Planting, care and propagation of bergenia in the garden. Technology of growing the bergenia flower: features of planting and caring for bergenia in open ground, propagation, photo Bergenia garden flower

Bergenia is grown in culture with mid-18th century century. It is suitable for landscaping shaded areas. The flower's homeland is Siberia, but it is popular in Europe as a medicinal and garden plant.

What does incense look like?

Bergenia blooms very early. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, green rosettes of leaves appear above the ground. Following them, inflorescences open: pink, white, red, lilac. Peduncles grow and bloom at the same time. The first bells open between the elastic leaves, and the last one rises to a height of several tens of centimeters.

The flowering of bergenia lasts for almost 2 months. Faded plants become a wonderful backdrop for the rest.

Bergenias will be dormant until mid-summer. Then the rhizome begins to grow and buds begin to form, which will become flowers in 2 years.

In autumn, bergenia again become decorative. With cold weather, the leaves become brightly colored. First, a red border appears on them, then all the plates are streaked with bizarre patterns. In some varieties, with the first frost, the entire leaf surface immediately turns crimson or purple.

Preparing bergenia for planting

Bergenia is used in landscaping personal plots. Many varieties have been bred - different in peduncle height, leaf diameter and petal color, but the agricultural technology for all species is similar.

Selecting a location

The place for the bergenia needs to be chosen once and for all - the plant will hurt when transplanted.

Bergenias tolerate lack of light and do not freeze even in cold winters. They can be planted in sun or shade. However, on open place they never grow as green, large and lush as in partial shade. Away from direct sun, plants look most succulent and vibrant, but stop blooming.

If a flower is used for landscaping an alpine hill, it should be planted on the north side.


Practice shows that 90% of the success in growing this flower depends on the soil. Bergenias need the same soil in which they grow in nature - poor in organic matter, rocky.

If there is no desire or opportunity to create a substrate, you should at least add a little sand and small stone to the hole.

Bergenia does not tolerate even temporary stagnation of water, so it does not grow on clay soil. But, planted near a pond or stream with good drainage, it will grow and bloom.

Planting bergenia in open ground

Bergenia is propagated by dividing the bush. Delenki are planted in May-June. Planting material looks like a root, on which there are root buds and 2-3 leaves.

The delenka is planted to a depth of about 10 cm. There should be at least 50 cm between neighboring plants, since the bushes will grow not in height, but in width.

When propagating bergenia by seeds, you will need purchased soil for flowers. Seeds are sown in early spring in wooden box. There is no need to deepen it too much, just make grooves 5 mm deep:

  1. Place the seeds in the grooves at a distance of 2 cm.
  2. Cover with soil.
  3. Pour water from a watering can.

For germination, a temperature of 18-19 degrees is required. Seeds need at least 3 weeks to germinate.

Seedlings are planted in the garden when they grow and become stronger:

  1. dig holes;
  2. pour some sand on the bottom;
  3. Plant the seedlings at the same depth at which they grew in the box.

Bergenia grown from seeds develops very slowly. By autumn it produces only two leaves. In the first winter, the bush must be covered with litter from the garden. The plants will bloom in the third or fourth year.

Growing and caring for bergenia

In the spring, clear the bush of last year's dried leaves and trim long shoots. Further standard care will be sufficient for the plant.


Bergenia requires regular watering. The water must be rain or well water, heated to a temperature environment. When the soil dries out too much, the leaves wilt. After watering they are not restored, which affects the decorative effect of the flower.


Varieties with large bushes are able to independently suppress annual weeds that grow under their leaves. Miniature varieties you have to weed much more often, since they are not able to fight weeds. Usually one weeding a week is enough to make a flower bed with bergenia look attractive.

Top dressing

The plant responds to complex mineral fertilizers. Tuki is applied twice:

  • before flowering;
  • during the beginning of the growth of new leaves - 2-3 weeks after flowering.

For feeding, it is convenient to take the Kemira Combi complex fertilizer. A tablespoon of granules is diluted in 10 liters of water and this volume is poured into two square meters flower beds.

By the time of the second feeding, the lower leaves, which are more than 2 years old, begin to fade. In order not to injure the plant, there is no need to cut off these plates - they are still alive and useful, as they protect the roots from overheating.

To feed bergenia correctly, lift the old leaves lying on the ground with your hand and pour the fertilizer solution directly under the stem.

Diseases and pests

Bergenia rarely gets sick and is almost not damaged by insects. When rising groundwater Spots caused by pathogenic fungi may appear on the leaves. The pathology is called ramulariasis.

Spots are visible only on the upper side of the plate. The bottom of the leaf is covered with a whitish coating. A severely affected bush dries out.

Treatment consists of cutting off the diseased parts with pruning shears and spraying the bush with Bordeaux mixture or Fundazol.

What bergenia doesn’t like

When caring for bergenia, you need to take into account that it does not tolerate:

  • transfers;
  • water stagnation;
  • parched soil;
  • a large amount of organic matter;
  • clayey and very damp soil.

In nature, last year's bergenia leaves remain on the ground, retaining moisture. But in the garden, plants are cleaned of dried parts so that they look more beautiful. If bergenia is an accent plant in a flower garden or rock garden, fading leaves will have to be removed, but the soil must be mulched to protect the roots from overheating.

Preparing for winter

The bergenia bush grows in one place for up to 8 years. It does not need winter shelter, as it is not afraid of frost and thaw. In very cold regions, young plants are sprinkled with fallen leaves from trees in late autumn.

Today we will look at growing Bergenia from seeds in open ground and find out what features exist in plant care. Let's discuss prevention against diseases and pests. We will also analyze common mistakes gardeners make and answer the most common questions.

Bergenia is a herbaceous perennial plant that represents medicinal and decorative value. In its natural environment it grows in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Bergenia can be found in Primorye, Altai Territory, and Siberia. Grows well on mountain slopes, rocky and forest-steppe areas.

Blooms from late March to late May. Depending on the type and variety, Bergenia flowers are pink, purple, white and red. The flowers are goblet or bell-shaped. The flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences located on a high peduncle.

The diameter of Bergenia flowers is no more than 2 cm. There are up to 120 flowers in one inflorescence

Growing Bergenia from seeds in open ground: conditions

Bergenia grows well in light and loose soils. Tolerates alkaline and moist soils well. Areas located in partial shade or under the canopy of tall trees are suitable for planting Badan. When planted in a sunny area, the growth and development of the plant is weakened, spots in the form of burns form on the leaves, the inflorescences are drooping, and the flowers quickly fade.

The horizontal roots of the plant are located close to the soil surface, so they are difficult to tolerate dry areas. To protect the root system, the soil is mulched, which allows it to retain moisture on the driest days.

The main care for bergenia is watering and thinning. The plant should be watered frequently, but moderately, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. The thinning procedure is carried out to prevent the development of disease and pests.

Badan – ground cover plant, forms dense thickets, thanks to which it clogs weeds

Step-by-step instructions for growing Bergenia from seeds

Bergenia begins to bear fruit in the second half of July and ends in mid-August. The seeds are contained in a dry box. Each box contains several hundred seeds. The seeds are small up to 2 mm.

Seeds can be sown in open ground and sown in containers for growing seedlings. Experienced gardeners recommend not sowing seeds immediately in open ground, but germinating them in shallow trays. Reproduction at home will allow the seedlings to become stronger before planting in open ground.

The generative method of propagation of Badan is a long process. During the first 1.5-2 years, young plants obtained from seeds develop slowly and require care.
Badan seedlings bloom on average 3-4 years after sowing

Sow the seeds in early spring into small containers. It is not recommended to bury the seeds deep into the soil; it is enough to mix the seeds with clean coarse sand and distribute them evenly over the surface of the moist soil. The crops are covered with film and placed outside under the snow. In the second half of March, containers with sowing are brought into a warm room. The appearance of friendly shoots begins after 25 days.

Young shoots sprout when the first leaf appears. Planted for growing in open ground in mid-May. However, on permanent place seedlings are planted in the second year or as soon as the rosette of leaves reaches 10-12 cm. In the table we consider several types of purchased soil suitable for sowing Badan seeds:

Purchased soil provides good oxygen access to the roots of young plants, and also allows for even distribution of moisture in the soil. Soil acidity is neutral

Tip #1: To grow seedlings, you must use soil without decomposing organic matter. Such organic matter displaces nitrogen compounds from the soil mixture. Nitrogen is necessary for the development of seedlings initial stage growth. Moreover, the decomposition of organic matter generates a lot of heat, which leads to overheating of the soil and the death of the still weak root system of young plants. Often, strong heating of the soil leads to the death of seeds.

Planting Badan seedlings in open ground

Bergenia seedlings are planted in the spring - in mid-March. This period is the most favorable for the rooting of young seedlings. At proper care the seedlings will get stronger and accumulate all the necessary nutrients for winter period.

Before planting, seedlings must be acclimatized, namely, seedlings should be brought into the garden in early March on the warmest and windiest days. After some time, as soon as the morning frosts and night frosts are over, the seedlings are left overnight in the area under a plastic cover. Then the cover is removed and the plant continues to be hardened for several more days.

Before planting in open ground, seedlings are watered liquid fertilizer containing nitrogen-phosphorus compounds. This feeding will speed up the rooting of seedlings in a new place. Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to prepare the soil. The soil should be light and loose, such soil is well warmed up by the weak rays of the sun. If the soil is clayey, sand must be added; V sandy soils add a little clay. Holes in the soil are formed with a depth of no more than 2-2.5 cm. The seedlings are planted in open ground along with a lump of earth. The seedlings are placed at a distance of 10-12 cm. After planting, the seedlings are moderately watered with water at room temperature.

Tip #2: After planting in open ground, Badan seedlings must be covered with film. This will protect young plants from sudden frosts, bright rays of the sun, heavy rainfall and pests. The film is periodically opened slightly to ventilate the seedlings. As soon as the plant takes root, the film is removed .

Planted seedlings must be mulched. Mulch in the first stages of plant development will suppress the growth of weeds and preserve required quantity moisture and heat in the soil. In the table we will consider suitable material for mulching young Badan plants:

Organic types of mulch, in addition to retaining heat and moisture in the soil and protecting against weeds, improve the structure of the topsoil. Inorganic types of mulch provide good shade to the soil and retain moisture, but on persistently hot days they can lead to overheating of the soil or cause a greenhouse effect.

Cultivated varieties of Bergenia for planting in the garden

In nature, there are about 10 species of Bergenia, from which garden forms of the plant were obtained. Garden forms of Badan are hybrids of various origins. In the table we consider the varietal characteristics of each of the above Badan varieties:

Garden varieties Plant height (cm) Features of flowers Leaf Features


45-50 The inflorescences are dense, the flowers are reddish-pink Ellipsoidal leaf shape. Green in spring and summer, red-burgundy in autumn
"Thick-leaved" 45-50 The flowers are large up to 2 cm, dark pink The leaves are wide, hard, fleshy. In spring, summer – light green, by autumn – red-brown with shine
"Heart-leaved" 30-35 Inflorescences pink or bright purple The leaves are heart-shaped, hard, smooth, and shiny. Green in spring and summer, red-burgundy in autumn
"Schmidt" 35-40 Inflorescences are bright scarlet Ellipsoidal shape of leaves In spring, in summer the leaves are matte, green, by autumn they are green with a blue tint.
"Bach" 35-40 Cone-shaped inflorescences, white flowers Ellipsoidal, rigid. Dark green in spring and summer, brown in autumn

To grow Badan, it is necessary to prepare such areas in which the plant will grow for 8-10 years. It is important to remember that all garden forms of Badan are difficult to tolerate the transplantation procedure.

All Badan varieties do not like stagnation of water in the soil, and also do not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. Waterlogged soil often leads to rotting of the root system.

Bergenia is rarely affected by diseases and pests. The development of the disease is observed only if the plant is not properly cared for. The absence of pests is due to the specific chemical composition plants that repel the vast majority of pests. Experienced gardeners note that Badan is affected by slobbering pentilia and nematodes. Pennytail appears if the plant is planted in shady areas with frequent accumulation of water in the soil. Nematodes develop in the soil when large amounts of organic matter are added.

Bergenia looks impressive against the background artificial reservoirs and among the stones

To prevent the development of diseases and the appearance of pests, it is necessary to regularly remove dead above-ground plant organs, as well as promptly remove fallen leaves and weeds. When planting is dense, it is recommended to carry out a thinning procedure.

Bergenia in landscape design

Bergenia looks good when planted along garden paths. Thanks to the horizontal root system, which develops close to the surface, Bergenia successfully takes root and grows in areas with an uneven surface.

Bergenia looks organically in a composition with thujas and green pine needles

Serious mistakes gardeners make when growing Bergenia

The main mistakes are:

  1. The seeds are planted deep into the soil.
  2. Seedlings are planted in early spring without hardening.
  3. Rooted seedlings are not mulched.
  4. Water frequently and abundantly.
  5. Seedlings are grown in the sunniest areas.

Frequently asked questions from gardeners

Question No. 1. What material should not be used to mulch Bergenia seedlings?

Answer: Types of organic mulch such as sawdust, wood shavings and bark, when rotting, extract nitrogen from the soil, which impairs the development and rooting of young plants. Use of fallen leaves as mulch should be done with extreme caution. It is not recommended to bring in foliage from diseased trees or trees that have been treated with chemicals.

Question No. 2. When can you replant an adult Bergenia plant?

Answer: Badan does not tolerate transplantation well. Replant in mid-summer or first half of autumn.

Question No. 3. What is the optimal age of a Bergenia plant for dividing a bush?

Answer: Badan aged more than 5 years is suitable for dividing rhizomes. Otherwise, the plant will not tolerate division well, which can lead to disease and death of the plant.

Question No. 4. At what stage of Badan development can mineral fertilizers be applied?

Answer: They feed mineral fertilizers at the flowering stage and at its end.

Question No. 5. Is it possible to sow Badan seeds directly in open ground?

Answer: It is not recommended to sow Bergenia seeds in open ground; the germination rate of such seeds is low. Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out at the end of March until the end of April. Seedlings appear in about a month. For the winter, the seedlings are covered with straw. It blooms 3-4 years after planting.

The homeland of the plant is Altai, and there it is known not only as beautiful flower, but also as a popular remedy. Bergenia belongs to the family of dicotyledonous plants, numbering 30 genera and 600 species. It is used as a drink to restore the body's immune forces, and for this reason in places natural habitat The plant is called Chigir or Mongolian tea.

The leaves are collected in a basal rosette, large, fleshy, shiny. The shape is slightly reminiscent of an elephant's ears, which is why incense is sometimes called elephant ears. By autumn, it accumulates in plant tissues a large number of sugar, so the flower prepares for winter. An increase in sugar causes the leaves to change color and turn red. There are many flowers in the inflorescence, their number can exceed 120 pieces, their size is up to 2 cm, and their colors are red, white, pink and blue.

In total, the plant has 10 species; many varieties have been bred on their basis. But three varieties are considered the most common.

Table. Types of bergenia

Type of bergeniaFeatures and Brief Description

It grows up to 50 cm in height, the leaves are juicy and large. Flowers smell nice, inflorescences Pink colour. In nature it grows on rocky slopes. The inflorescences are among the first to appear immediately after the snow melts; the flowering time is no more than a month. The plant is adapted to growing in regions with unfavorable climatic conditions.

The rhizomes are highly developed and rise above the ground due to the rocky soil. The height of the Pacific bergenia is approximately 40 cm, the lilac flowers are shaped like bells, flowering from May to the end of June. Leaves with a diameter of 20 cm form dense thickets, green in summer and red in late autumn.

The name is due to the shape of the leaves, which have dense flesh and feel great under a layer of snow. The flowering period is 20 days, but it may vary depending on the specific weather conditions in the area. Flowers can be white or white-purple.

Important. The less selection influence on Bergenia, the more resistant it is to negative temperatures. Mother plants easily withstand Siberian frosts, and European breeding species react very negatively to such sharp fluctuations.

Features of cultivation

The plant does not belong to the category of capricious, and anyone can grow it. Bergenia can be grown throughout the entire territory of our country, and the further north, the easier it is.

In the southern regions there are often droughts, and the plant reacts very poorly to lack of moisture. In such conditions, it is necessary to carefully monitor the remaining moisture in the soil and water it in a timely manner. Another feature is that in the south of the country it is recommended to plant the plant in shaded areas, since it cannot withstand the scorching rays of the southern sun.

  1. Place. The further north your region is, the more sun the plant requires; accordingly, it should be planted in the most illuminated areas. This is caused by the developmental characteristics of mother plants, but it must be borne in mind that varietal representatives of flowers are more sensitive to unfavorable growing conditions. For example, if a sunny area in Siberia belongs to the optimal zone for vegetation, then not even every weed can withstand the same place in the Krasnodar Territory, not to mention artificially bred varieties of flowers.

  2. The soil. As mentioned above, in nature bergenia prefers rocky areas. The plant has adapted perfectly to such conditions; the powerful thick rhizome feels normal on the surface of the earth, does not freeze, does not have sunburn, and is not damaged by diseases and pests.

  3. Water balance. It’s a little more complicated here, because the plant does not tolerate both excess and lack of moisture. It does not die, but significantly slows down the growing season; in extreme cases, the lower leaves may dry out.

  4. Nutrients. Feeding is not recommended; the plant is so unpretentious that it develops quite normally even on very poor soils. But it reacts negatively to excess fertilizer. If you feed a little during planting, then further development no need to interfere.

  5. Care. Bergenia foliage covers the ground so tightly that the growth of weeds is completely inhibited, so there is no need to do weeding and loosening. The timing and time of flowering depend on the variety, some favorable conditions can bloom twice a year. The plant lives in one place for 10–12 years; replanting unless absolutely necessary is not recommended. Another nuance is that bergenia can suppress other varieties of flowers; to curb its spread, plantings must be fenced with decorative borders.

If the leaves quickly and abundantly turn yellow, this indicates extremely unfavorable growing conditions, most often due to excess or lack of moisture. The absence of peduncles indicates problems with lighting, since the plant, although it does not like direct sunlight, does not tolerate full shade.

In snowless frosty winters decorative varieties In bergenia, the roots can freeze, and therefore they must be covered with fallen leaves, mown grass, straw and other effective materials.

In early spring, the shelters must be removed, otherwise the roots will become overheated and become sick or die.

Growing bergenia in pots

Planting in pots has its advantages - such flowers can be transferred to different places, due to which the appearance of the garden landscape is constantly changing. In addition, mobility allows you to find the most favorable growing places for them. Planting in pots is done in a certain sequence.

Planting is simple; in such conditions the plant can grow for several years. Replanting is required when there are noticeable deviations in the growing season; at the same time, you need to check the location of the pots, because not all conditions are considered optimal for growth. In winter, flowers must be removed.

Plant propagation methods

It is best to propagate bergenia by dividing the rhizomes and rooting rosettes. Such propagation methods guarantee success and require a minimum of time and effort. Bergenia produces flowers on next year after planting. It can also be grown from seeds, but it will be impossible to achieve such early flowering; you will have to wait at least three to four years.

Rhizome division

Work can begin at the end of September. During this period, the plant has already accumulated enough useful substances for successful wintering, and the air temperature allows planting.

If everything is done in a timely manner and correctly, the plant will successfully survive the winter and sprout in the spring.

Rooting rosettes

This method has different timing; work must begin immediately after flowering ends. Why? In this period Vital energy goes not to the development of the flower, but to the growing season of the leaves. This means that the rosettes are activated, and the likelihood of new leaves appearing increases significantly. How to propagate bergenia with rosettes?

Propagation by seeds

Before sowing, the seeds must be stratified - kept moist for three months at a temperature of +1...3°C. Seeds can be sown in moist soil, take the container outside and cover with a layer of snow. If this is not possible, then they will have to be kept in the refrigerator for this time, which is not very convenient.

Further manipulations should be done in early March.

Now the seedlings are fully prepared for planting in open ground.

Practical advice. Planting seeds is quite troublesome; experienced gardeners recommend using this method only when planting new varieties from purchased seeds. It is much easier to propagate your own flowers using the methods described above.

Step-by-step instructions for planting seedlings in open ground

Step 1. Dig a hole with clay about 30 cm, the specific value is selected taking into account the size of the root system of the bergenia. Experienced flower growers It is always recommended to dig a little deeper; in the future, the planting height can be easily adjusted with sand.

Step 2. Place a drainage layer on the bottom; it is better to use sand. A drainage layer is required; it removes excess moisture and prevents rotting of the root system. The thickness of the sand layer is within 3–5 cm; use it to immediately adjust the depth of the hole taking into account the size of the roots.

Step 3. If available, add some soil substrate. If not, the plant will develop normally. Concerns arise - a month after planting, fertilize with complex fertilizers.

Step 4. Water the hole thoroughly to ensure the roots are in moist soil. Irrigation of the top layer backfill field cannot guarantee the fulfillment of this condition.

Step 5. Carefully remove from the soil along with plastic cup flower seedlings. To do this, turn it upside down, shake it, and support the ground with your other hand.

Step 6. Plant the flower in the wetted hole. Compact the soil around the growing point and water again. All that remains is to mulch the plant.

To improve rooting conditions, it is recommended to cover the flower; use a six-liter plastic bottle from drinking water. Cut off the bottom evenly and place the container on the plant, this is how you make a small greenhouse. With its help, it will be possible to speed up the process of flower development. Before the attack winter frosts It is recommended to mulch; this will help the plant, which is not yet fully mature, to withstand severe frosts.

Follow all the tips and bergenia will decorate your flower beds for a long time. Remember this medicinal plant and helps to cope with various diseases using traditional methods.

Video - Badan: planting and care in open ground

Bergenia is very easy to care for; this property attracts many summer residents who do not have the opportunity to live outside the city all summer and constantly care for flowers. From these plants you can create a full-fledged flower bed, with correct selection flowers, it looks great throughout the warm season. How to select plants for beginners so that the flower bed is always attractive? There are detailed instructions on our website.

Badan is amazing evergreen, which will decorate any flower bed or flower garden. It is often also called bergenia.

This article will discuss the most spectacular and unpretentious varieties that can be grown in the country or in the garden.

Planting and caring for bergenia in the open ground is not complicated or time-consuming, but they have some features that gardeners need to know in order to get a unique and beautiful flowering plant.

The bergenia plant is unique not only for its appearance And beautiful flowering, it is also medicinal.

Thanks to the leaves and rhizomes, bergenia contains large amounts of ascorbic, gallic acid, and carotene. It is used to prepare products that have anti-inflammatory effects.

Tea is also made from the leaves. It strengthens the cardiovascular system and has an original aroma.

The note! Many gardeners compare the flower with elephant ears. Indeed, its leaves have a rounded shape and they are large. Throughout the season, the leaves constantly change color, which perfectly enlivens and decorates the garden.

Let's consider cultivars that are perfect for growing on garden plot. Among them:

  • thick-leaved bergenia is the most common variety. It is ideal for open ground; it is a herbaceous plant with large, fleshy leaves;

  • Pacific bergenia - variety with large leaves round shape, the flowers are small and bell-like;

  • Bergenia cordifolia is a plant 20-40 cm high. It got its name because of the leaves - they are shaped like hearts. Blooms with white, pink, purple inflorescences.


How to grow in the country perennial flower, will be discussed further.

There are 2 ways to propagate it: by dividing the bush or growing from seeds.

Dividing the bush

This method allows you to grow a healthy and strong bergenia plant.

It is necessary to start dividing the bush in May or June. Its roots are located shallow, which makes it easy to dig them up without damaging the main root.

After separation, each root should have 3 buds and 3 leaves. Next, dig holes 15-20 cm deep. Take cuttings and place them inside the hole.

The distance between each plant is left at least 35-50 cm, since bergenia grows in width and not in height.

Don't forget to water the soil immediately after planting. This method reproduction can be used once every 4-5 years.

Step-by-step instructions for growing from seeds

Growing bergenia from seeds is more problematic than dividing the bush. The process is more labor-intensive and time-consuming.

The seeds of the plant are small and difficult to work with. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to sow bergenia in containers and leave them outside all winter.

There they winter under the snow, and with the arrival of warmth they are brought into the warmth.

In May, seedlings are planted in separate boxes, pots or cups at a distance of 5 cm.

Planting bergenia seedlings in open ground

Planting bergenia in the ground in the spring will not be difficult. Special attention should be given to the soil, and fertilizing should be applied in a timely manner.

With proper care, bergenia will grow beautiful and decorate the area abundant flowering.

What should the soil be like, should it be fed?

Bergenia grows worse on clay soils. The soil should be light, you can dilute it with sand or small crushed stone.

Excessive moisture will have an unfavorable effect on the plant, so it is better that the soil is drained. Overflow can also affect the flowering and growth of bergenia.

It is best to replant the plant in early spring or summer.

To do this, first dig holes 30 cm deep and water. Afterwards, the incense is placed and sprinkled with earth.

It is important to remove all weeds that interfere with the development of the plant and are taken from the soil nutrients.

After 14-21 days, when the flowering period has passed, fertilizers are also applied. Fertilizing stimulates the process of maturation, aging of foliage, they begin to change color.

Watering rules

Bergenia will grow and bloom beautifully if you provide it with regular watering. It is important not to flood the soil, but not to let it dry out!

You need to focus on weather conditions and soil conditions. It is also recommended to mulch the soil around the plant, as it promotes uniform evaporation of moisture.

It is necessary to water in the morning or evening so that the plant in the sun does not get burned by drops of water on the leaves.

If bergenia does not grow in a central or visible area, dried and fallen leaves do not need to be removed.

They cover the soil and protect the plant from overheating in hot weather.

Pruning bergenia leaves

Trim leaves from hybrids - herbaceous plants for open ground – not prerequisite. They do this only for aesthetic reasons. When the bergenia is in a visible place, fallen and damaged leaves spoil the entire appearance.

Note! If you decide to remove all fallen leaves, be sure to mulch the soil around the plant. This will not only protect you from overheating, but will also help the flower to better survive frosts in winter.

Diseases and pests

Evergreen bergenia gets sick quite rarely, and pests also rarely attack it.

With proper care, the plant does not get sick, otherwise various problems may appear, including:

Serious mistakes gardeners make when growing bergenia

Among the most common mistakes that gardeners make are the following:

  1. The seed is planted too deeply into the soil. In this case, it is very difficult for fragile sprouts to get through the thickness of the earth.
  2. Early planting of seedlings in open ground, bypassing hardening. After transplantation, the plant becomes vulnerable and gets sick. Hardening, which is carried out gradually, will help you adapt faster to new conditions. It promotes rapid adaptation to a new place, and also increases the resistance of bergenia to diseases and insect pests.
  3. They forget to mulch the soil.
  4. Excessive watering. It is detrimental to the flower and can cause fungal diseases or pests.
  5. Seedlings are planted in sunny areas where scorching sun. Leaves may begin to dry out and turn yellow.

Why doesn't bergenia bloom?

The bergenia flower is a unique, winter-hardy and unpretentious plant.

With its abundant flowering it decorates any flower garden or flower bed. But sometimes flowering occurs only after many years or does not occur at all.

The reasons for this unpleasant event may be the following:

  1. Young bergenia plants begin to bloom late. This is especially true for plants obtained from seeds. Most often, flowering begins only 4 years after planting.
  2. Long adaptation after transplantation into open ground. A flower or part of a rhizome may become sick during propagation; it takes a lot of time for it to take root in a new place.
  3. Insufficient lighting of the area. Sunlight is necessary during the formation of buds. If bergenia is planted in the shade, it may be slightly delayed in flowering.
  4. Too dense planting also affects flowering. During growth, the bushes become crowded and do not bloom. The situation can be corrected by planting the plants apart from each other.

Combination with other plants

Bergenia in garden design looks great both in group plantings and growing separately.

Hybrid bergenia allows you to combine it with other flowers and create original compositions. Bergenia is combined with plants such as:

  • lungwort;
  • juniper;
  • fern;
  • astilbe.

Bergenia looks amazing under a tree. Another great option is when bergenia grows among snowdrops and crocuses.

Bergenia in garden design

Most main feature The plant is its unpretentiousness and frost resistance.

Even a novice gardener can cope with growing a flower.

Alone or surrounded by other flowers, bergenia looks impressive; it will not leave any gardener indifferent.

We recommend you find out:

IN decorative purposes bergenia is interesting plant and is becoming increasingly popular among amateur gardeners. It can develop and bloom well in partial shade, in places where most plants suffer from lack of light.

Find the same unpretentious plant, like incense, it’s difficult. As for planting, caring for and propagating this perennial, they will be so simple that even any novice amateur gardener can grow bergenia.

Bergenia and its varieties are usually propagated by generative and vegetative methods.

Generative method or growing from seeds

First, bergenia seeds are sown in containers (pallets). This step allows the sprouted seedlings to grow stronger in the most favorable conditions, and the number of dying plants decreases.

Seeds produce a large number of seedlings at the same time. After the seedlings reach 10-15 centimeters, they will need to be planted in the ground.

To the disadvantages seed propagation bergenia is worth considering its long terms and germination problems that sometimes appear, as well as the late flowering of young plants that will bloom only in a couple of years.

To increase the number of seedlings, bergenia seeds are first placed in a fungicide solution. When growing seedlings, it is necessary to ensure that the tray does not dry out and to regularly loosen the soil.

Vegetative propagation

Vegetative propagation: bergenia cuttings before planting

This method of reproduction is the easiest and fastest in comparison with generative reproduction.

Propagation using the vegetative organs of the plant will in most cases bring better results.


Planting bergenia is possible in three main ways, namely: planting plants from containers (pallets), planting with rhizomes with rosettes in them, planting rhizomes with existing dormant buds.

Planting bergenia from a container (pallet) into open ground

Disembarkation planting material from a pallet or container is possible at any time of the year, from spring to autumn.

But still, seedlings obtained from seeds are recommended to be planted in the spring so that over the summer they can grow stronger and accumulate organic matter for winter.

When planting seedlings from a container, they should be removed along with the earthen ball and transplanted into holes of appropriate sizes.

If the bergenia in the container has grown, then it should first be divided by shaking off the soil and cutting the rhizome. The divided parts are also planted in a permanent place in the ground.

Planting with rhizomes with rosettes

In this case, part of the rhizome must be carefully dug up and, with a lump of earth, transplanted to a new place. As an option, you can even take a rhizome that does not have dormant buds, but has rosettes of leaves.

This method is the most gentle method of planting bergenia. However, this is only possible when the plant is replanted immediately or after a short period of time. This method of transplantation is suitable for the entire growing season of the plant, with the exception of flowering time.

Early autumn is preferable for planting time.

When planting, some of the leaves should be removed and only the top two or three leaves should be left. The cuttings should be planted in a light and loose substrate and buried to the rosette. The distance between rhizomes with rosettes should be at least thirty centimeters.

Find out how to grow bush roses on your property.

Planting bergenia with rhizomes that have dormant buds

If bergenia is planted with rhizomes with dormant buds, then in this case part of the rhizome should be dug up and cleared of soil. The section of rhizome to be dug up for transplantation should have more than five to six dormant buds.

IN special conditions This rhizome can be stored for a long time. The components of these conditions are darkness, cold and coolness. To store rhizomes, they must be covered with aerated paper or straw.

Before planting, those rhizomes that have been without a substrate for a long time must be kept in water for two or three hours, to which a little potassium permanganate or copper sulfate for prevention. The roots can also be treated with a fungicide solution.

Soil selection and preparation

Bergenia is a winter-hardy plant. He's not afraid harsh winters. However, when low temperatures If there is no snow cover or there is little snow cover, the leaves and flower buds of bergenia may freeze.

This the plant will take root both in partial shade and in sunny areas. In cases where the shade is deep and if the soils are rich in organic matter, bergenia will be able to quickly grow a powerful leaf mass, but it will almost never bloom.

If you take alpine slide or rockeries, then bergenia should be planted on them on the northern, northwestern and northeastern slopes. Bergenia will also feel great on the banks of garden ponds. In this case, the soil must have a well-drained layer. The perennial does not like wetlands and places where rain (melt) water stagnates.

Among the peculiarities of planting is the fact that in one place the bergenia will develop well for 7-8 years. However, even in the case of frequent transplants, the plant will not have time to recover, which leads to diseases.

When preparing the mixture for planting, you need to take two parts of sand with small pebbles (crushed stone) and mix them with one part of turf soil (leaf compost). A thick layer of crushed stone should be poured onto the bottom of the planting hole.

Bergenia care

Leaves perennial plant Bergenia live for two years, then they die off. The end of the second year of their life is expressed in a change in leaf color from green to pinkish-yellow. After some time, the leaves completely turn brown, and then dry out and fall off, forming a kind of mulch around the bushes that protects the soil from overheating.

In the spring, after the snow melts, old leaves need to be removed and shoots that are too long should be shortened. Bergenia should be watered regularly. After two weeks have passed since the end of bergenia flowering, when new leaves and rosettes begin to form, the plant must be fed with a solution of mineral fertilizer.

Bergenia does not require care, but it is better to plant it on sunny side- this will ensure its lush flowering

Certain plant varieties may suffer from frost. Therefore, it is better to plant them on the south side of the house and buildings, as well as under the crowns big trees, close to bushes, while avoiding northern winds and lowlands.

Bergenia varieties

Badan has sufficient quantity various varieties. The most common variety is the thick-leaved bergenia, which has fleshy leaves containing water reserves. Based on the hybrids bred by breeders with his participation, the following varieties appeared:

  • variety "Britten", which has white and pink flowers;
  • variety "Purple Glocken", which has bright drooping purple flowers;
  • variety "Abenglute", which has dark pink double flowers;
  • varieties "Morgenrote" and "Sunningdale", which are late bloomers, blooming in the summer.

In addition to the varieties described above, there are also heart-leaved and purple bergenia, Pacific and others.

Bergenia varieties can be viewed in the gallery:

Pest and disease control

Bergenia is almost not affected by pests. This is due to its chemical composition.

One of the pests of bergenia is the slobbering pennitsa, which likes to breed in its shade. Chemicals are used to combat it.

Also, the bergenia plant can be affected by nematodes, which are roundworms. When they multiply massively, the plant dies. When it is transplanted, nematode eggs remain on the roots. The area where they settled must be treated with chemicals and no plants should be planted on it for at least a year.

The main disease in bergenia is rotting of the rhizome, which is caused by fungal pathogens. This disease can affect the plant in clay soils with existing poor water drainage, as well as on heavy substrates.