Flowerbed by the fence made of perennials diagram. Schemes of perennial flower beds with descriptions of flowers for beginners. Healing flowerbed of perennial plants

Every owner personal plot thinks about how to decorate the territory that belongs to him. The simplest one, but effective method solution to this problem - creating a flower bed continuous flowering from perennial plants. It can become the pearl of the site and its main decoration. So, what should a perennial bed be like for beginners?

Rules for creating a flower garden and choosing the right plants

Before you start selecting plants for your flowerbed, decide where it will be located. It all depends on the size of the site and how developed it is. For example, if the house is built in the background, and there is a large free area in front of it, you can choose a round, oval or shaped flower bed located in the center of the yard or framing the driveway.

You can create this flowerbed from a combination of imperial hazel grouse, tulips and hyacinths. And in order for your creation to delight with decorativeness not only in spring, complement the composition with hostas, various types of sills, decorative yarrow, etc.

For small areas, a flower garden located near the house will be a real salvation. When choosing this option, you can plant tall plants in the background: lupins, delphiniums, clematis or other vines. The center of the composition can be hostas, which retain their decorative properties until the frosts. And the foreground will be filled with ground cover plants: chickweed, awl-shaped phlox, etc.

The rules for selecting plants are simple: you are required to select types of flowers that have the same requirements for soil composition, degree of illumination, frequency and abundance of watering.

Classification of perennials according to the degree of difficulty of care

To avoid difficulties in caring for your chosen plants, rely on your experience as an amateur gardener. In order for a flower bed of perennials for beginners to please the eye with bright colors, the plants must receive proper care. According to the level of requirements, the plants used for it can be divided into the following groups:

  • unpretentious to the degree of illumination, soil and watering. This group includes aconite, Various types geraniums and sedums, brunners, heleniums, perennial poppies, gentians and doronicums, chistets, mallows, etc. They do not require constant attention, annual planting and other hassle;
  • moderately labor intensive. For flowers belonging to this group, the main thing is right choice soil and other planting conditions. In addition, to prevent crowding and loss of decorativeness, certain varieties of perennials should be planted at least once every 3 years. Choose what you like: daylilies, columbine aquilegias, arabises and garden cornflowers, bluebells, Turkish and royal carnations, gaillardias, irises, delphiniums, phlox, echinacea, sage, etc.;
  • labor-intensive. If you need unpretentious flower bed from continuous flowering perennials, it is better to develop these crops gradually. For all their decorativeness, they require daily scrupulous care. They must be protected from direct sunlight, frost, pests and diseases. Plants in this group include bulbous and tuberous plants: lilies, dahlias, gladioli, hyacinths, etc. Roses, begonias, evening primroses and other flower bed decorations are also distinguished by their demanding conditions of growth and care.

Creating bright color accents

In order for the flowerbed to please the eye and not give the impression of floral chaos, you should carefully select the shades of the plants you need. To do this, at the stage of drawing up a planting scheme, you need to use colored pencils, color the schematic image of the flower garden and evaluate the compatibility of shades. After this, you can take into account the following generalized scheme of shades of the main decorative deciduous perennials:

  • various shades of yellow: heleniums, rudbeckias, hemerocallis, solidago, etc.;
  • white: white-edged varieties of hostas and variegated garden spurges, Achillea, etc.;
  • red: small petals, heathers, New Belgian or New England asters;
  • purple: lanceolate hostas, variegated varieties of this group of plants, some aconites;
  • blue: irises, astilbes, cornflowers, horned aconites.

Of course it's not full list perennial plants suitable for creating permanent flower beds. You can supplement it at your own discretion, focusing on the classification of plants according to the degree of their unpretentiousness. And then your flowerbed of perennials for beginners will not be inferior in beauty to the compositions created by the world's leading landscape designers!

Drawing up a flowerbed diagram

Having decided on the selection of plants, draw a diagram of your future flower garden. This will make it easier for you to decide on its size, shape, location relative to the main structure, etc.

So that in the future you can quickly and easily transfer the created project to the site, divide it into separate squares. Follow the same procedure for the entire area, choosing the appropriate scale. This will make it easier for you to determine the exact location various plants. These zones can be marked with lime powder or pegs connected to each other with twine.

Multi-tiered planting is a guarantee of spectacular flower garden

The multi-level nature of the flowerbed allows others to enjoy its beauty from any angle. And the plants themselves receive maximum amount sunlight.

If you want an oval or round perennial bed, place tall plants like hollyhocks or delphiniums in the center. Surround them with hostas, asters or other flowers of medium height. And low ground cover plants will complete the picture. For flower beds rectangular shape or plantings bordering various buildings, tall plants are placed in the background. Some of them can be placed on the sides - as original accents.

Please note that your flowers will gradually grow. Give them some living space by temporarily filling in the gaps with colorful annuals: marigolds, zinnias, nasturtiums, etc.

Continuous flower beds for different seasons

  1. Spring. To create such a seasonal flower bed, you can use daffodils, early tulips, hyacinths, primroses, scillas, forget-me-nots and pansies. In general, you will need any early flowers that please the eye with an organic combination of shades.
  2. Summer. At this time of year, you can use petunias and calendula, zinnias and godetias, alyssum, roses, sunny rudbeckias and multi-colored gladioli, as well as hydrangeas, lilies, daylilies, etc. Plants with a long flowering period deserve special attention from gardeners. These include unpretentious garden geranium, decorative yarrow, as well as catnip, soulberry and many other plants.
  3. Autumn. The end of the season can please you with bright colors. The main thing is to select flowers in advance that bloom with the onset of autumn. These can be dwarf and tall chrysanthemums, sedums, dahlias and cannas, rudbeckias, heleniums and many original ornamental grasses.
  4. Winter. At this harsh time of year, your flower garden can be decorated with ornamental cabbage.

Looks no less elegant amazing flower- hellebore, capable of maintaining its beauty even under snow cover.

Schemes of simple flower beds of continuous flowering for beginners

If you need a simple but effective flower bed of continuous flowering perennials, diagrams prepared by specialists will allow you to completely transform your site.

The simplest flower garden option

Paniculate phlox (1) and pink astilbe (2) will add pink-purple inclusions to the composition you created. The first plant should be planted in mid-March or early September, in well-drained soil. The second is planted in the spring; to maintain long-term flowering, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil and apply fertilizing.

The purple notes in your flower garden are provided by daylily, planted in early spring in loam enriched with organic matter and a drainage layer.

Lavender-silver heuchera (4) will add originality to your flowerbed. To maintain the decorative appearance of this plant, it is worth planting it in light soil. Special attention pay attention to the quality of drainage.

Completing the picture of an ideal bed of continuous flowering for novice gardeners is the magnificent purple geranium, which is distinguished by its lush blooms (5).

Ideal flower garden for a brightly lit area

The first to bloom in this flowerbed is the catchment (1), which will delight you with original bells already in mid-spring. Following him, the sun will offer its fragrant petals hybrid tea roses(6). Daylilies (4) and gaillardia (5) provide fiery notes to the flowerbed. They will delight you from May to August.

In June, the sunflower (8) blooms, and in July, the scarlet lavatera (2) up to 1.5 m high. The background plant, Chinese miscanthus (3), competes with its beauty. And low-growing thyme (7) and sage (9) play the role of a border.

The lifespan of many plants is short. But, having properly planned your flower garden, you can admire it with early spring until the first frost. This is possible even if your experience as a gardener is very modest: ready-made diagrams and expert advice will help you cope with this important task. Good luck in mastering landscape design!

Almost all owners personal plots dream that their flower garden looks attractive all year round. But how can this be achieved, since most flowers look attractive only for a very short period of time? There is an exit! This is a bed of continuous flowering perennials. Its diagram will be presented below in this article.

Building such a flowerbed on your site is not as difficult as it might seem at first. The creation process is reminiscent of creativity, because you need to choose the right plants not only by flowering time, but also by color scheme. Plans made from perennials will also help with this.

Varieties of continuous flowering beds

Continuous flowering beds can be created either from perennials alone or using biennials or annual plants. You can plant long flowering ones, or you can plant ones that will bloom one by one. Thus, the flower garden will continuously change its appearance.

It can also be different. When placing a flower bed on open place the best option it will be oval or round, but if the flowerbed is adjacent to a hedge or building, then it is best to make the front part winding, so it will attract more attention.

Selecting a location

A fairly large area must be allocated for a flowerbed of continuous flowering. Firstly, in order for flowering to continue in the flowerbed, you should plant enough a large number of variety of plants. If it is not possible to allocate a large area for a flower bed, you can create several seasonal flower beds, placing them close to one another, this will also help the garden look beautiful all year round.

Secondly, plants in a flowerbed should not be planted one at a time; the flowerbed will look much more decorative if they are grouped into small curtains. Moreover, it looks much more impressive when the flowers are selected according to their flowering dates, and not planted haphazardly. Therefore, if you decide to decorate your site with such an element as a continuous flowering bed of perennials, a diagram of the arrangement of flowers should be drawn before you start arranging it.

The place for the flower bed should be illuminated by the sun for at least 5 or 6 hours a day, however, here you can use a trick by arranging the flower bed so that part of it is in the sun and part is in the shade. You should not place it in a windy place. To prevent the flower garden from getting wet and damp in the spring, you should choose a place with low groundwater.

And, of course, the flower garden should be located in such a way that you can admire it while resting in the garden from righteous labors, and your guests, coming to your site, can appreciate all your efforts.

Selection of planting material

Perennials selected for a continuous flowering bed must have the same soil and care requirements. This required condition. Before purchasing planting material, be sure to think about what your continuous flowering bed of perennials will be like; a diagram drawn in advance will help you decide on the choice of plants. When creating a flowerbed plan, take into account the height of the plants, their ability to grow (too aggressive ones will have to be limited), and the color scheme. Be sure to read the recommendations for growing, because some perennials should be planted immediately in the flowerbed, others are grown through seedlings, some require regular digging for the winter, while others can grow in one place for decades.

WITH planting material We figured it out, now let's look at how to create a flowerbed of continuous flowering from perennials.

Creating a flower bed

So, when creating flower beds from perennials, planting patterns should be drawn taking into account the height of the plants. For convenience, number all the plants in the diagram and write their flowering dates below. When planning a flower garden, remember that the main thing is to arrange the plants in such a way that they do not obscure each other or interfere with the growth of neighboring plants. While the planted flowers have not grown, the spaces between them can be filled with annuals, this will help avoid the appearance of bald spots. Also, when planning a flower bed, you should take into account how the plants will look after flowering, because some do not lose their decorative effect, while others have an unattractive appearance, or even just die off. aboveground part. Plant near those with large leaves.

If the flowerbed is in the middle of the lawn, then place tall plants in the center. In a flower garden located along a fence or against the wall of a house, they should be planted on the far side of the flower bed so that they do not block the rest of the flowers.

And now we offer you some ready-made designs for flower beds and perennial beds.

2. Another flowerbed of perennials. Location near the wall of a building or a fence.

  1. Acute-flowered reed grass.
  2. Delphinium perennial blue.
  3. Delphinium perennial white.
  4. Wood mallow.
  5. Monarda.
  6. Rudbeckia.
  7. Echinocea purpurea.
  8. Coryopsis.
  9. Yellow bearded iris.
  10. White bearded iris.
  11. Blue bearded iris.

Naturally, the flowers in such flower beds may be different; here only rough recommendations are given on how to design a bed of continuous flowering perennials. Scheme No. 2, for example, can easily be changed in a similar way: instead of reed grass, other cereal plants will be suitable, delphinium will be replaced by rose holly, and so on, it all depends on your taste and imagination.

Now let's look at what the same flowerbed of continuous flowering may look like, the diagram of which is shown in different time of the year. The proposed flower garden is best placed near a fence or house, on the south side.

Spring beauty

As soon as the snow melts, the bushes near the house will bloom (the lilac flowers that are located along the still bare branches look very beautiful), muscari, crocuses, puscanias, scillas, chionodoxes, and scillas will bloom in the flowerbed. A little later the time will come for tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, hellebores, corydalis, liverworts, and marigolds. Brunnera and anemones will greatly decorate a spring flowerbed. Then bearded iris, bergenia, speedwell, daylilies, daisies and viola will bloom. And although the latter are considered biennials, due to their ability to self-sow, they can grow in one place for many years. In May, peonies, aquilegias, heuchera, sage, and multi-flowered euphorbia will bloom. Look great on spring flower bed hosta bushes, sedum, their beautiful leaves They will decorate the flowerbed until late autumn.


Summer has come, and the flowerbed began to sparkle with new colors. The catnip and the large-flowered chrysanthemum are blooming, and the fragrant flowers are blooming. Various types of geraniums with colorful leaves will remain decorative for a long time. Daisies and bluebells are blooming, delphinium and rudbeckia, eryngium, and monarda are blooming. At the end of summer, multi-colored astilbes will open their panicles, and phlox and alpine asters will bloom. A hydrangea bush will become the accent of such a flower bed. On background You can plant climbing vines or hops; they will serve as a beautiful backdrop for the flowerbed, and they also look very decorative not only in summer, but also in autumn.

Autumn flower garden

If the flowers of catnip and sage were pruned during this time, then in September they will bloom for the second time. Decorative geraniums, hostas, sedums, spurges, and sedums remain; rudbeckias and heleniums will bloom. Maiden grapes will delight you with bright red foliage, and hops with openwork cones. Chrysanthemums, colchicums, and coreopsis will bloom. The flowerbed takes on a special autumn charm.

Winter flower bed

Many people are mistaken in thinking that a flower bed cannot look good in winter. The beauty of a winter flower garden is emphasized by evergreen thujas, cereals left in the flower bed, and shrubs with decorative berries. The accent of a winter flower garden can be small sculptural forms or decorative flowerpots.


Further care of the flowerbed consists of timely watering, weeding and loosening.

Creating an all-season flower garden is difficult and time-consuming, but it is worth it. After all, how nice it is to admire the fruits of your hands all year round. Not everything can work out the first time, the main thing is not to lose heart. If something doesn't turn out the way you planned, don't be upset, try it next year. If some plants in the flowerbed have not taken root and bald spots have formed, do not worry, they can be disguised by planting annuals.

15 basic patterns for a flower garden will help you make beautiful flower bed with your own hands - always use anything, even the most small place in the garden to plant your favorite flowers.

Flower garden near the gazebo:

Chubushnik. . Holly. Mirabilis. Sage. Coreopsis.

Before we start laying out the flower garden, let’s calculate on paper how many plants we need. We divide the flower garden diagram to scale into squares with a side of 1 m, mark the planting contours of each type of flower, and calculate the area for each.

Front flower garden at the “Welcome” entrance:

Rose. Petunia. Thuja. Delphinium. Lilies. Astra is perennial. Cuff.

We divide the calculated planting area for each type of flower by the average planting rate per 1 square meter. m: for large 100-120 cm - 2-3 pcs., medium 40-90 cm - 4-6 pcs., low 20-40 cm - 7-9 pcs. And dwarf plants 5-20 cm - 16-20 pcs.

Flower garden at the entrance to the house:

Virginia. Rose. Sedum. Balsam. Chistets woolly. Miscanthus chinensis.

We transfer the flower garden diagram to the garden plot. The contours of the flower bed can be marked with sand, chalk, and sawdust.

Flower garden “Path to the garden”:

Juniper. Highlander. Sage. Bloodroot. Helenium. Formium.

We prepare the ground - dig to a depth of 40 cm and select the roots, or remove upper layer turf and add specially prepared soil. We mark the planting contours for each type of flower.

Fragrant flower garden for a sunny place:

Hibiscus. Kufeya. Penstemon. Vatochnik. Petunia.

Water the flowers 2-3 hours before planting. Best time for planting flowers early in the morning, evening or in the rain.

Flower garden next to the bench:

Malvaviscus. Fern. Mouse hyacinth. Sunflower. Horny goat weed. Lemon verbena.

We start planting from the center of the flowerbed to the edges. When planting from pots, straighten the roots of the seedlings and compact the soil at the neck of each plant.

Flower garden by the pergola:

Heuchera. Lilac. Space. Baptisia. Hellebore. Flowering derain.

After planting, water the flower bed generously; if necessary, support the seedlings with a stick. During the day we cover from the hot sun.

Flower garden “Magic Waltz” to attract butterflies:

Thuja. Buddleya David. Zinnia. Goldenrod. Echinacea purpurea.

Don’t worry if some plant doesn’t take root, using seedlings with closed roots - from pots, you can replant a new plant at any time.

Flower garden next to the recreation area:

Tagetis. Sedum. Chamomiles. Switchgrass millet. Budleya. Sage.

Don't rush to expect instant results from planting a new flower garden. In the first year, the flower garden may seem empty (empty areas can be temporarily filled with annuals), but after a year or two the flower garden will show itself in all its splendor - just wait until the perennials grow in the flowerbed.

Flower garden near the gate:

Blooming apple tree. Kalina. Clematis. Deytsia. Bell. Veronica.

Flower garden by the path:

Plantarium. Coreopsis. Petunia. A tenacious creeping creature.

(17 ratings, average: 4,35 out of 5)

Beautiful well-groomed flowerbed can be a real decoration garden plot. The process of its creation is reminiscent of creativity, where there are no clear rules, and the result is always unpredictable. A flowerbed of perennials, once created, will decorate the garden for many years. The flowering process will resume on its own every year, and regular care will keep the garden continuously blooming over time.

Types of flower beds

Flower beds of continuous flowering are areas that unite flowering plants. asthenia with foliage, herbaceous and shrubby. They can differ in size and proportions of the plants they contain. The following types of flower beds are distinguished:

  1. Modular. Combine plants and small architectural forms(vases, fountains).
  2. Mixborders. Include various flowers in one composition, are usually located along houses or paths.
  3. Solitaires. Flowerbeds created according to a single principle.
  4. Discounts. Narrow plantings of one color range. Flowers look like long strips of flowers. If you wish, you can arrange a discount yourself, it’s not difficult.
  5. Curbs. Flower beds in the form of stripes.
  6. Rockeries. Rock gardens that combine living flowers and non-living elements, such as stones.
  7. Rock gardens. Flowerbeds with alpine plants growing on hills.

Growing conditions

Before you make a flower garden with your own hands, you need to consider:

  • Climate. When choosing plants, you need to take those that will grow comfortably in climatic zone plot.
  • Terrain. When planting plants, you can take advantage of the terrain.
  • Character and soil composition. Many plants need fertile soil. These include lupins and bells. Others prefer loam or sand. This is flax, sage. Asters and yarrow grow well on marshy soil. Phlox and carnations are cultivated on dry soils.
  • Illumination of the area. As a rule, all flowers love sunny places. Ferns, lilies of the valley, and hosts are suitable for dark places.
  • Planting density and flowering season. You should not plant flowers very closely, they will interfere with each other.

Gallery: continuous flowering beds of perennials (25 photos)

Color solutions

It is also necessary to take colors into account when creating a flower bed. Color greatly affects a person's mood and well-being. Correct a color scheme will help to achieve the creation of a harmonious flower garden that will delight many. Main nuances when combining colors:

  • the harmony of color content will depend on the play of light and shadow; smooth leaves reflect light, matte leaves absorb light;
  • when choosing a palette, you should give preference to either warm or cold colors;
  • to visually increase the size small flower garden, you need to reduce the number of colors used;
  • also for visual expansion In a flower garden, you should plant blue flowers in the background, and red and yellow ones in the foreground;
  • a bright foreground needs a calm background;
  • when decorating a flower bed of many flowers, use calm shades for the background, and bright flowers arranged in groups, but they should occupy no more than one sixth of the entire flower garden;
  • only allowed in one area one bright flower bed , everyone else should complement it and be calmer;
  • when planting flowers, you should take into account the total area of ​​the plantings, without creating too large bright spots that will irritate rather than delight;
  • basic color scheme the flower bed is selected from taking into account the climate zone.

Flowerbed for beginners

To plant a flower garden of perennials yourself, you need to adhere to the following principles:

  1. In the central part of the flower garden they are used tall plants: roses, asters, lilies, peonies, phlox, lupins, clematis, meadow bells, echinacea, daylilies.
  2. Perennials medium height complemented by tall flowers. Medium-growing ones include tulips, irises, cornflower, catnip, sage, yarrow, lavender, primrose, and fern.
  3. The edges of the flower bed and gaps are decorated ground cover plants. Among them are chickweed, periwinkle, Renard's geranium, carnation, navelwort, lungwort, and speedwell. The cushion aster looks good.

Particular attention should be paid to the flowering time of certain plants. It is necessary for the flowerbed to maintain beautiful view all season. Here are some examples of when the varieties used in flower beds bloom:

  1. Pink paniculate phlox. It is better to plant it in early spring or autumn in sandy or well-drained soil. The plant blooms with mid-summer to autumn.
  2. Astilbe pink shade. The flower loves fertile, loose soil. Blooms from late June to August.
  3. Purple-silver daylily. It is planted in spring in fertilized and well-drained soil. Loamy soil with an acidity of 6-6.5 pH is suitable for it.
  4. Lavender Heuchera. Blooms from May to July. Loves soils without stagnation.
  5. Geranium. It blooms from July to autumn and is distinguished by its lush form.

Tall flowers Can be planted singly, but small ones are best planted in groups. In this case, you need to look at the flowerbed from different sides garden, and from everywhere tall flowers should be visible in the center, and low-growing ones - along the edges. To avoid bald spots, plants are planted close to each other, but not crowded.

Before start creating a flower bed, it is necessary to draw up a suitable plant layout. You can do this yourself, or you can take ready-made patterns of flower beds from perennials, developed by specialists.

Flowerbed in the shape of a heart

You can create flower beds various forms. One option is heart-shaped flower beds. The outer borders are decorated with peonies in pink and burgundy tones, planted in turn. You can plant roses inside.

Flower garden Sky in the clouds

Delicate romantic flowerbed consisting of three types colors. The first stripe is a combination of Transcarpathian bellflower and gentian, the second - white phlox. Such a flowerbed will make any area warm and welcoming.

Perennials that bloom in the first year

This flowerbed option is suitable for those who do not want to wait a whole year before the first flowering. For this purpose, plants are selected that bloom immediately after planting in the ground. Scheme building such a flower bed:

  1. Two-year-old mallows of yellow and white flowers sit in the background.
  2. Sunflower complements mallow.
  3. St. John's wort and Irish poppy are located in the flower bed and form bright spots.
  4. Cardinal lobelia is planted in the center; this flower has a lush, beautiful bush.
  5. Along the edges of the flower bed are Poskharsky's bell, Fassin's catnip and Kalanchoe.
  6. Gravilat decorates a flower garden in the summer, and chitok in the fall.

Flowerbed of continuous flowering depending on the season

To make pollen to continuous flowering, it is necessary to take into account the seasonal characteristics of plants.

In the spring, after the snow melts, the bushes begin to bloom wolf's bast. Crocuses, scillas, and irises are blooming in the flowerbed. Later, tulips, daffodils, marigolds, and liverworts will bloom. Then irises, phlox, speedwells, daisies, and violas bloom. Peonies, sage, and spurge join in May. Hostas and sedums decorate the flowerbed.

In summer, the flowerbed blooms with new colors. Catnip, chistets, and shower are blooming. Geranium different types will please the eye for a long time. There are daisies, bluebells, eryngium, rudbeckia, alpine aster, and hydrangea. Maiden grapes and hops will look good in the background.

In the fall, sage and catnip will bloom once again. Geranium is still beautiful. Hostas, spurges, rudbeckias, and aster delight with their splendor. Chrysanthemums, coreopsis, and colchicums are blooming, adding autumnal charm to the flower garden.

A winter flower bed can also be beautiful with evergreen arborvitae, left behind cereals and installed sculptures and flowerpots.

These are the basic rules for designing a flower bed of continuous flowering; the diagrams help beginners create an attractive flower garden with their own hands.

Preparation and planting

If the flowerbed design has been determined, you need to choose a location and prepare the soil. For this:

  • clear the area of ​​debris and stones;
  • remove beetles and other pests;
  • dig up the soil to 50 cm;
  • eliminate all weeds.

The soil prepared in advance is fertilized with humus, organic matter, and peat. Make a drainage layer using sand, crushed stone, gravel. The height of the drainage layer is 15 cm. For sandy soils a drainage layer is not needed, since the water drains quickly anyway. But fertilization will also be required.

The prepared and fertilized soil is leveled. The finished soil should rise 10-15 cm above ground level. This is necessary to ensure that the water does not stagnate. Excess moisture is detrimental to many flowering plants, especially for bulbous ones.

Flower beds of perennial plants are a decoration for any garden. It is not necessary to invite landscape designers to design them. All work can be done independently. Finished projects help gardeners with this. But you don't have to follow ready-made schemes. Having desire To decorate your garden, you can create many unsurpassed masterpieces and enjoy the bright attractiveness of perennial flowers for several years.