How to build a snow slide. Snow slide, make a snow slide with your own hands. Snow slide: making a winter attraction

In the courtyard of a private house or in the country best entertainment for the baby - a children's slide. The playground with a slide is suitable for children from 2 to 7 years old and older. Implementing such a design is not difficult, knowing how to make a children's slide with your own hands, how to ensure safety and what to pay attention to during manufacture. The simplest, fastest and inexpensive option for the dacha - a wooden slide, the construction of which will be discussed in this article in the form step by step instructions for beginners without construction experience.

DIY children's slide

Types of children's slides

The location of the slide (in the house or on the street) will determine its dimensions and material of manufacture. From this position, two types are distinguished:

Indoor slide for a child in a house/apartment

As a rule, it is small in size and installed in a child’s bedroom. Any materials (chipboard, plywood, laminate) are suitable for production, since Negative influence environment. A do-it-yourself indoor slide for children is made according to the same principle as an outdoor one, but in a more compact size.

There are such slides in the courtyard of almost every high-rise building. Residents of the private sector have to take care of their installation themselves.

Types of slides depending on the material of manufacture

There are ready-made slides on sale made from different materials (the most popular is plastic), for self-made usually wood or metal is used. Nevertheless, short review will give an idea of ​​the advantages of this or that material for the slide. The list is in order of ease of installation and duration of operation:

Inflatable slide

Made from PVC (laminated PVC fabric). Suitable for little ones.

It is easy to assemble (inflated manually or with an electric pump), compact, and has a short service life.

Plastic slide

Designed for children 3-5 years old. Plastic allows you to make slopes various shapes: pipe, spiral, wave.

A PVC slide takes up little space, is easy to clean, safe, and has a sliding surface. You can go down the slide at any time of the year; the plastic slope has a high heat capacity (it does not overheat in summer and does not cool in winter). Making a plastic slide with your own hands is quite simple - connect the parts according to the instructions.

The main disadvantage is the fragility of the plastic (inherent in cheap Chinese-made models).

Metal slide

Reliable, durable, with proper care it can be ridden by two or three generations. There is an opportunity to do different heights and different lengths of the slope (descent).

The disadvantage is the high thermal conductivity of the metal (it’s very cold to go down in winter, and very hot in summer). In addition, the metal slide needs maintenance, and the steel slope is susceptible to corrosion.

Wooden slide

Wood is a natural and affordable material.

The wooden slide is environmentally friendly, lightweight, comfortable, suitable for installation in any place and use in any weather.

However, wooden slides require constant protection (wood is susceptible to rotting and deformation).

A wooden children's slide for a dacha is the most popular and simplest option for making your own, due to the availability of wood, maintainability and the ability to complete the work without the involvement of specialists (welding work, use welding machine and so on.).

How to make a children's slide out of wood with your own hands

1. Design

3D projects, drawings, slide diagrams allow you to get a holistic view of the configuration and dimensions future design, and will also significantly facilitate the manufacture of parts.

Development of a slide project for children (what to pay attention to):

  • child's age. The baby will need a flat, low slide. So that he himself or with the help of adults can go down it. Older children will be more interested in the presence of turns or bends on the descent;
  • height. Allows you to select the required height of the stairs (the taller the child, the greater the distance between the steps should be) and the steepness of the flight. In addition, determine the installation location of the handrails;

Note. For small children, it is necessary to install a flat staircase; for older ones, a vertical one is acceptable.

  • slide dimensions. Dimensions are needed to calculate the width of the slope (descent) and the height of the enclosing sides;
  • installation location. It is necessary to leave free space in front of the slide for a safe descent;
  • the angle of inclination of the stairs and slope so that they are safe for ascent and descent;
  • the wishes of the child and your own abilities.

A drawing of a simple wooden slide is shown in the figure.

2. Material for children's slide made of wood

As an example, we provide a list of lumber for a wooden slide with a slope length of 3000 mm and an upper platform size of 500x500 mm.

Material prepared for the website

No. Material Purpose Quantity
1 wooden beam 100*100*1500 mm. For supports 4 things.
2 wooden beam 20*40*500 mm. To strengthen the upper platform (stiffening ribs) 2 pcs.
3 wooden beam 30*30*500 mm. For fencing the upper platform 2 pcs.
4 wooden beam 30*30*1500 mm. For railings 2 pcs. if necessary
5 board 20*100*500 For connecting supports from below (giving structural strength) 4 things.
6 board 25*100*500 To cover the floor of the upper platform 5 pieces.
7 board 25*100*300 For arranging steps 6-8 pcs. (depending on the child's height)
8 floorboard, 3,000 mm or moisture-resistant plywood, at least 20 mm thick. or factory plastic slope For the ramp device 2 pcs. The number of pieces and their length depends on the specified length of the slope and its width
9 board 25*100*3 000 For installation of ramp guards (+ stiffener) 2 pcs.
10 screws, anchors For fastening Use galvanized hardware to avoid corrosion. It is better not to use nails
11 lumber for arranging stairs: board or timber For stringer/stringer of stairs 2 pcs.

Advice. Under the upper platform you can make a box for storing sports equipment or toys.

The tools that will come in handy are a tape measure, a hammer, a level, a drill, a plane, a saw.

3. Preparing material for a children's slide

Please note that only well-dried wood is used in this work; this will reduce the likelihood of deformations. All lumber must be processed (planed) with an electric planer to eliminate nicks and knots. And also sand and chamfer (round) to eliminate all possible wood defects.

Bottom support pillars treat with any material that avoids rotting (waterproofing mastic, mining machine oil, resin, etc.).

4. Preparing a place under the slide for children

Level the area allocated for the hill and mark the location of the supports. In our case, this is a square of 500x500 mm. In the corners of the square, use a drill to deepen the holes 500-600 mm. Pour crushed stone-sand mixture down. The pillow will serve additional protection support posts.

Note. If you plan to develop a complex playground, more free space should be provided.

5. Installation of supports for a children's slide

Supports are installed in the prepared places (No. 1 from the table with the list of materials) and securely fixed with concrete.

To make the structure stronger, its bottom is “tied”. To do this, grooves are made in the racks (with a chisel or a router) 20 mm deep. The supports are connected to each other using a planed board (No. 5), inserted into the prepared grooves. It is better to fasten with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.

Note. Installation of the slide is possible without digging in; in this case, guy ropes are provided.

6. Installation of the floor (top flooring) for a children's slide

The work uses elements No. 2 and No. 6. The timber is laid out parallel to each other, and boards prepared for the floor are attached to it.

Advice. A gap of 5-7 mm should be left between the boards to allow water to drain.

7. Making a ramp (slide) for a children's slide

If there is a plastic slope, it is simply installed and secured to the existing structure. When making a ramp with your own hands, elements No. 8 and No. 9 are used. The floorboards are fastened together, and enclosing sides are installed along them.

The place where the ramp is attached to the floor of the upper platform can be made in two versions:

  • by forming desired angle(usually 45°) and attachment to the base;
  • by sawing the grooves, as shown in the photo.

Please note that the bottom of the slope is also sawn at an angle to ensure its stability when going down the hill.

The main rule here is that the boards that make up the slope are carefully polished after the formation of the shield - this will eliminate the smallest imperfections of the boards and prevent the appearance of splinters and abrasions in the child.
After construction, the slope is painted.

What to make a ramp for a children's slide?

Summarizing the user experience, we can highlight the most popular materials for the release device:

  • plastic sheet. It has best characteristics slip, but is prone to cracking, and also makes the structure expensive;
  • galvanized steel sheet with a thickness of at least 0.5 mm;
  • thin plywood;
  • linoleum;
  • wax polish applied to wood;
  • On the contrary, it is not recommended to lay laminate, because it deforms under load and under the influence of moisture.

Laid on top of durable wooden flooring, these materials make the slide for the children's slide more slippery, which means the descent will be faster.

A drawing of a children's slide slope is shown in the diagram.

An older child will be interested in a slide that has a spiral slope rather than a straight one. In this case, you need to take a more careful approach to the design of the gutter, and its additional coating is mandatory.

Advice. Any unevenness of the slope, sharp corners, or metal parts can cause injury, so the places where the screws are attached are sanded, and the slope is painted or varnished.

8. Making a ladder for a children's slide

A mandatory element of a children's wooden slide is a staircase consisting of at least several steps.

Structurally, the staircase can be made on a bowstring or on a stringer. An example is shown in the diagram.

Note. Round steps can be made from available materials, for example, from cuttings gardening tools(shovel).

9. Fencing the stairs and the floor above the landing

Guardrails for the stairs and upper landing depend on the height of the slide, the age of the child and other factors.

Despite its apparent simplicity, a wooden children's slide requires compliance with certain rules during construction:

  • flexible plywood can be used to make a rotary ramp;
  • each element of the ladder must be securely fastened;
  • ready wooden slide It is advisable to paint not with ordinary oil paint, but with acrylic paint, or even better with high-quality varnish. In any case, the most exploited surface is the slope. The decorative coating is applied in several layers with mandatory drying of each layer;
  • Over time, the coating on the ramp will wear off and will therefore require maintenance. Users advise that each time before painting, sand the surface, eliminate possible deformations of the board, fill the cracks with putty, and only then cover with a new layer of paint.

Safety when using children's slides

  • the slope should rest against the mat (or sand mound) - this will ensure a soft landing;
  • A wooden slide needs periodic inspection for cracked joints or deformed boards. Especially relevant after winter;
  • It is better to install a wooden slide in the shade, in a place that is clearly visible from the window;
  • There should be no thorny bushes, poisonous plants (datura, foxglove) or allergenic plants near the installation site. Honey-bearing flowers are also not the best neighbors - they will attract bees;
  • there should be enough space for several children to be near the slide;
  • electrical cables, pipes, hoses should also be located away from the slide.


A short guide will help you make a wooden slide with your own hands. In the future, it can be supplemented with other elements of the play complex: swings, sandbox, sports equipment.

Winter is coming and we need to prepare a winter ice slide for our children. In this article I would like to help you by answering the question “How to make a slide with your own hands?”

Naturally, to build a slide you need a large number of snow and frosty weather. Then, you need to choose a convenient and safe place to create a slide. It should “grow” away from the roadway and, preferably, not rest against the entrance door and all kinds of buildings.

It is best to make a slide in a friendly group - one carries the snow, another works with a shovel, the third compacts the snowdrifts. This way the work will progress and things will go faster. So, how to make a slide with your own hands? Just.

First you need a large wide shovel. The next step is to apply snow, the more the better. It is worth deciding for whom the slide is being built. If for small children, then it should not be too high. And the width of the slide, as they say, is made “to taste” - from one to two meters. Well, you don’t have to skimp on the length of this snow creation – all five meters! If, of course, the free space around the slide allows the “builders” to swing like that.

How to make a children's slide without steps? No way, because the slide needs steps. They are made from the highest side. As for the sides, you shouldn’t pay special attention to them, since they can be done later, when the slide is filled with water.

1. So, the main part of the construction of the slide is completed, now the most important part is the filling. The slide is being flooded cold water from a hose, but you can actively use watering cans and buckets. Just don’t fill the steps, otherwise you won’t be able to climb them up the hill.

2. How to make a snow slide so that it is smooth and slippery? You need to not be lazy and fill it at least three times. In order for the slide to freeze thoroughly and be free of unnecessary bumps and dents, it must be constantly trimmed and smoothed with a wide shovel.

3. It is recommended to fill the slide in the evening. It will freeze at night, but in the morning the kids will have fun riding on it. You can ride on ordinary cardboard, so to speak, the old fashioned way, or use modern ice sleds for greater speed.

4. The most convenient time to make a slide is during the thaw, when the snow is heavy and sticky. The snow “mound” you have made will need to be trampled down and left for a while so that it settles and compacts into a denser mass. The height of the slide will depend on the age of the children who will ride it - for kids no more than a meter, for older children - 1.5-2 meters in height. The surface of the descent must be level, the curbs must be made high enough. Pay attention to the angle of descent - if it is more than 40 degrees, the slide will become dangerous.

5. The slide must be filled in frosty weather. Simply pouring it in from a bucket and a hose is a bad idea; a large mass of water, especially under pressure, will simply wash away the snow, forming holes. Labor intensive, but a win-win- an ordinary garden watering can. You can pour water onto a flat surface from which it will flow onto the snow - onto a piece of plywood or a wide shovel. Sometimes it is recommended to cover the slide with a large rag and pour it through it - the water will be more evenly distributed over the snow. If you don’t have anything like this at hand, collect snow from the nearest snowdrift into a bucket of water, mix it with a stick and evenly cover the slide with the resulting snow slurry. Level the surface and leave the slide overnight to freeze, and the next day coat it with snow porridge again and let it freeze completely. From the descent you can use water or the same slush to make an ice path so that those skiing can pass further away.

The descent surface will need to be maintained in order, ensuring that no potholes form on it.

You also need to make steps, make them 10-15 centimeters in height.

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

What would winter be without snow slides, ice sculptures and snowdrifts! On a frosty winter day you just want to grab an ice cube and run for a ride. fresh air, but often there may not be an ice slide nearby at all. It is not surprising that many are interested in how to build a snow slide with their own hands without outside help. This is a real joy not only for children of any age, but also for adults. Let's look at several ways to properly build and fill a snow slide with water so that it freezes.

Choosing a place in the yard

Let's first figure out what kind of slides even exist, and what type of snow structure you can build in your yard.

Types of slides:

The ideal place is game Zone, where the kids are used to spending time. Here are some tips on where a children's slide should be located:

  • In a safe area away from the roadway and also from pedestrian paths;
  • In an open area, so that riding is free and easy;
  • Far from various buildings, structures, poles, trees and other plantings. The sliding should occur smoothly until it comes to a complete stop;
  • The slope should be gentle and not too steep (the optimal angle of the high part is 40-50 degrees);
  • The rollout must be directed onto a flat area, without obstacles or protrusions, so that children do not get injured;
  • The place should be well lit evening time, since riding with flashlights is not only inconvenient, but also unsafe.

Photo example of a fun New Year's slide

Selecting the size and preparing inventory

It is important to remember that the higher you plan to build a snow slide, the more free area there should be for a smooth descent. Let's consider the basic requirements for their production:

  1. The top of the slide must be fenced with sides at least 40 centimeters high. This is done to protect against accidental falls and stability if the sole slips;
  2. The stairs to the top must be non-slip and non-steep (the dimensions of the steps in depth and height are 20*20 cm). It will be useful to sprinkle the steps with sand, but not too much, as it will fall on the slope and slow down the movement;
  3. The ratio of the height of the slide to the length of the entire descent should be in proportions 1:6;
  4. The width of the slide depends on the intended purpose: for small children, for tubing, for skating alone or together in a crowd, etc.

The most best time for the construction of the structure - a clear sunny day, since during the day there is a slight thaw, and at night the frost gets stronger. It is easier to work with slightly damp and pliable snow, and at night the result will consolidate itself.

What tools are needed:

  • Warm mittens and gloves to protect your hands (it is advisable to wear rubber gloves on top);
  • Large metal shovels;
  • Broom;
  • Metal buckets, ladles and watering cans;
  • Sprayers, atomizers or rubber hoses;
  • Unnecessary rags and mops;
  • Flat hard devices (tabletops, long plywood, shields, etc.) for leveling snow on the slope;
  • Wide spatula or construction scraper;
  • Quick access to water.

Remember: only clean snow should be used to form the structure! It should also not contain foreign objects: stones, sticks, branches, leaves, etc.

The video below shows how you can build a snow slide with your own hands in kindergarten or the yard of your home.

We begin to sculpt a snow slide

Once you have decided on the location and dimensions of the structure, prepared all the equipment and called in assistants, you can safely get to work:

If desired, you can use a ready-made frame, for example, wooden stairs, railings, shields, boards, table tops and even car tires which are subsequently covered with snow.

Let's start filling

Filling is the most important stage; here it is important not to spoil all the work done. The main thing is to never use warm water to fill the slide - it will only leave holes in the snow and melt it. The water should be ice cold - mixed with snow in a metal bucket.

Filling options:

  1. Spraying from a garden watering can or hose;
  2. Pouring water onto a wide shovel and then onto the mountain slope itself;
  3. Place a wet cloth on the surface of the slope;
  4. Pouring ice water from a bucket of snow onto the hill, compacting it and sanding it with spatulas.

All hills, irregularities and defects are knocked down and leveled until the structure takes the required shape. The shape should “set” overnight, and the very next day you can try out the slide and ride it with your friends!

Winter brings not only cold, but also new entertainment and experiences. Sleigh rides, skiing and ice skating are available. In order to give joy to your children, and to have some fun yourself, you should fill the yard with a snow slide. Before you figure out how to properly fill a snow slide, you need to understand where it is best to organize it. The chosen place should be safe so that you can have fun and not worry about possible dangers. The selected area should be free of trees, bushes, manholes and other objects that could cause injury. There should be no roadway nearby.

How to fill a snow slide with water - dimensions of the slide, angle of inclination

The height and width of the slide will depend on the free area, the available volume of snow, and your capabilities. If the slide is made for crumbs, then you should not build a structure that is too high. Convenient indicators are the ratio of height to length 1 to 4. In addition to the descent, you will need to roll out. This is a flat plane along which movement will be carried out until the skater comes to a complete stop. When creating a structure, do not make the slope excessively flat or steep. At the beginning, the optimal inclination angle is -30-50. Next, as you descend, reduce the angle of inclination, you need to do this as smoothly as possible.

How to build a slide

To make the work easier, prepare large snow balls in advance. Lay out a wall of them, and fill the cavities between the balls with snow, use a shovel. Compact the resulting snow mass well. As a result, you will be able to build a descent, railings and other elements. To make your slide convenient to use, do not forget about the steps. Optimal sizes width – 40 cm. You can build low sides on the sides of the steps; it will be convenient to hold on to them when climbing the hill.

How to fill a slide with water

After you have built the snow structure and compacted it well, let it sit for a couple of days. During this time, the frame will be compressed and strengthened, which will allow it to be used until spring. It is better to fill it in the evening, when the sun has set and the temperature reaches -20C. If these conditions are not adhered to, the entire structure may “float”. Do not immediately pour the water out of the bucket; first, go around the entire perimeter with a spray bottle. Wait a couple of hours and proceed to the main filling stage, do it slowly. Use slightly warm water. If voids form, immediately fill them with snow. When the slide has hardened well, go over the slide with a sanding board - this will make it slippery and smooth.

Using the information provided, you can easily create the coolest entertainment for your children. Show your imagination, work carefully and the result of your work will certainly please not only children, but also adults. Ice snow fun in your backyard is an opportunity for the whole family to have fun without leaving your backyard.

Children's games in the fresh air in winter should be active, and in order to diversify them, adults will have to work a little and build a skating rink or a snow slide. Moreover, to construction work you can involve children by instructing them to perform the most accessible and most simple sections work. Joint work outdoor activities will bring children no less pleasure than the games themselves.

How to make a snow slide for children

The construction of a snow slide is a fairly simple job, but at the same time it requires some special knowledge or experience. The simplicity of the work is that to complete it you will need quite accessible tools and materials: snow, a shovel, water, pieces of used plywood, the difficulty is in correctly using simple devices and quickly building an entertaining winter attraction with your own hands.

You should also review the recommended specifications of the object under construction. The height of the slide should not be more than one and a half to a meter, but this is the case if teenagers and adults are going down from it, if only kids are going to ride, then a height of 1 m will be quite sufficient. It is not advisable to exceed these parameters - the task of constructing the facility is significant will become more difficult, but the pleasure you get from riding will be the same. The length of the descent should be planned to be about 5 m.

The descent angle should be 40 degrees. Significantly increasing it will lead to an increased risk of injury, and the descent itself will become very fast; the skier will not have time to enjoy the process. At the same time, at the end of the descent the rider will receive a noticeable blow. If you make the descent angle too small, the descent speed will decrease and the ride will become uninteresting.

For safety reasons, you should build snow sides on the descent, and cover the steps flooded with water thoroughly with sand - once they freeze, they will no longer be slippery.

Children's snow slide, the advantages of a snow slide

Snow slide on suburban area has the following advantages:

  • You can do the work together with children of different ages
  • no special costs for materials and tools will be required,
  • the opportunity to experiment and change the design at your discretion,
  • improve it by adding arches, turns, etc. to the design.

The only drawback of the snow slide can be considered the seasonal period of operation - next winter it will have to be rebuilt. But such work allows you to fully express your creativity and imagination, and they no longer look like work, but like entertainment.

Do-it-yourself snow slide - choose a place and install a frame

The choice of slide location is of particular importance for the safe entertainment of adults and children. It is advisable that it be located away from the road where cars can pass. It is equally important that in the dark the snow slide is sufficiently illuminated from all sides. Along the continuation of the descent line there should be no trees, thickets or bushes, sewer hatches, or anything that could pose a danger to skiers.

To build a slide, it is best to choose a relatively warm day, when the snow will be sticky and you can simply roll several balls out of it different diameters. They can be arranged in the form of a slide; the space between them can be trampled with snow. Next, you can begin to form the steps and descent. When the air temperature drops, you can fill the constructed slide with water and wait until it is covered with a strong ice crust.

If construction is carried out during a period when frost has already set in, then you can resort to another method. Use a snow shovel to collect as much of the main material as possible. building material, compact it as much as possible. Further, from any available means: wooden shields, sheets of plywood or chipboard, etc. you will need to assemble the formwork. If there are snowdrifts in the yard, the snow in which is well compacted, then you can cut brick cubes from them to build a slide.

If there is not enough snow, then the frame can be built from any voluminous hollow objects that are at hand, these can be car tires, boxes made of plywood or wood. If the slide is not high, up to 1 m, then small ones can be used as a frame. carton boxes. To give the structure strength, they can be watered. Boxes and drawers should be stacked upside down. After assembling the frame, you can begin to design the steps and descent. Don't forget to equip the sides - they will make the descent from the slide safer. Cover the surface of the descent with snow, and form the steps so that the height of each is convenient for climbing.

The area at the top of the slide should be covered with pieces of plywood or boards - standing on such a platform will be much safer.

When choosing the shape of the slide, you can show your imagination; of course, it will be fun to ride on a slide of the most ordinary shape, but you can create a descent surface reminiscent of a bobsleigh track - with turns in different sides, you can decorate the slide with an arch or arrange it in the form of a silhouette of a fairy-tale character.

How to properly fill a snow slide with water

The most crucial moment is filling the constructed frame with water. If it is possible to use winter water supply, that’s very good. If the amount of water is limited, you can only fill the descent and steps. Don't forget to sprinkle the steps with sand - they will no longer be slippery. If there suitable material It is advisable to equip steps with handrails.

To obtain the first layer, it is best to spray the snow surface with a spray bottle. After a couple of hours, you can start filling the slide. Water should be poured from a watering can and very carefully, otherwise it may wash away the snowy part of the structure. The water should be slightly warm, but not hot. Using warm water You can immediately obtain a fairly smooth ice surface. If, as a result of exposure to water, holes or voids have formed on the surface of the slope, they should be filled with snow slurry and leveled with a wet rag. The area of ​​the slope in front of the slide also needs to be compacted and filled with water.

Next, you should let the slide freeze thoroughly until the next morning. Even during a thaw, the temperature drops so low at night that the slide must be well sealed by frost. In order to finally level the surface of the slope and give it perfect smoothness, pour a bucket of water onto it. After 2-3 hours you can start testing.