PNRM. commissioning works. Adjustment of electrical installations - organization of commissioning works. Why fill out a certificate of completion of commissioning work?

At all times industrial equipment was quite complex from an engineering point of view. Starting from presses and mixers that are primitive from the point of view of a modern engineer, and ending with the completely automated production of complex parts for the space industry. In addition to the difficulties in designing machines and units, there is also the complexity of operation. To make your work as easy as possible service personnel, extend the life of equipment, avoid the release of defective products and fulfill all safety requirements, before launching new machines it is necessary to carry out commissioning work.

Why is commissioning needed?

Carrying out commissioning commissioning work almost more important than installation equipment. Modern machines and units can be serviced by people without special education. From the outside, it seems that you just need to press two or three buttons, and the product will come out from under the machine by itself. However, for this statement to become a reality, commissioning must be taken seriously.

The organization of commissioning work should be planned in the equipment installation project immediately after the installation of machines and units. Installers are usually qualified to check that the unit settings are correct. Even before the start of production, commissioning work will make it possible to determine how correct the factory settings are and identify installation and assembly errors, if any.

Qualification of specialists

Typically, the manufacturer of machines and equipment provides training to specialists in setting up the operation of mounted industrial equipment. Most often, installation does not require high qualifications, since any specialist with secondary specialized education can install and connect cables. If you have some experience, you can generally talk about the lack of qualifications of the specialists involved in installation.

Commissioning of electrical equipment is a completely different matter. Here it is no longer possible to do without special knowledge and ideas about the design of units, the ability to use special programs, etc. In addition, if any errors are identified, the installer will have to make a decision to eliminate the errors right on the spot.

All this once again confirms the need for highly qualified specialists who carry out commissioning work. Most often, installation and startup of equipment is carried out different people. If we're talking about about complex industrial equipment, the manufacturing company sends its specialists who have completed a training course and know all the intricacies of the operation of the installed machines.

Warranty service

Price modern equipment quite high. Therefore, firms that install production lines strive to make maximum use of suppliers. Often, one of the conditions for fulfilling the warranty is that commissioning work be carried out by trained specialists. Only if the equipment was launched by certified specialists will the manufacturer sign a warranty. Upon completion of the adjustment work, warranty documentation is completed, to which are attached protocols for their implementation, diagrams of the studies carried out and diagrams individual settings.

What does commissioning consist of?

The commissioning program consists of a set of measures to put equipment into operation. IN general outline we can talk about several commissioning blocks: checking the correct installation and identifying manufacturing defects; introduction of individual customer settings and operation of the equipment for the agreed time; training of customer personnel.

If everything is relatively simple with the first and last points of the program, then the second requires special attention. The fact is that each manufacturer has its own nuances and features of product production. The equipment comes from the supplier with so-called factory settings. However, the specifics of production usually require changing the settings of the equipment and checking its functioning under new conditions.

Commissioning works it is precisely this that involves control over the release of new products or correct operation after installation. Most often, there is an agreement between representatives of the customer and the contractor to track the release of a small batch of products. It is possible that defects or failures will not be identified at the first moment, and then specialists will be able to quickly navigate and make the necessary adjustments.

Training as part of commissioning

When commissioning work is carried out, training of personnel who will work on new equipment has great value. The quality of the finished product directly depends on the workers’ ability to operate machines and units. In addition, the faster the staff gets used to the new technical equipment, the more likely you are to win competition, ahead of its rivals with the release of modernized goods.

If we are talking about complex electrical equipment or gas boilers, then safety literally depends on the ability of personnel to use new equipment - both the lives of people and the enterprise as a whole. Therefore, during commissioning Special attention is given to instructing employees of the customer company. Most often, at the end of such training, service technicians issue a certificate confirming the workers’ primary skills.

What is the price

Each type of work should be valued at something. But since commissioning necessarily accompanies the installation of equipment, the costs for it are not allocated in a separate column. The cost of commissioning work is usually already included in the total cost of the equipment and its installation, since these works are carried out by the equipment manufacturer. In some industries, however, there is a different practice. In particular, when it comes to installing gas boilers or conducting additional environmental and technological tests, the cost of commissioning may be specified separately.

Special cases of start-up costs

In addition, a separate column in the price list may include staff training. Common practice is that all employees who will be handling new equipment are given training. But there may be situations when, due to staff turnover or some other reasons, it is necessary to constantly instruct new employees. In this case, the equipment seller reserves the right to provide educational services for a fee.

Commissioning works include a set of works performed on the process equipment of the compressor station, electrical devices, automation equipment and other equipment, carried out during the preparation and conduct of individual tests and comprehensive testing.

Under period of individual tests is understood as a period including installation and commissioning work that ensures compliance with the requirements stipulated by the design documentation, standards, technical specifications manufacturing plants, in order to prepare equipment for acceptance by the working commission for comprehensive testing.

Under period of comprehensive testing CS equipment is understood as a period including commissioning work performed after acceptance of the equipment by the working commission for comprehensive testing and carrying out the most comprehensive testing before the facility is accepted into operation by the acceptance committee.

The complex of commissioning works includes the following equipment: mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and automation, communications, process control systems, thermal power equipment and other types of equipment and systems.

At the design stage of a compressor station, the composition of the start-up complex is determined. Possible changes to the start-up complex made during the construction of the CS must be documented in the appropriate manner, since commissioning and then acceptance into operation of the CS, the start-up complex of which has been amended in violation of the established procedure, is not allowed.

The date of commissioning of individual buildings, structures, premises included in the facility is considered the date of signing the act of acceptance of these facilities and structures by the working commission. The date of commissioning of the facility as a whole is considered to be the date of signing the act by the acceptance committee.

Work prior to commissioning . The contractor and subcontractors must complete construction and installation work on the main and auxiliary equipment. In addition, installation must be completed:


Shut-off valves;

Power cables;

Instrumentation and automation panels;

Automation and security equipment;

Fire and drinking water supply systems, foam and carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems;

Ventilation, heating, sewerage, lighting systems;

Communication structures;

Cathodic protection stations, installation grounding devices, power supply devices for protection circuits and control units of direct and alternating current, as well as their inspection, cleaning, purging, testing for strength and density in accordance with the requirements of the instructions of equipment suppliers, gas inspection, SNiP and project requirements.

Adjustment and commissioning works. This work includes setting up:

Systems of gas pumping units in mechanics, instrumentation and automation


External and internal power supply systems and electrical equipment;

Process gas preparation systems;

Scrubbers, filter separators, gas air coolers, etc.;

Gas shut-off and control valves, including security

Installations for launching a gas pipeline cavity cleaning and diagnostic system;

Fuel, starting, pulse gas preparation units and gas reduction point for own needs;

Station-wide oil storage and regeneration systems and antifreeze preparation systems;

Systems for supplying compressor stations with compressed air;

Pumping methanol;

Station automated process control system;

Process and gas metering units for the CS’s own needs;

Fire extinguishing systems;

Heat recovery systems;

Boiler houses, heat supply systems and chemical water treatment systems

Emergency power plants and power plants for own needs;

Water supply systems;

Sewage and treatment facilities, pumping stations;

Industrial ventilation and air conditioning systems;

Gas distribution stations;

Telemechanics systems.

Let's consider the main stages of commissioning and commissioning of the facility.

Commissioning of the main process equipment of the compressor station and commissioning of the compressor station is carried out under the guidance of the acceptance committee.

Before the objects and equipment are presented to the acceptance committee, the acceptance is carried out by a working commission appointed by the customer.

Before the start of commissioning work, the working commission is provided with production and technical documentation, which was compiled during the entire period of construction installation work(working drawings, installation diagrams, acceptance certificates for certain types of work, acts for hidden work, etc.). The operation of facilities and equipment not accepted by the working commission is not permitted.

To check the initial condition of the CS equipment before commissioning and testing, organizations participating in the commissioning must send their representatives before the start-up work as directed by the lead commissioning organization.

The readiness of the installed equipment to perform adjustment work, providing the possibility of individual testing, is documented by a certificate of completion of installation work in the prescribed form.

Before commissioning begins, the acceptance committee does the following:

Determines the readiness of the compressor station equipment or its individual stages (start-up complexes) for commissioning;

Specifies what construction and installation work must be completed before the start of commissioning and commissioning of the compressor station;

Reviews and approves trigger circuits and clarifies commissioning schedules.

Determines the composition of the CS launch complex.

For the entire period of commissioning work, a schedule is drawn up for the phased implementation of this work, conditionally divided into three stages (periods).

First stage - gas is not supplied to the gas communications of the compressor station. At this stage, all commissioning work that does not require gas supply is performed. The task of the first stage is to identify the readiness of the compressor station equipment for unit-by-unit inspection and individual testing. At this stage, the instrumentation and control system of the gas pumping unit is checked and adjusted, the unit’s protection system is checked and commissioned, as well as the power supply system, the oil system of the gas compressor unit and the compressor station.

Second phase - gas is supplied only to the starting and pulse manifolds (gas is not supplied to process and fuel pipelines). At this stage, all commissioning work is performed that does not require gas supply to the process and fuel pipelines. The task of the second stage is unit-by-unit testing and testing of machines and equipment at idle speed to identify faults and prepare the unit for comprehensive testing.

Third stage - gas is supplied to the process, fuel, starting and impulse pipelines of the compressor station. Before commissioning work with the supply of gas to the CS pipelines, a representative of the gas inspection checks the readiness of the CS facilities to carry out commissioning work with gas intake into the pipelines and issues a written permit for this work.

Before supplying process gas to the CS site, all work related to electric and gas welding, as well as work using open fire, must be completed, and commissioning work on plant-wide gas detection and fire extinguishing systems must be completed. These systems must be put into operation. At the third stage, all commissioning work is completed, including operation of units under load and comprehensive testing of the station.

The task of the third stage is a comprehensive testing of equipment, checking the joint operation of the CS equipment, identifying possible equipment defects that impede the regular and reliable operation of the CS, developing measures to ensure reliable operation KS.

Commissioning work is considered completed if there are no comments from the acceptance committee regarding the operation of the equipment for 72 hours under a load determined by the operating mode of the gas pipeline, but not exceeding its nominal value.

The end of commissioning work at the compressor station (completion of comprehensive testing of equipment) is the continuous operation of gas pumping units and the constant or alternate operation of all auxiliary equipment CS according to the design scheme on parameters allowing for normal operation.

The completion of commissioning work is documented by an act of transfer of equipment into operation.

2.1. The commissioning work can be divided into eight stages, differing in the technology of their implementation.

2.1.1. Preparatory stage.

2.1.2. Pre-installation inspection and testing of equipment: machines and mechanisms, devices, fittings, controls and information presentation.

2.1.3. Element-by-element acceptance from installation and individual testing of equipment.

2.1.4. Unit-by-unit acceptance from individual tests (including the necessary control of completeness and quality of installation) of equipment of functional units.

In accordance with SNiP 3.05.05-84, SNiP 3.05.06-85 and SNiP 3.05.07-85, the stages of element-by-element acceptance from installation and individual testing of equipment do not coincide in time for various types equipment and this difference can be quite significant. Unit acceptance serves to check the readiness of all types of unit equipment for unit adjustment at the time of its start.

2.1.5. Unit-by-unit start-up (hereinafter referred to as “start-up”) adjustment of functional units on idle equipment (cold adjustment) and testing them under load. Transferring functional units from commissioning to operation mode, to checking construction and installation readiness and to unit-by-unit complex adjustment on operating equipment.

2.1.6. Testing of a unit (or a separate boiler unit, turbine unit) with synchronization (or without it for a separate boiler unit) and a load set to check its full construction and installation readiness.

2.1.7. Unit-by-unit integrated (hereinafter referred to as “integrated”) adjustment and testing of functional units, including subsystems of automated process control systems and the operational circuit of the block control panel for testing equipment modes. Trial operation of functional and technological units, including monitoring and control systems, identification and elimination of defects, transfer of functional units to industrial operation. Carrying out a comprehensive testing of the unit (installation).

2.1.8. Acceptance of the unit (installation) into operation by the state commission, carrying out the necessary tests of power equipment and issuing the corresponding act.

2.2. There are two fundamentally different types of organization of commissioning work on equipment:

work carried out by specialists of one profession (thermal mechanics, electricians, process control system specialists, etc.), assembled in teams and performing adjustment operations almost independently of specialists of other professions;

work carried out by complex unit teams (hereinafter referred to as “node teams”). Each node team includes workers of all professions necessary to set up a given functional and technological node.

2.2.1. The first type of work organization is used:

During pre-installation inspection, inspection, element-by-element acceptance from installation and individual testing of equipment;

At the initial stage of complex adjustment of units, when it is advisable to carry out initial ensuring the reliability of equipment operation in the designed volume separately by its type.

2.2.2. Starting from the stage of unit-by-unit acceptance from individual testing and until the acceptance of the unit (installation) by the state commission (with the exception of the initial stage of complex adjustment), commissioning and commissioning is carried out by unit teams and organized by complex working subcommittees.

2.2.3. The node team is organized by the decision of a comprehensive working subcommittee during individual testing of equipment from among the leading specialists of organizations performing installation and commissioning work at a given functional unit under contracts: to carry out commissioning work, the node team may additionally be assigned workers from installation and commissioning organizations.

The node team is headed by a foreman appointed from among the highly qualified specialists of the leading commissioning organization for the node, the customer, the research organization or the equipment manufacturer.

The foreman of the node brigades, and, if necessary, the entire composition of the node brigade, are appointed by order of the customer or (when the project is delivered on a turnkey basis) by the general contractor.

The foreman of a node brigade and his subordinate team can perform commissioning work on two or more functional nodes.

2.2.4. The comprehensive working subcommittee includes workers of all specialties necessary for organizing and accepting work at the site.

The complex working subcommittees include: foremen of the relevant teams; representatives of the customer, equipment manufacturers, general designer, general contractor, heating installation, electrical installation, leading commissioning and research organizations. Representatives are allocated by the heads of production departments of the relevant organizations at the request of the chairman of the comprehensive working subcommittee.

The chairmen of complex working subcommittees are appointed by order of the customer or, when commissioning turnkey projects, by order of the general contractor from among the customer’s experienced and competent specialists or (in agreement with management) leading commissioning organizations for this unit, research organizations, as well as equipment manufacturers. The same specialist may be appointed chairman of two or more complex working subcommittees.

The chairman of the integrated working subcommittee is a member of the working commission.

The appointment of chairmen and the creation of comprehensive working subcommittees is carried out during the period of individual equipment testing.

2.2.5. Working and state acceptance commissions are created in the manner and under conditions corresponding to VSN 37-86 of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

Specialized subcommittees, organized by the working commission in accordance with VSN 37-86 of the USSR Ministry of Energy, can provide assistance to complex working subcommittees in accordance with their areas of activity.

Before organizing a working commission, the customer can form shop commissions for the acceptance of premises, equipment, etc.

2.3.1. The organization of commissioning work should provide for the “integration” of units of a unit or a separate installation that is gradually increased from stage to stage, leading to their full functional coordination during the complex commissioning period.

2.3.2. The preparatory stage of commissioning begins after the release of working drawings. At this stage:

Study and analysis of design and factory documentation, determination of compliance of design documentation with regulatory documents, standard solutions and best practices, development of comments and recommendations to eliminate deficiencies;

Drawing up a project for commissioning works, including safety measures;

Development and approval of work programs for commissioning and commissioning of equipment;

Preparing a fleet of measuring equipment, testing equipment and devices, organizing and equipping an on-site laboratory, providing workplaces with instruments, tools and instructional materials;

Drawing up a list of documentation, the execution of which is necessary at various stages of production and acceptance of commissioning work at each functional unit;

Development of the first edition of operating instructions.

Work under clause 2.3.2 is carried out by organizations participating in commissioning work in accordance with the coordination plan individually with the necessary mutual consultations.

2.3.3. At the stage of pre-installation inspection and inspection of equipment, machines, mechanisms, fittings, controls and management equipment, general operational and technical management is provided by the customer in the person of the deputy chief engineer for repairs.

The procedure and scope of audits and inspections are established based on the current rules and standards.

The audit is carried out by the relevant workshops of the power plant with the involvement of installation, repair and commissioning enterprises.

The workshops ensure the organization of work places for repair and commissioning personnel in premises allocated for this purpose by the management of the power plant.

2.3.4. At the stage of element-by-element acceptance from installation and individual tests, general operational and technical management is carried out by the deputy chief engineer of the power plant for installation.

The procedure for acceptance and individual testing is established, guided by the current rules and standards, by the heads of the power plant workshops together with the relevant team leaders of the head commissioning organization, heads of departments of construction, installation and commissioning organizations, and supervisory personnel of manufacturing plants.

Adjustment work is carried out by adjustment organizations in accordance with the coordination plan. The workshops ensure the organization of work places for commissioning personnel in the premises allocated for the performance of these works by the management of the power plant.

The result of this stage is the execution of a work commission report on acceptance of equipment after individual tests (Appendix 8).

The power supply for commissioning work is carried out by the power plant in accordance with current regulations.

2.3.5. At the stage of unit-by-unit acceptance from installation and individual testing of equipment of functional units of the main and general plant equipment, general operational and technical management is carried out by the deputy chief engineer of the power plant for operation.

Acceptance of functional units from installation and individual testing is carried out comprehensively from construction, heat installation, electrical installation and commissioning organizations with consideration of the readiness of the unit in terms of construction, heat installation, electrical installation work and individual tests, with consideration of acts for hidden work and documents (acts, protocols, journal entries) drawn up during equipment audits, element-by-element acceptance, and individual tests.

By the beginning of unit-by-unit adjustment and unit-by-unit testing, the installation of the unit's technological equipment must be completely completed; adjustment operations have been performed on the process equipment that do not require the equipment to be put into operation; Autonomous adjustment of sections of the automated process control system subsystems included in this unit has been completed in the following volume:

Special software for the subsystem for collecting and primary processing of information, information base, subsystem for presenting information, subsystem for technological printing of diagnostic programs for technical equipment;

Information channels and signal distribution panels;

Cabinets of control subsystems, interlocks, protection and alarm systems;

Control diagrams for mechanisms, shut-off and control valves;

Automatic control subsystem cabinets;

Cabinets (with testing them on simulators) of the functional group control subsystem (FGU);

The operational circuit of the block control panel and all communications within the block control panel.

The unit-by-unit acceptance of equipment from installation is carried out by a comprehensive working subcommittee.

As a result of this acceptance, an acceptance certificate is issued, approved by the chief engineer of the power plant. The form of the act is given in Appendix 9.

If, during the process of acceptance of the unit from installation and individual testing, defects and deficiencies are identified, then acceptance is suspended until they are eliminated.

The need to perform work not provided for by the project, factory instructions and other documents is documented by an act of the working commission.

2.3.6. At the stage of commissioning of functional units on idle equipment (cold commissioning) and testing them under load (with supply of voltage, air, steam, water, oil with boiler firing), unit-by-unit acceptance for subsequent comprehensive commissioning, general technical management is carried out by the deputy chief engineer of the power plant manual.

Direct commissioning of the unit is carried out by the unit team under the leadership of the foreman.

Work at the stage of commissioning and testing of functional units is carried out according to work programs approved by the chief engineer of the power plant.

Cold commissioning of a functional unit is considered complete if:

All necessary calibrations of analog instruments and checks of factory settings have been completed;

The correctness of the passage of all analog signals from sensors to automation equipment, computer technology, instruments and signaling devices was checked;

All protection and alarm settings are set;

The movement of the regulators and solenoid valves has been checked;

The correctness of the signal transmission of discrete devices and sensors used in protection, interlocking, automatic control and alarm systems was checked. computer technology and its display means, individual devices, signaling devices and control devices;

Engine torque limit switches and position indicators have been calibrated and tested;

Switching equipment has been checked;

The direction of rotation of the drives of technological mechanisms was checked;

The direction of movement of actuators and indicating devices during control action was checked;

The possibility of operational control from the control panel has been established;

Protection systems, interlocks, alarms and logical control systems have been tested (as far as possible without technological mode);

The direction of influence of automatic control systems was checked, the calculated parameters of their settings were set;

Generated and tested the general software of the automated process control system;

Special APCS software was loaded and tested on simulators (as far as possible without technological mode);

The mechanisms were scrolled at idle speed, and it was found that the parameters characterizing the state of the mechanism at idle speed were within the limits established by the standards, factory, design and other regulatory and technological documentation. Completion of cold adjustment items is reflected in the “Log of unit readiness for load testing.” The log form is given in Appendix 10.

Testing of the unit under load is carried out after complete completion of its cold adjustment.

The stage of commissioning and testing of equipment components ends with trial runs, during which the adjustment of settings, debugging, checking and putting into operation (on the equipment included in the work) subsystems of protection, interlocks, ARV, alarm, ASR, FGU and subsystems for presenting information in volume are completed , necessary to ensure the safety and reliability of testing the unit (or installation) in order to check its construction and installation readiness with taking on the load, with its entry into operation mode and complex adjustment. Technical programs for testing functional units under load indicate the roles and responsibilities of operating personnel.

The organization of testing of the unit after the launch attack in order to accept it for checking construction and installation readiness and for comprehensive commissioning is carried out by a comprehensive working subcommittee.

If during the testing of the unit damage, defects or deficiencies are identified, the testing is interrupted and carried out from the beginning after they have been eliminated.

The completion of this stage for each node is documented in a test report for the node, approved by the chief engineer of the power plant. The form of the protocol is given in Appendix 11.

The unit is considered accepted for verification of construction and installation readiness and for comprehensive commissioning if there is a certificate of acceptance of the unit from installation and individual testing approved by the chief engineer of the power plant (clause 2.4.5), as well as a test report for the unit (Appendix 11).

2.3.7. Checking the construction and installation readiness of the start-up complex of a power unit or a separate unit is carried out according to a special technical program that provides for the start-up of equipment according to design schemes. In this case, for a separate boiler unit, it is envisaged to obtain a pair of design parameters, and for a power unit and a separate turbine unit with a generator, synchronization and set of electrical loads are provided.

The program for checking construction and installation readiness is developed by the head commissioning organization and approved by its chief engineer and the chief engineer of the power plant. In the absence of a head commissioning organization, the program is developed and approved by the customer, involving installation and commissioning organizations in the development of the program.

Operational management of the equipment is carried out by the customer’s operating personnel according to pre-developed operating instructions and a program for checking construction and installation readiness.

Personnel from installation, commissioning, and research organizations and supervisory personnel from equipment manufacturing plants take part in the readiness check in accordance with the program.

The technical manager for checking construction and installation readiness is Chief Engineer power plants.

Upon completion of this stage of commissioning work, a working acceptance committee draws up an act on the acceptance of the equipment of the unit (installation) after checking the construction and installation readiness. Attached to the act is a list of equipment, installation and construction defects identified during testing, as well as a program-schedule for the comprehensive adjustment of components and testing of a unit or individual unit. The act is approved by the head of the customer’s higher-level instructions. The form of the act is given in Appendix 12.

Defects in equipment, construction and installation identified during inspection of the construction and installation readiness of the launch complex must be eliminated before the start of comprehensive unit-by-unit adjustment of the equipment.

2.3.8. At the stage of complex adjustment of units, unit adjustment and testing (research) of equipment in various operating modes is carried out:

When a block or a separate unit is stopped and individual functional technological units are turned on;

When starting and stopping a unit or a separate unit according to the commissioning test program;

When carrying an electrical load at the level specified by the setup program.

During the same period, repair and development work is carried out on the stopped equipment, and defects identified during the adjustment of units are eliminated.

The program for complex adjustment of units provides, at the first stage, separate work of specialists of various professions for the initial adjustment of individual types of equipment in order to ensure the reliability of the installation to the design extent, and then - the integrated work of unit teams created at the acceptance stage, under the technical guidance of foremen.

The completion of adjustment of the units is documented by the unit teams with protocols for conducting a comprehensive test of the units (in the required operating modes of the power unit, which are approved by the chief engineer of the power plant).

During the same period, a comprehensive adjustment of the subsystems of the automated process control system (including the operational circuit of the control panel), their trial operation and transfer to industrial operation is carried out.

The operation of equipment during the complex commissioning period is provided for in separate programs and electricity generation for this period is not planned according to the dispatch schedule.

During the complex adjustment period the following is carried out:

Technological debugging of functional units when operating equipment in variable and stationary modes;

Carrying out and testing equipment startups from various thermal states according to manufacturers’ schedules;

Debugging information channels of discrete and analog parameters, as well as adjusting the information base based on the results of equipment operation;

Experimental determination of static and dynamic characteristics of equipment, inclusion of automatic control systems in the design volume;

Adjustment and adjustment of technological algorithms and programs for a complex of tasks of automated process control systems on existing equipment;

Adjustment of functional group control systems with adjustment of technological algorithms and FGU programs and interlocks based on the results of launches;

Correction of operational technical documentation;

Testing control modes and interaction between operating personnel under the conditions of an existing automated process control system and in case of its failures;

Trial operation of a complex of tasks and subsystems of automated process control systems with testing in variable and stationary operating modes of equipment, testing it to take the maximum possible (within the design) and maximum long-term load;

Transfer of the launch complex of tasks and subsystems of automated process control systems as part of the commissioned power equipment into industrial operation.

Comprehensive commissioning ends with a comprehensive testing of the equipment with the execution of a report in accordance with SNiP 3.01.04-87 (Appendix 2).

2.3.9. After completion of work according to the program-schedule for the comprehensive adjustment of a power unit or individual unit and its comprehensive testing, the said equipment is accepted into operation. Acceptance for operation is carried out by the state acceptance commission with the appointment of control sampling and tests, if necessary.

Trials and tests are carried out under the technical supervision of the chief engineer of the power plant according to a program approved by the state acceptance commission. This produces:

Checking the operating modes of the boiler unit, turbine unit, generator, transformer and auxiliary equipment when operating on the main fuel and control algorithms for functional units in stationary and variable modes;

Comprehensive testing of all subsystems of the automated process control system;

Examination collaboration main units and auxiliary equipment at the maximum possible (within design) load;

Other necessary testing and testing.

Upon successful acceptance by the state acceptance committee of a power unit or installation into operation, an act of acceptance of the facility into operation is issued in accordance with SNiP 3.01.04-87 (Appendix 5).

When implementing many projects, capital construction or reconstruction of buildings and structures is carried out with the installation of new equipment or specialized processes. Such work may include the installation of fire extinguishing systems, electrical supply, air conditioning, ventilation, fire alarm. All of them require commissioning work, for this in Lately Increasingly, a commissioning program is being drawn up.

What is PNR and why are they carried out?

According to SNiP, commissioning work is a set of activities that are carried out during the preparation of complex testing and individual tests installed equipment. This includes inspecting, testing and adjusting equipment to achieve design specifications.

All these manipulations are usually carried out on a contractual basis by specialized organizations that have necessary approvals and a staff of qualified specialists. The necessary conditions for their activities on the site (industrial sanitation, occupational safety) are organized by the customer, who also pays for the commissioning work at the expense of the general estimate for putting the facility into operation. All operations must be carried out by personnel of the commissioning organization, instructed and certified for each specific case, under the supervision of a responsible representative from the customer.

There are two main stages in commissioning activities:

  • Individual tests are actions that are designed to ensure compliance with the requirements provided for by technical specifications, standards and working documentation for testing units, machines and mechanisms. The purpose of individual tests is to prepare for complex testing in the presence of a working commission.
  • Complex tests represent actions carried out after the acceptance of mechanisms by the working commission, and the complex testing itself. At the same time, the interconnected joint operation of all installed equipment is checked at idle, then under load, after which the technological mode envisaged by the project is reached.

Although this is not prescribed by law, last years Increasingly, the customer requires that a commissioning program be drawn up for testing work. This gives confidence that not a single nuance will be missed, and the operation of all systems will comply with approved standards and design documentation.

How is the commissioning program compiled and what does it include?

The commissioning program is a document that clearly outlines the entire list of actions that will be carried out by the responsible organization. On the Internet you can see discussions about whether the commissioning methodology should be included in the Program or whether it should be drawn up as a separate document. There are no clear requirements regarding this, so it all depends on the agreements of the parties. Sample for each specific situation can be easily found on the Internet.

The program is drawn up and approved by a representative of the commissioning company and agreed upon by the customer; signatures and seals of the parties are placed in the header of the document. Next are the following sections (as an example, let’s take the preparation of a hotel heating system):

  • checking the correct installation, readiness and serviceability of equipment in visual mode (control devices, shut-off valves, filling the system with water), based on the results, a defective statement is drawn up;
  • adjustment tests under operating conditions, balance experiments (setting optimal modes, testing valve control in manual and automatic modes, checking automation settings, identifying deficiencies and developing proposals for eliminating them), the result is an individual test report;
  • comprehensive testing (72 hours of continuous operation for all major equipment, 24 hours for heating networks), its beginning is considered to be the time when all systems are started at maximum load.

Some companies document all activities directly related to the preparation and testing of devices in a separate document - the Commissioning Methodology, which comes as an addition to the Program. In the Program they include more general things of an organizational nature. That is, there is an actual division of the entire complex of work into organizational, legal and technical components. However, the Methodology is often an integral part of the main body of the approved Program.

The following additional documents may be part of the Program:

  • passports of ventilation, heating and hot water supply systems, as well as individual components of their connection;
  • the procedure for preparing and subsequently conducting commissioning operations with a list of all operations, their start and end times;
  • list of inpatient and portable means measurements (pressure gauges, thermometers, etc.);
  • list of control and shut-off valves, equipment (pumps, valves, heat exchangers, filters);
  • a list of control points and measurement protocol for each of them;
  • a list of parameters that require clarification and adjustment (air humidity and temperature, pressure in pipes, coolant flow rates);
  • methodology for measuring heat losses from building structures (a special report is drawn up and a certificate is issued).

After completion of all commissioning works, comprehensive testing and operational testing, a commissioning report is drawn up with the relevant appendices (a list of mechanisms and equipment on which adjustment and testing were carried out).

The technical report is usually issued by an involved specialized organization within one month.

Commissioning work is a set of works that includes checking, adjusting and testing electrical equipment in order to ensure electrical parameters and modes specified by the project.

Commissioning work during the installation of electrical installations is the final part of the construction and installation work process. These works are carried out by commissioning organizations, the majority of whose personnel (in some cases up to 50%) are electricians-adjusters. They test the insulation and contact connections of electrical equipment, switching devices, electric motors, instruments and devices of secondary devices, and check the correct installation electrical circuits, prepare test circuits for testing complex protections and automation devices.

When performing commissioning work, one should be guided by the requirements of the Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations, approved in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.02-83, the project, operational documentation of manufacturers, SNiP 3.05.06-85 “Commissioning works” and mandatory Appendix 1 to SNiP 3.05.05 -84.

General conditions of labor safety and industrial sanitation during commissioning work are provided by the customer.

Commissioning works. General information

The volume and content of commissioning work are largely determined by the nature of the electrical installation being installed. If at power plants and substations there is a large specific gravity comprises commissioning work related to testing generators, transformers and equipment distribution devices, then on industrial enterprises a significant amount of work falls on the adjustment of various electric drives and electrical equipment. However, despite the variety of electrical installations and the equipment included in them, we can distinguish the so-called general adjustment work, which every qualified electrician/adjuster should be able to perform. Such work includes performing measurements of electrical quantities, testing insulation and contact connections, checking timing characteristics, adjusting electrical circuits, testing electric motors, transformers, switching devices, etc. The electrician-adjuster must have an understanding of electrical installations and their installation. These issues are covered later in this book.

Scope and nomenclature of adjustment work and main technical requirements requirements for installed electrical installations put into operation are determined by the PUE, which provides the volumes and norms of acceptance tests of electrical equipment (hereinafter referred to as “scope and norms”).

The entire scope of adjustment work can be divided into the following main groups:

Analysis of design materials (when considering fundamental and wiring diagrams) and familiarization with the factory documentation of the main electrical equipment;

Inspection and testing of electrical equipment before it enters the installation area;

Inspection and testing of secondary instruments and apparatus in the laboratory;

Checking the correct installation of primary and secondary circuits;

Inspection and testing of installed electrical equipment;

Element-by-element testing of the installed electrical installation; comprehensive testing and start-up testing of the installed electrical installation;

Putting the installed electrical installation into operation; preparation and delivery of technical documentation to the customer (executive diagrams, electrical equipment test reports, etc.).

The commissioning department must have modern measuring equipment such as general purpose(for measuring electrical and magnetic quantities, checking time characteristics), and special (instruments for determining the moisture content of the insulation of electrical machines and transformers, searching for damage in cable and air lines power transmission, etc.), as well as have appropriately equipped mobile laboratories (in cars, trailers, and in some cases in railway cars).

Upon completion of all electrical installation work, the downtime of the installed equipment to carry out the appropriate inspections, tests and measurements should be reduced to a minimum. It is necessary to prevent equipment failure during testing at this last stage.

To solve these problems, the commissioning department should include departments (shops) for general commissioning and special commissioning work, a production and technical department with a production preparation group and a technical library, a laboratory with a workshop, groups for testing devices and relays and assembling devices.

Each site of general adjustment work, located geographically under the appropriate electrical installation department, includes several teams of two to three people, headed by an engineer or technician. The number of teams and their composition depend on the volume of adjustment work at the facilities of the corresponding installation department, the scope of this work and their nature.

The department (shop) of special commissioning works includes teams that are usually located under commissioning management, and each performs commissioning work of one type (adjustment of complex electric drives, complex relay protections, large electrical machines, dispatcher automation and telemechanics devices, etc. ).

The laboratory stores and assembles electrical measuring instruments for commissioning areas and individual teams, check and repair these devices, repair test equipment and manufacture the devices necessary for commissioning work, in certain cases - special devices for certain specific types of measurements and tests.

Material and technical equipment of the commissioning area. The basis of the material and technical equipment of the commissioning area is the measuring instruments and testing equipment necessary for commissioning, as well as some special equipment, devices, customized tools And protective equipment on safety precautions.

The commissioning area requires the following instruments and test equipment:

Test setup power electrical equipment increased voltage of direct and alternating current, in particular AII-70;

Equipment for searching the location of damage to power cable lines using induction and acoustic methods;

A set of instruments for determining the degree of moisture in the windings of electrical machines and transformers;

Bridge for measuring dielectric losses in insulation, complete with voltage transformer and reference capacitor;

Secondary switching tester;

Load devices for currents up to 600 and up to 2000–3000 A;

Regulated source direct current voltage up to 300 V for current up to 100–200 A;

Rechargeable battery with a capacity of 40–60 Ah for a voltage of 6–12 V;

Laboratory autotransformers for 2, 9 and 20 A;

Load rheostat for voltage 110/220 V and current 100/50 A (for example, Mosenergo TsLEM designs);

Slider rheostats 50–100, 200–500 and 1000–3000 Ohm;

Megohm meters for 500, 1000 and 2500 V, including those with a motor or rectifier attachment for reading absorption curves;

Grounding meter (for example, MS-08);

Microohmmeter (contact meter) with a set of probes;

Electronic oscilloscope;

Electromechanical oscilloscope;

Device for removing vibration patterns of switches;

Millisecond watch;

Electric stopwatches;

Laboratory instrument transformers current up to 600 and up to 2000 A;

Portable electrical measuring instruments for measuring current, voltage and power of direct and alternating current, accuracy class 0.5;


Lamp voltmeter;


Electrostatic voltmeters for voltages up to 30 kV;

Spark voltmeter;

Volt-ampere phase indicator;

Phase regulators;

Small bridges;

Single DC bridge;

Double or single DC bridge with four-clamp circuit, type P316;

Device for testing simple protections;

Frequency counter 45–55 Hz;

Resistance Shop;

Set of thermocouples with millivoltmeter;


Basic criteria for the condition of electrical equipment. The critical stage during commissioning is the assessment of the condition of the electrical equipment being tested and conclusions drawn up on its basis about its suitability (or unsuitability) for operation. Regulatory documents provide for the necessary inspections, measurements and tests for various types of electrical equipment that make up electrical installations, and determine the main criteria (indicators) of the suitability of this electrical equipment for operation.

These criteria can be divided into two types - absolute and relative. Absolutes clearly indicate test characteristics and meanings physical quantities during measurements or tests, by which one can judge the suitability (or unsuitability) of the electrical equipment being tested for operation. Example 1. If, during an external inspection (check) of the transformer, broken bushings (insulators) or oil leaks are found, then these are signs by which the transformer cannot be considered suitable for operation.

Example 2. Newly introduced cable line voltage of 10 kV must withstand a DC test voltage of 60 kV applied to it for a certain time. If the cable is punctured during this test, it is obviously unusable.

Example 3. Device protective grounding electrical installations with voltages higher than 1000 V with a ground fault current greater than 500 A cannot be considered suitable for operation if, when measured, the resistance to current spreading is greater than 0.5 Ohm.

IN regulatory documents absolute criteria for the state of insulation and contact connections are also given permissible temperatures current-carrying parts and windings of electrical machines and devices, timing characteristics of switches, etc.

Relative criteria for the condition of tested equipment are based on a comparison of measurement data of certain electrical quantities during commissioning tests with measurement data of the same quantities obtained earlier, for example, during factory tests or based on a comparison of measurement data performed during commissioning work on the same type of equipment.

Such criteria often have to be used when analyzing the characteristics of electrical machines and transformers, as well as measuring insulation resistance. For example, if the insulation resistance electric machine turned out to be somewhat lower than the norm, but remained the same as it was during previously conducted tests (in particular, factory ones), we can conclude that the insulation of the machine after its manufacture was not damaged and according to this criterion the machine can be put into operation.

If the current idle move several voltage transformers of the same type equally exceed the permissible limit, the conclusion is as follows: this is not due to damage that prevents the voltage transformers from being put into operation, but to the use of a different steel for the magnetic core in this batch of voltage transformers.

In some cases, during the commissioning process it is necessary to expand the scope of testing compared to what was envisaged (for example, when testing non-standard equipment, establishing the possibility of its operation in modes other than the passport ones, etc.). Then the work must be carried out according to a special program drawn up by the design organization or the manufacturer with the participation of a representative of the commissioning organization.