How to cut corners on ceiling plinths. Ceiling plinth - how to properly cut the corners of the ceiling plinth. Technology for cutting ceiling plinths

Installing a ceiling plinth only at first glance seems like a very simple task. In fact, you may encounter small and not so small problems that can not only exhaust you, but also completely discourage you from doing repairs. One of these problems is joining the ceiling plinth in the corners.

Quite a few copies were broken by ordinary apartment residents over the question of how to make the corner of the ceiling plinth, because it cannot simply be cut at an angle of 45°. What to do in this case? Let's turn to professionals for advice.

How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth, how to properly join and cut the plinth

Yes, the main and most insidious nuance in the technology of installing ceiling plinths is how to properly cut the plinth and join it at the internal and external corners. The fact is that, unlike ordinary skirting boards, the ceiling molding is attached to the base at an angle of 38-45°, which is why it is problematic to make a classic 45° cut at the joints. WITH inside the cut edges do not meet, leaving gaps.

But these are all complex professional lyrics. How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth at home? The easiest way to work is with foam accessories. First of all, measure the angle between the walls. If it's 90° or so, cut the edges at a 45° angle. Do the same with the second cut. For uneven joints between walls and ceiling, the corner radius is divided by two. Do not confuse the parts with each other: the baguette that will be pasted on the left must have a cut with right side, and the right fillet is with the left.

To create an internal corner of the plinth on the ceiling, its lower part must protrude above the upper, for external corner it's the other way around. Thanks to their soft and pliable texture, it is not necessary to adjust polystyrene foam fillets to each other, but you will have to tinker with plastic or wooden ones. After making the side cuts, try the planks on the ceiling and, if necessary, cut them in accordance with the direction in which the accessory joins the surfaces.

After rough joining the ceiling skirting boards, screw or glue the fillets to the ceiling and wall, and then seal the seams.

How to cut corners of ceiling plinths, tools for trimming and cutting corners

To cut the corner of the ceiling plinth, you will need certain tools. If you want to make joints as well as a seasoned repairman, then an electric miter saw or miter box will be useful to you. With the help of these devices it is possible to achieve high precision cut. There is no need to make any effort. You just need to set the necessary parameters and lower the sharp saw blade onto a plastic or wooden surface.

Trim ceiling plinth more is possible economical materials such as a hacksaw or hand miter box. A simple saw is very cheap, and it is extremely easy to operate. The only drawback of this device is its roughness. There is always a risk of spoiling the material. If you bought plastic or wood Bad quality, then during operation the product may begin to crumble or separate into fibers.

A jigsaw will help you make a corner on the ceiling plinth without burrs. The advantage of this tool, in addition to high accuracy and efficiency, is also ease of operation. The jigsaw can be set to any direction of movement and make the highest quality cuts.

But these are all products that help solve the problem of how to join a ceiling plinth made of wood or PVC. To work with polystyrene foam, it makes no sense to use such a complex technique. A regular one will do here. construction knife. The main thing is that it has a well-sharpened blade, then you will be able to make a high-quality cut without tearing or delamination of the material.

Still haven't decided how to cut the ceiling plinth? No problem. In stores you can find fillets already prepared for joining in the corners. In this case, the opposite principle applies. When working with such a plinth, you need to make not oblique, but only straight cuts to connect the parts frontally. True, the cost of such accessories is higher compared to classic ones.

In order to start cutting the corners of the plinth, you need to acquire a tool such as a miter box. This device adjusts the desired cutting angle assembly knife or a spatula. Its dimensions depend on the complexity of the work being done. For installation plastic construction It is enough to use miter boxes with low inclinations of up to 90 degrees. The most difficult point here is, perhaps, joining all the elements so that there are no gaps between them. First you need to make a sketch. The plinth is placed directly on the wall. If you don’t have a miter box on hand, you can get by with a regular stencil. The photo shows the process of cutting a small piece of foam with a knife.

How to make a corner on a ceiling plinth

In order to make a corner on the ceiling plinth, you need to get two important elements. This is the material you will use to glue the ceiling, as well as yardstick, with which you can measure angles on the ceiling. If the wall is smooth, then, as a rule, no special problems arise with measurements, but if there are gaps on it, then you cannot do without improvised means. It is better to pre-treat the corners with sealant; sometimes painting may be required. It is important to remember that you first need to decide on the angle of the product, and then carry out the following operations, such as cutting out a ceiling corner. In the diagram you can see a hint on how to make corners correctly.

Ceiling baguettes

Ceiling baguettes are special decorative strips for the ceiling, which can be decorated in various elements. Such a product can give the surface a beautiful aesthetic appearance. Most often, the baguette acts as a cornice and is used in theaters and other buildings of cultural education. However, now you can buy varieties of it in stores for home use. Most often the product acts as additional element. Its design can be different, both the inner corner of the plinth and the outer corner of the plinth. Baguettes are recommended to be installed by experienced repairmen.
The figure shows one of the types of ceiling baguettes.

How to cut ceiling skirting boards in corners

In order to cut ceiling skirting boards in corners, you need to have a few important building materials and follow certain important rules:

  1. Use a pencil to measure the required length of the ceiling in which you are going to lay the plinth.
  2. Using a miter box, you need to measure the length to which you will lay the corner of the plinth and cut the corner.
  3. draw up a rough layout with length measurements and cut directly with a mounting knife.

Miter boxes can be purchased at any hardware store in your city.
In the figure, mark the area whose corner needs to be trimmed.
Watch the video for more details:

Ceiling fillets

Ceiling fillets are now gaining wide popularity due to their ease of installation. To begin installation, you need to measure the perimeter of the room using a regular ruler. We divide the area by approximately 2, depending on the area of ​​the room itself. You need to decide how many fillet strips you need to take. You can glue them in two ways: using glue or putty. In the first option, you will need a flat surface of the wallpaper; for the second, we cut the corners of the PVC baseboard with a stationery knife, and then strengthen the products with putty.

How to cut a ceiling plinth

In order to cut the ceiling plinth, you need to use a miter box. If you resort to professional repairs, then you can buy the simplest option with a narrow range of corner radii, approximately from 45 to 90 degrees. In order not to be mistaken about how to cut the plinth, draw a layout. This can help, for example, when installing a plastic product. It is cut off with the very edge of the miter box; if there are uneven edges, they are sawed off with a mounting knife. For plastic skirting boards, it is advisable to measure out several pieces of stucco molding, and then start separating them. You can use a regular saw to cut the ceiling plinth.

What are corners for ceiling plinths?

Corners for ceiling plinths, or, as they are also called, baguettes, are special pieces of plastic that have decorative finishing. In everyday life you can also come across such a name as ceiling cornices. They were originally used for decoration in buildings of cultural importance, but over time their use expanded to simple finishes at home. For corners, it is also necessary to first measure the length of the ceiling. Corners are most often made of polystyrene and have a dense texture and structure. In order to install such baguettes, concentration and attentiveness are required. Installation is not much different from conventional ceiling finishing.

Corners for skirting boards come in various shapes. Their main feature is decorativeness and protection of the outer corner.

How to join a ceiling plinth

We will give you some tips on how to properly join ceiling plinths. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a narrow or wide ceiling plinth. In order to start joining each piece, you need to place one piece of foam baseboard on the diameter of the wall and draw a line with a pencil to the other corner. This way you can measure the joint of the ceiling plinth and its corner connection. Next, you need to place the fillet directly on the corner (not on the mark!), and use a regular stationery knife to cut it. For a successful connection, use sandpaper blocks. The corners are assembled directly into monolithic structure and one color.

What is a wooden ceiling plinth

Wooden ceiling plinth is a type of decorative finishing for the ceiling, which allows you to hide visible unevenness in the wall and add attractiveness to your room. In addition to standard plastic products, there are also wooden ones. You can get them at the warehouses of logging factories, or at a regular hardware store. You should only choose one that will match the decoration of your home. Be sure to purchase nails or screws to hold wooden cornice ceiling. Installing these elements takes some time, but the installation process itself is not as complicated as it seems.

You need to carefully file down the pieces, cut out the corners, and process the areas of future joints. You will need various tools and accessories to cut wood. The joining technique is practically no different from other types of similar products. The main thing is to carefully read how to calculate and how to adjust all the joints. Then the connection will proceed without problems.

How to join skirting boards

In order to begin the process of joining skirting boards, you need to prepare several tools:

  1. pencil for measurements;
  2. docking stationery knife.

First, measure the length and perimeter of the ceiling and mark it with a pencil. If your surface is flat, you can get a regular miter box. The device is used when laying skirting boards under small angles, approximately 90-120 degrees. One strip of the product is placed under the miter box and cuts are made with the help of a knife in order to form grooves for the arrangement. A docking utility knife is used if the corners of the ceiling are not even.

What is a foam baseboard?

Polystyrene has long established itself as a good building material due to its ease of installation. Found for ceilings wide application namely the baseboard is made of polystyrene foam. Such products are now readily available and can be bought at absolutely any construction market. Polystyrene foam has good decorative properties. This type of plinth is usually supplied in pieces. To secure it, several objects are used, such as a miter box, a stationery knife. In order to measure the length, you can get by with an ordinary well-sharpened pencil

How to cut a corner for a ceiling plinth

How to cut a corner? In order to begin installing ceiling plinths, you first need to know how to cut the corner of a ceiling plinth. Angles are measured using protractors and a marking pencil, with which we can calculate which side of the corner we need to apply the piece on. If we have a flat surface, we do this with a miter box at small angles, and then, using a stationery knife, we cut out the designated corners. If it is a plastic skirting board, you need to draw approximate diagram in order not to make mistakes in joining elements. Circumcision must be done carefully

How to cut a baseboard

In order to know how to cut a baseboard during installation, you need to have a miter box (for smooth surfaces) or a stationery knife, which is used for uneven corners. If you have plastic product, it is best to use a special hacksaw for metal, then trimming will be much easier. It is necessary to trim the baseboards carefully, without pressing hard on the knife or saw, so as not to cut your hand instead of the corner of the baseboard. The miter box is used only for flat surfaces. The product is most often cut at small angles, at a distance of up to about 90 degrees. The stationery knife protrudes universal solution. When cutting, it is advisable to avoid places with cracks.

What is a miter box for ceiling plinth

A miter box for ceiling plinths is the most important tool for processing plinths in the ceiling. It is distinguished by the presence of cutting tips on both sides at different angles from 45 to 90 degrees, which are located, as a rule, on the left and right sides. Using these tips, the plinth is clamped on both sides and sawed off with a cutting tool. In order to attach parts of the plinth, you need to draw with a pencil required angles for docking. The marked product is inserted into the miter box so that it stands stably on its surface. The plinth is held with one hand, and with the other, from another angle, you need to cut the material.

How to glue ceiling plinth

In order to know how to glue ceiling plinths, you need to follow several rules:

  1. always start from the corners of the room, they are the easiest, and then you can proceed to the rest of the room (you need to glue the corners so that no gaps form);
  2. at plastic baseboard For stucco moldings, finishing putty is used.

Places for fastening are moistened with soil or ordinary water. After the putty has dried, it is recommended to seal the cracks on the surface. To seal them, sealants of various contents are used, but it is best to take the substance on acrylic base. For small room One package is enough. Installation with sealant is similar to putty.

In this article we will figure out how to properly cut the corners of a ceiling plinth using a special tool - a miter box. Of course this useful device Not everyone has it, and buying it for a one-time repair is a dubious undertaking.

If so, let’s try to figure out how to cut the corners of the plinth without a miter box.

Our goal is to achieve equally ideal angles

Materials for ceiling plinths

First, let's study the materials from which our test subject is made.

To understand how and with what to cut, it is advisable to know the density and other features of the material.

  • Styrofoam. The cheapest and most fragile material; however, mechanical strength a product that adorns the ceiling is not really needed.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam somewhat denser and a little harder to process. But just a little: if necessary, it is cut with an ordinary knife.
  • Wood is the most difficult material to process. To cut it you will have to use only a hacksaw.

Advice: it’s better with fine and frequent teeth. This will make the cut much smoother. A cloth for metal will also work.

Corner cutting methods

At what angle should I cut the ceiling plinth? If we are trying to decorate a right angle with a ceiling plinth (in all apartment buildings and most private houses you will not find other angles) - 45 degrees.

Right angle divided into two equal sectors.

How to cut ceiling plinth at an angle?

Cutting ceiling plinth with a miter box

Most often, a simple carpentry tool is used for cutting at an angle - a miter box.. It is a structure made of an aluminum, plastic or wooden tray with grooves that guide the hacksaw blade at certain angles to the axis of this tray.

How to cut corners with this tool?

  1. We fix the plinth in the tray in the same position in which it will be installed on the ceiling. Align it along the side that will press against the ceiling.
  2. With your free hand, cut along the guide groove. For wood, as already mentioned, a hacksaw is used. A hacksaw can be used to cut both polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam.
    In addition, foam or polystyrene foam plinth can be cut with a knife; however, it must be very sharp. Otherwise, the material will crumble under the blade.
  3. The wooden plinth may need to be adjusted with a file before attaching it to the wall. For fitting skirting boards made of more soft materials Again, a sharp knife is used.

How to cut ceiling plinths in the corners? We need a simple tool - a miter box

How to cut ceiling plinths in corners? We will need a simple tool - a miter box.

Cutting the corners itself is very simple; Avoid too much effort, however. Polystyrene foam crumbles easily. And it’s easy to split a wooden plinth if you’re too enthusiastic.

Cutting without a miter box

How to cut corners if you don't have a miter box at your disposal?

Method 1

One of the simplest solutions is to make an analogue of the miter box yourself.

  • We put together a simple tray from three planks.
  • We cut it at an angle of 45 degrees. The angle can be marked with a protractor or a student's square.

The miter box is very easy to make yourself. If you have to adjust a lot of corners, this work will pay off.

Method 2

You can get by with a tray without a slot. Make an angle template out of paper or cardboard (this is especially important if the angle is not exactly 90 degrees) and draw a line on it to guide you.

Nail the boards together at right angles (in this case it’s easy to get by with two rather than three).

How to cut corners in this case?

  • Place it in the improvised tray exactly in the position in which it will be attached to the ceiling.
  • Align the tray along the edge of the template.
  • Cut the baseboard using the line drawn on the template. Hold the knife or hacksaw strictly vertically.

Method 3

We will need an impromptu tray in this case as well, but it can be absolutely anything. Can simply use a table moved towards the wall or a corner between the wall and the floor.

How to cut corners with such a strange tool?

  • Mark future corners on the ceiling, wall and on the baseboard itself. These are the ends of an imaginary line that will cut both baseboard boards.
  • Place the plinth in the tray exactly as it will be attached to or in another room, and cut it, focusing on the marked marks. Again, keep the knife or hacksaw blade strictly vertical.

How to cut skirting boards in corners with a minimum set of tools? Easily. All you need is a pencil, a knife and an eye.

  • To measure the baseboard strip between two corners, follow simple rule: for an internal corner, the length is measured directly from it, for an external corner - from a point that is spaced from it deep into the room by the width of the baseboard.
  • Attach the plinth strip to the ceiling and wall no earlier than adjusting the adjacent corner of the next strip. It is much more convenient to try on sections on the floor, rather than on a stepladder under the ceiling.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the cuts will have to be adjusted several times. Be patient.
  • Don't be afraid to leave small gaps in the corners: they will be easily filled with putty. The exception is for noble types of wood: against the background of the texture, even putty chosen to match will be noticeable.

Even if you cut the plinth according to the risks on the weight, the remaining cracks can be hidden with putty

Please note: in general, all the hassle of adjusting skirting boards can be easily avoided. For corners, inserts are often sold that are connected to a plinth cut perpendicular to the axis.


If it is still not entirely clear to you how to cut the corners of a ceiling plinth, then videos of cutting and installation are easy to find on the Internet. A visual demonstration of all stages, it seems, will dispel all ambiguities. Good luck with the renovation!

Repair is a responsible and costly undertaking. Although you can save a lot if you do the work yourself. Cosmetic finishing of premises is carried out using certain technologies. You can decorate the interior using a variety of materials.

Today, a very popular technique is the use of ceiling skirting boards to hide unevenness between the walls and ceiling. In order for the contour to be aesthetic, it is necessary to do the work carefully. Tips will help you understand how to cut corners on ceiling plinths experienced craftsmen construction and repair business. They will tell you how to use various instruments carry out the necessary manipulations with decorative finishes of various types.

General characteristics of finishing

When studying the question of how to correctly cut a corner on a ceiling plinth, you should familiarize yourself with the features of such finishing. The stucco molding between the ceiling and walls is now made from artificial materials. It can be polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene foam or polyurethane. From natural materials wood can be used.

In the construction industry it is called (scientifically) a fillet. Of all the materials from which such finishing elements are made, polyurethane is considered the highest quality. Therefore, it is better to choose it. Next, let's try to figure out how to cut a corner. Expert advice will help you do this job well.

Skirting material

Experts agree that polyurethane is the best material for the presented finishing products. But even it has a number of disadvantages. These should be taken into account before cutting corners on ceiling plinths. Polyurethane is susceptible to temperature changes. Therefore, it is not used for finishing in the kitchen or bathhouse. Otherwise, the baseboards will quickly crack and lose their aesthetics.

Expanded polystyrene has almost all positive characteristics inherent in polyurethane. But it is still a more fragile material. It is easy to break.

PVC skirting boards are relatively cheap. But it is very easy to leave dents or gouges on them. Therefore, you should work with such products very carefully.

Wood looks very beautiful, but not in all interiors. In addition, it is quite difficult for a non-professional craftsman to work with such material. Do you want to do the renovation yourself? Then you are better off choosing polyurethane or expanded polystyrene.

Shape, accessories

When studying the question of how to correctly cut a corner on a ceiling plinth, you should pay attention to its shape and related products. There are embossed and smooth fillets. Their width and length may vary significantly.

When choosing the size of skirting boards, take into account the type of interior, as well as the height of the ceilings. For a small room where the distance from floor to ceiling is no more than 2.75 m, wide baseboards are not suitable. They will look out of place. For the same reason, a narrow fillet should not be used for high ceilings. In such rooms, a 45 mm plinth looks good.

For installation, you can purchase shaped corners from the same material as the fillet. They are external and internal. But quite often the skirting boards are joined without them, directly. In this case, it is necessary to perform even, beautiful trimming of the corners.

Preparatory work

To make the process quick and simple, use a tool such as a miter box. This is a template that has a U-shape. There are slot patterns in its side walls. They have different angles of inclination.

There is another technique that allows you to evenly glue the ceiling plinth. It is possible to cut corners without a miter box. But still, using such a tool makes the work much easier.

First you need to mark the baseboard. If you need to create an external corner, the length is measured along the ceiling, the internal one - along the wall. For fillets, a line slope of 45 and 90 degrees is used. Since this is a fairly small number of slot options, it is quite possible to make the template yourself. All you need is a sheet of paper or cardboard.

If the repairman has significant experience in carrying out such operations, he can cut the corners without additional tools. The craftsman places the fillet against the wall, and then makes marks on the product right there. After that, he trims off the excess. An inexperienced craftsman will most likely not be able to cut straight corners the first time. Therefore, it is better to use a miter box or cover the unevenness with decorative corners.

Internal corner

First of all, it is necessary to consider the technique of how to cut the inner corner of the ceiling plinth. After all, they are in every room. If there are no external corners in ordinary rectangular rooms, then these varieties will have to be cut out in any case.

A plinth is placed on the bottom of the miter box with the side that will be adjacent to the ceiling. The lower part of the fillet will be pressed against the wall of the tray.

If the material is hard, it is cut with a metal saw. Soft products can be easily processed with a sharp knife. The angle should be 45 degrees. If the pressure when cutting is too strong, snags and chips will form on the baseboard. cut according to the same pattern.

Before gluing, they are applied to the wall and, if necessary, minor unevenness is corrected. There should be no gaps between the baseboards. If this is the first time you are doing this kind of work, you can practice on small pieces.

External corner

Quite often, the contour of the walls in a room has a complex shape. In this case, you will need to figure out how to cut the outer corner of the ceiling plinth. To do this, it is placed on the bottom of the miter box in the same way as in the previous version, with the side adjacent to the ceiling.

For these corners, different slots are used. They also have a slope of 45 degrees, but are on the other side. Next, after marking and trimming, 2 skirting boards are applied to the corresponding place on the ceiling. Adjustments are being made.

Difficulties may arise if it is necessary to cut the same plinth on one side for an external corner, and on the other for an internal one. This is where many people make a mistake. First you need to cut out the inner corner. Otherwise, too short a plinth will not fit together in any place.

Work without a miter box

Polyurethane looks very nice. How to cut corners on such a product so as not to spoil its appearance? And here the advice of experts will help an inexperienced master. Not always home handyman There is a tool such as a miter box at hand. You can do without it.

To do this, markings are made directly on the wall. First, measure the required length of the decorative product. It is cut at a right angle. Next, each piece is applied to the ceiling. Their outline is outlined with a pencil. This creates an intersection. It is applied to both baseboards.

An inclined line is drawn from the intersection point to the edge. This is the trim limit. It is adjusted before gluing by placing both skirting boards against the corner. It's pretty easy way, but even this requires a good eye and accuracy in work.

Homemade instrument

Don't have a miter box? No problem! You can do it yourself. When performing pruning for the first time, it is better to apply it in your work. To do this you will need a plywood board, paper or cardboard.

Wondering how to cut outside corner ceiling plinth, as well as its internal varieties, it is necessary to adopt this approach. Two parallel lines are drawn on the selected material. Next, using a protractor, angles of 45 degrees are made along the edges.

A homemade tool is applied to the baseboard, making appropriate notes. The cutting technique is the same. The miter box is not used if the walls in the room are very uneven. When creating an angle of 45 degrees, such discrepancies result in gaps between the joints. Therefore, pruning is done in the previous way. Before installation, the edges must be adjusted.

Relief plinth

So, we already know how to cut corners on ceiling plinths. But we have considered the procedure for performing work if there is simple shapes. Now you should pay attention to the relief varieties. There are increased requirements for their installation. Due to the presence of decorative elements, cutting such products is a little more difficult.

The corners are joined in those places where stucco or other volumetric elements protrude more than the surface. The angle then becomes expressive. It is better to take into account the components of the design and do the cutting in the appropriate place.

The joints of volumetric ceiling plinths must be carefully glued. When working with relief products, it is allowed to use the tool listed above. It is allowed to mark on the wall. But using a miter box will make it easier to cut out voluminous skirting boards.

If you do the work carefully, the result will exceed all expectations. Having studied all the intricacies of the technique and figured out how to cut corners on ceiling plinths, you can begin to practice. Don't worry: the process will go quickly and easily. This finish will fit into almost any interior. If all actions are performed carefully, carefully gluing the joints, decorative effect will be amazing. The interior will please the eye for a long time.

Ceiling plinth - original decorative element, it decorates the room and gives it sophistication. hides all errors corner connection ceiling with walls, and hides such a nuisance as cracks in the corners.

At first glance, installing a ceiling cornice seems like a simple task. It seems like nothing complicated, they cut it at an angle 45 degrees, glued it and everything is ready. But already at the first stage of work it becomes clear that cutting the ceiling cornice correctly is not such a simple task, as it turned out.

Many, when faced with the installation of decorative cornices for the first time, have damaged more than one ceiling strip. To prevent this from happening to you, you should study the question of how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth correctly. Let's look at several ways you can quickly make the right cut.

Methods for cutting baguette corners

The problem with cutting the corner joint of decorative cornices is not the difficulty of cutting correctly at an angle of 90 or 45 degrees, but the fact that the corners of the room are generally crooked and do not have 90°. Therefore, you have to manage to seal the cracks with putty, liquid nails, silicone or cut by hand.

Using decorative corners

The simplest, but also the most expensive way to cut a ceiling cornice is to use decorative inserts. This method is expensive because you have to buy additional elements.

But this option has some advantages:

  • saving time;
  • ease of installation.

Decorative inserts for their purpose are divided into:

  • Decorative connections for internal corners;
  • Decorative joints for external corners;
  • Docking decorative inserts.

It is not difficult to understand how to cut a corner of a plinth for this method. In this case, the cornice for the ceiling is cut strictly at an angle 90°. And, as you can see from the photo below, it is glued right next to the previously glued corner.

Cutting a corner of a ceiling plinth using a miter box

Main cutting tool ceiling cornices at an angle is the miter box. Its design is simple; it is a kind of tray made of wood, metal or plastic with special grooves that guide the hacksaw blade at a certain angle.

Using a standard tool you can cut the product at angles 45, 60, 90 degrees. When cutting ceiling fillets, trimming in 45 and 90 degrees.

We start from the inner corners. To understand how to correctly cut the corner of a ceiling plinth, first, attach it to the inner corner of the room and visually determine the cut line. Please note that the bottom, the edge that is attached to the wall, always remains longer.

Next, we place the cornice in our carpentry jig so that the edge that will be attached to the ceiling is at the bottom. We set its end at the angle we need, in this case 45°, fix it, and cut off the unnecessary part with smooth movements.

In this way we will get the correct cut of the ceiling cornice for the inner corner.

Note! If you face the corner, you can divide it into right hand and left. So, the right inner corner is cut from left to right, the left, on the contrary, from right to left.

Advice! Avoid excessive pressure or sudden movements when cutting. This may damage the cut edge.

To cut the outer one, you should follow the same steps, only the direction of the cut will be different. When cutting, it should be taken into account that, unlike the inner corner, the edge that is glued to the ceiling should remain longer in the outer corner. Thus, for the right side the mode is from right to left, and for the left - from left to right.

Note! The gap from improper cutting of the ceiling cornices on the inner corner can be easily repaired, and repaired in such a way that such a defect will not be visible. You cannot make such mistakes with an outer corner, since such a defect is practically impossible to correct. If the outer corner does not have 90°, then, first of all, cut the baguettes in a miter box, and then fit them directly on the spot using a drywall knife.

How to make the right cut without a miter box

So, we figured out how to cut a corner on a ceiling plinth using a miter box. But what to do if you don’t have such a tool at hand, and you don’t want to buy it in order to glue a baguette in one room? There is an exit…

Let's look at how to properly cut the corner of a plinth without using a guide tool.

To do this, place a ceiling fillet in the corner and draw a mark on the ceiling along the fillet line with a pencil. This must be done on both sides, left and right. As a result, we will have an intersection of two lines on the ceiling.

We transfer the intersection point to the fillets. After that we put them on flat surface, just like in a miter box, and cut off the unnecessary part. When cutting a fillet, consider the rules that are used when cutting ceiling dumbbells in a joiner's jig.

You can cut the outer one in the same way. You just need to draw the lines on the wall. So we figured out how to cut a corner on a plinth without using a miter box.

Note! To make the cut correctly ceiling fillet without using a miter box, it is very important not to make a mistake with the markings and cut off the unnecessary part of the product strictly vertically. If you do not adhere to these rules, then when joining ceiling moldings in the corner, a big gap. Advice! Use this method only when cutting corners on foam and polyurethane ceiling moldings. When using it on wooden or plastic baguettes, there is a high probability of damaging the product.

Tools you will need to cut skirting boards

When cutting a cornice, you should take into account what material the ceiling cornice is made of. If the baseboard is plastic, then you can’t do without a hacksaw for metal. The wooden plinth is cut with a small wood saw. Well, if you need to glue foam or polyurethane moldings for the ceiling, then a simple sharp knife will suffice; a plasterboard or stationery knife is ideal for this task.

In addition to cutting tools, you may also need the following tool:

  • miter box;
  • pencil;
  • roulette.

Note! Use only working tools. The cutting tool must be sharp, with frequent and fine teeth. This will not only allow you to achieve a perfectly even and smooth cut, but will also protect you from possible damage to the product.

How to make a miter box yourself

Undoubtedly, this carpentry device is the most important tool, if the question arises of how to correctly cut the corner of the plinth. And, of course, when cutting ceiling plinths from hard material you can't do without it.

But what to do when you need it, but it’s not there? There is an exit. Make it yourself.

Advice! If your plans include a large amount of work involving the installation of ceiling skirting boards, do not be lazy and make this simple and irreplaceable tool yourself. Unfortunately, in construction stores Mostly plastic instruments are sold, but that’s not the point, it’s just that their quality leaves much to be desired. From my experience I know that when cutting even foam baguettes, such a tool cannot withstand more than one object. You can, of course, buy a professional device, but the price is not low.

First of all, we decide on the dimensions of the future tool. The length can be selected based on the building materials available, and the height and width can be selected based on the size of the products that will be cut on the tool.

If the plinth has a size of 10 cm, then, accordingly, the width and height should be at least 10 cm. We can recommend the following dimensions:

  • length - not less than 500 mm. This length allows you to properly position and fix the product.
  • It would be better to take the width and height 200 by 200 mm. With these dimensions it will be possible to cut the largest ceiling plinths.

After we have decided on the dimensions, let’s look at the example of 500x200x200 mm, we have to prepare the main elements of the future miter box:

  • The base is a wide board that serves as a lining. The length and width of the miter box depends on the base, so it should be made to the planned length and width, in our example it is 500x200 mm. Recommended thickness 25 mm. The basis must have strictly rectangular shapes. The quality of the cut corner directly depends on this.
  • guide boards - their task is to guide the hacksaw blade according to the selected angle. They need to be prepared the same length as the base, thickness is not so important here, 15 mm is quite enough, but calculate the width taking into account the thickness of the base, in our case 25 + 200 = 225 mm. Thus, we get a working area of ​​the miter box of 500x200x200 mm. The guide boards should also be rectangular.

So, we have prepared the material, let's start creating our tool, instructions:

  • Using screws, we screw the guide boards to the ends of the base.
  • using a protractor we mark the angles to work with ceiling moldings 45 and 90 degrees are enough.
  • using a square, draw lines from the marked points along the walls of the guide boards;
  • We cut along the marked lines.

In this way, from scrap materials, you can make a high-quality carpentry device with your own hands.

The result of our actions is no difficulties


If you can handle this and cut the cornices for the ceiling under right angle, then spend installation work there will be no need for you to install the baseboard challenging task. Good luck with your renovation!

When planning the premises of their apartment, many people think about how difficult the work can be. However, everything is not so scary: you can install the ceiling plinth with your own hands - the main thing is to know about some of the features of the materials from which this finishing element is made.

Different materials and their features

  • Tree . The most durable material in comparison with the other two below, the advantages of which are hardness, impact resistance and the ability to withstand certain mechanical loads. Nevertheless, wooden skirting boards(another name is fillets) glued to the ceiling are also relatively easy to process - they can be cut (a hacksaw is used for this) and varnished. Wood will add warmth to the interior. One of the disadvantages is the higher cost than that of polystyrene foam. However appearance Wooden fillets last longer than foam fillets.
  • Styrofoam . Perhaps this material is the most fragile - it is not resistant to mechanical damage, scratches and even minor impacts. The advantages are light weight, the ability to be painted various colors and ease of processing (it can be cut with a stationery knife - although very carefully).
  • Expanded polystyrene . This material can be considered a type of polystyrene foam, although its strength characteristics are slightly higher (extruded polystyrene foam is denser than polystyrene foam). As for processing, polystyrene foam is just as easy to cut with an ordinary sharp knife, and is also lightweight, and this is an important factor when taking into account the load on the walls.
  • Both foam plastic and expanded polystyrene have one significant advantage: the softness of the material allows you to press the baseboard as tightly as possible to the corners and to each other, as a result of which there are no gaps. In addition, modern polystyrene skirting boards are made in such a way that they have a small recess - especially for hidden gasket electrical wiring.

    Useful. can transform the appearance standard apartment in an elegant stylish interior.

    Miter box - a tool for cutting skirting board corners

    There are two ways to cut corners - with a tool (miter box) and without it. We will look at both methods.

    Miter box made of plastic

    A miter box is a carpenter's tool, which is a small rectangular tray (you can make it yourself from wood or buy it ready-made from plastic or metal), the walls of which have grooves. The grooves guide the hacksaw blade at a certain angle to the axis of the tray.

    Important: The cutting angle of the edge of the plinth is always oblique and equal to 45° when elements intended for butt installation in the corners of the ceiling are processed. The oblique cut ensures a tighter fit of the fillets.

    Making a miter box with your own hands

    Unfortunately, not everyone has a full arsenal of carpentry tools at home, but you can make something like a miter box yourself. To do this, a rectangular tray is knocked together from planks, then grooves are sawed into the walls - at an angle of 45°.

    Homemade miter box made of plywood

    To measure the angle, you can use 2 knocked down boards and a protractor or a regular right triangle - here’s the miter box and you’re done!

    Method 1 - trimming the edge of the baseboard using a miter box

    It is worth noting that ceiling corners can be both internal and external, and the difference between them lies in the methods of joining and different angles slices. The former are present at the junctions of two walls and the ceiling, the latter - when decorating protrusions, columns, outer edges of niches, pilasters, etc.

    The angle of inclination of the groove in the miter box can be 45°, 60°, or 90°. Professional carpenters purchase a miter box with rotating mechanism– it’s very convenient to turn in this cutting tool when cutting skirting boards.

    Cutting "internal" corners

    Important! To cut the “internal” corner, the fillets should be placed on the bottom of the miter box with the upper part - the one that will be glued to the ceiling. In this case, the lower part of the bar should be pressed tightly against the wall of the tray.

    Step 1: correct measurement the length of the plinth according to its markings on the wall, applying a “notch” with a pencil on the material for the future cut.

    Step 2: placing the material in the miter box. The correct cutting of the edges of the fillets, and, accordingly, the accuracy of their placement on the ceiling will depend on the correct placement of the plinth in the tray.

    Step 3: After the plinth is installed and tightly fixed in the miter box (you can simply press the material firmly with one hand), a hacksaw is placed in the groove at 45°. Now the material can be cut. The edges of the second plinth, which will be installed adjacent to the first, are cut in the same way, only as if in mirror image(the plinth is installed in reverse side, the edges are also cut at an angle of 45°).

    Important: when cutting the edges of fillets, jeweler's precision is required - otherwise the material will be damaged, and the appearance of the skirting boards at the joints of the walls will also be damaged. If polystyrene foam baseboards are used, then the edges can be cut off with an ordinary sharp knife without a miter box. However, it should be remembered that cutting corners should be done from the front side.

    Cutting "external" corners

    The difference between cutting an “external” corner and an “internal” one is that the baseboards should protrude slightly from the edge of the wall - for the so-called overlap.

    We repeat steps 1, 2, 3 in the same way as cutting “internal” corners. However, it should be remembered that top part The baseboard (one of the edges) should have a small allowance. The second (adjacent) overlay is cut in the same way, only mirrored to the first.

    The easiest (and best) way to cut the edges of a wooden ceiling plinth is with a metal hacksaw - with fine, fine teeth. Then the cuts will be more neat and even. And polystyrene foam can be cut well with an ordinary sharp knife (or a construction knife) - but the blade must be well sharpened, otherwise the material will crumble when cutting.