  1. German cultivar Alfred. This variety was obtained by crossing the Katevba rhododendron with the Everestina variety. This evergreen shrub reaches a height of 1.2 m. The crown diameter is approximately 150 cm. The glossy dark green leaf plates have an oblong-elliptical shape. Dense inflorescences consist of 15–20 flowers of rich purple color, which have a green-yellow spot, reaching 60 mm in diameter.
  2. Variety Blue Peter. It was developed by crossing Pontian rhododendron. The bush reaches a height of more than 150 cm. The spreading crown has a diameter of about 200 cm. The diameter of the lavender-blue flowers reaches 60 mm, they have a corrugated edge, and on the upper petal there is a speck of dark purple color.
  3. Jacksony. This English hybrid was obtained by crossing the Caucasian rhododendron and the Nobleanum variety. The height of the shrub is approximately 200 cm, and its crown reaches about 300 cm in diameter. There is a low-growing form, the height of which does not exceed 0.8 m. The leathery leaf plates of an oblong shape have a matte green front surface and a brown underside. The inflorescences consist of 8–12 flowers, which are colored in the process of opening pink color, then it changes to white, while a yellow-white spot forms on one of the petals.
  4. Rose Marie. A Czech variety obtained by crossing the magnificent rhododendron and the Pink Pearl variety. The shrub reaches a height of 1.2 m, and the diameter of the crown is 150 cm. The leathery leaf plates have an oblong-elliptical shape, they have a waxy coating on the greenish front surface, and the underside is green-blue and shiny. The edges of the flowers are painted soft pink, which towards the middle changes to deep pink with a purple tint. Compact, spherical inflorescences consist of 6–14 flowers.
  5. Nova Zembla. This Dutch hybrid was bred by crossing the Katevbinsky rhododendron and the Persona Gloriosum variety. The height of the bush is approximately 300 centimeters, and the loose crown reaches about 350 cm in girth. The stems grow almost vertically. The leathery glossy leaf plates are quite large. Dense inflorescences consist of 10–12 large flowers, reaching 60 mm in diameter, they are colored red and have a black spot.
  6. Cunningham. This Scottish cultivar is a very popular variety of Caucasian rhododendron. The height of the bush is approximately 200 cm, and the crown reaches 150 cm in diameter. The length of the dark green leathery leaf plates of an oblong shape is about 60 mm, and the width is 30 mm. Dense inflorescences consist of 10 white flowers, on the surface of which there are yellow spots.

Many non-professional gardeners, seeing a gorgeous rhododendron in the picture, decide to decorate theirs with it at all costs. garden plot. However, in most cases, having bought and planted the treasured bush on his plot, the gardener notices that his rhododendron is not as beautiful as expected, and besides, it gradually withers and dies. Therefore, most gardeners are wondering whether it is possible to successfully cultivate such a heat-loving shrub in the Moscow region? And in general, is it possible to grow such a plant in unusual middle latitudes? If everything is done correctly, then this is quite possible.

First of all, you should choose the right variety that can survive the fairly frosty winter months. The fact is that heat-loving species and varieties, even if they are very well covered, will still freeze out in winter. Deciduous species are very suitable for growing in such conditions: Japanese, yellow, Schlippenbach, Vazeya, Canadian, Kamchatka, Pukhan rhododendron. Among the semi-evergreens, you can choose Ledebourg rhododendron. For growing in the middle latitudes, the Katevba rhododendron (as well as its hybrids Alfred, Abraham Lincoln, Nova Zembla, Cunningham White), as well as the short-fruited, golden, and largest rhododendrons and the Smirnova rhododendron and its hybrids Gabriel, Dorothy Swift, Laika, are suitable for growing in the middle latitudes. Finnish breeders have recently developed quite winter-resistant varieties Elvira, Hague, and Mikkeli. Also well tolerated harsh winter mid-latitude hybrids of the Northern Light group Rosie Lights, Pink Lights, Spicy Lights, etc.

Buy suitable seedling It’s not enough, it still needs to be planted correctly:

  1. Planting is done in spring. The site should be in partial shade, and the distance between the seedling and any other plant should be at least 100 cm.
  2. For planting, it is recommended to buy a special soil mixture. If desired, you can make it at home; for this you will need pine needles, garden soil and peat. It is necessary to add complex mineral fertilizer to the soil.
  3. The size of the planting hole should be a couple of times larger than the container in which the plant is located. If the soil is clayey, then at the bottom of the hole you will need to make a good drainage layer of broken brick, the thickness of which should be about 15 centimeters.
  4. After planting, the root collar of the plant should be at the same level as in the container.
  5. The planted plant needs abundant watering.

Rhododendron cultivated in mid-latitudes should be cared for in almost the same way as those plants grown in regions with a milder climate. However, there are still a few differences. Rules of care:

  1. For planting, acidic humus soil should be used. In those places where the roots will absorb nutrients, there should be no wood ash, dolomite, lime and other additives that can alkalize the soil.
  2. The surface of the tree trunk circle must be covered with a layer of mulch. This is especially important because due to the horizontally located roots, loosening and digging the soil around the plant is prohibited.
  3. In spring, the bush must be protected from the scorching rays of the sun. Gauze, mesh or cloth are suitable for this.
  4. It is very important to choose the correct watering mode. This plant should receive as much moisture as it requires. During the dry, hot period of summer, the shrub should be watered 2 times every 7 days. If the weather is rainy and fairly warm in the autumn, then young shoots begin to grow on the bushes, but before they ripen they die in the winter. To prevent such activation of stem growth, the bush should be treated with a fine spray with a solution of polyphosphate or potassium sulfate (1%) and do this on a dry day. This will lead to a halt in growth, as well as stimulation of lignification of the stems and the formation of flower buds for the next season. After the shrub has been processed, all watering should be stopped, even if there is drought and heat.
  5. Rhododendron is very beautiful plant, and he also has healing properties, which have been used for many years in both official and alternative medicine. The species Rhododendron daurian, golden, Adams, and Caucasian include andromedotoxin, ericolin, arbutin and rhododendrin. The foliage contains ascorbic acid, and in summer its concentration in the plant is highest. Thanks to the substances included in this plant, it has an analgesic, sedative, antipyretic, antibacterial and diaphoretic effect. It can also remove from the body excess liquid, eliminate swelling, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, increase cardiac activity, and also reduce venous and blood pressure.

    But one should not assume that this plant is absolutely harmless. Products made from rhododendron should not be used by people suffering from serious kidney disease and tissue necrosis, as well as by pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is also recommended that before taking such a remedy for the first time, consult a specialist.

Dwarf rhododendron belongs to the Ericaceae family of the genus Rhodothamnus. Natural varieties grow in the rocky Alps and are found in Germany, Austria, and Slovenia.

Dwarf rhododendron is a low-growing evergreen shrub that grows no more than 50–60 cm in height when mature. The crown is dense, cushion-shaped. The stems are numerous, raised, twining and creeping towards the ground. The leaves are small, up to 3–4 cm in length, dark green. They grow alternately, oblong in shape, sometimes they are convex. The leaf blade is covered with hairs or scales, depending on the variety.

The flowers are axillary, bell-shaped or cup-shaped, small, up to 4–5 cm in diameter. Inflorescences are collected in 2 - 3 flowers, densely planted. The colors are varied - soft lemon, pink, raspberry, dark red. The fruits ripen in a longitudinal capsule. The root is flat, 30–40 cm in height in an adult bush.

History of origin

Dwarf rhododendron is an alpine endemic in the East. Their range is limited; unfortunately, natural species belong to rare plants, many are listed in the Red Book.

Rhododendron dwarf is ornamental shrub, with his participation in modern selection, many intergeneric hybrids of Calmiopsis, flowering Phyllodoceae of the Veresaceae family have been bred.

What is the difference from other types?

The main difference between the dwarf species of rhododendron is that the exotic is a calciphile, that is, it lives in nature in calcium, limestone, and chalk soils on rocky slopes. Some species bloom again in August–September.

Low-growing varieties and their photos

Rhododendron ludlowii 'Wren' is a low-growing evergreen shrub that is almost hugged to the ground. The height of the dwarf bush reaches 20 - 30 cm. The flowers are bright lemon, medium in size. The leaves are evergreen, small, oblong, up to 2.5 - 3 cm in length. Frost resistance is average, but with spruce shelter it tolerates frost well.

The shrub is creeping, low-growing, its height reaches 50 - 60 cm. The crown is dense, knitted, cushion-shaped, prostrate. The flowers are bell-shaped, deep scarlet, shiny. The leaves are medium-sized, oblong, elongated, dark green in color, maybe darker.

The root is superficial, fragile, and easily damaged when loosened. Blooms early, in May. Can grow in sun and partial shade. Frost resistance is average, tolerates temperatures down to -27 ºС


The bush is dense, evergreen, dwarf. It grows up to 50 cm. The crown is very dense, wide, with a diameter of up to 80 - 90 cm. The leaves are small, wide, oblong, up to 4 - 5 cm in length. The flowers are soft lilac and bloom in mid-May.

Capable of withstanding frosts down to -26 ºС, provided the planting site is protected from gusts of wind, in diffuse shade or in sunny places with shading. Bred in the Czech Republic, named after the town of Krumlov - the birthplace of the exotic.


The bush has a peculiarity - the crown is very thick, it is called thick rhododendron. evergreen shrub dwarf, does not grow to half a meter in adulthood. The flowers are collected in large inflorescences, small in size, tightly planted on the stems, forming a thick dense crown. The shrub blooms at the end of May with dark purple flowers with a blue tint.

The leaves are oblong, medium-sized, 2–3 cm long, quite wide, leaf diameter is 2.5–3 cm. The structure of the foliage is scaly on both sides. Frost resistance is moderate, up to – 26 ºС. Prefers partial shade and humus-rich substrate.

A creeping variety of dwarf rhododendron, the bush extends along the substrate at a height of 40–50 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, up to 5 cm in diameter, funnel-shaped in shape, dark red in color with dark spots on the central petal. The petals are twisted and wavy.

Inflorescences - domes collect up to 10 flowers. The leaves are round, up to 4–6 cm in diameter. The bush is especially intolerant of drought. The variety is highly frost-resistant, provided it is covered and has a mulched layer of substrate, it can withstand temperatures down to – 30 ºС.


When and how does this happen?

The flowering of dwarf rhododendron is generous, abundant, and occurs in May or at the very beginning of June. Lasts 3 weeks. The crown is dense, compact, and during flowering the leaves are almost invisible. Many varieties can bloom again in late August - early September.

Dwarf rhododendron is usually replanted before and after flowering. During bud ripening, the temperature should be reduced to 10 – 12 °C. After flowering, very elongated shoots are cut off. Old inflorescences should be trimmed immediately after flowering for future flowering.

What to do if there are no buds?

For abundant flowering and the formation of new buds, you need to feed the bush with superphosphate. You should also check the bushes for the presence of fungi and garden pests.

Use in landscape design

Dwarf rhododendrons are used to create alpine slides, mixed rocky gardens - mixborders. The varieties look good in compositions with thujas, cypresses and other coniferous plantings.


Choosing a suitable location

For dwarf varieties optimal place plantings - semi-shaded areas. It is good to plant these varieties near pine needles; under its diffused shade, the flowers are protected from the burning sun and gusty winds.

What should the soil be like?

The soil for dwarf rhododendron is loose, drained, moist, but not waterlogged. Required substrate:

  • leaf soil - 3 hours;
  • peat – 2 hours;
  • coniferous litter – 1 hour;
  • mineral fertilizers - 60 - 70 g per 1 planting hole.

Important! It is undesirable to add sawdust, black soil, or ash to the substrate.

Best time planting dwarf rhododendron - early spring. Planting pattern:

The composition of the mulch is peat, pine needles, layer up to 6 cm.


The variety is frost-resistant, withstands temperatures down to an average of -25°C. Dwarf rhododendron prefers cool, humid climates, optimal temperature– 10 – 12°C.


Watering for dwarf rhododendron requires abundant watering in hot weather in summer and moderate in autumn. In winter, watering is reduced by 2 times.

Water should be:

  • acidified;
  • cleaned
  • settled;
  • rainy

Each bush consumes up to 10 liters of water.

Attention! Spray the bushes every day in summer to maintain the necessary air humidity.

Top dressing

For dwarf rhododendron, it is important to use organic fertilizers: rotted manure is diluted in water 1:15, the solution should be infused for several days. Intensive fertilizer - once a week until the end of summer. Combine with watering. Feed the flowers with potassium and phosphorus, solution: 8g per 10 liters of water.

In early spring you can feed with special complex fertilizers.:

  • ammonium sulfate – 2 hours;
  • superphosphate – 1 hour;
  • potassium sulfate – 1 tsp;

The solution is diluted - 30 g of mixture per bush.

For young bushes, fertilizer doses are reduced by 1.5 - 2 times.


Pruning is done 20 days after the end of flowering. Also desirable regular pruning half of old shoots.

Damaged stems, dried leaves and flowers are cut off in a timely manner.


Dwarf rhododendron transplantation is carried out in early spring or at the end of September. Bushes usually tolerate replanting well, provided that the old earthen ball is preserved.

How to prepare for winter?

These varieties with average frost resistance are best covered with burlap and pine branches. Remove the cover in the spring, in parts, preferably on a cloudy day.

Reference! Mulching before wintering is necessary to prevent the roots from freezing.


Dwarf rhododendron in home floriculture is propagated by cuttings:

  1. In spring, cuttings 8 cm long are cut.
  2. The cuttings are dipped for 24 hours in a solution with a root growth stimulator.
  3. Planted in a prepared special substrate to a depth of 2 cm.
  4. The seedlings take root very slowly.
  5. IN open ground seedlings are planted for next spring.
  6. Young seedlings are grown in the cellar.

Diseases and pests

  1. They attack the flower and garden snails and slugs. You need to collect them manually and destroy them.
  2. Spider mite destroys leaves and stems. For minor damage, spraying with a soapy solution will help.
  3. From rhododendron bugs and flies, scale insects Treating the stems and branches with fungicides - karbofos or thiram - will help get rid of it.
  4. Weevil- a common flower pest. Spraying with any insecticide will help here.
  5. From leaf mosaic virus Treating the substrate around the trunk circles will help; diseased branches and leaves need to be cut out.

Advice! Prevention against pests and diseases should be repeated 3–4 times every 8–10 days.

Prevention of various problems

To get rid of rust, powdery mildew, chlorosis, gray rot and other fungi, treatment is required - watering and spraying with fungicides. You can feed the flowers with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Problems can arise from damp soil, unsuitable substrate, incorrectly applied fertilizers or fungi.

Dwarf rhododendron will beautifully cover flower beds and areas with its blooms only with proper care, sufficient watering and good moisture.

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