Studio design 18 sq m rectangular. We create a cozy and functional interior for a small family. Chic Provence style in the interior

Not all of us are lucky enough to own a large apartment with a bedroom, living room, and spacious kitchen. Many people have to live in so-called “small families” - small apartments with a very small kitchen and a combined bathroom. But even a small apartment can be remodeled so that all your household members will feel cozy and comfortable in it. You can radically change the space by remodeling it. Is it possible to achieve good result only with the help of design tricks and techniques. Here are some tips to help you open up the walls in your small apartment and be even happier for it.

Design tricks in the interior

Furniture with legs

To visually enlarge the space and add more air to the interior, it is recommended to choose furniture with legs. By the way, if you buy a thick bed metal legs, you can put cardboard or textile boxes with things under it. This will give the room another place to store things. It is better to avoid furniture with a flat bottom. It seems bulky and heavy and makes an already small room smaller.

Such a room must have bright accents - several objects that will stand out from the entire interior and distract attention from the modest size of the room. It could be a multi-colored carpet, bright wall, designer wardrobe or an original floor lamp.

Striped wallpaper

A small space can be expanded with the help of strips. Horizontal ones will help you raise the ceiling, and vertical ones will make the walls longer. For this you can buy striped wallpaper, use wooden or plastic panels. Additional lines are created using furniture and mirrors.

More mirrors!

In general, mirrors for such a room are a real find. After all, with their help you can make any room more spacious and brighter. To achieve this effect, it is recommended to place mirrors opposite the window or light wall. The room will seem larger if there is a bright closet or a large flower arrangement place a mirror in a massive frame.

Transformable furniture

It is very important to choose the right furniture for a small family - it should be comfortable and multifunctional. Pay attention to tables and transformable sofas. After all, they are folded out only when necessary, and the rest of the time they take up much space in the room. less space. By the way, an ottoman can be both a seating area, a coffee table, and bedside table. It is better to abandon cabinets that cover blank facades and buy cabinets with open systems storage or glass doors. A shelving unit that will occupy the entire wall from ceiling to floor will look great in such a room. It will look very impressive, and, in addition, it will be possible to rationally use all the space.

Say no to bulky furniture!

It is also better to avoid bulky furniture. It will overload the space and prevent the free flow of sunlight. The thinner the silhouette of the furniture, the simpler and more elegant it is, the better. It is better to avoid furniture decorated with carvings, gold or copper.

But to avoid the feeling that the room is cluttered with a large number of small things, you must definitely put one massive piece of furniture in it. This could be a closet, a sofa, a table. Then it will become the center of the interior and balance everything in it.

Choosing a color

You can visually expand a very small room with the help of color. You can paint the walls and floor the same shade, or make the floor a little darker than the walls. In this case, the clear boundary between the floor and walls disappears, and the room becomes more spacious. If you do not have the opportunity to change the covering on the floor, you can simply paint the walls and put a carpet of a suitable shade under your feet. If possible, it is better to get rid of interior walls, and highlight the kitchen and bedroom areas using color.

Many designers advise decorating a small family in a minimalist style. After all, it involves a minimum number of things and the use of laconic pieces of furniture. But the most important thing is that you feel comfortable being in the room, so for her design will suit almost any style.

In what style should I decorate a small family?

Japanese style

One of suitable options will become a Japanese interior style. After all, he is considered very calm and even ascetic. In this interior, only natural materials and calm tones are welcome. Therefore, the walls can be painted light brown, beige, or sand. Pale pistachio and green are also suitable. Make the floor dark brown. In traditional Japanese interior The bed does not have to have a flat base, but to make the room more spacious, you can buy wooden bed on short legs. In such an interior there should be a minimum of furniture - tables, storage systems and a sofa made of natural materials calm color. Japanese style does not involve unnecessary trifles - numerous photo frames, porcelain figurines, bright vases will not fit into it. Decorate such an interior with fresh flowers in pots and bamboo stems in transparent vases. Better to hang it on the windows roller blinds. Massive curtains are not suitable for such rooms - they take up a lot of space. To prevent such a room from becoming boring, you can add bright accents - put orange pillows on the sofa or a red carpet on the floor.

High tech

High-tech style is also suitable for a small room. It is characterized by a cool color scheme: white, gray, black, metallic. Gray or cool blue can be used. Such interiors usually have a lot of plastic, glass and metal. Furniture from natural wood. Lighting is very important in high-tech style. There should be as many sources of artificial light as possible: Spotlights on the ceiling, laconic sconces on the walls, a floor lamp on a steel leg. In such an interior, you need to focus on technology. Place a plasma panel on one wall and install a stereo system - this will become the center of the entire interior.


Minimalization is also suitable for small apartments. After all, he is also very laconic. It is characterized by a minimal amount of furniture and the absence of non-functional interior items. The walls, floor and ceiling here are usually plain and not very bright. The furniture has strict geometric shapes– it lacks threads and other decorative elements. It can be wooden, metal or plastic. Sofas and armchairs upholstered in leather fit perfectly into such interiors.

Combining the two small rooms sometimes is the only opportunity to improve living conditions in small apartment. In the kitchen-living room of 18 squares, the design can be very diverse: from simple, laconic to luxurious and majestic. How to independently develop a room design so that it is functional, beautiful and meets the wishes and requirements of all household members?

First steps

In modern studio apartments, residents are invited to choose their own apartment layout. Initially usually given spacious room with a minimum number of partitions, which, if desired, can be installed independently using drywall. As for apartment residents old building(with rooms of a small number of squares), then certain difficulties arise here.

The problems arise from the fact that it is not always possible to obtain permission from higher authorities to redevelop the premises. This concerns the safety of residents of the entire house, since dismantling load-bearing wall may lead to dire consequences in the form of a collapse or collapse. That is why unauthorized repairs are punishable by a fine and an order to return the interior to its original state. In kitchens equipped with a gas stove, combination with an adjacent room is strictly prohibited.

If you nevertheless decide to take such a serious step, you should consider other nuances regarding redevelopment. Firstly, the smell from the kitchen will certainly penetrate into the living room. To fix the problem, you will need to purchase a powerful hood, since centralized system ventilation will not cope with this task. Secondly, the noise of household appliances and conversations in the kitchen will interfere with a person who wants to relax or work in the living room. This issue is especially acute in large families, where not every member of the household has personal space. In addition, grease, odors and soot will be absorbed by furniture and curtains, so you will have to clean much more often so that the kitchen does not look untidy.

What is the layout of a studio kitchen of 18 sq. m will be the most successful? Interior of kitchen-living room 18 sq. m directly depends on which area you need to focus on: the working or living room.

Let's consider the main layout options.

  • The L-shaped arrangement of the set (along two perpendicular walls) in the kitchen-living room is quite common. This layout allows you to preserve the so-called triangle principle (stove - sink - refrigerator) and use the space ergonomically. There is enough space left for the guest area; here you can put a sofa, a wall, install plasma TV, stereo system. Both a large family and one working adult will feel comfortable in such an interior.
  • The U-shaped layout focuses the main attention on the work area, so the kitchen set takes up a lot of space. The furniture is located along three walls, covering two corners. For the dining part of such an interior, a large dining table, a soft corner and sofas are suitable.
  • An island layout is usually combined with a straight set. The multifunctional unit is often equipped household appliances, washing, however, the transfer of communications should be pre-agreed in special government institutions. Such a block is simultaneously work surface and a place to eat. The dimensions of the island vary depending on the area of ​​the room. For kitchen-living rooms 18 meters more suitable option island - a bar counter with several seats and additional compartments for storing dishes.
  • A rectilinear layout implies placement household appliances in one row. In this case, there are many squares left for arranging the living room. In an interior with this arrangement, a transforming sofa will look good, big table, wall.

The selected layout must comply with the stated requirements, the design of the kitchen-living room, the number of squares usable area and make optimal use of space so that each family member feels comfortable in the new environment.

Zoning methods

Studio 18 sq. m, a photo of which can be seen on the website, needs proper zoning. This is necessary from both a practical and aesthetic point of view.

Sliding structures

These include screens, racks, partitions. They can be made of glass, plastic or simple fabric. Their main function is to completely isolate one part of the room from another. This allows you to avoid the penetration of odors from the kitchen into the guest area, as well as to hide the cooking process from prying eyes. A false partition made of plasterboard with built-in shelves is very popular as a zoning element in kitchens and living rooms of 18 square meters. It can be of different configurations, with waves, smooth lines or beveled corners. It suits this design very well large aquarium with backlight.

Bar counter or island

To zone the kitchen-living room at 18 meters, it is advisable to use a bar counter or island, which will not only serve to delimit working area and places for receiving guests, but also perform practical functions. They can be full-fledged work surfaces or a place for a quick snack or tea. Just pay attention to the height of the structure: if it is too high, then children and older people will feel discomfort when climbing onto the chairs.


For interiors where the living room is combined with a kitchen, it is very important to properly install lighting. Sometimes there is little sunlight, especially if the room faces west or north. Electric lighting for each zone in the 18-square-meter kitchen-living room will not only visually divide the space, but also reduce energy costs. Spot lighting must be done around the perimeter of the set, in transparent shelves and along the apron. As for the design of the kitchen-living room, lampshades will look very nice here, wall sconces and a chandelier. Above the big dining table It is appropriate to hang halogen lamps.


Transformable furniture is new recent years. She moves freely throughout the entire area of ​​the kitchen-living room, has original design and performs many functions. The compact dimensions of this furniture make it invisible in an 18-square-meter interior; if necessary, it can be pulled out and retracted. In the sections you can hide a bar-fridge, a table with chairs, bed linen and other items. The only disadvantage of such furniture is the high price.

Kitchen-living room 18 sq. m combines two different spaces. Each of them has a lot of items that need to be hidden from prying eyes. In such a room it is advisable to place furniture with opaque facades, large cabinets and mezzanines. You can raise the floor under the work area. This will be a great way to zone space and provide an additional shelf for kitchen utensils. However, you should not make the rise too high or unnoticeable, as this is dangerous for household members and guests who may not see the steps. In this case, lighting around the perimeter or highlighting the podium with a contrasting color would be appropriate.

The kitchen-living room of 18 square meters should be decorated in the same style. You can visually enlarge the room by light shades in the interior. They will make the studio more spacious and elegant. It is better not to use dark colors, since such a design can reduce the size. Allowed to do one bright accent on certain color(for example, red). Additional shades should be neutral.

When decorating the walls of an 18-square-meter kitchen-living room, preference should be given to materials that are easy to use. This could be paintable wallpaper, decorative plaster or MDF panels. The only requirement is quality. They must be washed well so as not to spoil general form studio kitchen 18 m, the design of which requires a special attitude to cleanliness and order.

An original solution would be to focus on one wall and highlight it with a relief pattern or bright color. If there are two windows in a room, this will visually unite it, creating a coherent space. Give home comfort and the warmth of the 18 square meter kitchen-living room will be helped by curtains and curtains, but most practical option are blinds and roller shutters. They do not take up much space and do not require constant washing.

Kitchen design 18 sq. m may differ from the guest area, but blend harmoniously with it. For example, classic style and modern - perfect option for those who value convenience and beauty. To this suitable for the interior a set without ornate patterns and openwork decor. Elements of Provence and Rococo also look good together. For those who are afraid of bold experiments with design, we can advise you to carry out all the renovations in the same style and purchase furniture from the same collection and from the same manufacturer.

Design of a kitchen-living room 18 sq. m can be both functional and beautiful. The main thing is to put in a little effort, love, and a creative approach to the process - and the result will not take long to arrive.

Photo: interior of kitchen-living room 18 sq. meters

A special feature of the studio apartment is the absence of partitions. This option is suitable for single people or a family of two. Limited space is not overloaded with furniture, and the room is divided into zones using visual ways.

Correct layout will add zest to any interior. Decoration of a studio apartment 18 sq. m requires ingenuity and creative approach from its owner.

By using the right interior you can create a room that is attractive, functional and comfortable.

The nuances of arranging a studio apartment of 18 square meters. m

A small studio apartment should not only be functional, but also comfortable in terms of style. All necessary items should be present, but not overwhelm the space. The interior is done in a single key. It's better if in modern style, since compact and versatile pieces of furniture are used.

It is important to choose the right furniture. All items should be functional and not take up much space. Instead of a massive bed, you can put folding sofa.

Instead of partitions, you can use racks, which also have practical significance.

Before planning the room, you need to draw a plan of the room and arrange the furniture taking into account all sizes. This will help you.

Since a studio apartment involves a combined room with a kitchen, it is worth installing a powerful hood that will prevent the spread of vapors throughout the room.

IN limited space you can use transparent or mirror partitions, as well as sliding systems.

Zoning Features

Apartment - studio with an area of ​​18 sq. m need to be properly zoned. The following areas are worth highlighting:

The living room area can be located in the center. It includes a sofa, table, chairs and a small coffee table with shelves.

The kitchen area should be equipped with good ventilation system.

The sleeping area can be arranged separately or in the living room. At the same time, the sofa folds out into sleeping area. You can also place a recreation area near the wall.

To design a work area used multifunctional furniture. For example, computer desk can be installed in a wardrobe. Also, part of the bar counter is suitable as a workplace.

To separate zones, small partitions are used, which can be transparent structures or shelving. To separate the kitchen area you can use.

For studio apartments with high ceilings you can use the second tier. At the same time, you can place a sleeping area on the upper level, and arrange a study, kitchen or living room below.

How to save free space?

The use of mirrors allows you to “push the walls apart”, as well as expand the space and fill it additional light.

An enlarged doorway between the corridor and the room will allow you to combine the rooms and increase the space.

In order to create a functional and compact design in a studio apartment, you must comply following rules:

  1. Should not be used swing doors, which take up most of the space. They should be replaced with sliding structures.
  2. Wide space and greater volume will help create glass surfaces cabinet doors, countertops or various accessories.
  3. The interior of the room should not be crowded around the entire perimeter with large pieces of furniture.
  4. In the middle of the room you can lay a small carpet, which will have a small pattern in the center or match the furniture. This technique will increase the space.

Local light sources allow you to highlight the advantages of a design and hide its shortcomings. If the premises have non-standard sizes, then local lighting sources in the form of sconces are mounted, table lamps or floor lamps.

When choosing decorative elements, their light should match the tone general design, but be more contrasting and richer. In this case, the use of dark tones is allowed.

If you approach the process of decorating a studio apartment creatively, you can create a comfortable and functional space.

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Very easy to arrange spacious apartment with a larger area than a small room. Here it’s worth thinking about proper zoning and saving space. But any footage can be designed in an original and stylish way if you know modern tendencies and take into account the layout features of the apartment itself.

Tricky zoning

You can transform any home, the main thing is to have a sense of taste and style. If you have a small studio apartment, you should choose furniture and finishing materials especially carefully. Even in small room I want to feel spaciousness and comfort. 18 sq. m is shown in the photo in a modern Minimalist style.

Zoning options for a small apartment:

  1. Combination of living room and bedroom.
  2. Living room and kitchen in a studio apartment.
  3. Children's, playroom and living room.
  4. Bathroom and laundry room.

What means to use:

Layout features

Everyone knows that creating the interior of your dreams in a space of 18 square meters is not an easy task. The reason, of course, is special layout. So what configuration of one-room apartments can you find:

  1. Square.
  2. L-shaped.
  3. Corner (two window openings).
  4. Standard (one window opening and a small balcony).
  5. In the shape of a trapezoid with a beveled corner (for example, a non-standard shaped house).
  6. Rounded wall (in houses with semicircular walls).

When arranging a small room, it is worth considering some of its features:

Fresh ideas

Design tricks for rational use:

Current trends and styles

What design trends are trending today? When arranging your home, it is important to pay special attention to wall decoration, decor, lighting system and the overall concept. All elements should look harmonious and correspond to the general idea. Design studio apartment 18 sq. m is shown in the photo in a modern Loft style, all the details fit perfectly into the interior of the room.

The most current styles Today:

A beautifully decorated home will reflect your taste and sense of style, so think carefully about the design of each room. Knowing some tricks and design techniques, you can create the interior of your dreams even in a small apartment.

That's all today more people are thinking about expanding the area of ​​small apartments. This is a natural desire, caused by the desire for a comfortable and convenient life. The combined space allows you to feel free in a relatively small area. In order to complete the design correctly, first of all, the kitchen-living room 18 sq. m design must be carefully worked out. Before carrying out work, it is necessary to draw up a design project that will help visually imagine the future environment.

When it comes to personal space, apartment owners are willing to go to great lengths to be able to expand the premises. Such an area is considered quite small, so the quality of life of the residents largely depends on the quality of the redevelopment and design.

In order to create a kitchen in which you can cook and a living room for proper relaxation, you need to make every effort. It is important to take into account taste preferences.

Before performing repairs kitchen space 18 meters, you need to familiarize yourself with the apartment plan, which shows where communications are laid, windows and doors are located, where the load-bearing wall is located.

Things to consider

  • Before starting renovation or after it, it is imperative to coordinate the redevelopment with higher authorities.
  • It is necessary to study issues that relate to strict prohibitions. For example, wet areas should never be located above lower living areas.
  • It is important to resolve the issue with the gas point, since if there is gas stove, it is prohibited to combine the kitchen with the living room.

When all these important questions settled, you can begin to distribute zones. This process needs to be given time, since the long-term convenience of all family members depends on its correctness.

Successful zoning of the kitchen and living room for 18 sq m

Zoning is an individual process that cannot be done in different types apartments are the same. Before starting real zoning, it is important to decide for yourself where and how it will be convenient to locate the work and recreation areas.

In order to perform zoning correctly, you may need the help of a designer. But you should only expect advice from him, which the owner of the apartment can accept or reject.

For arranging an area of ​​18 squares, the same space zoning laws apply. However, they are not static and can vary.

  • Decide on a set of standard actions performed in the kitchen and in the hall.
  • Measure the distance needed to move comfortably in the combined space.
  • Draw a floor plan and indicate the most frequently used places.
  • Draw the routes that will be the most frequent. Determine the degree of their convenience.
  • Arrange furniture in a convenient and space-saving manner.

All zoning rules can be changed depending on the individual taste preferences of the apartment owners.

Design of a kitchen-living room 18 sq m: furniture options

Tips for choosing furniture:

  • Choose materials that will easily withstand moisture and frequent contamination.
  • Furniture should be ergonomic and simple. It should not become an obstacle to movement.
  • It is best to purchase furniture that can be easily transformed. This will help save space and provide additional convenience in its use.
  • It will be convenient to use partitions.

It is then possible to organize the room functionally and at the same time stylishly. When apartment owners know exactly their desires and requirements for space.

Kitchen-living room-bedroom 18 sq.m: color decoration

Correct color solutions will help to visually enlarge a small area and make it bright and cozy.

You need to choose a color depending on general style in the interior. For example, a space in the Provence style should be decorated in light colors; high-tech involves the use of more saturated and contrasting shades.

Wall decoration can be done using paint or wallpaper. Today it is not a problem to buy quality Decoration Materials, which are ideal for furnishing a kitchen-living room.

Examples of color design:

  • Light and warm shades for wallpaper or painting;
  • Catchy contrasting combinations;
  • Black and white design;
  • Use of natural materials.

Choosing a color to decorate a room is a personal matter for everyone. Here one goal should be pursued - a harmonious interior.

Varied layout of kitchen-living room 18 sq m

The most common type is square. This type of layout makes it possible to use several methods of distributing furniture to choose from.

On an area of ​​10 square meters, the most convenient type of layout is considered to be L-shaped and U-shaped furniture arrangement.

Such a construction can be additionally decorated with a square or round island part. From the location kitchen set depends on the future arrangement of furniture. If done correctly, the space will be practical and beautiful at the same time.

Layout example:

  • The kitchen set, located in one row, involves demarcating the area for cooking and relaxation. You can use a bar counter or island as a delimiter.
  • The dining table can take place against the opposite wall.
  • The L-shaped layout involves arranging the opposite corner with a cozy table and a seating area.

The choice of layout largely depends on the original shape of the space as well as the taste preferences of the apartment owners.

Other layout options

The layout of the kitchen-living room has great importance. When the apartment owners have decided on the choice of layout, which depends on the shape of the space, they can begin zoning the room.

You can do the planning yourself or hire a professional to help you place the right accents.

There are several common types of layouts that are considered most successful for kitchens with small area.

Breading options:

  • U-shaped;
  • L-shaped.

When distributing furniture, it is important to consider that it should in no case interfere with movement around the room.

Room zoning techniques:

  • Installation of a bar counter;
  • Installation of a dining table;
  • Using a dividing island;
  • Installation of different floor levels;
  • Use of screens and partitions;
  • Installing a sofa.

There are many techniques for planning and zoning a room. Their numerous options can be found on the Internet or in specialized magazines. The following series of interior design examples are known: “Grand”, “Taganay”, “Europe”, “Virage”.

Kitchen-living room 18 sq. M Video)

In order to combine the kitchen and living room, you will need permission for redevelopment. After receiving it, you can begin to combine the space. After this, it is necessary to develop a design project that will help arrange the combined rooms: set priorities, perform a tentative layout of a room with a small area, see options that will help save as much free space as possible.

Interior of kitchen-living room 18 sq. m (photo)