Podium bed on the balcony. Is it possible to arrange a bedroom on the balcony: pros and cons. There are two types of folding beds

September 16, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and exterior decoration(plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, renovations in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works

Perhaps someone will be confused by installing a sleeping place on a balcony or loggia, because this place is not intended for such a purpose. However, one can argue here, since we create a cozy space, rather than it creating us.

Of course, such a room must meet certain requirements for relaxation: it must be comfortable and also warm if we want to turn it into a full-fledged bedroom. I propose to consider in more detail these same requirements, as well as options for placing the bed.

Premises requirements

In order for you to sleep on the balcony, you need to create certain conditions there:

  1. Of course, it should be a glazed balcony, protected from wind, precipitation and dust, otherwise you will simply sleep on the street, which, however, is not prohibited, however...
  2. If you provide so-called cold glazing, then the season of your overnight stays will be limited to the warm season. And its duration differs sharply in different regions.

  1. Very popular now warm balconies and loggias, where the walls, floor and ceiling are insulated with mineral wool, polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam, creating the prerequisites for forced heating.
  2. In addition, even if the apartment does not operate autonomously, but central heating, you always have the option of moving the radiator to the balcony. It is cut into the heating circuit in front of the battery installed on the balcony block under the window.

  1. There is one more point, although it cannot be called mandatory - if you are going to arrange not a loggia for your bedroom, but a balcony, then it is advisable to expand it. In this case, you will get a small full-fledged room.

Bed placement

Idea 1

The easiest option is to throw the mattress directly on the floor. Now, by the way, they produce very comfortable and high-quality mattresses - you can buy them in almost any store.

But with such a decision it is desirable to have panoramic windows, which are made either to the floor or almost to the floor. It is also desirable that there be curtains on the windows, even if not all the way to the top, but they should cover the resting person so that he cannot be seen from the street. Ethics, you know!

Instead, you can use metal or plastic small nets; they do not block the sunlight, but it will be extremely difficult to see the person lying there from the street.

But it is not necessary to use a mattress as a bed on the floor - it can be perfectly replaced by foam pillows, which can also be freely purchased in stores.

Idea 2

This option is different in that there is no price for such a bed, in fact, like the bed itself in the literal sense of the word. Everything is very simple here - two or three chairs are placed (in this case there is a stool in the middle). The backs of the chairs are turned in the direction opposite to the window and boards are laid on them.

You can put anything on the boards - a feather bed, a mattress, several blankets, and so on. The most important thing is that you sleep softly (the issue of hardness can be different for everyone). This design is convenient because it is very easy to disassemble in the morning: bring the chairs and bed into the room, and lay the boards on the floor and the area of ​​the balcony or loggia will be free.

Idea 3

Have you ever spent the night in budget Chinese or Japanese hotels? So, the room seems to be separate, but the bed there occupies the entire width of the room, more precisely, from the wall to the partition with the bathroom. And you can only get in there from the rear end - it’s inconvenient, but very economical and ergonomic.

And if you have a loggia or an extended balcony, then such a bed can even be double, as shown in the top photo, and if dust does not penetrate from the street, then best place You can't think of it for relaxation.

There is also another point in terms of ergonomics - note that at the bottom of the bed there are drawers in which you can put blankets, bed linen and other necessary things.

Idea 4

Of course, this option is only suitable for loggias and extended (moving forward) balconies. This is not even an instruction, but such a clause indicates the availability of free space for installing furniture.

The fact is that the width of such sofas is at least 120 cm, and if the slab is moved forward half a meter or even 40 cm, then this is quite enough for a standard eighty-centimeter slab (you can expand it to the sides as much as you like - it doesn’t matter).

Such furniture is convenient because you fold it up for a day and get two comfortable chairs, in which you can relax or work. At the same time, the area is freed up for other things.

It is very convenient if you think in advance about what kind of furniture you will have there - this way you can increase the offset to the distance you need, taking into account the internal lining.

Idea 5

In the photo you see homemade furniture folding type:

  • the lounger rises;
  • presses against the wall of the house;
  • It takes up only the thickness of the mattress.

Of course, not everyone is able to cope with such work - it requires not only carpentry skills, but also suitable woodworking tools. Among other things, you will need materials from which such a structure can be built.

But if you are not able to make such a device, it does not matter - now furniture stores sell transformers of a similar type. All you have to do is choose the right width and install it in a suitable place.

Idea 6

There are many loggias and balconies that have irregular shape(boot, shoe), which are designed, for example, in houses of type P-44, P-44-T and P-44-K. This is certainly beautiful, but not very convenient.

Nevertheless, effective area The width allows it to be placed there for lying down, you just need to choose the right dimensions. Another option is to order a custom-made bed.

Idea 7

I want to complete my list of ideas folding sun lounger, which fits perfectly on the balcony and also takes up minimal space. The main advantage of a chaise lounge is that you can always move it to another room or even take it with you to the forest, to the beach, etc.

Let's figure out how the best way arrange a bedroom on the balcony, how to choose the right design for a bedroom of this type, how to choose furniture, and what bed is best to use for such a room. What are the pros and cons of this type of sleeping solution. Read to the end and you can easily choose a bedroom design to your liking, understand the necessary legal issues and make the final decision whether you really need it.

Source polis-group.ru

Bedroom design on the balcony

When planning a sleeping place, it is important how to choose the right furniture, and, in general, stylistically decorate the room. It is worth paying attention to which room the balcony borders (bedroom, living room, etc.), since this affects the style of the future bedroom.

The style of a room largely depends on the adjacent room Source elnikova.com

The design of a bedroom on a loggia begins with finding the mood that the style of the entire room will follow. The use of light colors helps create the illusion of expanding space. If you combine the right colors with good lighting, it will give the room the appearance of a spacious and beautiful space.

Combination the right color and good lighting will help make your room spacious and beautiful Source remontbp.com

Also, do not forget about blinds and curtains, since the advantage of a large amount of light can become a disadvantage in the morning or at night, when the lights or headlights are turned on. When choosing these devices, you are guided by the style that you will use to decorate your sleeping area on the balcony. For example, for the Art Nouveau style, laconic blinds are more suitable, while Provence goes better with light curtains.

Choosing furniture and bed for the bedroom on the balcony

It should be taken into account that space is limited, and therefore every detail must be both stylish and functional. Therefore, there is no need to put anything extra there.

Source interiorsroom.ru

As for the bed, the best option, of course, would be to install a single bed or folding sofa, since this, again, will help save space. If your finances allow you, a custom-made bed would be a good option.

A good option would be to make a custom-made bed Source artsten.ru

This option is much better, since the bed will be made based on the size of the balcony bedroom and will fit perfectly into the decor.

Source moydom.ru

Using a double bed is also possible, but only if the balcony is wide enough. Get ready for the fact that, one way or another, such a bed will most likely take up most of the space.

Source i.pinimg.com

For this task, a regular mattress mounted on a special frame may also be suitable. This solution is especially good for rooms in a modern style.

The design of the bed fits perfectly into the interior of the room Source yandex.net

Since, as mentioned above, standard furniture is not very suitable for storage due to lack of space, it is recommended to use hanging shelves and corner cabinets. Their use is quite beneficial and ergonomic, since they take up little space and are usually at arm's length.

Source vplate.ru

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Using decor

The decor is already final stage arrangement of the room. Let's look at some tips.

The bed can be covered with a beautiful blanket, and the shelves can be complemented with your favorite book, photograph, painting and much more. A colored carpet is well suited for insulating the floor, and will also decorate the room and make it more comfortable.

Using a blanket tailored to the style of the room, and various interesting things on the windowsill Source polis-group.ru

Such small things are important because they carry a feeling of individuality and something “of our own.”

Small things give a sense of individuality and style your room well Source elnikova.com

Advantages and disadvantages of a bedroom on the balcony

This design solution is quite interesting, but you should understand that, like everything else in this world, it has its pros and cons.

A bedroom on a balcony has both advantages and disadvantages Source remontbp.com

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that... You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

The most important advantage of a bedroom on a balcony is the solution to one of the main problems - the lack of living space. It will be especially useful for a family whose children are growing up, or just a “replenishment”, then another bedroom will definitely be a big plus for the convenience of the monastery.

The main advantage of a bedroom on a balcony is space saving Source interiorsroom.ru

It would be a good idea to resort to such a solution if, for example, relatives or friends came to you and would like to stay with you for a while. At the same time, the room can be easily remodeled in the future. Another significant advantage is that such a solution will always look quite original and unusual.

Another important point is that on the balcony more windows, and this automatically protects you from lack of light at any time of the day.

This bedroom is very suitable for lovers of minimalism, since everything you need fits in a fairly small space, and there is no need to use unnecessary details.

Minimalism and good lighting, also the main advantages of a bedroom on the balcony Source artsten.ru

But don't forget about the disadvantages:

The main disadvantage of this solution is that this part of the home, as a rule, is separated from the rest of the house and there is no electricity or heating, and therefore everything will have to be installed practically from scratch.

Also, it is worth considering that to carry out such work, you will need the necessary permits, which are not always issued. Of course, this will take a lot of time, and do not forget that even a glazed balcony does not guarantee complete sound insulation. Therefore, you will most likely need to shell out money for additional insulation.

Compactness is good, but it's not for everyone. Many people are disappointed when they look at this small room, where often not so many things or accessories fit.

It is worth thinking about the psychological factor that also comes into play. Often people are simply uncomfortable in such small rooms, much less spending the night there.

Video description

See the video about the bedroom on the balcony:

Having finally decided to make a bedroom on the balcony, we advise you to read the information about all the nuances of such a procedure, which is given below.

Obtaining all necessary permits

If you have already finally decided everything, then the first thing you will need is a draft project, where all the procedures that you are going to do are written down. You must come to your local BTI with this document.

Source moydom.ru

It is worth remembering that such a restructuring is only possible if the balcony is more than two meters in length.

Also, necessary factor is the glazing of the balcony. To do this, it is recommended to install double glazed windows. This way you will protect yourself from the winter cold. It wouldn’t hurt to insulate the room in addition.

Balcony insulation

The features of this procedure are quite individual for each type of balcony. Not only walls and windows are insulated, but this need also applies to the floor and ceiling. On this moment a wide variety of materials can be used to carry out this procedure. As a rule, foam plastic is used most often, mineral wool and foil insulation.

Source i.pinimg.com

As mentioned above, since this room is separated from the rest of the home, you will have to additionally think about installing heating devices. The best solution will install the safest possible convector or radiator. Electrical use on the balcony heating devices strictly prohibited.

Source yandex.net

Also, a big plus will be the use of an insulated floor, which can be placed under the tiles. This solution is the best for this type of premises, but you can also resort to more simple option– use of infrared film flooring, which is installed under the laminate.


We tried very hard to make for you a useful excursion on the topic of placing a bedroom on the balcony in order to finally understand all the incomprehensible aspects of this non-standard solution for a sleeping place.

Now, having looked sufficient quantity examples of design and furniture design, as well as knowing all the pros and cons, and taking them into account, you can consciously decide whether you really need it.

1. Possibility of arranging a separate sleeping area

IN one-room apartment or a studio, it’s not so easy to organize a separate bedroom. When you need to somehow fit several basic functional zones, willy-nilly you will think about how to use the balcony more rationally.

Arranging a bedroom there solves several important problems at once: firstly, a separate area for sleeping appears; secondly, personal space is automatically separated from the public part of the apartment.

2. Wider possibilities for using the remaining space

2. The need for consultation with a specialist

Before organizing a sleeping area on the loggia, you should consult with a specialist - and make sure that the existing balcony ceilings and the fences will be able to withstand increased loads.

3. Difficulties with heating

Removing the battery onto the loggia is prohibited; accordingly, you will have to think about another heating option (for example, electric heater or ).

4. Limited space

As a rule, the area of ​​typical balconies is very small. You may not be able to afford sleeping area desired sizes. In addition, many will feel uncomfortable falling asleep and waking up in such limited space.

5. Too much light

There is much more light on the loggia than in the usual bedroom, but not everyone will like this. It is likely that you will have to look for ways to protect yourself from the sun's rays - and hang curtains or blinds (and this, again, additional work and expenses).

6. Inability to use the premises as usual

If you are used to drying clothes on the loggia or going out there for a smoke break, you will have to make adjustments to established household traditions.


Is a bedroom on a loggia your dream? Or do you absolutely not see any more convenient way to have a separate sleeping area? Then feel free to implement this original idea.

If you are not completely sure of your desire to fall asleep and wake up on the balcony, and there are other options for organizing a comfortable bedroom, save your energy, time and money - and abandon this idea.

In many modern apartments Ah, the balcony has ceased to be a place for storing old skis and jars of cucumbers; more and more people are trying to make it a functional part of the apartment. One of interesting ideas- a cozy bedroom on the balcony, which we will talk about in this article.

Pros and cons of combination

A balcony is often combined with a living room or kitchen, but it is not so often equipped in a bedroom. The whole point is that this design solution there are some nuances.

Benefits include:

  • You are getting extra room, which is very important for owners small apartments. Today, one-room apartments are increasingly being remodeled, turning them into studio apartments. If over time you feel the need for a separate bedroom, a balcony is perfect for this purpose. Also this good decision For large families who are forced to live in a small apartment. A balcony as a bedroom will allow one or two family members to get more personal space in the form of a small, cozy room. There are plenty of examples, but the main advantage of redevelopment is clear.
  • Falling asleep and waking up on the balcony, you will feel closer to nature. Surrounded by trees and the starry sky, you can calm down, put your thoughts in order and forget about all your problems. Of course, this is only relevant for those whose windows overlook green spaces, and not the roadway with exhaust gases.
  • For cleaning small area requires a minimum of time. If the room is small, it is extremely difficult to make a mess in it. In addition, it is unlikely that anything other than a bed will fit on the balcony. You may also be able to place a small dressing table or chest of drawers.


Unfortunately, there are no less shortcomings:

  • Since initially the balcony is a non-residential space, you will have to equip it for living from scratch. It will be necessary to create many layers of insulation so that you do not freeze in winter, you will need waterproofing of the walls and fine finishing for a comfortable sleep. Please note that not every balcony can withstand such a load. Also, do not forget about communications - electrical wiring and heating. For some types balcony works you will have to take special permission.
  • If your apartment windows face a busy street, you will need soundproofing. Do not forget that in summer there may be a problem with open windows– you will hear all the noise from the street, and you will sleep right next to the window. The same goes for a rainy day - if you open the window, slanting drops will fly straight at you.
  • Additional expenses. In addition to the above, immediately add blinds or Roman shades to your shopping list, which will be needed to create shade. It is also advisable to purchase furniture with upholstery that is resistant to fading.

To summarize the above, a bedroom on a balcony is not always good decision. The location of some apartments will not allow you to enjoy a relaxing holiday if the windows do not overlook a quiet, green area.

If you're lucky, you'll still have to put a lot of work into decorating your bedroom before you can enjoy a comfortable stay.


Coordination of redevelopment

Any alteration of the balcony requires approval from the authorities local government and technical supervision service. Of course, you can ignore this rule, but when selling or inheriting real estate, the alteration will still have to be certified. In addition, illegal redevelopment entails considerable fines, so it is better to do everything right away and properly.

First, you need to properly prepare for the upcoming changes in your home. Study all the available materials yourself, read the experiences of other people. Then focus on approximate cost similar work to understand how much you need. Find a good contractor who will bring your idea to life.

When everything is ready, you can begin drawing up and agreeing on the redevelopment project. It is also necessary to obtain permission from the housing inspection to carry out work.

To avoid mistakes and speed up this process as much as possible, contact the design office. Be sure to inquire about whether this organization has a license, otherwise you will not be able to get your project approved. Ideally, this company also carries out construction work - this is more profitable from an economic point of view.

The project is developed on the basis of a technical conclusion, which is issued by the designer after inspecting your apartment.

Having a complete package of documents in hand, it can be submitted for approval to the appropriate authority. IN different regions the name of the organization may differ - architectural planning department, bureau construction expertise etc.

You must be given a receipt for receipt of documents! It should list full list and there must be a date, since the law gives no more than 45 days for consideration.

If the organization’s response is positive, the following permission will be required - from the interdepartmental commission or housing inspection. It must be signed by an authorized person in the city administration. Only after this can construction and repair work begin.

When the renovation is completed, all that remains is to make accounting changes in the BTI documents, and you can enjoy a well-deserved rest in a new cozy bedroom.

Preparation of a design project

Construction works to turn a balcony into a bedroom requires preliminary development of a project. It will allow you to quickly complete the task, calculate the need for building materials, draw up estimates, etc.

You must understand that in our country you sleep in this part of the apartment all year round Only residents of the southern regions will be able to. Unfortunately, no matter how well you insulate your balcony, you will hardly be able to use it for sleeping in winter.

When drawing up a project, do not forget to immediately find suitable furniture. This can be a bed with a removable mattress or a folding one. It is advisable that it can be mounted on site, because it may not fit through narrow balcony doors.

The process of converting a balcony into a bedroom consists of several stages:

  • Insulation, which is carried out before glazing the balcony, optionally laying a “warm floor” system.
  • The walls are finished with laminated MDF boards, and the floors are finished with laminate or ceramic tiles.
  • Installation metal-plastic windows with double or triple glazing.
  • Furniture installation and interior design.

How to insulate a balcony, see the following video.

Arrangement of a sleeping place

Start by choosing a suitable location for the bed. It should be as far as possible from the entrance. It is usually placed parallel external wall, since most modern apartments have quite narrow balconies. If the width allows, you can come up with other options.

Give preference to stylish minimalism - since there is little space on the balcony, a large number of decorative elements will create a cluttered effect.

It’s unlikely that you’ll have any room left for a chest of drawers or a closet, so you’ll have to make do hanging shelves And free space under the bed.

To regulate the light flow, do not forget about blinds or Roman shades. Additionally, you can hang tulle, which will create an atmosphere of comfort.

On the wall you can place a TV, audio system, fan, air conditioner, etc. To make the design look complete, place flower pots, books, candles, various vases and framed photographs on the shelves and windowsill. This way you will get a full-fledged bedroom in which it will be pleasant to relax after a long day of work.

Having created cozy bedroom on a balcony or loggia, you can solve the problem of shortage of living space in the apartment, as well as create a bright and cozy corner for relaxation instead of storing unnecessary things. Just a few stages of remodeling the balcony - approval, glazing, insulation and interior arrangement - will help you find another bedroom in the apartment. Lack of space in an apartment is a serious problem. This is due to poor planning and high cost. square meter, and simply, the inability to purchase an apartment large enough for a family. In addition, large-scale remodeling of an apartment is not always justified. Finally, the bedroom may be needed for a short time.

Remodeling an apartment requires approval from the district Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI). It's long and difficult process. Among the many redevelopment options, there is one very interesting technique. The bedroom can be equipped on a balcony or loggia. In this case, the presence of a large and glazed loggia will be an advantage. But you can also convert an ordinary balcony - the task is not the easiest, but if you adhere to the following points, it can be done.

If the house was designed with spacious glazed loggias- then the task of creating a bedroom on the balcony is simplified. If the loggias are not glazed, then the task becomes slightly more complicated. Glazing a balcony will require contacting the BTI, but it is easier to approve than demolition load-bearing partition. In terms of cost, project approval costs from 60 to 100 thousand rubles and consists of several points. This procedure can be entrusted to organizations specializing in such services.

Before planning a bedroom on the balcony, evaluate its size. Great importance It is long because it should at least fit a bed. Technically, a bedroom on a balcony is possible if it is at least 2 m long. In addition to the bedroom, small balcony you can create a place to relax, read, work, a children's room or an office.

Important! You should not save on the project and approval. If other residents are harmed as a result of a poorly thought out alteration, the payout could be significant.

Glazing and insulation

The first thing you have to deal with is the glazing of the balcony. If it is already glazed, most likely, you will still need to change the glazing. To arrange a bedroom on the loggia, you will need to install at least double-glazed windows, preferably with a reinforced profile. Windows should open outward or be sliding to save space. On sunny side It is important to shade the windows; this can be done during or after glazing using a special coating. Part of a window opening, for better preservation heat, you can lay it. In the case of glazing a balcony, the side walls can be made blank. It is desirable that the windows have supply valve ventilation.

It is also necessary to take care of insulating the balcony. It completely depends on its type. The loggia is more closed from the street side than the balcony; it is more difficult to insulate it. Remember that you need to insulate not only the walls, but also the ceiling and floor. Construction technologies They offer a lot of options for insulating rooms. Most often used:

  • Mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Extruded polystyrene foam;
  • Foil insulation (ineffective in cold climates).

Along with insulation, it is necessary to think about the heating of the future room. It would be advisable to install a warm floor; a radiator or convector is also suitable.

Installation of heated floors

Special attention should be paid warm floor. To install an infrared heated floor, you simply need to supply a power supply of 220 volts. Most often, heated floors are installed under tiles. For a balcony floor it is considered the best option. Film infrared floors can also be installed under laminate. To maintain a comfortable climate on the balcony, a figure of 50 degrees on the regulator will be sufficient. Don't miss a few important steps:

  • Sealing the balcony before insulation (gaps may have remained during construction, especially if the house is old);
  • Waterproofing, especially if there is a similar loggia below.
  • The thermoreflective layer will allow you to use the heated floor as efficiently as possible.
  • Finishing should not be bulky. If you are laying boards, plywood, or plasterboard on the floor, the screws during installation should not accidentally touch the heating elements.

Interior and communications

Of course, a bedroom on a loggia needs lighting and electrical outlet. A little light is needed, but it is necessary. You can connect the Internet, telephone, and television there. In a bedroom equipped with a balcony, it is necessary to provide space for bookshelves, a place to store linen, toiletries, you can hang a small mirror or a TV bracket. It is important to take everything into account in advance to avoid further rework. There are few places for attaching shelves - these are the side walls or outer wall Houses.

The decoration of the loggia must meet all the requirements of the bedroom. The advantage is neutral and pastel shades. Dark, white, contrasting and bright colors should be avoided. Interior design of a bedroom on a loggia is a space for creativity. High-tech or Japanese minimalism styles are most suitable. Classic finish wood-effect panels also look good in a bedroom on a loggia; country style is also appropriate. Green and blue shades in the decoration will add freshness.

Furniture and textiles

A double bed, of course, will not fit on the loggia, but a single bed will do just fine. A sofa or armchair will take up extra space, the most good option for the loggia - a custom-made folding bed. It’s not difficult to make a sleeping bed yourself. For this you will need wooden frame, on which you can place a spring mattress. Finding the right size is not difficult. If space allows, convenient place An ottoman or a single ottoman can be used for sleeping and relaxing on the balcony.

Take care of the curtains. Blinds, Japanese or Roman blinds will have an advantage; they do not hide the space. Since the loggia is connected to the room by a window opening, it should be possible to isolate it from the side of the apartment. Using very bright colors is highly undesirable. A wonderful atmosphere will be created by natural shades, delicate, pastel colors. Do not overuse the pattern on the curtains; it should not be too large and contrasting. Simple tricks in interior design will help make the bedroom on the balcony breathable and spacious.

Attention! Quite a lot of sunlight falls on the loggia, so as not to be disappointed in the finishing, check the fading coefficient of the textiles with the seller in advance.

Other options for using a balcony

Traditionally, loggias and balconies become branches of a garage, a summer house, a workshop, or a warehouse for household supplies. While in the rest of the apartment the space is used more rationally, the loggia may be empty or, on the contrary, be littered. In addition to arranging a bedroom, on a loggia or balcony, remodeling them can serve other purposes. Sauna equipment on the balcony is becoming very popular. Office or workplace, are not always in demand at home, but a balcony is also suitable for their arrangement. An interesting option can be Gym on the balcony.

On a small balcony you can place a box with children's toys, wall bars, children's furniture. You can decorate a children's room on the balcony in bright colors. Make sure you have child-resistant window handles that are childproof. The balcony is sufficiently soundproofed from the apartment, so the loggia-bedroom for a child needs to be equipped with a baby monitor.

Important! If a decision is made to create a children's room from a balcony, the issue of insulation should come first. The presence of a heated floor is mandatory. Remember that the safety and health of the child is most important.

When planning to use a balcony for living space, you first need to make a project and clarify whether alterations and its approval are possible. After this, you can implement any interior solutions on the loggia or balcony.