Tasks and functions of a dow psychologist. Consulting psychologist in an organization: problem fields and development zones Attention as the main function in the work of a psychologist

Psychology translated from Greek means “the science of human soul", and therefore studies human activity with psychological point vision. A psychologist is a person with a higher psychological education, whose main job is to help another person understand themselves and solve their problems on their own. In our age, psychology is in great demand. This subject is included in the curriculum of universities, and many people use the services of psychologists to solve their personal problems. As a result, conflicting opinions have arisen both about science itself and about the work of psychologists. Let's look at some of them.

Psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist are terms that mean the same thing. Yes, these terms are similar, but there is still a difference.
Psychologist is a specialist educated in the field of psychology. Since psychological education is not medical, a psychologist (unlike a psychiatrist) does not have the right to prescribe medications. Its function is psychological consultations that help healthy people understand difficult life situations (for example, difficulties in communication, family relationships, decision-making, and various types of stress).
A psychiatrist is a person who has received medical education and specializing in diagnostics and treatment mental disorders(diseases). His patients are people with serious mental disorders (for example, manic-depressive psychosis). For treatment, the psychiatrist uses medications and different kinds psychotherapy.
A psychotherapist is a specialist who most often uses non-pharmacological methods to provide assistance. Typically, such a specialist is proficient in one of the areas of psychotherapy. Psychotherapists work both with mentally healthy people and with people in states on the verge of health and illness (neurosis, depression). For treatment, the psychotherapist uses certain psychotechniques (rational psychotherapy, psychodrama, Ericksonian trance, NLP, transpersonal psychotherapy, body-oriented psychotherapy, psychosynthesis) to help solve the client’s problem.

Psychologists always impose their opinions. This is not entirely true. In fact, a psychologist, after listening to a person, tries to find the most suitable solution for him. optimal solution problems, helps get rid of old prototypes and “opens your eyes” to new perspectives. And a person must decide for himself exactly what to do in a given situation.

Psychologists are never wrong. This is debatable. A psychologist is a person like all other people, and therefore he tends to make mistakes. The only thing that psychologists have is to remain calm in any unforeseen situation, and therefore it is not common for them to be nervous and experience emotional negativity.

A psychologist always knows how to help. This is far from true. It is not the responsibility of a psychologist to solve a problem for the person himself. The only way he can help is to listen and help you sort out your feelings. A psychologist is, roughly speaking, a “vest” into which you can cry. After all, sometimes it is enough for a person to simply speak out - and he feels much better.

At first glance, a psychologist can understand “what a person breathes.” This is not entirely true. Indeed, a psychologist is able to predict the possible actions of a particular person in a given situation. It can determine the character and temperament of a person, but for this he will need to talk with the client for some time, perhaps offer him to undergo a series of tests, based on the results of which the specialist can draw certain conclusions about the direction of the client’s personality.

Every psychologist is familiar with magic. Totally absurd. A psychologist and a magician are completely different concepts. A magician is a person who does not advertise his occupation, as a rule, learns magic secretly, and cannot do anything without his spells and improvised means. A psychologist in his work uses only the knowledge he acquired in a professional educational institution.

Only weaklings turn to psychologists! In fact, those who really need mental help think so. Such people will never admit that it’s hard for them. They usually drown out their problems with alcohol, and it happens that some drive themselves to suicide. There is nothing wrong with a person seeking the help of a psychologist. Nowadays, it has even become fashionable to visit this specialist.

Healthy people don't go to psychologists! Not at all. A healthy person is healthy because he has someone to talk to. After all, as you know, keeping everything to yourself is very, very harmful. That’s why, probably, women live longer than men - they will cry and their souls will become lighter, but men are not used to crying.

Only mentally ill people turn to a psychologist. This opinion is completely wrong. As already mentioned, psychologists work with healthy people who need support and outside help.

You shouldn’t let someone else know about your problems. In another way it is called “washing dirty linen in public.” However, that is why he is a “stranger”: to listen to the person, tell him what to do and what to do, and forget about him, and not run to tell everyone left and right about his problems.

Who is he to teach me how to live! In no case does a psychologist teach anyone; he only helps a person cope with his emotional experiences, gives him the opportunity to speak out and suggests a compromise solution.

Words won't help matters! Well, why? Sometimes moral support gives such a boost of energy that a person is ready to move mountains. It’s not for nothing that athletes and participants in various games (KVN, for example) bring a support group with them.

A psychologist will solve all my problems for me. Wrong opinion. The function of a psychologist is to advise the client, to create conditions under which the person himself is able to find a way out of the current situation. When turning to a psychologist, a person should be ready to change himself and his attitude towards the world around him, and not expect that a specialist will change the world around him.

A psychologist has no problems. Why? There are. After all, psychologists are people too. Sometimes a psychologist is able to solve his problems faster and more effectively. But sometimes he has to turn to his colleagues for help. And that's quite normal. After all, wisdom does not consist in solving all problems yourself, but in solving them in the best possible way and with at the lowest cost time and nerves.

Psychologists are reliable and kind, they help everyone and always. We should not forget that a psychologist is a profession that does not necessarily have to be turned into a lifestyle. It is the psychologist who will not indulge human weaknesses and whims, and will never rush to solve your problems for you. He knows better than anyone that he owes nothing to anyone, and that he has the right to be himself in any life situation, like all other people.

The advice of a psychologist will solve my problem in one fell swoop. It should be remembered that psychologists do not give advice (unlike, for example, friends and neighbors, who usually begin with the phrase “I would if I were you...” Just keep in mind that this advice can only be easily followed by the person who gives it ). Only you yourself know which solution is best for you. The psychologist is only trying to help you find this way out, realize it and use it.

Social and scientific significance of psychological diagnostics in
is largely determined by the breadth of the spectrum of its interaction with
psychological disciplines and with real life situations.
In this regard, the diagnostic psychologist in his practical activities
when solving many psychodiagnostic problems it is necessary
implement various functions. To leading professional
The functions of a diagnostic psychologist include:
scientific and methodological. A diagnostic psychologist must be proficient
modern theoretical knowledge in the field of human psychology,
personality psychology, developmental psychology, social and age
psychology, special psychology, etc. He also needs knowledge
existing psychological directions and schools, general theoretical
methodological, methodological and ethical principles of psychological
and psychodiagnostic research. For this purpose, a diagnostic psychologist conducts
constant methodological work to determine diagnostic and
predictive capabilities of the tools, collects information about
the emergence and testing of a new generation of techniques;
diagnostic. A diagnostic psychologist organizes and conducts
psychodiagnostic study in accordance with the established
goals, objectives and hypothesis. He analyzes and interprets
the diagnostic material obtained constitutes a psychological
conclusion and prepares recommendations;
consulting. Obtained during psychodiagnostics
the psychologist delivers the results in compliance with all ethical rules or to
the person being examined, or to persons interested in them (parents,
teachers, guardians, customers, etc.). Target " feedback" V
psychodiagnostics - determination of optimal psychological
conditions for the development and formation of individuality, ensuring
psychological comfort, as well as minimizing problem areas,
weakening emotional stress, intrapersonal and
interpersonal conflicts. During the consultation, the forms are determined
we provide psychological assistance, its duration, possible results.
Psychodiagnostic counseling - required element
psychodiagnostic research in determining professional
suitability, professional and career orientation;
prognostic. Results obtained in the study
a diagnostic psychologist uses to predict the direction
individual development and possible deviations from its natural
educational. Obtained in a diagnostic study
the results can be used by a psychologist in working with a wide range of
layers of the population, specialists in fields related to psychology,
especially with persons who participate in educational and training
tive process or provide social support. Target
such work is to form a general psychological
culture of the population through the development of ideas about psychology
a person, his behavior in critical situations, experiences;
expert. The diagnostician participates in the organization and conduct
psychodiagnostic studies aimed at determining
effectiveness of individual formative, developing,
correctional programs, for the development of diagnostic techniques.
The expert function also involves identifying limitations
use of those submitted for psychodiagnostic examination
developments and equipment.

During labor training, a special psychologist needs to correct the work of teachers, parents, and also carefully monitor the child himself in order to, if necessary, provide him with timely help. qualified assistance. At each stage of labor training, a special psychologist has a number of tasks aimed at increasing the efficiency of the process of labor training and education.

First stage covers education in grades 1-3, when students develop initial work experience. The psychologist needs to study the individual labor capabilities of schoolchildren and develop their readiness to work in the conditions of vocational training workshops. To solve this problem, he can use various diagnostic techniques: covert observation, conversations with parents, teachers and the child. In the process of studying, the dynamics of the formation of individual labor abilities are determined and a preliminary conclusion is made about the possibility of further labor training of the child in a workshop of a certain profile.

At the same time, the psychologist draws up a psychological portrait educational space: professional level teaching staff, individual characteristics of children, their potential, motivational factors for learning, the nature of the necessary psychological assistance. The school conducts a complex of diagnostic studies, lectures and practical classes for teachers, and consultations for parents. Then the psychologist draws up psychological portraits study groups and selects correction programs.

Second phase- general technical labor training in grade 4 on the basis of vocational training workshops. At this stage, some new organizational skills related to the professional workshop are formed. Thus, students must know and strictly follow the procedure for using machines and tools. Disciplinary requirements must be reasonable and not oppressive. At this stage, it is possible to conduct trainings and exercises aimed at developing and forming the necessary labor skills.

The psychologist must make a final conclusion about the labor capabilities of each child and predict the success of subsequent training in the chosen profession. In cases where it turns out that the abilities of a 4th grade student do not meet the requirements of the profession being studied, he is transferred to a workshop of a different profile.

Third stage - transition to vocational training. From the 5th grade, students begin to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific profession. Improving professional skills is carried out through training exercises. The main educational time is devoted to exercises in the production of useful objects, as well as on the development of the personal qualities of students necessary in joint work (mutual assistance, responsibility for decisions common task, correctness in business contacts with comrades, truthfulness in mutual evaluation of work).

At the fourth stage transition from general course vocational training to master the knowledge, skills and abilities characteristic of employees of a particular enterprise (institution).

At the end of 9th grade, students take a vocational training exam. The exam consists of a practical test and an oral exam in the specialty.

Fifth stage - completion at the initial level of vocational education (grades 9 or 10). The task of the psychologist is to adapt students to work

those in the production team, assistance in mastering the requirements for quality and labor productivity established at the enterprise.

Psychological support includes diagnostic and psychocorrectional work and counseling.

Diagnostic work involves in-depth dynamic psychodiagnostics, i.e. study of cognitive capabilities, personal characteristics, intrafamily relationships, professional opportunities and the child’s ability to adapt to society.

Psychocorrectional work carried out in the process of fairy tale cotherapy in primary school and in group and individual correctional classes on the development of mental functions.

Consulting covers students, parents, teachers.

Constant work with students, families and teaching staff, the implementation of dispatching and educational functions allow a special psychologist to create individual development programs, including medical, pedagogical, psychological, and professional recommendations.

Work with students includes questioning (the child’s attitude towards school, personal self-determination, choice of profession), conversations, art therapy; work with families and teachers - questioning, consulting, holding parent meetings, visiting students at home, individual conversations.

The efforts of a special psychologist, as we see, are aimed at bridging the professional gap between teachers and parents. Their Team work allows you to create adequate conditions for the child’s labor training, and subsequently for his independent life in society. A special psychologist at each stage of training for persons with disabilities disabilities provides continuous psychological and pedagogical support for labor education and training, career guidance for the purpose of subsequent social integration in adulthood.

A practical psychologist in relation to an organization can take two positions:

  • “External” is a visiting psychologist who is usually hired to carry out a package of work in the field of business psychology;
  • “Internal” is a practicing psychologist working directly in an organization.

This division separates the work and the approach to it, both in content and type of activity. Typically, a “coming” psychologist in an organization is more neutral when solving many problems, but the disadvantage is the fact that he does not know the company well enough from the inside and cannot immediately understand its organizational and management processes. This takes time. A practical psychologist working on staff, although free from these shortcomings, also has its own significant disadvantages - Full time job in an organization makes him a member of the team, and this, in turn, often does not allow him to take an objective look, evaluate many things, simply keep silent about something, guided by personal gain - this significantly reduces the effectiveness of his work.

Functions of a psychologist in an organization

Research or expert function. A practical psychologist in an organization is involved as an expert to solve a specific problem. The specialist researches and accumulates information about psychological mechanisms behavior of team members in complex system intra-organizational relations. It is the specific situations, using modern methodological methods of psychology. Typically, based on these studies, he provides management with a report describing their findings and making recommendations for solving problems.

How reliable is the information in this report? Should a manager resort to the recommendations of a psychologist? Undoubtedly, such a conclusion is based on modern scientific concepts in the field of organizational psychology. And as we have repeatedly mentioned on the pages of the site, psychology, thanks to the control of its results by methods mathematical statistics, the science is pretty accurate. But at the same time, the psychologist cannot guarantee that the steps that management will take, based on his research and conclusion, will have an exclusively positive effect. the main task expert assessment of the situation by a specialist - not to convince the manager who ordered the research to act in a strictly defined way, but to take into account the analysis of the situation when making a decision.

Consulting function. A consulting psychologist gives recommendations on issues related to the most effective use personal and professional qualities of any team member. This applies to all stages of the path that a person goes through in an organization - selection, assessment, adaptation of personnel, enrollment in the personnel reserve, dismissal. Psychologist gives practical advice in the field of personnel management, work motivation, psychological climate in the organization, develops group cohesion and fights conflicts in the team.

Here, the main advantage of an outside consultant is independence of judgment. A position of neutrality is the key to an objective assessment and unbiased conclusions. In this case, both general psychologists and those who specialize in specific problems can be involved.

Organizational function . Which, in fact, combines and complements the first two. In it, a practicing psychologist in an organization acts as a teacher who transfers his knowledge in the field of psychology to students - employees of the organization, so that they fully use all the developments of modern psychology in their daily work, increasing its efficiency.

The functions of an organizational psychologist can be divided into three main groups.

  1. Work with personnel:
  2. Psychological counseling and psychological help provided by a practicing psychologist

    • Work in the field of organizing company activities:
    • Certification of positions, taking into account the psychological requirements for a particular position, development job descriptions;
    • Identification of shortcomings in the organization of workplaces;
    • Monitoring staff satisfaction, increasing the efficiency of the organization's employees through a labor incentive system.
    • Participation in marketing research, formation of a positive image of the organization.
  3. Organizational management and social planning, in which a practical psychologist takes part:

    • Psychological support for the team during major changes and reorganizations;
    • Formation of the company's organizational culture;
    • Conflict management, participation in their resolution, creation of a favorable climate that prevents their occurrence;
    • Monitoring the socio-psychological climate in the team, its improvement;
    • Cultivating group cohesion in an organization;
    • Increasing employee loyalty to work and the company itself where they work.

Of course, this is an incomplete list of tasks that have to be solved. practical psychologist in the organization - we touched only on the main ones. But even if you haven’t found the problem that bothers you and interferes with the normal functioning of your company, contact us, we will listen to you and try to help! All services we provide to companies and organizations can be found on