DIY gasoline burner drawings. Design and operation of a homemade gasoline burner. Parameters and materials required for work

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The advantage of a gasoline burner over a gas burner

  • If you have to use air transport services, you won’t be able to transport a gas cylinder. This is prohibited by the rules. On the other hand, fuel for a gasoline burner is not difficult to obtain locally. Gasoline fuel is much more affordable than purchasing gas cylinders.
  • As the gas reserve in the cylinder is consumed, performance deteriorates gas burner. This does not happen with gasoline.
  • If you find yourself far from civilization, then it is possible to get gasoline, but purchasing a gas cylinder is very unlikely.
  • Gasoline burners are characterized by relative compactness and low weight. This allows you to conveniently carry them in a backpack.

Ability to work at low temperatures

Where there is rarefied air or at low temperatures, a gasoline burner works flawlessly, while a gas burner will either work poorly or not at all.

Gasoline torches for soldering and everything connected with them

The gasoline soldering (smelting) apparatus is designed to form a gasoline-air combustible mixture. A gasoline torch for soldering and melting metal runs on a gasoline mixture. These burners offer convenient flame adjustment using a rotary tap located on the handle.

Advantages of the device


  • The device is portable;
  • Low weight of the device;
  • Ease of use;
  • High-quality result upon completion of soldering (melting).

Gas burner device


  • Gasoline tank;
  • Air compressor;
  • Gasoline hoses;
  • Burner.

Please note that torches and hoses, as a rule, are not included in the kit for gasoline soldering. In this regard, the purchase of these elements is made separately

Do-it-yourself gasoline torch for soldering

Purchasing a ready-made gas burner is not always possible (for various reasons). In this case, it will be useful to know that you can make a gasoline torch for soldering yourself. Note that homemade gasoline devices are no worse than purchased ones. A DIY device is just as effective.

If you bring a lit match to the spout of a gasoline burner, you will be able to see a fire instantly flare up. Steady combustion of gasoline will continue for five minutes (+/-2 minutes). The flame temperature at its tip will reach more than 1000° C.

Note that with such a burner you can easily melt hard solders and perform heat treatment small tool, melt various metals, solders, and even soften glass.

There is no need to make many parts of a homemade gas burner, since they can be borrowed from other things. For example, homemade parts such as a rubber bulb can be made from a spray bottle.

The homemade burner device contains:

  • Frame;
  • Sleeve with hook;
  • A tube;
  • Emphasis;
  • Pen;
  • Rubber ring;
  • Balloon;
  • Pen;
  • Rubber bulb;
  • Filler.


  1. The burner body can be turned on a lathe. As a material for the manufacture of this important detail Any grade of steel can be used. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the body of the part is composite (one end is open, and the other is closed with a plug). There is a hole in the plug, the diameter of which is 0.1 millimeters larger than the outer diameter of the tube. With this quality, the body can move along the tube quite tightly, while maintaining a tight seal.
  2. Inside the housing it is necessary to install a ring made of metal mesh and slag-like.
  3. Next, you need to make a sleeve with a hook and a stop. You can use a steel sheet for this.
  4. The burner handle, which is essential for a gasoline device, is carved from beech or oak.
  5. The holes for the tubes (2 pcs.) are drilled very carefully. Thus, the axes of the holes should be strictly parallel. The finished handle is sanded and then coated with several layers of colorless varnish.
  6. Next, it is necessary that the end of the tube, which is passed inside the body, forms a nozzle. If you have PMTs-54 hard solder (adheres well to steel), try to solder the end of the tube with it, and then drill a 0.2 millimeter (diameter) hole along the axis of the tube. You can make your own solder. It must be said that solder consists of copper and zinc. In order to get zinc, you can use cups from an old electric battery. You need to empty the glass of its contents and then heat it over the fire. Next, you need to lower it into cold water, and then into a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. A clean glass is cut into pieces with scissors. Thus, we obtain zinc. Now it's up to copper. To do this, do the following: take copper wire; anneal it on fire; Finely cut the wire using scissors. Now you can pour pieces of copper and zinc into the crucible, maintaining equal proportions, after which you need to sprinkle with borax. Metals can be fused using a burner. After this, you will need to cool the resulting block and secure it in a vice. Then use a hog file to file it on all sides. The resulting sawdust must be mixed with borax.

Homemade gasoline burners like these will work great if done correctly. Please note: if you do not have enough experience in working with flammable materials, it is advisable to use commercial gasoline burners.


Do you need a gasoline torch when fishing?

  • A very interesting question, since a gasoline burner has a certain weight and takes up some useful space. When you go fishing, every kilogram counts excess weight. Many people, when going fishing in the summer, do without gasoline burners, since they can light a fire without any problems. But not everyone is always lucky and there are situations when it is impossible to light a fire, especially in bad weather conditions. If wooden branches are very wet, they will not catch fire without additional effort and equipment. Having a gasoline burner will help you light a fire without much difficulty, even if the branches are wet. In addition, you can heat a kettle of water or cook food on a gasoline burner.
  • There is another situation when fishing is carried out before dark and no one wants to light a fire because of fatigue. In this case, it’s easier to use a burner to quickly cook dinner, even if it’s late.
  • When cold and wet weather has set in for a long time, a gasoline burner will always help out and you won’t have to think about what to cook tea or food with.

Do-it-yourself gasoline burner for melting

Parameters and materials required for work

Purchasing a new gas or gasoline burner is not always possible due to the relative high cost of the device, while used devices may not bring the expected result due to the presence of hidden defects or breakdowns. For this reason, many men prefer to make a high-quality and inexpensive device with their own hands. As mentioned earlier, even an unprofessional welder can build a gasoline burner for smelting with his own hands at home, saving a lot of money and not spending much time on it.

If you bring a pre-lit match to a homemade gasoline burner, the fire should flare up instantly and ensure a steady burning of gasoline for 3-7 minutes. The flame temperature should be more than a thousand degrees. With such a device, without any difficulties, it will be possible to melt various solders (including hard ones) and metals, soften glass, and also perform various types of heat treatment on all kinds of small-sized tools.

To make your own gasoline torch for soldering and welding, you will need following materials: body, handle, sleeve, hook, stop, tube balloon, rubber ring, rubber bulb and filler.

Many of the above parts of the device do not need to be made independently - they can be easily borrow from other tools. For example, a spray bottle will replace a rubber bulb.

Step-by-step process for making a gasoline burner

The body for the future gasoline device is turned using a lathe, using steel from absolutely any manufacturer.

It should be remembered that the body of this important part must be constructed as a composite, so that one end remains open and the other closed with a plug. In the latter you need to make a hole with a diameter 0.1 mm larger than the outer diameter of the tube

Thanks to this nuance, the housing will move quite tightly within the tube, but will retain the necessary tightness.

A ring made of slag wool or metal mesh is also installed inside the housing.

The next step is to make the stop and bushing with the hook, which will require a steel sheet. Then you need to cut a handle for a gasoline burner from oak or beech.

Next we need to prepare the tube. To do this, you need to very carefully drill two holes so that they are strictly parallel to each other. The finished handle is treated with special sandpaper and then coated clear varnish in 3–4 layers.

The last step in making your own gasoline torch for welding and soldering is preparing the tube. The end of this element must be passed through the middle of the body so that it forms a nozzle. Using hard solder PMTs-54, which interacts well with steel, you should solder the end of the tube, and then drill a hole with a diameter of 0.2 mm along its axis.

Solder, if desired, can also be made independently from zinc and copper.

To create copper, you need to take copper wire, burn it and cut it with scissors. To create zinc, you will need a glass from a regular electric battery, which must be emptied of its contents and calcined over a fire. Then The glass is placed in cold water and a weak solution of hydrochloric acid, after which they are cut into small pieces with scissors.

Next, you need to combine pieces of zinc and copper, pour them into the crucible in equal proportions, and sprinkle them with borax. The fusion of these metals occurs directly on the burner. The resulting block is cooled, secured in a vice and leveled with a file, while collecting sawdust and mixing it with borax.

Advantages of a gasoline soldering machine

The operating principle of a gasoline soldering torch is based on the formation of a flammable gasoline-air mixture. Such devices are quite convenient to use. thanks to the ability to regulate the flame. To do this, they are equipped with a special rotary tap on the handle.

The main advantages of the unit:

  • compact, easy-to-use equipment that allows you to carry out jewelry work;
  • such a device is lightweight, which also facilitates soldering of products;
  • high quality of work performed;
  • This tool is very easy to use.

Making a soldering device using gasoline at home is very simple. Moreover, such a homemade unit in its own way operational characteristics will not be inferior to the factory product.

Attention, TODAY only!

Features of use

Homemade gasoline burners generally produce a small flame, so they can also be used in closed space, for example, inside a tent. The fire is not enough to cook a full dinner and heat the tent throughout the night, but you can always heat up food, boil water and warm up a little before going to bed.

Using a homemade gasoline burner, monitor the degree of blockage. To ensure that the holes become less clogged and the equipment operates smoothly, it is better to use gasoline with a high octane number as fuel. Special additives can also solve problems with burner clogging.

Remember: to prevent the device from letting you down at the most inopportune moment, immediately after use you should clean all the holes for the release of the air-gasoline mixture.

Never start making a homemade gasoline burner if you do not have experience in this field. Improperly assembled equipment is a fire hazard and can cause serious fires and death.

Homemade gasoline equipment is in no way inferior to a store-bought device in some respects. At the same time, you can make a simple disposable device from scrap materials, but for more serious equipment you will have to buy consumables in the store.

If you often go hiking and fishing, it would be preferable to purchase a device in a store rather than laboring over making or cleaning it every time. At the same time, the device will become a real godsend in extreme field conditions, when you urgently need to warm up or cook food.


Currently, they are quite widely represented by three main manufacturers: Primus, Kovea, MSR. There are others. For example, once there were French Camping Gaz burners on sale, there were Coleman ones, but they are becoming less and less common. Why don’t they “carry” them to us? It's a pity.


It does not take much time to prepare the burner for use. You just need to connect it to a gas cylinder, turn the power regulator (also known as the gas supply to the nozzle), light it either with a match or with a piezo ignition - and that’s it. Prepare tea, porridge, borscht or just warm up. Works this type burners extremely reliable, so they can also be used in tent, the main thing is not to knock over the device and not set the tent on fire. In addition, there is nothing particularly broken in a gas burner, which means it will serve for a long time and with high quality. Of course, if you don’t want to intentionally break it or take it apart into parts and then try to put it back together like a Lego set. The gas burner operates, unlike a gasoline burner, and is unusually quiet - this is also a plus. Try talking to a friend when a petrol Schmelenger is running - you’ll understand everything yourself.


The most important thing (no matter how funny it is) is that this product runs on gas. After all, you can’t buy a gas cylinder everywhere. For a long trip, you should have a sufficiently large supply of gas - and this means both volume and weight. In winter, gas consumption is hike is approximately one cylinder for three to four people. The price of a cylinder (470 grams) is about 8 dollars. And you should have several cylinders. In addition, they are prohibited from being transported on trains. Of course, there are no problems on our trains. But, for example, when crossing the border, there can be significant incidents, about 30-50 “bucks” (border guards and customs officers have a game: who can shake out the most backpacks tourists prohibited from transporting things). And finally, if we are talking about winter equipment, then the worst enemy of a gas burner is frost. The gas in the cylinder has a habit of freezing (and burns poorly even at a temperature of -5 degrees), the burner is reluctant to work or may even say “sorry, Vasya, but today is not your day.”


Competition among manufacturing companies has led to the fact that not all cylinders are suitable for the burner. So there are three types of fastenings: threaded, collet and, so to speak, “Korean standard”. Once upon a time, there were also disposable cylinders for sale for specific burners - they had holes! A very smart decision from a marketers point of view. The burner itself cost a penny, and the cylinders also (about two dollars), but over the course of a year it was quite a tidy sum. You should buy only those cylinders that are suitable for mounting specifically to your burner, or to the one you plan to use.

There are also some nuances here. Some tourist burners are mounted on top of the cylinder, others are connected with a hose. The first ones are compact, lightweight, but work worse in the cold. You can't put a too big boiler on them. And imagine the design: a cylinder twenty centimeters high, a burner connected to it - another five to seven centimeters, and a boiler with water, well, at least two liters. And this whole “tower” is in a tent, and you and your comrades are in the corners

Careless movement and... everything you prepared there has to be collected from the floor, sleeping bags and other equipment.

Therefore, a hose connection is more convenient in this sense, but, as already mentioned, the weight is greater, and the dimensions are correspondingly larger, although not by much

It works better in the cold, since you can heat up the gas cylinder by bringing it a little closer to the flame of the burner itself or simply placing it on a boiler that has already warmed up. But this should be done carefully so that the cylinder itself does not explode or the boiler does not overturn. This burner should not be used in a tent without some kind of stand. Firstly, the device gets very hot, and you can be left not only without your favorite rug, but without a tent at all. Secondly, this way the burner will stand straighter. The stand can be a simple sheet thin plywood or asbestos.


On each cylinder of any production it is written that it is disposable and cannot be refilled. From the manufacturer's point of view, this is true. But our tourists don’t think so. They have refilled the cylinders, are refilling them and, perhaps, will continue to refill them. What can you do, the breadth of our man’s soul is limitless, but not so much as to buy a new cylinder every time. But! The manufacturer is not responsible for accidents occurring during or after. Therefore, decide for yourself, either refill or not risk it.

Making a homemade burner

To make the body of a homemade gas burner for fishing, you will need lathe. Steel can be taken from different manufacturers. This structural element must be composite, that is, one end is made open and the other is closed with a plug. To do this, a hole is made in the metal, inner diameter it is made 0.1 mm larger from the outer one. The housing will be able to move tightly along the tube while maintaining a good seal.

Main stages of device manufacturing

  • A strong mesh of metal or slag wool is taken, a ring is made, which is fixed inside the housing.
  • You need to make a sleeve equipped with a hook, a stop from a durable sheet of steel.
  • The handle for the multi-fuel burner is cut from wood (beech, oak).
  • Two holes for the tube are carefully drilled in parallel in the body.
  • The surface of the finished structure is cleaned with sandpaper and opened 3-4 times with colorless varnish.
  • The final stage is preparing the tube. The end of the part is passed through the middle of the body (this allows the formation of a nozzle). The end of the tube is soldered using PMTs-54 hard solder. A hole (0.2 mm in diameter) is drilled along the axis of the tube.

For your information! If desired, you can make the solder yourself. This requires zinc and copper.

  • In the first case, take a glass from a standard electric battery, pre-clean it, and harden it with fire. It is placed for cooling in a container with a liquid consisting of cold water and a weakly concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid. After such processing, the cup is cut into separate small pieces.
  • The second option involves the use of copper wire. It is first fired and then cut into small pieces using scissors.

After such preparation, pieces of copper and zinc are combined in equal proportions, placed in a crucible, and sprinkled with borax. An alloy of metals is performed using a torch. The workpiece is cooled, firmly fixed in a vice, and leveled with a file. The sawdust formed during the work is mixed with borax.

Gasoline blow torch

A gasoline burner is designed for the process of high-quality fastening (soldering) together of metal components of a single structure using molten metal. The solder used for soldering has a solid physical state and can be either low-melting or refractory.

Work with a refractory alloy is carried out exclusively with burners.

Design and principle of operation

When purchasing a gas torch for metalworking by soldering and welding, you should not assume that the kit contains all the elements necessary to organize the work. Since each gas-air burner apparatus has individual drawings, and there are no clearly defined design standards, consider basic (simplified) set of working elements:

  • tank for storing gasoline (fuel);
  • air compressor;
  • gasoline blow torch;
  • gas-resistant hoses providing fuel supply,
  • stand.

A gasoline burner is a heating device in which the combustion process of gasoline converts it into a gaseous state. Combustion occurs in the evaporator, where oxygen is supplied from the air by a nozzle. As a result, a gasoline-air flammable cocktail is formed, a mixture of the combustion product of gasoline and air, which is involved in the soldering process. The rotary tap located on the handle functions as a regulator of the direction and power of the flame.

Bring an open flame source to the nozzle of the working element and you will see an instant flash of a flammable mixture. Stable combustion of fuel will last for 5 minutes (+/-2 minutes). The temperature at the end of the flame reaches 1000° C or more.

Benefits and safety of work

Heating devices for soldering, the initial fuel of which is gasoline, have become widespread in various fields due to their ease of use and thermal performance.

A positive characteristic of the heating device is the ability to operate without preheating.

Advantages of gas burners:

  • relatively small weight and dimensions of the device;
  • portability and ease of use (compared to its gas counterpart);
  • high-quality soldering and welding of metals.

The disadvantage of using the device is the presence of the smell of gasoline in insufficiently ventilated areas. When working with a gas burner, it is prohibited:

  • operate the device as intended if a gasoline leak is detected;
  • do not use as fuel established by the instructions substances;
  • allow the fuel tank to heat up to 500C;
  • refuel while soldering or open the container when the evaporator is not cooled down;
  • Use in closed or unventilated areas.

Application area

Hard-melting solders can easily be soldered with a gas torch and various metals and alloys (brass, bronze, etc.). The unit heat treats (hardens) small tools, is used in artistic woodworking, and even softens glass.

Petrol burner for jewelry - used for melting gold, silver and semi-precious metals. The set of dental equipment also includes a heating device for soldering metal and alloys.

A separate group is represented by tourist burners (primus), they come in gasoline, gas and multi-fuel types.

Clogging (sometimes they also say coking) and cleaning the burner is the most pressing problem that is discussed on most forums for fans of extreme sports. And no wonder - a broken burner, especially during a mountain hike or high-altitude ascent, is a serious nuisance that jeopardizes the entire event. After all, very often it is impossible to find firewood in such an area.

Some smart people urge you not to skimp on white gasoline or even more expensive fuel produced under the brand name of manufacturers that make gasoline burners: MSR, Coleman, etc.

Unfortunately, the problem here is not its high price, but the impossibility of purchasing such fuel in the towns and villages from which most mountaineering and tourist routes begin.

If you are sure that your burner will have to “eat” not only delicacies in the form of fuel purified from additives, follow simple rules that will help minimize the risk of damage to liquid fuel and gasoline burners due to clogging.

  • Choose models with a detachable connection between pump and burner, of course with wrench you can disassemble any burner, but if you do this often, the thread may not hold up;
  • Do not be deceived by manufacturers’ stories about self-cleaning systems; usually they “stick” first and interfere with the operation of the burner;
  • Choose gasoline with the lowest octane number;
  • Additives for injection engines (from STS, WYNN’S) help combat deposits of heavy fractions in the burner channels. They need to be filled at the rate of 150-200 ml per 25 liters of gasoline;
  • Take a spare set of gaskets and other spare parts;
  • Clean the burner after every cooking;
  • The most effective way to clean a gasoline burner is with carburetor cleaner. It can be poured into all burner elements that need cleaning and left for a while. Then rinse the burner again with cleaner, put it back into working position and blow everything with gasoline so that the deposits that have been exfoliated but not removed will fly out.

Well, the most main advice, if the trip is particularly extreme, then a spare tourist gasoline burner will not hurt you.


How to make a mini-burner from improvised materials

The mini-burner will become an indispensable assistant for you on a hike or in any emergency situation. It will take a few minutes to make, but it can serve you well later.

Making your own various fishing accessories has its advantages. The most important thing is that each of the masters receives as a result the apparatus that he needs. At the same time, each of them uses its own spare parts for manufacturing, which correspond to a specific manufacturing method.

Method one

  • To make your first burner you will need two tin cans, which are usually thrown away. To use them for their intended purpose, they are cleaned of dirt and thoroughly washed, and then dried.
  • Take one of the cans and punch 4 holes in its bottom with a nail. The same holes are made on the side of the jar around the entire perimeter.
  • The side of the jar is cut off at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom. The result is the top of the burner.
  • Take a second can and cut it around the entire circumference to the same height.
  • The second part of the can will serve as the bottom of the future burner. A cotton wool is placed on the bottom of the jar, after which the lower part of the burner is covered with the upper one.
  • Gasoline is poured from above through punched holes. As a result, gasoline is retained by the cotton wool, and only the vapors are ignited. The burner can be lit.
  • The design of such a burner is quite simple. Unfortunately, it is also disposable, since after use, you can’t count on using it a second time.

Method two

The second design is more complex, but it is also more practical, since it is not disposable.

What is needed for this:

  • The burner itself will have to be purchased at the store.
  • A car camera is suitable as a compressor. Unfortunately, it needs to be filled with air from time to time to maintain the pressure at the desired level.
  • A 2-liter canister is suitable as a fuel tank, in the lid of which 2 holes are made into which tubes are inserted. One of them should reach the bottom of the canister, and the second - halfway.
  • A transparent one is suitable for the receiver plastic container, which can be tightly closed with a lid. Receiver volume – 10 liters.

Assembly steps:

  • Gasoline is filled about halfway into the fuel tank.
  • It is advisable to install a filter of the simplest design at the compressor inlet. To do this, use a plastic funnel, over which a nylon stocking should be pulled.

How does such a device work?

Air from the compressor is supplied to the receiver, which smoothes out pressure unevenness. After this, it enters the tank with gasoline, as a result of which the flammable mixture of air and gasoline vapor is already displaced from the tank. This mixture falls on the burner, all that remains is to set it on fire.

Method three

For such a product you will need a flat metal jar, pumice stone and a small amount of gasoline.

How to assemble the product.

  • Pumice is packed quite tightly into a metal jar, almost completely.
  • After this, it should be soaked in gasoline. This is done very carefully so that gasoline does not spill. The manufacture of the burner is completed. This burner can provide heat for 15 minutes. You can cook a modest lunch on it or heat a tent in extreme conditions.

Buy or make a gasoline burner yourself

It's easy to buy in a store. Modern industry offers many varieties for sale. However, navigating these opportunities is not easy. The fact is that each variety may have its own specific characteristics.

For example, some brands are too heavy weight so that you can carry them in a backpack. On the other hand, if you come to the fishing spot by car or boat, then heavier and more powerful varieties may suit you.

Another feature of purchased devices is their relatively high price.
For normal operation of purchased devices, you need to use high-quality gasoline.

Now let's talk about homemade devices. There are several options self-made gasoline burners. To do this, they usually take certain previously used parts and use them to make a reliable and efficient device. There are no particular fundamental difficulties encountered in the process of such manufacturing.

The principle of their operation is based on mixing the flow of air and gasoline vapor. This mixture is continuously supplied to the combustion site and, thereby, maintains the combustion of the flame. You can use not only high-quality gasoline as fuel in home-made devices, as for purchased burners, but also ordinary types.

Gasoline burners and liquid fuel burners types, manufacturers, prices

Among the liquid fuel burners on sale today, you can find both models that are well known to tourists and climbers with Soviet experience, as well as new types of burners.

Moreover, the first group is both a “rehash” of the Soviet “Bumblebees” and “Tourist”, the creation of factories in Bishkek (“Dastan”) and Zaporozhye (“Motor Sich Pt-2” and “Motor Sich Pt-3”), and models that have finally reached us, which have become prototypes for the domestic primus tourist "Ogonyok" and "Tourist", which we have already described in detail in one of our materials.

Classification of liquid fuel burners

By fuel type:

  • petrol: petrol 80, petrol "Galosha", special. petrol;
  • liquid fuels: gasoline, kerosene, aviation fuel.

According to the method of increasing pressure in the fuel tank:

  • pumpless (pressure rises by heating);
  • pumping (pressure is pumped up by a pump).

By design:

  • hose (the container with fuel is connected to the burner with a special hose);
  • hoseless (the container is part of the burner itself).

As an example, we can cite some of the most interesting, in our opinion, models.

Pumpless hoseless. The iconic Optimus Svea burner belongs to this family.

The Optimus Svea 123R burner is recognizable as a “tourist’s dream” - the Ogonyok Primus. Quite miniature – 550 g, this tourist petrol burner is an esthete’s dream. It is made of brass and looks like an antique. Some tourists note that the burner is very demanding on the quality of fuel; it runs only on low-octane white gasoline (“Galosh”), fuel with a higher octane number leads to overheating of the burner and its explosion. It costs a little more than 4,000 rubles.

Hoseless pumps. Here we can see the mega-popular “Tourist” prototype from the Optimus company, models from the CIS countries, camping gasoline burners from the Coleman company (the so-called American bumblebees).

Tourist liquid fuel burner Optimus Hiker+, many will recognize it as the “Tourist” Primus, complete with a pump. The burner is of excellent quality and solid weight - more than 1.5 kg, a power of more than 2.8 W and impressive omnivorousness (it even feeds on alcohol). Due to its massiveness, today it is unlikely that anyone will take it to the mountains. Its attractiveness is also reduced by its price - more than 8,000 rubles.

Liquid fuel burner Motor Sich PT3 - Ukrainian comrades either improved the Soviet “Tourist” by adding a pump to it, or Optimus Hiker+, increasing its weight to 2.2 kg. The only good thing about Motor Sich PT3 is the price of 1,700 rubles. For the same amount, they worked on the “Bumblebee” - the result was a Motor Sich PT2 gasoline burner, although some argue that its design was borrowed from Coleman. We don’t know what was borrowed there, but it weighs 1.4 kg, i.e. 2 times heavier than the Coleman indicated above. Maybe despite the fact that she’s terrible on the outside, she’s really okay on the inside?

Gasoline burners “Dastan” and “Dastan in a pot” aka “Bumblebee 2” are a gift from Kyrgyz manufacturers to budget tourists. For 2000 - 2500 rubles. you can buy the good old classic weighing 1.7 kg.

The manufacturer positions the camping gasoline burners Coleman Sportster and Coleman Feather as liquid fuel burners, but according to reviews from tourists, they do not tolerate low-quality fuel, incl. high octane gasoline with additives. Because of them, the generator becomes coked, which then has to be replaced (fortunately, they are on sale). It is also necessary to use a “native” funnel with foam rubber, which acts as a filter, to fill fuel. The weight of these burners is 600 g, the price is from 4700 rubles.

Pump hose. This type of burner is produced by almost all well-known manufacturers: MSR, Primus, Kovea, Optimus. Their cost starts from 4300 rubles, weight from 330 g.

Chinese gasoline burner Fire-Maple TURBO FMS-F5 is the lightest gasoline burner in the world. Its weight is 180 g, and the holders can be adjusted to heat large dishes. Price: from 4300 rub.

DIY gasoline burner

To save money when preparing for a hike, you can try to make a liquid fuel device yourself. As a base, it is enough to use an ordinary tin drink can, in the central part of which several punctures with a diameter of 2-3 mm are made. Similar holes are also made along the entire circumference of the rim of the can at a distance of about 1 cm from each other. In this way, the platform of the future burner is prepared, from where the flame will subsequently flow.

The above part is cut off from the main body of the can with a material allowance of about 3 cm. The bottom of the can is separated, where a piece of cotton wool soaked in liquid fuel is placed. Then both parts of the device are hermetically connected into a single structure.

The operation of a finished homemade burner is as follows. The container is filled about a third with gasoline. The openings on the rim are sprayed with fuel and set on fire. The thin tin base instantly heats up, transferring heat inside. Cotton wool soaked in gasoline actively releases gasoline vapors that support the flame.

Step-by-step manufacturing process

The following is the sequence of operations for manufacturing a gas-air burner:

  • The body is made on a turning or milling machine, on one side it must be open, on the other it must be closed with a plug.
  • A hole is drilled in the plug. Its diameter should exceed the outer diameter of the nozzle by fractions of a millimeter. It should fit tightly.
  • A ring of fine wire mesh is placed inside the housing.
  • A limiter and a bushing with a hook are cut out of a sheet of metal.
  • The handle is made from dense wood.
  • The tube is passed through a hole in the housing so that its end becomes the burner nozzle.
  • The end of the tube is sealed with refractory solder.
  • a 0.2 mm hole is drilled in the solder. You can solder a ready-made jet of suitable diameter into the end of the tube.

Do-it-yourself gasoline burner assembly

You can make refractory solder yourself from finely chopped pieces of copper and zinc. Zinc is taken from the battery glass, crushed and poured with weak hydrochloric acid. Then copper and borax are added. The resulting mixture is calcined in a crucible.

What fuel is suitable for liquid fuel burners?

  • Petrol. The main fuel for burners is the so-called “white gas”

    In the English-speaking environment, also referred to as naphta

    Gasoline with an octane number in the range of 50-54, known among Russian users as “Kalosha” gasoline. Of all the types used in modern industry liquid fuel for portable burners - this is the most flammable and has the highest energy value among them (about 10,200 kcal/kg), which provides it with relatively low consumption. Highly recommended for use by all manufacturers of portable fuel equipment. The advantage of this fuel is also its relatively high prevalence - for domestic purposes it is used as a solvent all over the world. Close in performance properties to “white gas” unleaded gas, which is used to refuel cars. Until recently in English language the phrase white gasoline was also used. Judging by the Russian GOST, all gasoline sold in Russia must be classified as unleaded, but practice shows that it is more advisable to use AI-92 for burners, although everything very much depends on its quality at a particular gas station. The use of leaded gasoline is possible, but only if there are no other types of fuel at hand - its combustion is associated with the evaporation of harmful additives contained in it, as well as rapid pollution working units of the burner.

  • Kerosene. The use of kerosene in burners is also possible, and sometimes even recommended - in terms of its energy value it is very close to "white gas" and unleaded gasoline (about 10,100 kcal/kg), although it is often even easier to find it in household stores. Kerosene, as a rule, has a larger number of chemical impurities compared to Galosh gasoline, which can lead to accelerated contamination of important working components of the burner (nozzles and fuel line). In addition, its combustion is associated with persistent unpleasant smell. It is undesirable to use a light type of kerosene - a white spirit solvent. This fuel burns well and hardly pollutes the burner, but its high penetrating ability can lead to leaks with predictable consequences - from things and products spoiled by the solvent to a fire. Also, white spirit over time destroys the gasket rings in the burner and fuel container, which again can cause fuel leakage. Therefore, it should be used only in situations where no other fuel is available.
  • Diesel fuel. The use of diesel fuel is supported only in some models of liquid fuel burners, which is done to increase the versatility of their use. Examples here include the MSR XGK EX, which includes special nozzles for atomizing diesel fuel. It differs less energy value in comparison with kerosene and refined gasoline - about 9,800 kcal/kg, which leads to significantly higher consumption. The use of diesel fuel is also associated with quite rapid listed species fuel, clogging of burner components. Therefore, manufacturers recommend using it only in emergency cases. Note that diesel fuel, which can be purchased at Russian gas stations and in third world countries, is not of high quality.

Disadvantages of liquid fuel burners

Perhaps the main headache for users of liquid fuel burners is their startup and maintenance. In order to ensure preheating of the burner cup and fuel line, it is necessary to sprinkle them with fuel and set them on fire, which requires a certain skill and special care. Note that this procedure significantly complicates the operation of the burner in difficult weather conditions, when you have to cook either hastily or in the vestibule of a tent. In addition, during the warm-up stage, the burning fuel may become smoky. In hand experienced user The preheating procedure takes at least 2-3 minutes. But such skill is acquired after many attempts. Therefore, the boiling time for one liter of water, which is indicated by the manufacturer, must be considered adjusted for preheating.

A significant disadvantage of any liquid fuel burner is the smell and pollution that its operation is certainly associated with and which can be transmitted to other things in your backpack. So it is better to transport the burner in a separate case or a tight sealed bag.

Oil burner Optimus Nova

Maintenance of liquid fuel burners, as a rule, comes down to cleaning from combustion products that settle on the walls of the fuel line and nozzles, which impairs the passage of fuel through them and leads to uneven operation of the device. Assembling/disassembling and cleaning the burner can cause a lot of inconvenience in the field. Therefore, the simpler the burner design, the better.

Responsible manufacturers produce for their burners special sets, containing both the tools necessary for cleaning and repair, and important spare parts - flame breakers, spacer rings, etc. A repair kit can be produced for a specific burner model, as an example - a repair kit for Primus OmniFuel, or for all model range oil burners from one manufacturer - for example, the Expedition Service Kit from MSR

It is also important that the manufacturer produces and sells separately the most important parts that are most likely to fail. These primarily include pumps and flame spreaders.

The frequency of burner maintenance directly depends on the quality of the liquid fuel you use.

Therefore, let us dwell on its varieties in more detail.

Manufacturing of burners

A gasoline burner is made in several ways, but a beginner in this business should choose the simplest one, which does not require plumbing tools.

First way

Making a burner

Take two empty ones cans from any drink, condensed milk or beer, after cleaning and rinsing with water. After this, you need to wait for the jar to dry thoroughly. In the center of the bottom of the first jar we make 4 punctures using a nail, then the same holes will need to be made along the entire perimeter of the rim of the jar. This will be our blank for the future burner, from which a flame will burst out during operation. This part should be cut off from the can so that the length of the side is 3 centimeters. Household scissors are quite suitable for this, since the thin tin used for such cans can be easily cut with any sharp object.

The bottom of the second can should also be cut off, but this must be done carefully so that nicks do not form, otherwise you will have to use sandpaper or a file.

A piece of cotton wool, previously soaked in gasoline, should be placed at the bottom of the burner, and then covered with the upper part so that it acts as a sealed lid. If the parts do not touch tightly, then strips of tin that remain from the cut can can be inserted into the cracks.

Using the burner is as follows: pour gasoline on top part burners, where 4 holes were made so that it hits the rim, which also has holes, and set it on fire. The thin sheet will instantly heat up, transfer heat to the cotton wool soaked in gasoline, vapors will begin to emit from it and will support the flame.

The last step is to make the supports on which the cooking pot will be located. To do this, you can use two steel rods, which are bent in a U shape and dug into the ground parallel to each other. When preparing food, you must ensure that the pot is stable so that it does not tip over.

A gasoline burner made using this method will be a disposable device, since tin cans are unlikely to be useful for the next time.

Second way

Unlike the first method, such a gasoline burner will be more complex to manufacture, but also more reliable, durable and durable.

Gasoline burner with gearbox

To make it yourself, you will need:

  • Compressor - you can use a car inner tube from a truck, which will need to be inflated from time to time, or a compressor from an old refrigerator.
  • Receiver - a plastic canister with a volume of up to 10 liters, with a tight stopper, preferably translucent, is suitable for it.
  • Fuel tank - use a 2-liter metal tank, into the lid of which two tubes should be soldered - a short and a long one, the latter should be lowered to the bottom of the tank.
  • Burner - you can make it yourself or buy a ready-made one at a hardware store.

The DIY manufacturing process is as follows:

  • Fill the fuel tank with purified gasoline, no more than half the capacity.
  • Place the simplest filter at the compressor inlet. It can be made from a funnel onto which a piece of nylon stocking or tights is stretched.

The operation of the burner is carried out by pumping air by a compressor, entering it under pressure into the receiver, in which pulsations of air pressure are smoothed out. After this, the air is sent to the fuel tank, where it is mixed with gasoline vapors. The resulting gas mixture enters the burner. The intensity of the flame can be adjusted using a special screw, which, as a rule, is always present on the burner.

Third way

Homemade camping burner

To create this type of gasoline burner with your own hands, you will need:

  • A flat metal jar - this can be a container for cream or canned food.
  • Pumice.
  • Petrol.

The mechanism of such a burner is simple and does not require much effort. To create it, you need to place pumice in the container as tightly as possible, and then pour a small amount of fuel on top. This must be done very carefully so that the liquid is absorbed into the pumice and does not splash out of the jar. Due to the presence of pumice in the jar, the flame will burn for about 15 minutes, since due to its porous structure it will act as a fuel distributor.

This design will help not only in cooking, but also for heating a small room, for example, a garage, camping tent or shed. To heat food, you should additionally build a stand for dishes; this can be done from wire, stones or other material. The main thing is that the dishes are stable.

Anti-clogging care for liquid fuel camping burners

Clogging (sometimes they also say coking) and cleaning the burner is the most pressing problem that is discussed on most forums for fans of extreme sports. And no wonder - a broken burner, especially during a mountain hike or high-altitude ascent, is a serious nuisance that jeopardizes the entire event. After all, very often it is impossible to find firewood in such an area.

Some smart people urge you not to skimp on white gasoline or even more expensive fuel produced under the brand name of manufacturers that make gasoline burners: MSR, Coleman, etc.

Unfortunately, the problem here is not its high price, but the impossibility of purchasing such fuel in the towns and villages from which most mountaineering and tourist routes begin.

In theory, you can, of course, bring it with you, but only if you’re traveling by train, you can’t bring liquid fuel on a plane, just like gas tourist cylinders

And what can I say - an important competitive advantage and a common reason for purchasing gasoline and liquid fuel burners is the availability of liquid fuel and the possibility of using its different options. Gas stations are everywhere, although gasoline varies in quality.

And you never know how many accidents happen in the mountains (an example of this is the emergency that happened to us during the climb to Mongun-Taiga), when we have to be content with the fuel that we can get.

If you are sure that your burner will have to “eat” not only delicacies in the form of fuel purified from additives, follow simple rules that will help minimize the risk of damage to liquid fuel and gasoline burners due to clogging.

  • Choose models with a detachable connection between the pump and the burner; of course, you can disassemble any burner with a wrench, but if you do this often, the thread may not hold up;
  • Do not be deceived by manufacturers’ stories about self-cleaning systems; usually they “stick” first and interfere with the operation of the burner;
  • Choose gasoline with the lowest octane number;
  • Additives for injection engines (from STS, WYNN’S) help combat deposits of heavy fractions in the burner channels. They need to be filled at the rate of 150-200 ml per 25 liters of gasoline;
  • Take a spare set of gaskets and other spare parts;
  • Clean the burner after every cooking;
  • The most effective way to clean a gasoline burner is with carburetor cleaner. It can be poured into all burner elements that need cleaning and left for a while. Then rinse the burner again with cleaner, put it back into working position and blow everything with gasoline so that the deposits that have been exfoliated but not removed will fly out.

Well, the most important piece of advice is that if the trip is particularly extreme, then a spare petrol tourist burner will not hurt you.

Dmitry Ryumkin, especially for

Advantages of liquid fuel burners

  • Weight. Weight savings are achieved through portable fuel on long routes. The total weight of gas cylinders exceeds the weight of liquid fuel required for long-term autonomous operation of the burner. At the same time, empty cylinders weigh a lot and you will have to carry them with you all the time, and later take care of proper disposal. The appearance of boilers with a radiator soldered to the bottom only strengthened this advantage. Today, the tandem “liquid fuel burner + boiler with heat exchanger” is one of the most energy-efficient and reliable options for a field kitchen for long-term autonomous expeditions of groups of tourists.
  • Stability at work. The pressure in the fuel tank is created and maintained by the user himself, which ensures stable operation of the burner under operating conditions at negative temperatures regardless of the amount of fuel in the tank. The pressure in the gas cylinder, on the contrary, drops as the fuel is released, as well as when exposed to low temperatures, which leads to unstable operation of the burner.
  • Fuel prevalence- cars are fueled with unleaded gasoline, and kerosene and gasoline "Galosha" are actively used for domestic purposes, especially in third world countries and in geographically remote areas. Considering that the transportation of gas cylinders and flammable liquids on airplanes is prohibited, this advantage of liquid fuel burners becomes the main one for many tourists.
  • Fuel price. The price of liquid fuel is significantly lower than gas cylinders of comparable volume.

Pictured is the MSR Whisperlite International Emily Polar burner,

Choosing a tourist burner

To choose a burner, answer three questions: how, when and where you will use it.

How – this is how many people you plan to cook for. When – this is what time of year. Well, where - this goes without saying: indoors or not, or only on simple hikes, or in more extreme conditions, for example, in the highlands of the Alps.

The power, design, weight and other characteristics of the burner will depend on these three answers. If for two or three people, then the power may be small. If in winter, then it is advisable to choose a powerful model, at least 2000 watts, with a hose connection for the tank. The same situation applies to the answer to the third question: what more extreme conditions, the more powerful and lighter your burner should be.

Read the instructions carefully. It happens that manufacturers give reasonable advice on the use and purpose of the burner, sometimes even in understandable language.

Decide on a price category - cheap is not always bad, and expensive is not always necessary.

Gasoline burners

The most famous among them are “Shmel”, “Ogonyok”, “Tourist”, and modern tourist burners from Primus, MSR, Coleman.


Firstly, gasoline or other fuel can be purchased almost everywhere, except perhaps the Sahara Desert or Antarctic glaciers. Secondly, these burners are quite cheap, since they run on gasoline of any octane number. You will also notice a significant advantage when crossing state borders - you can transport such a device empty, and buy fuel on the spot.


The trouble with gasoline burners is that they require some technical knowledge from the user. Don’t believe those who say: twist this, press here, pull this - and everything lights up and works. They lie insidiously. The ignition procedure is quite lengthy: create pressure in the fuel tank, heat up the steam generator, supply fuel to the steam generator, and put the device into operating mode. Do you see how many different technogenic terms there are? In addition, these products are quite dangerous if handled improperly. They require constant care, and during cooking - supervision of the work, since as a result of various “stupid things”, funny and not so funny cases often happen. For example, due to an impurity, the burner may become clogged and you simply will not be able to light it. If this happens during operation, you will have to wait a long time until the device cools down to disassemble it and clean it. And if the tank overheats, the pressure may be released through a special valve or even the entire burner may explode.

Another drawback is that when the steam generator is warmed up and the device is brought into operating mode, special effects (the smell of gasoline, flashes, soot) cannot be avoided. Therefore, you should not carry out the procedure in a tent. Although in capable hands this is not a problem. In general, it has been noticed that gasoline burners respect only one owner and are capricious in the wrong hands. They require regular maintenance and cleaning.

Transporting additional fuel is also problematic. Like it or not, gasoline is a volatile substance and even with the most careful packaging it finds a gap, leaks out or evaporates, and accordingly your things or products absorb the smell.

Gasoline burners are larger and heavier than gas burners. But they are not afraid of frost and winter period work more reliably than gas ones. But it is difficult for them to regulate the flame power.


There are, again, two types of mounting structures: the burner is on top of the fuel tank, or connected to the tank using a hose. Probably still the best option, when the burner and tank are separated, there is less chance of seeing fireworks from a burner explosion, more chances of eating and staying with healthy organs and limbs.

Design and advantages

The soldering device is very simple. its main components are:

  • container for gasoline;
  • air pump;
  • supply hoses;
  • body with nozzles.

The housing contains:

  • nozzle;
  • limiter;
  • valve;
  • air regulator;
  • rings for sealing.

A gasoline soldering device has the following advantages:

  • small size and weight;
  • mobility;
  • combustion stability;
  • high soldering temperature.

Gasoline burner device

Due to the simplicity of the design and the absence of expensive and complex parts, a gas-air soldering torch is quite affordable for self-production.

Design and principle of operation of a soldering torch

  • November 02
  • 12 rating
  • The principle of operation of a gas burner
  • Gas burner device
  • Gasoline burner device
  • Making a gasoline torch for welding

The soldering torch is designed to connect metal parts using liquid metal. Soldering can be carried out by two types of solders: low-melting solders, which are hard solders, and refractory, which are hard solders.

To perform soldering with low-melting metals, various types of soldering irons are used. To work with refractory solders, it is necessary to create high temperature, which can be obtained with a soldering torch.

There are several different types of this device. All of them operate on different types of fuel, allowing them to achieve high temperatures.

The most common are soldering torches that run on gas and a gasoline-air mixture.

The principle of operation of a gas burner

An ejection-type gas burner is designed for high-temperature types of soldering. Its operation is carried out from a gas cylinder containing liquefied gas. This type of burner is quite economical, which affects the cost of soldering metal parts. The burner design allows you to regulate the volume of gas passing through the ejector.

Gas welding methods.

The operating principle of a gas-powered burner designed for soldering work is quite simple.

From the reducer, located near the cylinder containing a liquefied propane-butane mixture, gas flows through a hose to the incoming fitting, which is built into the base of the device.

The needle is controlled using a special holder installed on the body of the flame formation device. The incoming gas passes through the nozzle at high speed and is expelled from its opening. By increasing the flow rate of the gas flow, the air required for combustion is sucked in through a special device - an air spool.

After passing the nozzle, the gas moves through a special channel to the divider, which divides it into the main and auxiliary. The main thread is central. The auxiliary flow powers the peripheral holes in the divider. An auxiliary flow is required to maintain the temperature of the flame in the soldering area.

Using a special spool sleeve, which can be rotated, you can easily dose the volume of air oxygen consumed, and the volume of gas is regulated by a needle. The ability to adjust the gas mixture allows you to obtain flames of various qualities and sizes.

Among the most useful and functional devices for the home workshop, the gasoline soldering torch ranks one of the leading places. Such a device is capable of qualitatively connecting all kinds of metal constructions using liquid metal technology. The device operates on the basis of a gasoline-air combustible mixture, which is formed in the burner, and allows further smelting work to be carried out.

The rotary tap located on the handle acts as a direction regulator and flame power, which significantly simplifies the combustion process.

Today, metal smelting is carried out using two types of solders:

  1. Low-melting.
  2. Refractory.

If, when working with low-melting metals, almost all existing species soldering irons, then in the case of refractory metals it is necessary to create maximum temperature indicators. In this case, you simply cannot do without using a burner. Currently, there are several varieties of such a universal device that can operate on the basis of different fuel mixtures, but at the same time heat the structure to the required temperature.

Among the most common and convenient torches are models for soldering and welding, which operate on gas or a gas-air mixture. You can purchase them at the appropriate store or try create it yourself.

Homemade burner: description and characteristics of the device

If we talk about the burner design, it includes the following components and elements:

  1. The burner itself.
  2. Nozzle.
  3. Conductive tip with electrode wire.
  4. Welding arc.
  5. Welding pool.
  6. Weld.
  7. Base metal.
  8. Drops of electrode metal.
  9. Gas protection.

A simplified version includes a gasoline tank or fuel tank, an air compressor, gasoline hoses and the burner itself, which, in turn, consists of individual parts.

Models that are used for metal soldering, have the following structural elements:

  1. Body.
  2. Metal sleeve with hook.
  3. With a pipe.
  4. In a bunch.
  5. With emphasis.
  6. Filler.
  7. A control ball (designed to change the air flow).
  8. Rubber sealing ring.

If you are going to purchase a torch for soldering and welding, do not forget to pay attention to the availability petrol resistant hoses. In most cases, they are not included in the basic kit, so there is a need for additional purchase of such parts.

Installation of gasoline and gas burners very simple, so you can make a design at home using improvised materials. However, despite the ease of assembly and the absence of complications in the configuration of the device, the gasoline burner remains a very valuable tool, which is characterized by many undeniable advantages.

  1. Firstly, such a solution is lightweight and compact in size, which makes it very convenient for further use.
  2. Secondly, the creation of a gasoline-air mixture allows you to create and maintain a high temperature regime, which is necessary to achieve maximum quality of the final result.

Making a gasoline burner with your own hands

Not everyone can purchase a new burner that runs on gas or a fuel-air mixture, which is due to the relative high cost of the device. And the purchased model does not always cope with the assigned tasks, especially if it has already been used. This may be due to the presence of hidden defects or breakdowns.

To avoid becoming a victim of such an unwise purchase, many men prefer homemade solutions, which are particularly affordable and easy to assemble. As mentioned earlier, even the most inexperienced welder can easily install such a device using improvised means, saving himself from high costs.

If a homemade gasoline burner is made taking into account the basic rules and recommendations, it should give fire immediately after bringing a lit match to it. In this case, stable and steady combustion of the fuel-air mixture will be noticeable for another 3-7 minutes. During the combustion process, it is possible to reach temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius. Using such a device, you can successfully melt all kinds of solder, including hard solder, as well as metals and glass. In addition, the burner easily solves the problem of heat treatment of small-sized products.

To make a device with your own hands, it is enough to use a number of materials. Among them:

  1. Frame.
  2. Pen.
  3. Sleeve.
  4. Hook.
  5. Emphasis.
  6. A tube.
  7. Balloon.
  8. Ring.
  9. Rubber bulb.
  10. Filler.

By the way, it is not necessary to create such elements with your own hands - they are present in many other tools that are available in the home workshop. For example: instead of a rubber bulb, you can apply a spray bottle.

Step-by-step instruction

A lathe is used to turn the body of the future device. Products from different manufacturers are used as steel. At the same time, the body of such an important part make compound so that one end remains open and the other is closed with a stopper.

The latter case involves making a hole 0.1 millimeters larger than the outer diameter. This nuance will allow the body to move tightly within the tube, maintaining the necessary tightness.

  1. A ring is fixed in the inner part of the body, which is made of slag wool or durable metal mesh.
  2. On next stage a stop and a bushing with a hook are manufactured, which implies the use of a durable steel sheet. Then a handle for a gasoline burner is cut out of oak or beech.
  3. Then all that remains is to prepare the tube by very carefully drilling two holes so that they are parallel to each other. The finished product is processed using special sandpaper, covered with colorless varnish in three to four layers.
  4. The last manufacturing step is to prepare the tube. The end of the element is passed through the middle of the body, which allows the formation of a nozzle. Using hard solder PMC-54, the end of the tube is soldered, and then a hole with a diameter of 0.2 millimeters is made along its axis.

Solder can be prepared if desired made of copper or zinc. In the first case, copper wire is used, which is fired and cut into several pieces using scissors. When choosing the second option, use a glass from a regular electric battery, which is first cleared of its contents and hardened by fire. After this, the glass is placed in a container with cold water and a weak solution of hydrochloric acid, cutting it into small pieces after such treatment.

In the future it is required combine the pieces zinc and copper in equal proportions, placing them in a crucible and sprinkling with borax. The fusion of metals is carried out on a burner. As a result, the block is cooled, secured in a vice and leveled using a file. The collected sawdust is collected and mixed with borax.

Other features and creation methods

It is not always possible to buy a ready-made burner that runs on a fuel-air mixture or gas, which is due to many reasons. Sometimes this is explained by the too high cost of the equipment, and sometimes by a simple lack of time to visit the store. Therefore, more and more more people begin to become interested in the issue of making a burner with their own hands. By the way, DIY solutions They look no worse than store bought ones. Their productivity is quite high, but they are difficult to create practically absent.

As mentioned above, if you bring a lighter or a lit match to a homemade burner, a fire will immediately break out from the corresponding window, which will burn for about 5-7 minutes, reaching a temperature of over 1000 degrees Celsius.

Due to these features, the device can be used for productive melting of hard solders, heat treatment of small tools, melting of all kinds of metals, solders, and sometimes even glass.

Most of the parts of a homemade burner are created using improvised materials, since they can be borrowed from other unnecessary things.

The burner device itself includes:

  1. Frame.
  2. Sleeve with hook.
  3. Emphasis.
  4. Handle.
  5. Rubber ring.
  6. Balloon.
  7. Pear (can be taken from a spray bottle).
  8. Filler.

Method No. 1

If we talk about this method of making a gasoline burner, then it may be familiar even to those people who have never before asked the question of creating similar device. When completing this task, you need to take two aluminum cans, which must be empty. Cans of beer, condensed milk, Coca-Cola and other products are suitable.

  • After thoroughly washing and drying the container, you can begin work. Four punctures are made in the central part of the bottom of the first jar. You can use a nail for this. Similar holes are made around the perimeter of the rim of the can. As a result, it is possible to produce a base part that will supply the flames.
  • After this, you need to cut off the part that was made earlier from the rest of the container. The length of the side is three to four centimeters. If you cannot cut the product using ordinary scissors, you will have to use any other sharp object.
  • The next step is to prepare a second jar, the bottom of which is simply cut off. Try to perform this step with extreme caution to prevent nicks from occurring. If there are nicks, it is enough to sand them off with sandpaper.
  • In the end, all that remains is to connect the two resulting parts. By the way, at this stage, novice welders often have difficulties, because the cans have the same diameter and this significantly complicates the work. To solve the problem, it is enough to make a small cut in the side of one of the cans, wrapping the entire structure with aluminum tape to increase the tightness.

In order for the gasoline burner to be ready for use, all that remains is to fill it with gasoline and then heat the area with a lighter. It is better to thoroughly warm up the burner for 5-10 seconds, after which it will be able to maintain optimal level without your help.

Now you see that creating such an indispensable device with your own hands is very simple.

Method No. 2

Another method is used to make burners. It is significantly more complex than the previous one, but allows you to achieve higher reliability, strength and operational durability. Therefore, if you place emphasis on such features, then it is better to make the burner using the second method. True, this will require a lot of effort, patience and time.

So, to successfully manufacture the structure you should take:

  1. Compressor. You can use an old car inner tube that is constantly inflated, or a basic compressor from an unused refrigerator (if you have one).
  2. Receiver. Here you can use a regular plastic canister with a volume of up to 10 liters. You also need to find a dense translucent cork.
  3. Fuel tank. It uses a two-liter metal barrel that will store the fuel mixture.
  4. Burner. This element is created with your own hands or purchased at the appropriate store.

If all necessary details assembled, all that remains is to follow the instructions and assemble the future device. If you strictly follow the basic rules and follow the step-by-step guide, the end result will exceed all your expectations and you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the homemade burner. The main thing is to be ready to devote several hours of time and patience to the upcoming event.

The gasoline soldering (smelting) apparatus is designed to form a gasoline-air combustible mixture. A gasoline torch for soldering and melting metal runs on a gasoline mixture. These burners offer convenient flame adjustment using a rotary tap located on the handle.

Advantages of the device


  • The device is portable;
  • Low weight of the device;
  • Ease of use;
  • High-quality result upon completion of soldering (melting).

Gas burner device


  • Gasoline tank;
  • Air compressor;
  • Gasoline hoses;
  • Burner.

Please note that torches and hoses, as a rule, are not included in the kit for gasoline soldering. In this regard, the purchase of these elements is made separately.

Do-it-yourself gasoline torch for soldering

Purchasing a ready-made gas burner is not always possible (for various reasons). In this case, it will be useful to know that you can make a gasoline torch for soldering yourself. Note that homemade gasoline devices are no worse than purchased ones. A DIY device is just as effective.

If you bring a lit match to the spout of a gasoline burner, you will be able to see a fire instantly flare up. Steady combustion of gasoline will continue for five minutes (+/-2 minutes). The flame temperature at its tip will reach more than 1000° C.

Note that with such a burner you can easily melt, heat treat small tools, melt various metals, solders, and even soften glass.

There is no need to make many parts of a homemade gas burner, since they can be borrowed from other things. For example, homemade parts such as a rubber bulb can be made from a spray bottle.


  • Frame;
  • Sleeve with hook;
  • A tube;
  • Emphasis;
  • Pen;
  • Rubber ring;
  • Balloon;
  • Pen;
  • Rubber bulb;
  • Filler.


  1. The burner body can be turned on a lathe. Any grade of steel can be used as a material for the manufacture of this important part. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the body of the part is composite (one end is open, and the other is closed with a plug). There is a hole in the plug, the diameter of which is 0.1 millimeters larger than the outer diameter of the tube. With this quality, the body can move along the tube quite tightly, while maintaining a tight seal.
  2. A ring made of metal mesh and slag wool must be installed inside the housing.
  3. Next, you need to make a sleeve with a hook and a stop. You can use a steel sheet for this.
  4. The burner handle, which is essential for a gasoline device, is carved from beech or oak.
  5. The holes for the tubes (2 pcs.) are drilled very carefully. Thus, the axes of the holes should be strictly parallel. The finished handle is sanded and then coated with several layers of colorless varnish.
  6. Next, it is necessary that the end of the tube, which is passed inside the body, forms a nozzle. If you have PMTs-54 hard solder (adheres well to steel), try to solder the end of the tube with it, and then drill a 0.2 millimeter (diameter) hole along the axis of the tube. You can make your own solder. It must be said that solder consists of copper and zinc. In order to get zinc, you can use cups from an old electric battery. You need to empty the glass of its contents and then heat it over the fire. Next, you need to lower it into cold water, and then into a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. A clean glass is cut into pieces with scissors. Thus, we obtain zinc. Now it's up to copper. To do this, do the following: take copper wire; anneal it on fire; Finely cut the wire using scissors. Now you can pour pieces of copper and zinc into the crucible, maintaining equal proportions, after which you need to sprinkle with borax. Metals can be fused using a burner. After this, you will need to cool the resulting block and secure it in a vice. Then use a hog file to file it on all sides. The resulting sawdust must be mixed with borax.

Homemade gasoline burners like these will work great if done correctly. Please note: if you do not have enough experience in working with flammable materials, it is advisable to use commercial gasoline burners.

One of the most practical, functional devices for a workshop equipped in a domestic environment is a gasoline burner. The purpose of this device is to solder metal products. The connection technology involves the use of liquid metal. During operation, a fuel-air mixture is formed in the burner, which, as a result of combustion, makes it possible to fuse metal structures.

Gasoline burner design

For many reasons, it is not always possible to buy a ready-made gas unit for soldering. But such a device for home use can be made with your own hands. Wherein homemade device will work no worse than the factory product. A DIY gas burner is also quite effective in operation.

Main design elements of the unit:

  • burner;
  • fuel tank;
  • fuel hoses;
  • air compressor.

For your information! Fuel hoses are not included in the factory equipment of the burner. They must be purchased separately.

Do-it-yourself gasoline burner device for soldering:

For your information! Many spare parts for a DIY gas burner can be found in old things that have long been forgotten in a closet or garage. For example, a rubber bulb can be made using an old spray bottle.

When all the necessary parts for making a gasoline burner with your own hands according to the drawings have been assembled, you can begin to work. If you strictly follow the instructions, follow basic requirements, follow the recommendations of experts, the final result will pleasantly surprise anyone home handyman. The main thing is to be patient and devote several hours of free time to this event.

Making a homemade burner

To make the body of a homemade gas burner for fishing, you will need a lathe. Steel can be taken from different manufacturers. This structural element must be composite, that is, one end is made open and the other is closed with a plug. To do this, a hole is made in the metal, the inner diameter is made 0.1 mm larger than the outer one. The housing will be able to move tightly along the tube while maintaining a good seal.

Main stages of device manufacturing

For your information! If desired, you can make the solder yourself. This requires zinc and copper.

  • In the first case, take a glass from a standard electric battery, pre-clean it, and harden it with fire. It is placed for cooling in a container with a liquid consisting of cold water and a weakly concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid. After such processing, the cup is cut into separate small pieces.
  • The second option involves the use of copper wire. It is first fired and then cut into small pieces using scissors.

After such preparation, pieces of copper and zinc are combined in equal proportions, placed in a crucible, and sprinkled with borax. An alloy of metals is performed using a torch. The workpiece is cooled, firmly fixed in a vice, and leveled with a file. The sawdust formed during the work is mixed with borax.

Advantages of a gasoline soldering machine

The operating principle of a gasoline soldering torch is based on the formation of a flammable gasoline-air mixture. Such devices are quite convenient to use. thanks to the ability to regulate the flame. To do this, they are equipped with a special rotary tap on the handle.

To make a gasoline burner with your own hands you will need:

  • metal tee, angle, jets, pipe;
  • copper tubes for jets;
  • metal container for petroleum products;
  • compressor with pressure gauge, rubber hose;
  • electric heating element.
  • valves for supplying petroleum products and air.
  • metal pipe and burner plate.
  • fastening materials.

To make a mixer, take a regular metal tee. It is necessary to install on the side pipe metal corner. A nozzle with a copper tube is screwed into each supply pipe. One is used to supply air to the gasoline burner, and the second is used to supply petroleum products.

In this case, a tube with a 0.8 mm hole is used to supply air, and 2 mm to supply oil products. At the end of the jet there are two diametrically opposed cuts of 1-2 mm. The tee is completely hollow, it holds about 50g of oil.

The mixer is installed on a metal container for petroleum products. copper tubes for supplying air and fuel are retracted. If you have an old gasoline burner, you can take it from it or make it yourself. A hole is cut in the container for the fuel supply tube.

The design of this container provides for the presence of a heating element in the lower plane. The heating element operates from an external power source. End drain pipe The oil supply is at such a height that the heating element is constantly in the liquid. This is necessary for security reasons.

The gasoline burner is fed through a tap, which is installed on top cover. It opens direct oil supply to the tee. This allows you to regulate the supply of the combustible mixture at constant air pressure. Working temperature combustible mixture for soldering should be within 60°C.

To monitor the temperature of the liquid, a multimeter contact is attached to the side wall of the tank. In this design, turning on the heating is required only before starting work. When soldering begins, the temperature of the tee provides sufficient heat.

The working outlet of the burner is made of metal pipe and plates. The nozzle is made of small size. This helps prevent combustion products from sticking to the walls.

To calculate the optimal nozzle length, it is necessary to determine the radius of the liquid spray. And install the nozzle so that only a small percentage of the mixture reaches the edge of the pipe.

Side panel The petrol burner tank is equipped with an indicator tube. It marks the points of maximum and minimum filling with petroleum products. The tube itself is connected at the bottom of the tank.

For ease of use, an automatic flammable liquid supply system can be connected to the main container. This will reduce control over the presence of fuel in the tank.

An air supply hose is connected to the mixer from the compressor. A tap must be installed between the compressor and the hose. This gasoline burner provides an initial pressure in the compressor of 2 atmospheres.

After opening the tap, the pressure in the system drops to 0.8 atmospheres. But to start a gasoline burner, 0.2 will be enough.

The oil supply valve opens and the combustible mixture is ignited. Using the air supply valve, the pressure of the flame used for soldering is regulated.

And the oil supply valve regulates fuel consumption. Experimentally, you can determine the pressure at which the burner flame will break. The gasoline soldering torch is ready for use.

Video: do-it-yourself burner testing.