Indoor poisonous flower: list, names and care features. Plants that should not be kept at home Pachypodium - Madagascar palm

About the abundance of beautiful and well-groomed indoor plants has always been considered a plus for housewives: when we enter such a house, we immediately involuntarily admire it, and we cannot hide this admiration - such beauty leaves few people indifferent.

Plants, if they are well-groomed and beautiful, please the eye and sense of smell - it is more developed in us than other senses, and greatly influences our state and attitude. In the city through open window does not always get into the room Fresh air, and indoor plants cleanse it and absorb toxic impurities - for example, the well-known chlorophytums, which grow precisely where there are a lot of such impurities in the air.

However, botanists say that it is impossible to create “botanical gardens” in living and working premises: when there are a lot of plants, they begin to do more harm than good, releasing volatile compounds that are hazardous to health.

Of course, this is not so difficult to deal with if the rooms are often ventilated, but indoor plants are different: dangerous not only to health, but also to life if handled incorrectly.

1. Ficus.
If you are inclined to do so, it is better not to keep it in the house at all. Ficus juice is poisonous - it inflames the skin, and irritation occurs in the respiratory tract - even an asthma attack can occur.

2. Oleander.
Its flowers are fragrant and pleasantly smelling, but can cause headache, if the plant blooms too wildly. Oleander can grow strongly if conditions permit, and grows up to 5 m in height; used in medicine, like many poisonous plants. The seeds and juice are especially poisonous, so you need to wear gloves when caring for it, and keep children and animals away.

3. Pachypodium lamera.
Something similar to a small palm tree: it is called the Madagascar palm tree, but the name is incorrect. Lamera leaves are poisonous and can be dangerous to children and animals.

4. Dieffenbachia.
The juice of many Dieffenbachias is toxic to the skin - contact with it can lead to dermatitis; if it gets into the eyes, it affects the cornea and causes conjunctivitis, and if it gets into the mouth, it causes pain in the mucous membrane and swelling. Although both children and animals usually do not chew this plant for a long time, it can end in tragedy, so access to Dieffenbachia should be limited. Of the animals, cats are especially vulnerable - this juice can kill them if it gets into their mouth even in small quantities.

5. Monstera(Monstera)
In nature it is a vine with large leaves, but here it grows in pots; It is popular precisely because of its leaves, shiny and very beautifully cut - because of them it is also called holey philodendron. These large - up to 0.5 m - leaves contain toxins that cause burning in the mucous membranes, inflammation, strong salivation, vomiting and digestive disorders.

6. Spathiphyllum.
also loved by housewives: it blooms in a very original way, expelling an inflorescence on a peduncle that resembles a spadix, from the base of which comes a veil - a perianth similar to a leaf, but lighter, from green to white. This plant is even recommended to be kept in rooms with polluted air - it quickly absorbs toxins, but is itself toxic: if the juice gets on the skin, an abscess may appear that will not heal for a long time. There are varieties of it in nature that are also toxic, although they are used in folk medicine.

7. Poinsettia.
Almost all euphorbias are known for their toxicity - of which you can often find poinsettia, so original that it is called the “star of Bethlehem”: poinsettia flowers appear double - due to the bright red bracts framing each flower. If you only slightly damage the leaf or stem of the plant, the milky sap that gets on the skin will cause irritation; if it happens to get into the eye, a person or animal may become temporarily blind.

8. Azalea.
or rhododendron (Rhododendron) - amazing indoor plant with beautiful flowers similar to those of lilies. These plants bloom luxuriantly, and their flowers are elegant and different bright colors- terry or simple, they come in red, pink, white, lilac, etc., and look very nice in living rooms and offices. Azaleas are often given as gifts, and lovers breed them in large quantities; Azaleas bloom for about 2-2.5 months, and their rich aroma causes dizziness, and in a poorly ventilated area can cause loss of consciousness - this plant contains narcotic substances.

The plant can be harmful to humans if the plant's leaves or nectar are ingested. The poisonous juice contained in the leaf blades and nectar can cause lacrimation, profuse vomiting, salivation, and nasal discharge.

9. Adenium.
Adenium obesum, or thick adenium, or desert rose (Adenium obesum), is a “bottle” plant with a thick stem at the base. This plant is poisonous. Its juice can penetrate through skin or mucous membranes into the blood and cause intoxication. Some African tribes use adenium poison in hunting, impregnating arrow tips with it. It is also used to create medicines against arrhythmia.

10. Euphorbia(Euphorbia) - the milky sap of this plant protruding from damaged parts is quite dangerous. It causes severe burning, redness of the skin, and possible blistering. Once in the eyes, milkweed juice provokes serious inflammation of the conjunctiva and temporary blindness. Poison that entered the body through oral cavity, causes vomiting, severe diarrhea, and abdominal pain. In case of severe poisoning, dizziness, convulsions, delirium, and circulatory disorders are possible.

11. Hydrangea(Hydrangea) is a beautiful indoor plant that requires special care. All parts of this plant contain poison. Touching hydrangea is completely safe; danger arises when parts of hydrangea or its juice penetrate into the human body, for example, when swallowed. In this case, sweating increases, blood circulation becomes difficult, the victim feels stomach pain, itching, nausea, and muscle weakness.

12. Gloriosa luxurious(Gloriosa superba) - dangerous plant only if its poison, contained in all its parts, enters the human body in large quantities. Gloriosa poison causes severe nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, in severe cases, hair loss, blood clotting disorders, and there is also a high likelihood of kidney damage.

13. Brovallia is beautiful(Browallia speciosa) is named so for a reason, but in its graceful stems, interesting leaves, beautiful modest flowers and other parts it contains dangerous substance. Brovallia juice, if it gets on unprotected human skin, causes intoxication.

14. Clivia(Clivia) is beautiful when in bloom. Its bright luxurious buds open almost simultaneously, creating a bright “bouquet”. But if you handle the leaves or rhizomes carelessly, this beautiful plant may cause harm. Clivia poison causes vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, and sometimes paralysis.

15. Ivy- the most famous home vine, and it is happily used for interior decoration. This plant can also be called useful - it purifies indoor air from harmful chemicals, bacteria and fungi do not like it, but its leaves and stems are poisonous - if a domestic rodent, for example, happens to try them, the animal will die. Sometimes ivy blooms, although rarely - once every few years, but the flowers smell unpleasant, and the fruits are even more poisonous than the rest of the plant; therefore, it is better to remove the buds before they have time to open.

16. False pepper nightshade
Many people also know about the nightshade family - even the fruits of ordinary potatoes can be deadly poisonous, and solanine also accumulates in the tubers, causing severe poisoning. As indoor flower often grown false pepper nightshade- in Australia, this plant is considered a malicious weed, but our gardeners love it for its bright fruits, which give it an attractive appearance. That is why false pepper nightshade is often poisoned by children, attracted by the beautiful red-orange berries, which cause stomach pain, nausea and vomiting; The juice of nightshade leaves is also poisonous - it causes skin irritation.

17. Capsicum.
Other representatives of this family are also dangerous: brunfelsia, browallia, capsicum etc.

18. Cyclamen.
Cyclamen flowers resemble graceful butterflies fluttering above the leaves, and it is considered an unusual, elite and capricious flower, but the juice of its tubers can cause skin inflammation and irritation.

19. Aloe.
It would never occur to anyone to speak ill of this plant - everyone knows about its pronounced medicinal properties, but this plant is deadly for animals. Rodents die from it, and others develop severe diarrhea; in humans, aloe juice - in case of overdose - can cause severe poisoning, and in pregnant women - miscarriage.

Aloe belongs to the asphodel family, and its other representatives grown indoors also contain toxins: Eremurus, Gasteria, Haworthia etc.

Most popular houseplants contain poison, which is not fatal to humans, but can lead to serious diseases.

20. Other plants
. For example, the fruits and leaves of plants belonging to the Araliaceae family can cause digestive upset or allergies. Such plants include ivy, fatsia, Japanese aucuba, schefflera, polyscias, fatshedera.

For example, the leaves and stems of begonia contain insoluble salts of oxalic acid, so the juice of this plant may, in contact with human skin, cause a burn. If a begonia leaf gets into the mouth, throat irritation may occur. The most toxic are begonia tubers.

Those plants that belong to the euphorbia family, for example, such as croton, jatropha, akalipha, and euphorbia contain euphorbine, that is, a toxic substance that can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes. When a person cares for these and other plants of this family, he must take care of his eyes, since the ingress of juice can lead to irritation of the cornea, which sometimes even leads to loss of vision. If the milky sap of a ficus comes into contact with the skin, a person may develop dermatitis, eczema, or inflammation. In addition, allergies may occur, or bronchial asthma.

Plants belonging to the nightshade family are also considered poisonous indoor plants. Among such plants are brovallia, ornamental pepper, and nightshade. Brunfelsia also belongs to this dangerous family, which contains a toxic substance that can cause coughing, seizures and stomach upset.

Security measures

Everyone understands that it is simply impossible to force a small child or pet to be wary of indoor plants that are poisonous. Therefore, if a toxic plant cannot be isolated, it must be disposed of. But it is necessary to understand that only those plants that have poisonous leaves, flowers or stems are dangerous for children and animals.

There are indoor plants that have poisonous tubers, but it is unlikely that a baby or four-legged friend will be able to reach them. If a person grows a poisonous plant at home, he must behave very carefully when caring for it. When working with such plants, especially when replanting them, you must use gloves. This is necessary in order to protect your hands from the juice of poisonous plants. In addition, you should not rub your face with your hands, otherwise the juice may get into your eyes or mouth.

Ambulance upon contact with a poisonous plant
If the juice of a poisonous plant gets on the mucous membranes or skin, a person must urgently take action:

The damaged area of ​​the body must be washed with water and soap. If the juice of the plant gets into your eyes, you need to hold them under running water for about ten minutes.
- if the juice gets into the stomach, the victim needs to induce vomiting. You can also drink a glass of water with activated carbon diluted in it.
- if you are poisoned, you should not drink milk, as it will not only not help, but will also worsen the effects of fat-soluble toxins.

In conclusion, I will say: there is no need to be afraid of poisonous indoor plants; most of them can cause only minor harm to our health. It’s just that when buying a green plant, you need to collect as much information as possible about it, including its toxic properties.

When purchasing another flower, we don’t even know about some harmful properties indoor plants, and then suddenly we notice emerging health problems. If they live in the house Small child or animals, then you need to pay special attention to the choice indoor flowers and plants to protect their livelihoods. Some plant species contain poison in their sap or secrete harmful substances into oxygen.

In addition to plants that are not recommended to be kept at home, there is an adverse effect on human body some colors. In this case, you need to choose the right location for the future green resident, without placing it in the bedroom or, conversely, in the kitchen.

There are a huge number of disputes and disagreements about dangerous plants in the house. All the sayings are mixed with various signs that can ultimately confuse a novice gardener.
In this article we will look at plants with which you need to be careful and be aware of the likely consequences for the body and for energy.

List of poisonous plants

This group of plants includes those species that should not be kept at home, especially in the presence of animals or children, due to their extremely dangerous properties. Child, like a pet, can be poisoned by such flowers or get burns if handled carelessly.

If there are no children or animals in the house, then take precautions when caring for such plants. Be sure to use gloves when working with these colors and wash your tools thoroughly. Never trim these flowers with a knife meant for eating in your kitchen.

There are quite a few dangerous indoor plants, and some at first glance seem completely harmless. Of course, adults will not taste flowers and leaves, but children and animals can put a bright but poisonous flower into their mouth. It is better to know in advance about poisonous plants and avoid them.

1. Euphorbia - the most popular and dangerous

It looks like a small palm tree, has dense green leaves and a thick stem. The milky sap and seeds of this plant are poisonous and can cause burns and irritation on the skin. If milkweed juice gets into the eyes, temporary blindness and severe inflammation of the conjunctiva may occur. In case of severe poisoning, a person may experience dizziness, convulsions, poor circulation and even delirium.

2. Dieffenbachia - beauty

The poison is found in all green parts of the plant. Pets especially often suffer from Dieffenbachia juice; cats die if even a few drops get into their mouths. In humans, symptoms of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal heart rhythm and swollen tongue.

3. Adenium obese - a bright plant with poisonous juice

This exotic flower, which appeared in our country not so long ago, but quickly gained popularity. Interestingly, the poison of this plant is still used in African tribes. They lubricate arrowheads with it. It definitely should not be grown in homes where small children, animals, or people with asthma live.

4. Ficus is a powerful allergen that not everyone can live with

Ficus is one of the favorites of gardeners; it can be found in every third home. It cannot be categorically called a poisonous plant, but it is dangerous allergen. It can be bred at home, but you need to take precautions, especially be careful not to get the juice on your skin.

5. Azalea is a beautiful, but capricious and dangerous plant

It is unlikely that an inexperienced gardener will be able to grow it. The azalea, also called the rhodendron, is not harmful to humans unless its poisonous nectar or leaves are ingested. Dangerous juice is contained in the leaf blades, it causes vomiting, lacrimation, nasal discharge and salivation.

6. Cyclamen - a representative of the primrose family with poisonous tubers

There are quite a lot of fans of cyclamen among flower growers, and some of them grow this plant from seeds. The flower is demanding and capricious, it needs special care and special temperature conditions. However, few people know that cyclamen has poisonous tubers; their poison is similar to that of curare.

7. Primrose is a dangerous inhabitant of children's rooms

It can often be found in children's rooms because of the bright and different shades of colors. But this is a poisonous plant, and all its parts are dangerous. During flowering, primrose releases alkaloids that cause nausea and dizziness. The poison is also found on the hairs of the leaves; touching them can cause itching and burning. To avoid this, wash your hands thoroughly after contact with the plant.

8. Clivia – bright flower, winning hearts the first time

Flower growers are madly in love with this plant for its bright large buds, which open at the same time and create huge bouquet. But this is a poisonous plant; its leaves and rhizomes are especially dangerous. Clivia juice is so dangerous that it can cause paralysis.

Plants at home are cozy and beautiful, your own garden in the middle of winter is just super! The flower shop was empty after you, you bought a fancy pot, seeds or seedlings, and Google admitted what drainage is. Great. Now is the time to stop! Place the pot in place and carefully read the name of the plant, and then quickly check the list in this article to see if it is among those listed. Because we will talk here about poisonous plants, close contact with which can cost your life.

Vomiting, abdominal pain, arrhythmia, burning in the mouth and lips, cramps - this is not the whole list of “pleasures” that can be obtained if you do not find out in advance which plant has put out its leaves in the living room and do not start treating it accordingly. It is better to show respect and caution - do not grab the bulbs and leaves with your hands until you are sure of their safety.

Signs that a plant is going to kill you:

    If you break the stem or break off the leaf, a juice similar to milk is released.

    Its leaves are smooth, as if varnished.

    It has yellow or white berries.

    Its leaves are shaped like a holey umbrella.

So, our insidious but beautiful favorites:

Oleander (lat. Nérium)

The juice of this plant can cause blindness, arrhythmia and tremors, and the aroma of the flowers can cause dizziness. Truly stunning beauty!

Lily (lat. Lilium)

She is definitely popular and seems so innocent. But some varieties cause stomach upset, vomiting, headaches, blurred vision and allergies. And at night, when we sleep, the lily insidiously absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

Orchid (lat. Orchidaceae)

Another dangerous beauty. Its smell causes insomnia, so it is not recommended to place an orchid in the bedroom, even if pink flowers perfectly harmonizes with the bedspread.

Tuberose or polyanthes (lat. Polyanthus)

White, cloud-like flowers can be misleading. No need to give in! The smell of tuberose causes dizziness and depression, headaches and nausea.

Small green Tree with carved beautiful leaves, having acquired which, you should not rejoice, it is better to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. After all, fatsia juice is toxic and, if it enters the body, causes serious disruptions in work nervous system.

Toxidendron, mustard gas or oriental sumac (lat. Toxicodendron)

A stylish plant with sharp red-green leaves, it looks deceptively harmless. Attention! Touching the plant causes severe allergic irritation, unpleasant itching, redness of the skin and blisters immediately and for a very long time.

Philodendron (lat. Philodendron)

Croton (lat. Croton)

White, body milk-like croton juice causes severe burns when it comes into contact with the skin, and instant and painful death if it gets into the bloodstream.

Azalea (Rhododendron Sims) (lat. Azalea)

Once in the body through the mouth, it causes intestinal colic and cramps, so there is no need to eat the leaves, they are of no use anyway - despite their appetizing appearance, they taste so-so.

Dieffenbachia (lat. Dieffenbachia)

Tree with large yellow-green leaves. The juice is poisonous and can cause serious poisoning. You need to be careful when cutting shoots or leaves - you can get burned.

Amaryllis (lat. Amaryllis) And hippeastrum (lat. Hippeastrum)

The poisonous bulbs and juice of these plants are rich in the alkaloid lycorine, which stimulates the vomiting center in the brain. Amaryllis and hippeastrum bulbs are similar to those of the good old onions. The main thing is not to confuse. Once in the body, they cause vomiting, depression, diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps, drooling, loss of appetite, tremors, paralysis and even inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

Beautiful Browallia (lat. Browallia speciosa)

It is named so for a reason: it is truly beautiful, and everyone wants to plant it at home. Forward! The main thing is to remember that its juice, if it comes into contact with the skin, causes severe intoxication. The smartest thing to do is to first get yourself a pair of rubber gloves.

Clivia (lat. Clivia)

Its lush inflorescences are charming, but if the leaves or rhizome are handled carelessly, clivia juice causes vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, and sometimes paralysis. It should be remembered: beauty is deceptive and insidious.

Pepper nightshade (lat. Solanum capsicastrum)

At home they usually plant it dwarf variety with bright round berries that you just want to eat. It's not worth it, really. Nightshade berries are extremely poisonous.

Caladium (lat. Caladium)

All parts of the plant are poisonous and cause suffocation and death.

Mother-in-law's tongue or Sansevieria (lat. Sansevieria)

Not as poisonous as some would like to think. Causes short-term pain in the mouth and allergies.

FIcus (lat. Ficus)

So familiar, close and dear, it would seem that you shouldn’t expect any surprises from him. Whatever the case. If the juice gets on the skin it causes severe irritation and dermatitis. And yes, you don’t need to eat it either.

Mimosa pudica or Gesner tulip (lat. Mimosa pudica)

The most dangerous plant on the list - hair falls out from being around it for a long time!

Hurray, it seems the list is over, and you can, putting on gloves and a gas mask, calmly stick the seeds into the ground, water them and forget? But no! Almost all indoor plants are poisonous to one degree or another. So it's better to think again.

Everyone knows that indoor plants are a source of beauty and benefit for the people who grow them. Plants give us their beauty and at the same time perform a number of useful functions: they participate in the process of photosynthesis (absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen), and also maintain an optimal microclimate in the room (humidify the air).

However, not everything is so rosy: and in flora There are outsiders - dangerous plants that can cause significant harm. Animals and children suffer especially badly from such representatives of the flora, because they are not able to distinguish a potentially dangerous plant. That is why families with children and animals need to be especially careful when selecting house plants.

So, here are the 20 most dangerous indoor plants:

  • Ivy evergreen– liana-shaped evergreen shrub, belonging to the Araliaceae family. The stems are long, curved, the leaves are dark green with a carved edge. The leaves and berries of the plant are poisonous if ingested. Cats, who are attracted to the lush greenery of the plant, suffer especially badly from ivy.
  • is a very beautiful plant with bright greenery and magnificent flowers in white, pink or red, belonging to the heather family. The leaves of the plant are poisonous; they contain a toxic substance - a glycoside, which causes poisoning. It is necessary to place pots with azaleas in places inaccessible to children and animals. It is not recommended to keep azalea in the bedroom.
  • - a plant with large decorative flowers and dense dark green leaves. The family to which cyclamen belongs is Primroses. Cyclamen tubers are especially poisonous; they contain a poison similar to that of curare. These same tubers are often used in folk medicine, while observing all precautions.
  • Trichocereus- an erect cactus with long curved spines. It blooms with white, strong-smelling flowers. The cactus contains hallucinogens and alkaloids that cause paralysis of the central nervous system. IN wildlife With the help of toxic substances, cacti are protected from being eaten by animals.

  • Croton- a representative of the Euphorbiaceae family. Very popular home plant with large beautiful leaves of original colors. Like many members of the spurge family, croton is poisonous. The poison is contained in the seeds and milky sap of the plant, which appears if a leaf or stem of a croton is broken off. If croton juice gets on your skin, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Spurge- a very popular houseplant, which gave its name to an entire genus (Euphorium). It looks like a mini palm tree: a tuft of dense green leaves sits at the top of a thick stem. Like the previous croton plant, milkweed has poisonous seeds and milky juice. Particular care must be taken when replanting the plant and other work with it.

  • – the most popular house plant, very beautiful and decorative. Dieffenbachia is an evergreen shrub with large oval leaves of variegated color. Grows up to two meters in height. Unfortunately, all green parts of the plant (petioles and leaves) contain poison. You can get seriously poisoned if Dieffenbachia juice gets into your mouth. Animals that may inadvertently eat the plant suffer especially.
  • Brunfelsia- a houseplant, especially common in America and Europe, a member of the nightshade family. Smells great and flowers bloom beautifully lilac color. All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially the fruits and seeds of Brunfelsia.

  • - a spectacular plant that has recently become widespread in our homes. At the top of the thick, woody stem there is a bunch of green leaves and bright and large red flowers. Adenium is one of the most poisonous plants. To this day, adenium poison is used by African tribes to poison arrowheads. All parts of the plant are toxic and poisonous, but its milky sap is especially dangerous. If your family has pets, children, or someone in the family suffers from asthma, think carefully before you start growing adenium.
  • - a magnificent house plant, blooming very beautiful flowers, grouped into an umbrella of 12 or more flowers. The leaves of the plant are dense, glossy, elongated. The most poisonous parts of clivia are the leaves and roots. Great care must be taken when working with the plant and be sure to use rubber gloves.

  • Gloriosa luxuriousexotic plant with very showy and unusual flowers that change color throughout the flowering period. At the same time, Gloriosa is one of the most poisonous houseplants. All parts of Gloriosa splendor are poisonous. Once in a living organism, the poison of the plant causes nausea and vomiting, and also leads to impaired kidney function and hair loss. To avoid such unpleasant consequences of poisoning, you should handle the plant very carefully. In addition, it is necessary to protect pets and children from contact with gloriosis.
  • Ficus- a well-known inhabitant of many homes, one of the most popular plants in the whole world. The luxurious, rich greenery of ficus attracts many gardeners. Is this pet really poisonous? Of course, one cannot say so categorically. Ficus is on this list because the plant is a powerful allergen. Ficus sap is especially dangerous: if it gets on the skin, it can irritate and even burn. Don’t be afraid to grow ficus trees in your homes, but still try to take precautions.

  • Philodendron- a plant of the araceae family. Some philodendrons are vines, and some are bushy plants. Philodenron is especially prized for its beautiful, dense greenery. Unfortunately, philodendron juice, like many members of the aroid family, is poisonous, but only if it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. If the plant is not damaged, it is not dangerous at all.
  • Akalifa- a genus of plants in the Euphorbiaceae family, uniting about 400 plants. The peculiarity of Akalifa is leaves with patterns of unusual colors and inflorescences in the form of fluffy earrings. Akalifa is a slightly poisonous plant whose milky sap contains dangerous substances.

  • - a large shrub plant, perfect for large rooms, greenhouses and winter gardens. Schefflera, like akalifa, is a slightly poisonous plant. It is unlikely that the cheflera will cause much harm to you, but still try to wash your hands whenever possible after contact with the plant.
  • Primrose- a very beautiful plant with flowers of various shades, surrounded by velvety green leaves. Primrose is often placed in children's rooms due to bright colors plants. However, all parts of the primrose are poisonous and pose a potential danger. Firstly, during flowering, primrose releases special substances - alkaloids, inhaling which you can feel nausea and dizziness. Moreover, if there are several plants, their impact is enhanced. Secondly, the poison is contained in the hairs of primrose leaves. If you touch the leaves of the plant, the poison may cause burning and itching. If you always rinse your hands under water after contact with the plant, the primrose will not cause any harm.

  • - a plant belonging to the nightshade family. It is a small shrub, reaching a height of 35 cm, blooming with purple, blue and white flowers. Brovalia beautiful is a poisonous plant. All parts of brovalia contain poison, which negatively affects the body when it gets inside or onto the mucous membranes. Most often, children and pets suffer when they come into contact with the plant, so it is very important to keep the plant in a hard-to-reach place.
  • Monstera- A popular indoor plant that reaches impressive sizes. Typically, monstera is grown in public premises, as well as in greenhouses and winter gardens. Monstera leaves are large, dense, rich green in color, with slits along the edges. Before you start growing monstera in your home, think carefully. The plant has very poisonous juice that can burn the skin of the body or even damage the eyes. Symptoms of monstera poisoning are a burning sensation in the mouth, excessive salivation, and inflammation of the digestive system.

  • Pachypodium Lamera, the second name of the plant is Madagascar palm. The lamera has a thick, spiny stem, similar to a cactus, the top of which is crowned with a rosette of elongated leaves. Pachypodium has a poisonous and toxic milky sap, which is released when the plant is damaged. However, this juice has no effect on the skin and can only be dangerous if it comes into contact with wounds and mucous membranes. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling the plant, and it will not cause you any harm.
  • - a plant of the araceae family. The main value of the plant is its luxurious greenery: large, dense leaves of rich color, often with a bizarre pattern. The plant perfectly purifies the air in the apartment and kills many pathogenic bacteria. However, at the same time, you need to remember that the milky juice of aglaonema is dangerous. Juice is released when the plant is damaged, for example when a leaf breaks, so when replanting aglaonema, be sure to use rubber gloves.

An attentive reader will probably have noticed that some plant families are repeated especially often in this list: Aroidaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Kutraaceae, Solanaceae. Indeed, representatives of these particular families are especially poisonous and require the most careful handling.

Kutrov family considered the most dangerous family of houseplants in the world. Prominent representatives of the Kutrovaceae are adenium and pachypodium; this family also includes dipladenia, plumeria, allamanda, strophanthus, carissa and other plants. When working with plants of the cutraceae family, exercise extreme caution, always use rubber gloves and grow these plants out of the reach of children and pets.

Family Araceae It is also distinguished by a large number of poisonous house plants: alocasia, aglaonema, monstera, dieffenbachia, philodendron, spathiphyllum, anthurium, syngonium. Almost all plants of the aroid family contain toxic substances: oxalic acid, proteins and enzymes, which are often used as components of drugs household chemicals due to their caustic properties. The sap from such plants is especially dangerous, so if the plant is damaged, handle it as carefully as possible.

Family Euphorbiaceae includes many plants that are popular on our windowsills: milkweed, croton, akalifa. The toxic substance euphorin is part of the milky juice of almost all euphorbias. If it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, euphorin can cause burning, burns and inflammation. Be careful when handling spurge family plants and always wash your hands thoroughly after handling them.

Nightshade family Probably everyone knows, because the most popular edible plants Potatoes and tomatoes belong to this family. Houseplants of the nightshade family are brovallia, brunfelsia, and capsicum, often grown at home. The most poisonous part of nightshades are the berries, which, if ingested, can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and subsequently unhealthy drowsiness and lethargy. Be careful to ensure that your child or pet does not eat the berries of these plants.

And in conclusion: many plants are poisonous, to a greater or lesser extent, however, most of them are successfully cultivated by humans. It may not be a good idea to buy a plant that could harm you and your family. However, if you decide to grow a potentially dangerous plant, make every effort to minimize its danger. Do not allow children and animals to come into contact with such a plant, do not place it near the bed, always wash your hands after working with it, use rubber gloves. If you follow these simple rules, the plant will not be able to cause any harm and will delight you with its natural beauty.