Dehumidifier for an apartment: which one to choose? Operating principle and criteria for choosing a household dehumidifier for an apartment How to choose a dehumidifier for an apartment

Excessive humidity is just as bad as very dry air. It negatively affects a person’s well-being.

In addition, there are other consequences: the environment deteriorates, things deteriorate, as well as elements of supporting structures.

As a result excess humidity In the room, the parquet swells and the wallpaper warps, the doors swell, the walls become covered with huge spots of mold, after a while things begin to become damp and smell unpleasant.

In addition, furniture with paintings may deteriorate, various musical instruments, parts made of wood are affected by harmful microorganisms. The house is filled with mold microspores and acquires an unpleasant odor.

WITH high humidity in the house you can fight with this classic way, like ventilation, or you can use a modern dehumidifier for the apartment.

Advanced equipment works on the basis of various physical principles that help reduce humidity in the room, as well as constantly maintain the conditions of a particular environment at an appropriate level.

Nowadays there is The four main types of household dehumidifiers for the home are:

  • adsorption moisture absorber;
  • compression or evaporation;
  • a device created based on the Peltier principle;
  • rotary adsorption.

The first type operates thanks to the adsorbent, which is contained inside and perfectly absorbs moisture.

Evaporative dryer It works due to the fact that moist air is directed to a cold surface, where it condenses and flows into a special compartment.

Third type is equipment containing a Peltier element. It is based on the cooling effect of several semiconductor structures as a result of the passage of electric current through them.

Rotary adsorption dryer- This is an improved class, the principle of operation of which combines the two previous ones.

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Air dryer or lyophilizer, installed in

  • private houses and city apartments,
  • bathroom or toilet,
  • kitchen,
  • rooms containing a swimming pool or a huge aquarium,
  • greenhouses,
  • storerooms,
  • cellars,
  • rooms intended for drying clothes,
  • sports locker rooms,
  • basements,
  • garages,
  • in the attics.

Working principle of a condensation dryer

Condensation type dryer It works on the principle of condensation of water vapor contained in the air. The operation of this method is carried out by the functioning of the refrigeration circuit, interacting with the condenser and evaporator, located close to each other. He considered the most effective from an economic point of view.

The air in the room is dehumidified as follows:

  • Thanks to the engine, moist air is pumped into the system of the device.
  • Then the evaporator cools it with the help of a refrigerant.
  • The dehumidified and cooled air is passed through a hot condenser and returned to the room.

Condensation dryers have several advantages:

  • mobility,
  • autonomy,
  • compactness,
  • wide range of models.

They are great for:

  • household premises, which are characterized by a small cubic capacity,
  • water parks,
  • rooms with swimming pool.

The efficiency of their work decreases significantly with a sharp drop in temperature environment, and at temperatures below +10°C it is useless to use such devices.

A condensing device reduces the percentage of humidity by 6 - 8%. However, the temperature in the room will drop by more than 3°C.

DIY refrigerator dehumidifier

You can make a condensation dehumidifier for humid air yourself using available materials.

To make the device you will need:

  • an old freezer that is in working order;
  • a small piece of organic glass with dimensions matching the parameters of the camera;
  • products for fastening - self-tapping screws;
  • sealant – silicone glue;
  • two fans;
  • electric heater;
  • hollow rubber tube.

First you need to dismantle the door of the selected freezer.

One fan should be securely attached to the bottom of the piece of plexiglass., so that it definitely blows into the freezer. To do this, you need to make a mounting hole of the appropriate size in the organic glass. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening, and each joint is carefully treated with sealant.

Another fan needs to be attached to the top of the glass. It is designed to exhaust hot and dry air back into the room. It is unfolded so that it blows out the air flow.

Then you need to install the hollow rubber pipe . Its role is to remove condensed moisture from the dehumidifier.

For installation, a small hole must be drilled in the bottom of the device. A hose is inserted into it, after which the edges of the hole are treated with silicone glue. A capacious vessel is placed under the tube to allow the condensation to drain there.

At the last stage, organic glass with fans is mounted in freezer instead of the old door.

For more information on how to make a device from a refrigerator with your own hands, watch the video:

How to get rid of dampness in an apartment: other methods of drying

Today it is known There are three main ways to dry humid air:

  1. Assimilation thing is cold air contains relatively less water vapor than warm. It is considered not very effective for two reasons: moisture may not be absorbed all the time and only in limited quantities, consumption large quantity electrical energy;
  2. Adsorption method developed on the sorption properties of special substances called sorbents. The device contains porous material, but the efficiency of the sorbent decreases significantly as it becomes saturated. Its disadvantage is the energy consumption in huge quantities, as well as a short service life. In this case, it is better to use silica gel on a fiberglass carrier;
  3. Condensation method based on the condensation of water vapor contained in the air.

Humidity in a room can be measured using several instruments:

  • hygrometer,
  • wet glass
  • thermometer.

Most simple method is the use of a special measuring device - a hygrometer. Today there are several varieties of it. Their action is based on different principles. These devices will help you easily determine what humidity should be in the house.

Adsorption type air dryer is a device that removes excess moisture from the air, which is explained by the properties of adsorbents.

To manufacture this equipment, it is necessary to prepare a special rotor, which should be filled with an adsorbent made using a fiberglass carrier. In addition, silica gel and zeolite with activated aluminum oxide can serve as an adsorbent.

Cost and manufacturers of moisture absorber

When choosing a dehumidifier model, you need to pay attention to several main characteristics:

  • Drying power;
  • Operating temperature range;
  • Tank capacity for storing water;
  • Possibility to use continuous drainage;
  • Automatic operating modes;
  • Power consumption.

Nowadays you can buy both cheap and more expensive models. It all depends on the type of moisture absorber, its characteristics, as well as the manufacturer.

The leading manufacturer and developer of systems is the English company Calorex. It produces duct and monoblock devices.

Relatively cheap models are manufactured by a company such as EcoSystems. In addition, other concerns are also involved in production:

  • Ballu,
  • Aucma,
  • Cooper&Hunter,
  • Coughi, DTGroup,
  • Dantherm,
  • Ecor Pro,
  • microwell,
  • MyCond
  • Neoclima by Hidros,
  • Aerial.

A dehumidifier is a very important device that helps maintain the indoor environment at the proper level. Therefore, equipment should be selected carefully, carefully studying the quality characteristics.

A dehumidifier is a device designed to maintain a given level of humidity in a room, as well as get rid of excess humidity. A dehumidifier is indispensable if it is necessary to eliminate the consequences of high humidity - fungus, mold and prevent their occurrence. for an apartment, house, cellar, garage, pool you can at competitive prices.

How does a dehumidifier work?

Design and principle of operation of an air dryer

Most dehumidifiers operate on the principle of condensation of moisture in the air onto a cold surface.

The dehumidifier is equipped with two heat exchangers located one behind the other and connected into a single circuit, which is filled with refrigerant (freon). Using a compressor, the refrigerant is circulated in the circuit and maintained operating pressure. The fan forces air from the room through the dehumidifier.

Passing under pressure through a thin and long capillary tube, the refrigerant is greatly cooled, enters the first heat exchanger and cools it. Humid air from the room passes through the first heat exchanger, cooling and forming condensate, which flows into a special tray, and can then either be collected in a special built-in container or discharged into the sewer system through a drainage pipe.

The refrigerant from the first heat exchanger heats up, evaporates and enters the compressor. Due to compression, the refrigerant becomes very hot and enters the second heat exchanger. In it, the refrigerant condenses under the influence of passing cold air. At the same time, the air heats up.

Thus, the dehumidifier first cools, then condenses moisture and heats the air.

What types of dehumidifiers are there?

Depending on the purpose, there are Various types dehumidifiers.

How to choose a dehumidifier?

To approximate the required drying regime and preliminary selection of dryers, it is enough to use empirical formulas, taking into account compliance with two basic requirements:

1. Dehumidification is carried out in indoors.
2. The room temperature is within the operating temperature range of this dehumidifier.



Q - required moisture removal, l/h

V - room volume, m3

Vdr - volume of drained wood, m3

Rdr - density of dried wood, kg/m3

S - pool mirror area, m2

A detailed description of the dehumidification system design methodology is given in the Dantherm Dehumidification System Design Guide - 1998.

Application area

Required moisture removal, l/h


Dry storage(warehouses)

Q = Vx 1.2 x 10-3

Air exchange rate 0.3 Drying rate 2.5 g/m3 h Air temperature 20 °C

Dehumidification of residential and administrative premises

Q = V x 1.5 x 10 -3

Air exchange rate 0.5 dehumidification 2.5 g/m3 h Air temperature 20 °C

Drying buildings

Q = V x 2.0 x 10-3

Air exchange rate 0.3 Drying rate (taking into account the evaporation of moisture from wet materials) 3.2 g/m3 h Air temperature 20 °C Drying period 8 days

Drying wood

Q = Vdr X Rdr X 0.4 X 10 -3

Sealed drying chamber Air temperature 25-30 °C Relative air humidity 30-40% Drying rate 1% of wood moisture content per day

Swimming pool drainage

Private swimming pools up to 50 m2 (with protective cover, limited load):
Q = S x 0.1 Public swimming pools over 50 m2 (without protective coating, at normal load): Q = S x 0.2

Inflow of outside air - (10 x S) m3/hour Air temperature - (t water + 2) °C Relative humidity - 60%


The evaporation rate is calculated as follows:

W = e x S x (Pnas - Rust) g/h;

S is the area of ​​the water surface of the pool, m2;
Pnas is the water vapor pressure of saturated air at the water temperature in the pool, mbar;
Rust - partial pressure of water vapor at a given temperature and humidity, mbar;

E - empirical coefficient, g/(m2 x hour x mbar):

0.5 - closed pool surface,
5 - fixed surface of the pool,
15 - small private pools with a limited number of swimmers,
20 - public pools with normal swimmer activity,
28 - swimming pools for recreation and entertainment,
35 - pools with water slides and significant wave formation.

Example. Private pool.

Pool mirror 20 x 5 m S= 100 m2
Water temperature 28 °C (100% r.h.) Рsat = 37.78 mbar
Air temperature 30 °C (60% r.h.) Rst = 25.45 mbar

Evaporation rate
W = 13 x 100 x (37.78-25.45) = 16029 g/h = 16 l/h Rust - water vapor pressure of saturated air at a given temperature and air humidity, mbar

a is the coefficient of pool occupancy by people:

1.5 - for play pools with active wave generation,
0.5 - for large public swimming pools,
0.4 - for hotel pools,
0.3 - for small private pools

Many people face the problem of dampness in own homes and even in apartments. Humidity itself may not become a critical threat, but the possibility of the development of pathogenic flora, mold formation and the general atmosphere of such damp housing are not at all encouraging. Sometimes it happens that dampness has a local distribution - for example, a bathroom or kitchen. In any case, a solution to this problem has been found. If you want to get rid of dampness in your home, then you need to use household dehumidifier household level.

All dehumidifiers can be divided into domestic and industrial. Household dehumidifiers used in apartments, houses, cottages and country houses.

Let's stop and look at a household air freeze dryer. The design, dimensions and operating principle of this dehumidifier can be very different. The air dryer can be mobile, wall-mounted or floor-mounted. To remove moisture, air cooling, hygroscopic material, heating, or other equally intriguing sublimation methods can be used. The question is what effect you want, and what humidity a particular device will have to deal with. The main thing to remember is that you can buy a freeze dryer at any time.

The choice of design should be made based on practical conditions. If you have a generally high level of humidity in your apartment, then ideal option is household dehumidifier. If moisture is spreading from a specific room, or even a corner, then it is wiser to install the device there in order to stop the spread of the problem in principle.

Lyophilizers (air dehumidifiers) will help maintain the required level of humidity in your home. Thanks to this modest device, the microclimate of your home will become healthier and more pleasant.

Buy household dehumidifiers You can visit the online store website. To do this, you need to place an order through the website or contact the manager by phone.

Air dehumidifiers, like other climate control devices, are designed to maintain a microclimate that is favorable for living indoors. It is advisable to use them in rooms with high humidity and insufficient ventilation. Using a household dehumidifier eliminates the possibility of mold and mildew and the rapid transmission of viral diseases between family members. The use of these devices is especially important in the off-season, when central heating turned off, and the humidity in apartments is especially high. If you care about the microclimate in your home, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best dehumidifiers.

Top 10 dehumidifiers

10 Royal Clima RD-S30-E

High power and performance
A country: Italy (made in China)
Average price: 15,490 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

This model attracts the attention of users with two parameters - productivity up to 30 liters per day and air exchange up to 350 cubic meters per hour. These are indeed very high figures. But many buyers do not take into account that it is impossible to achieve them without increasing the noise level during operation. The result is 54 dB, despite the fact that the average volume of similar models usually does not exceed 46-48 dB. The difference may not seem that big, but in reality it is noticeable.

But this is the only serious drawback of the model. Otherwise, everything is good - high power and performance, clothes drying mode, wide drying range from 30 to 90%, timer, large capacity for condensate 6 liters. Therefore, if there are no strict requirements for volume levels, the model can be considered as a very good option for an apartment.

9 Beurer LE 40

Minimum weight and compact dimensions
Country: Germany
Average price: 19,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

It’s hard to imagine that such a light and compact device can have high performance. The dehumidifier weighs less than ten kilograms, dimensions - 28.90x20.10x46.90 cm. At the same time, the productivity reaches 12 liters per day, and the area of ​​the serviced room is up to 30 sq.m. More advantages - high quality, excellent materials, impeccable assembly. The rest of the model is simple, with a minimum set of necessary options - two operating modes, automatic maintenance set humidity indicators, adjustable fan speed.

The device is equipped with a built-in 1.9-liter container for collecting condensate; when filled, a protective shutdown is triggered. If this is not enough for the user, you can use a drainage hose to drain the liquid directly into the sewer. Temperature, room humidity, tank filling level, selected operating mode - all these indicators are displayed on a convenient backlit display.

8 Trotec TTK 96 E

Optimal combination of price and quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 23,900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The German-made model successfully combines excellent quality, compact dimensions (38.60x26x50 cm) and high productivity of up to 30 liters per day. With an air exchange of up to 210 cubic meters per hour, air dehumidification even in large room happens quickly. There are two ways to remove the formed condensate - use the built-in three-liter tank or use the drainage tube included in the kit. The device can be safely left turned on unattended (for example, overnight) - when the tank is overfilled, the dehumidifier will automatically turn off.

The manufacturer provides four operating modes; the user can change the drying intensity, fan rotation speed, and set a timer at his or her discretion. Additional pleasant features include a gentle drying mode and the presence of a filter for air purification. The design of the model did not disappoint either - it is made in a strict, laconic style, white color, so it fits into any apartment interior.

7 Dantherm CD 400-18

Easiest operation and highest quality
Country: Denmark
Average price: 28,300 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Danish dehumidifier compares favorably with its competitors in two respects: impeccable workmanship and extremely simple operation. The device is intended for household use, but at the same time has a fairly high productivity of up to 18 liters per day, which allows the model to be used to eliminate the consequences of flooding of apartments. The maximum air exchange is 180 cubic meters per hour, due to this the air in the room is dried quickly enough. Condensed moisture is collected in a special 4.5-liter tank or immediately removed using a drainage tube.

The easiest way to support optimal humidity indoors – set the automatic dehumidification mode. The device will turn on every time the indicator rises above 60%. Among the additional features, the manufacturer has provided a mode for drying clothes and air purification. Users give it a minus for its somewhat strange, clumsy design.

6 Mitsubishi Electric Smart Home MJ-E20BG-R1

Best functionality
Country: Japan
Average price: 32,490 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Very functional model from the popular manufacturer Mitsubishi Electric, despite its fairly high cost, is in high demand. The reason becomes clear when studying the characteristics - the model not only dehumidifies the air, but also effectively cleans it of dust, bacteria, viruses and unpleasant odors. The user has the opportunity to select one of the operating modes of the device - automatic, air purification, light or intensive dehumidification, mold protection, drying clothes. Unlike most dehumidifiers, this model is additionally equipped with child protection.

The main indicators are also excellent - productivity is 20 liters per day, air exchange is up to 210 cubic meters per hour, low level noise no more than 38 dB. The dehumidifier is equipped with a display that shows the current settings and humidity level, and the operation is very simple, despite the increased functionality. Buyers confirm that all the manufacturer’s statements are completely true, and they have no complaints about the operation of the device. The only downside is the high cost.

5 Hisense Air Go DH-25K4HDL

Quiet operation and high performance
Country: China
Average price: 14,590 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The model from Hisense attracts attention with its combination of high performance and quiet operation. With air exchange up to 250 cubic meters per hour, productivity up to 25 liters per day, the maximum noise level is only 44 dB. Control of the device is extremely simple, but there are quite a lot of possibilities - automatic mode, two air drying speeds, setting the desired humidity from 30 to 80%, timer. The volume of the condensate collection tank is 6.5 liters; when it overflows, the device automatically turns off.

The device is equipped with an air purification filter and a display that displays all operating parameters and the actual humidity in the room. Additional advantages of the model include relatively compact dimensions (38.50x29x62.80 cm), the presence of convenient wheels and a retractable handle for moving, as well as a stylish, laconic design that will fit into any interior.

4 Ballu BDM-30L

Powerful, stylish and functional
Country: China
Average price: 20900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A very stylish, powerful and functional dehumidifier is more expensive than many household models, but is completely worth its cost. Its productivity is up to 30 liters per day, and the maximum air exchange is up to 180 cubic meters per hour. A spacious 5-liter tank means you don't have to worry about it. fast filling. But this is not all the advantages of the model - it not only maintains optimal humidity, but also aromatizes and ionizes the air in the apartment. With its help, you can gently dry washed laundry, also giving it the desired aroma thanks to the use of an aroma capsule.

For the declared power, it operates quite quietly - 46 dB. All performance indicators are displayed on the display at the top of the device; buttons for setting settings are located there. Compact dimensions, stylish design with no sharp corners and large service area (up to 50 sq.m) make the model one of the best for spacious apartments.

3 NeoClima ND-10AH

Quietest operation
Country Russia
Average price: 9350 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The main advantage of the NeoClima dehumidifier is its very quiet operation, not exceeding 39 dB. You can leave it on even overnight - the quiet hum will not disturb your sleep. The dehumidifier is designed to serve an area of ​​up to 16 square meters, thanks to its compact size and wheels, it can be easily moved between rooms. The productivity of the device is 10 liters per day, which is quite enough for domestic use. But the maximum air exchange is small - only 90 cubic meters per hour.

But users are satisfied with everything in this model. The dehumidifier is compact, easy to operate, the current and set humidity are displayed on the display. And thanks to modern stylish design The device fits organically into any interior. When using a 1.5 liter tank in an apartment, it is quite enough; when it is full, the dehumidifier automatically turns off. Based on reviews, no serious shortcomings of the model could be identified.

2 Hyundai H-DEH1-20L-UI007

A good model for spacious rooms
A country: South Korea(made in China)
Average price: 11930 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The Hyundai dehumidifier can easily cope with high humidity even in spacious apartment thanks to a capacity of up to 20 liters per day and air exchange of up to 180 cubic meters per hour. However, he does not have the most big sizes(39.70x29.70x50.20 cm), and the volume of its operation does not exceed 50 dB. You don’t have to empty the tank often – the volume is 3 liters, which is considered a pretty good indicator. When the container is filled with condensate, the device automatically turns off.

At the top of the device there is a display that displays the current and set humidity in the room and the degree of filling of the tank. Among the additional advantages of the model, users highlight the presence of a turbo mode, which is very convenient to use for initial dehumidification of air in rooms with high humidity. Another advantage is the presence of rollers, which greatly simplifies the movement of the device around the apartment.

1 Timberk DH TIM 10 E5

Best model for home use
A country: Russia (manufactured in China)
Average price: 9425 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Simple, compact model ideal for household purposes. The dehumidifier has compact dimensions (33x26x42 cm), and its operating volume does not exceed 46 dB. The productivity is 10 l/day, the capacity of the tank for collecting condensed moisture is 1.3 liters. When the water reservoir overflows, the device automatically turns off.

In general, the model is quite good in terms of functionality - built-in hygrometer, hygrostat, automatic defrosting. All performance indicators are displayed on the display at the top of the device; there are also buttons for adjusting the current parameters. The manufacturer has provided two operating modes - automatic and turbo to quickly reduce humidity in the room. Humidity can be set between 30-80%. Judging by the reviews, this is one of the best dehumidifiers for apartments due to its efficiency, ease of operation and compact size.

To create indoors comfortable conditions for life, today there are many climate control devices. One of them is a dehumidifier, which is an industrial and household moisture absorber. In fact, this is monoblock air conditioner. It is widely used not only in apartments or private houses, but also in swimming pools, production premises.

What is a dehumidifier

A home dehumidifier is a device whose function is to reduce air humidity. The main characteristic of the device is performance, which determines how much water the device can remove per unit time at a certain humidity and air temperature. This parameter is measured in liters per day, and for household and semi-industrial modifications it is equal to 12-300 l/day. Another characteristic is the noise level, which is very important for domestic wet rooms.

Working principle of a dehumidifier

Before you buy an inexpensive dehumidifier for your apartment, find out how it works. The operating principle of this household appliances based on moisture condensation when air masses come into contact with a cold surface. Using a fan, air is supplied from the room to the evaporator, which is a radiator with low temperature. Next, the air cools, and the moisture from it condenses and flows into the pan. After this, the air mass is supplied to the radiator with elevated temperature, where it is heated and fed back into the room.

Adsorption type

The operating principle described above is common to most modern air dryers, but if we consider it in more detail, it may differ slightly depending on the modification. The operating principle of an adsorption dehumidifier is based on the adsorption of water vapor contained in the air. Subsequently, the adsorbent must be replaced or regenerated, i.e. dried. The air into the device passes through the main part of the rotor (silica gel), as a result of which moisture is absorbed by the silica gel.

Condensing type

The operating principle of industrial and household condensation-type air flow dehumidifiers is based on the condensation of moisture (water vapor) on the surfaces of the evaporator, which has low temperature. In essence, such a device is an air conditioner that simply does not have the function of removing heat from the room. The water vapor condensed on the surface of the evaporator is subsequently removed. Any such moisture collector works with air superheating, from which sensible and latent heat is removed.

Dehumidifiers for home

Modern dehumidifiers are suitable for rooms with different humidity levels, because... Among them there are many truly powerful devices. Performance industrial devices can reach several hundred l/day. On sale in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the country you can find a large assortment of air dryers that are equipped with a convenient control panel, timer, air filter for air purification, etc. You can order a suitable device in a specialized online store with delivery by mail. Well-known brands are:

  • Ballu;
  • Timberk;
  • Neoclima;
  • Master;
  • Dantherm;
  • Hyundai;
  • Trotec.


The Ballu BDM-30L multifunctional home dehumidifier, capable of effectively drying air flows, is a mobile device with an acceptable noise level and convenient touch controls. The device is equipped with various indicators: condensate tank fill, temperature, current humidity level, etc. The BDM-30L dehumidifier from Ballu is capable of cleaning, aromatizing and ionizing air, which can prevent the appearance of mold:

  • Model name: Ballu BDM-30L;
  • price: 17810 rub.;
  • characteristics: productivity – 30 l/day, tank volume – 5 l, power consumption – 540 W, air flow – 180 m3/hour, noise level – 46 dB, dimensions – 37.2x56.8x27.4 cm, weight – 15 kg;
  • pros: excellent power, suitable for rooms of 50 m2;

If you are looking for a more compact and inexpensive dehumidifier, then take a closer look at the BDH-15L modification. The device is equipped with several indicators and a display and has an electronic control type:

  • Model name: Ballu BDH-15L;
  • price: RUB 11,990;
  • characteristics: dehumidification intensity – 15 l/day, tank volume – 2 l, maximum air exchange – 51 m3/hour, power consumption – 205 W, noise level – 40 dB, dimensions – 25x38.6x23 cm, weight – 8.5 kg ;
  • pros: relatively cheap, compact;
  • cons: optimal for rooms with an area of ​​18 m2.


If you have not yet decided on your choice, you can buy a Timberk DH TIM 25 E7 dehumidifier for your home. The device is equipped wide range control humidity levels within 30-80%. For regulation, it has several operating modes, including turbo-drying and automatic. The dehumidifier is presented in a modern and elegant case, thanks to which it will fit into almost any interior:

  • model name: Timberk DH TIM 25 E7;
  • price: RUB 14,449;
  • characteristics: dehumidification intensity – 20 l/day, maximum air exchange – 170 m3/hour, condensate tank – 3 l, power consumption – 550 W, noise level – 48/45 dB, dimensions – 33x42x26 cm, weight – 14 kg;
  • pros: good protection from moisture, excellent performance;
  • cons: none.

The following dehumidifier is expensive compared to many others, but it works very effectively. It will help you avoid such troubles as mold on the walls, equipment that has failed due to excessive humidity, swollen furniture, etc.:

  • Model name: Timberk DH TIM 40 E1W;
  • price: RUR 18,490;
  • characteristics: dehumidification intensity – 40 l/day, maximum air exchange – 250 m3/hour, condensate tank – 3 l, power consumption – 700 W, noise level – 44 dB, dimensions – 48.1x28.6x62.8 cm, weight – 20 kg;
  • pros: power, build quality;
  • cons: costs more than analogues.


The moisture collector ND-10AH from Neoclima has an affordable price and compact size. It is traditionally used in small offices and household purposes. In addition, the device has a low noise level. The case has a minimalist design, it can fit into any apartment or office space:

  • model name: Neoclima ND-10AH;
  • price: 8420 rub.;
  • characteristics: condensate tank - 1.5 l, power consumption - 200 W, noise level - 39 dB, service area - 14 m2, dimensions - 31x40x24.3 cm, weight - 12 kg;
  • advantages: low cost, compact size;
  • minuses: low power, tank volume.

The ventilation system is not able to cope with high air humidity, so it becomes necessary to purchase an air dryer with a special container for collecting condensate. Excellent choice can be:

  • model name: Neoclima ND-30AEB;
  • price: 13490 rub.;
  • characteristics: tank volume – 4.8 l, maximum air exchange – 320 m3/hour, power consumption – 620 W, noise level – 48 dB, service area – 32 m2, dimensions – 34x54.5x25 cm, weight – 13 kg;
  • pros: performance, self-diagnosis;
  • cons: a little noisy.


The manufacturer of climate control equipment Master offers a choice of both household and professional air dryers. To save on your purchase, look for stores that often have promotions and sales - this is a great chance to order the desired modification at a discount. Household condensation moisture collector from Master:

  • Model name: Master DH-720;
  • price: 21600 rub.;
  • characteristics: tank volume – 5.5 l, productivity – 20 l/day, maximum air exchange – 150 m3/hour, power consumption – 370 W, noise level – 46 dB, dimensions – 46x26x58 cm, weight – 12.5 kg;
  • pros: build quality, good power;
  • cons: more expensive than household analogues.

Those who are planning to buy a professional-type dehumidifier designed to serve a large volume of space should take a closer look at the Master DH-92. The device can operate in difficult conditions:

  • Model name: Master DH-92;
  • price: RUB 118,700;
  • characteristics: tank volume – 15 l, productivity – 80 l/day, volume air flow– 1000 m3/hour, power consumption – 1350 W, noise level – 50 dB, dimensions – 58x56x102 cm, weight – 76 kg;
  • pros: high performance, completely automatic control,
  • Cons: very expensive, weighs a lot.

The DanVex DEH air dryer is a device designed for dehumidifying air in laundries, industrial premises, warehouses and other facilities. It has a reliable built-in hygrostat, overflow system and a container designed for 7 liters of condensate. Trouble-free operation dehumidifier is guaranteed by automatic system controls:

  • Model name: DanVex DEH;
  • price: 47,500 rub.;
  • characteristics: tank capacity – 7 l, drainage – 40 l/day, power consumption – 700 W, dimensions – 480x630x300 mm, weight – 20 kg,
  • pros: high-quality assembly, excellent performance;
  • cons: high cost.

DD-26F from DanVex is an air dehumidifier suitable for treating air masses in rooms with both warm and cold air. The device is suitable even for servicing large industrial premises:

  • Model name: DanVex DD-26F;
  • price: RUB 137,500;
  • characteristics: dehumidification – 26 l/day, power consumption – 2000 W, productivity – 340 m3/h, dimensions – 247x575x345 mm, weight – 35 kg;
  • pros: easy to control, suitable for large volumes;
  • cons: very expensive.


The portable household appliance CD 400-18 from Dantherm is a durable, high-performance air dryer with attractive design housings. The main components of the device include a fan and a refrigeration compressor unit. Main characteristics of the dehumidifier CD 400-18:

  • Model name: Dantherm CD 400-18;
  • price: RUB 21,990;
  • characteristics: power consumption – 340 W, air exchange – 180 m3/h, noise level – 48 dB;
  • pros: not bad specifications, design;
  • Cons: more expensive than household analogues, a little noisy.

Dantherm's next dehumidifier is a fully automated, wall-mounted unit. The dehumidifier has electronic control, display and built-in adjustable hygrostat:

  • Model name: Dantherm CDP 65;
  • price: RUB 333,560;
  • characteristics: power consumption – 1650 W, air exchange – 750 m3/h, productivity – 82.8 l/day, dimensions – 180x80x31.5 cm, weight – 101 kg;
  • Pros: powerful air dehumidification, automated control;
  • cons: high cost, heavy weight.


The Hyundai brand sells a line of relatively inexpensive dehumidifiers, one of which is the H-DEH1-20L-UI007. This modification takes up relatively little space, but is suitable for serving a room of 20 square meters. During the day, about 20 liters of moisture will be sent to the condensate container of the dehumidifier:

  • model name: Hyundai H-DEH1-20L-UI007;
  • price: 10990 rub.;
  • characteristics: dehumidification intensity – 20 l/day, maximum air exchange – 180 m3/h, power consumption – 600 W, tank volume – 3 l, noise level – 48 dB, dimensions – 397x502x297 mm, weight – 13.5 kg;
  • advantages: compactness, reasonable cost;
  • cons: a little noisy.

Another similar option from Hyundai, designed for an area of ​​up to 20 square meters, is H-DEH2-20L-UI008. This unit, unlike its analogue, has lower energy consumption:

  • Model name: Hyundai H-DEH2-20L-UI008;
  • price: RUB 11,990;
  • characteristics: productivity – 20 l/day, maximum air exchange – 220 m3/h, power consumption – 460 W, tank volume – 3 l, noise level – 51 dB, dimensions – 508x350x233 mm, weight – 11.5 kg;
  • advantages: low cost, compactness;
  • cons: noise.


The moisture collector TTK 96E from Trotec is capable of maintaining the required level of humidity over an area of ​​up to 90 square meters. The dehumidifier is made in the form of a stable design with good functionality. The control panel of the dehumidifier is intuitive, you should not have any problems with it:

  • Model name: Trotec TTK 96E;
  • price: 23900 rub.;
  • characteristics: productivity - 30 l/day, tank capacity - 3 l, power consumption - 460 W, noise level - 52 dB, dimensions - 50x38.6x26 cm, weight - 16 kg;
  • pros: ease of maintenance, build quality;
  • cons: expensive, a little noisy.

The modern advanced device Trotec TTK 30 S has a whole range of useful functionality. The dehumidifier is equipped with a hygrostat, which is able to control the level of humidity in the room:

  • Model name: Trotec TTK 30 S;
  • price: 17800 rub.;
  • characteristics: productivity – 10 l/day, tank capacity – 1.6 l, power consumption – 200 W, air exchange – 1000 m3/h, noise indicator – 40 dB, dimensions – 31x16x51 cm, weight – 9.1 kg;
  • pros: low noise level, good functionality;
  • cons: low performance, small tank.

How to choose a dehumidifier

To buy an effective device that can serve a large volume of premises and provide an influx fresh air, check out several criteria. Optimal level noise is considered to be no more than 46 dB. It is desirable that the selected device has additional functionality, for example, a timer. Very convenient if it is equipped electronically controlled. Special attention Pay attention to selecting the required dryer performance:

  • Calculation of the power of the device for the home: Q = V x 1.5 / 1000, where Q is the performance of the dehumidifier, and V is the volume of the room.
  • For a pool (up to 50 m): Q = S x 0.1, where S is the area of ​​the pool.
  • To select an industrial device: Q = V x 1.2 / 1000, where V is the volume of a warehouse or other production facility.
