Features of the use of decorative stone in the interior of the kitchen. The best examples of wall decoration with decorative stone and wallpaper in the hallway and kitchen. Facing the kitchen with stone.

5086 09/29/2019 7 min.

Traditionally, the kitchen, or kitchen-dining room, is the place in the apartment where the housewife spends most of her time. This is a place for tea parties, intimate conversations and evening conversations. That is why more attention is often paid to creating a kitchen interior than decorating a living room. A room combining a working and dining area should be functional, cozy, different rational organization space. Finishing with decorative stone can give this coziness.

Decorative stone in the kitchen

Black, pinkish or gray stone, with a cool glossy or matte surface, gives the room a touch of noble elegance.

When developing a design, such types of finishes should be chosen that can easily maintain cleanliness without violating environmental and sanitary hygiene requirements. One of the most popular is decorative rock. Although it can imitate stone.

Artificial stone is the general name for construction and repair products that combine types of wall and floor cladding of different quality and design.


Finishing stone is a product of processing natural raw materials (clay, feldspar, quartz, stone chips) with the addition of modifying additives and pigments. The main types of material that received greatest distribution in modern finishing works, are:

  • (made under pressure from clay and feldspar);
  • agglomerates (the basis of the composition is stone chips, polyester resins, various additives);
  • stone and colored concrete (a material created on the basis of Portland cement and sand).

Each group of materials has its own purpose in interior decoration. Thus, porcelain stoneware, which imitates the surface of rock granite and is distinguished by monumental aesthetics, is most often used for cladding floors, window sills, and walls of the work area.

Stone is used to decorate not only the walls, but also the countertops or underframes.

Agglomerates (acrylic stone), characterized by absolute similarity to natural minerals, are an ideal finish for functional areas and furniture surfaces. Thanks to the content of colored pymentos, the natural pattern of minerals (jasper, malachite, agate, marble) becomes more expressive and bright.

Here interesting option finishing with colored concrete.

Colored concrete is used as wall cladding. The surface should be textured, with an imitation of artisan finishing - that is, the stone fragments protrude slightly and do not form clear boundaries.

Lined work wall(apron), arch (replacing a door), windows, part of the dining area. Stone goes well with wood and metal, living green plants.


A country style kitchen is a successful symbiosis of stone and wood.

Acrylic stone is used for cladding countertops and work aprons; porcelain tiles in large slabs are laid on the floor. All colors are strictly kept within the pastel range - pink, beige, coffee, milky.

Romanesque renovation

Romanesque style is an option for transforming a kitchen into a medieval castle

The Romanesque (Roman) style of kitchen design is not suitable for lovers of a nice home environment. This one is distinguished by its monumental forms, emphatically simple surface finishing, a large number of mosaic patterns and carved images (these can be warriors, zodiac signs, images of animals, geometric figures).

There is a lot of stone in the interior - the floor, walls, doorways, columns and steps.

Kitchen designed in romanesque style- this is certainly suitable option for big country house castle architecture. For finishing the walls and floors, gray and beige cement stone is chosen, imitating untreated granite or marble.

Modern decor styles

Modern styles also actively use decorative stone

IN last years Styles subordinated to the principles of convenience and practicality dominate. Furniture and household appliances create a single compositional line, the middle of the room is free, and there are blinds or roller blinds on the windows. A lot of air, light, a minimum of unnecessary details. This is what a kitchen designed in the style of “minimalism”, “high-tech”, looks like. A combination of different style solutions subject to the principles of design planning.

Most often used in decorative styles, for example, here is a wall

To decorate the modern minimalist interior space of the kitchen and dining room, artificial stone with a smooth glossy surface is used. Both contrasting combinations (red-gray, orange-light green) and soft colors are popular in compositional solutions. Large porcelain stoneware tiles are laid on the floor, and furniture facades, countertops, and bar counters are lined with plates of acrylic stone, which can be plain or imitating natural material.

What is loft style and its features:

Artificial (acrylic) stone used for cladding countertops and sinks is exclusively practical material– thanks to its elasticity and flexibility in processing, it is possible to create smooth transition lines between different functional areas and objects, which eliminates the accumulation of dirt in hard-to-reach places.

Antique interior

The classical style took a lot from Antiquity, and so did the use of stone.

Antique (ancient Greek) style is one of the fundamental classical styles, which are based on the principle of maintaining geometric proportions. At design In the kitchen, light stone is used that imitates the surface of marble. The tiles on the floor are large, with a rough surface. The walls are also finished with tiled light stone.

Very often, all surfaces in a room are covered with the same material in texture and color.

Characteristic elements of antiquity are columns, pilasters, porticoes, and sculptural bas-relief. Large spaces with arched windows and bay windows are suitable for decorating a kitchen in an antique style.

Modern design

This style is characterized by smooth shapes, smoothed corners, horizontal orientation of the arrangement of objects, and asymmetry in the placement of interior elements.

Modern Art Nouveau is devoid of the touch of luxury and pretentiousness inherent in the interiors of the 19th century, but introduces a touch of cheerfulness and elegant comfort into the atmosphere.

For cladding walls and floors, a smooth, monochromatic stone is used (more often, or white, porcelain stoneware).

Acrylic stone is used for finishing niches and openings, which are characteristic components of this popular and very effective design trend.

Do-it-yourself artificial stone laying

Home craftsmen who have no experience in laying decorative stone can gain first experience by tiling a small area of ​​the room - for example, the space around the hood, or the area of ​​​​the work apron, but also for...

  • To lay the stone you will need: a spatula, primer, grout, glue, roller, pencil, corner, ruler, twine;
  • after all calculation operations and measurements, the main work begins;
  • a primer is applied to the wall using a roller, then the surface is leveled with a wide spatula;
  • after the composition dries, the base is coated thin layer special glue (all building mixtures must be chosen correctly!);
  • laying begins from the bottom edge - this is necessary so that the following blocks do not budge or slide down;
  • the finishing element is applied to the surface and pressed lightly;
  • to ensure even gaps between stones, plastic delimiters should be used - they are sold in hardware stores;
  • Installation must be carried out quickly so that the glue does not have time to dry.

The technological process will not be complicated if you prepare everything necessary in advance and follow the technologies specified by the manufacturer.

Laying decorative stone, video instructions:

Caring for such a wall, interior decoration

Decorative stone is a material that is resistant to moisture, temperature changes in the room, and UV rays. Care is simple and does not require physical effort. It is not recommended to use abrasive or caustic products. chemical compositions. How to choose the right combination flowers, read.

It is enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth once every three days, more thoroughly treating the joints and relief recesses (if it is a textured material).

Decorative stone is one of the most popular materials among designers for interior decor, since it comes in a variety of finishes in texture, color and shape, which allows for the implementation of unique compositional solutions; this cannot be done with wallpaper. Additional advantages include strength, operational reliability, durability, and impeccable aesthetics. Decorative stone meets strict environmental and sanitary hygiene requirements and is relatively inexpensive, which, along with other advantages, has determined the growing demand for finishing materials.

Decorative stone, both natural and artificial, have proven themselves well for exterior, façade and interior decoration various rooms. Since ancient times, this material has occupied a leading position among the variety of finishing materials. Currently, facing rooms with stone for various purposes is no less relevant and in demand.

Features of the material

Functional and at the same time beautiful and cozy kitchen- the dream of any housewife. The atmosphere of family meals largely depends on the interior of the kitchen. After all, most of the family’s lunches and dinners are spent in the kitchen.

In creating the original, unusual interior Decorative or natural stone will help. This finishing material is distinguished by its strength, reliability and durability. It has all the properties necessary for operation in aggressive conditions environment such as long service life, moisture resistance, chemical neutrality, resistance to changes temperature conditions, and, most importantly, environmental safety.

Without any doubt, this material looks elegant and luxurious, but its cost is correspondingly quite high. However, the variety of various variations for wall decoration, and the uniqueness of each of them, makes it possible to perform stone wall cladding, either entirely or in separate small fragments in combination with other materials for interior decoration.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to their own unique characteristics this facing material is in no way inferior, and maybe even superior, to such materials as paint, wallpaper, plastic panels and tiles. Special types of natural stones have such advantages as aesthetics, environmental friendliness, durability, exclusivity (the stone has a unique texture). Also, this material is not subject to ignition, mold and mildew do not form on it, bacteria do not multiply and it is wear-resistant. Artificial imitation natural stone – a good option for people with low incomes.

Advantages of decorative stone:

  1. A light weight– this allows you not to overload the walls during the finishing process.
  2. Environmental Safety.
  3. Chemical neutrality. The material withstands acidic and alkaline cleaning agents.
  4. Multifunctionality. Decorative stones are suitable for decorating walls in rooms of any size: both in a small kitchen of buildings from the Khrushchev era, and in modern cottages and mansions with the interior of an ancient knight's castle.
  5. A variety of textures and shades. Allows you to realistically imitate various types of stone.
  6. Long service life. The stone is wear-resistant. A kitchen lined with decorative stone will not require refurbishment for a long time.
  7. High heat capacity. In the cold season it retains heat well, and in the warm season it helps to cool the room.
  8. Wide price range. People with both very high and low incomes can afford to cover their kitchen walls with stone.
  9. Easy installation. Artificial stone is similar in shape and installation method to ordinary stone tiles. In addition to rectilinear models (rectangular or square), corner models are also sold. This allows you to significantly reduce the time for facing work without special effort decorate places with difficult access. Any home craftsman can lay walls with decorative stone.
  10. Easy to care for. A surface lined with stone is not difficult to clean from various types of contaminants and dust.

The stone combines harmoniously with various finishing materials, such as metal, wood, paint, wallpaper or.


Humanity tends to return “to its roots.” This is expressed most clearly when decorating kitchen walls using decorative stone. Nowadays it is quite common to find different kinds natural or artificial stones in interiors, both in the kitchens of small premises of buildings from the Khrushchev era, and in the interiors of spacious cottages, private country houses and luxury villas. At the same time, the demand for facing materials made of natural and artificial stone is the same.

Natural stones

Natural stones look very impressive. In addition, it is endowed with natural energy and is environmentally friendly. At facing works The following types of stone are mainly used:

  1. Granite- one of the most strong materials for cladding kitchen walls. Various shades are possible: black, red, burgundy and pink shades.
  2. Marble- the noblest of all finishing stones. He is the undoubted leader, both in aesthetics and in cost. Marble is used to make countertops, sinks, and used for laying floors.
  3. Slate– stands out for its unusual layered “ragged” structure. Used for cladding walls indoors.
  4. Round timber- or ordinary cobblestones - is used mainly in landscape design. Inside the room, it can be used to decorate such decorative elements as indoor fountains, bar counters.
  5. Sandstone– has a very warm and unusually beautiful color palette: from gray, grayish-green, to yellow, yellow-brown shades. In most cases, this type of stone is used to decorate a recreation area where a fireplace and TV are located. Sandstone is also used for finishing corners.

Artificial stones

Natural stone looks great as elements of a design project, but has a fairly high cost. Often for wall cladding in kitchen area Varieties of artificial stone are used. By using modern technologies a realistic imitation of various, almost any natural stones is created. According to the manufacturing method, the following types of artificial stone are distinguished:

  1. Polyester– made using synthetic resins. Its production technology is the most complex in comparison with other artificial stones. But this is justified by its high performance properties and aesthetic appearance.
  2. Ceramic– the material is subjected to high-temperature treatment – ​​firing in an oven.
  3. Cast plaster– or “shaped” stone. Unlike ceramic stone, the production of gypsum does not require special energy and labor costs. Due to low frost resistance, it is used only for finishing walls indoors.
  4. Concrete molded– more resistant to low temperatures environment, but it costs more than cast.
  5. Reinforced concrete– manufactured individually, directly at the work site.

Diversity decorative materials for decoration is great and gives designers almost unlimited possibilities when decorating the interior.

Color spectrum

Artificial and natural stones have a fairly wide color range. The most common options:

Natural – shades inherent in natural stone: beige, Ivory, shades of gray, shades of brown, sand shades.
White - this color comes natural origin or acquired during the dyeing process.
Colored - by mixing white paint with special tints of various colors, it is possible to obtain the desired shades.
Colored with darkening of individual areas.


Located in the area where food is prepared. This plays a crucial role in its care; the apron is very important to keep it clean and tidy. In this case, artificial stone finishing will come in handy. An apron made of decorative stone can be perfectly cleaned of grease, carbon deposits and dirt. Both artificial and natural stone will fit perfectly into interiors of various styles. They look especially harmonious in interiors made in such styles as: Provence, Country, Mediterranean, Eco-friendly style.

To lay the apron, it is advisable to use finishing material with a flat surface. This makes it easier to keep it clean.

Wall covering

The main requirement for any design project is a finished interior. In this regard, decorative stone can also be used for completely cladding walls. If you lay out the stone horizontally rather than vertically, you can visually expand the space small room. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to cover the entire wall with stone; you can advantageously combine areas finished with stone with areas lined with other finishing materials, for example, painting or decorative plaster.

Arches and doorways

Looks very original and unusual stone finishing on a window or doorway, regardless of whether the opening is arched or rectangular. If the usual door in the kitchen is replaced with an opening with a stone finish, then it will become an independent, full-fledged decorative element of the kitchen. Along with this, one gets the feeling that the opening was cut out in a stone wall. Window openings can be made in the same way. The ventilation duct, as a rule, spoils the appearance of the room, but it cannot be dismantled at all. However, if you decorate it with decorative stone elements, it will harmoniously fit into the corresponding kitchen interior.

Bar counter

Stone masonry can be found in the interior not only on walls, but also in window and door openings. Stone trim will look great on the bar counter. This material can be used not only in the manufacture of table tops, but also for cladding the base of the counter. The foot of the bar counter, decorated with cobblestones, looks very impressive. The color spectrum matches natural shades to the maximum. The bar counter, lined with stone, looks brutal and a little rough. The same as an interior option for a kitchen with a bar counter - finishing the wall tightly adjacent to the bar counter with stone. Color palette mostly warm, close to natural. The original structure separates the dining area from the cooking area.


For all its uniqueness and aesthetics, artificial stone is quite unpretentious in care. It is easy enough to wipe it clean to remove dirt. Most types of stone are produced already varnished. Therefore, it is washed like a simple ceramic tile.

You can care for the stone as follows:

Wet cleaning
Dry care - using a dust duster.
Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

Most neat and diligent housewives wash stone cladding using cleaning products. This is really only required when the stone is placed in the cooking area. Decorative stone surfaces treated with special compounds easily tolerate cleaning with abrasive powders and other detergents.


When decorating your kitchen interior, you can use the following recommendations:

Do not use stone elements in rooms designed in a style that is not suitable for stone;
Avoid bright lighting and neon colors in areas lined with decorative stone. Choose warm, slightly dim light. It would be appropriate to install lighting. It will enhance the texture effect of the stone and emphasize the transitions of shades.

The stone is best combined with greenery. Therefore, the location in the kitchen area indoor flowers will add brightness, richness and expressiveness to the interior.

Accessories in ethnic style: clay dishes, clay figurines, wooden cutlery will make a kitchen lined with stone more comfortable.

To create a warmer atmosphere in the kitchen, it is recommended to combine stone cladding with other finishing materials, such as decorative plaster, painting, or wallpaper with a raised pattern.

Any housewife dreams of her kitchen being beautiful and cozy. Create interesting design kitchen can be done by decorating its walls, floor or doorways decorative stone. Natural stone- one of the most reliable materials suitable for kitchen finishing. This stone will serve you for many years. It is important that the stone is heat-resistant and very durable, it tolerates mechanical and chemical stress well, and is also not afraid of temperature changes and high humidity in the room it decorates.


The option of finishing the kitchen with decorative stone is quite expensive, but very beautiful and luxurious. You can line the kitchen wall with solid-sized natural stone, or you can decorate the kitchen with fragments of such stones. A skilled craftsman or designer can assemble interesting and unusual designs and even entire works of art from fragments of pebbles.

Designers advise creating only one stone wall in the kitchen, which will become the highlight of the design of this room. In addition, experts recommend giving preference to horizontal masonry, as it will help make the kitchen space visually wider and freer. In order to add coziness to the dining area, it is enough to at least partially decorate it with warm-colored stone. This design solution Your friends and family will definitely appreciate it; it will help make the kitchen very unusual and unique in its own way.



Nowadays, wall decoration with decorative stone is at the peak of popularity. This is due to its rich appearance and a large number of other advantages. The first and one of the main features of the stone is that it is completely environmentally friendly. This is very important quality that everyone should have construction material for the kitchen, since food preparation takes place there, and this process must be as hygienic as possible. The second clear advantage of the stone is that it is very durable. It is perfect for those who do not plan to renovate their kitchen for a long time.

Particularly noteworthy are the external characteristics of the decorative stone: it captivates with its relief texture and the beauty of its tints. Another positive feature of this finishing material is its ease of installation. You can lay out a floor or wall with decorative stone yourself. This way, you can even create an original and unique design and make your kitchen unique. In addition, the stone is universal for installation on any surface; it can hide all the imperfections of the walls and floor, and the stone can also be used to cover damaged corners and protrusions.

Types of stone

In terms of strength and reliability, artificial stone is almost as good as its natural counterpart. At the same time, it looks no less elegant than natural. Artificial stone also looks great on the kitchen wall; you can choose exactly the material that suits the color and design of your kitchen.

Nowadays there are a huge number of models of decorative stone for kitchen decoration on sale. It comes in small or large sizes, dark or light color, embossed or smooth texture. You can choose a flat or voluminous natural stone, depending on what exactly you plan to decorate with such decorative stone. If the floor is finished with such material, it is better to give preference to smooth models. If you are going to decorate the walls with decorative stone, you can choose more interesting volumetric models.

Manufacturers present artificial stone in a wide variety of colors, as well as minerals with a very interesting texture. The stone can be matched to any kitchen. When facing walls with decorative stone, there are no special requirements for the quality of walls and floors, the structure and texture of their surface. This stone is securely attached to any surface.

Artificial decorative stone is now made from a wide variety of materials. This can be limestone, which has a very interesting texture, as well as sandstone, slate, travertine and weathered tuff. Decorating the kitchen with river stone looks very unusual, but quite rustic. But despite its simplicity, it can become the most beautiful and original part of the kitchen. In addition, wall decoration is very popular gypsum stone, which perfectly imitates the texture natural material, but is less stable and durable, but such material has a more affordable price.

Decorative stone will perfectly complement the interior of a kitchen made in classic style, country style, Provence, Scandinavian or even retro style. River stone is perfect for creating a kitchen interior in rustic style. Stone can help you recreate the atmosphere of antiquity and comfort. It can take you back several centuries and add a mysterious touch and even a little romance to your home. You can complement this atmosphere with decorative wooden utensils, wooden spoons, clay jugs and jars, beautiful antique cups and other antique elements.

It is best to provide dim lighting for a kitchen with stone trim, since stone does not react well to bright sunlight. Subdued light combined with stone finishing will make your kitchen luxurious, cozy and at the same time mysterious. The stone goes well with the color of greenery, so you can safely put a lot of beautiful plants in carved pots. The combination of stone and greenery is natural and therefore especially beautiful. Large and climbing plants are perfect for a kitchen with a stone finish; it is better to place them along the walls, closer to the window.

Another interesting idea for decorating a kitchen with stone is to create an imitation of a fireplace or stove using stonework. Such an element placed above the stove or hob in the kitchen work area will look very interesting. This design of the work area will look very interesting and impressive. This finish will completely transform the appearance of the kitchen and will bring you closer to nature and create an atmosphere of country life.

In order to create a kitchen with a country-style interior, you need to create a harmonious ensemble of stone and wood. Stone floors or walls look great combined with wooden furniture. You can purchase a kitchen set for such a kitchen with wood trim, and put a rocking chair in the relaxation area. Wood will bring the warmth of nature into your kitchen, while stone finishing, on the contrary, will cool it down. This is a very harmonious combination; these two elements complement each other perfectly.

In addition, the gray color of the stone finish harmonizes perfectly with the steel color. Therefore, you can hang on the stone walls of your kitchen decorative items kitchen utensils. Looks great metal finish kitchen set in combination with stone finishing of all walls. In such a kitchen you can install metal shelves. This design is perfect for a high-tech or loft-style kitchen.

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What? Where? When? Finishing the kitchen using 6 materials

On thematic forums When furnishing a home, I often come across the question, what materials can be used to decorate the kitchen? Well, let's take a closer look at this important point; fortunately, there will be something to talk about. Below I will talk about the most popular and practical options finishing, their advantages and disadvantages.

What will make your kitchen cozier?

One of the main advantages of kitchen renovation is the wide range of finishing materials offered. Depending on the size of the room and your preferred interior style, you can choose:

I will dwell on each of the proposed materials in more detail.

Material No. 1. Dye

Interior decoration of the kitchen with paint - convenient and practical way interior updates. But in order for the result to exceed all your expectations, you should take into account several important factors during the work process.

  1. For the kitchen you should choose only washable paint, otherwise rubbed marks from drops of grease and food will become your permanent neighbors.
  2. You can only paint a perfectly smooth wall with high quality paint. In standard Khrushchev apartments, this phenomenon is akin to a unicorn in a forest clearing, which means you will first have to thoroughly plaster the surface.

  1. Of two paints of the same type, always choose the one that will take longer to dry.. High-quality paint needs additional time in order to ideally “spread” over the surface.
  2. I usually don’t adhere to the principle “the more expensive the better,” but I have to admit that such a rule works with paint with a bang. Be prepared for the fact that a high-quality, durable coating with economical consumption will cost you at least 2,000 rubles. for 10 l.

  1. Be careful if materials contain ingredients such as VOC or LOV on the label. This means that they contain harmful volatile substances.
  2. The weaker the aroma of paint, the more environmentally friendly and harmless it is.

Using paint is good for many reasons. I won't even mention the thousands of color variations that can be successfully arranged and combined.

Due to the fact that the material can have different textures, you have the opportunity to simultaneously use different type coverings. For example, you can paint the walls matte paint, A work area or the wall dining table make it glossy. This design looks incredibly stylish and original.

Material No. 2. Wallpaper

Modern wall decoration with wallpaper is no longer much different from the options that were popular in earlier times. Progress does not stand still, so ordinary people have a great opportunity choose a suitable and much higher quality material.

I would like to elaborate on the description existing species wallpaper and listing their advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Paper. A familiar option for many paper wallpaper still enjoys some popularity. Perhaps this can be explained by their advantages:

  • low cost;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • wide range of colors and patterns.

A huge disadvantage is insufficient strength and poor moisture tolerance. You can solve the last problem with the help of tiles, finishing the work area near the stove and sink. In addition to tiles, wallpaper can also be combined with artificial stone, paint or panels.

  1. Non-woven. An improved version of paper wallpaper, which contains cellulose and polymers that bind it. Non-woven wallpaper has the following characteristics:

  • They are easy to glue, which is good news for those who decided to hang wallpaper for the first time.
  • The dense structure allows them to be applied even to walls with small cracks and irregularities.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Good wear resistance.

Non-woven wallpaper is quite easy to damage, so if you have small children or animals in the house, then I would recommend finishing the lower part of the walls with PVC panels.

If you decide to change the color and want to paint the wallpaper a different color, it is better to use water-based paint.

  1. Vinyl. These are canvases with non-woven or paper base and a vinyl top covering.

They are divided into smooth, flat, hard and foam wallpaper. For tiling the kitchen, you can use everything except the last option.

What's good about vinyl flooring?

  • It is quite dense and helps to mask minor surface imperfections.
  • Weakly susceptible to mechanical damage.
  • Does not fade in the sun.
  • It can create an imitation of almost any coating: from natural fabrics and materials to snake skin.

As you can see, the benefits are quite noticeable. True, it was not without its shortcomings. These include:

  • Airtightness, due to which the kitchen will need to be ventilated more often.
  • The need to cover the wall with plaster if the non-woven layer is not dense enough.

  • Such wallpaper requires applying glue directly to the canvas, which makes the process of gluing it yourself much more complicated.
  • Quite a high cost.

I have described in detail the most popular options; in addition to them, you can also recall other types of wallpaper:

  1. Fabric. They undoubtedly look luxurious, but are not suitable for the kitchen, as they easily absorb odors and dirt.

  1. Liquid. They are found in different textures and shades and are easy to apply. True, due to the fact that liquid wallpaper does not tolerate moisture well (what an irony), they cannot be used near the sink and work area.

When you decide on the type of wallpaper for the kitchen, you will definitely be faced with the question of which color to give preference to? I will share with you some nuances and tips that will help you in this difficult matter.

  1. A small kitchen will visually benefit from the use of wallpaper in light shades.

  1. Although dark colors reduce space, they will be appropriate when decorating a room whose style is not focused on spaciousness (steampunk, ethnic style). They can also be successfully used in repairs large kitchens(over 20 sq. m).
  2. If comfort is paramount for you, use wallpaper with yellow, orange, beige, gold or brown patterns.

  1. The choice of wallpaper color largely depends on the style of the interior. So for high-tech they use white or black tones, for pop art - bright, almost flashy shades (pink, yellow), in country, eco-style, and wallpaper in natural colors and shades is often found.

  1. If in the kitchen you can find many decorative elements or an unusual set, then you should think about purchasing wallpaper in not too saturated colors.

Material No. 3. Decorative plaster

When talking about finishing materials for the kitchen, one cannot fail to mention decorative plaster. From a practicality point of view, this is an excellent, design-correct solution. Plaster can be either natural or artificial:

  1. Mineral with granite or marble chips. This is a dry mixture based on cement and additives. The main advantage is resistance to moisture, which makes this material very appropriate in the kitchen.
  2. Acrylic resin based. Ready composition, which can be used without preliminary preparation immediately after purchase.

  1. Silicone on synthetic resins. Easy to apply, also known for good adhesive properties.
  2. Silicate based on liquid glass. Resistant to mechanical damage, vapor permeable.

If we consider from the point of view of practicality, the most acceptable option is acrylic-based synthetic plaster.

Material No. 4. Tile

Tiling kitchen space– a solution proven over decades. Besides modern options ceramics allow you to experiment with colors and shapes. Besides the magnificent decorative properties, tiles have many advantages:

  • strength;
  • ease of care;
  • water resistance;
  • heat resistance.

In addition, tile is one of the most affordable types of finishing. Despite all the advantages, I would recommend not decorating the entire kitchen, but simply decorating the kitchen backsplash. This solution will look much more impressive.

What should you know when using tiles in kitchen decor?

  • Large-scale finishing options (the same large tiles, for example) look good in spacious room, For small space It is better to choose small tiles.

  • Tiles with a vertical or horizontal pattern will help create a spatial accent.
  • Don’t be afraid to use several colors at once in one layout; it is only important that they fit harmoniously into the existing style and set. This can be achieved in one of 2 ways - by shading the existing elements with tiles that differ from them by a maximum of 2 tones, or by playing with contrast.

  • Remember that the kitchen must have at least one element similar in color to the tiles. This could be curtains, a wall panel or a tablecloth.

Material No. 5. Panels

This type of decoration, often found in a private home, confidently moves into city apartments. Made from extruded polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Panels are classified based on their sizes and external parameters.

PVC panels will be a good option for decorating kitchen walls in an apartment or country house, because they have many undeniable advantages.

  • Due to the lightweight design, the process of attaching the panels is quite simple. Moreover, renovation work will take you 10 times less time than installing tiles.
  • Caring for the panels is very simple - just wipe them with a damp sponge. The main thing is to choose detergents that do not contain abrasive substances.
  • The range of colors and patterns for PVC panels is quite extensive. So you can easily choose something exactly for yours.

  • The material is made resistant to high temperatures(the upper sensitivity threshold reaches 120 degrees).
  • And I would consider the main advantage of the panels to be their low and affordable cost.

Like any other type of finishing, PVC panels are imperfect and have several disadvantages:

  • They break quite easily or simply lose their original appearance over time.
  • From prolonged contact with ultraviolet rays and aggressive detergents may cause damage to the surface.
  • The panels are definitely not fireproof materials; their flammability coefficient is quite high. Keep this in mind when deciding how to decorate the area around the stove.

Material No. 6. Decorative rock

Believe it or not, I haven’t considered all the kitchen finishing options yet. In this article, I couldn’t help but mention artificial stone, which will add depth and expressiveness to the interior. To its main positive characteristics relate:

  • large selection of textures and shades;
  • attractive appearance and wide range;
  • ease of care;
  • light weight compared to natural samples;
  • long service life.

The advantages are more or less clear. But how do different types of decorative stone differ and what are their features?

Type of decorative stone Peculiarities Advantages
  1. Porcelain tiles
It consists of feldspar and clay, to which mineral and color additives are added.
  • durability;
  • resistance to temperature changes.
  1. Algomerates.
Consists of granite resin, granite chips, marble and other additives.
  • exact imitation natural stone;
  • wide range of colors;
  • long service life;
  • resistance to temperature changes.
  1. Stone made of colored concrete.
It is made from Portland cement, sand, and additives that affect the color of the material.
  • strength;
  • affordable price.

Finishing with decorative stone will add a touch of bohemian chic to the interior of your kitchen. True, you should be careful and use the material in doses. So, for example, in a small kitchen it is worth decorating only one wall or opening with stone; you can also decorate the apron with it.

Don't forget about the summer kitchen

A summer kitchen is a wonderful place that allows us to cook and dine in the fresh air. Having become the proud owner of such a wonderful place, it is definitely worth thinking about its arrangement. Below you will learn how to decorate a kitchen in a private house if it is located on the street.

A summer kitchen is a rather specific room, so finishing materials she has special requirements.

  1. The interior decoration of the summer kitchen should not be sensitive to sudden temperature changes, high humidity, splashes from hot water or fat.
  2. The materials should be easy to clean, because no one in nature wants to spend a lot of time cleaning.
  3. The finishing must comply with all hygienic standards and prevent the accumulation (and, accordingly, further spread) of harmful microorganisms in the room and area.

What materials can fully satisfy the above criteria? I will focus on the two most popular: stone and wood.

  1. Stone. A kitchen trimmed with stone can protect from the heat in summer heat, but that’s not all. In cool weather, it is able to retain heat perfectly, so you can safely cook in such a room until mid-autumn without feeling discomfort.
    If the basis of the room is brick walls or wooden frame, repair work comes down to covering the surfaces with plasterboard and further installing decorative or natural stone on it. For floor covering, both stone or porcelain stoneware and standard paving slabs are suitable.

  1. Tree. Decorating walls with wood is one of the most popular options for arranging a country summer kitchen. Naturally, before repairs, the material is treated with special compounds that increase its moisture resistance and also prevent further rotting or the appearance of fungus.

If a kitchen decorated with wood is an unaffordable luxury for you, then you can opt for a cheaper, and therefore more affordable, lining.


Well, I tried to describe the most popular materials for finishing kitchens as objectively as possible and answered the question of how to decorate a kitchen in a wooden house, or rather summer kitchen with all its features. I hope this material will be useful to you and will simplify the repair process.

With that, dear reader, I take my leave. If you have any questions on the topic, be sure to ask them in the comments. I will be happy to answer everyone.

October 28, 2016

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