What needs to be done to prevent windows from leaking. Why do plastic windows cry, and what to do about it? Errors made during installation

Buying and installing plastic windows, every owner hopes that now the topic of breakdowns can never be raised again. As they say, set it and forget it. And what a great disappointment for all residents when, with the arrival of winter, droplets of water begin to appear on the windows. We want to reassure you right away - this is far from the worst thing that could happen. However, there is still a problem, and it needs to be solved.

Why does moisture appear on the surface of glass, and how to deal with crying plastic windows? This is what we plan to talk about in this article.

Crying plastic windows: cause and effect

So, with the onset of cold weather, condensation began to form on the surface of your windows. No, regular wiping with a rag is not enough. Of course, you can try, but if you do not find the main cause of moisture loss, there is a high probability of mold and mildew forming on the windows.

Important! Most owners, when such a problem arises, immediately begin to blame everyone: the manufacturer, the installer, the neighbor. However, I would like to immediately state that if your weeping plastic windows are literally flooded with water, this only means that they were installed in accordance with all standards. It's a paradox, isn't it?

If condensation forms on the windows, this means that they are sealed and are properly performing their functions of protecting the residents of the house from the penetration of moisture, dust and cold into the premises. However, this does not make it any easier.

But why didn’t the old Soviet windows cry? Perhaps they were better? Hardly. If those windows were provided with a good seal, and all the gaps and cracks were removed from them, they, just like the new plastic ones, began to not only cry, sob.

If the windows are not to blame, then what is the problem? Whether there is a ? It is worth noting that she is not alone. Have you ever wondered why condensation accumulates on windows most often during the cold season? It's all about the dew point.

Important! When air, having a certain initial temperature and relative humidity, can no longer absorb moisture, condensation appears on the surface. That is, in this case, a dew point forms near the surface of the window.

There is a special table from which you can calculate the dew point. It shows the three most important values: air temperature, relative humidity and surface temperature.

All this seems complicated at first glance. If you have no desire to figure everything out on your own, you can contact our specialist who will be happy to answer all your questions.

Causes of condensation

So, we figured out that the condensation that appears on the window due to the dew point is to blame. But why is all this happening?

If you look at it this way, the appearance of condensation is affected by everything that changes the humidity and temperature in the room, and you shouldn’t forget about the surface of the window.

Important! In general, the reason for crying plastic windows lies in the conditions of stay, but not in technical condition window.

Weeping windows: what to do, how to fight?

So, we figured out the reasons for the appearance of condensation on windows. Now, it remains to understand what to do with it. Wiping windows with a rag is not an option. But achieving a uniform distribution of temperature and humidity indoors is a completely adequate solution to the problem. According to sanitary and hygienic standards, the humidity in the room should not exceed 45%, and the temperature should not be lower than 20 degrees Celsius. If you maintain such readings, then most likely the windows will not cry.

If at first glance everything seems to be in order with humidity and temperature, but the problem still does not go away, you will have to dig deeper. Do you use micro-ventilation when outside? subzero temperature? You shouldn't do that. The fact is that due to such manipulations, the window freezes strongly, and as a result, a dew point forms on its surface (see table). But do you need to ventilate the room? Of course it is necessary. Open the window sash for 5-6 minutes. This period of time is quite enough to, firstly, remove from the premises excess moisture, secondly, to saturate the air with oxygen, and thirdly, not to lose precious heat.

How to deal with crying plastic windows if there are a lot of indoor plants on the windowsill? Everything is very simple here - put them away somewhere. Don't want to do this? In this case, you will have to rack your brains and make forced ventilation or additional heating of the double-glazed window. What to give preference to is up to you.

Sometimes the cause of condensation on windows is a wide window sill. It simply blocks the heat from the battery aimed at heating window design. Changing a window sill is, of course, a troublesome task, but there is no need to do everything yourself. The Teplo Doma company has excellent specialists who will be happy to help you solve all your problems with windows.

Weeping windows in Moscow: diagnostics and repair

If condensation forms on your windows, which subsequently turns into drops of water that form puddles right on the windowsill, then you definitely need to eliminate the cause of its appearance and move the dew point. The specialists of the Teplo Doma company will take on this work with great pleasure. Our company has extensive experience in solving these types of problems. Don't waste your precious time when you can just call.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as condensation on windows appears at any time of the year due to the influence of various factors. Although metal-plastic and wooden crafts are capable of serving for many years, but still people often encounter the appearance of drops on the glass, and then on the windowsill. It is important to understand the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it. Why windows “cry” is described in the article.

Physical properties of condensate

Ice becomes water due to heating, and with a decrease in temperature the reverse process occurs. It is called moisture condensation. Air with high temperature includes liquid in the form of vapor. With cooling the situation changes. Air cannot hold much liquid as it decreases in volume, and moisture remains in areas with lower temperatures.

The glass of the window is considered the coldest place in the house, since it borders on the street, so condensation appears on it. At very low temperatures outside it becomes ice. At first glance, it may seem that condensation is not dangerous. But with frequent formation of liquids, they become wet construction products, after which the rigidity of the structure weakens and mold forms. Therefore, it is important to know why the windows in the house “cry”, as well as how to fix it.


One of the important functions of windows is to protect your home from freezing. But not all structures fulfill their purpose efficiently, since they are not operated according to the rules. Why do windows “cry”? There are the following reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. There is a big difference in temperatures inside and outside.
  2. High air humidity inside.
  3. Wide window sill above the radiator.
  4. Poor ventilation.
  5. Failure to comply with window operating modes.
  6. Rare ventilation of the room.
  7. Wrong window selected.
  8. Presence of plants on windowsills.

There is another reason why windows “cry”. Moisture appears on glass due to errors during the production of products, as well as inaccuracy during the installation of double-glazed windows. These reasons also apply to why they “cry” wooden windows.


Even after installing a new window, smudges often appear on the glass and puddles on the window sills. Why do plastic windows “cry” and what to do in this case? The main task is to normalize the microclimate of the room. It is necessary to reduce humidity and ensure heating of the inner glass (if the package is two-chamber).

First you need to check if the ventilation is working. The system must remove moist air. When clogged, it accumulates inside and then settles on the windows. There is probably dust and dirt inside the air conditioning system, which makes all work difficult. It’s easy to check the level of blockage - you just need to hold a lit match or lighter to the outlet. If the fire goes out or fluctuates, then the ventilation is working, otherwise it needs to be cleaned.


Located above heating system, interferes with proper air circulation. This may also be one of the reasons why windows “cry”. Necessary heat does not enter the structure, and when cooling, water appears on it.

This problem can be eliminated by reducing the window sill so that warm air from the battery is directed to the window. If possible, the heating radiator should be pulled out. It’s even more convenient to find another method of heating the window.


And they “cry” because of flowers? The presence of plants on the windowsill disrupts the normal behavior of green organisms, filling the air with moisture, which causes fogging of the glass. If you remove plants from the window, you will be able to get rid of condensation.

Double-glazed windows modes

Why do plastic windows “cry” if the above factors do not exist? All double-glazed windows have 2 operating modes - summer and winter. If you do not switch from one to another in a timely manner, condensation appears, since inner side gets very cold.

Before cold weather (in October or November), it is advisable to switch the product to winter mode. Condensation often appears indoors, where the windows are rarely opened. In this case, ventilation is necessary for at least 15-20 minutes every day. This ensures not only good air circulation, which protects against condensation, but also fresh air, which has a positive effect on breathing.

You can insulate the space around the window. It is advisable to work with drywall. This material has excellent thermal insulation properties. It is necessary to insulate window slopes, area under the windowsill, outer wall. The better the quality of plasterboard finishing, the lower the risk of condensation. An increase in temperature in the house leads to insulation of the space near the window. These steps are easy to perform independently.

Production and installation of double-glazed windows

Although plastic window installers are professionals, even they make mistakes. Mistakes are also made by residents of premises where structures are being changed. In this case, you also need to know what to do. Why do windows sweat and “cry”? This is due to several reasons:

  1. Inaccuracies during the design or manufacture of windows.
  2. Purchasing the wrong glass unit.
  3. Poor installation.

Poor quality structures need to be corrected or disposed of. Buyers should choose their windows carefully. If the product will be installed inside rooms or on a loggia, you must purchase a two-chamber model. Products with 1 chamber are ideal for a room bordering glass loggia(since it does not need additional insulation).

For reasons of economy, many people choose thin glass, but they do not adequately protect from the cold. In addition, condensation will appear on such products. When does replacement occur? plastic products on wooden ones, you need to prepare for changing the ventilation mode. PVC is a sealed material inside, and there are gaps in the wood through which air is exchanged.

If we compare plastic and wooden structure, then one difference can be detected - the inner glass of the first has a lower temperature, so it condenses faster. Construction errors are as follows:

  1. Improper foaming of cracks.
  2. The appearance of a “cold bridge” - the area where plastic or wood joins the side of the wall with a negative temperature.
  3. Blowing of masonry - appears with the destruction of horizontal or vertical seams between bricks.

If you want to purchase a durable product, it is important to control all stages of window installation. Also, you should not buy a wide window sill. These are the main reasons why windows sweat and cry. It is necessary to identify the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it.

Wooden windows

Wood allows air to pass through better, so condensation appears less on such structures. But if fogging occurs, then to get rid of the problem you need to take into account how they were insulated. To normalize the microclimate in a room with double-glazed windows made of wood, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Remove the seal from the top of the frame and polyurethane foam, look at the condition of the glass. If condensation appears, you must leave the window frame without removing parts until it is completely dry. You can speed up the process by blowing it with a heat gun or a fan with warm air.
  2. Condensation may appear due to improper installation of heating radiators or their poor quality. Windows often sweat and cry because thermal system is far away. To eliminate condensation, you should move it to double-glazed windows.
  3. The tree is considered more sensitive to air flows compared to plastic. Drops on the glass may appear because the door to the room is not closed or the tap is leaking. Such penetration of moisture into the air should be prevented.
  4. Washed clothes that dry on radiators also have a negative effect on windows.
  5. Blackout curtains that darken the room increase the likelihood of condensation.

It should be taken into account that wooden window products are better than PVC, since they form little moisture on the glass. The structure of their surface transmits and evenly distributes heat.

Window Treatment

Why windows “cry” and what to do in this case is of interest to many people. This drawback can be eliminated by regular processing of products:

  1. If possible, you can purchase special means designed to eliminate condensation. When applied, they form an invisible film that repels water. You can buy them in stores household chemicals. Before use, you must study the instructions.
  2. An effective method is treating windows with a saline solution. To do this you will need salt (1 tablespoon) and water (5 liters). The solution must be filtered to remove undissolved crystals. Then you can wipe the window with the product. If streaks or white spots appear after treatment, add a little water to the solution, after which you can wipe the structures again.
  3. A soap solution will do. It will take some water and detergent. A microfiber cloth should be moistened in ready solution, squeeze and process the window. Then you need to wash the window clean water and wipe with a dry cloth.
  4. A solution based on water and alcohol. This method should be used when the house is cold. You need to add a little alcohol. The product is easy to apply, creating protection against moisture.

other methods

Here are some more tips:

  1. You can get rid of condensation with decorative candles. To do this, you need to buy several decorative candles, preferably large ones, light them, and place them on the windowsill. It was noticed that this normalizes air circulation.
  2. The “Second” product is suitable. The liquid should be sprayed onto the problematic structure, and then wiped dry with newspapers.
  3. Fans allow you to normalize air flow. The device must be pointed at the window, and after 10-20 minutes the problem will disappear.
  4. You can rub the windows with a mixture of glycerin and alcohol. The ratio of substances should be 1:10. Just need to wash the windows first warm water, wipe them. After this, you can apply the mixture and leave it without rinsing off.

It is important to monitor the condition of double-glazed windows by following the rules for stabilizing the microclimate. If you neglect the advice, then even on two-chamber and reliable structures condensation appears in winter and at other times of the year. You need to know not only why plastic windows “cry”. How to deal with this - important question. The following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Check ventilation operation regularly.
  2. Ventilate your home for 10-15 minutes every day.
  3. Do not choose single-chamber kits for replacement.
  4. Monitor the thorough foaming of the joint between the frame and the wall and the remaining stages of installation.
  5. Do not choose wide window sills that cover the radiator.
  6. If the double-glazed window has several modes, then change them according to the time of year.
  7. Perform sealing of slopes.
  8. Maintain normal humidity - 45-60%.

As you can see, glass can sweat for various reasons. By following simple rules, you can get rid of condensation. Then the glass will always be clean and beautiful.

By installing plastic windows, we spend a lot of money, but we hope to get warmth, comfort and beauty in the house, especially when the cold season comes. But with the arrival of winter, the windows are suddenly covered with numerous droplets of moisture and you see that the plastic windows are crying, you don’t know what to do. As a result, unnecessary problems only appear: puddles form on the windowsill, dampness appears in the house, and sometimes even worse - mold and mildew on the slopes.

Even if you very carefully wipe the window dry, water will still appear on it, sometimes trickling down onto the new window sill, leaving streaks and small puddles. What can we say, the phenomena are very unpleasant.

Faced with a problem crying windows, many of us are beginning to accuse manufacturing suppliers of deception. That is why it is first of all worth dispelling the myth about the poor quality of products. It’s a paradox, but still, the fact that plastic windows leak is confirmation that they are installed in accordance with all requirements: the windows are completely sealed and reliably protect your home from cold air entering inside. So how can you understand why windows are crying, what is the reason and how to deal with this problem?

There is a widespread belief that only plastic windows get wet, but this does not happen with wooden ones. This is wrong. Any modern window under certain conditions (we will consider them below) they cry, regardless of the material from which they are made - wood or plastic. Of course, Finnish wooden windows, which have double frames, get wet less than, for example, single plastic or wooden Euro-windows. The reason for this is not the binding material at all, but the fact that two-frame structures have higher thermal insulation properties.

Another example can be given: old Soviet wooden windows, unlike the plastic ones that are fashionable today, almost did not leak. However, the material has absolutely nothing to do with it either. If old windows are provided with high-quality seals in the narthex, and all gaps between the window frames and glass are removed, then these old windows will also begin to get wet, and even more so than plastic ones. Why do plastic windows get wet? Why does condensation appear on them?

The formation of condensation on windows is usually caused by a number of reasons. The main reason is increased indoor humidity. In winter, the temperature on the surface of a plastic window drops significantly and often reaches the dew point. Experts call this the temperature at which air, which has a certain initial temperature and relative humidity, can no longer absorb moisture. We encounter dew point every day. For example, when you get out of the shower, you may see that the mirror in the bathroom is completely fogged up, or in winter, when you come from the cold into a warm room, your glasses usually immediately fog up.

Why is there high humidity in the room? There are many reasons for this. Moisture is always released in the kitchen during cooking, when drying and washing clothes, taking a shower or hot bath, using the toilet. Indoor plants located on the windowsill or an aquarium in the room are also sources of moisture. The person himself, moreover, usually releases about 50 g of water per hour when breathing.

In addition, the cause of condensation on plastic windows may be as follows:

  • carrying out construction work or apartment renovations using wet processes such as painting walls with water-based paints, plastering work, wallpapering walls, whitewashing ceilings, etc.;
  • various redevelopments in the house, which were independently carried out by the residents without taking into account design standards, in violation existing system ventilation, as well as the demolition of interior partitions.


Often the reason why there is condensation on plastic windows is incorrect or faulty ventilation in the house. In apartments, ventilation systems are arranged in the following way: exhaust hood in the bathroom or toilet, as well as in the kitchen. Over time, the hood can simply become clogged with debris, which often accumulates here, and fail. In addition, plastic windows have a very high degree of tightness, and this prevents street air from entering the room. As a result, the heat exchange in the room changes sharply - the stagnant air of an unventilated room comes into contact with the cooled glass of the window, on which condensation forms.

This problem arises especially acutely in rooms with increased activity. First of all, such premises include the kitchen. This is where many multifunctional household appliances are located, in addition, it is often located next to the bathroom. In such areas it is clear why plastic windows leak.

Residents of the upper floors of houses often face a problem, since dirty, humid air penetrates through the ventilation openings from the apartments below. Of course, on the first floors, windows also often leak, since dirty air comes from the basement or through the floor slabs. To avoid strong condensation on plastic windows, you just need to equip ventilation holes in the apartment there are forced ventilation fans with check valve. In fact, houses that were built according to SNiPs of the USSR are designed so that air flow into the premises will be carried out through cracks in the windows (the principle supply and exhaust ventilation). Sealed plastic windows practically do not allow air to pass through, making natural air flow impossible. Because of this, moisture accumulates in the apartment, which later falls as condensation on PVC windows, and in severe frost aluminum frame Ice forms.


The system plays a very important role in the problem of condensation. central heating. Radiators must be in good working order and quite powerful. In another case, the apartment may have insufficient heat transfer and low temperature. Batteries must be located strictly under the window. It should be borne in mind that heating radiators perform very important function- they heat the window opening. If you install window sills above the heating radiator that are too wide, this may impede the convection of warm air from the radiator, and therefore the moisture content will increase. Make sure that the radiators are not cluttered with foreign objects. Often, curtains and curtains in apartments touch the window sill, which is why there is no air flow to the window opening. sufficient quantity warm air.

How to deal with condensation on windows?

The best way to resist the formation of condensation on plastic windows is to achieve uniform distribution of humidity and air temperature in the room. According to sanitary and hygienic standards, optimal temperature the air should not be lower than twenty degrees Celsius, and the relative humidity should not be higher than 45%.

When the windows cry, what should you do with the room? Do not forget to ventilate it regularly, at least three times a day. It is worth noting that in winter period, it is better not to use micro-ventilation mode. To avoid freezing window fittings, as well as hypothermia of the slopes, it is better to open the window completely for about 5-6 minutes. This time is enough to remove all excess moisture from the room, while the heat will not have time to escape from the room.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oak0zSRCzIQ Video can"t be loaded: Fighting condensation on plastic windows (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oak0zSRCzIQ)

If you are just planning to install plastic windows, choose window frames with the thickest possible profile to reduce deepening. You will lose, or rather, not gain, just a couple of centimeters of the window sill, but you will definitely have much less hassle. In addition, it is worth ordering triple rather than double glazing. A double one with one additional glass would also be suitable. In this case, you will have absolute sound insulation, and the glass will not freeze even in forty-degree frost.

If you already have plastic windows installed, then the problem when the windows are leaking, what to do, can only be solved with the help forced ventilation. In other words, it is necessary to somehow organize air exchange in the window niche.

How to do it? Below are some simple ways

Method 1 - romantic (very simple and cheap)

In winter, when it's very very coldy, place several candlesticks with slowly burning candles on the windowsill, as close to the glass as possible. Thick decorative candles are best. For the whole winter, just a couple of candles on the window will be enough for you. The costs are small, but the results are very significant. Of course, the point here is not the heat that you receive when the candle burns, but the convection of air that is formed during the combustion process. In addition, a candle is very useful for plants on the windowsill, since it circulates carbon dioxide for them, and, as is known, for indoor flowers- This is a favorite delicacy.

Method 2 - advanced

If there are no plants on the windowsill, and you are a fan of witty technical solutions and like to make things with your own hands, then try making convection screens. These are narrow plates that transport warm air from the radiator to the window niche. The plate should be fixed at an angle of 30-60 degrees to the window sill. This will force some of the warm air towards the glass. If you show some imagination, such screens can easily be turned into original decorative items. It is worth noting that this is a rather labor-intensive method.

Method 3 is the easiest

Almost everyone at home has fans. As a rule, they work only 3-4 months a year when it is hot. But during the cold season, they can be used again for their intended purpose, because in the window niche you just need to create any air movement. So you can just install minimum intensity airflow and, if possible, install the fan in such a way that it blows air across several windows at the same time.

Method 4 - chemical

Buy any anti-fog aerosol at an auto cosmetics store that is used to treat car windows to prevent them from getting wet. Treat your apartment windows with this aerosol. Be sure to thoroughly wash and dry the window first, and then apply an anti-fog agent to it. This will slightly reduce the dew point of the glass. True, this method cannot radically solve the problem. In addition, such aerosols are quite expensive and contain many specific chemical compounds and substances.

Method 5 - exotic

Place a thin conductive film or foil around the perimeter of the window and apply low voltage (approximately 12-24 volts) to it. It will warm up the part of the window that is most susceptible to freezing. In other words, make glass with electric heating, like in a car.

So, if you carefully ensure that the technology for installing plastic windows is fully complied with, choose a high-quality design, and then constantly monitor the level of humidity in the apartment, then you will definitely never see excess moisture flowing through your plastic windows again.

Relatively recently appeared in our apartments, at first they created a real sensation. After all, their advantages, such as excellent sound and heat insulation, beautiful appearance, ease of maintenance, no need for regular repairs and seasonal insulation, were obvious to everyone. However, it soon became clear that their main property - tightness - is at the same time a big drawback, since it is precisely because of it that plastic windows “cry”. What to do? There are several answers to this question, but before moving on to them, you should understand why they inner surface condensation forms.

What causes fogging of PVC windows

According to experts, in 99% of cases, plastic windows “cry”, since after their installation the room turns into a hermetically sealed “jar”, ​​where there is no ventilation that allows fresh air get into the room, and the waste one leaves it. In addition, water vapor emitted by residents and indoor plants, as well as resulting from household activities, is not removed from the apartment.

Why didn't wooden windows sweat?

Most often, those who have installed plastic windows in their apartments consider them to be “to blame” for the increased humidity in the apartment. How else? After all, condensation did not form on wooden windows or appeared extremely rarely and in small quantities. The fact is that the old-style frames had many small slots, which, together with the hood connected to a special shaft, formed a ventilation system that did not allow exhaust air and vapors to stagnate in the room. Thus, today, by replacing wooden windows with more airtight ones, owners are disrupting ventilation, and plastic windows are “crying.” This is completely inevitable, unless, of course, additional measures are taken. In addition, sometimes double-glazed windows are not blown with hot air from radiators, which would prevent the formation of condensation. The reason is that the window sill is too wide or the presence of “wrong” curtains and other objects that disrupt the natural convection in the room.

“Tears” on a double-glazed window as a result of poor-quality installation and design flaws

Are your plastic windows “crying”? What to do depends on the cause of this phenomenon. For example, sometimes it can be caused by non-compliance with technology at the window production stage or incorrect installation. Therefore, if you are sure that everything is in order with ventilation and heating in your house, and your windows are “under warranty,” then it makes sense to call the specialists from the company from which you purchased them and ask them to check if everything is in order . By the way, if plastic windows “cry” (what to do will be discussed below) from the inside, then this is, as a rule, the result of a defect, or rather, insufficient tightness of the double-glazed window, and you can safely demand that they be replaced.

The two easiest ways to get rid of window tears

Does the above mean that you should not install double-glazed windows in your home? Everyone makes this decision themselves, comparing all the advantages and disadvantages of both options, as well as familiarizing themselves with the methods of getting rid of condensation on their inner surface. For example, the most the easy way To get rid of fogging of PVC windows is to regularly ventilate the premises. It can be done either by installing the handle on the frame in the ventilation position (if this is provided for by the design of a particular model), or by opening the windows for 5 minutes every 2-3 hours. It should be understood that the second option will lead to large heat losses and is not suitable for those who disappear all day at work. As already mentioned, one of the reasons why plastic windows “cry” is poor convection. To eliminate it, it is enough to make several holes in the window sill, allowing warm air heat the glass and lower the “dew point”, and you should, at least in the cold season, abandon curtains and shutters mounted directly on the frame.

Why plastic windows “cry”: what to do (photo)

In addition to those mentioned above, there are more radical measures that require some financial costs. For example, those who are interested in why plastic windows “cry” (you already know what to do so that the window sill does not interfere with convection) have probably seen photos in which oblong devices of unknown purpose are installed on window frames. These are ventilation valves that provide ventilation of rooms without human intervention. Moreover, there are models that operate autonomously and do not require power supply. The only thing you need to do to ensure that the valve works as it should is to check and, if necessary, clean and repair the exhaust ventilation in the apartment. Moreover, there are models that can be installed on an already installed PVC window.

Why plastic windows “cry”: what to do (reviews of measures)

Despite everything, it should be recognized that double-glazed windows have a lot of advantages. Therefore, having found out why plastic windows “cry”, many do not refuse to install them, but take the necessary measures to eliminate the shortcomings. Judging by the reviews, installing valves can quite effectively cope with the formation of condensation on windows and does not interfere with the sound insulation of the premises. In addition, such devices have a low cost, which makes them accessible to everyone.

Some apartment owners prefer to solve the problem high humidity by installing split systems. This is a good, but expensive option. In this case, you should make sure that the selected air conditioner model has the necessary function of drying the air if its humidity exceeds certain values.

How to choose the “right” plastic window

In order to not have to wonder after renovating your apartment why plastic windows are “crying”, what to do and who to contact, it is better to immediately install a model that will not be subject to condensation. First of all, it is better that it comes with a built-in ventilation valve so that you don’t have to install such a device later. Experts also recommend giving preference to two-chamber models, which are less susceptible to condensation in the edge zones, and checking whether a micro-ventilation function is provided. In general, you should immediately refuse to purchase a double-glazed window if the warranty on it is less than 5 years.

Now you know why plastic windows “cry”. You also already know what to do, all that remains is to choose a good exhaust valve and take advantage of all the benefits of double-glazed windows.

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For many people, the installation of plastic windows ends the period of constant problems with windows, their annual puttying and painting. In addition, most people who have established quality windows PVC, are deprived of such an annual process as sealing cracks on window frames. And this is great, but for some who have installed metal-plastic windows, the problems only begin when the winter cold comes. Suddenly, people notice that their wonderful window is leaking, or rather, it is not the process itself that is visible, but puddles that suspiciously quickly appear on the windowsill. As a supplement to the material, let us draw your attention to painting the walls in the interior, because professional painting can decorate your home beyond recognition, find out more on the website http://decoration-of-space.ru/.

What to do in this situation? Many people shout “Guard!” and call a specialist, who meaningfully rubs his chin and says that you yourself have chosen the wrong type of window, or the wrong profile manufacturer. And if you immediately turned to him, he would probably advise you of a window that would never leak. After which, he takes money from you for the call and consultation, and quickly retreats before you come to your senses. As funny as it may seem, the scenario of actions of many “masters” is approximately the same.

But there is another approach: Many good companies As a rule, these are PVC window manufacturers who themselves offer the PVC window design that is most suitable for you, with which there will be no such problems in the future. You can buy plastic windows here without fear that after installation they will forget about you and pretend that they are seeing you for the first time.

Why do PVC windows leak?

First of all, let's figure out what could be causing a window to leak. The first reason is a loose fit window sash to the frame. The second reason for leaking PVC windows is a roughened sealing gum. True, this problem usually arises after several years of operation. metal-plastic windows, and even then not for everyone. The third, and probably the most basic reason for the appearance of puddles of water on your windowsill is fogging and freezing of the windows.

Eliminating the causes of leaks with your own hands

A loose fit or misalignment of the window sash can be quickly eliminated with your own hands without the help of specialists. To do this, you need to turn the adjusting screw, which is located in the top and bottom loop, clockwise or, conversely, for the most correct location window sash. Important! The top screw on the awning allows the upper part of the window to move, and the screw on the lower awning allows the lower part to move.

It happens that due to the loss of elasticity of the sealing gum, it greatly loses in volume and a gap forms between it and the window sash. This can be eliminated by adjusting the clamping mechanism. The pressure of the PVC window sash is adjusted by a special mechanism. At the end of the window, in its upper and lower parts, there are eccentric pins, by turning which you can adjust the pressure. They look like small metal oval cylinders. Important! By turning towards the inner surface of the window, the clamping force is adjusted, and in the other direction - to loosen the clamping force.

Sometimes it happens that sealing rubber the window has burst, and there is no way to press the sash against it. In this case, the seal is replaced. The replacement procedure is as follows: Initially, we buy a sufficient amount of the same seal. This can be done in construction stores or in companies specializing in the production of PVC windows. Then we remove the old sealing cord from the special groove in the window. We carefully clean the groove from the remains of old sealing rubber and dirt.

On next stage We insert the new seal into the groove along the entire perimeter, and carefully glue its ends together. Important! When installing rubber into the window groove, do not stretch or compress the sealing cord. The microclimate in your room depends on the quality of its installation.

The problem of the formation of puddles on window sills due to fogging of plastic windows is the most difficult. She demands integrated approach. But, in domestic conditions, you can combat fogging by improving the ventilation of the room. It is also enough to slightly reduce the air humidity and the problem will, if not completely solved, then be sufficiently reduced.