How to draw up an electrical wiring diagram in a private house. Installation diagram of electrical wiring in the apartment. Calculations and diagram

When planning to replace electrical wiring with your own hands in a one-room apartment, or with the help of a professional electrician, you need to draw up a diagram for connecting all wiring lines, sockets, switches, distribution boxes, various permanently installed electrical appliances (fan, air conditioner, electric stove), circuit breakers and residual current devices (RCDs).

In terms of electrical wiring, in addition to bringing electrical connections, it is also advisable to indicate the exact location of the connection point for each electrical receiver in the apartment.

Example of a room wiring diagram plan

In relation to one-room apartments, due to the apparent simplicity of cable routing, many novice craftsmen ignore the electrical wiring layout, immediately starting work with a vague idea of ​​the diagram and the final result.

As a result, with this approach, you may encounter unforeseen difficulties and problems. In addition, electrical wiring installed incorrectly by yourself, without knowledge of the rules and requirements, can cause an accident.

accident, burnt socket and electrical wiring

Step-by-step formation of a general wiring diagram

When drawing up a cabling plan, it is necessary to divide the wiring diagram drawing into four stages, one for each room of a typical studio apartment(living room, hallway, kitchen, bathroom).

An example of a wiring diagram for a one-room apartment

Regardless of the layout of the home, it is necessary to think through the electrical wiring for each room separately, based on the specific purpose of each room.

Specifics should be understood as the use of electrical appliances and equipment, as well as the location of sockets, switches, and controls. It is necessary to familiarize yourself (information is available on this resource) with the specifics of electrical wiring in each room of the apartment, drawing up a general diagram with your own hands.

Cable calculation based on load

When drawing up a wiring diagram for each room, it is necessary to adhere to the fundamental sequence of actions, which are based on a logical chain of concepts, the explanation of which is beyond the scope of this article:

Therefore, it is necessary to correctly calculate the cross-section of the wires to be installed and indicate them on the plan diagram. A method for independently calculating cross sections for current or power consumption can be found on this resource, or taken from other trustworthy sources.

An example of a diagram of switching devices divided into groups and cable sections for a one-room apartment

There you can also find a description of the types of electrical wiring, methods of laying them and the types of cables used.

Dividing electrical wiring into separate lines

Another principle that should be adhered to, regardless of the purpose of the premises of a one-room apartment, when drawing up its electrical wiring diagram with your own hands is the division of consumers into groups.

An example of an apartment wiring diagram

The minimum option is a group of sockets and lighting. This means that from apartment panel There must be separate cables protected by automatic circuit breakers for sockets and electric lighting devices.

In addition to electrical safety, this approach compares favorably in terms of the convenience of replacing a switch or socket with your own hands - you will be able to use electric lighting devices without turning off the entire electricity in the apartment.

Bathroom diagram

For powerful consumers of electricity, such as a boiler, electric stove, air conditioner, refrigerator, it is necessary to lay a separate line.

Kitchen wiring diagram

This requirement is justified by the fact that the cross-section of the wires supplying power to these electrical appliances must be larger than for cables supplying less powerful equipment.

Accordingly, a circuit breaker designed for a given cross-section may not work if an overcurrent appears in a cable connected in series with thinner cores, leading to overheating, melting and fire of the insulation.

Protection from defeat

All groups of sockets must be equipped with RCDs that respond to current leaks through the human body or insulation. In this way, protection against damage is realized when dangerous voltage appears on the housing of electrical appliances, and ensures fire safety. In relation to the bathroom, the presence of an RCD is prerequisite when installing sockets.

It is advisable to install an RCD on the lighting line too, especially for the bathroom. For example, metal parts wall lamps may become live and cause injury if touched.

In addition, there may be water in the distribution box, switch or terminal block of the chandelier due to the fault of the neighbors above. Getting water on conductive surfaces will not cause a short circuit and will not cause the circuit breaker to trip, but may cause a leak that can damage the insulation and lighting equipment.

The RCD must be connected in series with the circuit breaker, and rated current The RCD should be one value higher.

RCD connection

The RCD + automatic circuit breaker can be replaced with a difavtomat, combining both of these devices, which are installed in the apartment distribution panel.

The shield itself should be in an accessible place at a height inaccessible to small children.

Installation height of the switchboard in the corridor

The need to comply with rules and regulations

When drawing up an electrical wiring diagram, in order to avoid accidentally damaging other communications when installing wires, you must have at hand a plan for their wiring in the apartment.

After checking the location of pipelines and various cable lines, you need to conduct electrical wiring, if possible avoiding its intersection with these communications, adhering to the rules for laying electrical wiring, which are described in detail on this resource.

example of wiring arrangement in a room

For convenience, this article contains quotes from the rules for electrical installations (PUE) and building codes and regulations (SNiP).

These standards also include the location of electrical wiring, sockets and switches in relation to doors, walls, floors and ceilings. Determine the exact location of wiring and electrical points in the apartment, indicating distances in meters or millimeters on the plan.

Since access to distribution boxes must be ensured, their number can be reduced - when planning the wiring for sockets and switches, it is worth planning in such a way as to make the necessary connections in the socket boxes of switches and sockets.

Symbols on the plan

If documentation for an apartment requires a professional drawing of the electrical wiring diagram, then it is better to contact the relevant organizations that have qualified specialists, and having the right to draw up such documents.

But when drawing up a wiring diagram for a master, or planning to do all the electrical work yourself installation work, you need to learn a minimum set of symbols for various electrical points and electrical receivers commonly found in the apartment.

symbol of switches and sockets on the diagram

On the wiring plan, all three wires necessary to connect the sockets (phase, neutral, ground) can be indicated by one line to make the diagram easier to read, and the wiring lines for individual groups of consumers should be indicated in different colors.

hand drawing of the apartment plan

The drawing can be drawn by hand, the main thing is to be careful and precise in the notation.

There are many apartment wiring diagrams on the Internet; they can be used as a template, adding and changing as necessary.

Electricity is a serious and responsible matter. If you are going to do all the work yourself, you need to do everything very carefully and diligently. Proper wiring in a private home is a guarantee of safety, because according to statistics, 70% of fires occur due to electrical faults. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust the work to proven specialists.

Action plan

Electrical wiring in a private house is done before finishing works. The frame of the house is out, the walls and roof are ready - it's time to start work. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Determination of the input type - single-phase (220 V) or three-phase (380 V).
  • Development of a scheme, calculation of the capacity of the planned equipment, submission of documents and receipt of the project. Here it must be said that the technical specifications will not always determine your declared power; most likely they will allocate no more than 5 kW.
  • Selection of components and components, purchase of meters, machines, cables, etc.
  • . Performed by a specialized organization, you need to decide on the type - overhead or underground, install an input machine and a counter in the right place.
  • Install electricity into the house.
  • Laying cables inside the house, connecting sockets and switches.
  • Ground loop design and its connection.
  • Testing the system and obtaining a certificate.
  • Electrical connection and operation.

This is only a general plan, each case has its own nuances and features, but you need to start with receiving technical specifications electrical connections and project. To do this, you need to decide on the type of input and the planned power consumption. It must be remembered that the preparation of documents can take six months, so it is better to submit them even before the start of construction: two years are given to fulfill the technical conditions. During this time, you will probably be able to build a wall on which you can put a machine and a counter.

How many phases

IN a private house Single-phase voltage (220 V) or three-phase (380 V) can be supplied. According to energy consumption standards for a private house at single-phase network the maximum consumption per house can be 10-15 kW, for three-phase - 15 kW.

So what's the difference? The fact is that powerful electrical appliances can be directly connected to a three-phase network - electric stoves or heating boilers, ovens and similar equipment. However, the input requirements and wiring of the 380V network are much stricter: higher voltage, greater chance of serious injury. Therefore, if your house is no more than 100 square meters, and you do not think of heating it with electricity, you are better off using 220 V.

Making a plan and receiving a project

Having decided on the type of input, you can begin to develop a plan for electrifying your home. Take a scale plan of the house, and draw where the equipment will be located, figure out where to place the sockets and switches. In this case, you need to take into account where any large-sized furniture will be located, and where it can be rearranged, so that sockets and switches are not placed in these areas.

You will need to put everything on the plan lighting: chandeliers, sconces, floor lamps, lamps. Some of them will need switches, some will need sockets. Then you will need to figure out which devices in each room will need to be turned on. For example, in the kitchen there is a lot of equipment that works constantly. It definitely needs sockets. There is also equipment that turns on periodically. All this is plotted on the plan, determined optimal location switching points. The same approach applies to each of the rooms.

Determination of total power

Having decided approximately what equipment will be installed in your home, add up its power. The average power can be taken from the table: there is probably no technology yet. Moreover, where there are, take into account starting loads (they are much higher). Add about 20% of the reserve to the found amount. The result will be the required power. You indicate it in papers submitted to obtain permission to connect electricity to the site. If you are given the stated power, you will be very lucky, but you should not hope for it. Most likely, you will have to invest in the standard 5 kW - the most common electricity limit for a private home.

Breakdown of consumers into groups

All these consumers (this is the term of professionals) - lamps, spotlights, switches, sockets - are divided into groups. A separate branch runs electrics to lighting fixtures. Usually one is enough, but this is not a rule; it may be more convenient or expedient to make two branches - for each wing of the house or for each floor - depending on the type and configuration of the building. Basement lighting stands out as a separate group, utility rooms, as well as light on the street.

Then the sockets are divided into groups. How many you can “put” on one wire depends on the diameter of the wire used, but not very much - three to five, no more. It is better to allocate a separate power supply line for connecting each powerful device: this is more reliable from the point of view fire safety, and will contribute to longer operation of the devices.

As a result, you may have three to seven lines going to the kitchen - this is where the equipment is most abundant and powerful too: for an electric boiler and electric stove, separate lines are absolutely needed. Refrigerator, microwave, electric oven, washing machine It’s also better to “plant” separately. Not like that powerful blender, food processor etc. can be included in one line.

There are usually two to four lines to the rooms: in modern home and in any room there is something to plug into the electrical network. One line will go to lighting. On the second there will be sockets into which you will need to plug in your computer, router, TV, and phone charger. All of them are not very powerful and can be combined into one group. If you intend to install an air conditioner or turn on an electric heater, you will need separate lines.

If a private house is small - a dacha, for example, then there may be two or three groups: one for all lighting fixtures, the second for the street and the third for all internal sockets. In general, the number of groups is an individual matter and depends most of all on the size of the house and the amount of electrical equipment in it.

Based on the number of groups received, the number of machines on the distribution panel in the house is determined: to the received number of groups, add two to four for development (suddenly you forgot something important, or you need to turn on something new powerful, divide a group that is too large or far apart into two, etc.). The number of machines in it is also selected based on the number of groups: there is a separate machine for each group. If a private house is large - on several floors, it makes sense to install more powerful machines on each floor, and connect group machines to them.

Where to put the shield

The installation location of the electrical panel is not regulated by regulations. There are only restrictions regarding the distance from the pipelines; it must be at a distance of at least 1 meter. Any pipes are taken into account: water supply, heating, sewerage, internal drains, gas pipeline and even gas meters.

There are no restrictions on premises. Many people place the panel in: since it’s a technical room, it makes sense to collect all communications here. The receiving authorities do not make any claims. Sometimes it is more convenient to place the shield near the front door. If the protection class meets the requirements, there should be no claims.

Selection of cables and components

Today's standard wiring diagram for a private house includes two circuit breakers. One - input - is installed before the meter, usually on the street. It and the meter are sealed upon commissioning. The second RCD machine is placed in the house in front of the panel. The operation (shutdown) current of these devices is selected so that the circuit breaker installed in the house is turned off first (its current value is slightly less). Then, in the event of an emergency, you will not need to crawl under the roof.

If the estimated load is less than 15 kW, the circuit is standard - RCD + automatic circuit breaker, meter and then division into groups. For higher power consumption, it will be necessary to install a transformer; its parameters and the parameters of all equipment will be indicated in the project.

IN Lately when connecting a private house to the power grid, they are required to install a meter and a machine on the street. This requirement is not supported by law; it is simply easier for the electricity service to control consumption. If you want, you can fight, if not, choose a meter and machine in a case with increased dust and moisture protection - a protection class of at least IP-55. For installation inside a building, the protection must be less - IP-44, and accordingly the price will be lower.

Cable selection

For electrical wiring in a private home, it is better to use cables rather than wires. Their insulation is at least twice as good, therefore the laying requirements are not so stringent, and they are safer to use. All internal wiring in a private house must be done with. Previously, there were no such requirements, but now many electrical appliances have three-pin plugs for safe work require grounding. Therefore, the cable must be three-core.

In electrical cables, the cores are made of copper or aluminum. Although aluminum is cheaper, it is used less often: it is rigid, more likely to break, and more difficult to work with. If you install electrical wiring in a private home yourself and lack experience, this can become a problem. Moreover, in wooden houses It cannot be used internally at all.

Determination of core cross-section

Once you have decided on the material, you can select the diameter of the cable cores. This is done depending on the planned load on the line according to the table.

Calculation of electrical wiring - the selection of the cross-section of the cable cores is carried out according to this table

The cross-section of the core is selected according to the current or power of all consumers connected to one circuit breaker. This is where your home electrification plan, where you have outlined consumer groups, will come in handy once again. You calculate the sum of the currents or powers of all devices and select the desired cross-section of the cores according to the table.

How to use the table? If you decide to lay copper wires, the input voltage is 220 V, then the left part, the corresponding column, is suitable for internal wiring. The found power of all consumers connected to the group will be compared (it is easier to find and calculate). In the part where we're talking about O copper wires, placed in trays, voids, channels, in the “220 V” column, find the nearest higher value. Follow this line to the right to the column “Section, sq. mm". The number indicated here will be the required core size. From conductors of this diameter it will be necessary to make electrical wiring from the machine to sockets or switches.

To avoid confusion when counting and laying, mark cores of the same diameter on the plan a certain color(write it down so you don’t forget what color you used). After the diameter has been determined for all consumer groups, the length of the required cables for each size is calculated, and a margin of 20-25% is added to the found figures. You have calculated the wiring for your home.

Shell type selection

There are certain requirements for the type of sheath only when laying electrical wiring in wooden houses: it is recommended to use triple (NYM) or double () cable insulation. In houses of less flammable materials, any insulation can be used. The main thing is that it is intact, without cracks, sagging or other damage. If you want to play it safe, you can use conductors with enhanced protection. This makes sense in rooms with high humidity(kitchen, bathroom, swimming pool, sauna, etc.).

Selection of sockets and switches

For some powerful devices, sockets are selected according to the maximum (starting) current. For other low-power consumers they are standard. You need to know that they exist:

  • External - when the body sticks out from the wall. They are easier to install: a backing is attached to the wall, and a socket is attached to it on top. But few people use such models now, even at their dachas. The reason is aesthetic: not the most attractive sight.
  • Internal. A recess is made in the wall for the electrical part, it is installed and walled up in it. mounting box. Inside this box is inserted electrical part socket or switch.

It is internal electrical sockets and switches are the most commonly used today. They are decorated in different style, painted in different colors. They are selected mainly to match the finish, and if this is not possible, they are installed in white.

Read how to connect pass-through switches (turn on/off lights from two or more places).

DIY wiring

Modern construction trends provide for hidden wiring. It can be laid in specially made grooves in the walls - grooves. After laying and securing the cables, they are covered with putty, comparing them with the surface of the rest of the wall. If the erected walls will then be covered sheet materials- plasterboard, gypsum plasterboard, etc., then grooves are not needed. The cables are laid in the gap between the wall and the finish, but in this case - only in corrugated sleeves. The shell with laid cables is attached with clamps to the structural elements.

When installing, you need to remember that the internal electrical wiring of a private house is done according to all the rules and recommendations. This is the only way to guarantee safety. The basic rules are:

  • laying wiring only vertically and horizontally, no rounded corners or beveled routes;
  • all connections must be made in ;
  • horizontal transitions must be at a height of at least 2.5 meters, from which the cable runs down to the socket or switch.

A detailed route plan, similar to the one in the photo above, must be saved. It will come in handy during repairs or wiring upgrades. You will need to check with him if somewhere nearby you need to ditch or make a hole or hammer a nail. The main task is not to get caught in the cable.

A large percentage of electrical wiring problems come from poor wire connections. They can be done in several ways:

Still, the most reliable connection methods are welding and soldering. If it is possible to make the connection like this, you can assume that you will not have problems. At least with connections.

Installing electrical wiring in a house with your own hands requires careful fulfillment of all requirements. This is a guarantee of your privacy and the safety of your private property.

After the wires from the machine to the connection point of the socket or switch are laid, they are checked for integrity with a tester - the wires are connected to each other, checking the integrity of the conductors, and each individually to the ground - checking that the insulation is not damaged anywhere. If the cable is not damaged, proceed with the installation of the socket or switch. Once connected, everything is checked again with a tester. Then they can be started on the appropriate machine. Moreover, it is advisable to sign the machine immediately: it will be easier to navigate.

After finishing the electrical wiring throughout the house and checking everything yourself, they call electrical laboratory specialists. They check the condition of the conductors and insulation, measure grounding and zero, and based on the results they give you a test report (protocol). Without it you will not be given permission to put into operation.

For any repairs in an apartment, private house or country house, as well as breakdown of any electrical wiring element, you need to know exactly where the wires go. Otherwise, this may lead to additional problems associated with finding hidden ones in the wall electrical cables or, even worse, getting a tool into a live wire. In this case, it is advisable to have a wiring diagram. But as often happens, it is not at hand, since when buying their own home no one is interested in this documentation. Therefore, it is advisable to understand various options power supply, since they are standard in multi-apartment buildings.

Wire connection options

A person who understands what awaits him in the process self-composition wiring diagrams or directly performing work on installing sockets, switches and light sources in own apartment with your own hands must know the basic ways in which electrical circuits are connected.

If the homeowner is completely unaware of the installation of electrical circuits, then it is better to entrust all installation work in the apartment to professional electricians, who will quickly draw up a clear plan that includes even the smallest details, which will save on purchases Supplies.

Video: cable laying diagram in the house

How to install electrical wiring

The choice of scheme must be made with full awareness of the matter. First of all, this is due to the safety rules for using electrical circuits. Today there are three main wiring options.

  1. The most popular way of wiring is to connect all the components of the network using distribution boxes. This scheme involves mounting the shield on landing in a specially equipped niche, and not in a living space. The panel contains a device for monitoring consumed electricity and several packets. Electricity is supplied to the apartment via a cable, which is distributed to rooms using distribution boxes.
  2. The “Star” wiring diagram implies that each element is connected with a separate line, connected directly to the panel through an automatic toggle switch. With such wiring, the wire consumption increases significantly, physical work and the cost of the project as a whole. But having assessed all the advantages and disadvantages, it becomes clear that all costs are justified, since the system provides the opportunity to fully control each consumer separately.
  3. The “Loop” diagram is similar to the previous version of the electrical wiring. In this option there is only one distinctive feature, which consists of connecting several consumers to one cable. Thanks to this, the volume of installation work and consumables is reduced, which leads to a reduction in the cost of the project.

In most cases, the wiring diagram involves a combination of several cable routing methods at the same time. At the same time, it is very important to think through everything down to the smallest detail in order to achieve the final result maximum efficiency and electrical circuit safety.

Standard scheme

It is advisable to implement all ideas for arranging electrical circuits before starting installation work. detailed diagram laid out on a sheet of paper. In this case, it is important to take into account the layout of each individual room, which will allow you to calculate the number of distribution groups and elements of the electrical network. For convenience, each group can be performed in a separate diagram.

From practice it has been revealed that maximum wiring efficiency is achieved by combining consumption sources into several groups, each of which is connected to a separate automatic batcher. Thanks to this technical solution further repairs and maintenance of the electrical network are facilitated without the need to de-energize the entire apartment. In addition, connecting all consumers to one line is only possible if there is a cable with a large cross-section that can withstand the increased load that occurs when all consumers are turned on simultaneously. electrical appliances in the apartment.

When the panel is placed directly in the living room, it becomes possible to connect electrical appliances to individual circuit breakers. This significantly increases the efficiency and safety of using the electrical network. But, in this case, why has not such a scheme found widespread use? Everything is quite simple - this option for connecting devices to the network alternating current significantly increases the costs of project implementation. Therefore, consumers are divided into the following groups:

  • lighting group of residential premises and corridor;
  • supply of electricity to the rooms;
  • electricity supply in the kitchen and hallway;
  • supply of light and electricity to the bathroom and bathroom. Wherein this group implies increased danger due to constantly high humidity;
  • If the kitchen is equipped with an electric stove, then its connection must also be made separately.

To ensure maximum safety of electrical installations, each group must be equipped with an RCD - a special protective device, which is nothing more than a differential circuit breaker at maximum current values. It is also necessary to equip the wiring in the bathroom and kitchen with such protective devices.

After the final formation of the main groups, it is necessary to determine in what places the consumers will be placed, such as an electric stove, a water heater, an air conditioner, etc. On next stage mark the installation of switches, distribution boxes, lamps and sockets. In this case, all elements must be included in the electrical wiring diagram, based on which the number of wires can be calculated.

It is very important that circuit diagram The electrical wiring diagram was drawn up in several copies, one of which should be saved for the future. Once all the details have been taken into account, you can draw up a detailed finishing drawing in accordance with the exact plan of each room.

All installation points of electrical elements are marked on the diagram in accordance with the generally accepted notation system and are connected by lines indicating wires. To improve the readability of the diagram different groups It is advisable to mark the wires in different colors.

The diagram must necessarily include all dimensions of the premises, distances from the electrical panel to sockets, switches and lighting sources, etc. Such detailed plan will allow you to carry out high-quality installation work and calculate all the necessary consumables in the shortest possible time, which will make it possible to plan expenses.

Video: electrical wiring diagram in an apartment

In order to correctly make an apartment wiring diagram, you should know some important requirements for laying wires in residential buildings.

  1. The bathroom is not supplied with sockets, except for one connected via a transformer for switching on low voltage appliances such as an electric razor.
  2. It is unacceptable to connect the grounding of the socket to the neutral terminal. It is also strictly forbidden to ground wiring elements to a battery or water supply. This is unsafe for apartment residents.
  3. If the kitchen has a stove connected to the AC network or other powerful consumers, then the main machine must be of a large rating so that false alarms do not occur.
  4. Wiring should only be done in a vertical or horizontal direction.
  5. Changing the direction of wiring may result in the risk of hitting a live wire with a nail or drill during repairs. Crossing cables is also prohibited.
  6. It is important that electrical wires pass at a distance of 15 cm from the surface of the floor or ceiling, as well as window and door frames and external corners premises.
  7. The distance from the heating pipes or water supply should not be less than 3 cm. The wiring to the socket should be approached from the bottom, while to the switch from the top.

It is advisable that all sockets and switches installed by yourself be located on the same level. So, for sockets, the acceptable height from the floor is 30 cm, while for switches the height is from 80 cm to 1 m. Naturally, if necessary, these parameters can be changed to suit the needs of the apartment residents.

How to do your own wiring

To lay electrical wires in an apartment, you must strictly follow the prepared diagram. At the same time, there is a certain sequence for carrying out such work with your own hands.

For correct connection of wires uses three various methods- using terminals, soldering or twisting, which can be viewed on video. The first two are considered the most effective in use, since they are considered the most reliable and have a high degree of security, although they are more difficult to do with your own hands.

Video: installation of electrical wiring

Which wires to choose

To properly install electrical wiring in an apartment, you need to buy suitable wires. Wherein copper cable is considered the best for wiring for the simple reason that it has maximum flexibility, is less brittle and has high current conductivity. It is also more convenient to install, unlike its aluminum counterpart.

In apartments, in most cases, wires with two or three cores are laid with a cross-section of 2.5–3 square mm for sockets and 1.5 for switches and lamps. For more powerful consumers, a separate line with wires larger than 3 mm square is laid, which will allow them not to overheat.

The wiring diagram can easily be drawn up and implemented independently. But responsibility for the quality of its work and the safety of residents will rest with the person who carried out the installation work. Therefore, at least minimal knowledge in this area is welcome.

Video: how to choose the right cable cross-section

More recently, electrical wiring in a private house was carried out from aluminum cable cross section 2.5 mm². And this was more than enough to connect a refrigerator, iron or radio.

However, time does not stand any less, and every day the number of household appliances in the house only increases (air conditioners, electric ovens and ovens, boilers, autonomous heating boilers, and so on). In this regard, the load on the electrical wiring increases significantly, which can lead to its failure, followed by a short circuit or even a fire.

For this reason, when new construction or implementation repair work, first of all it is necessary to perform new installation electrical wiring in a private house. To do this, you can either order the services of professionals, or do all the work yourself.

In the second case, it will be extremely useful to read this article, since it will describe in detail each of the stages of electrical installation and present all the basic requirements, recommendations and limitations when performing this type of work.

The main stages of installing electrical wiring in a private or country house

According to many years of experience in performing electrical installation work, all work can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Drawing up a power supply diagram (number and location of sockets, switches, lamps, etc.).
  2. Determining the installation location of the distribution panel.
  3. Marking ceilings, walls and floors for laying cables and wiring products and installing socket boxes and distribution boxes.
  4. Chasing walls for hidden electrical wiring.
  5. Grooving walls for installing a distribution panel (when installing an internal panel).
  6. Drilling holes for installing socket boxes and distribution boxes.
  7. Installation of routes for fastening the corrugation (if the laying of cable and wire products will be carried out in the corrugation).
  8. Laying of cable and wire products.
  9. Installation of socket boxes and rough sealing of grooves.
  10. Disconnection of distribution boxes.
  11. Installation of the ground loop.
  12. Checking the grounding resistance of the mounted circuit.
  13. Assembly and installation of the shield.
  14. Checking the functionality of all sockets and switches.
  15. Installation and connection of sockets, switches and lighting fixtures.

Let us consider in more detail the main stages so that the installation of electrical wiring in the house is carried out with high quality and will last at least 20–25 years (this is exactly the minimum service life of copper wiring).

Drawing up a power supply diagram (project for the placement of sockets and switches)

During construction or major renovation, the first stage is this development design and estimate documentation. This should be done by specialized organizations with a license. This option will not be considered in this article, since the purpose of this article is to present detailed description Do-it-yourself electrical installation.

In our case, the project (electrical supply diagram) involves determining the installation locations of sockets, switches, household appliances, lighting devices, lighting panels and the method of laying wires (hidden or open). Let's consider what basic recommendations exist when developing a power supply plan.

Basic recommendations when drawing up a power supply diagram for a private home

  1. All cable and wire products, regardless of installation option, must be made strictly vertically or horizontally.
  2. Rotations of cables must be made strictly at an angle of 90°.
  3. Minimum distance from cables to portals, windows and doorways should not be less than 10–15 cm.
  4. The optimal distance from the finished floor level to the switches should be 90 cm (in accordance with European standards).
  5. The optimal height for the location of socket groups is 30 cm from the level of the finished floor (with the exception of sockets on work surface in the kitchen, in the bathroom for connecting a hair dryer, razor, boiler, and so on).
  6. It is recommended to place sockets on both sides of the bed or sofa.
  7. In places where TVs are installed, the number of sockets must be at least 4 pcs (2 pcs for the Internet and television cable and 2 for connecting a TV and tuner).
  8. For large corridors and rooms, it is recommended to use pass-through switches.
  9. All powerful consumers (air conditioners, electric stoves and ovens, boilers, heating boilers, etc.) must be connected exclusively from a distribution panel with separately installed protection.
  10. The optimal installation height for the distribution panel is 1.5–1.7 m from the finished floor level.
  11. It is prohibited to lay cables and wires closer than 20 cm to the gas pipe.
  12. All metal elements and sockets must be grounded.

What is the usual wiring diagram in a private home?

Of course, houses can be very different from each other, but the essence of high-quality installation is approximately the same for everyone, and it is as follows:

  1. An electric meter is installed on the facade of the building, to which there is a descent from overhead line via wire (the electricity supply organization is responsible for this part and for the meter).
  2. A voltage stabilizer(s) and a power distribution panel or automation are installed in a garage or some other room, which controls and transmits electricity through an input copper cable with a cross-section of 10–35 mm².
  3. A generator is installed on the street near the room where the switchboard is located, which supplies the house in the absence of a centralized power supply.
  4. On each floor inside the house there is a separate distribution panel, to which the input cable is connected in parallel.
  5. The distribution panel contains separate RCDs for the sockets of each room, circuit breakers separately for each room and separate RCDs for air conditioners, boilers, heating boilers and underfloor heating systems.
  6. All powerful consumers are powered strictly from the distribution panel, which provides for the installation of individual protection elements (RCD).
  7. A separate distribution box must be installed in each room, in which the input cables and cabling and wiring products of the socket group and lighting circuits will then be switched.

Important! When drawing up a power supply plan, it is necessary to take into account the type of supply network. If you have a 3-phase network, then the input cable to the house should have 5 mils; in the case of single-phase power supply, the number of cores of the supply cable should be 3.

Once you have decided on the power supply circuit and installation locations for electrical accessories, you can begin marking out the room.

In order to mark the room you will need:

Initially, using a laser level (water level) and a tape measure, we mark the installation locations of sockets and switches. Further using building level or a laser level and a pencil (beats) we mark using strictly horizontal lines the descents from the ceiling to sockets and switches for subsequent grooves.

Using a laser level, we mark on the ceiling the places where cable and conductor products will be laid for the subsequent installation of fasteners for corrugations and cable laying.

We mark the installation location of the distribution box, which should be selected in such a way that the costs of cable and wire products are minimal.

Important! When marking the ceiling, keep in mind that all cables from sockets and switches and input cables to socket groups and lighting circuits will be brought into the distribution box, therefore, when installing corrugated fasteners, it is necessary to calculate how many cables will go where.

After completing the markings, when performing hidden electrical installations, you can begin to groove the walls. To do this, you will need either an angle grinder (grinder) or a wall chaser with a vacuum cleaner (for dust-free chase):

Initially, it is necessary to determine the depth of the groove. Let's say you are installing a cable in a corrugated cable with a diameter of 16 mm. In this case, the depth and width of the groove must be at least 20 mm. The grooves are cut according to pre-made markings.

Important! It is forbidden to make grooves at an angle or to groove bearing structures(crossbars, load-bearing walls, floor slabs and so on).

Also, at the stage of wall slitting, it is necessary to make a hole for installing an internal distribution panel. Its dimensions depend on the number of modules. In most cases, a distribution panel with 24–36 modules should be installed on each floor (depending on the number of rooms and the number of household appliances).

Drilling holes for electrical outlets and distribution boxes

For this we need:

To drill holes, turn on the “drilling + drilling” mode, insert the required crown and drill required amount holes in pre-marked locations.

Important! When installing several sockets nearby, you need to buy junction boxes, attach them to the installation site and only then drill holes. Because otherwise you will not be able to install sockets with covers that are installed under one strip.

Installation of cable and wire products

In most cases, when high-quality installation All cable and wire products are laid in corrugation. This gives additional protection cable, simplifies installation and makes subsequent replacement possible if the cable fails without opening the walls and disrupting the repairs performed. It is also worth noting that electrical wiring in the house is done with your own hands in 90% of cases. in a hidden way(in grooves) and very rarely in open cable ducts.

What type of cable and wire products to choose

Here, of course, you need to perform a lot of calculations, but based on many years of experience, I would like to note:

  1. To power the lighting circuits, a 3x1.5 mm² cable (PVSng, VVGng ShVVPng) is required.
  2. To power the socket group of each room, a 3x2.5 mm² cable.
  3. For food household air conditioners cable 3x2.5 mm², if its power is more than 5 kW then the cable cross-section must be increased to 4 mm².
  4. For powering electric stove And oven The cable cross-section must be at least 4 mm².
  5. To power heating boilers (electric), depending on the type of power supply (single-phase or three-phase), the cable must be from 4 mm2 to 35 mm2 (depending on power). In most cases, the manufacturer writes the recommended cross-section and number of cable cores.

Important! When laying cable and wire products, each socket group must be connected from a separate RCD (precisely an RCD in accordance with the requirements of SNiP). Also from individual machines the following must be connected:

  • electric floor heating systems;
  • boilers;
  • washing machines;
  • electric stationary heaters;
  • heating boilers;
  • air conditioners;
  • dishwashers.

What should the input cable be like?

The input cable from the meter to the house must be calculated according to the rating of the input machine (installed after the meter). But in most cases it is enough input cable with a cross section of 10–16 mm2 for a 3-phase network and 16–70 mm2 for a 1-phase supply network.

Installation and wiring of the distribution box

After installing the cable and wire products, you can install distribution boxes in pre-cut holes. To securely fix them, it is necessary to use alabaster, which sets very quickly, after which you can disconnect it.

Disconnection is performed in 3 ways:

Important! Wiring in the junction box is best done using color coding cables (blue to blue, brown to brown, yellow-green to yellow-green). This will prevent the phase from being confused with earth or grounding. In this case, the brown (white) wire is the phase, the blue (black) is the neutral, and the yellow-green is the ground.

Installation and assembly of the distribution panel

After laying cables and wires, installing and connecting distribution boxes, you can begin installing the electrical distribution panel.

How many modules should the shield be installed on?

Electrical wiring in a private house involves installing a panel on each floor in private houses, cottages or dachas. However, in order to find out how many modules are needed, you first need to calculate how many consumers there will be. Let's do the calculation for standard version that, using his example, they were able to install electrical wiring in the house with their own hands.

Let's say on your floor:

  1. 3 rooms.
  2. Kitchen;
  3. Corridor;
  4. Boiler;
  5. Washing machine;
  6. Warm floor system in 3 rooms and kitchen;
  7. Electric stove;
  8. 4 air conditioners.

Based on this, you need to install in the distribution board:

  1. 5 single-pole circuit breakers 10 A (lighting 3 rooms, kitchen and corridor);
  2. 14 pieces of RCD for 16 A (3 pieces of sockets in rooms, 1 piece of kitchen sockets, 1 piece of corridor sockets, 1 piece of boiler socket, 1 piece of washing machine socket, 3 pieces of floor heating system, 4 pieces of air conditioning);
  3. 1 RCD 25–32 A for connecting an electric stove.

From the above calculations, we will have 35 occupied modules (30 modules occupy 15 RCDs and 5 circuit breaker modules). That is, we will need a distribution board with 36 modules. However, if you also want to connect a voltage limiter or the number of consumers will be larger, then the shield must be mounted on 48 modules.

After installation switchboard RCDs and circuit breakers can be installed. They are easily mounted on a special DIN rail, which comes as standard with the switchboard.

Important! When disconnecting the distribution board, the phase (brown) wires must go through automatic machines or RCDs, the neutral (blue) wires must be collected on the zero bus, and the yellow-green wires must also be connected on the 2nd zero bus).


Whether the electrical wiring in country house, or in a cottage, if installed correctly, will allow you to operate household appliances without incident, without worrying about the possibility of a short circuit or fire.

It is also worth noting when electrical wiring is in country house fully assembled and connected to the ground loop, it is necessary to test with a megger and a ground loop resistance tester.

This article “Do-it-yourself electrical wiring (electrical installation) in a private house: step by step description» will allow you to do the electrical installation yourself, but it is always better to entrust this task to professionals.

Video on the topic

In the article we will talk about how to do electrical work in the house with your own hands; wiring diagrams will also be considered. If a couple of decades ago Electricity of the net In cities and even villages the load was insignificant, but today the picture is the opposite. There are a lot of high-power household appliances - washing machines, multicookers, split systems, etc.

The load on electrical networks has increased many times. And while the city has some reserve, the wiring of a private house does not have this, therefore, an increase in load leads to the fact that the wires cannot withstand and begin to collapse. Consequently, the question arises that the electrics in the apartment and house should not only be repaired with their own hands, but also completely changed.

Previously, wiring in houses was done according to the simplest scheme - a switch and socket for each room, but in modern conditions this turns out to be too little - you want to turn on three chargers, a laptop, a TV, and so on. To do the wiring in your house yourself, you need to know certain rules and standards that should be followed during installation. You will also learn how to make a wiring diagram, how to wire it correctly with your own hands, and the requirements for it.


Building materials and all activities of builders are regulated by certain rules and requirements, they are called GOST and SNiP. The Electrical Installation Rules (hereinafter PUE) also apply to electrical wiring in houses and buildings. It is this regulatory document that prescribes all the requirements for electrical equipment, thoroughly indicating what to do with it and how. All electrics in the apartment and house are connected to voltage with your own hands only after all checks for short circuits have been carried out.

Requirements for electrical wiring in private houses and apartments

If you decide to make the electrical wiring in your home yourself, you need to carefully study all the requirements for it. But the main attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. Main Components electrical wiring(distribution boxes, switches, sockets, meters) must be made easily accessible. It is quite easy to install wiring in the house with your own hands. Electrics, however, are demanding from a safety point of view. But all the rules can be easily followed.
  2. According to the PUE, switches must be installed at a level of 0.6-1.5 meters from the floor surface. Moreover, you need to pay attention to the fact that when opening the doors they should not create an obstacle. For example, if the door opens to the right, then the switch should be located on the left. And if the door opens to the left, then the switch is mounted on the right. The cable must be routed to the switch from above.
  3. Sockets are mounted at a level of 0.5-0.8 meters from the floor surface. The fact is that it needs to be located at this level for safety reasons when the house is flooded. Moreover, a distance of at least 0.5 m must be maintained from a gas or electric stove, heating radiators, pipes (and other objects that are grounded). The wires go to all sockets from bottom to top. This is exactly how you do it yourself. Wiring diagrams are given in the article.
  4. For every 6 sq. m. area of ​​the room there should be one socket. The exception is the kitchen, in which as many sockets are installed as necessary (based on the number of household appliances located in it). It is prohibited to install sockets in the toilet, but in the bathroom it is allowed only if there is isolation through a transformer (220 Volts are supplied to the primary winding, and the same amount is removed from the secondary winding). The transformer is installed outside the bathroom.
  5. Before starting work, you need to make a wiring plan and clearly indicate its location in the walls. Please note that all wires must be located either horizontally or vertically - but not diagonally or in a broken line. This is not how you should do the wiring in your house yourself. The connection diagram of all devices must take this feature into account.
  6. There must be a certain distance from ceilings, pipes and other obstacles. For example, you need to maintain a distance of 5-10 cm from the beams, and the same from the cornices. You need to maintain approximately 15 cm from the ceiling, 15-20 cm from the floor. If we are talking about vertical surfaces, then from the door and window openings there should be at least 10 cm. But between gas pipe and wiring must maintain a distance of more than 0.4 m.
  7. External or hidden wiring should not touch metal parts of any structures.
  8. If several wires run in parallel, the distance between them must be maintained in excess of three millimeters. Alternative option- hide each wire in a protective box or corrugation. This is how you install electrical wiring in a house yourself. Schemes should be drawn up with this in mind.
  9. Wires should be connected and routed in special distribution boxes. All connection points must be carefully insulated, and one feature must be taken into account - it is forbidden to connect copper and aluminum wires. If you make wiring from copper wire, then make it all from it, there should not be any sections made of aluminum.
  10. Grounding (including zero wires) must be secured to all devices using bolted connections.

These are the requirements that all electricians ask for. You can create connection diagrams with your own hands only if you take into account all these rules and regulations.

House electrical wiring project

The first thing you need to do is create an electrical wiring project, this is where it all starts. You will use it as a starting point during installation. Of course, it will be much better if it is done for you by experienced technicians who have been involved in this business for many years. But if you have experience, go for it.

But keep in mind that your safety depends on how the project is made. You definitely need to know what symbols used in drawing up diagrams and projects. It is worth noting that Russian standards are quite different from European or American ones, so you should not use foreign schemes in the conditions of our country. All electrical installations in the house are designed with your own hands (diagrams are given in the article) at the initial stage.

Draw a plan of a house or apartment, mark on it the places where sockets, switches, chandeliers, etc. will be installed. The number of electrical appliances was discussed a little below. At this stage the main objective- create a diagram on which all installation locations of devices will be indicated. The second part is to outline the places for laying wires around the apartment. Of course, you need to know where the household appliances will be placed.


Then wire all the wires. And if creating a diagram with the location of consumers is a simple matter, it is worth going into more detail at this stage of work. Three types of connections and wiring can be used:

  1. Consistent.
  2. Parallel.
  3. Mixed.

The third one is considered the most attractive from the point of view of saving materials.

Do-it-yourself electrical work in the house (diagrams mixed type) with the highest possible efficiency. To make your work easier, ungroup:

  1. Lighting of corridors, living quarters, kitchens.
  2. Bathroom and toilet (lighting).
  3. Sockets in living rooms, corridors.
  4. Sockets in the kitchen.
  5. Electric stove socket (if necessary).

Please note that this simplest option groups of electricity consumers. The fewer groups, the less materials will be used up. The above example is the simplest and most economical. You can make it more complicated: literally connect electrical wiring to every outlet, for example. You begin to understand a little about how to install electrical wiring in a private home with your own hands.

To simplify the installation of electrical wiring, it can be mounted under the floor (for sockets). In the case of overhead lighting, installation can be carried out in floor slabs. Ideal for the “lazy” method - there is no need to groove the walls and ceiling. And on the plan diagram this type Wiring should be marked with dotted lines.

Calculation of current consumption

It is imperative to take into account the current strength that will flow through the network. For this there is simple formula: current strength is the ratio of the total power of all consumers to voltage (we can say that this is a constant, since the voltage standard in our country is 220 Volts). Let's say you have the following consumers:

  1. Electric kettle with a power of 2000 W.
  2. A dozen incandescent lamps, each 60 W (total 600 W).
  3. Microwave oven with a power of 1000 W.
  4. Refrigerator with a power of 400 W.

The mains voltage is 220 V, the total power is 2000+600+1000+400, that is, 4000 W. Dividing this value by the network voltage, we get 16.5 A. But if you look at practical data, in apartments and houses the maximum current consumption rarely reaches 25 Amperes.

Based on this parameter, it is necessary to select all materials for installation. In particular, it depends on the current strength. Please note that you should always take a margin of 25%. In other words, if you have calculated a current consumption of 16 A, you cannot install a fuse with the same trip current value. You need to choose a standard value greater than the calculated one.

Wire brands for home use

Now let's talk about how the electrical system is installed in the house. The cable (the PUE rules regulate all its parameters) must be selected based on the current characteristics. It is advisable that the wiring in a house or apartment be made of the following materials:

  1. Wire brand VVG-5X6. This wire consists of five cores, each with a cross-section of 6 square meters. mm. It is widely used for houses that have a three-phase network to connect the lighting panel to the main one.
  2. VVG-2X6 has two cores with a cross section of 6 square meters. mm. Widely used for single-phase power houses to connect the lighting panel and the main one.
  3. The VVG-3X2.5 wire has three cores, each with a cross-section of 2.5 square meters. mm. Used to connect lighting boards with distribution boxes. Also from boxes to sockets.
  4. Brand VVG-3X1.5 has three cores, each with a cross-section of 1.5 square meters. mm. Used for connecting switches and lighting lamps.
  5. Brand three-core, cross-section of each core 4 sq. mm. Used to connect electric stoves.

Material Quantity Calculations

Now you consider what components (including small ones) the electrical wiring in the house consists of. Do-it-yourself project, wiring, installation, is done quite quickly. True, you will have to try hard to count the amount of wire as accurately as possible. To do this, according to the plan, walk around the apartment with a tape measure. After taking measurements, add four meters on top - there will be no extra margin.

At the entrance to the house all the wires from the house go to it. It installs automatic switches. Please note that the machines must have a maximum operating current of 16 or 20 Amps. must be connected via a separate circuit breaker. With a power of up to 7 kW, a 32 A automatic machine is used, with a higher power - 63 A.

Then you count the number of distribution boxes and sockets, there is nothing complicated in this matter, this is done according to the diagram drawn up earlier. In the future, you will need various “little things”, for example, insulating tape, lugs, tubes, cable ducts, boxes, thermal insulation, and others. Now it’s worth talking about what tools are used to install wiring in a house with your own hands. The scheme is discussed in some detail.

Tools for work

When carrying out, always adhere to safety regulations. In order not to get confused, it is better to do it yourself, but if you have a partner, then the help should be minimal - give it, bring it, don’t interfere. You will need the following tool:

  1. Multimeter.
  2. Hammer.
  3. Bulgarian.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Pliers.
  6. Wire cutters.
  7. Curly and flat screwdrivers.
  8. Level.

If you are carrying out repairs in old apartment and at the same time changing the wiring, you need to pull out all the cables so that they do not interfere. For this work, a special electrical wiring detection sensor is useful.

Marking the location of wires

Place marks on the wall where you will route the wires. Pay attention to whether the position of the wires complies with the rules. After you have marked the places where the electrical cables will pass, you can mark out the sockets, boxes, panels and switches. Please note that in new apartments there is a niche for installing the shield. And in old houses, the panels are simply attached to the wall.

Wall scoring

First of all, install a special attachment on the hammer drill and drill holes for installing distribution boxes, switches and sockets. To lay wires, it is necessary to make grooves in the walls - grooves. They are made using a grinder or a hammer drill. Whatever method you choose, there will be enough dirt and dust. The groove should have a depth of 2 cm. As for the width, it should be enough to lay all the wires. As you understand, wiring electrical wiring yourself is not a difficult task; from a physical point of view, it is more difficult to do the installation.

A separate story with the ceiling. If you plan to make it hanging, then simply install all the wires on the ceiling. This is the easiest way. It’s a little more difficult to make a shallow groove. And one more thing - hide it in the ceiling. For example, in panel houses, floors are used in which there are internal voids. Therefore, two holes are enough to route the wires. And the last thing is to punch holes in the corners of the rooms to bring the wires to the central panel. Then you proceed to closed (you will have to groove the walls) or open methods.


The most important thing in installing electrical wiring in houses and apartments is to adhere to all norms and rules in accordance with GOST, SNiP, PUE. This way you can not only achieve maximum efficiency from electrical wiring, but also reliability, durability, and most importantly, safety. And try to use only quality materials. For example, it is advisable to use copper wires - they have a much longer service life (better conductivity, heat less).