How to make a simple table for your garden with your own hands. Original and functional: how to make a wooden table with your own hands Homemade table for the kitchen

Of course, today everyone has the opportunity to buy any furniture in the store, including a table. But why not make it yourself, with your own hands?

It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In addition, you have the opportunity to make a table that will fit perfectly in size and appearance to the interior of your kitchen or other room.

In addition, home-made furniture is not only a money saver, but also a reason for pride, since not every man knows how to make something these days.

What types of tables are there?

If you decide to make boards yourself, then you need to figure out what types of tables there are and decide what exactly you need.

The simplest is a regular table with four legs, a table top and a frame. Making it will not be difficult even for those who are not experienced in woodworking.

If you are experienced enough in this matter, you can do dinner table round or oval, decorate it with carvings, paintings or burn drawings and patterns onto the surface.

More difficult option is made of boards. In essence, this is the same ordinary table, but quite thick and long crossbars are attached to its legs, on which seat boards are laid on top. This is how we get a table with benches on both sides. Such furniture is well suited both for the kitchen and for installation in the courtyard of a private house or cottage.

If the room only has free space in the corner, make a corner table that will fit perfectly into this unoccupied space. It may not be as convenient to dine at it as at classic table, but you can put a TV, microwave or kettle on it - there will be enough space there.

Another interesting option could be a window sill table.

In essence, this is the same window sill, but significantly expanded and adapted, for example, for a comfortable workplace for a schoolchild.

The advantage of this solution is that the table will be well lit most of the day.

There is also a downside: sitting at such a table in winter, your feet will have to rest against very warm, even hot battery heating, which is not very convenient.

Materials and tools

Buying everything you need to make a table with your own hands is quite simple and will not be difficult or costly. The main material for the dining table is wood, or more precisely:

  • Boards from 25 to 50 millimeters thick, 100–150 millimeters wide, quite long.
    The thicker the material for the tabletop, frame and legs, the heavier, but at the same time the more durable they will be.
    Choose boards from good wood, without any defects.
  • Beam. It is necessary for making table legs, so choose fairly thick and strong samples. The timber can be replaced with the same boards, if you arrange them in the letter “L”, or use purchased aluminum table legs. You can also use balusters (curly carved wooden posts that support the railings on some stairs) as legs.
  • Sheets of chipboard or plywood, which can be used as countertop materials. Choose samples that are thick and strong enough to withstand daily abuse.

As with materials, And Do-it-yourself tools and fasteners are easy to obtain; most homes have them. If something is missing, you can buy it at the nearest hardware store.

  • pencil, corner, roulette and ruler;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw on wood;
  • screwdriver with a set of attachments and drill;
  • plane, if it is necessary to pre-treat the boards from unevenness and defects;
  • kit self-tapping screws, furniture bolts and nuts;
  • sandpaper or Sander;
  • varnish or stain, roller or tassel for processing the finished table.

Attention! When working with a jigsaw, always remember the safety rules and keep small children or pets away!

Simple kitchen table made of planks

First we need to make a tabletop.
There are several options here:

  • Cut out chipboard sheet or a piece of plywood of the required size using a jigsaw;
  • Lay several fairly wide boards and subsequently secure them to the frame;
  • Take a large number of relatively narrow boards, place them side up and glue them together using wood glue.
    The result is a fairly thick, heavy and durable tabletop.

Stages of work

Step 1. Assembling from boards table top.

Step 2. We make a frame from boards or their wooden bars. It can be made equal in size to the tabletop or with a slight indentation, approximately 2–2.5 centimeters on each side of the table. Having fastened the parts of the frame with screws, use them to connect the frame to the tabletop.

Step 3. After we With We put the frame and tabletop together, half of the table is already ready. All that remains is to make his legs. If you use timber for this, drill two holes in it for furniture bolts. Moreover, they can be made either on one side, one above the other, or on two different ones for more secure fastening to the frame.

Important! Carefully check the length of the table legs; they should not differ from each other. Otherwise, the table will not stand level and wobble. If you do not want it to spoil the floor material, attach rubber “boots” to the bottom of the legs.

Then make similar holes in the table frame and fasten the legs and frame with bolts and nuts. The legs can also be secured from above using screws, but over time this fastening may become loose.

If you want to make table legs from boards, fold two boards in an "L" shape on the outer or internal corner frames and secure them using the same furniture bolts or screws.

To prevent the legs from becoming loose, connect the folded boards together in the lower and middle parts using screws or nails.

That's all, simple and reliable, made by yourself, ready!

Advice: Before you start, do simple drawing, preferably from several sides. Constantly check the dimensions of the parts. Some parts of the same size can be cut out at the same time if you secure the boards or beams with clamps.

Pallet table

Wooden pallets widely used in shops and warehouses as pallets for cargo.

If you wish, you can get a few pieces for free and use them as a basis for making original and unusual kitchen table.

If at least on one side the surface of the pallet is solid, then you no longer need to make a tabletop, it is ready.

You just need to process it and, if desired, round the corners.

Note! Since the pallets were originally intended for warehouses, no one sands and cleans them. Therefore, before making a table out of them, carefully sand them and remove all burrs. Irregularities and defects in the boards can be hidden using putty.

Stages of work

Step 1. Most pallets are open and there is quite a lot of space between the boards. distance, due to which the surface of the pallet can be used as table top not very convenient. There are two ways to solve this problem: either make boards appropriate size and secure with their screws between the pallet boards, or install a sheet on top plywood or chipboard.

Step 2. As for ordinary table, table legs from pallets can be made from timber or boards. The best thing fasten them with quite thick and strong pallet timber using nails, screws or furniture bolts.

To prevent the legs from becoming loose, connect them together with crossbars.

The role of the kitchen table in everyday life is difficult to overestimate. It is considered the main attribute in the kitchen, and not without reason - after all, it is at the table that the whole family most often gathers, celebrating various events happening in life.

When talking about kitchen tables, the one that most often comes to mind is the dining table. However, kitchen tables are used not only for dining and differ in their functions. Thus, the bar table perfectly divides the space into zones. It can be used as a dining room for a small number of people, usually 2-3 people. It is especially relevant when you need to save space. The table under the sink serves as the basis for embedding the sink.

When thinking about purchasing a kitchen table, you can consider making it yourself. This option, firstly, will save some money. Secondly, surprise guests with the original shape of the product, unusual design or by way of decoration. Third, master carpentry skills. And, of course, enjoy the work done and the final result.

Having convinced yourself of the need to make a kitchen table yourself, you need to determine for yourself a number of important parameters. Namely, decide what shape it will be, choose a design option, calculate the dimensions of the product and the size of individual parts, and decide on the material for their manufacture.

You will learn how to make a table with your own hands in the video:


Tables differ in design options: classic, folding, transformable, corner, folding or hanging, retractable. If desired and necessary, the table can be equipped with a cabinet or with drawers. The choice of design option depends primarily on the size of the kitchen and the semantic load.

For small kitchens, most likely ideal solution There will be a folding version or a folding, bar, corner one. Corner tables can also be folding or folding.

Transforming tables solve the problem when you need a 2 in 1 solution, which significantly expands the possibilities of its use. So, with a slight movement of the hand, graceful coffee table can easily turn into a full-fledged dining table.

Extendable table It saves space well and is usually built into kitchen units.

With the help of a bar table, you can divide the room into zones of both small and large areas.


The materials from which a table can be made are amazing in their diversity and require a clear idea of ​​themselves.

For this purpose, arrays of various tree species, such as oak and conifers, are suitable. If a beginner is going to engage in production, then pine is perfect, since it is much easier to process. Solid wood furniture is considered “capricious” and requires special treatment. It can fade when exposed to direct sunlight, absorb odors, and is adversely affected by changes in humidity and temperature. The positive aspects of this material are environmental friendliness and durability. Solid wood furniture looks very elegant and expensive.

  • Chipboard- a material that is quite common and very often used for making furniture. It is made from dry wood chips and resin using the pressing method. Among the disadvantages are environmental unsafety. Plus - relatively inexpensive cost.
  • MDF is considered more environmentally friendly material compared to chipboard, but is also more expensive. It is obtained by mixing wood chips with carbide resins modified with melamine and pressing them. The downside is that it is easily flammable, and even quickly heated objects, not to mention an open fire, pose a potential risk of ignition.
  • An alternative to chipboard and MDF can be furniture board . It has a relatively inexpensive cost. It is a strong and environmentally friendly material. It consists of glued bars, tightened with a press.

  • Metal can also be used to make a table. Most often used for these purposes stainless steel. The cost of such material is quite high, and a cold surface will require the use of tablecloths or napkins. However, the sparkling appearance of such an attribute will definitely attract everyone's attention.

Dimensions and shape

The most common form is rectangular. A rectangular table is convenient because it can accommodate a fairly large number of people, while requiring less usable space than a round one. It can easily be pushed against the wall. But due to the sharp corners, both rectangular and square options are considered the most dangerous.

Round- claims to have a usable area 1.5-2 times larger than the area needed for a rectangular table designed for the same number of people. It is believed that a round table creates a feeling of coziness in a room more than other shapes.


Oval tables, as well as rectangular ones with rounded corners, combine the advantages of rectangular and oval shapes. Oval tables are considered the most elegant and aristocratic.

Dimensions can vary from large to compact. If necessary, the compact table can be designed in such a way that it can be expanded. For example, a folding table when folded takes up small space, when unfolded, it can accommodate a fairly large number of people.

An important point is the calculation of dimensions. If it concerns standard kitchen, ranging from 6 to 8 square meters, drawings and diagrams will demonstrate a standard solution with a height of 750 mm, length and width from 800 * 500 mm to 1200 * 600 mm, respectively.

For correct calculation, the number of persons must be multiplied by 60 (perimeter per person). But as for the width, the optimal width here is from 800 to 1200 mm. Because narrow tables are difficult to set, and wide ones are not very comfortable to sit at. For a round table, you need to measure the circumference using the formula - diameter * 3.14 (pi).


Step-by-step instruction

  1. If you intend to make this kitchen attribute yourself, you must make a drawing.
  2. To make a table from solid wood, you will need the following tools: a plane, a grinder or a grinder, an electric jigsaw, a circular saw, a drill (with a 6-8 mm drill), a screwdriver, sandpaper, self-tapping screws (30-35 mm), wood glue, dowels, clamps, pencil, tape measure, gloves and safety glasses.
  3. It is necessary to buy supports (legs) for the table, which can be different - from ordinary rectangular to curly.
  4. For a tabletop 80 cm wide you will need four boards 120 cm long. They must be dry.
  5. To ensure a smooth finish, the countertop must be sanded well. The joints must be processed in such a way as to achieve complete contact with each other.
  6. To avoid deformation of the tabletop from excess moisture, the boards should be laid in a pattern facing each other. To connect the boards you will need dowels.
  7. At the ends of the boards that will be connected, make holes with an 8 cm drill. The distance of the holes from each other should be 10-15 cm. Then these places must be sanded and the end, holes and dowels greased with glue. Drive the dowels into the holes and thus connect the tabletop. Excess glue must be removed.
  8. Using screws and glue, it is necessary to connect the transverse and longitudinal boards with the legs. We make two holes in the top of the longitudinal boards; they will be useful for attaching the tabletop. Wait 12 hours. Install the countertop.

Cover the finished product with varnish, paint or stain. When using stain, you need to take into account some nuances - choose the right thinner (if you do not have enough experience, you need to use a slow thinner), the surface to be treated must be sanded evenly, it is important to adjust the gun correctly (the torch must be oval in shape and the applied layer must overlap the already applied layer by half).

Traditionally for making wooden furniture dowels are used. This connection is invisible and low cost.

For tables made of wood, it is appropriate to use wooden dowels, since they dry out at the same time in this case. For Chipboard is better use plastic ones, since chipboard practically does not shrink.

But it can be difficult for inexperienced craftsmen to achieve the most accurate calculation when planning holes for dowels. Therefore, an alternative to them are Euroscrews or Confirmats. Of course, this makes the product somewhat more expensive, but makes it easier to manufacture.

Kitchen table made of laminated chipboard with metal legs can be a fairly budget-friendly solution.

  1. Chipboard sheets can now be easily purchased the right size, or cut it yourself. The most common top covering made of plastic makes the tabletop quite resistant to abrasion.
  2. For work you will need: an edge for processing the end, couplers, connecting and end strips, designed to protect the joints and ends of the tabletop from moisture, dirt, and grease. In addition, they make the look more aesthetically pleasing. To make such a table, you also need to purchase legs.
  3. Mark the desired radius of curvature on the chipboard sheet. Next, cut the tabletop to the specified shape using a jigsaw. To prevent chipping of the plastic surface, it is better to work with a saw with reversible teeth. Using a router, make a groove and fill the edging.
  4. Be sure to apply sealant to both the edge and the top edge of the tabletop. Remove excess sealant. There is a special solvent designed to clean surfaces from such materials. Using self-tapping screws, install the holders and put the legs on them.

It should be noted that such a table can be made quite easily and quickly.

The following method allows you not only to collect modern model wooden table without enormous costs, but also to remake the old tabletop.

  1. This will require unnecessary boards of the same size, wood glue and three clamps.
  2. The boards must be laid out on work surface so that the middle of the laid board is at the junction of the two previous ones.
  3. Using wood glue and clamps, you need to fasten the boards together. Then smooth the edges and sand the surface. Sand the edges and cuts.
  4. If the table is made entirely, then to make the legs you will need two boards and a corner that will connect them together, as well as wood glue.
  5. First we glue them together with glue, then strengthen them with a corner.
  6. Along the perimeter, with inside where the legs are connected to the tabletop we attach the rim.
  7. You need to fasten the tabletop, legs and rim using a corner.
  8. Cover the surface with varnish.
  9. To make or restore a table, you can also use wooden pallets.
  10. To do this, we make the base of the tabletop and attach the supports. For strength, you can add wooden spacers to the legs.
  11. It is better to install wheels, as the tabletop will be quite mobile.
  12. Adjust a piece of plywood to the desired size and attach a rim around the perimeter.
  13. We lay a piece of plywood on the base.

To decorate the tabletop you can use chopped ceramic tiles or a mirror. We glue them to the tabletop and fill the voids with grout for the seams. At the final stage, you can paint or varnish everything. This method can also be used to restore damaged or old countertops.


There are many more ways interesting options decorating tabletops. One of which is dyeing through tulle. The result of this decoration is a beautiful lace pattern.

To make a dining table with your own hands, you will need a little skill and a lot of time and patience. If carpentry skills are well developed, and you have a full set of tools at home (from a circular saw to a milling machine), then such work will be completely simple. In this case, you can choose an option for making a table that corresponds not only to your skills, but also to your financial capabilities.

Choice of materials and size of the future table

The dining table is the center of the kitchen or dining room, even if it is located under the wall. Its size should be selected depending on the size of the room and the number of people who often dine together. The comfortable area for one person at the table is 60 cm. In total, for a family of 4 people, a tabletop measuring 80x60 cm will be sufficient. But sometimes you have to receive guests, so it is better to increase the size of the table to the maximum suitable for the dimensions of the room.

This way it will take up minimal space, but if necessary effective area doubles. At the same time, it is better not to make the table attached to one wall, because sometimes you may need to move it to another room.

What is the best way to make a dining table?

Solid oak is an ideal material for a kitchen table. Strong, durable and wear-resistant material will last for generations with proper care. Pine is much softer and easier to process, so it is better suited for beginning builders. If you take a ready-made furniture board, you won’t have to adjust and fasten the boards yourself, but such a tabletop will cost more.

It is advisable to choose strong wood for the legs - they must withstand the weight of the tabletop with numerous dishes and plates. In addition, a table is often used instead of a stepladder - this also needs to be taken into account when choosing wood. Natural wood can be treated with stain, varnished or painted in any color. Or experiment with a combination different types coatings and even change the style annually.

If required maximum savings, you can buy a laminated chipboard, good choice decorative coatings extremely wide - under natural wood, plastic, plain and colored. If you order a sheet of the required dimensions, assembly will take a minimum of time. But you need to choose only products with a durable top coating and insulate the edge of the tabletop well, otherwise the surface will begin to “swell” when moisture gets in.

How to make a simple dining table

For those who have decided to start making furniture with their own hands for the first time, a simple rectangular table with a countertop made of laminated chipboard. It will require:

  1. Purchase a sheet of chipboard of the required size.
  2. Buy 4 legs - these can be ready-made balusters or beams with a square section of at least 5x5 cm, which will have to be adjusted in height and sanded with sandpaper. In addition, you can find metal chrome legs that will give the table a modern and stylish look. The included fasteners make assembling the table as easy as possible.
  3. If the legs are wooden, the frame is first assembled from facing boards - for a stronger fixation. The crossbars are attached to the legs on the sides using self-tapping screws. metal corners from the inside.
  4. The legs are attached to the tabletop 10 cm from the edge. Wooden - on corners, metal - using ready-made fasteners. The frame is also fixed to the tabletop from the inside with corners - one on each side.
  5. The wood is treated with stain or painted with a preliminary primer - depending on the chosen style.
  6. The cut of the chipboard sheet is covered with a furniture edge. It is very convenient to use a rigid U-shaped PVC edging. Apply liberally to its inner side silicone sealant(to prevent moisture from entering) and simply snaps onto the edge. The ends are closed with plugs, and excess sealant is removed.
  7. If the table top is round or curved, you can take a flexible profile - it is attached to the sealant, the edges are cut off after the glue has set. The flexible edging allows the edge to be made with only one seam, which significantly improves the appearance.
  8. For greater reliability, you can use a T-shaped profile, but for it you will have to mill the groove clearly in the center of the entire edge - and manual frezer Not everyone has it. But such an edging with wide antennae perfectly hides uneven cut edges if they are full of chips and cracks. A regular edge cannot hide such defects.

The advantage of a chipboard table is its maximum simplicity and cost-effectiveness. To assemble it you will need a minimum of tools:

  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • sharp knife for cutting edges;
  • sandpaper for sanding wooden legs;
  • brush for applying coating to wooden parts.

Folding table-book - for all occasions

In order not to think about placing guests on the floor in the best Japanese traditions, for small apartment A folding dining table is ideal. How to make a book-table with a rotating mechanism?

No more complicated than a regular rectangular table, only a little more expensive:

In addition, you can do extendable table. In this case, the frame is made “half”. One part is screwed to the bottom table top in the usual way, and the second one is made wider so that it can overlap the first one. Full extension telescopic guides are secured with outside the narrow part of the frame and the inside of the wide part. But such a design is still less reliable than a rigidly fixed frame.

How to make a table original?

If you want to make the table special and have the opportunity to realize your idea, why not try it? For example, make it glowing or decorate it with tiles.

Glowing table - how to amaze guests

For such a table, wood with defects is specially selected - chips, cracks and holes from knots. First, the boards are adjusted to size and glued together. For better fixation, they can be attached to wooden dowels:

If through holes need to be filled, boards covered with wax paper are placed under them. You can use regular baking parchment. To prevent the resin from overflowing over the edge, you can stick tape on it so that it rises a centimeter above the surface. To make smooth edges on a chipped board, formwork is made, which is also covered with paper and filled with epoxy.

After the first layer has dried, the tabletop is sprayed and sanded “wet” with fine sandpaper, dried and a second coat of paint is applied. This continues until the perfect shine is obtained. In addition, the wood will be protected from moisture, which is very important for a kitchen table.

Table with ceramic tiles - practical and durable

The base for ceramic tiles can be anything - an old countertop, a sheet of metal or OSB board. The choice of decor is also unlimited, although mosaic looks better. To simplify the work, you can buy a ready-made mosaic on a grid - you don’t have to assemble it yourself, and the thickness is minimal, which is quite important for table decor.

Apply tile adhesive to the countertop using a notched trowel. A pattern is laid from the corners along the outer perimeter of the tabletop, gradually filling the entire surface.

After completely dry Grout is applied to the glue and as soon as it dries, the excess is wiped off with a damp sponge. If you add it to water sunflower oil, the grout in the seams is leveled and does not cling to the sponge.

To protect the edge of the tabletop, it is sealed masking tape, which is removed after the grout has dried. If the edge requires processing, it can be painted in a contrasting color, which will give the table even more originality, or it can be completely covered with the same tiles.

The mosaic laid out only in the center of the table looks original. In this case, a jigsaw is used to select wood to the height of the tile and a mosaic is laid in the resulting recess.

Even if it was not possible to maintain the same depth, the height of the tiles can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the layer of glue. The main thing is that the countertop is level, so each row of tiles is checked with a level.

There is no need to buy expensive materials if you can use something that no one else needs. How to make an original and beautiful dining table for a summer house from old pallets can be seen in the video:

To begin with, a DIY furniture lover should learn how to create a stool, since it is the easiest. And then it’s time to study the issue of creating a table.

Table designs vary, however, the simple version is very similar to the process of creating a stool.

A simple table for use in the country or during a picnic can be assembled in just a few hours. To do this you will need a hacksaw, hammer or drill.

However, a table based on a similar approach can be made for a living space. Since it is able to perfectly replace the current very great option, purchased at a retail outlet or furniture store.

The process of creating a table yourself is interesting on the other hand, because with its help the author has freedom of creative expression. It can be presented as a noticeable element of the interior of the room.

Creators of handmade amateur furniture are called carpenters for a reason. The usual definitions like: sofa holders or bedside tables, or maybe cabinets, do not apply to them.

Having gained experience in this area, over time it will be possible to create exclusive types of tables with advanced characteristics.

Now let's consider the issue of creating wood-based tables yourself.

Wood is clean and affordable, and is not as difficult to process as other materials. It conveys the maximum energy of the aesthetic filling of the style of the living room.

Due to its properties, it is lenient towards the mistakes of beginners in the field of independent furniture creation. However, thinner versions of the tables will require an advanced level of craftsmanship.

To begin with, having learned to work with wooden things, then it will be easier to use glass, plastic or even metal as a material.

Selection of tools and work space

To practice independent creation tables or other wooden furniture elements, it is necessary to use only non-residential premises.

This is due to the specifics of working with wood. It leads to the formation large quantity dust, shavings and other waste.

And the process of tinting or creating protection for a material based on stain can create dangerous emissions into the air. Actually, nitro varnishes can also be dangerous.

Because of this, for a personal carpentry workshop you will have to take care of ventilation of the room. Experts advise creating artificial ventilation premises.

Many people use a garage for this, however, production waste can pollute or damage the car, so this is not the best option.

Carpentry tools include modern and traditional types

For the most part, to begin with, you can limit yourself to a simple carpentry tool, however, later you may need modern versions in the form of:

  • A rotating version of the miter box, which helps to create cuts based on two planes, adhering to the required size.

  • This tool will open all your beneficial features, primarily with a bow saw. This pair is considered universal; it can be useful for many jobs.

  • Manual version of universal electric jigsaw, featuring a tilting shoe that helps create cuts based on the required angle in relation to the vertical plane.

  • Disc version of the sander. It will help beginners complete wood surface treatment in about 5-15 minutes. An experienced carpenter and some sandpaper can do the same job in about an hour.

And there is also a regular grinding machine draw machine and for grooves with recessed places, characterized by a protruding version of the working part.

Such tools are distinguished by their price and narrow specialization of work, experienced craftsmen It is recommended to rent them for a short period of time.

The most the best specialists, using various grinding machines can even create the effect artificial aging wood, however, is a very difficult job for beginners.

Which tree is best?

To create a wooden table, any wood that is moderately resistant to decay is suitable, however, you should refrain from soft versions like: poplar, willow, ailanthus wood, aspen and alder.

Of the domestic types of wood, it is best to use:

  • soft options in the form of pine, fir, cedar, horse chestnut, plane tree, juniper or spruce.

  • solid in the form of ideal oak, beech, maple, walnut or ash, larch, suitable for many works, as well as fruit species represented by apple, plum, pear, apricot and quince. And also elm and rowan should be included here.

  • fairly hard species based on acacia, yew, stone birch, dogwood and boxwood.


I would like to decorate a table and probably all types of furniture created with my own hands with an artistic version of painting, and not with ordinary stripes.

However, over time, the design may deteriorate; to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to rub the paint into the depths of the wood before the varnishing process. This can be done using the technique of glazing. It's about about layer-by-layer rubbing of the paints used.

Photos of tables with your own hands

If you dream of having a good time on your personal plot, then you just need big table, which can accommodate a group of your friends and family. Moreover, you can do it with your own hands, spending very little time on it. In some cases you may need a helper, sometimes an extra pair of hands won't hurt.

This article provides detailed step-by-step instructions for making a wooden table for a summer house.

So that you have a choice, we offer you four options for country table designs - two regular tables for a picnic, a table with benches that form a single structural unit, and finally a round table. You should think through all the details in advance and choose the type and size of table that would suit your needs and the style of your garden plot.

Folding picnic tables - mobility comes first

Folding tables are very convenient, and most importantly practical and simple. They don't take up much space. At any moment, such a table can be neatly folded into the garage, and, if necessary, again moved outside. The mobility of furniture is especially appreciated in small areas.

How to make a garden wooden table with your own hands

A dacha is the place where a craftsman, a carpenter, a carpenter, a gardener, in general, a master, awakens in a person. Buy furniture for suburban area- it’s a simple matter, but to do it wooden table Not everyone can do it with their own hands. You must immediately be prepared for what to do garden table you will do it yourself for a few days. But the tips listed below will help you make a good-quality table yourself.

Today we will construct a fairly simple country table with our own hands in provencal style. Such tables not only look great, but also have quite reliable design. It's worth paying attention to the boards. They must be even, since the appearance of our country table will directly depend on this.

When designing a table for a summer house, it is necessary to prepare lumber in three dimensions:

  • Supporting frame - section 38 x 90 mm.
  • Tabletop - section 38 X 140 mm.
  • Supporting strips - section 19 X 64 mm.
  1. Drawing

Before starting work, the most important thing is to find it on the Internet, or make your own drawings of a table for a summer house with your own hands. An accurate schematic designation will allow you to select lumber that will be most suitable in cross-section to the dimensions indicated on the diagram. It doesn’t matter if the dimensions don’t exactly match each other, because you can always make an adjustment using an electric planer.

  1. Preparation of material

When deciding how to make a garden wooden table, approach the issue responsibly, since the life of the furniture will depend on this:

  • purchase of blanks. Professionals advise purchasing lumber from coniferous trees, which was previously well dried. Its main advantages are:
    • price;
    • simplicity and ease of manual processing;
    • beautiful structure;
  • furniture glue;
  • 4 X 65 mm screws;
  • 3 mm drill;
  • drill;
  • tape measure, pencil, sandpaper.
  1. Further actions

We will need:

  • two upper transverse beams, dimensions 38 X 90 X 978 mm;
  • four legs for a country table with your own hands, size 38 X 90 X 695 mm;
  • two bowstrings - 38 X 90 X 921 mm;
  • one longitudinal lower and one upper beam - 38 X 90 X 1575 mm and 38 X 90 X 1473 mm, respectively;
  • two pieces of braces 38 X 90 X 772 mm;
  • blanks for the tabletop - seven pieces, measuring 38 x 90 x 2337 mm;
  • six support strips - 19 X 64 X 432 mm.

Advice: you should start working on flat surface. It is extremely necessary to observe the joining angles of the parts. The blanks, which will later become the legs of our country table, should be cut on both sides at an angle of 10°. The cuts must be parallel. But the bowstring blanks, which are similarly cut at the same angle, should be cut one towards the other.

Stage 2. Our legs country table should be attached to the cross beams and this entire structure should be fastened with screws. There are two screws for each connection.

We screw the string diagonally to the leg from the inside, in the same way fastening the structure with two screws.

The lower beam must be used to connect both strings to each other. As mentioned above, using screws.

Next, holes are first made in the upper longitudinal and transverse beams for fastener, called a dowel, after which we again diagonally connect the blanks of our country wooden table with the existing screws.

Tip: when connecting all the elements, use glue for additional strength. Remove excess immediately.

We place the braces on the screws.

Tip: blanks intended for braces should first be cut at an angle of 45 degrees

We fasten the blanks for the table top with screws to the cross beams with our own hands.

How to make a rectangular table for a garden

After developing a work plan and approving the drawings of the garden table, purchase all the materials needed for this project. Choose wood intended for use on outdoors- pine, cedar, redwood or pressed wood. When purchasing, check each board: they must be completely smooth and without any visible defects. Do not skimp on the quality of lumber, because your structure will have to withstand all weather adversity.

There are a few important points, which you must take into account if you want the result to be high professional level. Do not forget about the accuracy of measurement and use professional tool when cutting boards and bars and drilling holes. To increase the reliability of the structure, you can additionally use waterproof glue to fasten the parts. Round open edges using a router or sandpaper.

Attention! Dimensions are based on the inch system and may not correspond to metric system measurements. Choose lumber that is as close in size as possible. Or just customize it yourself.

Tools required to implement the project:

  • hacksaw, jigsaw;
  • milling cutter;
  • drill and drill bits;
  • chalk cord, tape measure, spirit level, pencil;
  • safety glasses and gloves.


  • From one day to a week depending on the chosen project. If you have power tools at your disposal, you can finish the job even faster - in just a few hours.


  • A router will help smooth the edges of wooden blocks and boards.
  • Before screwing in screws and self-tapping screws, drill into wooden elements design guide holes.
  • The heads of the screws that are screwed in should not protrude above the wooden surface, and for this, the entrance parts of the holes must be countersunk.
  • Do not use cracked or warped lumber.
  • Do not use excessive force when tightening the screws, otherwise the wood may crack.

DIY picnic table. Step-by-step instruction


  • A - Legs: 5x10 cm bars, 106 cm long (2 pcs.), 43 cm long (2 pcs.) and 56 cm long (2 pcs.);
  • B - Frame: bars 5x10 cm, length 87 cm (2 pcs.);
  • C - Tabletop: boards 5×15 cm, length 180 cm (6 pcs.);
  • D - Tabletop base: boards 5x15 cm, length 87 cm (2 pcs.), bars 5x10 cm, length 62 cm (2 pcs.).

The first stage of the project is making the table legs. Saw off the bars required sizes. To speed up the process, you can use circular saw. Smooth the edges of the bars and cut lines with sandpaper.

Connect the bars to form an X-shaped structure and fasten them with 60 mm self-tapping screws, not forgetting to pre-drill the guide holes. Lubricate the joints with glue. Make sure there are no cracks or gaps.

Fasten each pair of legs with a horizontal block, using 60 mm self-tapping screws for this purpose. Cut off the ends of the bars as shown in the figure.

Place the boards intended for making the tabletop on a flat surface. We advise you to place pieces of 6 mm plywood between them, this will create uniform gaps. Place the assembled table sides on the tabletop and secure them by screwing in self-tapping screws at an angle of 90 mm. Before fixing, make sure the legs and table top are perpendicular using a spirit level.

Place sawn pieces of 5x15 cm boards on the underside of the tabletop and secure them with 60 mm self-tapping screws.

Saw off the ends of the bars, which will serve as supports reinforcing the structure, at an angle of 45º. Place the supports in their place and secure with 90 mm self-tapping screws screwed in at an angle.

And finally, last but not least: check that the heads of the screws do not protrude above the wooden surface, and fill all cracks and holes with wood putty.

Tip: To protect wooden surfaces from the damaging effects of atmospheric moisture, cover them with several layers of exterior paint or stain.

Table with benches. Instructions with drawings


  • A - Legs: bars 5x10 cm, length 95 cm (4 pcs.);
  • B - Crossbars: bars 5×10 cm, length 160 cm (2 pcs.);
  • C - Fastening the tabletop: 5×10 cm bars, 75 cm long (5 pcs.);
  • D - Inclined supports: bars 5x10 cm, length 84 cm (2 pcs.);
  • E - Tabletop: boards 5x10 cm, length 180 cm (14 pcs.).

You should start by making the legs. Since the legs of this table will be inclined, the ends of the 100 cm long bars should be cut at an angle of 30º. Connect the elements with 90 mm bolts.

Make sure the surface you are working on is fairly level. The mounted sides of the table must be identical, only in this case can you hope for an excellent final result.

When the sides of the table are ready, you can start making wooden table top. We recommend that you knock it together on the ground (floor), and then attach it to the legs using self-tapping screws.

Tip: Don't forget to make sure the side walls of the table are vertical using a spirit level, otherwise the end result of your work is unlikely to satisfy you.

Rigidly fix the entire structure using inclined supports. Their ends should first be cut at an angle of 26º.

Now all that remains is to build the benches. Saw off the boards of the required size, place them on both sides of the table and, having previously drilled several guide holes at a distance of at least 1 cm from the edges, secure them with self-tapping screws.

Tip: To ensure that the seat boards are evenly distributed, place nails or pieces of plywood between them before attaching them. Thanks to this little trick, all the gaps will be the same.

At the end of the work, pay attention to small but very important touches. Fill all cracks and holes with wood putty. After the putty has dried, sand the wood surfaces with medium-grit sandpaper.

Tip: Be sure to apply several coats of paint or stain to protect wood surfaces from exposure to water and sunlight.

Round table. We do it at the dacha on our own


  • A - Base: 5×10 cm block 102.5 cm long (1 piece) and 47 cm long (2 pieces), 2.5×10 cm block 9 cm long (4 pieces);
  • B - Stands: bars 10×10 cm, length 60 cm (4 pcs.);
  • C - Tabletop base: 5x10 cm bars 82.5 cm long (1 pc.) and 52.5 cm long (2 pcs.), 2.5x10 cm bars 47.5 cm long (4 pcs.) and 60 cm long (2 pcs.) ;
  • D - Tabletop: boards 2.5×15 cm, length 195 cm (9 pcs.).

The first stage of the project is to create the table base. To connect its constituent elements, use waterproof glue and self-tapping screws. Make sure that the corners formed by the bars being connected are straight. To protect assembled base table from rotting under the influence of rainwater, place it on small stands made from scraps of 2.5x10 cm boards.

Now you need to attach four posts made from square bars to the base. Before fixing, make sure they are vertical using a spirit level. The height of the legs may differ from what we propose; in this case, you should, first of all, be guided by your own needs.

The most difficult stage of the project is making the countertop. Place the boards on a flat surface and mark the center of the square. Secure one end of a 60 cm strip at this point. Rotate the other end of the staff to mark the outline of the circle. A jigsaw with a sharp blade will allow you to make circular cuts at a high professional level.

After cutting the boards of the future tabletop, we recommend that you fasten them together waterproof glue and additionally secure with several clamps. Attach the bars that serve as the base of the tabletop, as shown in the picture (yellow elements should be made from 5x10 cm bars, green ones from 2.5x10 cm bars).

Tip: To attach the bars to the tabletop, use waterproof glue and galvanized screws (30 mm self-tapping screws for fastening 2.5x10 cm bars and 50 mm for fastening 5x10 cm bars).

After the glue has dried, you should attach the legs to the base of the tabletop using 90 mm self-tapping screws, having previously drilled pilot holes. Use a spirit level to check the perpendicularity of the legs and tabletop.

To ensure that the result of your work corresponds to a high professional level, make sure that the heads of the screws are recessed deep enough. Cover all cracks and holes with wood putty, and after it dries, sand the surface with sandpaper.

Tip: Apply several coats of exterior paint or stain to protect the table from moisture damage. To ensure that the base stands are also untouched by water, place the table on concrete surface and seal them hermetically.

Now you know how to make a picnic table yourself. You just have to put in a little effort, which will subsequently be rewarded with enthusiastic exclamations from friends and pleasant summer evenings spent with the family around a large table.