Decorative design of the aquarium. Decorating an aquarium with your own hands Examples of decorating a 100 liter aquarium

Aquariums for owners of waterfowl pets are a place of residence, a piece of furniture. Every aquarist strives to create a unique fish tank. Therefore, aquarium management includes both keeping and breeding fish and decorating their habitat. Aquarium design involves decorating the container with vegetation, stones, figurines, driftwood and more. Anyone can make everything for an aquarium with their own hands, because there are many options for designing an aquarium.

Aquarium science distinguishes several types of aquarium design. But everyone is able to complement and improve aquadesign. Below are the main decorative styles for aquariums.


This style first appeared in the middle of the last century and is still popular among aquascapers. The peculiarity of the Dutch style is the more, the better, or the complete filling of free space. This is especially true for the bottom part. Do not leave empty areas at the bottom. A large amount of vegetation of different levels is planted, the contrast of red and green colors is especially welcome. In the middle, attention is drawn to a snag or a structure made of large stones.


Creating a pseudo nautical style does not require large capital investments. It requires standard soil and undemanding plants. The backlight is preferably blue. For additional resemblance to the sea, shells, artificial shells, and corals are used for the soil.


When using a natural style, it is important to create an interconnected and holistic composition of nature. IN natural style There are several completed variations:

  • Rock garden. The main part of the decorations are stones. Sometimes stone figures have a hidden meaning.
  • Iwagumi. Stones and Japanese dwarf trees are used, complemented by figures of houses, ships, and boats.
  • Reboku. The focus is on driftwood and large stones.
  • Wabi-kusa. A distinctive feature of this option is the presence of a moss hummock above the surface of the water. The plant that is used as tussock is called wabi-kusa, hence the name.


The Dutch style is inaccessible to many, especially beginners. Therefore, a simplified Dutch collector style was created. The essence of this style is to plant small-leaved, fast-growing plants and wait until they grow and occupy the entire soil. For the collector style, you will need a volume of 100–200 liters. IN small space the effect will not be achieved.

In an unformed herbalist main role plants play, the focus is on them. Plants grow naturally in it, without human influence, and look natural.

Boosted Herbalist

In the forced herbalist, the emphasis is also placed on vegetation. The inhabitants are in second place. In such a herbalist, a certain level of gases and fertilizers is maintained to create lush vegetation.


This style consists of decorating a container in the theme of a certain plot. This could be the plot of a book, film, or story. The plot style is done through thematic figures, the creation color range, forms.


Avant-garde style is non-standard. Fits well into unusual and bright rooms. Most often used artificial plants, unusual light, brightly colored soil.


The biotope style involves copying the structure of a natural body of water. This is the use of the same stones, the introduction of the same plants into the aquarium or local fish.

General instructions for setting up an aquarium

When decorating an aquarium with your own hands, there are certain fundamental principles. The main one is that when decorating an aquarium, underwater pets are moved to a separate tank. This will help avoid injury, damage and stress to the fish. It is better to move the water along with the fish so that their body does not experience additional stress due to a sudden change in water. After decorating, pour water into the aquarium.

The second rule is mandatory disinfection of all new items with which the aquarium will be decorated. Even items that cannot be replaced are processed after some time.

Decoration stages

Creating an aquarium design takes place in several stages and affects all areas.


To decorate an aquarium, films or models made independently are used as a background. The right choice of background visually increases the space and creates the integrity of the underwater design.


For beginner aquarists, it is recommended to buy ready-made soil mixtures. When making soil yourself, it is difficult to take into account all the criteria, for example, particle size, color of the soil, what origin the soil is from. But when deciding to choose the soil yourself, take into account the type of fish and the general background of the aquarium.


Pet stores sell safe dummies of stones for decorating an aquarium with stones. different colors and forms. But they still cannot compare with natural stones. But when choosing a natural stone, pay attention to its composition. It should not contain limestone. Quartz, granite, and basalt are well suited for creating an underwater rock garden.


Decorating aquariums with plants is an important part of aquascaping. They serve as shelter and food for fish, and also release oxygen. The vegetation chosen is completely safe for fish. You should avoid the appearance of algae on plants in the aquarium - this is harmful to the health of the fish.


Aquarium lighting is a necessity for pets. But the lighting is easy to adjust to a specific interior design. Lighting equipment is available in different shapes, colors, and mountings.

Filling procedure

When decorating, there are several stages that are mandatory for anyone who decides to engage in aquascaping.

  • Choose a design style or develop your own design.
  • Buy selected items from a pet store.
  • Treat stones and wooden parts if you choose them outdoors.
  • Process purchased items.
  • Fill up the soil.
  • Arrange the decorative pieces.
  • Secure the equipment.
  • Plant plants if necessary.
  • Fill with water.
  • Add underwater inhabitants.

If you use sea corals to design an aquarium, they are placed in the aquarium only after all inhabitants have settled.

Developing an action plan

Design planning begins with purchasing an aquarium. Then the style is chosen. To create a composition in the aquarium, an accent center is assigned. A pile of stones, an artificial house, a figure, or a piece of driftwood are suitable for this. Now he moves from the center to the edges, arranging them with decorative elements and planting plants. Depressions or hills will look beautiful.

Fashion in aquarium design

Aquascaping includes all the imaginations and fantasies of aquarists, but there are also well-established, classic design solutions and fashion trends. Japanese and Dutch landscapes are fashionable now.

Aquascaping Ideas

  • An aquarium with large objects and large inhabitants.
  • Minimalistic style.
  • Using corals.
  • Use of fluorescent parts.
  • Create an opening in the wall.

A small 50 liter freshwater aquarium will be a good preparation before purchasing larger tanks. It is easy to maintain such a volume; it is easier to provide the necessary conditions and install aeration and filtration systems. Slow-growing plants take root well in such a space, but it is not recommended to plant fast-growing ones; they require frequent pruning of overgrown parts. Not all types of fish can live in a space of 50 liters, only small and medium-sized ones. For example, swordtails, guppies, zebrafish, molynesias. Larger species will not have enough space.

100 liters - the most comfortable displacement for creativity and quiet living of fish different sizes. In a 100-liter home aquarium, it is possible to create a planted garden with many accents or create a minimalist pet habitat. Both small and pretty get along large fish. For example, goldfish, discus, gourami, angelfish.

Looks good in a 200 liter container marine design. It is possible to use large elements - large stone blocks, driftwood and long branches, plants with large leaves. But such a design is difficult to create with your own hands without special knowledge and equipment. Usually inhabited by large inhabitants of sea or ocean waters. For example, predatory fish will feel good.


Aquariums come in different varieties, but most people keep them to decorate their home or office with a corner of nature. And then the main task aquarium - to be beautiful. It’s good if you can turn to professional aquatic designers to design a home or office pond. And if not? Then you’ll have to act on your own, and we’ll tell you how now.

Of course, aquascaping is now in fashion - designing an aquarium in the form of a beautiful natural (not necessarily underwater) landscape. However, it is unlikely that everyone needs to chase fashion. If you want, you can create an urban picture or a psychedelic landscape in your pond with a bright pink bottom, ultraviolet lighting and phosphorescent fish.

You can buy ready-made driftwood (for example, mangrove). Its preparation is much simpler and takes less time: it is boiled for a couple of hours and soaked for one or two days.

The driftwood in the aquarium must be of the same type.

They are often decorated with plants: mosses, ferns, anubias. To add plants to them, it is usually enough to tie them with fishing line or secure them with a plastic clamp for several weeks.

The function of driftwood in an aquarium is not only aesthetic. They zone space and create shelter for fish, and in addition, they release into the water humic substances, acidifying and softening it and having a beneficial effect on the well-being of many types of fish and shrimp.

In an aquarium with aggressive cichlids, they often do this: they take several long branched driftwood and place them at the back wall, crossing and intertwining with each other. This creates a whole system of grottoes, caves, crevices, and passages in which several fish can hide.

Other types of decorations and coverings

Clay shards and ceramic tubes can be used as such. different diameters(large ones like to be occupied by catfish and loaches, small ones - by shrimps), halves of the shell coconut. You can grow moss or fern onto the coconut.

All kinds of bubble-blowing crocodiles and divers in aquadesign are considered signs of bad taste, but, in my opinion, their presence is quite justified if the aquarium is designed for a child.

Back wall of the aquarium

Of course, the simplest thing here is to stick a film of a dark color or with a discreet natural pattern behind the back wall from the outside, and plant tall plants in the background.

If the aquarium is without plants, then they often resort to the help of relief backgrounds fixed inside the aquarium. This can be a ready-made sheet background made of polystyrene foam or fiberglass.

It has a drawback: if it is not glued firmly and its edge comes off somewhere, fish and shrimp can get caught under it, and it can be difficult to get them out of there.

Once I spent several hours trying to pull out or lure a teenage freshwater stingray from under such a background. As a result, almost all of the aquarium decor and equipment had to be destroyed and then rebuilt.

Instead of a ready-made embossed background, you can glue it to back wall on silicone stones various shapes or ceramic tiles. It will be beautiful, but this is a labor-intensive procedure, and such a background will greatly weigh down the aquarium and reduce its internal space.

Decorating an aquarium with plants

This is a separate huge topic, but the basic principles are quite simple:

  • low plants are planted in the foreground,
  • at the back and side walls - tall, long-stemmed,
  • Spreading bushes are usually placed on the sides in the middle ground.

Sequence of actions when decorating an aquarium

The sequence is:

  1. Preparing stones and driftwood.
  2. Setting the background.
  3. Equipment installation.
  4. Placing stones, driftwood and grottoes in the tank.
  5. Backfilling the soil.
  6. Planting. Sometimes this is done with a small amount of water (according to the rules for starting plants, plants are planted a few days after pouring water, but if there are a lot of them and among them there are small ones and ground cover, plant them in full of water aquarium is very difficult).
  7. Filling with water.

These are the basic principles of designing an aquarium. Of course, it’s not easy to make your aquarium a masterpiece of aquadesign on your own, but that’s not the main thing. It is important that you like him and enjoy looking at him.

The process of decorating an aquarium is a rather complex, but very interesting task. This can be done not only by a specialist, but also by a beginner. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with all the rules, styles, recommendations and design secrets. There are a large number of nuances and features that must be taken into account.

Exist various styles for the future home of the fish. You definitely need to think through everything in advance, evaluate different design options, their features, advantages and disadvantages. Here are the most common options:

  1. Iwagumi. This round aquarium design comes from Japan. You can also design containers of other shapes this way. All parts should have a pointed or thin shape, but at the same time they should be supported by a variety of smooth elements. The volumetric stone must be placed in the center. It will have various bumps on which the water will hit, imitating the natural environment.
  2. Biotope. Such aquarium design involves the design of a container simulating a landscape under a body of water. Needs to be repeated natural conditions, which are typical for the selected location. Such natural decor for an aquarium involves recreating a certain landscape, so all plants, stones, driftwood and other details should be placed so that they resemble a place near a river or lake. The design of a round aquarium is also great for such ideas. You need to choose only natural materials. A feature of this design is the random arrangement of all objects. In this case, the fish are only an addition to the design itself. It is better to choose low plants and attach them to snags, soil, and stones.
  3. Dutch. Aquarium decorations are distinguished by the fact that the main emphasis is on vegetation. In this case you need to use different kinds plants, but the emphasis on driftwood and stones should be minimal. The choice of plant varieties and their color is a major factor. The equipped Dutch aquascape will look like thickets of underwater rivers. You can choose not only green, but also orange and red types of algae. They need to be planted in large numbers. To maintain beauty, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on this.
  4. Geographical. The arrangement of the aquarium in this case must correspond to a specific geographical region. And fish should also be selected according to the area.
  5. Thematic or household. Decorating a small aquarium can be done using various topics. Here you can realize any ideas. In a household aquarium, no style rules are followed at all. As a rule, aquarium decorations here are like this: castles, skulls, amphorae, even divers, etc.


Another separate type of thematic aquarium is the pseudo-marine style. Setting up an aquarium involves simulating the bottom of the sea or ocean. But in this case, marine fish species are not used. There are only marine aquarium decorations here. Fish come here bright shade. In addition, starfish, artificial polyps, and corals will look great. You can also install a sunken ship with chests of gold. The end result is a real treasure trove.

In addition, you can only use one type of fish. A striking example is the cichlid fish, that is, in this case only living creatures of the cichlid family will live in the container. In addition, industrial and show aquariums are a separate variety.

The design of a corner aquarium can be futuristic. This option is also suitable for other forms of reservoir. For example, a round aquarium will also look good. You can even connect special pipes several of these balls. The entire design of the corner aquarium, as well as other containers, should be unusual. There is a separate variety that appeared quite recently: fish that phosphorescent swim in an artificial reservoir.

They were bred not so long ago - scientists used the jellyfish gene.

There is also an antique version. This arrangement of the aquarium involves the use of various figurines, amphorae, monuments, and castles. But you must remember that such objects need to be cleaned regularly.

How to choose fish for an aquarium

If the solution for an aquarium comes from a beginner, then it is necessary to choose fish that can withstand changes in water characteristics. In addition, their bodies must resist various diseases that are caused by stress.

In addition, it must be remembered that the best fish for beginners are peaceful and calm fish that will easily get along together.

It is necessary to take into account a large number of nuances. For example, new aquariums are often unstable, since the necessary microflora has not yet formed in them, that is, beneficial bacteria must have time to destroy pathogenic bacteria. But even if you additionally use bacterial agents that can be bought at any pet store, the conditions will still not correspond to what delicate fish require.

In addition, you need to take into account the size of the inhabitants of the future home pond. For example, large fish (some varieties) are able to live in a container without proximity. And decor, as a rule, is not so important to them either. But for others, such conditions are not at all suitable, since they experience stress, even if the water parameters are optimal. For some fish, the presence of other inhabitants in the water is very important, as this is considered a sign that the environment is not dangerous for them.

It is imperative to know the water parameters and measure them periodically. You should especially check the acidity level of the water and its hardness. Knowing these parameters, you can select certain fish that can live in such conditions. It is recommended to purchase special testers for this at a pet store.

It’s not enough to just keep an eye on the water. It is necessary to choose the right inhabitants for your home pond. Before purchasing this or that fish for the aquarium, you need to read about such varieties in advance.

A fairly common mistake is placing species in an aquarium that are simply not able to live in one container.

In addition, many fish change color and behavior as they grow older, which should also be taken into account. Expert advice to help you choose good animals for your aquarium:

  1. It is better to avoid those inhabitants who need specific food. In the first six months, it is better to keep only those fish that can eat regular food in the form of flakes. After another six months, you can diversify your diet.
  2. You should not buy a large number of different fish at once.
  3. In the store, you need to ask the sellers how long the fish lived in the exhibition aquarium. If they have just appeared here, it is better not to buy them, since two transportations in a short period of time are a lot of stress for them.
  4. You definitely need to know exactly how big the fish will grow.
  5. It's best to write full list the types of fish that you would like to have in the future.
  6. It is better for beginners not to purchase species that are artificially bred or deformed.

There are many varieties of fish that are great for beginners. For example, the most common options are neons and guppies.

To create a beautiful aquarium design, it is recommended to take some expert advice to help you achieve the desired result.

First of all, you need to think about symmetry. It is best to avoid it so that the aquascape looks natural. Such forms do not exist in nature, and asymmetry is the basis of beautiful design. Attention should not be directed to the middle of the container, but a little further from it. It is recommended to place the largest, brightest or unusual detail in the center. For example, it could be an artificial rock, stone, castle, waterfall, snag.

In addition, you can use the following tips:

  1. To visualize depth, it is recommended to create a background.
  2. To get the effect of an uneven bottom, you can use a simple plate and place it on the bottom, then cover it with soil. The result will be a kind of mound.
  3. To fasten the parts, you can use fishing line or thread.
  4. To wash the aquarium, it is recommended not to use soap or other chemicals, but rather plain warm water to which you need to add a small amount of vinegar.
  5. To protect the background from water, it is recommended to use special paper, which can easily be purchased at a pet store.
  6. It is best to make decorations and other decorative elements for the pond yourself, since in most cases those sold in stores look unnatural. In addition, you can collect various shells on the beach. But they should first be boiled for 6 minutes to disinfect.
  7. The various wooden elements must be durable.
  8. It is not recommended to use oak as it stains the water.
  9. If there are small fish in the pond, then it is best to use soil with small particles in diameter. For large inhabitants, it is recommended to combine large stones with small ones.
  10. Do not fence plants or make straight lines. In this case would be better suited randomness, smoothness, curved lines.

All these tips will help you arrange beautiful aquarium.

How to set up an aquarium with your own hands: first steps

Some people think about how to properly design an aquarium. Even a beginner can do this on his own.

Decorating an aquarium with your own hands involves the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Choose living creatures. You can combine different types of fish or choose only one variety.
  2. Select capacity. Pay attention not only to the size, but also to the shape. For example, it could be a rectangular or round aquarium.
  3. Select soil. A dark shade is recommended, since if the substrate has light color, then the fish against its background become not so bright, but everything needs to be beautiful. Place the soil on the bottom using a special plastic spatula. You can instead use a pre-cut plastic bottle in your aquarium.
  4. If you plan to have special plants to decorate the aquarium, you must first scatter special bacterial cultures. This mandatory layer is done after all the soil has been laid out. These microorganisms will contribute to the development of plants. You definitely need to know how to make this bottom layer. Experts advise laying out several different layers in the form of sand, coarse and medium gravel.
  5. Place foam plastic in those places where there will be a voluminous or heavy object - various stones and other decorations. In some cases, silicone glue is used to fix them.
  6. Pour the soil into a clean aquarium that is not yet filled with water. Some people think about how to make a beautiful bottom landscape. Experts advise making a slight slope towards the front wall. Near the back wall, the height of the soil layer should be approximately 5–7 cm (if the aquarium is small, then a smaller thickness is allowed). In some places you can add a layer of 12 cm. Near the front wall of the tank, it is best to make the thickness approximately 0.5–1.5 cm. If you choose a round aquarium, then the parameters should be left the same. To make the bottom beautiful, you need to level the soil. To do this, use a regular wooden spatula. When we arrange the bottom, you can make a lighter stripe on a dark background. Before adding light sand or gravel, you need to insert 2 cardboard sheets into the aquarium with your own hands as a limit. Then pull them out very carefully.

How to set up an aquarium with your own hands: next steps

Once the bottom is completely formed and the container is prepared, you can begin further actions for decorating the container.

  1. Now you can think about it the background. Before you think about how to arrange it, you should know that it can be internal and external. The most easy option decoration of aquariums is the use of film roll type. It can be purchased in specialized stores, where you can choose a specific decoration design for the aquarium and its dimensions. In addition, you can use paper, plastic, or cork tiles as an external background. You can make interesting decorations for an aquarium with your own hands if you paint the outer wall with dark colors. If you make an internal background, then it should always be installed before the container is filled with water. Interior decoration are special plates that need to be glued to glass or a special substrate. This process requires special skills. This option is not always suitable for round aquariums.
  2. After the walls and bottom are completely furnished, you can begin to decorate the interior space. Designing an aquarium with your own hands is not difficult to do.
  3. Sinks are not always suitable, as they contain large amounts of calcium, which will change the acidity and hardness of the water.
  4. The decor of a round aquarium or any other needs to be thought out in advance. For example, you can put there any items that were purchased at a pet store specifically for these purposes. The main thing is that the decorations for the aquarium are chosen from safe materials, for example, clay, ceramics, porcelain. Objects can be folded in unnatural positions and various experiments can be carried out.
  5. Driftwood is also a common decoration; they must be prepared in advance. It is better to choose a dense branch and then dry it. Any wood is allowed, the only exception being oak, as it stains the water. All remnants must be removed from the driftwood. First you need to boil it in a solution of potassium permanganate or ordinary water, then cool it and put it on the bottom. If the aquarium is small, then one driftwood will be enough. All this should be done before the plants begin to grow.
  6. Select vegetation. Decorating the aquarium here completely depends on the preferences of its future residents. In addition, additional factors must be taken into account. For example, if the algae is bright red, then more carbon dioxide and special mineral supplements will be needed. You also need to monitor the lighting. Then a beautiful aquarium will please the eye. In any case, before planting plants, it is necessary to trim their roots.

How to decorate an aquarium - actual question for many people. But this will not be difficult if you act strictly according to the instructions and follow certain rules. Decorating an aquarium with your own hands is not so difficult.

Now all that remains is to wait 1-2 days, check the capacity and how the additional equipment works.

If everything is in order, then you can release the first inhabitants - snails, newts, shrimp. Only after a week is it allowed to release fish.

Examples of aquarium arrangement

Before you design an artificial pond in your home yourself, it is recommended to look at several options.

  1. Option for young aquarists. In this case, it is assumed that a small reservoir will be designed. Its dimensions are 60x30x30 cm. Pour the soil 4 cm thick. It is recommended to use special aquarium gravel. The grains should be no more than 4 mm in diameter. In total you will need approximately 7 kg. Post more various roots, driftwood, stones (should not contain lime). Use a variety of easy-to-care plants. This decoration is perfect for a simple ancistra, red neon, cockatoo apistogram, or armored catfish. Since all these specimens are native to South America, the water temperature must be maintained at 25ºС.
  2. Option for beginners (adults are assumed). In this case, it is assumed to equip an aquarium measuring 100x40x40 cm. The thickness of the soil should be approximately 6 cm. For this you need to choose special aquarium gravel, the diameter of which should be no less than 3 mm and no more than 5 mm. You will need approximately 24 liters. If you were to make it and a terrace, you would additionally need about 10 liters. Decorate with stones that do not contain lime. You can make buildings from slate, decorate everything with roots and plants. Then fill with fish. For example, fire barb and Sumatran barb, zebra zebra danio rerio, beautiful-finned epal (you need to take into account what can harm algae), two-colored labeo (in this case you need to take into account that 2 or more individuals can conflict) are suitable.
  3. Option "Africa". In this case, the home artificial pond will have dimensions of 160x50x60 cm. Among the plants suitable for its design are dissected fern, spiral Vallisneria, Senegalese ammania, and lanceolate anubias. A lily that has wavy leaves will look great. As for fish, it is better to launch here phenacogramum iridescent, Arnoldichthus, Neolebus, Gnathothemus, Nannethiops, Ctenopomas, catfish-shifter, Papidocranus.
  4. Option "South America". In this case, the dimensions of the container will be 160x50x60 cm. The height of the soil layer should be approximately 8 cm. It is necessary to make a terrace along the entire length. There should be a space of 5 cm between the tiers. For the base surface you need about 65 l and another 15 l for the terrace. Plants suitable for aquariums include large and medium Amazon, cordifolia and herbaceous echinodorus, ludwigia, and pinnate. To make wood or stone have a green tint, you can use Java moss. Among the fish in such conditions, you can breed flame and diamond tetra, phylomena, Ramirez chromis, acara, high-finned angelfish, ancister, panac, various types of corydoras and marbled carnegiella.
  5. Option "Asia". In this case, the dimensions of the container will be the same as in the previous version. The soil should also be selected and designed in the same way as in the case of the “Asia” option. To decorate the aquarium, you can use vegetation such as dissected fern, cryptocoryne, Thai crinum, hygrophila oak, lemon hygrophila, limnophila, as well as Java moss and fern. To make an artificial pond look impressive, you can place a red-leaved rotala or nymph in the background. Among the fish suitable for such a home pond are shark bala, black and Sumatran barb, Malabar zebrafish, rasboraclinopia, girinocheil, botia reticulata, gourami.


Many people are interested in how to properly set up an aquarium. Actually it's not that big of a deal difficult process, so not only a specialist, but also a beginner can cope with this task.

The main thing is to take into account all the rules for designing an aquarium and pay attention to various important features.

Any interior will be decorated with a well-kept and original aquarium. The design of this aquatic environment has developed so much that it has become a separate type of decoration, called aquascape. It uses various elements, for example, algae and stones, driftwood and special figures. Before you start registration home aquarium, it is recommended to become more familiar with the various decorating styles in order to choose the most suitable one.

There are many areas of aquascape that you should familiarize yourself with before decorating an aquarium.

Fashionable aqua design styles

Aquarium design has several fashion styles, some of which are already called classic. These areas include the following:

  • Dutch;
  • collector;
  • Japanese;
  • pseudo-natural;
  • fairy.

The culture of Asia, Europe and America has found its new embodiment in incredibly spectacular designs of freshwater aquariums. At first glance, it is impossible to repeat such landscape masterpieces with your own hands, but if you take a closer look, you can discover interesting techniques and individual details that can help an inexperienced person design a home aquarium on their own.

Realistic Holland

The designers brought the depth of perspective and uncomplicated realism characteristic of the paintings of famous Dutch painters into the world of aquarium keeping. To create a Dutch-style aquarium, many different plants, which differ from each other in color and size.

In this case, tall algae with lush thread-like or small leaves are placed in the background. Shoots decorated with large foliage are planted in the middle. And the lowest bushes, along with those plants that imitate grass, are placed in front. This technique allows you to create the feeling of a deep landscape consisting of several tiers.

Green algae of various shades are planted, as well as brown, red and yellow. They are placed so that each plant occupies about 10 square centimeters of soil. This planting is considered dense, but at the same time it allows algae to actively develop, forming the famous green landscape of the Netherlands.

If you place small bright fish in this living work of art, and with the help of lighting create the effect of slanting rays of the sun falling on some area of ​​greenery, then the masterpiece you created with your own hands will not be inferior in beauty to designer aquariums.

The aquatic environment, decorated in the Dutch style, requires constant care, consisting of the following:

  • carbon dioxide supply;
  • regular application of fertilizers;
  • trimming algae;
  • careful selection, as well as maintaining a certain number of fish.

You can decorate the interior with such an aquarium in the style modern classics, which contains elements of modernism. In addition, it will fit perfectly into a room decorated in eco-style.

Collector style is considered a beginner's style

Collection style

The originality of collector aquadesign lies in the peculiar charm of chaos. Some believe that this style was invented specifically for beginners who, due to lack of experience, find it difficult to decorate an aquarium.

The basis of this type of aquascape is the use of a large number of different algae; for example, to decorate an aquarium with a volume of fifty liters, at least fifteen plants are needed. As they grow, they crowd each other, creating an underwater neglected English garden. To make the landscape more spectacular, tall algae are combined with low algae. In addition, this design can successfully combine plants with foliage in contrasting shades.

The undoubted advantage of this decor is its simplicity. But it is also necessary to note its versatility, because an artificial reservoir with a collector landscape will fit perfectly into both an ethnic interior and a classic or Scandinavian style.

Pseudo-natural landscape

When decorating an aquarium in a pseudo-natural style, picturesque corners of nature are recreated under water. In the process, various decorations are used that imitate:

  • mountains;
  • rocks;
  • gorges;
  • architectural objects.

The designer must achieve a sense of reality in the landscape, but at the same time add a little fantasy to it. An underwater sand waterfall will make this landscape especially impressive. A special pump that blows out small particles will help create it. White sand. Sliding along the mountain slope, this sand creates peculiar jets.

When decorating an artificial pond in this style, you need to take into account that it is not suitable for a classic, modernist or art deco interior. But it will fit perfectly into an apartment decorated in a marine design direction, pop art or safari.

Beautiful design in the design of the aquarium will create a wonderful mood for its owners

Japanese rock garden

It is very difficult to fit an aquarium harmoniously into some interiors. These include industrial styles, that is, loft and hi-tech, and Japanese minimalism. However, it was in Japan that designers found inspiration to create a new direction for aquascape. They became the principles of iwagumi aesthetics, in other words, the art of creating empty space that is filled with philosophy.

To turn a simple aquarium into Japanese garden You only need a few stones:

  • priming;
  • sand;
  • stones;
  • carpet algae;
  • school of small fish.

The most important role in this design is given to stones. You need to take three or four stones:

  • one big one, he will be the main one;
  • one or two medium-sized, extra;
  • one small, sacrificial one.

There is no need to use real stones. They can be successfully replaced with special layouts created for Japanese compositions. In addition, Japanese minimalism in the field of aquascape is expressed in stone landscapes with low-growing plants that cover individual areas of the ground like a carpet.

Underwater tale

The bright animated landscapes of the cartoons about Nemo and the Little Mermaid gave aquarium designers new ideas. Fairytale scenes recreated in the design of an aquatic environment come to life thanks to real fish and algae.

To design an aquarium in this style, you need to choose fish with bright colors, the most bizarre shells, as well as grottoes, neon corals and treasures. You can complement the whimsical fairy-tale world of the underwater kingdom with small algae.

Any child will be happy with such an aquarium. Especially if its decor is based on the baby’s favorite cartoon.

The design of the aquarium can be decorated using a variety of accessories

Types of accessories

There are many accessories for decorating an aquarium. For design, both purchased models of mountains or castles are suitable, as well as natural stones, driftwood and shells. But you need to keep in mind that in no case should you place any decor you like into a reservoir without preliminary treatment, with the exception of a decorative background that is placed behind the back wall of the container.

Decorative background

The film that creates the background is attached to the outside of the back wall. Ideally, the design of the aquatic environment should gradually transition into the background. This makes the aquarium a kind of small world, a complete composition.

On sale you can find stickers with scenes from cartoons, as well as backgrounds for decorating an aquarium in Japanese and Dutch style. Can be purchased special sets, in which the stickers are accompanied by various layouts to suit the style.

The decorative background can be attached from the outside to the back wall of the aquarium

You can purchase a volumetric background. It is also attached to the wall, but from the inside. When using it, you need to understand that this decoration can be dangerous for small inhabitants. If for some reason the background separates from the glass, then small fish that swim behind it will not be able to free themselves.

Aquarium layouts

All aquascape models are made from synthetic resins. Before placing them in an aquatic environment, it is necessary to carry out processing, the steps of which are described in the instructions included with each item. In the aquarium, the decor is attached to the bottom and walls with silicone glue, creating the basis of the landscape.

Natural driftwood

Driftwood has always been a fashionable element in the design of aquariums. They are used to imitate roots, tree trunks and even mountain slopes. Most often they are used not as an independent object, but as a basis for moss. The moss is tied tightly with a fishing line to the driftwood, allowing it to grow and form thickets of grass or the crown of trees.

Driftwood is one of the most fashionable elements in aquarium design

Driftwood purchased in a store should be boiled for two hours before placing in water. But when choosing decor in the forest, you need to take into account that the wood should not be coniferous or oak. It is better to choose dead roots and branches, as they no longer secrete sap and resin. The safest thing is white driftwood, rolled in by the waves, which can be found on the seashore or river bank. This tree must be strong, and therefore you need to make sure that it does not crumble.

Before use, found driftwood should also be boiled. You will have to do this for quite a long time, regularly changing the water until it stops coloring. After this, boiling is carried out in salt water and again in fresh water. This procedure will protect the aquatic environment from harmful effects new decor. To prevent the tree from floating, it is fixed with silicone glue.

Natural stones

Without a doubt, natural stones look much better than a fake one, but you need to keep in mind that not all minerals are suitable for decorating an aquarium. The selected stone must be thoroughly washed and boiled. After this, you should drip vinegar on it. If the acid begins to fizz, this means that the mineral contains lime, which is harmful to fish and algae.

It is best to choose stones such as:

  • granite;
  • basalt;
  • quartz;
  • sandstone.

In addition, you can purchase ready-made decor made from stones. Before using minerals to decorate an aquarium, they must be cleaned with a stiff bristle brush and doused with boiling water.

When forming a composition, you should take into account the preferences of those who will inhabit the reservoir. For example, shrimp like small caves, while cyclids will prefer sandstone grottoes. To prevent the grotto from collapsing, the stones must be glued together with silicone.

Soil selection

For an inexperienced aquarist, it is best to choose ready-made soil. But even in this case, when choosing it, you need to take into account many factors. These include:

  • compound;
  • particle size;
  • uniformity;
  • color.

The seller can help you choose suitable soil. To do this, you need to describe to him what algae you plan to plant, as well as what fish will live in the aquarium.

The soil for the aquarium should be selected based on what plants are planned for planting.

Filling a reservoir with decor

No decor will make an aquarium beautiful if there are no plants and animals in it. But in order for the underwater flora and fauna to be comfortable in a reservoir, their habitat must be created in a certain sequence:

  1. Purchasing everything you need.
  2. Preparation of driftwood and minerals. Please note that this stage is the longest.
  3. Layout processing.
  4. Installation of underwater equipment.
  5. Creating the basis of a composition from driftwood and layouts.
  6. Placing soil in the aquarium.
  7. Installation of a waterfall pump.
  8. Moistening the soil and planting algae.
  9. Adding a small amount of water.
  10. Fixing moss on the lower levels of driftwood.
  11. Adding water.

The last two steps are repeated until the vertical gardening is completed. When it is finished, all that remains is to fill the aquarium with water and connect the equipment. It is very important to immediately introduce carbon dioxide into the aquatic environment, as it helps the plant to take root faster and grow actively. After the plants have taken root, animals can be introduced into the aquarium.

It is quite possible to make an artificial pond correctly with your own hands, but before you start decorating, you need to choose the most suitable style aquascape so that the interior does not contrast with the aquarium. But a beautifully designed water environment that harmoniously matches the decor of the room will become a real decoration of the room.