Calculation of heating radiators in the gym. How to calculate a radiator for a room: power calculation technology and overall dimensions. Batteries are grouped according to center-to-center length

There are several in various ways in order to determine the required power heating devices. Calculation of heating radiators in an apartment can be carried out using complex methods that involve the use of fairly complex equipment (thermal imagers) and specialized software.

You can also calculate the number of heating radiators yourself, based on the required power of heating devices when calculating per unit area of ​​the room that is heated.

Schematic calculation of power

In the temperate climate zone (the so-called middle climate zone), accepted standards regulate the installation of heating radiators with a power of 60 - 100 W per square meter of room. This calculation is also called calculation by area.

In northern latitudes (this does not mean Far North, and the northern regions, which lie above 60 ° N) power is accepted in the range of 150 - 200 W per square meter.

The power of the heating boiler will also be determined based on these values.

  • The calculation of the power of heating radiators is carried out using exactly this method. This is exactly the power that heating radiators should have. The heat transfer values ​​of cast iron batteries are in the range of 125 - 150 W per section. In other words, a room of fifteen square meters can be heated (15 x 100 / 125 = 12) by two six-section cast iron radiators;
  • Bimetallic radiators are calculated in a similar way, since their power corresponds to the power (in fact, it is a little more). The manufacturer must indicate these parameters on the original packaging (in extreme cases, these values ​​are given in standard tables for technical specifications);
  • Calculation aluminum radiators heating is carried out in the same way. The temperature of the heating devices themselves is largely related to the temperature of the coolant inside the system and the heat transfer values ​​of each individual radiator. The total price of the device is also related to this.

There are simple algorithms, which are called by the general term: a calculator for calculating heating radiators, which uses the above methods. Do-it-yourself calculations using such algorithms are quite simple.

Additional factors

The above radiator power values ​​are given for standard conditions, which are adjusted using correction factors depending on the presence or absence of additional factors:

  • The height of the room is considered standard if it is 2.7 m. For ceiling heights greater or less than this conditional standard value, the power of 100 W/m2 is multiplied by a correction factor, which is determined by dividing the height of the room by the standard (2.7 m).

For example, the coefficient for a room with a height of 3.24 m will be: 3.24 / 2.70 = 1.2, and for a room with ceilings of 2.43 - 0.8.

  • The number of two external walls in the room (corner room);
  • Quantity additional windows in the room;
  • Availability of double-chamber energy-saving double-glazed windows.

Calculation heating radiators using this method it is better to carry out with some margin, since such calculations are quite approximate.

Heat loss calculation

The above calculation of the thermal power of heating radiators does not take into account many determining conditions. To be more accurate, you must first determine the heat loss values ​​of the building. They are calculated based on data about each wall and ceiling of each room, floor, type of windows and their number, door design, plaster material, type of brick or insulation material.

Calculating the heat transfer of radiator heating batteries based on the indicator 1 kW per 10 m2 has significant drawbacks, which are primarily associated with the inaccuracy of these indicators, since they do not take into account the type of building itself (a separate building or apartment), ceiling height, size of windows and doors .

Formula for calculating heat loss:

TP total = V x 0.04 + TP o x n o + TP d x n d, where

  • TP total - total heat loss in the room;
  • V – volume of the room;
  • 0,04 – standard value heat loss for 1 m3;
  • TP o – heat loss from one window (assumed value is 0.1 kW);
  • n o – number of windows;
  • TP d - heat loss from one door (assumed value is 0.2 kW)
  • n d — number of doors.

Calculation of steel radiators

Pst = TPtotal/1.5 x k, where

  • Pst – power steel radiators;
  • TPtotal – the value of the total heat loss in the room;
  • 1.5 – coefficient for adjusting the length of the radiator, taking into account operation in the temperature range of 70-50 °C;
  • k – safety factor (1.2 – for apartments in multi-storey building, 1.3 – for a private house)

Calculation example for a steel radiator

We proceed from the conditions that the calculation is performed for a room in a private house with an area of ​​20 square meters with a ceiling height of 3.0 m, in which there are two windows and one door.

The calculation instructions prescribe the following:

  • TPtotal = 20 x 3 x 0.04 + 0.1 x 2 + 0.2 x 1 = 2.8 kW;
  • Рst = 2.8 kW/1.5 x 1.3 = 2.43 m.

Calculating steel heating radiators using this method leads to the result that the total length of the radiators is 2.43 m. Taking into account the presence of two windows in the room, it would be advisable to select two radiators of a suitable standard length.

Connection diagram and placement of radiators

Heat transfer from radiators depends on where the heating device is located, as well as the type of connection to the main pipeline.

First of all, heating radiators are placed under the windows. Even the use of energy-saving double-glazed windows does not make it possible to avoid the greatest heat loss through light openings. A radiator that is installed under the window heats the air in the room around it.

Heated air rises to the top. In this case, the layer warm air creates a thermal curtain in front of the opening, which prevents the movement of cold layers of air from the window.

In addition, cold air currents from the window, mixing with warm ascending currents from the radiator, enhance general convection throughout the entire volume of the room. This allows the air in the room to warm up faster.

To be like this thermal curtain effectively created, it is necessary to install a radiator whose length would be at least 70% of the width of the window opening.

Deviation vertical axes radiators and windows should not be larger than 50 mm.

IN corner rooms additional radiator panels must be placed along the external walls, closer to the outer corner.

  • When piping radiators that use risers, they must be installed in the corners of the room (especially in the outer corners of blank walls);
  • When connecting main pipelines from opposite sides, the heat transfer of the devices increases. From a constructive point of view, one-sided connection to pipes is rational.

Radiators with more than twenty sections should be connected with different sides. This is also true for such a harness, when there is more than one radiator on one coupling.

Heat transfer also depends on how the places for supplying and removing coolant from heating devices are located. The heat flow will be greater when connecting the supply to top part and an outlet from the bottom of the radiator.

If radiators are installed in several tiers, then in this case it is necessary to ensure sequential movement of the coolant downward in the direction of movement.

Video about calculating the power of heating devices:

Approximate calculation of bimetallic radiators

Almost all bimetallic radiators are issued according to standard sizes. Non-standard ones must be ordered separately.

This makes the calculation of bimetallic heating radiators somewhat easier.

  • At standard height for ceilings (2.5 - 2.7 m), one section of a bimetallic radiator is taken per 1.8 m2 of living room.

For example, for a room of 15 m2, the radiator should have 8 - 9 sections:

  • For volumetric calculation of a bimetallic radiator, the value of 200 W of each section for every 5 m3 of room is taken.

For example, for a room of 15 m2 and a height of 2.7 m, the number of sections according to this calculation will be 8:

15 x 2.7/5 = 8.1

200 W standard power were accepted by default as standard. Although in practice there are sections of different power from 120 W to 220 W.

Determining heat loss using a thermal imager

Thermal imagers are now widely used to carefully monitor the thermal characteristics of objects and determine thermal insulation properties designs. Using a thermal imager, a quick inspection of buildings is carried out in order to determine the exact value of heat loss, as well as hidden construction defects And Bad quality materials.

The use of these devices makes it possible to determine the exact values ​​of real heat loss through structural elements. Taking into account the given coefficient of heat transfer resistance, these values ​​are compared with the standards. In the same way, places of moisture condensation and irrational piping of radiators in the heating system are determined.

Calculate correctly required amount sections - on the one hand, not a difficult, but nevertheless a very important task for any homeowner. The comfort of staying in your home will depend on the correctness of the calculation, even in the most very coldy. At the same time, an excessive number of mounted sections will lead to the need to artificially limit the supply of coolant to the heating device throughout the entire winter period or, what is much worse, open windows and heat the street, which is fraught with additional costs.

Standard method for calculating a heating radiator

The simplest calculation, often recommended by sellers of this equipment, is based on generally accepted standards, according to which about 100 W of power should be needed to heat one square meter of room area heating device. This roughly corresponds, according to their estimates, to one battery section per two square meters of room.

This approach is overly simplistic. The choice of the number of radiator sections or its area is influenced by whole line various factors. First of all, you should understand that heating radiators are selected not depending on the area of ​​the room, but depending on its heat loss, which is determined by the presence of one or more windows, doors, location of the room, incl. angular, as well as a number of other factors.

Thermal power of the section is the most important parameter

Besides, Various types heating devices have different thermal power. For aluminum radiators it can reach 185-200 W per section, while for cast iron it rarely exceeds 130 W. But in addition to the material of the sections, the thermal power is also greatly influenced by the parameter (DT), which takes into account the temperature of the coolant entering and exiting the battery. Thus, the high thermal power of an aluminum battery, corresponding to 180 W according to the passport, is achieved at DT = 90/70, that is, the temperature of the incoming water should be 90 degrees, the outlet water should be 70 degrees.

However, you need to understand that the operation of almost any boiler under such conditions is very rare. For wall-mounted boilers Maximum temperature– 85 degrees, and while the coolant reaches the battery, the temperature value will drop even more. Therefore, even when purchasing aluminum batteries, one must proceed from the fact that the thermal power of the section will not exceed the value corresponding to DT = 70/55, i.e. approximately 120 W.

What determines the heat loss of a room?

So, the selection of thermal power of heating devices is made based on the amount of heat losses in order to be able to fully compensate for them.

Factors influencing heat losses:

  1. The location where the room is located. It's either south or north or central part countries for which the values ​​of the minimum annual temperature vary quite significantly.
  2. How the room is located relative to the cardinal directions. The presence of windows located on both the north and south sides greatly affects the heat loss of the room.
  3. Ceiling height. If the height of the building differs from the standard 2.5 meters, it is also necessary to make certain adjustments to the calculation.
  4. Required temperature. Not all rooms need the same temperature. In the living room, for example, temperatures may be slightly lower than in the bedroom, which is also reflected in the calculation of the required power of heating devices.
  5. The thickness of walls, ceilings, as well as their composition, the presence of thermal insulation, since the thermal conductivity coefficient is different materials can vary greatly. Concrete, for example, has a maximum coefficient, while thermal insulating foam has a minimum.
  6. The presence of window openings, doors and their number. It is clear that what larger area indoors, the greater the heat loss in it, since it is through these openings that the main heat losses occur.
  7. Availability of ventilation. This parameter cannot be ignored, even if there is no room in the room. The so-called infiltration is always present - windows open from time to time, visitors enter the room through doors, etc.

Determine the required thermal power

However, it is possible to fully take into account all possible factors that increase or decrease heat losses using only a fairly complex techniques counting and professional software. In general, such calculations confirm that for a room in which no special works aimed at increasing energy efficiency, the figure of 100 W of radiator power per square meter is correct. This is true for the middle zone. For northern regions, the parameter should be increased to 150 or even 200 W.

However, if during construction or repairs the floors were also installed, there are energy-saving double-glazed windows in the window openings, then even in harsh winter The power of heating devices, even 70 W, will be quite enough. This question, of course, is not so significant for apartment owners with central heating, but for owners of private houses, reducing the required heating power will help save money throughout the year.

Calculating the number of battery sections

So, let’s carry out a simple calculation of the number of sections of an aluminum battery required for heating small room with an area of ​​15 square meters and normal ceiling height. Let's take a value of 100 W per 1 sq. m as the required power of heating devices, and the rated power of one battery section is 120 W. Then the required number of sections can be determined by the formula:

N = S*Qп/Qн, where

  • N – number of sections,
  • S – room area,
  • Qп – required thermal power depending on the type of room,
  • Qн – rated thermal power of one battery section.

In our case N = 15*100/120 = 12.5

Table: example of the number of radiator sections depending on the area of ​​the room

However, it must be taken into account that the thermal power of modern batteries, be it not only aluminum, but also bimetallic, depending on the design and manufacturer, can vary greatly, ranging from 120 to 200 W. Accordingly, the number of sections will also vary quite a lot.

Before purchasing and installing sectional radiators (usually bimetallic and aluminum), most people have a question about how to calculate heating radiators based on the area of ​​the room.

In this case, the most correct thing to do would be to produce But it uses a huge number of coefficients, and the result may be something underestimated or, conversely, overestimated. In this regard, many people use simplified options. Let's look at them in more detail.

Main settings

Please note that the correct operation of the heating system, as well as its efficiency, largely depend on its type. However, there are other parameters that influence this indicator in one way or another. These parameters include:

  • Boiler power.
  • Number of heating devices.
  • Circulation pump power.

Calculations carried out

Depending on which of the above parameters will be subject to detailed study, the corresponding calculation is made. For example, determining the required power of a pump or gas boiler.

In addition, very often it is necessary to calculate heating devices. In the process of this calculation, it is also necessary to calculate the buildings. This is explained by the fact that, having made a calculation, for example, of the required number of radiators, you can easily make a mistake when selecting a pump. Similar situation occurs when the pump cannot cope with supplying the required amount of coolant to all radiators.

Enlarged calculation

Calculating heating radiators by area can be called the most democratic way. In the regions of the Urals and Siberia the figure is 100-120 W, in middle lane Russia - 50-100 W. A standard heating device (eight sections, the center distance of one section is 50 cm) has a heat output of 120-150 W. Bimetallic radiators have a slightly higher power - about 200 W. If we're talking about As for the standard coolant, for a room of 18-20 m2 with a height of 2.5-2.7 m, two cast iron devices of 8 sections each will be required.

What determines the number of devices?

Calculation of heating radiators by area

Taking into account the above factors, you can perform a calculation. So, 1 m2 will require 100 W, that is, to heat a room of 20 m2, 2000 W will be required. One cast iron radiator of 8 sections is capable of delivering 120 W. Divide 2000 by 120 and we get 17 sections. As mentioned earlier, this parameter is very comprehensive.

The calculation of heating radiators for a private house with its own heater is carried out according to the maximum parameters. Thus, we divide 2000 by 150 and get 14 sections. We will need this number of sections to heat a room of 20 m2.

Formula for accurate calculation

There is a rather complicated formula by which you can accurately calculate the power of a heating radiator:

Q t = 100 W/m 2 × S(room)m 2 × q1 × q2 × q3 × q4 × q5 × q6× q7, where

q1 - glazing type: conventional glazing - 1.27; double glazing - 1; triple - 0.85.

q2 - wall insulation: poor - 1.27; wall of 2 bricks - 1; modern - 0.85.

q3 - ratio of the areas of window openings to the floor: 40% - 1.2; 30% - 1.1; 20% - 0.9; 10% - 0.8.

q4 - outside temperature(minimum): -35°C - 1.5; -25°C - 1.3; -20°C - 1.1; -15° C - 0.9; -10C° - 0.7.

q5 - number of external walls: four - 1.4; three - 1.3; corner (two) - 1.2; one - 1.1.

q6 - type of room located above the design room: cold attic - 1; heated attic - 0.9; heated residential - 0.8.

q7 - room height: 4.5m - 1.2; 4m - 1.15; 3.5m - 1.1; 3m - 1.05; 2.5m - 1.3.


Let's calculate heating radiators by area:

A room of 25 m2 with two double doors window openings with triple glazing, height 3 m, enclosing structures of 2 bricks, located above the room cold attic. Minimum air temperature in winter period time - +20°C.

Q t = 100W/m 2 × 25 m 2 × 0.85 × 1 × 0.8(12%) × 1.1 × 1.2 × 1 × 1.05

The result is 2356.20 W. Let's divide this number by So, our premises will require 16 sections.

Calculation of heating radiators by area for a private country house

If the rule for apartments is 100 W per 1 m2 of room, then this calculation will not work for a private house.

For the first floor the power is 110-120 W, for the second and subsequent floors - 80-90 W. In this regard, multi-storey buildings are much more economical.

Calculation of the power of heating radiators by area in a private house is carried out using the following formula:

N = S × 100 / P

In a private house, it is recommended to take sections with a small margin, this does not mean that this will make you feel hot, just that the wider the heating device, the lower the temperature must be supplied to the radiator. Accordingly, the lower the coolant temperature, the longer it will last. heating system generally.

It is very difficult to take into account all the factors that have any impact on the heat transfer of the heating device. In this case, it is very important to correctly calculate heat losses, which depend on the size of the window and doorways, window. However, the examples discussed above make it possible to determine the required number of radiator sections as accurately as possible and at the same time ensure a comfortable temperature regime in the room.

For the heating system to work efficiently, it is not enough to simply place radiators in the rooms. It is necessary to calculate the number of radiators, taking into account the area and volume of the premises and the power of the stove or boiler itself. It is also important to take into account the type of battery, the number of sections in each and the speed of delivery of the “working fluid”.

8 sectional radiator heating in the apartment

To date the industry produces several types of radiators that are made from different materials, have different shapes and, of course, characteristics. To ensure efficient heating of your home, when buying them, you need to take into account all the pros and cons of the models on the market.

The property owner does not have to turn to specialists for help in calculating the number of heating radiators; for this it is enough to be able to use a tape measure, calculator and ballpoint pen or a pencil! By following our instructions, you will definitely succeed!

The first thing you need to know is the type and material from which your radiators are made; this is what their number depends on. On sale are as already familiar to everyone cast iron types batteries, but significantly improved, as well as modern copies made of aluminum, steel and so-called bimetallic radiators made of steel and aluminum.

Modern battery options are made in a variety of designs and have numerous shades and colors, so you can easily choose those models that are more suitable for a particular interior. However, we must not forget about technical specifications devices.

But they also have weak side- they are acceptable only for heating systems with sufficient high pressure, which means for buildings connected to central heating in apartment buildings. They are not suitable for buildings with an autonomous heating supply and should be abandoned.

  • It’s worth talking about cast iron radiators. Despite their long “historical experience”, they do not lose their relevance. Moreover, today you can purchase cast iron options made in different designs, and they can easily be selected for any design design. Moreover, such radiators are produced that may well become an addition or even decoration to the room.

Cast iron radiator in modern style

These batteries are suitable for both autonomous and central heating, and for any coolant. They take longer to warm up than bimetallic ones, but also cool down for a longer time, which contributes to greater heat transfer and heat retention in the room. The only condition for their long-term operation is high-quality installation during installation.

  • Steel radiators are divided into two types: tubular and panel.

Tubular options are more expensive, they heat up slower than panel ones, and, accordingly, maintain temperature longer.

Panel batteries heat up quickly. They are much cheaper in price than tubular ones, they also heat rooms well, but in the process of their rapid cooling, the room also cools down. Therefore these batteries are autonomous heating are not economical, as they require an almost constant supply of thermal energy.

These characteristics of both types of steel batteries will directly affect the number of points for their placement.

Steel radiators have a respectable appearance, so they fit well into any style of room design. They do not collect dust on their surface and are easy to clean.

  • Aluminum radiators have good thermal conductivity, so they are considered quite economical. Thanks to this quality and modern design, aluminum batteries became sales leaders.

Lightweight and efficient aluminum radiators

But when purchasing them, you need to take into account one of their drawbacks - aluminum is demanding on the quality of the coolant, so they are more suitable only for autonomous heating.

In order to calculate how many radiators will be needed for each room, you will have to take into account many nuances, both related to the characteristics of the batteries and others that affect the preservation of heat in the rooms.

How to calculate the number of heating radiator sections

In order for heat transfer and heating efficiency to be at the proper level, when calculating the size of radiators, it is necessary to take into account the standards for their installation, but not do not rely on window sizes openings , under which they are installed.

The heat transfer is affected not by its size, but by the power of each individual section, which are assembled into one radiator. That's why the best option will place several small batteries, distributing them around the room, rather than one large one. This can be explained by the fact that heat will enter the room from different points and heat it evenly.

Each individual room has its own area and volume, and the calculation of the number of sections installed in it will depend on these parameters.

Calculation based on room area

To know the required power to heat a room, you can multiply by 100 W the size of its area (in square meters), wherein:

  • The radiator power is increased by 20% if two walls of the room face the street and there is one window in it - this could be an end room.
  • The power will have to be increased by 30% if the room has the same characteristics as in the previous case, but has two windows.
  • If the window or windows of the room face northeast or north, which means there is minimal sunlight, the power needs to be increased by another 10%.
  • A radiator installed in a niche under a window has reduced heat transfer; in this case, the power will have to be increased by another 5%.
  • If the radiator is covered with a screen for aesthetic purposes, then heat transfer is reduced by 15%, and it also needs to be replenished by increasing the power by this amount.

Screens on radiators are beautiful, but they will take up to 15% of the power

The specific power of the radiator section must be indicated in the passport that the manufacturer encloses with the product.

Knowing these requirements, you can calculate the required number of sections by dividing the resulting total value of the required thermal power, taking into account all the specified compensating corrections, by the specific heat transfer of one section of the battery.

The resulting calculation result is rounded to a whole number, but only up. Let's say there are eight sections. And here, returning to the above, it should be noted that for better heating and heat distribution, the radiator can be divided into two parts, four sections each, which are installed in different places in the room.

It should be noted that such calculations are suitable for determining the number of sections for rooms equipped with central heating, the coolant in which has a temperature of no more than 70 degrees.

This calculation is considered quite accurate, but the calculation can be done in another way.

Calculation of the number of sections in radiators, based on the volume of the room

The standard is considered to be a thermal power ratio of 41 W per 1 cubic meter. meter of room volume, provided that it contains one door, window and external wall.

To make the result clearly visible, for example, you can calculate required quantity batteries for a room of 16 square meters. m. and a ceiling 2.5 meters high:

16 × 2.5= 40 cube.m.

41 × 40=1640 W.

Knowing the heat transfer of one section (it is indicated in the passport), you can easily determine the number of batteries. For example, heat transfer is 170 W, and the following calculation is made:

1640 / 170 = 9,6.

After rounding the number is 10 - this will be the required number of sections heating elements per room.

There are also some features:

  • If a room is connected to an adjacent room by an opening that does not have a door, then it is necessary to calculate the total area of ​​the two rooms, only then will it be revealed exact amount batteries for heating efficiency.
  • If the coolant has a temperature below 70 degrees, the number of sections in the battery will have to be increased proportionally.
  • When double-glazed windows are installed in the room, heat losses are significantly reduced, so the number of sections in each radiator can be reduced.
  • If the premises are equipped with old cast iron batteries, which were quite capable of creating the desired microclimate, but there are plans to replace them with some modern ones, then count how many of them will be needed very simple. One cast iron section has a constant heat output of 150 W. Therefore, the number of installed cast iron sections you need to multiply by 150, and the resulting number is divided by the heat output indicated on the section of the new batteries.

Video: Expert advice on calculating the number of heating radiators in an apartment

If you still do not fully understand how these calculations are made and you do not rely on your own strength, you can contact specialists who will make an accurate calculation and perform an analysis taking into account all the parameters:

  • features of the weather conditions of the region where the building is located;
  • temperature climatic indicators at the beginning and end of the heating season;
  • the material from which the structure is constructed and the presence of high-quality insulation;
  • the number of windows and the material from which the frames are made;
  • height of heated premises;
  • efficiency installed system heating.

Knowing all of the above parameters, heating engineers can easily calculate the required number of batteries using their existing calculation program. Such a miscalculation, taking into account all the nuances of your home, is guaranteed to make it cozy and warm, and you and your family happy!

Every home owner when installing heating is faced with important issues. What type of radiator should I choose? How to calculate the number of radiator sections? If professional employees are building a house for you, they will help you perform the calculations correctly so that the distribution heating batteries the building was rational. However, this procedure can be carried out independently. You will find the formulas necessary for this below in the article.

Types of radiators

Today there are the following types of heating batteries: bimetallic, steel, aluminum and cast iron. Radiators are also divided into panel, sectional, convector, tubular, and design radiators. Their choice depends on the coolant, the technical capabilities of the heating system and financial opportunity owner of the house. How to calculate the number of radiator sections per room? This does not depend on the type. In this case, only one indicator is taken into account - radiator power.

Calculation methods

In order for the heating system in a room to work efficiently and to keep it warm and comfortable in winter, you need to carefully apply the following calculation methods:

  • Standard - carried out on the basis of the provisions of SNiP, according to which heating 1m2 will require a power of 100 watts. The calculation is carried out using the formula: S / P, where P is the power of the department, S is the area of ​​the selected room.
  • Approximate - to heat a 1.8 m2 apartment with ceilings 2.5 m high, you will need one radiator section.
  • Volumetric method - heating power of 41 W is taken per 1 m 3. The width, height and length of the room are taken into account.

How many radiators will be needed for the whole house?

How to calculate the number of radiator sections for an apartment or house? Calculations are carried out for each room separately. According to the standard, the thermal power per 1 m 3 of the volume of a room with one door, window and external wall, is considered to be 41 watts.

If the house or apartment is “cold”, with thin walls, has many windows, the house or apartment is located on the first or last floor, then to heat them you need 47 W per 1 m 3, and not 41 W. For a house built from modern materials using different insulation materials for walls, floors, ceilings, having metal-plastic windows. you can take 30 W.

To replace cast iron radiators, there is the simplest calculation method: you need to multiply their number by the resulting number - the power of the new devices. When purchasing aluminum or bimetallic batteries for replacement, the calculation is carried out in the ratio: one cast iron rib to one aluminum one.

Rules for calculating the number of branches

  • The radiator power increases: if the room is at the end and has one window - by 20%; with two windows - by 30%; windows facing north also require an increase of another 10%; installing a battery under a window - 5%; covering the heating device with a decorative screen - by 15%.
  • The power required for heating can be calculated by multiplying the size of the room area (in m2) by 100 W.

In the product passport, the manufacturer indicates the specific power, which makes it possible to calculate the proper number of sections. Do not forget that heat transfer is affected by the power of an individual section, and not by the size of the radiator. Therefore, placing and installing several small appliances in a room is more effective than installing one large one. The incoming heat from different sides will warm it up evenly.

Calculation of the number of compartments of bimetallic batteries

  • Dimensions of the room and the number of windows in it.
  • Location of a specific room.
  • The presence of unclosed openings, arches and doors.
  • Heat transfer power of each section indicated by the manufacturer in the passport.

Stages of calculations

How to calculate the number of radiator sections if all the necessary data is recorded? To do this, determine the area by calculating the derivatives of the width and height of the room in meters. Using the formula S = L x W, calculate the joint area if they have open openings or arches.

Next, the total battery is calculated (P = S x 100), using a power of 100 W to heat one m2. Then the proper number of sections is calculated (n = P / Pc) by dividing the total thermal power by the heat transfer of one section indicated in the passport.

Depending on the location of the room, the calculation of the required number of compartments of the bimetallic device is carried out taking into account correction factors: 1.3 - for corner; use a coefficient of 1.1 - for the first and last floors; 1.2 - used for two windows; 1.5 - three or more windows.

Carrying out calculations of battery sections in the end room, located on the first floor of the house and having 2 windows. The dimensions of the room are 5 x 5 m. The heat output of one section is 190 W.

  • We calculate the area of ​​the room: S = 5 x 5 = 25 m2.
  • We calculate the thermal power in general: P = 25 x 100 = 2500 W.
  • We carry out the calculation necessary sections: n = 2500 / 190 = 13.6. Round up, we get 14. Take into account correction factors n = 14 x 1.3 x 1.2 x 1.1 = 24.024.
  • We divide the sections into two batteries and install them under the windows.

We hope that the information presented in the article will tell you how to calculate the number of radiator sections for your home. To do this, use the formulas and make a relatively accurate calculation. It is important to choose the right section power that is suitable for your heating system.

If you cannot independently calculate the required number of batteries for your home, it is best to seek help from specialists. They will perform a competent calculation, taking into account all the factors affecting the efficiency of the installed heating devices, which will ensure warmth in the house during the cold period.