Coniferous plants near the house. Beautiful flower beds with conifers and flowers. Combinations and combinations

Today, landscape design has become a favorite hobby of many owners of land and private houses. It is thanks to their efforts that the space that surrounds many private houses, in Lately began to change significantly.

On some personal plots vegetable gardens and even ordinary orchards are beginning to gradually lose ground and give way to decorative lawns, bright flower beds and unexpected plant compositions that delight their owners.

But if, flower arrangements have always been held in high esteem by our gardeners, and some unpretentious shrubs can always often be found on plots, the coniferous evergreens V landscape design are not yet widely used. Although their popularity is increasing.

Conifers in landscape design provide an opportunity decorate your home space aesthetically pleasing and rich, in addition, the garden will look like this at all times of the year.

More and more wide application Coniferous shrubs and trees in landscape design are determined by their properties: plants are harmonious both in single plantings and in year-round compositions, most species and forms are unpretentious to soils, tolerate harsh weather conditions, are less susceptible to pests and diseases than deciduous trees.

In addition to the already mentioned aesthetic effect, such plantings compare favorably with:

  • Good absorption of street dust and noise;
  • Windproof properties;
  • Improving the microclimate in the local area;

Suppression of the reproduction of pathogenic viruses and bacteria, due to the release of biologically active substances by all parts of the plant;

Air supply all year round significant amount of oxygen, since most conifers are not deciduous.

Therefore, if there is a dream of a green surrounding space in which the most favorable microclimate for people will be naturally provided, then compositions of coniferous shrubs and trees in landscape design will be the optimal solution. Moreover, there is always the opportunity to choose plants of the most unexpected shape and crown sizes, this allows you to create any compositions on your site.

Planting and care

For planting and growing compositions of coniferous plants, certain rules have already been formulated, which are well known to both professional botanists and landscape designers. But, since some site owners want to do the design themselves, while others simply don’t have financial opportunity hire a qualified specialist, you need to begin the process of creating a composition from conifers from the theoretical part.

When planning planting, you must immediately take into account that ready-made landscape compositions will look holistic if the distance from the place from which they will be most often viewed is at least twice their height.

The essential point is careful preparation places for planting. Its further development, and, consequently, the beauty of the entire composition will depend on this. Places on the site that are subject to periodic flooding are unsuitable for planting. It must be taken into account that each species develops best on a certain soil composition. This needs to be clarified at the stage of choosing species for your garden plot.

In terms of timing, the most optimal time for planting work is the period from the last days of April to the beginning of May. At that time coniferous shrubs and the trees have not yet begun to actively grow and, as a result, are easier to tolerate transplantation and take root in a new place.

When digging a hole, it is necessary to calculate its depth so that when planting a seedling, it is located in it no deeper than the root collar (this is the border where the trunk meets the root). After planting, you need to water abundantly, this is done to ensure best contact soils with roots, that is, they need to be watered regardless of soil moisture. For the next month, the soil around the plants should not be allowed to dry out until it begins to develop its root system in a new place.

Most conifers are not very capricious when grown, but they, like other artificially grown plants, need care. In hot years, it is necessary to protect young plants from sunburn, especially for various firs. In winter, take measures to protect southern, imported species from frost (this includes sheltering low-growing plants, snow retention, etc.) Seedlings are sold with a closed root system (with a lump of earth or in a container) and with an open one (the roots are exposed). If planting occurs in the spring and the roots are open, you need to pay attention to the presence of young roots.

Laying out the lawn to create a backdrop for coniferous plants will significantly improve the overall visual perception. Often coniferous plants are planted next to ponds so that, together with weeping deciduous plants, they form an overall original composition.

  • various types and varieties of junipers: Cossack, rocky, Virginia, Chinese, etc.;
  • spruce: prickly, European;
  • pines: mountain, black, common.

Those. those types of conifers that grow wild in our forests without any care. Naturally, wild plants often grow too large, they do not have sufficient decorative qualities, so you need to buy varieties with known qualities.

Junipers, pines and North American spruces are quite light-loving and undemanding to the level of humidity and soil fertility. If the flowerbed is in shade for a significant part of the daylight hours, it is recommended to choose zoned (that is, those that have been tested and are suitable for growing in your region) varieties of yew, European spruce or western thuja.

For a low-maintenance garden (requiring a minimum of work throughout the year) in our latitudes, carefully purchase cypress trees, hemlocks, pseudo-hemlocks, microbiota, arborvitae, cypress, cupressociparis, fir, Kempher larch, cryptomeria japonica, swamp cypress, thuja and other less common species of conifers.

Based on the size of an adult plant, conifers can be conditionally divide into three groups.

Tall species of conifers

Large plants include: common types:

Medium-sized plants for coniferous compositions

  1. Branched and very aesthetic evergreen tree. Growth is slow.
  2. Yew berry. Compact shrub, dense needles. Popular for its combination of rich greens and red berries.
  3. Golden yew. Tolerates partial shade well and combines with tall and short plants. It grows in the shape of a bowl, the needles are yellowish-green, green or golden in color. They often serve as the basis for compositions.

Low-growing and creeping conifers

For such forms of conifers, it is very important to have sufficient space for development, because they grow not upward, but in horizontal plane , forming something similar to a kind of lawn.

  1. Common spruce Lombers. A low-growing plant, dense needles, bright, emerald color.
  2. Hampi mountain pine. Used in rock gardens. An unusual property is that the buds, at temperatures below zero, are painted in beautiful reddish-brown shades.
  3. Mountain pine, Mini Pug variety. It grows in the shape of a kind of pillow.


Despite the unpretentiousness of most conifer species to growing conditions, it is necessary to form compositions based on them taking into account some features. Many conifers are characterized by their “aggression”. Species are called aggressive, which in the process of evolution have developed the ability to secrete substances that suppress the development of other plants. In conifers, this feature allows in nature, with their very slow growth, compete with fast-growing species. That's why:

All coniferous plants do not do well near larch, although they can be planted, but at some distance.

Purchasing plants

Coniferous trees for creating compositions can be purchased both in special nurseries and in garden stores.

It is not worth digging in natural forests and groves, because, firstly, it may be illegal (if this territory belongs to some biosphere reserve), and secondly, it is unpredictable what the adult plant will be like, even within the same species, wild specimens may vary greatly (this depends on many factors and heredity), thirdly, there is the possibility of introducing new types of pests into your garden.

There is no need to buy a plant just because it is beautiful and cute. Definitely recommended learn latin name, first inquire about the size and habit of an adult plant and buy only those plants that are suitable for a particular site.

Conifers, especially young ones, are strikingly similar and only a specialist can distinguish them externally. This is a rather expensive purchase, designed to last more than one year, so you should prepare for it in advance, arm yourself with a catalog with descriptions and photographs. Very often we see the disappointment of buyers of extremely expensive topiary forms grown in Western nurseries (formed by special pruning of seedlings) when they are created from species that are not zoned in our latitudes.

We should not forget that it is advisable to buy coniferous plants with a clod of soil; dendrological nurseries sell them in burlap or wire mesh, the most the best option– grown in a container, they can be plant in any season. Naturally, you need to buy seedlings only in reputable garden centers, after checking the general condition of the needles and the quality of the root system. Quite a few novice gardeners have “burnt themselves” by purchasing cheap cuprossociaparis and cypresses in pots, often sold in supermarkets; they often sit there, without watering, for weeks. After such conditions, these delicate plants recover extremely difficultly, most often dying during the first wintering.

As for the price of seedlings, coniferous ones most often cost more than deciduous ones, container ones are more expensive than those grown in the ground, grafted and topiary ones are more expensive than those grown without shaping, etc. Designers most often recommend purchasing several accent, central plants (size about 1.0-1.5 m in height), to give the flowerbed volume, and buy the rest small (no more than 40 cm). But at the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that dwarf species grow extremely slowly (sometimes less than one cm per year) and having planted them very small, you will need to expect the required decorative effect from them for many years.

Coniferous compositions in landscape design

The principle of constructing a landscape composition from coniferous plants

To properly plan a composition of conifers, you initially need to decide where exactly it should be located, what type is needed, what elements will be included in it. And after that, choose plants that meet the characteristics necessary to form the composition, taking into account the existing conditions.

The facade of the house and the front garden, as a rule, are the first to be seen by guests, so its design should be somewhat solemn and always elegant, which is appropriate here landscaping with basic elements a regular style, which is based on the symmetrical arrangement of all components or a repeating rhythm. It will be better when the range of species here is too diverse.

The main, accent plant is a pyramidal, standard plant, which in adulthood reaches a size of no more than 2.5-3 m (based on the size of the flowerbed). Then, symmetrically on the sides, plants of the second order (sub-accents) are placed, with dimensions up to 1-1.5 m. Between them you can (without deviating from the pre-planned pattern) plant dwarf and prostrate conifers, compact ornamental deciduous shrubs and ground cover.

In informal style plantings, compositions of coniferous plants are recommended to be placed on the lawn in the shape of a flower bed - “island”, include them in the mixborder along the edges of the site, interspersed with decorative foliage plants, thus zoning the space. Here it is optimal to select the plant habit according to the “irregular scalene triangle” system.

Afterwards, the remaining space is filled with plants as their significance and external saturation decrease. In the foreground, flower beds are planted more low plants, and towards the center - higher and more voluminous. It is advisable to choose plants with different colored needles so that the flower bed does not look boring. If the accent plant has silver colored needles, there is no need to plant a variety of the same color next to it. Don’t forget about lighting the flower bed and various seasonal plants. Against the background of bright greenery, early bulbous plants will look great.

To land on alpine slide or in flower beds with various annuals and ground covers can be used miniature varieties with spherical and cushion-shaped growth forms, as well as ground cover species that cover the ground with a carpet or cascade down from retaining walls.

To create a harmonious landscape composition, it is necessary to take into account certain rules.

Geometry of shapes

Contrasting combinations

By combining contrasting colors and shapes you can achieve different visual effects. Against the background of small plants, large trees will be striking in the transitions various sizes and the outlines of the crowns can be smoothed out the lines of the exterior.

Asymmetry and symmetry

The use of conifers in landscape design, implies a combination of incongruous things. That is, you can decorate the area with both symmetrical compositions and unexpected asymmetrical elements that will look quite harmonious.

On this moment withdrawn a large number of coniferous plants differing in color. Those who like to experiment with colors should remember that contrasting color scheme components of a small coniferous group can “destroy” the composition. Therefore, experts advise using no more than two colors in groups of conifers of three plants; in groups of five seedlings you can plant no more than three colors. But in large coniferous groups (more than 30 in number) you can plant plants with different color scheme, not forgetting to combine them into small groups of three plants of the same color.

Crown height and shape

When creating compositions, you need to take into account not only the color of the seedling, but also its dimensions in adulthood and the outline of its crown. In order to predict the type of composition in the future, you should initially study the characteristics of the proposed varieties before purchasing them.

Song types


The mixborder can be placed where, in accordance with the wishes of the owner of the site, it will look best. Don't be afraid to do what you want. The garden landscape only benefits from the manifestation of individuality.

For the largest plants it is necessary prepare the place at the very edge of the future composition, then the plantings are arranged in descending order of size, so the shortest plants are planted at the base of the mixborder. There is no need to strive to maintain the constant geometric accuracy of plantings. Curvature will only emphasize the pristine beauty of the composition.

The natural harmony of the mixborder must be respected: the width of plantings of large plants must necessarily exceed the space allocated for low-growing plantings. The planting may contain specimens that differ in the color of the needles and the shape of the crown.

Coniferous hedge

A hedge using coniferous plants is created quite often. In regular style plantings, which are rarely found in our latitudes, a coniferous hedge is nothing more than a hedge, but landscape style and modern makes it possible to use evergreen hedges as a backdrop for bright perennials. Conifers can be used to form dense, formed or unformed hedges. In order to create a dense green hedge, plants are placed in several rows, in a checkerboard pattern. The formed checkerboard planting of spruce is rightfully considered one of the most impenetrable hedges.

Coniferous compositions with all-round view

All-round viewing compositions are plantings whose decorative effect should be visible from all angles. Compositions of this kind are usually planted in paving openings or in round flower beds. Planting, maybe any - irregular shape or symmetrical. The largest plant is placed in the center of the symmetrical composition, with smaller species around it at an equal distance.

For asymmetrical groups, the same principle applies: the height of each subsequent row should gradually decrease, thereby emphasizing the visual perception of the previous row. Forming an asymmetrical composition is one of the most difficult jobs for a landscape designer. It must provide a view of the landing from all angles.

For example, consider the option of using Scots pine as an accent plant. It is necessary to select the variety of this tree, reaching a height of 2-2.5 m, with small bluish-gray needles.

A specimen of a slow-growing, fairly frost-resistant Korean pine pine is planted in front of it; a pyramid-shaped variety with long silver-blue needles is desirable. In the corner of the composition you can place three Cossack junipers. To the left of them plant two slow-growing dwarf ones. You can add several western thujas to the composition. The space between the plants is covered with a layer of decorative mulch; it is aesthetically pleasing to use ground fir cones as mulch. This composition does not require special care.

Compositions with a geometric crown shape

Prickly spruce with bluish-white needles will look good in such a composition. The height of the selected variety should not be more than 3-4 meters.

To the left of it you can place thuja occidentalis, a variety with a narrow cone-shaped crown. Between the spruce and thuja, four plants of slow-growing mountain pine, a spherical variety with dark green needles, will look good. There are varieties of mountain pine with an original property - their needles turn yellow with the first frosts, and green color returns in the spring.

In addition to those listed, there are also a huge number of different compositions and combinations of plants. This article lists only some of the most common ones.


Here, in brief, are the basics of creating coniferous compositions. But this information just an invitation to a world full of creativity and beauty landscape design, in general, and the creation of coniferous compositions in particular.

Any person can transform both a large plot and a small area near the house into a one and only composition of living plants. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance - a little patience, knowledge and your own imagination.

Recently, coniferous plants have been gaining popularity in landscape design. Very often they are used to create a truly beautiful composition that will not only serve as a reliable fence, but will also be appropriate on any type of site. It is worth noting that conifers go well with deciduous plants. In addition, they will go well with lawns and stones. Any composition with the participation of conifers will have a unique aroma, fill the air with purity, and also delight you throughout the year.

Compositions in landscape design from coniferous plants can be completely different and look completely different. Each of the compositions will be especially beautiful. It is worth noting that it is necessary to choose the composition of the composition based on the territory where the landscape design is planned, as well as what plants will form the basis of the entire composition.

As a rule, the following plants are chosen for coniferous compositions in landscape design:

  • Juniper;
  • Rose;
  • Pine.

Coniferous compositions in landscape design with thuja plant

A plant such as thuja will delight you for 10 years from the moment of planting. As a rule, such conifers reach two meters in height. It is recommended to use this variety of Thuja, like "Smaragd". After 10 years have passed since the planting of the thujas, their growth will, of course, continue and reach a height of 4 meters. It is best to choose a location for such a plant near the entrance to your site. Why? The fact is that in the process of growth, they will resemble in their appearance a kind of gate that will protect your territory.

Speaking about caring for thuja in your garden, it is worth noting that these plants require a “cosmetic” haircut and this will be quite enough. All you need to do is remove the shoots, which, as a rule, are crooked. However this happens extremely rarely.

Coniferous compositions in landscape design with juniper plants

Juniper is another type of conifer that will go well in landscape design with any other plants in the garden and decorative stones. In order to decorate your site with juniper, it is best to use garden forms, which include ornamental shrubs dwarf type, as well as columnar. If your goal is to create hedge, then for this you will need to choose a columnar-type juniper. However, if you plan to plant juniper in groups or individually, then columnar juniper will also be great solution.

The most common forms of conifers are Compressa, Green Carpet, Sentinel and Repanda. If you want to plant a coniferous composition on your site, but you don’t have much time to care for it, then choose Cossack Juniper. Often many people choose Chinese juniper. It grows like a tree and reaches a height of 8 to 10 meters. If you want to arrange juniper in a flowerbed in your garden, and this is a very common case on plots of land, then choose juniper horizontal. Their form will develop as a low shrub, creeping type.

If you want to plant small shrubs, then you can choose juniper candy. This form is a small shrub with silver-blue needles. This form is perfect for creating.

Coniferous compositions in landscape design with a rose plant

Rose is also one of the plants that can complement the composition and serve as a kind of decoration. Undoubtedly, roses and conifers go well together and seem to complement each other. However, there is a small problem. Thuja and other coniferous plants contribute to soil oxidation as a result of vital activity. All this contradicts the normal existence of roses. Roses tolerate acidic soil extremely negatively; it is this factor that can affect the growth of this plant. In addition, there is no chance that roses will survive in an acidic environment.

Coniferous compositions in landscape design with pine or spruce

Typically, pine or spruce trees are used as the basis of the entire composition. The planting of this plant should be concentrated in the center. This majestic tree is usually surrounded by lower shrubs and other plants that grow along the ground cover.

Planting scheme

The planting scheme in the garden can have a significant impact on the further growth of conifers, as well as in general on whether they will take root at all. What is important to consider when planting? What schemes exist and which one is better to choose? Let's take a closer look.

Let's look at the first diagram. So, we have a plot of 4 by 4 m. The largest prickly spruce will be located in the very center. Next, around this spruce it is necessary to place mountain pine, and it can also be supplemented with Canadian hemlock. Then in the middle you need to plant a mountain pine tree, which will be slightly smaller in size than the previous one. Next to the small mountain pine, it is necessary to stock black spruce, western thuja, and balsam fir.

Also an excellent solution would be a composition with the participation of European weeping larch. In the center of the diagram is the European weeping larch. It is recommended to plant cordifolia bergenia, horizontal cotoneaster, and purple broom around the larch. It is also necessary to place horizontal juniper near the larch. You can fit three small junipers.

Rockery in front of your house

What is a rockery and what does it represent? A rockery is a gently sloping garden. When creating such a garden, decorative stones are used, as well as other natural ones. In addition, flowers and shrubs of your choice are used, as well as it is possible to use dwarf trees.

Principles for creating a rock garden:

  1. Choose and give preference to the most unpretentious coniferous trees;
  2. The basis of your composition should be conifers and their representatives (dwarf);
  3. In order to create a pattern, choose stones with bedding;
  4. Lack of tiers.

A variety of rockeries

There are three types of rockeries in total. Everything depends, first of all, on the flora. The first type, as a rule, is decorated with plants that grow in the middle zone. If you are creating an English rockery, then emphasis should be placed more on the restraint of the entire composition. Main group of plants:

  • Cereals;
  • Some types of shrubs belonging to coniferous species.

If you want to make a Japanese rock garden, then you should pay more attention to the stones. That is, the point is that there will be little vegetation, and decorative stones there will be more.

Caring for coniferous compositions

In order for your design to last for a long time, it is necessary to ensure proper care of the landscape as a whole.


  1. Get rid of weeds on an ongoing basis;
  2. Fertilize plants from 3-4 years of growth;
  3. Loosen the soil in a moderate mode;
  4. IN winter time cover the plants with spruce branches to avoid frost of the compositions:
  5. In case of particularly hot weather conditions and bright, scorching sun, cover plants from direct rays.

In conclusion, I would like to note that landscape design is not only beautiful, but also good for your health. After all, having filled the landscape with coniferous plants, you will get the maximum useful substances , thanks to the needles. Of course, landscape design from coniferous plants will complement all the beauty of nature that is located on your site.

Thanks to the abundance of plants that are part of the conifer group, you can create very attractive design, which will conquer everyone around you. In fact, recently, quite a lot of attention has been paid to landscape design and this is an integral part of any plot of land. Even a small number of compositions can decorate your home and surrounding area.

To successfully create an image, as well as further development plants, it is necessary to correctly select the composition of plants for the composition, and also take into account all the features. Do not forget that you will need to provide competent plant care, thanks to which the composition will delight you for many years.

Coniferous trees and shrubs are easy to care for and delight the eye with lush greenery even on cold winter days. There are many prejudices about planting spruce and pine trees near the house. Some of them are not without reason.

We will find out today which conifers to plant in the dacha to decorate the area and bring prosperity and prosperity into the house.

Types of trees and shrubs, their properties and effects on humans

Popular beliefs claim that the sharp needles of pine and spruce trees protect from evil eye. But at the same time, it is not recommended to plant these trees near the house, as they attract the early death of the owners.

Is it so?

The Christmas tree is the main beauty of the New Year holidays

Where does the belief that spruce brings misfortune and death to the house come from? Even in pagan times, this tree was associated with the goddess of the kingdom of the dead - Madder. It was believed that spruce was the tree of the world of the dead.

Therefore, to people who are suspicious and suggestible coniferous trees It is not worth planting on a summer cottage. People believed that when a spruce tree grows higher than the roof of a house, the person who planted it will go to another world. The sharp needles of the tree do not contribute to harmonious good relations in family.

There are quite logical explanations for folk signs:

  • The spruce root system is very close to the soil surface. Therefore, when the tree grows up, its roots will be able to break the paths and...

Advice. Don't plant a Christmas tree near your house. When the tree grows, it is quite capable of destroying the foundation.

  • Another disadvantage of this tree species is the increased absorption of moisture from the soil. In dry regions spruce plantings they simply won’t take root, ordinary black soil is not suitable for them, and if the tree begins to grow, then within a radius of five meters other plants simply will not survive. The tree will take all the water.

Advice. Having decided to plant a spruce with your own hands, having dug up a tree in the forest, you need to take into account that you need to dig up the root with as much turf as possible.

When asked which trees should not be planted on suburban area, you can hear a lot of answers, the most common of which are the following.

  • It is Christmas trees that attract mosquitoes; planting them near gazebos is also not worth it;
  • For hypertensive patients, spruce and pine are not recommended, since the spruce aroma often raises blood pressure;
  • If the house is made of wood, then instructions for fire safety prohibits planting spruce and pine trees at a distance of up to 10 meters from the walls. In summer, there is a high probability of fire, and, as you know, it is coniferous trees that ignite instantly.

Conclusion. If the desire to plant a spruce is very strong, then place the tree at the end of the garden, away from residential and outbuildings.

Juniper is an ideal solution for small summer cottages

The resinous aroma of this shrub can treat many diseases and has a beneficial effect on a weakened nervous system, normalizes sleep and can relieve headache. The plant disinfects the air and helps create a unique microclimate in the garden. There is also an opinion that this plant drives away evil spirits and promotes peace and harmony in family relationships.

When planting conifers in your summer cottage, do not forget about juniper. This natural healer has been known to all peoples of the world for centuries. In Egypt, smoke from its branches was used to fumigate houses during epidemics, and American Indians used this plant to treat joint diseases and many skin diseases.

This evergreen shrub can have a wide variety of needle shapes and colors. The height of junipers ranges from fifty centimeters to 20 meters. This plant is ideal for creating a wide variety of landscape design compositions in different styles.

Features of cultivation:

  • Choose seedlings no younger than four years old - this guarantees 100% survival rate;
  • Planting is carried out in late April - early May.

Important. After planting, a young bush needs frequent spraying and regular watering for a month after planting in the ground.

  • This bush is unpretentious to soils and can grow in sandy, clayey and rocky areas. But, naturally, with infertile soils, increased care of the plants is needed within a month after transplanting.

Important. The distance between seedlings should be at least half a meter for group plantings.

  • How to beautifully plant juniper and build an effective landscape composition? Select three different varieties, for example – juniper common variety"Hornibrook", a low plant with palmate wide branches and silver-green needles, and Daurian juniper, which easily tolerates frost and drought. The Expanza variety is distinguished by its short growth and bright light green greens.
  • For a hedge, the Caucasian juniper “Tamaristsofoli” with silver-gray needles or the variety “Erekta”, up to two meters high, is suitable. These shrubs are easy to form into spectacular green hedges of various architectures.

Conclusion. Juniper perfect choice for owners who do not have much time to care for the garden. And the price of seedlings is quite affordable.

Pine trees in a summer cottage

  • Coniferous corner in the country house in Japanese style will be decorated with pine trees of the “Pug” or “Pumilio” varieties. These trees look great in landscape compositions and sandy rockeries in a small area;
  • An ordinary pine tree dug out of the forest needs a lot of space to grow. We must immediately agree that there are no plans to plant anything along the perimeter at a distance of five meters. The only plus is that the house will always be shaded and cool, plus the wonderful smell of pine needles.

Conclusion. At home, especially country houses Block containers need plenty of sunlight. Therefore, it is better to plant pine trees on the southern edge of the site, away from any buildings. Or give preference to dwarf ornamental varieties that do not require a lot of free space.

Low-growing fir - a spectacular hedge without the hassle

Mountain fir of the "Compacta" variety with a wide conical shape is an ideal choice for creating a fragrant evergreen hedge in a summer cottage. In thirty years the tree grows to only three meters and easily lends itself to any shaped pruning.

Important. It must be taken into account that fir is demanding when it comes to watering and is recommended for planting in damp, swampy areas.

Basic cultivation requirements

All coniferous plants are demanding of soil moisture and absorb water from the soil around the perimeter at a distance of up to three to five meters. If not planned garden plantings and flower beds, then you can safely opt for unpretentious pine trees or spectacular juniper.

  • When to plant trees? IN middle lane– end of May – beginning of April, with minimal threat of severe frosts;
  • When digging up a seedling in the forest, try to take as much turf as possible from the roots;
  • For a month after planting, ensure regular watering and spraying;
  • Pine roots can withstand open air no more than two hours - then they die. Therefore, when replanting, try to limit the contact of the root system with air.

Advice. Renting a diesel generator for a summer cottage will help create the industrial cultivation of expensive tree species for sale, even in a small garden plot in a small greenhouse.


For busy people, decorating the landscape with unpretentious evergreens will simplify garden care and provide a always bright and spectacular landscape. The video presented in this article will introduce you to the options using different breeds evergreen trees.

On long winter evenings we plan and draw planting schemes, says FORUMHOUSE user LidiiaS. Today we will talk about how users of our portal create compositions from conifers.

Going to the nursery in the spring and buying all the seedlings you like is a common, but worse option. You need to start creating a composition with a detailed study of the place on the site and drawing up a plan.

Ttt777ttt User FORUMHOUSE

At a minimum, draw up a planting plan yourself, taking into account the plant’s habit, soil requirements and lighting.

Designers usually recommend not limiting yourself to the plan, but also photographing the location of the future coniferous group from all points from which you will admire it. Look at the photos until you understand what kind of picture you want to see there.

The tallest trees are planted in the background so that they do not block the view of the lower ones.

The height of the plants should increase as they move away from the viewer.

The composition will be fully perceived at a distance equal to two of its heights. Usually this distance is sown with a lawn, and this combination allows you to kill another hare: against the background of a lawn, any Christmas tree looks more advantageous.

If we are talking about all-round viewing groups that can be viewed from all sides, then the most a big tree, in the second and subsequent rows the height of trees and bushes should decrease proportionally. The point is that they should not cover, but rather emphasize each other’s decorative qualities. Therefore, each subsequent row should be at least half as low as the previous one.

Many conifers grow slowly, and sometimes the composition of a spruce tree in the garden reaches its peak decorative value only after ten years. You can plant fir trees and thujas closer to each other, and after a few years, partially cut down those that will interfere. Or you can plant very small “more spacious” ones and wait patiently until they turn into the beauty and pride of the site. The wait is brightened up by planting tracts of perennials, roses, and so on. Until the tree skeleton grows, they will fill the space and delight your eye with flowering and texture. The first or second method to choose depends on the character of the garden owner.

vaska67 User FORUMHOUSE

That is, it is completely unnecessary, having planted the little ones at once at large distances from each other, to sigh over the half-empty space all the time until they grow.

This composition with a spruce on the site will reach its peak decorative value in a few years.

When planting conifers in a composition, it is necessary to take into account their future size, so that they do not have to crowd together and close their crowns.

Mountelf User FORUMHOUSE

For plants of the same tier - at a distance equal to the sum of their radii in the adult (at least 10 years, and for trees large sizes- 20-30 years) condition.

Ttt777ttt User FORUMHOUSE

You type in the search engine the size (habitus) of the thuja Smaragd, for example. We look at the width of the plant, divide it in half and get the distance from the center of the planting hole to the edge of the crown. We measure half the width of the next seedling from this point - this will be the center of planting hole number two.

Kristofer User FORUMHOUSE

Just don't overdo it, or it will look like this. The bottom picture is only planted conifers, the top pictures are after five years.

That is, the crowns of the plants in the composition will close together, but this should happen “not on next year and not at the level of a meter from the ground.”

Experts recommend not to forget that color is one of the ways to assemble a group of conifers into one whole. Don't get too carried away different colors pine needles and different shades of green: “they didn’t look good in childhood,” designers say in such cases.

There is a simple rule: a very small composition (three plants) - two colors, five - a maximum of three is needed, in a large composition the plants are placed in groups of the same color.

Coniferous groups are often diluted not only with perennials, but also with deciduous plants - this gives the garden new colors, evokes new feelings, and makes the garden design more interesting and multifaceted. The spacing of deciduous shrubs depends on whether they should fall under the tree canopy. So, the crowns of spruce and fir reach the ground, which means that the bushes must be planted beyond the diameter of the crown. Many shrubs in the garden look good when practically intertwined with each other. That is, more accurate distances can be calculated after you have completed the first part of the work: decide on the set of crops and varieties and their approximate location.

Ready-made coniferous compositions. Scheme

Here are the options for ready-made compositions with conifers:

Composition of coniferous plants, scheme No. 1.

  1. Common juniper "Stricta"
  2. Bladderwort "Darts Gold"
  3. White dogwood "Aurea"
  4. Rock juniper (virginian) “Blue Arrow”
  5. European larch (deciduous) “Pendula”
  6. Soft cuff “Auslese” + Tulips
  7. Spiraea japonica "Gold Mound"
  8. Low growing yew berry
  9. Euphorbia cypress.

Many gardeners are trying to create a beautiful flower bed on own dacha without resorting to the services of landscape designers. Of course, this not only saves money, but also has a beneficial effect on our self-esteem, and also satisfies the creative impulse “ country designers" If you don’t have enough ideas for inspiration, I offer a selection of flower bed planting schemes using coniferous plants to help.

Flowerbed with irises

The flowerbed is suitable for sunny places. The shape is set by two coniferous plants different forms, which remain decorative throughout the summer, while maintaining the silhouette of the flower bed. Hybrid irises look very impressive in the center. They can be of any color, it all depends on your preferences. Pink spirea, dotted along the edge of the flowerbed, like lanterns, will bloom in mid-summer, thereby giving the flowerbed a new sound. Such a flower bed is easy to care for and decorative, provided that it is trimmed in a timely manner. It can be placed in the front area near the house, resting place or at the entrance near the gate.

flowerbed with irises

Plants: 1. Thuja occidentalis "Globosa" 2. Cypress pea 3. Spiraea Boumalda "Froebelli" 4. 5. Iris hybrid

Flowerbed "Silver River"

A landscape flowerbed in silver tones will fit perfectly along the paths or act as a flower bed. Cool bluish shades of plants will refresh the hot heat and give an exotic look to your dacha. The combination of textures of coniferous plants and cereals gives the flowerbed a flowing appearance, dynamics, which looks very modern in natural style. All plants balance the composition as a whole, precisely emphasizing its shapes and play of tones. Such a flower bed will be decorative throughout the season and even in cold period. Be aware of overgrown grasses and junipers that need space or growth adjustments.

flowerbed "silver river"

Plants: 1. Juniper scaly "Blue Сarpet" 2. 3. Prickly spruce "Glauca Globosa" 4. Gray fescue 5. Carnation grayish blue

Flowerbed with phlox

A flowerbed for universal purposes, can be made either in full or in part. Combinations delicate shades pink and white always look elegant and go well with. Evergreen conifers serve as a cut for delicate phloxes, which are the highlight of the entire composition. And, such as lilac, spirea and hydrangea will support the flowering relay throughout the summer.

flowerbed with phlox

Plants: 1. 2. Lilac 3. Spiraea gray "Grefsheim" 4. Spiraea japonica "Shirobana" 5. 6. Juniper scaly "Blue Сarpet" 7. Thuja occidentalis "Globosa" 8. Thuja occidentalis "Smaragd" 9. Bergenia hybrid 10. Phlox paniculata

Flowerbed "Penumbra Lace"

Such a flowerbed will withstand both sunny open places and light partial shade, creating lace from. All plants are selected in such a way that decorativeness and flowering are maintained throughout the season. A colorful, summer-bright flowerbed will be ideal solution for decorating the facade of a house or fence. Like all ornamental shrubs, they must be trimmed in a timely manner to maintain a neat appearance and desired shape.

flowerbed "lace penumbra"

Plants: 1. Thuja occidentalis "Smaragd" 2. Juniper scaly "Blue Сarpet" 3. Fieldfare 4. Hydrangea tree "Annabel" 5. Astilbe hybrid 6. Creeping tenacious 7. Hybrid bergenia or hosta

Flowerbed for the embankment

If you have at your dacha decorative pond or a body of water, then it will also need registration. Willow in combination with variegated turf and hostas will give the shore a neat look, and blue irises will add sophistication and highlight the water surface.

embankment flowerbed

Plants: 1. White dogwood “Elegantissima” 2. Purple willow "Nana" 3. Juniperus virginiana "Grey Owl" 4. Juniper medium "Mint Julep" 5. Hosta hybrid 6. Siberian iris 7. Phalaris (Two-source)

When planning flower beds on your plots, remember that if you wish, you can refuse or replace this or that plant. The main thing is that it matches the biological conditions of growth and appearance. When creating a flower garden, bring your own style, give preference to familiar plants and don’t be afraid to use new ones, play with color, texture and shape. After all, a garden is not only about fruits, but also about the beauty of ornamental plants that harmoniously combine with each other.