Practical project on ecology. Project work “City Ecology”

0 Ecological project


1. Introduction. Justification of the problem and need that has arisen.

2. Main part.

2.1 Monitoring

2.2 Research and development of ideas.

2.4 Implementation stages

3.​ Evaluation of the work done. Self-control.

4. Presentation.

5. Applications:


6. Literature used.


Throughout the history of human civilization, the social standard of living of society has been determined by the production of consumer goods - from necessary products food, dishes, furniture, housing and up to a variety of vehicles and modern household appliances. The growth of consumer goods is accompanied by an increase in the amount of household waste. The problem of accumulation and the need to dispose of municipal solid waste (MSW) due to contamination of the territory is especially acute in large cities, including Karaganda. The above determined the theme of the project: “My world is without garbage!”

The relevance of research is associated with the need to reduce the amount of garbage in the city and its surroundings, since high pollution leads to disruption of the ecological balance.

Problem: an increase in the amount of garbage in the city and its surroundings can lead to a deterioration in the health of Karaganda residents due to the negative impact of waste on the environment (air, soil, water pollution in the Nura River, Fedorovskoye Reservoir).

Object of study: the condition of authorized and unauthorized waste accumulation sites in the school district, as well as the surrounding area.

Subject of study: creating conditions to ensure cleanliness on city streets and optimal waste disposal.

Goal: study the impact of waste on human life and the environment.

Hypothesis: the solution to the pollution problem will be carried out more effectively in comparison with existing practice if

provide a larger number of authorized trash cans, clean the area around them, and carry out timely garbage removal;

sort waste for disposal or recycling;

purposefully conduct educational work among students about the need to maintain cleanliness on city streets, recreational areas outside the city, beaches, etc.


1. Show the variety of household, construction and industrial waste found in city landfills, its harmful impact on the environment.

2. Consider the problem of waste disposal.

3. Contribute to solving the problem of street pollution in the city of Karaganda.

The amount of accumulated garbage is constantly growing.

The analysis shows that the bulk falls on the share of organic components (75–80%), for last years The share of packaging materials made of paper, cardboard and polyethylene has increased significantly, which is associated with the filling of the market with imported products.

From the history of the fight against garbage.

1810 - the tin can was invented in England.

1874 year - first organized waste burning in England.

1897 - The first waste sorting and recycling center was opened in New York.

1912 - Cellophane is invented.

1932 - garbage compacting machines were invented in the USA.

1992 - an international forum in Rio de Janeiro named waste disposal one of the main problems of the Earth.

Excursion into history:

200 thousand years BC - the first garbage heaps of animal bones and fragments of stone tools.

400 BC - the first ever organized landfill in Athens.

1775 - First rubbish bins in London.

1880 - pigs on the streets of New York to combat garbage.

Observing the removal of garbage, we determined its composition:

disposable tableware (large quantities)

plastic bags

plastic bottles

plastic toys

soft toys (rag)


bottles, jars (glass)


bricks, construction waste

books, magazines

cast iron plates

broken chairs, stools, other furniture

pencils, pens

batteries, accumulator.

The garbage is not sorted, its location is not fenced off, landfills often burn, and they lack a collection, cleaning and filtration system. Toxic waste has been disposed of in landfills. And places where household waste is buried have become a breeding ground for rodents and insects.

Speaking about waste disposal, it is interesting to note that incineration can reduce the volume of waste by 2–10 times; use heat from combustion for heating purposes (according to experts, burning 5 tons of solid waste is equivalent to burning 1 ton of standard fuel); reduce waste contamination of water and soil. However, this destroys the valuable components contained in the waste; Quite a lot of ash and slag waste is generated (up to 25%), which must be buried in landfills; the atmosphere is polluted. The scale of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere with smoke from waste incineration plants around the world exceeds volcanic activity.

The most serious problem that arises when burning unsorted solid waste is the release of toxic substances when burning plastic, polyethylene and other polymer materials, especially polyvinyl chloride (these materials are present in such beautiful and harmless at first glance things as glossy covers of notebooks, magazines and books, packaging of industrial goods, toys). The most dangerous of the resulting substances are dioxins (organochlorine compounds that do not decompose for 10–15 years, a strong mutagen and carcinogen, one of the strongest synthetic poisons, a dose of 10–6 g is lethal to humans). Actually paper and natural fabrics, which are based on natural natural material, in particular cellulose, are harmless, but the paint applied to them produces harmful substances entering the atmosphere.

On the territory of our city there are many practically unequipped garbage dumps. The number of unauthorized landfills is unknown.

In landfills, waste is often set on fire to reduce its volume and extend the life of the landfill. Combustion goes poorly, is accompanied by smoke and stench, and also contributes to the formation of dangerous chemical substances(including dioxins) due to the presence of polymers, all kinds of chemicals and other materials. As a result, the air is polluted, harmful substances penetrate into underground aquifers, and pollutants are often washed off on the surface. Buried garbage undergoes anaerobic decomposition, which leads to the formation of biogas, 2/3 consisting of methane, which, spreading in the soil, has a detrimental effect on plant roots.

The construction and operation of waste incineration plants (WIPs) is a very expensive undertaking.

Deadlines for waste decomposition.

How long is waste stored?

Very often, while walking through a park or forest, we are saddened to see garbage. We meet it, get upset and leave it lying in the same place, often because the thought comes: “Nothing, the rain will wash it away, rot, and basically go somewhere.” For clarity on this issue and greater determination for those who want to do their part in the fight against garbage, we suggest studying this table:

Types of garbage

Decomposition time

Food waste

From 10 days to 1 month


From 1 month to 1 year

Carton boxes

Wooden boards

Iron fittings

Iron cans

Old shoes

Fragments of brick, concrete

Car Batteries


Electric batteries

Rubber tires

More than 100 years

Plastic bottles

More than 100 years

Polyethylene film

Aluminum cans

More than 1000 years



We decided to find out the opinion on this issue from the students of our school.

A QUESTIONNAIRE for students has been developed (see appendix).



Our classmates helped us in implementing the project.

1. Students in the class answered the questionnaire.

2. We walked around the school district, where we marked dump sites and authorized trash cans.

It turned out there were 3 official, equipped trash cans near the school; of course, there were places where garbage had been dumped.

Near the village "Kuanysh" there are 3 official, equipped trash cans,

We conclude that there are clearly not enough garbage cans.

3. While on duty, students noted the amount of garbage in the classrooms during one school day.

4. We worked with scientific literature and materials from the Internet to find a solution to this problem in other regions and countries.

Research and development of ideas.

Solid waste disposal sites, called sanitary landfills in the West, are complex engineering structures and are equipped according to special technology. The bottom of the landfill, which has a slight slope, is lined with durable polyethylene film. The daily poured layer of waste is leveled and compacted with special rollers, then covered with a layer of sand or clay, leveled and compacted, again covered with a layer of film. And so every day. At the bottom of the landfill there is a collection of filterable liquids, which are regularly taken out for processing. After filling the landfill under zero level carry out reclamation - filling with a layer of sand and soil, planting grass and plants and other necessary work.

The waste is sorted and sent depending on its content to various landfills. In recent years, after sorting waste, they began to press it into briquettes with a significant reduction in volume (5–10 times). There is practically no soil subsidence at such landfills; In the USA, England and other countries, it is customary to build grounds for the popular national game of golf on the uncultivated surfaces of landfills.

These are waste sorting tanks that already exist abroad.

And this is how they could be, for example, in our country, city.

Biotechnologies for solid waste recycling are used everywhere on a small scale (exceptions are France, Sweden, and the Netherlands). Composting is a biochemical process of decomposition of the organic part of solid waste by microorganisms. Naturally, composting must be preceded by careful sorting of solid waste. Compost does not contain much a large number of nutrients Compared to other types of fertilizers, however, it helps improve soil structure. Its main disadvantage is the presence of elements such as lead, zinc, copper, etc., which pollute the soil.

Way to solve the problem:

Recycling (reuse) of solid waste

Back in the last century-D. I. Mendeleev wrote: “ The main goal It is progressive technology to find a way to produce useful things from waste.”

The environmental safety of solid waste disposal requires their preliminary sorting, which determines the efficiency of solid waste processing and the cost recovery for the construction of processing facilities. It is the sorting of solid waste that allows them to be reused.

In the first case we're talking about about reusable containers, especially glass. Practice shows that in addition to reducing the consumption of raw materials, we have significant savings in electricity, and therefore in fuel for its production. Washing a bottle requires less energy than melting it and making a new bottle from the resulting material (note that the energy consumption for producing a bottle from recycled materials is less than from primary).

The need to reuse household waste was discussed even before there was general interest in the ecology of the planet. Recycling of used products and reuse glass containers peaked in developed countries Europe in the early 1990s.

2.3 Research methods

During the implementation of this project we used

methods: visual observations;




3. Evaluation of the work done.


Positive ratings.

We began to live by the rule: “Clean where there is no litter!” We began to consciously monitor cleanliness and order.

We developed our artistic abilities, observation skills,

ability to work with additional literature and a computer.

Our speeches made us think about this problem and developed an active life position. We helped maintain cleanliness in the classroom throughout the school.

We have become a more united group.


Our presentation allows you to colorfully and clearly highlight the important environmental problem of environmental pollution.

Can be used in ecology lessons, as well as class teachers for cool hours(see Attachment).


So far, humanity has come up with three fundamentally different ways to dispose of waste: organizing landfills, recycling waste and burning it. However, none of them can be considered absolutely acceptable.

Recycling waste is the most resource-saving way, but it is not always profitable both economically and environmentally. Taking waste to a landfill is the cheapest, but also the most short-sighted way to dispose of it. He is short-sighted primarily because garbage remains garbage.

Landfills (especially around large cities) occupy huge areas. Toxic substances that end up in landfills (in used batteries, accumulators, thermometers, etc., as well as in rotting food waste and decomposing plastics) penetrate into The groundwater, which are often used as sources drinking water, are scattered by the winds throughout the surrounding area and thereby cause damage environment. In addition, as a result of rotting processes without air access, various gases are formed (methane, ethylene, hydrogen sulfide, phosphide), which also do not refresh the atmosphere around the landfill. Some rotting products (primarily diphosphine Р2H4) are capable of self-ignition, so fires regularly occur in landfills, during which soot, phenol, and benzopyrene are released into the atmosphere (contained in coal tar, tobacco smoke, the air of large cities, soil; carcinogenic) and other toxic substances.

We see the following ways to solve Karaganda's problems with garbage.

1. Conduct explanatory work with the population under the slogan “Clean where they don’t litter!”

2. Elimination of waste in unauthorized landfills within the city and suburbs.

3. Control by the city administration over the process of garbage removal to the designated location. Setting fines for violations.

4. Accelerate the construction and launch of waste processing plants, introduce waste sorting for recycling (waste paper, glass containers, scrap metal, etc.)

5. Increase the number of garbage containers or the frequency of arrivals of garbage trucks.

By reducing the volume of garbage, we will reduce the problem!

The solution to the garbage problem is guaranteed health for everyone!

A city without GARBAGE – a clear conscience – good health!

We want to see our hometown only like this: http://www.bankr ank.nsf/M/2FD2BE 1F7E78ED46C32568 2E00261D0C -Environmental problems

Sample topics for environmental projects. Study of the impact of phytoncides on pests cultivated plants(agroecology). Study of the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of zooplankton distribution in Lake Maloye (hydroecology). Immunotoxic effect of breakdown products of chemical compounds in surface waters Leonidovka district (chemical ocology). Study of the influence of anthropogenic load on the species composition of bioindicators of the floodplain meadow of the Yaya River (plant ecology). Environmental problems and public reaction on them in conditions of social and economic crisis (social ecology).

Slide 6 from the presentation “Environmental projects” for ecology lessons on the topic “Education”

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“Theory of Ecology” - Soft Science Immature science Image: lawn. Department of General Ecology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. Introduction to general ecology. Competition. marsupial lion. Ecology: Introductory lecture. Synedra ulna. Population density. (2) Z is a power (allometric) function of body mass W. ? = ?? = e-?. M. 2005, p. 6).

“Using Indicators” - SOE Indicators. 1. Use of indicators in government reports on the state of the environment of Turkmenistan.

“Projects on ecology” - Prize of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia “Best environmental project of the year”. Exhibition “Reserved Russia”. Official reception of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources. Projects 2009. Ecology and Peace Foundation. Cooperation. "Russia is reserved." “Best environmental project of the year – 2009.” "Green Arrow". This is the first time such an event has been held in Russia.

"Environmental Conference" - The ratio of organizations - winners. By organization: 2 opening and closing areas, 8 sections, 4 leisure areas, Animation program. By section: Analysis of the distribution of topics. 2nd place. Conference. 43 general education uchr. 8 educational institutions of the Moscow region. 7 parole 5 educational associations 149 teachers, 19 are guests of the event.

“Pollution of the Chelyabinsk atmosphere” - EURT area in Chelyabinsk region about 23 thousand sq. km. Ai River. The areas of pollution are especially extensive (11-13 thousand sq. km) around Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk. Sak-Elga River. Nuclear pollution. Miass Tool Plant. Completed by: student of class 11 “A” of municipal educational institution “gymnasium No. 19” Kunkel Julia. Water pollution.

“Textbooks on ecology” - Applied ecology. Yu.V. Trofimenko. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006. - 400 p., p. color ill. Ecology: Transport structure and environment. Ecology of populations and communities. For university students. Ecology. Can be used by specialists conducting environmental research.

Research project"Let's protect our native nature!"

Mukhina Svetlana Nikolaevna
Description of work: I bring to your attention a project on environmental issues, city pollution from household waste.
Subject:"Let's protect our native nature!"
Target: To attract the attention of citizens to the problem of household pollution in the city and direct their actions to prevent this situation.
Tasks: To study the opinions of citizens about the problem of household pollution.
Collect and analyze information about the placement of trash cans and trash cans in the city.
Conduct conversations and mini-lectures with children and adolescents aged 5-17 years in order to inform them about the problem of household pollution in the city.
Conduct “Clean Coast”, “Clean Forest”, “Clean City” campaigns among teenagers.

“It is the environmental component that should become the key leitmotif of human activity” V.V. Putin.
Relevance: global scale of household pollution.
Causes of urban pollution:
1.quantitative shortage of ballot boxes on the city streets;
2.bad manners, irresponsibility of the townspeople.
Hypothesis: The fight against household waste on city streets will help preserve the cleanliness of the environment and the physical and moral health of people.
-between the instillation of environmental culture in the younger generation and the immoral, irresponsible behavior of a number of adults;
- between the growth in the production of high-tech materials and the lag in their processing.

A survey was conducted: “My contribution to maintaining cleanliness and order in my hometown.”
100 people were interviewed.
Survey results:
1. Do you agree with the statement that the citizens of our city maintain cleanliness and order on the streets? (Yes -42, No – 58)
2. Do you always throw away household waste in designated areas? (Yes – 84, No –16)
3. Have you ever left household garbage in the entrance of your house? (Yes –3, No – 97)
4. Do you keep your entrance clean? (Yes –59, No –41)
5. Do you always use street trash cans, or can you afford to throw a cigarette butt or piece of paper on the ground? (Yes –74, No –26)
6. Do you think you are contributing to maintaining cleanliness and order on the city streets? (Yes –65, No – 35)
7. Does it satisfy you? aesthetic appearance streets of our city? (Yes –45, No –55)

Main characteristics of household waste:
Food waste;
Waste paper;
Products made of plastics that do not contain chlorine;
Products made of chlorine-containing plastics;

Time for garbage to rot in landfills.
Transport ticket 1 month
Banana peel up to 6 months
Wool sock 1 year
Wooden stick 4 years
Waxed glass 5 years
Painted board 13 years
Tin cans 100 years
Aluminum jars up to 500 years
Plastic bottles up to 500 years old
Glass jars NEVER

Together with teenagers studying in the associations, we held the “Clean Coast”, “Clean City”, “Clean Forest” campaigns; we created booklets about the dangers of household waste and distributed them among city residents. We believe that people who themselves took part in the improvement of the city will no longer litter themselves, and perhaps they will stop those who want to throw a candy wrapper or a lemonade bottle on the ground.
Love and take care of your city!

Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 6"

Ecological project

We are for a clean city

10th grade student

Sheludyakova Anastasia

Scientific adviser:

teacher of biology and ecology

Karyachkina T.A.

g.o. Saransk

I. Introduction………………………………………………………

1. Relevance of the chosen topic
2. Goals and objectives of the study
3. Subject of research. Problematic question
4. Hypothesis
5. Research methods
6. Stages of work on the project

II. Main part. Theoretical aspect...…………

    Waste classification.

    Waste management: collection, removal, use, disposal.

    Danger of waste.

4. What does waste recycling provide for nature and people?

III. Main part. Practical aspect………………

    Object of study.

    Research methodology: survey.

    Survey questions.

    Analysis of responses. Conclusions.

    What is the benefit of separate waste?

    Introduction of a waste separation system.

    Why is this needed in our village?

    Development of a project plan:

a) Collection of data on waste recycling. Conclusion.
b) Drawing up a plan.

IV. Conclusion…………………………………………………….

V. References……………………………………………………………


    Relevance of the chosen topic.

Relevance of the topic It is indisputable: each of us throws out a huge amount of garbage. Thus, the average city dweller produces about 300 kg or 1.5 m 3 of waste per year. In weight this is comparable to an average elk, and in volume - with three large refrigerators. Imagine how much waste is generated in apartment building. How many houses are there in our city? According to official data, 40 million tons of household waste are thrown out per year in Russia (i.e. waste from the residential sector). In total, more than 4.5 billion tons of waste go to landfills annually. Remember that the city's waste is made up of the waste of each resident. This does not include construction or industrial waste. Moreover, we throw away garbage both in an organized manner (in garbage cans, trash cans, etc.) and unorganized. Toxic substances that end up in landfills (in used batteries, accumulators, as well as in rotting and decomposing food products) penetrate into groundwater, which is often used as a source of drinking water, are dispersed by winds throughout the surrounding area and thereby cause damage to the environment. Some products rotting materials can spontaneously ignite, which is why fires regularly occur in landfills, releasing soot, phenol, and other toxic substances into the atmosphere.

Of all the global environmental problems with which humanity entered the 21st century: population explosion, ozone layer, acid precipitation, increase in household waste, depletion of fossil natural resources, shortage of clean fresh water etc., today the problem of growth of household waste is considered urgent.

World experience in the disposal of solid household and industrial waste in landfills: Russia up to 90%, USA - 73%, Germany - 70%, Japan - 30%. Increasing accumulation of solid waste leads to increased greenhouse gas emissions, pollution groundwater, which is one of the most pressing environmental problems.

Goals and objectives.

Target: prove the need for separate waste collection in the village.


    Compose a questionnaire and conduct a social survey among students of school No. 6

    Analyze the results of the survey.

    Study the “Separate Waste” program.

    Subject of study. Problematic question.

Subject of study: garbage collection in the village of Pushkarskie settlements

Problematic question: Will separate waste collection affect the environmental situation in the city?


At the beginning of the research, I conducted a survey, as a result of which a hypothesis was formed: if we organize the collection of separate waste in the village, this will have a beneficial effect on the environmental situation of the city of Saransk.

    Research methods.

1. Search method:

Using Internet resources
- Finding information about pollution and the implementation of the “Separation of Waste” project

2. Monitoring method:
- Questionnaire
- Analysis of morbidity statistics

6. Stages of work on the project.

1. Definition of the area of ​​study.
2. Gathering the necessary information.
3. Conducting surveys and testing.
4. Definition of structure research work.
5. Summing up.
6. Design of work.

II . Main part. Theoretical aspect

    Waste classification.

Garbage separation(separation waste collection, waste sorting, waste separation) and selective waste collection - actions to sort and collect waste depending on its origin. Separating waste is done to avoid mixing different types garbage and environmental pollution. This process allows you to give waste a “second life”, in most cases thanks to its reuse and recycling. Separating waste helps prevent it from decomposing, rotting and burning in landfills. Consequently, the harmful impact on the environment is reduced (Wikipedia).

Today, garbage is becoming more dangerous and toxic; no microorganisms are able to decompose it. Today, there is an active search for microorganisms that are capable of decomposing plastic; it occupies a huge amount of space and simply does not decompose in nature.

Classification of waste according to the degree of danger is carried out for various materials:

    Water pollutants

    Air pollutants

    Chemical substances

All mining can be classified into the following classes:

    Extremely hazardous waste materials

    Highly hazardous materials

    Moderately hazardous waste materials

    Low-hazard waste materials

    Practically harmless substances

    Waste management: collection, removal, use, disposal.

    In any case, civilized countries have long come to the conclusion that garbage must be properly disposed of and recycled. In Russia, despite the vast expanses, garbage is also becoming a serious problem. The Russian Duma is discussing a bill according to which separate waste collection will be introduced, and the waste will have an owner - the one who should be responsible for it at every stage, from collection to processing. Indeed, many attractive suburban areas are currently occupied by landfills. Therefore, the authorities of large Russian cities are already puzzled by this problem, starting to accustom residents to sorting household waste. This is how a proposal is being considered to organize special sorting rooms on each floor in new buildings, where each resident could separate their garbage. At the same time, the construction of waste processing plants is underway, where it is planned to receive and re-send industrial production recyclable materials: waste paper, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and much more. But, unfortunately, in society there is both a lack of environmental education among people and a shortage of separate waste collection bins on city streets.

    The strategy of the future should be considered, first of all, to educate the younger generation, respect for the natural environment, expand knowledge, skills and the vital need for management technological processes, searching for new design solutions for separate waste collection and recycling, which will ensure the interests of current and future generations and preserve the nature of planet Earth. After all

    processing allows you to: 1) save valuable natural resources necessary for the production of any product; 2) save water and energy when producing goods from recycled materials; 3) reduce waste generated from resource extraction and goods production; 4) reduce the number of landfills and much more. But widespread recycling of waste is only possible as a result of its separation at the place of its generation, i.e. at home, at work, on the street, in an enterprise. This is called separate waste collection (SW).

    Waste use

    In the twentieth century, the amount of industrial and consumer waste grew so rapidly that waste generation became important issue big cities and large productions. Along with the large amount of waste, the issue of lack of natural resources began to arise. Selective collection and beyond use of secondary resources partially helps reduce the burden on the environment and solve the issue of additional raw materials.

    Waste disposal

    Some waste requires neutralization before disposal in landfills, landfills or dumps.

    One of the most voluminous industrial wastes is carbon-containing waste. Modern scientific developments make it possible to neutralize most industrial waste, reduce its volume and ensure maximum safety. Today, hazardous waste can be neutralized using thermal, physico-chemical, chemical and other methods. Thus, with the help of redox reactions and substitution reactions, various toxic and dangerous compounds are converted into an insoluble form.

    Danger of waste.

    The danger of waste is determined by its physical and chemical properties, as well as the conditions of their storage or placement in the environment.

    For waste, it is necessary to draw up a waste passport, determine the hazard class and limits for the disposal of waste in the environment, limits for accumulation at the enterprise and other documents.

    The term “Hazardous Waste” is used in the following cases:

    Waste poses a risk to human health and/or normal condition surrounding natural environment.

    Hazard class of harmful substances- a conditional value intended for simplified classification of potentially hazardous substances. The hazard class is established in accordance with regulatory industry documents. For different objects - for chemicals, for waste, for air pollutants, etc. - different standards and indicators have been established.

    What does waste recycling provide for nature and people?

    When manufacturing products from recycled materials, the consumption of non-renewable resources, such as metals, oil, natural gas, wood, etc.

    This helps protect natural areas and the diversity of life on Earth.

    Typically, manufacturing products from recycled materials requires much less energy than manufacturing from virgin materials. As a result of reducing the amount of energy expended, air and water pollution is reduced.

    Other types of pollution are also reduced, for example, from water runoff during mining, soil erosion and chemical elements when extracting raw materials.

    Thanks to recycling, the amount of waste going to landfills is significantly reduced. This will extend the service life of landfills and reduce the area they occupy; for example, recycling one ton of PET bottles saves about 4 m 3 of the landfill area.

  1. III. Main part. Practical aspect research.

    At the beginning of the research, I conducted a survey among the younger generation, which will subsequently make up the main population of our village, since an important point in the plan is public opinion and readiness for selective waste collection. It was the survey that became the basis for my project.

    Students from MAOU Secondary School No. 3 (age 14-17 years) were selected to conduct the survey.

    Research methodology.

    a) Questionnaire

    To study the readiness of a teenager, students were offered a questionnaire, answering which students had to talk about their attitude towards separate waste collection.

    Survey questions.
    1. Do you often buy products in plastic packaging?
    2. Would you agree to hand over paper to a waste paper collection point?
    3. Do you have a positive attitude towards separate waste?
    4. Is it possible to implement “separate waste” in the village?
    5. In your opinion, would it be worth resuming the collection of glass bottles?
    6. Do you keep the streets, parks, forests, etc. clean?
    7. Would you agree to voluntarily clean your home?
    8. Are you ready to sort your family's household waste?
    9. What would motivate you to sort garbage?

    Survey results. Analysis of responses.

    General conclusion: It is obvious that 100% separate collection, that is, participation of the entire population in it, is impossible. Thus, in practice, an intermediate option can be implemented, providing for the processing of both separately collected and mixed waste. At the same time, the higher the proportion of citizens involved in sorting waste at the places of its generation, the lower the costs of waste processing will be.

    What is the benefit of separate waste collection?

    Firstly, it is caring for the environment. Pollution has a negative impact on human health, especially in modern world. In Russia, waste is disposed of by burning, and all harmful emissions enter the atmosphere. But besides this, garbage takes a long time to decompose (especially plastic). If a person leaves it in forest areas, it will deteriorate the fertility of the soil. That is why it is important not only to collect separate garbage, but also to teach order in nature.

    Secondly, recycling. How more production will use recycled materials, the more natural resources we will save; the amount of emissions into the atmosphere from burning waste will be reduced; The ecological condition of populated areas will improve.

    Saransk, together with the settlements subordinate to its administration, has a health index of 35%, occupying the last 23rd place among the administrative regions of the Republic of Mordovia. In total, of the 19 parameters studied, 63% of the indicators in the territory of Saransk are the worst or exceed the average value for the republic.

    IN municipal formation The city of Saransk, where 346.4 thousand residents currently live, or 37% of the republic’s population, has a difficult environmental situation. The city's territory is located in an area of ​​intense aerosol, water, noise and thermal pollution.

    Thirdly, the reduction of diseases. Our health directly depends on the state of the environment. Selective waste collection and recycling is the key to a healthy generation.

    Fourth, cost reduction. When delivering waste, a lot of money is spent on its transportation and incineration. Separate waste collection will reduce costs, because Many recycling industries collect waste from waste containers themselves.

    Conclusion: selective waste collection has a beneficial effect on the environment and human health, and reduces costs, which is important for society.

    Introduction of a separate waste collection system.

    How will such a system work? The sociological study was preceded by an environmental campaign, which was carried out at the school from 2014–2016. The entire teaching staff and students of the school took part in it. During these years we have carried out research on the problem of waste and its recycling. As part of the environmental campaign, the following were carried out:

  1. Public hearings;

    Brochures, calendars, leaflets were distributed;

    Exhibitions of works were organized;

    Conclusion: This method of collecting garbage is profitable and convenient. But it is important to interest people who will support the new order.

    Why is this needed in our village?

    It would seem that the village is located next to the Botanical Garden, a forest belt, and a small industrial production. Why do we need separate garbage?

    Pushkar settlements are a growing settlement. Firstly, the village is located next to the airport. Many residents of the village visit the city quite often and, when returning, would like to breathe fresh air. Secondly, the population is growing, and with it, the amount of waste is growing. With a population of 1,300 people, the village produces approximately 1,950 kilograms daily. It is unimaginable to even imagine how much garbage is generated per year by our population (711,750 kg). Thirdly, parents want their children to grow up healthy. Fourthly, in addition to the fact that there are emissions from burning garbage, the number of cars is also increasing. Fifthly, the village is located near the highway, with bypass roads on both sides, from which exhaust gases also come.

    Conclusion: There is a need for selective waste collection. Having studied the “advantages” of the program, we see that it will help improve the environmental situation of the village, as the situation in the city will improve.

    “A million for separate collection.”

    I discovered this project while exploring the Greenpeace website. Its goal is to collect a million signatures under an appeal to city mayors and regional governors demanding that mandatory installation tanks for separate waste collection in each yard, enshrine this method of waste management in legislation and approve rules for waste removal and normal maintenance of sites where waste is collected.

    “When we talk about separate collection, we mean solving a specific problem that concerns each of us, our home, yard, city. After all, separate collection is primarily about the health of our children, who will not have to breathe air poisoned by waste incineration plants. This is our clean yard, these are the parks that will surround our city.” ("Greenpeace")

    The project started quite recently, but is already gaining momentum. We can take part in this and contribute to protecting the environment.

    Development of a project plan for the village of Pushkarskie settlements.

    To develop a project plan, I needed to find information about recyclable products. Also after each there is information about the reception points.

    Waste paper– waste from the production, processing and consumption of all types of paper and cardboard, suitable for further use as fibrous raw materials.

    There are 2 waste paper collection points in the republic on the street. Promyshlennaya-1 and JSC "Energia" - st. Proletarskaya 132, which accept different types waste paper: paper, cardboard, books (with and without hardcover), printing waste paper, etc. Each company has self-pickup (minimum - from 200 kg). As the information on the websites indicates, the price depends on the quality of the paper. There are also organizations that post advertisements on social networks.

    Thus, there are waste paper collection points in our city and not far from our village, and, therefore, paper delivery can be implemented.
    Household waste– substances (or mixtures of substances) recognized as unsuitable for further use after household use products end up at the landfill.

    Plastic– organic materials based on synthetic or natural high-molecular compounds (polymers). Exclusively wide application produced plastics based on synthetic polymers.

    A big flaw in the region is the negligible number of plastic collection points. As the results of an Internet search showed, there are companies in Saransk, MordovVtorResurs LLC, VtorPlastmas LLC, st. Proletarskaya, 130, which accepts plastic for recycling.

    Hazardous waste- waste that contains harmful substances that have dangerous properties(toxicity, explosion hazard, fire hazard, high reactivity) or containing pathogens of infectious diseases, or which may pose an immediate or potential danger to the environment and human health independently or when coming into contact with other substances (Law “On Industrial and Consumer Waste” ). One small battery, decomposing in a landfill, spoils 400 liters of water.

    Recycling collection points in Mordovia: Mordovian Procurement Company, st. Promyshlennaya1-aya, 41, LLC Mordovian Ecological Plant, Aleksandrovskoe Highway 30, MRK, recycling center, st. Construction, 1.

    Battery recycling – “RegionYugEko” st. Osipenko 8. LLC "Leading recycling company" st. Sovetskaya, 109

    Glass– a substance and material, one of the most ancient and, due to the diversity of its properties, universal in human practice. Reception of glass containers in Saransk can significantly affect the environmental situation in the city and improve the economic component. Rational recycling of glass containers and their reuse are beneficial to local enterprises. Among them are the beer manufacturer SUN InBev, the Saransky cannery and the Saransky dairy plant.

    Recycling of household appliances– Over time, household items begin to fail and break, and if it is possible to fix the problem, then they can still be used for some time. What if the breakdown is serious and the only thing left to do is throw the device away? Here everyone should remember that unauthorized release faces a serious fine, but most importantly, the toxic harmful compounds contained in the devices will cause enormous harm, which, under the influence of weather conditions, will fall into the soil and cause colossal damage to the environment. In Saransk, recycling of household appliances and items is carried out by the companies Promekotekhnologiya LLC, Rusutilit LLC, GriKontrolUtilizatsiya LLC, which have special permissions and licenses to carry out these activities. In addition to these enterprises, electronic equipment stores such as Eldorado and M.Video provide great assistance in collecting and recycling equipment from the population.

    Conclusion: Based on the material provided, the “Separate Waste” project can exist, since there are suitable conditions and the willingness of people to take part in promoting the program.

    Project plan.

    Based on the collected material, I developed a project plan for the implementation of selective waste in the village.

    Preparatory stage.

    Communication with village residents. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a social survey to determine whether they are ready for such changes. It is important to attract young people who can hold propaganda teams in schools and on the streets, talking about the benefits of separate waste collection. In addition, it is these young people who make up half of the population of the village. Consequently, they will make selective littering habitual in their families.

    It is necessary to enlist the support of the village administration in sponsoring and assisting in the implementation of this project.

    Contact companies willing to accept waste. Find out if they can export it themselves.

    Equipment of sites and purchase of containers for waste collection.

    Implementation – project results.

    Conclusion: this plan is the basis for the future project.

  1. IV. Conclusion

    Thus, having studied a large amount of theoretical material and the results of the survey, we confirmed the hypothesis that if we organize the collection of separate waste in the village, this will have a beneficial effect on the entire city. Thanks to it, the environmental situation of both the city and the village will improve. The number of healthy children and adults will increase.

    Obviously, the entire population will not participate in the project. In practice, an intermediate option can be implemented, providing for the processing of both separately collected and mixed waste.

  2. V. References






Municipal educational institution "Dubrovsk secondary school"

Social project


8th grade students

Fotina Elena,

Kobeleva Daria,

Okulova Alena


Kobeleva S.A.

2013-2014 academic year


    Justification of the project………………3

    Goal and objectives………………………..5

    Implementation deadlines and participants......6

    Expected results…………….8


    Implementation methods………………...9

    Project results………………..10



Project name: "Ecolanders"

Project geography: Perm region, Elovsky district, Dubrovo village.

Project implementation period: September – November 2013

Legal address organization: Municipal Educational Institution "Dubrovsk Secondary School"

618173 Perm region, Elovsky district, Dubrovo village, Yubileinaya street 1-a

Abstract of the project.

The project will be implemented by residents of the School Republic and representatives of the Dubrovsk School Council under the leadership of S.A. Kobeleva and is aimed at improving the environmental situation in the village of Dubrovo, and consists of a research and practical part. The research part is associated with sociological surveys of village residents, interviews with individual representatives of local society, and generalization of the received materials.

The practical part is connected with a company to attract village residents to solve environmental problems, and attract charitable funds for the implementation of the project.

Project justification

Man, look around: this is your country, your city, your village, your fields, rivers, lakes. And, unfortunately, the trash is yours too! We think that every person has an internal dissatisfaction caused by the surrounding garbage, so habitually included in the landscape of forests, squares, parks, and even just residential courtyards.

Small Motherland is the place where you were born, where you grew up and where you live. A place that you miss when you are away from home and where you want to return again, with which good moments in life are associated. This is the corner that is so dear to the heart. And I really want our small Motherland to be clean and cozy, so that every resident can be proud of their village.

IN given time in the village of Dubrovo in the center - gray and boring, not enough flowers and bright colors. The bus stop, the first thing a visitor to the village sees, requires cosmetic repairs. Local population They are not very careful about the environment, they throw garbage at their feet and arrange dumps on the street.

Maybe we shouldn’t wait for some kind wizard to come and clean up our village, but try to do at least something for this ourselves?

But just talking about this problem is not enough; it doesn’t make things cleaner around us. This problem needs to be solved practical actions. The time has come to give this process a clear form and organization.

And we came up with this idea - to involve local authorities and the village population in solving this problem. We'll do this ourselves. And in order to bring this idea to life, we decided to approach the matter in an adult way. We will develop a real project.

We have to analyze the pollution situation in the village, conduct propaganda among the students of our school, and attract the attention of all residents to think about the problem of garbage in the village of Dubrovo. We believe that through joint efforts we can, if not solve the entire problem, then at least get it off the ground.


1. Pollution by household waste in the village center.

2. Lack of environmental culture among the population

We had the idea to organize residents of the School Republic and village residents to solve some of the environmental problems. We decided to conduct our work in three directions:

1) Educational activities among students and village residents, aimed at making them aware of the problem of household pollution;

2) Activation of the actions of the Village Administration;

3) Practical activities for nature conservation.

Target: Clear the streets and central square of the village of Dubrovo of household waste and paint the bus stop.


    Carrying out a number of activities aimed at cleaning and putting in order the territory of the village center:

    Survey of village residents

    Release of leaflets and propaganda posters,

    Painting the stop,

    Cleaning up trash around the bus stop

    Involving the public (parents, village residents, school students)

    Speech at a school-wide meeting about the results of work

Project implementation timeframe.

Since this idea was proposed at the first meeting of the Business Council, dedicated to the Year of Ecology, it was decided not to postpone the good deed and set the dates: September - November 2013

Project Implementation Plan



Available resources

Missing Resources

Compose a questionnaire for village residents in order to find out their attitude towards environmental problems villages

Kobeleva Daria


Interview village residents and get results

Kobeleva S.A..

Studying 7th grade

Organize school students, parents and village residents for the environmental action “Clean Village”

Elovikova S.B. - biology teacher

Kobeleva S.A. - organizer

Lozinskaya L.V. - head of the settlement

Garbage bags

Whatman paper for announcement


Take photographs of problem areas of the village from an environmental point of view /village center, landfills, garbage near houses, bus stop/

02.09. to 10.27.13

Okulova Alena

digital camera

Prepare a presentation

about the project implementation

18.10. to 11/19/13

Fotina Elena

Prepare a speech by the Ecodesant propaganda team and speak to school students

Okulova Yana

Pastukhov D.A.

Hold a poster drawing competition at school “The nature of the countryside is in danger”

Kobeleva S.A - art teacher

Whatman paper, album sheets

Development of sketches for painting stops and thematic leaflets

Tatarkina Diana

Painting a bus stop

7th grade initiative group

Paint, brushes, ditch, roller, containers for mixing paint

paints, color

Distribution of leaflets and promotional information on bulletin boards

Studying 7th grade

Files, buttons

Project participants:

1. Students of the municipal educational institution "Dubrovskaya Secondary School".

2. The teaching staff of the municipal educational institution "Dubrovskaya Secondary School".

3. Dubrovsky administration rural settlement.

4. Residents of the village of Dubrovo.

Expected results

Awareness of the significance of the problem and improvement of the aesthetic and environmental condition of the village.

Conscious improvement of the environmental culture of schoolchildren and village residents.

At least 120 students and village residents will be able to watch the propaganda team’s performance.

Project estimate.

1. For printing leaflets - Paper (white and color) for the printer – 1 pack (RUB 150-00)

3. Whatman paper - 5 pcs. 15 rub. (75 rub.)

    Stationery (buttons, files, markers, simple pencils) – 100-00 rub.

    Water-based paint 7 liters (460 RUR)

    Color 2 pcs. 30 rub. (60 rub.)

Total: 1095 rubles from parental funds

2. Implementation methods

In order to attract the attention of students, their parents, and village residents to the problem of household pollution and intensify their actions to correct this situation, we have chosen the following methods:

    Action “Clean Village”/cleaning the territory of the village center and bus stops /Appendix 4/

    Conversations with students about the problem of rural pollution

    Observation method

    Accommodation in in public places villages of posters calling on residents to restore order on their streets, near their houses; /appendix 4/

    Creativity (painting a stop, drawing competition “Village nature is in danger”, propaganda performance at a school-wide assembly

/ application 2)

    Questioning of village residents “Cleanliness and order for my native village” /Appendix 1/

    Cooperation with the village administration

    Using ICT technologies /creating a presentation on the implementation of the project/

Project results:

A beautiful, well-kept bus stop in the village of Dubrovo.

The territory of the village center is clean from household waste

The propaganda team’s performance was watched by at least 120 students

70% of students took part in the school drawing competition primary school

Distributed 45 thematic leaflets among the population

Conducted the “Clean Village” campaign

Conveyed suggestions and wishes from village residents to the Council of Deputies

Prepared a presentation on the implementation of the project

Involved the public to participate

Prospects of the project.

For further development The Ecodesant project is planned to follow the following directions:

1. Update information posters encouraging fellow villagers to maintain cleanliness in the village.

2. Annually hold cleanup days, actions and conversations with students about the cleanliness of their native village.

This academic year, work in this area continues /Appendix 5/.

In September, residents of the School Republic took part in the all-Russian action “ Green Russia– 2014”, high school students brought seedlings to school, which were then planted near the Leisure House in the center of the village of Dubrovo. In total, 20 maples, 10 rowan trees and 10 spruce trees were planted. Primary and secondary school children took part in the “Clean Village” campaign, collecting garbage in the center of the village, at the stadium, and on the side of the roads along the streets.

We hope that our village will be beautiful, green, and most importantly – clean! Let's celebrate the spring of 2015 and the Great Victory in a clean village!

Annex 1

Questionnaire “Cleanliness and order for my native village!”

    Who litters more on the streets?

    “Do you consider environmental safety (cleanliness of air, water, soil) to be the main thing in life?”

Your wishes, suggestions or request.

Survey results from 29 respondents

      Do you think the village of Dubrovo is clean?

      Who litters more on the streets?

Children, residents, everyone, youth, alcoholics, adults

    What causes rural pollution?

Burnt houses, bad manners, untimely garbage collection, irresponsibility, lack of control, lack of culture of people, household garbage, unmown grass

    What needs to be done to make the village clean?

Develop a love of cleanliness, remove waste and garbage in a timely manner, conduct propaganda and re-educate residents, do not litter

    Do you consider environmental safety (clean air, water, soil) to be the most important thing in life? Yes-27, no-1, don’t know-1

Your wishes, suggestions or request:

      Clean up near houses

      Everyone should work according to their conscience /address to deputies/

      Lead a normal life

      Love your village, decorate it

      Clean up after yourself

      Organize the removal of waste and garbage at the request of residents

      Install more bins and containers in the village center

      Don't throw trash out of cars

      Plant trees, create a park

All wishes and suggestions were conveyed to S.B. Elovikova, a teacher of biology and chemistry, a member of the Council of Deputies of the Dubrovsky rural settlement.

Appendix 2

The students presented the results of the project at a school-wide assembly with a creative performance, the author of the words was mathematics teacher D.A. Pastukhov.

What is "ekos"? This is home
What is "logos"? This is knowledge.
This means ecology is knowledge about
how not to destroy the building of Life.

Our “life building” is also a home.
The home where we grow, mature, love.
So, we need to take care of him!
How to care? We will discuss it here.

Everything is important - neatness, cleanliness;
We are often greeted by our clothes.
Beauty attracts us like a magnet,
Everyone in the world knows this very well.

We think that every village
see starting from a stop.
So, the time to act has come;
we paint the stop, together, deftly.

We also need to ask the Dubrovtsy residents,
How to improve life in your native village?
What can we do? And what to ask for
competent assistance from the authorities?

We are capable of not throwing garbage;
in the center, at school, at home, on the roads...
If you make a mess, then clean it up!
Cleanliness is the key to health.

The authorities can decide a lot:
more trash cans in public places,
garbage needs to be taken out more often,

It is necessary for order to become the norm.

The cleanest ones will be rewarded.
And let people know the dirty stuff too...
It is possible to create a “clean landing force”,
and then life will definitely be better!

And also, let our kids
act as they teach in school.
This is the beginning of great things.
This way the country will get better citizens.

It is necessary that by the dictates of the Soul
there was a desire for purity;
so we will take a huge step
to Truth, Goodness and Beauty!

Appendix 3

Leaflets for public agitation

“Our village is not a garbage dump”

“We want to live in a clean village”

Appendix 4 Appendix 5

Appendix 3

Municipal educational institution "Dubrovskaya secondary school"


In the Pacific Ocean there is a large.

"plastic spot" 45 meters deep,

The area is equal to the territory of the United States.

There is no exact data about the "spot", no one

didn't research. Because the ocean isnobody's...

And such landfills are near us.

And they OUR !!!

Garbage is serious.

Natural processing of waste requires many years and even centuries;

Glass bottles- 1 million years;

Cans-50-80 years (bury it under a plum tree - 2-3 years);

Rubber soles of boots-50-40 years;

Skin-50 years;

Nylon products-30-40 years;

Plastic- 700 – 800 years;

Plastic bag-10-20 years;

Cigarette butt-1-5 years;

Wool sock-1-5 years;

Orange or banana peel-2-5 weeks.


In our area, landfills occupy huge areas around and in the populated areas themselves.

The damage from landfills is HUGE!

Decomposing waste penetrates into groundwater, is dispersed by the winds, and thereby causes damage to the environment and human health.

We, the students of the Dubrovskaya school, know and understand the danger that landfills bring and are not inactive!

Perhaps, having seen how the guys clean up the landfills (in the village), maybe you will also have a desire to clean up the mess in your yard, on your street and around your village!







Friends! Fellow villagers! Dubrovtsy!

A lot of exotic things in the world:

Egypt, Canary Islands, Maldives,

But our home is in our native village.

Clean, cozy, beautiful!


Don't litter on the streets!

7th grade students