Planting pelargonium in peat tablets. Growing pelargonium from seeds. Pelargonium growing and care in the garden

Growing pelargonium from seeds at home the matter is not difficult if you follow all the recommendations and step by step instructions presented in this article. Pelargonium, also called geranium, is quite unpretentious. Caring for the plant is simple, but it gives joy to many gardeners. Geranium decorates the windows of the house, balconies and terraces.

The plant belongs to the Geraniaceae family, and its large inflorescences have a whole range of colors. Pelargonium is the most popular flower grown to decorate the home. And all this thanks to such qualities as unpretentiousness, good smell, gentle and beautiful flowers, as well as the ability to maintain a normal microclimate in the room. You can buy a ready-made flower in a vase in a store, but it will be expensive. Therefore, it is better to get pelargonium yourself from seeds. Next we will tell technology growing pelargonium from seeds.


House geranium is a low plant. But there are also subshrubs whose roots are highly branched. But mountain plants have a rod-shaped root.

U different types geranium leaf shape and color vary. They can be not only green, but also blue, grayish, and reddish. The leaves come with solid edges, with small or deep cuts. Some specimens have leaves with hairs.

Pelargonium flowers can be very large, collected in inflorescences that look like brushes. The color range is wide: red, white, purple, blue and many other shades. In August-September, fruits appear in the form of a box, inside which seeds ripen.

Benefits of growing pelargonium from seeds

  • More practical way growing a flower.
  • Using seeds, you can grow many seedlings, from which the best quality ones are selected.
  • The plant can bloom for a long time, while it forms more lush flowers.
  • Seedlings grown from seeds renew the quality of the varietal crop.
  • Thanks to new pollination, they get the best varieties with new beautiful shades and shapes of flowers, graceful lines of leaves, and other properties.

When to plant

At home, geranium can be grown at any time of the year. The main thing is that the plant has enough light throughout the day. The best period for sowing pelargonium seeds is the end of February - beginning of March. If the flower is planted later, the shoots will stretch upward, and flowers may appear after 9-10 months.

Watch the video! When and how to sow pelargonium(geranium) seeds

Features of cultivation

Only zonal pelargonium is grown from seeds. Other types of flowers are propagated using cuttings.

To grow healthy and beautiful plant, it is necessary to take a serious approach to the selection of planting material.

Seed selection

When purchasing geranium seeds for planting, you should know the following nuances:

  • high-quality seeds have a rich brown, light tint and slight dullness possible;
  • fully formed seeds are oblong in appearance, and have small depressions on the sides;
  • they are quite large;
  • have a thick leathery shell.

Selection of containers

Planting material can be planted in small cups or special plastic containers. The dishes must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or other accessible method. Holes are made in the bottom and drainage is created in order to prevent waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the roots. The container is filled with the prepared substrate, watered with water or aqueous solution Kornevin. Seeds are sown every other day.

Soil selection

Homemade geranium loves light and nutritious soil so that air and water can easily pass to the roots. Ready-made soil from the store is suitable for growing pelargonium seeds. But you can prepare the soil mixture yourself using several recipes:

  • Sand, peat, compost and humus are combined in equal quantities.
  • Mix garden soil with peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.
  • Mix peat with perlite for plants (1:1).

Experienced flower growers recommend, if possible, preparing a mixture for planting geranium seeds yourself. Store-bought soil does not give such good results: seeds germinate much later, seedlings are not as healthy, thin stems are formed and few flowers.

Ready mixture for sowing seeds, it should also be disinfected by calcining it in the oven. Thus, the plant will be protected from infection by various diseases in the future.

Advice! The soil can also be disinfected by treating it with a solution of potassium permanganate or ready-made fungicides, steaming it in a water bath, and calcining it in the oven (150 degrees). After the procedures have been completed, seeds should be planted every other day.

Seed preparation

Due to the fact that pelargonium seeds are endowed with a dense skin, they are difficult to germinate and may not sprout at all. Therefore, before planting seeds in the soil, they must undergo scarification - a special procedure for removing the dense shell.

This processing of planting material can be carried out independently at home. It is not difficult to do, but carefully using fine sandpaper. It is used to clean the upper thick layer of each seed separately.


To grow a quality plant at home, you need to use a mini-greenhouse. Any dish that can be covered can be used for this. plastic film or transparent lid. You can also cover the crops with a plastic bottle. To allow air to enter, small holes are made in the lid, bottle or film.

  • To prevent the plant from becoming infected with diseases, the seeds must be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Next, treat with a growth stimulator , or Epin. Then the seeds are washed well and soaked for 3 hours in warm water.
  • The container for planting the planting material is filled with the prepared mixture.
  • The seeds are laid on the soil, and the distance between them should be at least 5 centimeters. Sprinkle the crops with soil and cover with film or glass.
  • For irrigation, use settled water at room temperature. The soil must be constantly sprayed with a spray bottle and ensure that it does not dry out.
  • If all planting conditions are met, sprouts will appear in 14 days.

Watch the video! Proper sowing of geranium seeds

Growing in peat tablets

There is such a convenient way to grow geranium from seeds in peat tablets. It is better to purchase medium-sized tablets. They are placed in a deep container and warm water is poured. When the peat nest increases almost 6 times, a depression is made in it, the seed is lowered into it and sprinkled with peat from the tablet. The dishes are covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm place. After 14-17 days, the first shoots will appear.


After 2-4 leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate cups. To plant the plant, you can take the same soil that was used when sowing the seeds. Young shoots are exposed to southern windows on the sunny side.

Seedling care

It is very important to ensure proper watering of seedlings after picking. At first, they were watered with very small doses of water; the soil was moderately moist, but not wet. Watering is carried out at the root with settled water at a temperature not lower than +18..+20°C. Do not allow moisture to get on the leaves.

If moisture gets on the leaves, a disease such as blackleg may develop. If signs of fungus appear, a solution of Fitosporin or other biological products is injected into the soil in compliance with the instructions. From the mass germination phase, the air temperature is reduced by 2-3 °C. In the future, it is set at a level of +18..+20°C.

Can be used to feed seedlings purchased composition with microelements. Fertilizer is introduced into the soil 2 times a month. In order not to damage the young shoots of pelargonium, the dose of the product recommended by the manufacturer for feeding flowers is diluted 2-3 times.

When the plant reaches a height of about 8-10 cm, it can be transplanted to permanent place in a spacious pot. To preserve the integrity of the root system, geraniums are replanted using the transshipment method. The flower is placed on windowsills, where sunlight illuminates the plants from the morning until 11 a.m. or after 3 p.m. In this case, direct sunlight will not harm the plant.

Geranium will look beautiful if you care for it properly. Bushes require regular watering, timely fertilization, cutting off dry leaves and inflorescences. It is important to pinch the plant so that it does not grow in height, but has beautiful shape crowns

Geranium is pinched when it reaches a height of 10 cm. It is recommended to turn the container with the flower on the other side towards sunlight once every 5-6 days. In this case, the main stem will not bend.

Diseases and pests

Thanks to the specific smell of geranium leaves, pests practically do not bother this plant. But spider mite He is not afraid of this smell, so it can cause harm. You can fight it with a solution of simple soap or insecticide. Pelargonium gets sick most often when it is grown in cold and damp rooms.

The most common diseases:

  • Powdery mildew. The disease can be identified by the appearance white plaque on the leaves, which begin to dry out, and after a while the flower dies. At the first signs of the disease, all affected parts are removed and the plant is treated.
  • Gray rot. Pelargonium leaves become covered with brown spots, which become larger over time. As a result, the leaves curl and begin to fall off. In this case, the diseased part is removed to prevent infection of the plant.
  • Brown spot. The lower part of the leaves is covered with light-colored spots. Then they become yellow or brown. To treat the plant, the fungicide Alirin-B is used.

Choosing a variety of garden geranium

Garden geranium is valued for its unpretentiousness. It adapts well and grows in both shade and sun. We offer the most popular varieties of garden zonal geraniums that can be grown from seeds.

Varieties and hybrids of pelargonium for home cultivation

There are many types of geraniums that can be grown at home: White Butterfly, Chandelier Scarlet, Dwarf Nano Violet, Colorama, Pelargonium Paul f1, Pink, Southern Night, Moulin Rouge, Chandelier Bicolor, etc.

The most popular varieties among gardeners are the Royal pelargonium varieties. The plant has large flowers, which are collected in inflorescences. They look very beautiful and create coziness in the house. These are Mandarin, Sally Munro, Mona Lisa, Candy Flowers Bright Red, Black Prince, etc.

Bush divisions). Pelargonium hybrids that were grown from their own seeds do not have the properties of the parent. In order to preserve the necessary characteristics, they are propagated exclusively by vegetation.

Experienced flower growers are interested in growing this or that variety from seeds on their own. You can use store-bought or your own grains. A flower grown from seeds blooms more abundantly and longer than one grown from a cutting.

Features of planting material

In appearance, the flower seeds resemble coffee beans. They are located in the seed box. One of the sides is slightly convex, and the other is flat, with a pronounced dividing line. Color – rich brown. A small downy umbrella acts as a dense shell covering the seeds. After ripening, the capsule bursts and fruits appear in its place.

When flowers appear on pelargonium, you should take care of the seeds. Possible option artificial pollination. You can transfer pollen using a needle or tweezers. In the very center of the plant there are 10 stamens and 1 pistil with stigma. It is necessary to carefully take pollen from one flower and transfer it to the stigma of another, which should have bloomed a few days before. Pollination using this method can be done many times.

Now about how to collect ripened seeds. After pollination has occurred, 4-5 days later, the column begins to grow. The capsule fruit is pointed and elongated. The fruit will burst immediately after the seeds ripen. Slightly oblong seeds, which are covered with light fibers, hang on thin and dense threads.

Harvesting takes place when the grains are completely ripe. Dry, opened boxes are considered evidence of maturity.

Attention! It is necessary to ensure that the seeds do not fall out or germinate, because in this case, storing them will be impossible.

We invite you to watch a video about the collection and features of planting material:


In the photo below you can see what the seed looks like.

How to grow a flower?

When to sow?

Sowing pelargonium at home can be done all year round. The main thing is to ensure additional light. The optimal period for the procedure is considered to be the end of February or March. Later sowing threatens excessive elongation of shoots, and flowering will not appear earlier than after 9-10 months.

Preparing soil and seed material

Important! It is preferable to plant pelargonium in a nutritious and light soil that allows air and water to pass well to the root system. You can germinate seeds in purchased soil or in home-made soil.

There are several options:

  • Mix equal portions of sand, peat, compost and humus.
  • Combine 2 parts garden soil with 1 part peat and sand.
  • Dilute peat with perlite 1:1.

Before sowing, the substrate must be disinfected: bake in the oven for a couple of minutes. This is done to avoid infection. Fungicides or manganese are also used for treatment.

Careful selection of planting material ensures that the flower grows quickly and without problems. When selecting seeds, you need to pay attention to the following:

Seeds that have the following characteristics are unsuitable:

  • Small in size.
  • The presence of various deformations.
  • Flat.
  • The surface of the seeds is covered with spots.

How to plant?

Sowing with peat tablets

  1. You need to take medium-sized tablets.
  2. Place them in a fairly deep container and fill with warm water.
  3. Wait until they increase 5-6 times.
  4. Place the seed in a special hole and then cover it a little with peat from the tablet.
  5. Next, the container is placed in a warm place, first covered with glass or thick film. Over the next 1-2 weeks, the first shoots will appear.

Selection of pot

To germinate pelargonium, you will need small pots, 3-4 centimeters deep. You can buy such a container at a flower shop or make it yourself. Growing takes place in a box or pot. The container should be selected according to the size of the roots. There is no need to replant until the plant becomes crowded.

Soil selection

should be fertile and loose. Clayey, loamy and acidic soils are not suitable. Experienced gardeners advise preparing the substrate yourself. In store-bought soil, the seedlings are weaker, the shoots are late, the bushes grow thin, the stems, on the contrary, are thick, the flowering is not lush and faded.


Humidity mode

Excessively wet soil has a negative effect on the flower. May cause a disease called blackleg. It instantly develops and destroys the plant. To avoid this disease, the pot must have a layer of drainage and a hole through which excess liquid will drain.

How to water young shoots?

The watering regime must be observed. To form a beautiful and healthy bush, timely watering is required. The procedure is carried out only after upper layer the soil will dry out. After planting in separate containers, water no more than 2 times a week. In winter, the frequency is reduced to once every seven days.

Growing pelargonium at home from seeds allows gardeners to obtain a profusely flowering plant. Important conditions are the selection of seeds, compliance with all recommendations for planting and proper care for young shoots. Now you know everything about planting and caring for pelargonium.

Video on the topic

We invite you to watch a video on how to properly sow pelargonium seeds:

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Soil preparation

IMPORTANT: Pelargonium prefers light, nutritious soil that allows water and air to pass well to the roots of the plant. To germinate seeds, you can use ready-made store-bought soil or make it yourself.

There are several options:

  1. mix peat, sand, humus and compost in equal proportions;
  2. combine two parts of garden soil with one part of peat and sand;
  3. dilute peat with perlite in a 1:1 ratio.

Before sowing seeds, the prepared substrate must be disinfected to avoid further infection of pelargonium. To do this, it is calcined for several minutes in the oven.

Ready-made fungicides can be used to treat the soil. High Quality or manganese. Then planting should be postponed for one day.

To grow pelargonium quickly and without problems, you need to select and prepare planting material. When selecting seeds, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention for the following signs:

If the planting material has all these qualities, then it can be purchased. You should not choose seeds that have the following characteristics:

  • small;
  • flattened;
  • deformed;
  • covered with spots of different colors.

The seeds of some types of pelargonium, especially ivy-leaved ones, do not sprout for 2-3 months. It is necessary to remember this and not stop caring for the crops.

To minimize germination time, a scarification procedure is carried out.. It involves removing part of the seed coat to provide access nutrients. This requires:

  1. Use fine- or medium-grit sandpaper. It will help remove the surface layer without traumatic breaks.
  2. Slowly rub the seed 2-3 times on the sandpaper using a rotating motion.

How to plant? For planting seeds and successful cultivation seedlings at home will need a greenhouse. This can be a regular seedling box covered with a plastic bag, a food tray with a transparent lid, or a plastic bottle cut in the middle. To ensure air access, small holes must be made in the film or lid.

Sowing at home:

Place the boxes with the crops in a warm room in which the temperature is kept around 22-24°C. It is necessary to water the seeds as the soil dries out..

Growing in peat tablets

How to grow it at home in peat tablets? Take medium sized tablets. Place them in a deep container and soak in warm water until they increase in size by about 6 times. Place the grain in a special recess and lightly cover it with peat from the tablet. After this, cover the container with film or glass and place in a warm place. The first shoots will appear after a week and a half.

Watch a video about sowing pelargonium seeds at peat tablets:

Choosing the “right” pot

Small compact pots or trays 3 cm deep are suitable for germinating pelargonium. You can purchase containers in special stores or make them yourself.

Boxes or pots are used for growing. The pot in which the flower will be located is selected according to the size of the root system. Replanting is done only when the plant becomes crowded(you can find out more about how to transplant and root pelargonium). It is advisable to use clay pots. They allow air to pass through well and absorb moisture. You can use plastic pots, but they do not allow air to pass through and can lead to stagnation. excess water. This can lead to rotting of the roots and.

If it is possible to prepare the growing substrate yourself, then you should take advantage of it. In purchased soil, seedlings appear later, seedlings are weaker, the bush forms thin or excessively thick stems, and the plant blooms sparsely.

Favorable conditions for growing pelargonium from seeds:

Pelargonium seeds germinate within 2-14 days from planting. Terry varieties with germination can be delayed for up to 1 month.

We water correctly

Improper watering can cause disease and even death of young plants.

Helpful Tips:

  • Do not over-moisten the soil. This leads to blackleg, a disease that develops quickly and destroys seedlings. To avoid this, it is necessary to make a drainage layer and holes in the planting containers to drain excess water.
  • It is required to follow the watering regime. Water the seedlings as the soil dries, being careful not to flood them. After planting, the plants are watered in separate containers no more than twice a week. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to once every seven days.

Pelargonium is fed for the first time two weeks after picking. For this purpose, fertilizers are used flowering plants rich in potassium and phosphorus. The frequency of feeding is once every two weeks. In winter, feeding is stopped. You can find out more about how to feed pelargonium.

Watch a video about watering and feeding pelargonium seedlings from seeds:


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Pelargonium is perennial plant, which belongs to the Geranium family, which is why it also has another common name: “geranium”. Plant selection contributed to the emergence of hybrids and varieties with double and simple flowers two-color or one-color color. The shade of pelargonium foliage can be monochromatic, variegated or zonal. In the latter case, a zone repeating the outline of the leaf clearly stands out against the green background of the leaf plate. Brown, which gave the common name to this plant variety.

Geranium is now regaining its former popularity, as it is able to bloom profusely for a long period, while withstanding drought and direct sunlight. But as you know, a plant grown from seeds is different increased immunity to external conditions, since throughout the entire growth period it manages to fully adapt to them, and geranium is also no exception.

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    Popular varieties

    There are several of the most popular varieties, which have significant differences among themselves. To understand the difference between them, you need to understand what plants from different species groups look like.

    There are six main groups of pelargoniums:

    • zonal;
    • royal;
    • ivy-leaved or ampelous;
    • unique;
    • angels;
    • fragrant.

    Zonal pelargoniums

    It is considered the most popular species, which contains about 75 thousand varieties. It is a densely leafy bush. It is the prototype of a wild crop. New varieties are distinguished by their short stature and compactness, but require timely pinching to give the bush shape. It has a long flowering period from June to the end of October, and with lighting it can bloom all year round.

    Zonal geraniums are divided into three main groups:

    • non-double varieties, the flowers of which consist of 5 petals;
    • semi-double varieties - 6–8 petals;
    • terry varieties - over 8 petals.

    Each of these groups is further divided into many subgroups with their own characteristics and differences. The most popular of them are:

    • Rosaceous geraniums. A variety of zonal pelargoniums, the flowers of which are shaped like roses.
    • Tulip pelargoniums. The flowers of the plant look like a bud of tulips, which are collected in lush inflorescences. The first mention of the species was in early XIX century.
    • Carnation geraniums. The petals of this subgroup are distinguished by a characteristic carved edge reminiscent of a carnation.

    Rosaceae geraniums

    Tulip pelargoniums

    Carnation geraniums

    Royal geraniums

    Form lush bushes, the diameter of the flowers reaches 4–7 cm. They are distinguished by two-color contrasting shades. The leaf plates have a pointed carved edge. This variety is more demanding of care and requires increased attention from the grower.

    Flowering duration is 3 months. For the formation of buds, it is necessary to keep it cool in winter within 10–12 degrees.

    Ivy or ampelous

    This species resembles ivy in the shape of its leaves. The length of the stems, depending on the variety, can vary from 25 to 100 cm. Used for hanging baskets. It is possible to grow both outdoors and at home.

    The leaves have a smooth shiny surface, which helps them reflect the sun's rays and not overheat. The shape of the flowers can be simple, double or rosebud. It has a long flowering period, the same as the zonal series.


    Counts old-fashioned look pelargonium, created by crossing royal and shiny geraniums. The shape of the flowers resembles the royal variety. The leaves are dissected, some varieties have a pleasant smell. Used to decorate the garden.

    The unique bushes are large and splayed; for successful flowering, the length of the stems should not be less than 40–50 cm. They require pinching of shoots to form correct form plants.


    Obtained by crossing royal and curly geraniums. They form ampelous bushes with flowing shoots. Flowers remind royal varieties, but have a smaller diameter by 1–2 cm.

    They grow quickly, but need good lighting. Angels are more resilient than royal geraniums.


    Plants of this species are capable of exuding a pleasant fragrant aroma. The flowers are not particularly decorative, and the leaves have a palmate-lobed shape with angular edges. Fragrant pelargoniums form a large loose bush, the length of its shoots reaches a meter.

    This type of geranium is grown purely because pleasant smell. Depending on the variety, it changes and resembles grapefruit, pineapple, peach, apple, rose, oriental seasonings, pine and mint.

    Features of growing from seeds

    The seed method of growing pelargoniums makes it possible to obtain plants that will have abundant and long-lasting flowering. In addition, they will be much more hardy than store-bought specimens, since as they develop they become accustomed to home conditions.

    Geranium seeds can be collected independently after flowering or purchased in a specialized store, which guarantees the preservation of the species qualities of the selected variety.

    Seed preparation

    Geranium seeds are quite large in size, which makes it possible to initially select high-quality specimens. Their color should be brown with a matte surface. The shape of geranium seeds is oblong, with small longitudinal depressions, the shell is leathery and dense.

    All small, deformed and flattened geranium seeds that are knocked out of total mass, must be rejected immediately, since planting them will not lead to a positive result.

    Some types of pelargonium, especially ivy-leaved ones, have a long period of seed germination, so it is necessary to carry out special treatment, which will reduce the waiting time. In this case, experts recommend scarification, which means removing the outer shell of the seeds, which will improve the access of nutrients.

    To do this, the seeds must be rubbed with sandpaper or a nail file. 2 hours before sowing, they must be soaked in Epin solution at the rate of 3 drops per 1 liter of water, which stimulates growth processes and strengthens the immunity of the seedlings in the future.

    You can plant geraniums at home all year round, but the bushes must have time to bloom in this year, it is necessary to sow in early or mid-January. But for the full development and growth of plants, it will be necessary to provide illumination in evening time.

    Substrate preparation

    Pelargonium is not very demanding on the soil, so for growing seedlings you can buy a substrate for seedlings in a specialized store. You can also prepare it yourself by mixing the ingredients in the following proportions:

    • 1 part of turf land;
    • 1 part leaf soil or peat;
    • 1 part river sand;
    • 1 part coconut substrate;
    • 1 part perlite.

    A week before sowing geranium seeds, it is necessary to disinfect the substrate by spilling it with a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate (0.2 mg per 1 liter of water). This procedure will help prevent the development of root rot.

    Planting containers

    For planting geraniums you can use various containers. Each gardener chooses which ones to take based on his preferences.

    When sowing in total capacity in the phase of 2–3 true leaves, further transplantation into separate pots will be required. Planting containers should be no more than 5–6 cm deep and have drainage holes to remove excess water.

    But you can use peat tablets for growing geraniums, which are compressed soil placed in a special mesh. This method helps to develop strong root system seedlings and replant in the future without any difficulties with minimal stress for pelargonium.

    Landing algorithm

    Sowing seeds must be carried out in accordance with the rules and step by step necessary steps. Ignoring the recommendations can lead to the absence of seedlings at all or the death of geranium seedlings in the future. Before planting, the soil must be heated to 21–22 degrees.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. 1. Place a 1 cm layer of drainage on the bottom of the planting container.
    2. 2. Fill the containers with the prepared substrate, compact the soil surface on top and water generously.
    3. 3. When planting in peat tablets, they must be soaked for 10 minutes in water to soak them.
    4. 4. Place the geranium seeds at a distance of 1.5–2 cm from each other and cover with a 0.5 cm layer of substrate.
    5. 5. Seeds are placed in peat tablets one at a time, deepening them 0.5 cm into the soil.
    6. 6. Moisten the surface of the substrate with a spray bottle.
    7. 7. Cover the containers with a transparent lid, which will create a microclimate inside and improve seed germination.
    8. 8. Place the containers in a dark place with a temperature of 25 degrees until friendly shoots appear.

    During the entire period of seed germination, it is necessary to occasionally ventilate the containers and remove accumulated condensation from the lid. Geranium shoots should appear within 7–14 days, depending on how well the scarification was carried out. When friendly shoots appear, the containers must be moved to the windowsill and the temperature lowered to 20–22 degrees.

    In the first 2-3 days, there should be 12-14 hours of daylight, so in the evening it is necessary to turn on the backlight. In the future, the duration of lighting can be reduced to 10 hours a day.

    A week after seed germination, it is necessary to adapt them to external environment. To do this, it is recommended to remove the lid for 40 minutes on the first day, and with each subsequent day, increase the interval by another 40 minutes. After 7 days of the procedure, the seedlings can be completely opened.

    Picking seedlings

    At the age of 2–3 true leaves, plants need to be transplanted into separate pots with a diameter of 8–9 cm. For planting, it is recommended to use a substrate for flowering plants, which is sold in the store.

    At the bottom of the pots you need to put a 1 cm layer of drainage, and then pour the substrate and make a depression in it the size of the plant’s root system. If the seedlings were initially planted in peat tablets, then they are replanted along with them, and later the restraining mesh itself will dissolve in the soil. After planting, it is necessary to sprinkle the seedlings with soil at the base and compact the surface, which will eliminate the presence of voids between the roots. Water the plants and place them in partial shade for 2 days to recuperate.

    Further care

    As soon as the seedlings have their fifth true leaf, they need to be pinched, which will help stimulate the growth of side shoots and form a compact bush.

    Geranium will not cause much trouble if all care requirements are followed.

    The plant can easily withstand direct sunlight, so eastern and south-eastern windows are suitable for it. It is necessary to water as the earthen clod dries, avoiding overflow. Geranium does not need high air humidity, so you should not spray the foliage.

    The optimal temperature is 18–22 degrees in the warm season, and in winter time- 10–15 degrees. During the growing season from February to April, it is necessary to fertilize once every 2 weeks with fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, which stimulates the growth of green mass and side shoots of the bush.

    From the beginning of May to the end of July, the plant needs fertilizing with a high potassium content, which promotes lush and long-lasting flowering.

    As soon as the threat of later spring frosts and the air warms up to 20 degrees, geraniums can be moved outside or to the balcony, or planted in open ground.

    Possible problems

    Pelargonium is a non-capricious plant, but if the conditions of its maintenance are violated, some difficulties may arise that will cause the death of the flower. To avoid them, you need to familiarize yourself with them in advance:

    1. 1. Black leg. It affects geranium seedlings at the initial stage of growth and can completely destroy all seedlings. Appears as a result of excessive soil moisture against the background of cold conditions, and the cause of the development of the disease is often the thickening of seedlings and excessive application nitrogen fertilizers. Do not neglect the procedure for disinfecting the soil before planting seeds and, if necessary, remove excess seedlings in a timely manner. For treatment at the first signs of illness, use the drug "Maxim".
    2. 2. Gray mold. Develops at high air humidity. It is necessary to ventilate the room more often and adjust watering. To combat the disease, spray the plant with Fitosporin.
    3. 3. Elongated bare stems. This sign indicates a lack of light. It is necessary to move the plant to a well-lit place.
    4. 4. The lower leaves turn yellow and fall off. This indicates a lack of moisture, so the plant sheds its leaves to develop the top. Watering needs to be adjusted.
    5. 5. Whitefly and aphids. These pests can cause significant harm to pelargonium, so it is necessary to timely spray the foliage with Actellik or Fitoverm.

    Growing geraniums from seeds is a fascinating activity that helps to grow flowers that are fully adapted to the conditions in which they will have to develop in the future.

Pelargonium or geranium is a type of geranium. It is a perennial plant. In this article we will examine in detail the topic: pelargonium from seeds at home. Most varieties were brought to Europe from the Republic of South Africa in the 16th century. It was brought to our country only in the 18th century, but it took root well and became one of the attributes of home comfort.

Pelargonium flowers description, photo

Know! Its essential oil is widely used in cosmetology, aromatherapy, in the creation of perfumes, as well as in folk medicine. There are about three hundred species of this plant in the world. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  • zonal;
  • ivy-leaved;
  • royal;
  • ampelous.

Geranium is relatively unpretentious. It does not require close attention and will not cause trouble for a novice gardener. However, the same cannot be said about royal pelargonium.

P. zonal

P. ivy-leaved

P. royal

P. ampelous

Varieties for growing by seeds at home

In the house you can most often see zonal pelargonium. She is not whimsical and grows well. Ivy can be found on the plots of private houses; it can also be grown in an apartment, knowing some of the subtleties.

The royal one is quite capricious, but it takes root well on a southern windowsill. The main thing is to protect it from drafts. But the ampelous one is extremely rare. Even experienced gardeners prefer to propagate it using cuttings.

Preparations for growing pelargonium seeds

Pelargonium is best grown from seeds. Most often, flowers grown from seeds bloom better and much more abundantly than geraniums grown from cuttings. If the seeds were taken from hybrid varieties, then during germination, a flower may appear completely different from its “parents”. However, most gardeners prefer to propagate it using cuttings.

The necessary conditions

Pelargonium is given a southern window sill, but without direct sunlight. The temperature in summer should be no higher than 24 degrees, in winter no lower than 14. The soil should be loose and well-drained. Watering should be moderate but constant. Geranium does not like stagnant water. During the growing season it is fed twice a month with liquid fertilizer.

Sowing time

Sowing pelargonium can be done all year round, but only if additional lighting is provided. If this is not possible, best time breeding - spring, summer.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Before sowing, they need to be prepared. If they were obtained from home geraniums, then they must be cleared of the hard shell. This will promote rapid development. Next, the cleaned grains are treated with a growth stimulating agent. Then soak in warm water for three hours.

Soil (composition, characteristics)

Pelargonium is not picky about soil; a regular mixture bought in a store will do. But if you wish, you can prepare the soil yourself; for this you will need two parts of turf, one part of sand and one part of peat.

Containers for sowing

Boxes or pots are used for growing. The pot in which the flower will be located is selected according to the size of the root system. Replanting is done only when the plant becomes crowded. It is advisable to use clay pots. They allow air to pass through well and absorb moisture.

You can also use plastic pots, but they do not allow air to pass through and can cause excess water to stagnate. This will lead to rotting of the roots and death of the flower.

Seed sowing technology

Sowing occurs from the beginning of winter until mid-spring. The soil should not be dense and have an acidity of 6 pH.

The seeds are located at an equal distance from each other, located in pre-prepared grooves. Afterwards they are sprinkled with earth. Watered and covered cling film. Boxes with crops are placed in a warm room in which the temperature is kept around 22-24 degrees.

It is necessary to water as the soil dries out. When the first shoots appear, they need to be provided good lighting, and the film can be removed from the box and the temperature can be reduced to 20 degrees.

Sowing seeds in peat tablets

You will need medium sized tablets. They are laid out in a deep container and soaked in warm water so that they increase in size by about 6 times. The grain is placed in a special recess and lightly covered with peat from the tablet. After which the container is covered with film or glass and placed in a warm place. The first shoots will appear after a week or a week and a half.

Take advantage of this useful video material about growing pelargonium seeds in hot peat tablets.

Seedling care

In winter, seedlings should not come into contact with very hot radiators. Feed the sprouts every 14 days with fertilizer for flower crops. However, the dosage size should be reduced by half.

Seedling care

Pots with seedlings are placed on a sunny windowsill. But they should be protected from direct sunlight so as not to burn the tender leaves. After a couple of weeks, the first feeding is carried out. Can be used liquid fertilizers with a lower concentration of nutrients.


Seedlings are transplanted only when four full leaves appear on them, without disturbing the earthen coma. Before picking, use a long-acting fertilizer. If the geranium was grown in peat tablets, then after hardening, it is sent to open ground.


Occurs immediately before the geranium is moved into open ground. At first, the seedlings are placed on a cool windowsill, but the temperature should not be lower than 18 degrees. Afterwards, you can open the window or window for a while without creating drafts. When the night frosts end, the seedlings can be transferred to the flowerbed.

When to pinch out seedlings

To perform pinching, the top is removed. This is done to increase the branching of the flower. The procedure takes place from February to March. The cutting is pinched over 8-10 leaves, and when pelargonium was grown from seeds - 6-8. The process is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. To avoid infection, pinching is carried out only with clean hands and treated tools.
  2. After the procedure, to avoid stretching the shoots, the seedlings require a lot of sunlight.
  3. It is necessary to remove branches that grow towards the center of the pot. This will avoid flower diseases. To process cuts, you can use brilliant green, charcoal or alcohol.

Royal pelargonium from seeds

Unlike other varieties, it grows in South America. Very capricious and requires maximum attention. Loves moist air, lack of direct sunlight and drafts.

Planting begins with the onset of the winter months. Royal requires light soil, which is constantly kept moist. The room temperature should not fall below 20 degrees.

The first shoots appear after 21 days. After this, the boxes with seedlings are moved to a room with a temperature of at least 15 degrees. When three full leaves appear, the sprouts are planted in different containers.

Royal pelargonium has several types: Ansbrock Beauty, Charmy Electo, Deerwood Angel Eyes, Fairy Queen, Tip Top Duet, Deerwood New Day.

Features of growing ampelous pelargonium from seeds

Native of South Africa. Quite capricious, but with careful care it will give you a luxurious color. Popular in gardening and used for hanging flower beds, open areas, verandas. Its shoots reach almost one meter in length.

Ampelous fruits are placed in soil previously moistened with water. After which the box with future sprouts is covered with cling film and sent to a warm room.

Attention! This type quite capricious when seed propagation. Even experienced gardeners prefer cuttings.

Zonal pelargonium from seeds

It also grows in the vast expanses of South Africa. It reproduces very well using seeds. They need to be sown in moist and loose soil and the box covered with film and kept warm. Under such conditions, the first seedlings appear after a couple of weeks. Zonal is divided into many varieties. Here are some of them:

  • variegated, golden-leaved;
  • dark-leaved, speckled;
  • star, carnation;
  • tulip, rosacea, etc.

Pelargonium ivy-leaved growing by seeds

A special feature of this variety is the flexibility of its stems, which allows it to curl. The shoots reach one meter in length and the castings have a smooth texture. Ideal for hanging gardens, balconies, verandas.

Reproduction using seeds occurs as follows:

  1. The grains are placed in a box with loose soil to a depth of half a centimeter.
  2. The tray is placed in a greenhouse or covered with film and sent to a warm room.
  3. Should be kept at a temperature of 22-24 degrees Celsius, in good lighting.

Before emergence, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture. After three weeks, the sprouts are planted in different pots. When they are strong enough, you can start feeding them with mineral fertilizer.

Attention! It begins to sow from the beginning of winter until mid-spring. In winter, the use of a phytolamp is a mandatory requirement.

When and how to plant seedlings in the ground

Seedlings are sent to the garden only after hardening. The main thing is to make sure that there is no frost at night.

Important! Not all types of pelargonium are intended for growing in the garden. For example, the royal one does not like drafts and is intended only for indoor use.

The soil should be loose, well-drained, and free of clay. Geraniums should be avoided from direct sunlight, so it is best to place the flower bed in partial shade. Flowers are planted in a flowerbed at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other. Watering should be moderate, but drying out should not be allowed. It is necessary to promptly remove faded buds.

Choosing a site for planting, soil

The place in the flowerbed should be of average fertility, loose and with good drainage. Pelargonium does not tolerate stagnant water, so clay soil is contraindicated for it.
The area where the geranium will bloom should be chosen in the shade to avoid burns from direct sunlight.

Plant care (watering, fertilizing, tying up)

Geranium categorically does not tolerate fertilizers of organic origin. It is enough to feed it, during the period of active growth, a couple of times a month. Feeding is completely canceled during rest, that is, in winter.

The flower is tied up at standard form growing. When the trunk is high enough, round pegs firmly stuck into the soil are used to tie it up. It has the ability to heat up moisture, so it is resistant to drying out. However, in the summer, frequent watering is required. But oversaturation with water can lead to death, so you need to provide it with good drainage.

Attention! The plant does not like spraying. It can lead to fungal diseases.

Drooping leaves indicate an excess of water. This is a sign of illness. And when the soil dries out, pelargonium stops blooming and yellowness appears.

Possible problems during cultivation

During propagation, difficulties with flowering, leaves, buds or growth may occur. Fortunately, most problems are easily resolved.

Problems with sheets

If improper care is taken, the following symptoms may occur:

  • yellow edging of the lower leaves - insufficient amount of feeding;
  • red-red color - indicates a lack of magnesium, or cold nights;
  • deformation of shape - pincers;
  • distorted foliage, yellow or white spots – the presence of aphids;
  • yellow weakened leaves - means the presence of whiteflies, rotting of the root
  • systems, bacterial disease;
  • trunk rotting, wilting, spots appearing - stem rot, spotting;
  • white mold coating, blackening and dying - the presence of powdery mildew.

The absence of flowers and buds is extremely rare. Most often this is due to excessive watering, hot weather or lack of sunlight.

Growth problems are usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

If not properly cared for, novice gardeners may encounter plant diseases, which can lead to the death of the flower. Types of diseases and how to deal with them.

Gray rot. Lack of color, yellowing of leaves, and the appearance of brown spots located closest to the soil indicate the presence of this disease. Causes:

  • high humidity;
  • lack of room ventilation;
  • spraying;
  • increased nitrogen content in the soil.

Systemic fungicides will help in the fight against gray mold. When using them, the dosage is strictly observed.

Alternaria blight. The disease is characterized by the appearance of dark spots with a light core. At high humidity, a velvety coating is possible.

To prevent the disease, it is important to provide proper care. Regular ventilation, moderate watering and loose soil are all that geranium loves. Alternaria blight is treated with systemic fungicides with long-term therapeutic effect.

Rhizoctonia rot. Characterized by a depressed leaf or stem structure. In this case, the plant has a lack of color, yellowing and wilting. Causes:

  • excessive moisture;
  • lack of light
  • lack of ventilation;
  • high room temperature (usually associated with contact of heating devices);
  • excessive use of fertilizers.

In the fight against the disease, again, a special product designed to protect against rot will help.

Late blight. The disease is associated with high temperature air, excessive moisture, high levels of fertilizers, and too dense plantings. Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • cessation of flowering;
  • fades. dries;
  • decay appears;
  • depressed spots are noted on the roots;
  • the spots gradually rise.

Attention! The pathogen persists in the soil for many years. The number can reach 10-15 years.

Rust. Occurs with high humidity and excessive heat. Transmitted from plant to plant by air and water. Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • lack of flowering;
  • appearance yellow spots on the top of the sheet;
  • pustules form on the back side;
  • As the disease progresses, the leaves become yellow, dry out and fly off.

To combat the disease, reduce the room temperature and humidity level. Remove all affected areas and treat with a special product.

Verticillium wilt. The disease causes the edges of the lower leaves to turn yellow. Over time, they darken and fade. If you do not fight the disease, it spreads to the healthy part. Verticillium wilt affects those plants that have been grown in one place for a long time. Most often, infection occurs in the summer.

To avoid the spread of the disease, it is necessary to water the flower in a timely manner and remove the remains of the diseased plant. Cuttings should take root in clean soil. Fungicides with a long-term therapeutic effect are used for treatment. Also, incorrect content of geranium leads to the appearance of harmful insects.

Multi-clawed mites. When it appears, the growth of leaves at the top of the shoots stops, and the back side becomes covered with a gray-brown scab. Excessive heat and high humidity provoke the appearance of these insects. For mild lesions, soap or mineral oil can be used. You can also resort to processing chemicals protection.

Thrips. The leaves of the flower are deformed, the growing point is bent, and growths form on the back side. The inflorescences become spotted, and the petals have a gray-brown edge.

They fight thrips in several stages. Sticky blue traps are placed near the young animals. After which the seedlings are treated with insecticides. Repeated spraying is carried out after about 5 days.

Aphid. Signs of appearance:

  • curliness;
  • yellowing;
  • with severe damage, aphid secretions are visible.

Small clusters of aphids are cut off along with the affected areas, or washed off with soap and water. In case of severe damage, chemicals are used.

Caterpillars. The leaves become gnawed, and the waste of the caterpillars is visible. The control method is very simple - in isolated cases, they are collected manually in the evening. Or they are treated with special preparations.

Whitefly. Clusters of insects are visible. When a plant is severely damaged, its leaves turn yellow. Fight with adhesive tapes yellow color, as well as preparations with potassium oil or insecticides against whiteflies.

Spider mite. They feed on cell sap, which results in the appearance of small transparent holes, and then yellowing and wilting of the plant. Appear when elevated temperature room and excessive dryness.

You can fight the mite by treating the plant with soap or mineral oil. But this method is suitable for mild pest infestation. In other cases, insecticides are used.

Flower care during and after flowering

During flowering, regular but moderate watering is required. It is advisable to regularly loosen the soil around the flower for good oxygen circulation. For good flowering it must be provided with constant sunlight. It is necessary to feed twice a month.

After flowering, in the winter season, watering is kept to a minimum, and fertilizer is postponed until spring. It is advisable to provide lighting. The room should not be very hot; it is necessary to protect the geranium from contact with heating devices.

How to collect seeds

If the geranium has been outside all summer, then you can expect the appearance of seeds. When the basket with seeds is ripe, it bursts, and fruits form in its place. It is advisable to collect them from dry baskets, this indicates that they are ripe.

Forum, reviews from flower growers

After talking with experienced gardeners on the forums, you can find out how to grow geranium from seeds if regular planting does not produce results. To do this, the seeds are soaked in a growth stimulant, then placed in a cotton pad or a small piece of cotton wool and, after hatching, planted in the ground.

On other forums you can find information that it is absolutely not necessary to soak the seeds, but just cover the box with film and place it on the sunniest windowsill. And the film is removed only after germination.
However, some gardeners do not recommend creating a greenhouse, as this can lead to blackleg on the seedlings.

That's all the recommendations I wanted to give on the topic: pelargonium from seeds at home. This is a peculiar plant. Not demanding, but you can’t do without certain rules of care. If you follow all the instructions, your apartment or house will be decorated with beautiful and unique flowers.