Topics of conversations with difficult teenagers at school. Topics of conversations with teenagers. Forms of work with families

Method "Isolation essential features"
Purpose: the technique is used for research
features of thinking, ability to differentiate
essential features of objects or phenomena from
insignificant, secondary. The nature
distinguished characteristics can be judged on the predominance
one or another style of thinking: specific or
Material: blank with rows printed on it
words Each row consists of five words in brackets and
one - before the brackets.
The test is suitable for examining adolescents and
adults. The words in the problems are chosen in such a way that
the examinee must demonstrate his
the ability to grasp the abstract meaning of certain
concepts and abandon the easier ones that rush into
eyes, but the wrong method of solution in which instead
significant ones, particular ones are highlighted, specifically -
situational signs.
Instructions for children and adolescents: "Here are given
series of words that make up tasks. In each
there is one word in the line before the brackets, and 5 in the brackets
words to choose from. You need to choose from these five words
only two that are most closely related to
the word before the brackets is “garden”, and the words in the brackets are:
"plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth." The garden can
exist without a dog, a fence and even without a gardener,
but without soil and plants there can be no garden. Means
You should choose exactly 2 words - “earth” and “plants”.
Instructions for adults: "In every line
form you will find one word before the brackets,
and then - five words in brackets. All words in
parentheses have something to do with what comes before
parentheses. Select only two that are in
greatest connection with the word before the brackets.

1. Garden (plants, gardener, dog, fence, land).
2. River (shore, fish, fisherman, mud, water).

3. City (car, buildings, crowd, street,
4. Barn (hayloft, horse, roof, livestock, walls).
5. Cube (corners, drawing, side, stone, wood).
6. Division (class, dividend, pencil, divisor,
7. Ring (diameter, diamond, hallmark, circumference, gold).
8. Reading (eyes, book, glasses, text, word).
9. Newspaper (true, incident, crossword, paper,
10. Game (cards, players, chips, punishments, rules).
11. War (plane, guns, battles, guns,
12. Book (drawings, story, paper, table of contents,
13. Singing (ringing, art, voice, applause,
14. Earthquake (fire, death, ground vibrations,
noise, flood).
wardrobe, readers).
15. Library (tables, books, reading room,
16. Forest (soil, mushrooms, hunter, tree, wolf).
17. Sports (medal, orchestra, competition, victory,
18. Hospital (room, injections, doctor, thermometer,
19. Love (roses, feelings, person, date,
20. Patriotism (city, homeland, friends, family,

Answers (key).
1. Plants, soil. 11. Battles, soldiers.
2. Shore, water. 12. Paper, text.
3. Buildings, street. 13. Voice, melody.
4. Roof, walls 14. Soil vibrations, noise.
5. Corners, side. 15. Books, readers.
6. Dividend, divisor. 16. Soil, tree.
7. Diameter, circumference. 17. Competitions, victory.
8. Eyes, text. 18. Doctor, patients.
9. Paper, editor. 19. Feelings, man.

10. Players, rules. 20. Motherland, people.

This test is usually included in a battery of tests for
thinking. In all cases of independent
fulfillment of the test subject's decision tasks, it is necessary
discuss by asking him questions. Often in the process
discussion, the subject makes additional judgments,
corrects errors.
All solutions, questions, as well as additional
the subject's judgments are recorded in the protocol. Test
intended mainly for individual

Presence of more erroneous judgments
indicates the predominance of specific
situational style of thinking over abstract
logical. If the subject gives erroneous answers at the beginning
answers, then this can be interpreted as haste
and impulsiveness. Evaluation of results is carried out
according to the table.

Test “Identification of essential features”

Target. The technique is used to study the characteristics of thinking, the ability to differentiate essential features of objects or phenomena from unimportant, secondary ones. By the nature of the distinguished features, one can judge the predominance of one or another style of thinking: concrete or abstract.

The words in the tasks are selected in such a way that the subject demonstrates his ability to grasp the abstract meaning of certain concepts and refuses the easier, more conspicuous, but incorrect method of solution, in which private, concrete situational features are highlighted instead of essential ones.

Instructions . “On each line of the form you will find one word before the brackets, and then 5 words in brackets. All words in brackets have some relation to the word before the brackets. Choose only 2 words that are most closely related to the word before the brackets.”

    Garden (plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth).

    River (bank, fish, fisherman, mud, water).

    City (car, buildings, crowd, street, bicycle).

    Barn (hayloft, horse, roof, livestock, walls).

    Cube (corners, drawing, side, stone, wood).

    Division (class, dividend, pencil, divider, paper).

    Ring (diameter, diamond, hallmark, roundness, gold).

    Reading (eyes, book, text, glasses, word).

    Newspaper (truth, incident, crossword, paper, editor).

    Game (cards, players, chips, penalties, rules).

    War (plane, guns, battle, guns, soldiers).

    Book (drawings, story, paper, table of contents, text).

    Earthquake (fire, death, ground vibrations, noise, flood).

    Library (desks, books, reading room, wardrobe, readers).

    Forest (soil, mushrooms, hunter, trees, wolf).

  • 17. Sports (medal, orchestra, competition, victory, stadium).
  • 18. Hospital (rooms, injections, doctor, thermometer, patients).

    Love (roses, feelings, person, date, wedding).

    Patriotism (city, friends, homeland, family, people).

Interpretation of results

The presence of more erroneous judgments indicates the predominance of a concrete-situational style of thinking over an abstract-logical one. If the subject gives incorrect answers at first, but then corrects them, then this can be interpreted as haste and impulsiveness. The results are assessed using the table.


    Plants, earth

    Shore, water

    Buildings, street

    Roof, walls

    Angles, side

    Dividend, divisor

    Diameter, roundness

    Eyes, text

    Paper, editor

    Players, rules

    Battle, soldiers

    Ground vibrations, noise

    Books, readers

    Soil, trees

    Competitions, victory

    Doctor, sick

    Feelings, man

    Methodology "Identification of essential features"

    Target: the technique is used to study the characteristics of thinking, the ability to differentiate the essential features of objects or phenomena from unimportant, secondary ones. By the nature of the distinguished features, one can judge the predominance of one or another style of thinking: concrete or abstract.

    Material: a form with a series of words printed on it. Each row consists of five words in brackets and one before the brackets.

    The test is suitable for examining adolescents and adults. The words in the tasks are selected in such a way that the subject must demonstrate his ability to grasp the abstract meaning of certain concepts and abandon the easier, more conspicuous, but incorrect method of solution in which private, concrete situational features are highlighted instead of essential ones.

    Instructions for children and teenagers:“Here are given a series of words that make up the tasks. In each line there is one word before the brackets, and in the brackets there are 5 words to choose from. You need to choose from these five words only two that are most closely related to the word before the brackets - “garden ", and in parentheses the words: "plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth." A garden can exist without a dog, a fence and even without a gardener, but without land and plants there can be no garden. This means you should choose exactly 2 words - "earth " and "plants".

    Instructions for adults:"On each line of the form you will find one word before the brackets, and then five words in brackets. All the words in the brackets have some relationship to the one before the brackets. Choose only two that are most related to the word before the parentheses.


    1. Garden (plants, gardener, dog, fence, land).

    2. River (shore, fish, fisherman, mud, water).

    3. City (car, buildings, crowd, street, bicycle).

    4. Barn (hayloft, horse, roof, livestock, walls).

    5. Cube (corners, drawing, side, stone, wood).

    6. Division (class, dividend, pencil, divider, paper).

    7. Ring (diameter, diamond, hallmark, circumference, gold).

    8. Reading (eyes, book, glasses, text, word).

    9. Newspaper (true, incident, crossword, paper, editor).

    10. Game (cards, players, chips, punishments, rules).

    11. War (plane, guns, battles, guns, soldiers).

    12. Book (drawings, story, paper, table of contents, text).

    14. Earthquake (fire, death, ground vibrations, noise, flood).

    15. Library (tables, books, reading room, wardrobe, readers).

    16. Forest (soil, mushrooms, hunter, tree, wolf).

    17. Sports (medal, orchestra, competition, victory, stadium).

    18. Hospital (rooms, injections, doctor, thermometer, patients).

    19. Love (roses, feelings, person, date, wedding).

    20. Patriotism (city, homeland, friends, family, people).

    Answers (key).

    1. Plants, soil. 11. Battles, soldiers.

    2. Shore, water. 12. Paper, text.

    4. Roof, walls 14. Soil vibrations, noise.

    5. Corners, side. 15. Books, readers.

    6. Dividend, divisor. 16. Soil, tree.

    7. Diameter, circumference. 17. Competitions, victory.

    8. Eyes, text. 18. Doctor, patients.

    9. Paper, editor. 19. Feelings, man.

    10. Players, rules. 20. Motherland, people.

    This test is usually included in a battery of reasoning tests. In all cases self-execution tasks, the test subject’s solutions should be discussed by asking him questions. Often during the discussion, the subject makes additional judgments and corrects mistakes.

    All decisions, questions, as well as additional judgments of the subject are recorded in the protocol. The test is intended primarily for individual examination.


    The presence of more erroneous judgments indicates the predominance of a concrete-situational style of thinking over an abstract-logical one. If the subject gives erroneous answers at the beginning, this can be interpreted as haste and impulsiveness. The results are assessed using the table.



    Topics of discussions on legal education




    Rules of communication

    Conversation “Introduction to the rules school life»

    The main values ​​of our life

    Conversation “Personal Safety Rules”

    Conversation “What is “good” and what is “bad”?

    Conversation “Your street company. How do you get into a criminal group?”

    Round table“Legal assessment of modern informal youth movements”

    Behavior rules

    Conversation “Man rules the world”

    Conversation “Behave properly at school, at home, on the street”

    Conversation “Why are they put on internal school registration?”

    Conversation “Rules of behavior at school”

    Conversation “Why do they register with the police?”

    Conversation “Take care of school and other public property, your belongings, and the belongings of your friends”

    Conversation “Introduction to the rights and responsibilities of students”

    I am a citizen

    Conversation “I am a citizen of Russia”

    Conversation “What is the law? The main law of the country"

    Conversation “Citizen and Everyman”

    Conversation “Your military duty”

    Child's rights

    Conversation “Your rights and responsibilities”

    Conversation “Equality of human rights from birth”

    Business game “Main Questions”

    Oral journal “Convention on the Rights of the Child”

    Conversation “Children’s rights are the concern of the state”

    Drawing competition “Convention on the Rights of the Child”

    Conversation “To a teenager about labor law»

    Conversation “What to do if you end up in the police station”

    Project competition “Your version of the Declaration of Human Rights”

    Administrative and criminal liability

    Conversation “Pranks on the railways

    Conversation “Crimes and Offenses”

    Conversation “Administrative and legal responsibility when creating injuries dangerous situation»

    Conversation “Types of punishments imposed on minors. Children's educational colony"

    Conversation “On the responsibility of a teenager for crimes committed on the railway”

    Quiz “Lessons of Themis”

    “Administrative responsibility of a teenager before the law”

    Conversation “Responsibility for acts related to drug trafficking”

    Discussion “One step from irresponsibility to crime”

    Antisocial behavior

    Essay competition “NO to school bullying”

    Case study “How are teenagers attracted to drug use?”

    Round table “Non-traditional religious associations. Why are they dangerous?

    Round table “Suicide among teenagers”

    Conversation “Social norms and antisocial behavior(crime, drug addiction, alcoholism)"

    Conversation “Alcohol and law and order”

    Responsible for legal education:

    Authorized participant in the educational process:

    Aksenova N.I.


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  2. Educational work of MBOU secondary school No. 20 of Vladimir in areas for the 2013-14 academic year


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  3. Offences,

    what are the consequences?


    on crime prevention

    among minors


    history and law teachers

    Stepanenko V. P.

    Today we will talk about your rights and responsibilities. After all, every person, regardless of age, must be responsible for the actions that he commits. And every person in our country must live by certain rules. There are many rules of human behavior in society and they are combined into laws. Laws concern various fields human activity.

    What do you think is the name of violating the rules of behavior in society? These are misdemeanors, and in more serious cases, a crime.

    Offense - this is an illegal, antisocial action (or inaction), which either violates established prohibitions or does not comply with the law.

    What laws of school life do you know?

    • You can't be late for classes.
    • You cannot miss classes without a good reason.
    • You can't misbehave during recess.
    • Smoking is prohibited in school and on school grounds.
    • You cannot use obscene language, etc.

    What about outside of school? What laws must students abide by outside of school?

    • Do not appear on the street without your parents after 22.00.
    • It is prohibited to buy and drink alcoholic beverages on the street and in transport, or to smoke in in public places.
    • Participate in hooliganism or beating others.
    • Do not carry piercing or cutting objects, etc. with you.

    There are 4 types of legal liability for violations:

    1. Criminal liability– liability for violation of laws provided for by the Criminal Code. A crime provided for by criminal law is socially dangerous, encroaching on the social system, property, personality, rights and freedoms of citizens, public order (murder, robbery, rape, insults, petty theft, hooliganism).

    For malicious hooliganism, theft, and rape, criminal liability begins at the age of 14.

    2. Administrative responsibility applies for violations, provided for by the code about administrative offenses. Administrative violations include: violation of rules traffic, public order disturbance, fire safety, smoking, drinking alcohol in public places, etc.

    People can be held accountable for administrative offenses from the age of 16. Punishment: fine, warning, correctional labor.

    3. Disciplinary responsibility- this is a violation labor responsibilities, i.e. violation labor legislation, for example: being late for work, absenteeism without a good reason.

    There are three forms of disciplinary liability: reprimand, reprimand, dismissal.

    4. Civil liability regulates property relations.

    Punishment for the offender: compensation for harm, payment of damage.

    Let's look at the situations and determine: what offense did the teenagers commit? At what age does responsibility for these offenses begin? What punishment can you expect?

    Situation #1 . Seryozha and Sasha were playing ball in the yard. The guys broke a window in a neighbor's house with a ball. What crime did the teenagers commit?

    (civil liability)

    Situation No. 2. The teenager was detained on the street at 23:40, unaccompanied by adults. What punishment does he face?

    (administrative responsibility)

    Situation No. 3 . 7th grade students were in the locker room before a physical education lesson. After the bell, everyone went to the gym, but Dima stayed and kidnapped mobile phone from your classmate. What crime did the teenager commit? At what age does responsibility for this offense begin?

    (criminal liability begins at age 14)

    Situation No. 4. Roma and Petya were traveling on the bus, talking loudly, laughing, using obscene language, and reacting aggressively to the comments of others. What did the teenagers violate?

    (Administrative Code: administrative responsibility).

    Situation No. 5. If you have been absent from school. What type of liability is there for this offense?

    (Disciplinary responsibility).

    Situation No. 6 . Classmates Andrei and Dima began to quarrel, and a fight broke out, as a result Dima suffered as the weakest. What type of liability is faced for beating?

    (Criminal liability)

    Until the age of 14, parents are responsible for children. For failure to fulfill parental responsibilities, parents are deprived of parental rights.

    Who determines the extent of guilt and punishment?

    The police and the court take into account the degree of guilt when committing an offense.

    1. If the crime was committed with malicious intent. A person understands the dangerous nature of his actions, knows their result and expects their occurrence (for example, theft). In this case, the punishment will be severe in accordance with the law.

    2. If the crime was committed through negligence. Most often, such a crime is committed due to frivolous behavior (example: everyone knows that you can’t leave electrical appliances unattended, because a fire may occur), or negligence: people know about the consequences, but continue to act (example: the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant). For such crimes there are less severe punishments.

    What offenses exist?

    Hooliganism(Article 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Hooliganism is a gross violation of public order and a clear disrespect for society. Obvious disrespect for society means a deliberate violation of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior, dictated by the desire to oppose oneself to others, to demonstrate a disdainful attitude towards them. Distinctive feature– publicity (for example, when property is destroyed or damaged in public places). A gross violation of public order should be recognized, for example, as actions committed in public places that involve mockery, a mocking attitude towards strangers, or with disruption of transport, disruption of public events, disruption of public peace for an extended period of time.

    Vandalism- this is the desecration of buildings or other structures, damage to property on public transport or in other public places. The danger of vandalism lies in the fact that it violates public order and peace of citizens, causing significant property and spiritual damage to society. Punishable by a fine of up to forty thousand rubles, or correctional labor for a term of 120 to 180 hours, or correctional labor for a term of six months to one year. The same acts committed by a group of persons, as well as for reasons of political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, or for reasons of hatred or enmity in relation to any social group is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years or imprisonment for a term of up to three years.

    Theft, that is, the secret theft of someone else's property - is punishable by a fine of up to eighty thousand rubles, or compulsory labor for up to 180 hours, or correctional labor for a term of six months to one year, or imprisonment for up to two years. Theft is considered the most common type of crime. Petty theft is considered if the value of the stolen property does not exceed 1,000 rubles.

    - What do you think should be done to avoid burglary?

    To prevent burglary from occurring, you must take some precautions. He will not go to an apartment that the thief knows nothing about. Therefore, you should not talk about major purchases that your family made during Lately. This information can go further to strangers and lead to unpleasant consequences. Often our lack of foresight and gullibility play into the hands of criminals. Burglars commit crimes all year round However, from May to September, it is especially active. This is understandable: summer season, citizens leave their apartments, and sometimes there is no one to look after them. The mailboxes are filled to the brim with correspondence, no one answers calls on the intercom, and the lights in the apartment are off in the evenings. All these signs are used by burglars.

    ROBBERY(Article 264 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) can be defined as open theft of someone else’s property - punishable by correctional labor for a period of 1 to 3 years, or arrest for up to 6 months, or imprisonment for up to four years.

    Theft of cell phones, especially expensive models, has become one of the most pressing problems. In addition, cell phone manufacturers each new model tend to reduce in size. Unfortunately, elegant and small “pipes” often become even easier prey for thieves. Street robbers often don't think about the fact that the pursuit of easy money can lead to big problems with the law and years of imprisonment behind bars. However, owners of expensive (and not only expensive) cell phones should think about how to protect their handsets and their own lives from attacks by criminals. As a rule, any mobile phone is at risk if its owner is in public transport or on the street. Thanks to the “crush”, attackers can get into your pocket on public transport. On the street, criminals can attack, snatch the phone from your hands, thereby committing property robbery. But, in addition, use a trick, asking him to give the phone a call and run away with it. Owners of elite models need to know that there is a certain category of thieves that specialize in stealing expensive phones. As a rule, they work to order, rarely alone, more often as part of a well-organized criminal group. Thieves usually target models costing 6-10 thousand rubles and more. The robbers have been watching for a while suitable model phone, then they spy on the owner and attack convenient location: in a back alley, on a dark street, at the entrance. Usually two people can participate in a robbery: one pushes you in the back or hits you on the head with a heavy object, the second snatches the phone. Then both disappear, while the victim does not have time to remember the signs of the attackers. This crime is classified as robbery. Most often, criminals attack women or teenagers - those who are unable to resist.

    1. Try to avoid deserted and unlit places, especially in the evening.

    2. Do not carry cell phones on your belt, around your neck, or in your hands. It is better to put them in the inner pocket of your clothes, in your bag, so as not to attract the attention of the criminal once again.

    3. If for some compelling reason (especially in the summer) you carry your phone openly, then it is best to carry it in a closed belt pouch or case that is securely attached to your trouser belt.

    4. Do not talk on the phone while walking; if necessary, stop and while talking, pay attention to what is happening around you.

    5. When using public transport, especially during rush hours, do not forget about thieves - pickpockets; put your phone in the inside pocket of your bag - this way you can better control it.

    6. For children, teenagers cellular telephone is an indicator of well-being. The phone is shown to others with or without reason. Children just play with their mobile phones, forgetting that there might be a robber next to them.

    Unlike theft and robbery ROBBERY is a crime that simultaneously encroaches on property relations and human health. This is an attack for the purpose of stealing someone else's property, committed with the use of violence dangerous to life or health, or with the threat of such violence - punishable by imprisonment from three to eight years.

    Causing harm to health– entails criminal liability, even if it was completely due to negligence. A banal fight can turn into big trouble with the law.

    Fraud is the theft of someone else's property through deception or abuse of trust. Don't think that scammers only deceive older people. This can happen to your peers too.

    A fraudster may appear at the door of your apartment under the guise of a postman, a television technician, a plumber, a policeman, a social worker, or an acquaintance of your neighbors or relatives. Some ask for a glass of water or medicine. Others say they want to return the money or pass on a note to neighbors. The reasons can be very diverse. In reality, they want one thing: to break into your apartment. Be careful! If your doorbell rings, don’t rush to open it!

    Relatively the new kind fraud is when they send SMS messages to people, and they send them their hard-earned money with a reply message cash. All SMS scams are based on the fact that messages to short (four- and five-digit) numbers are charged differently than to regular 12-digit numbers. Short numbers are specifically designed to provide certain paid services, moreover, money for these services is debited from the subscriber’s balance. Fraudsters take advantage of many people’s ignorance of this feature of short numbers, and in some cases, the simple inattention of subscribers, luring them into “mobile traps.” We'll talk about some of these traps today.

    Trap #1. Have you ordered a prize from Europe Plus?

    Usually this trap looks like this: an SMS message is sent to the victim’s number stating that as a result of the lottery, this phone number won a prize from the Europa Plus radio station, but in order to receive it, you need to send your address to short number... That's all, actually, the message was sent, and 200-300 rubles went with it.

    Trap #2.“Hi, let’s get acquainted?”

    Another trap for gullible citizens is offers to meet people via SMS. In databases mobile operators contains not only the numbers themselves, but also the names of the subscribers, and sometimes their age. Therefore, SMS messages turn out to be quite lively, despite the fact that they are sent by a robot. For example, young man You may receive a message like: “Stas, hello, we don’t know each other, but I would like to meet you. Write to me whether you agree or not.” They collect money using a proven scheme with short numbers.

    Trap #3. One missed call.

    Perhaps the most common type of scam, but some citizens still fall for it, especially those whose work involves communicating with clients over the phone.

    Imagine that one fine moment you notice on the display of your mobile one missed call made from an unfamiliar number. It would seem that if a person needs to get through to you, then he will definitely call you back, however, curiosity takes over, and now the usual beeps are heard in the receiver, and then a completely unfamiliar voice. This voice apologizes profusely, and for a few seconds explains to you that in fact he wanted to call his aunt from Norilsk, but he made a mistake in literally one number and ended up with you. These few seconds are usually enough for the operator to charge you 100-200 rubles for a call on a paid number.

    Offenses in computer networks. Today at free time Many people prefer to sit at the computer. Many organizations have confidential information about their customers that is carefully maintained. There are young people who are trying to break codes and obtain information illegally - we are talking about hackers. There is an entire chapter in the criminal code that is devoted to such violations. For illegal access to computer information, the violator can be punished by imprisonment for up to two years. The punishment for creating and distributing viruses is imprisonment for 3 years.

    In life you need to be able to protect yourself from troubles, let's look at six rules that may be useful to you.

    Six protective rules:

    These six rules work in combination with each other. By using them comprehensively, you create truly reliable protection from crimes.

    Rule one:

    Don't lose contact with your parents and loved ones.

    “Being in touch” implies the presence of open two-way communication. You may not tell everything, but there should be confidence that there is a person who can be trusted with the most intimate things if the need arises.

    Talk to your loved ones about everything, and it doesn’t matter if it’s mere trifles, the main thing is communication with each other.
    Respect your parents' advice, don't interrupt, be lenient, and you can learn a lot of useful things for yourself related to your safety.
    Don't laugh at the feelings, thoughts and fears of people close to you. Remember that they are just as vulnerable as you. If people learned to listen and not judge, half the problems in the world would be solved.

    Rule two:Good safety training.

    The modern lifestyle does not provide the opportunity to constantly spend time with parents. The skills that you learn without noticing it remain for the rest of your life.
    Observe what precautions your parents take, pick them up, memorize them, and then begin to apply them yourself (if your father never leaves the car open, then you will obviously do the same.)

    Recommended questions on child safety:
    "What will you do if stranger stops you on the street and asks for your cell phone? »
    “What will you do if you are stuck in an elevator?”
    "What will you do if someone you don't know comes up to you? front door and ask to let you in?”
    “What will you do if high school kids ask you for money?”
    “What will you do if we lose each other on the street?”

    Rule three:Close and lock.

    Practice confirms that more than one third of all property thefts and many crimes against persons are the result of underestimating the closure of windows and doors, which gives attackers an opportunity to commit a crime. If your parents and you yourself had not been so careless, the criminal might never have had a chance. As we've said before, criminals are attracted to easy targets, so anything that makes the criminal's task more difficult will be effective.
    Closing and locking should become a consistent habit, even if someone tells you, “Don’t worry, it’s absolutely safe here.” Unlocked doors to a house or car can be seen as an invitation to thieves, while simply closing and locking them will eliminate the largest group of criminals who commit crimes only under favorable circumstances.

    Rule four: Be visible.

    About two-thirds of crimes, both against children and adults, are committed when we are alone in deserted places. Being in crowded places and avoiding vacant lots, the child increases own safety in many times.

    If you are walking in a park or on the street alone, you are putting yourself at much greater risk than if you are walking with a group.

    Don't get into cars with strangers.

    Almost all criminals avoid witnesses and, accordingly, crowded places.

    When meeting a group of walking teenagers, the attacker simply passes by, because the risk possible complications for him increases many times.

    Being in a crowded place practically prevents crime. If you are in trouble or simply scared, then the simplest and most useful thing for you is to be in front of people.

    Rule five: Check!

    Since time immemorial, verification, no matter what it concerns, remains the cornerstone of prudent behavior. This habit appeared in man at a time when he was struggling to survive in the environment around him. wildlife. Observe the behavior of cats or birds, constantly clarifying and assessing the situation around them, so as not to be taken by surprise.

    The habit of checking contributes to the development of keen observation, insight and the so-called “sixth sense”, which will warn you of possible danger.

    Many victims recall that they felt the need to leave the party, not walk down that street, but they neglected to do so. No one can find a satisfactory explanation for the “sixth sense” of our intuition, but experts believe that it is constantly present in our subconscious, having been inherited from ancestors who lived in a hostile, dangerous world: in order to survive, they had to always be alert and pay attention to the slightest changes in the environment.

    Training has been proven to help develop this feeling.

    Whether it's about your new friend, rumors, doctor's recommendations, your own romantic history or an upcoming trip to unfamiliar places - check it out, and it will help you make a thoughtful and informed decision and prevent you from making an irreparable mistake. Unfamiliar company increases the risk of being in a dangerous situation. You should not expose yourself to such danger.

    Rule sixDon't argue

    There is no doubt that peaceful behavior has the same important to prevent crime, as does the habit of locking doors. Disagreements and quarrels make up the majority of all conflicts that occur both between children and adults. Very often, a crime is provoked by the victim himself. As investigations of many cases have shown, the roots of scandals, petty theft and acts of cruelty often lie precisely in people’s inability to establish contact and come to an agreement.

    There are many ways to get along peacefully with others without seeming annoying, and it would be very good if you learned to behave properly. In addition to the fact that this will help you avoid crimes, you will also get the opportunity to make new friends.

    The “Don't quarrel” rule assumes that you will communicate with others without being rude, using all possible diplomacy, and, as necessary, explaining the reasons for certain of your actions, so as not to cause anger in others. Don't provoke people to act aggressively.

    You should not make fun of others, since those whom you ridicule, and perhaps even humiliate, may take the insult too personally, and who knows what kind of revenge may arise in their souls. And if someone laughs at you, then this is not at all a reason to get involved in a fight.

    We cannot give you complete guarantees of safety, but whatever the prevailing conditions, the six rules described, if applied comprehensively, reinforce each other, creating powerful protection for your safety.