How to revive ficus roots burned by fertilizers. Why ficus leaves fall and turn yellow - a solution to the plant’s problems. Diseases and pests are the real scourge of plants

I bought a ficus in the fall, immediately transplanted it into a larger pot, moved it from place to place, overwatered and underwatered - I don’t know when and how, added fertilizer from time to time; the flower was exposed to drafts. in short, I was a terrible flower grower and did everything that should not be done, I confess right away, my fault. As a result, all the leaves flew off, leaving one lonely green twig. I’m terribly sorry, I want to save him, but I have no idea what to do

A ficus (especially the ficus Benjamin, which is demanding in terms of keeping conditions), may begin to “fall of leaves” for many stress-inducing reasons - from a change of “place of residence”, hypothermia and replanting, as well as from errors in care (lack of light, dry air, excessive watering, drafts, cold substrate).

At the first signs of falling leaves of the ficus, you need to carry out a series of sprayings of the trunk and crown with Epin; analyze and eliminate the causes of “leaf fall” (there is a peculiarity here: the reasons for the falling of ficus leaves could be either recently or quite a long time ago - for example, a month ago, a delayed reaction is possible).

All types of ficus love a bright, but not sunny location, regular watering (moderate in spring and summer, limited in autumn and winter). humid air and frequent spraying. Between watering ficuses, you need to let the soil dry out a little (avoiding drying out the earthen clod). otherwise the leaves will fall due to stagnation of moisture.
With dry air and lack of light, ficus trees can also lose leaves; views from green leaves more shade-tolerant, variegated ones more light-loving.
Most ficus trees grow all year round at room temperature; for ficuses with green leaves in winter it is possible to reduce the temperature to 16 degrees (important warm ground, hypothermia of the soil leads to the shedding of leaves). Ficuses need to be protected from drafts and cold air - two more reasons for leaf loss.

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The flower loves moderate lighting and watering, is wary of drafts and does not tolerate dry soil. Therefore, when thinking about how to revive a ficus, first of all analyze the conditions of its maintenance. Perhaps a simple change in its location can help. If possible, place the ficus on the windowsill of a window facing southeast or southwest.

In the case when the ficus leaves fall, but the trunk remains flexible and alive, it can be removed. If rot has appeared, and top layer plaque has formed in the soil, replant the plant. Roots protruding from the pot also indicate the need for replanting. In this situation, the plant simply lacks nutrients, since the roots filled everything free space. Take a pot that is no more than a couple of centimeters in diameter than the one in which the plant is located. Fill the bottom with drainage and then add ficus soil. The roots of the plant must be carefully examined. Dry roots

and those with traces of rotting, cut with scissors and treat with charcoal powder.

After the plant is replanted, water it regularly, not allowing the soil to dry out, and spray the remaining leaves with water from a spray bottle to maintain sufficient humidity in the room. Until the plant takes root, it is not fed. If everything goes well, then feed the plant no earlier than in a month.

When starting to fear for the health of the ficus, you need to remember that in a variety such as Ficus Benjamin, leaf shedding in the fall is natural. The plant loses up to 20% total number foliage and this is not associated with diseases.

Sometimes gardeners make a common mistake: believing that all ficus diseases are associated with insufficient nutrition, they begin to feed it intensively. For a plant that is trying to survive, such an influx of nutrients is unnecessary and can cause a backlash.

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More than once I had to revive completely neglected indoor plants. In most cases it is successful. This happened with Ficus Benjamin. The plant came to me in very poor condition. There were only five leaves left on it, the rest flew off. The tips of the branches were completely dry, some of the branches were completely damaged.

To begin with, I changed the soil and thoroughly washed the roots in potassium permanganate. Because I was not sure that the depressed appearance of the plant was not a consequence of disease or pests. Then I cut off everything that had dried out with scissors and fed it with complex fertilizer. I placed the ficus on a bright windowsill and covered it a little with a homemade screen so that the bright sun would not shine on it. Every day I sprayed the trunk and the remains of leaves warm water. Watered regularly.

Within a week, the first light green leaves appeared on the ficus. And after two months the plant is stunted. which came to me was simply unrecognizable. Juicy shiny leaves already decorated all the branches. Now the ficus is in the bathroom on the north window. I feel just great there. True, as a result of deep pruning, the ficus does not grow tall. But still squat and powerful, it looks very beautiful.

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A colleague brought a dying ficus from home. And now we have been watching for a month now how it is losing its leaves, and some kind of flies or spiders live near its roots.
The owner herself has come to terms with the likely imminence of his death, but I don’t want to look at it or even try to do anything.
But I don’t know what exactly good can be done.
The websites explain things in a painfully sophisticated way; for experienced gardeners, it looks like they are gardeners, which I am not.
However, it became clear to me that:
1. In winter, it is better not to touch the plant
2. It’s better not to top up than to overfill
3. You need to spray it with something to keep pests away.
4. It would be nice to feed him something weak.

The flies are probably from overwatering, as you already learned, you can’t overwater.
Leaves may even completely lose healthy ficus. There is little light, the situation has changed. Loses even from changing place in the room. If the branches do not dry out, foliage will grow. Mine also had leaf fall today, and abruptly. The sun stopped peeking through the window. After a couple of weeks it stopped, but the foliage thinned. I’ve also reduced watering and don’t fertilize.

flies or spiders. if there are black flies, then your ficus has a problem. buy thunder-2 - since the flies are harmless, and their larvae eat the roots

LiSa Thinker (9005) it’s okay - you need to sprinkle it on the soil, although it’s written on the bag how to apply it

Midges can be caused by overwatering or if there is organic matter in the pot. Spill AKTARA soil. thunder-2 good remedy for healthy plants, fertilizing can only be done healthy plants. Spray the plant with EPIN. You can make a greenhouse with daily ventilation for 10-15 minutes. Place in the brightest and coolest place. And wait for spring.

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  • Ficus is a tree that belongs to the mulberry family. The majority of plants of this species are considered evergreen, but deciduous ficuses are also found. The fig tree, which is also called the fig or fig, is the most popular type of such plant, but today we will look at the Benjamin ficus - perfect option for home growing.

    But first it is necessary to say a few words about the tree itself. Ficus comes from the islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans, which is why it prefers a tropical climate with good humidity. You can find ficuses in southern Africa, as well as in the Mediterranean, where the climate is more temperate. But in the Crimea and Transcaucasia we can see the ficus fig tree, which ideally bears fruit in such comfortable warm conditions.

    Ficus is a useful tree that is used in many places today. For example, the elliptica and elastica varieties are used to produce rubber in Ecuador and Brazil. But carica, rumphii and religiosa are distinguished by a high content of sugars, namely fructose and sucrose. That is why the fruits of such ficuses have become an integral component national cuisines different countries peace. In countries central Africa and in Mexico, ficus is used to create roofs and canopies; clothing is made from ficus raw materials. As you can see, this plant is truly unique!

    Ficus has soft glossy and smooth leaves, usually round shape, the skin of which is very thin. The tips of the leaves are slightly pointed. In general, foliage can be from five to thirteen centimeters long, and width - from two to six. The petiole is approximately half the width of the leaf.

    Now you have an idea about ficus. Now let's talk about how to properly care for it.

    Ficus benjamina: proper care

    From the very beginning, it is worth saying that if you properly care for your ficus at home, it can reach as much as three meters in height! It cannot be said that Benjamin is particularly picky about temperature, because his usual habitats cannot please him with an ideal climate. It is only important to try to maintain the same temperature in the room that suits to the human body. However, you can often notice that the ficus dries out and sheds its leaves - why does this happen and how to avoid the death of the plant? First things first.

    • Provide your ficus with comfortable conditions

    For example, in the summer, the ideal temperature for Ficus Benjamin will be twenty-five to thirty degrees, which is quite realistic for the plant to provide during the hot period of the year, when there is at least twenty-five degrees outside the window. But in winter, such a tree should be in conditions where the temperature is from fifteen to twenty degrees, which, in general, is also not a problem. Move the ficus pot to a cooler place - this will make both the leaves and the measles system feel more comfortable.

    • Sufficient lighting

    If Benjamin is not very picky about temperature, then the same cannot be said about lighting - here the ficus needs a special approach. The leaves of the plant are bright and quite variegated, and due to a lack of light they can lose their rich green color and glossy shine. Of course, avoid constantly exposing the ficus to direct sunlight, but provide the tree with good diffused light or shade it a little. Then the leaves will not dry out, turn yellow and curl.

    • Soil and watering ficus

    Proper watering and properly selected soil are also important in caring for Ficus Benjamin. Make sure that the soil does not overcool or dry out. The most optimal temperature for soil is considered to be fourteen degrees. In this case, the ficus will receive maximum energy and nutritional components from the soil, and the leaves will not lose color.

    Some experts recommend watering Ficus Benjamin with water whose temperature reaches fifty degrees. It is with such watering that the root system of the tree will better absorb all the beneficial substances, and the growth of the ficus will be rapid. The main thing is not to heat the water to a higher temperature.

    It is best if you think about a special schedule for watering your Ficus Benjamin, especially if you notice that the tree is drying out and the leaves have begun to curl - this is the first warning sign. After all, the amount of water that was absorbed by the plant is closely related to other factors, for example, temperature and lighting, as well as humidity. In the case of plants, the same rule applies as with humans - food and drink must be competent and rational, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.

    Determining when a ficus needs watering is not at all difficult - you need to assess the condition of the soil. Water the tree only when it requires it, otherwise you can cause rotting of the plant's root system and damage the leaves. On average, ficus is watered once a week in winter, but in summer watering is more frequent due to the heat. In some cases, it is recommended to immerse the ficus pot in water - this will help the soil absorb required quantity liquids.

    • Suitable humidity

    Of course, what the tree and leaves will look like depends on humidity levels. When growing ficus, you need to pay special attention to the humidity level. Again, in the summer, when the ficus requires more liquid and moisture, try to provide the plant with the highest possible humidity, which should come from both outside and from the soil.

    Do not forget that you need to additionally spray the leaves when arranging the ficus real shower. This will provide the foliage with a rich green color and brightness. Spraying is best done with soft boiled water. Avoid drafts indoors by placing the ficus in a calm, quiet place.

    • Hygiene and pest control

    Like all plants, ficus suffers from pests from time to time, such as aphids, mealybug and scale insects. As soon as you notice any signs remaining after damage by the pest, wash the leaves with a soapy sponge, and also purchase antibacterial complexes developed for ficuses in the store. Be sure to remove the affected leaves from the tree - they cannot be saved, and the infection can spread to neighboring foliage.

    Be sure to wipe the leaves from dust, otherwise the Benjamin ficus will noticeably fade and will not be able to receive all the required beneficial components and substances from the outside, and its leaves will begin to dry out. Carefully monitor the environment around the ficus, not forgetting that it depends on its condition whether the plant is healthy or whether it is increasingly drying out.

    Perhaps these are all the basic rules that are important to know for people involved in growing Ficus Benjamin in a city apartment. By complying with all the requirements stated above, you will be able to grow an incredibly beautiful tree that will not only refresh your apartment, but will also noticeably decorate it. general interior with its bright green leaves. It will be healthy and never dry out!

    Ficus - beautiful indoor plant, which can reach up to 3 meters in height if it receives proper nutrition, watering, provided with the necessary lighting and properly prepared for protection from pests. Otherwise, the flower dies, and this process begins with its leaves drying out. It should be remembered that this a clear sign illness or improper care of the plant, so hurry up and make every effort to save the flower.

    Proper care of ficus

    Ficus is considered unpretentious flower, but this does not mean that it does not require any care. The housewife must regularly monitor the growth and development of this plant, in this way she will be able to keep it from any problems. And in the future, a magnificent flower will grow in your home, which will outshine everything else in its appearance.

    Proper care of ficus involves the following actions:

    1. Make sure the flower grows in comfortable conditions. This is approximately 25 degrees Celsius, diffused light, located near a window, but not near the sun's rays.
    2. Correct lighting. If we talk about lighting, this is perhaps the only factor to which the ficus is very whimsical. In a dark room, the flower will not grow and will soon die; the same applies to too bright rooms where direct sunlight hits the leaves. Try to find a lighted place, but at the same time shade the ficus so that its leaves do not turn yellow.
    3. Watering. You should water the plant with warm water, but do not over-moisten the soil. Root system should receive optimal quantity moisture, but the soil should not remain wet all the time. If you notice that the tree is drying out, then increase the amount of water for watering.
    4. Humidity level. This factor, by the way, largely influences what the leaves of the flower will be - green or dry. IN summer period the plant needs more liquid and moisture, including that which comes from the soil. Do not forget to organize a shower for the flower, which will make the leaves brighter and greener.
    5. Respond to pests in a timely manner. You will see certain signs of their presence: white bloom, torn leaves, dryness, etc. To do this, wipe the leaves with a soft sponge, fertilize the plant, and buy special fertilizers against bacteria and fungi.

    All this will allow you to achieve amazing results, and soon you will have a wonderful plant in your home that will attract attention with its chic appearance and luxurious leaves.

    Why ficus dries out: reasons

    It is precisely the incorrect content of the flower that will answer the question of why the ficus dries out. If you notice a similar problem, it is worth knowing about the reasons for its occurrence in order to avoid trouble in the future:

    • Lack of moisture. This is especially felt in the summer, when the soil dries faster. Over time, the leaves begin to dry out, which can only be saved by proper watering and spraying.
    • Accumulation large quantity dust on a flower. Wipe your ficus regularly with a napkin or sponge, otherwise the color of its leaves will quickly fade and they will begin to dry out.
    • Lack of lighting. If the plant is in the shade, its leaves will also dry out quickly. Remember to place the pot in a bright room.

    Treatment options

    It is not enough to know why the ficus dries out; it is important to take urgent measures to save it. The first and most effective way To get rid of dry leaves, follow the recommendations mentioned above. By carrying out prevention, you will improve general state plants and provide them with proper care.

    In addition, you can use the following tips:

    • Water the ficus with water whose temperature is 50 degrees Celsius, neither higher nor lower. This will help improve the growth of the flower and prevent its leaves from drying out.
    • Water as needed. In other words, inspect the soil and only then water the ficus. If the soil is moist enough, no watering is required.
    • Spray with boiled water.
    • Try not to create drafts in the apartment.
    • Buy chemical insecticides, if you notice the presence of pests living in the plant.

    These are all the basic rules, following which you can rid yourself of problems with ficus once and for all. In a short period of time you can grow an amazing tree, which is a symbol of family well-being and happiness. It will be absolutely healthy and blooming, so you will have to forget about dry leaves.

    It is not surprising that ficus is loved by so many housewives, because this indoor plant attracts them not only with its appearance, but also because it does not require scrupulous care.

    When ficus trees begin to fall, not everyone realizes that there are some problems with the flower. Unfortunately, if you fail to notice the problem in time, then it is quite possible that you will no longer be able to save the ficus. True, there is also no need to panic ahead of time, since sometimes the leaf blades fall off due to the change of seasons.

    Experienced gardeners note that a small shedding of leaves is allowed (no more than 10 pieces per month). If the process only intensifies, then in this case you need to think about why this is happening. It is especially important to find and determine the cause when not only leaf fall occurs, but also flower drying, leaves wrinkling, and the like.

    Many gardeners, without understanding the root cause (there is far from one), start with all possible ways to revive the flower, unaware that sometimes they make things even worse, aggravating an already difficult situation. Under no circumstances should this be done. First you need to assess the condition of the sheet plates.

    It is possible that the following points were noticed:

    • spots on leaves;
    • plaque on leaf plates;
    • a cobweb entangling the entire flower;
    • the appearance of larvae on greenery.

    All these important nuances will lead to the fact that sooner or later the leaves will begin to turn yellow and then completely fall off.

    Important! Another sign that something is wrong with the ficus is the fall of old leaf blades and the appearance of new ones, but of a different size and irregular shape.

    Having noticed all this, you should first of all think about how the plant is cared for.

    Natural causes of leaf blades falling off

    Flowers, like people, tend to experience stress. Of course, plants will not say this, but they will show it by their appearance. If a flower has just been bought and brought home, then it is not surprising that the first thing it will begin to do is shed its leaf blades. In this case, there is no need to touch the ficus; after a while, the leaf fall will stop and the flower will begin to grow green mass.

    Fall of foliage may also occur in the autumn winter period. In fact, ficuses are the same trees, but only small and they also tend to lose leaves before the approaching winter. Therefore, the flower does not need any resuscitation in this case.

    Unnatural causes of leaf falling

    In the case where the ficus tree has been growing at home for quite a long time, in spring or summer, then you need to carefully think about what caused and led to such a situation.

    It could be:

    • frequent rearrangement of the flower pot;
    • unsuccessful transplant;
    • lighting problems;
    • drafts;
    • non-compliance temperature regime;
    • low humidity;
    • improper watering;
    • lack of fertilizers;
    • diseases and pests.

    Having identified an error in care, salvation will come on its own when the gardener returns to proper care.

    Frequently rearranging the flower pot

    Ficus benjamina or any other species is not a plant that welcomes constant “moving”. If the tree is constantly moved or moved from place to place, then it will spend all its strength trying to adapt to new conditions. And if so, then the ficus will rapidly lose its green mass.

    Failed transplant

    After each transplant into a new substrate, ficus trees may lose leaf blades in small quantities. If after a while the flower dries up and strong leaf fall is noticed, it means that the plant was transplanted into a suitable soil. In cases where the ficus is replanted frequently, it may also begin to lose green mass in response to severe stress.

    Lighting problems

    Almost all types of ficus need bright lighting. True, you should not place a flowerpot with a flower so that the sun shines clearly on it. In this case, the leaves will become hard and dry, and after a while they will completely fall off. Therefore, it is better to shade the tree a little in strong sunshine, but not hide it in dark room, since in this case the plant will not dry out, but will fade due to lack of lighting.


    When deciding to buy a ficus, you need to remember that there should be no drafts in the house. All of them are destructive to the flower. When growing a plant at home, it needs to create suitable conditions. By the way, putting the flowerpot in a place where the air conditioner blows is also not worth it.

    Failure to comply with temperature conditions

    Correct temperature conditions are the key good growth and plant condition. IN winter time the temperature should not be lower than +18 °C, and in summer – higher than +25 °C. If the flower is drying, but the room is not hot, then most likely the pot is located next to heating devices.

    Low humidity

    It is a mistake to think that ficus will grow in a room with low humidity. These plants react sharply to such a nuance. The leaves begin to quickly darken and disappear. To prevent this from happening, you need to ensure that the humidity in the room is kept at 50-70%.


    Manipulation should be carried out as needed. Many gardeners once read that this is done a couple of times a week, and so follow the erroneous recommendation. And then it turns out that the leaf plates become covered with brown spots and the flower dies. Such a moment signals rotting of the root system. If, on the contrary, the flower is completely dry, then they forgot to water it for many weeks.

    No fertilizer

    In the case when the substrate lacks useful substances, the ficus may begin to fade, the leaf plates will curl and crumble. This can also happen if there is an excess of fertilizing in the soil. This point must be monitored carefully.

    Diseases and pests

    What to do to save ficus

    When deciding how to revive a ficus, you need to rely on the main reason. Having determined which care rules were violated, they will need to be corrected, then the flower will quickly gain green mass, and the problem will no longer bother the gardener.

    As for pests and diseases, sometimes they arise due to errors in care, and sometimes they “come” into the house along with new plants. In this case, you can first treat the flower with a soap solution (it helps fight many pests), and then spray the ficus with insecticides. Some gardeners use traditional methods, which are effective when the trouble has just made itself felt.

    By carefully monitoring all the manipulations that occur with ficus trees, you won’t have to revive them, because it won’t come to that. Flowers react acutely to any changes and it is impossible not to notice appearance plants.

    Often, owners of ficus benjamina are faced with the problem of dropping leaves, without knowing why the ficus benjamina is shedding leaves. There are natural reasons for this (for example, seasonal shedding), and reasons indicating the diseased state of the plant. Today we will try to find out why ficus leaves are falling off and how to revive ficus Benjamin.

    It is believed that a minimum shedding of leaves in the amount of up to 10 pieces per month is normal, especially for small-leaved flowers. However, if the development of the plant at some point in time began to be accompanied by abundant leaf fall, there is reason to wonder why the ficus also turns black.

    If you notice that the flower not only loses dry leaves, but that the leaves of the ficus turn black before falling, then now is the time to decide how to save the ficus. Minimal blackening is already a cause for concern, since no seasonal changes are not accompanied by such an indicator. However, determining why ficus leaves fall is a rather difficult task. As a rule, there is not one reason for such a condition, there is a whole complex of them.

    However, before deciding how to revive the ficus, it is necessary to highlight all the existing signs of the unhealthy state of the flower’s foliage. Among these signs are brown and whitish spots on the leaves, which cause the leaves to drop.

    Ficus Benjamin's leaves also fall off after the appearance of such signs as white fluff, brown putrefactive spots, white-gray bloom and the presence of small larvae and midges living on greenery. All of the above signals foreshadow the yellowing of almost all leaves and the probable disappearance of your plant without the possibility of its resuscitation.

    Another sign of the unhealthy state of the ficus is that old leaves turn yellow and fall off, and new ones are born of irregular shape and size.

    All of the above marks should inform the owner of the ficus that his plant needs serious care, which will help save the plant from possible death.

    Natural causes of shedding

    There is a natural reason why ficus benjamina leaves fall. This reason is that this type ficus is a deciduous plant that needs to shed old leaves for rejuvenating purposes. This measure is characteristic of all trees in the autumn and winter, which, in fact, are Benjamin’s ficuses. Therefore, you should not worry if the plant sheds its lower old leaves during cold weather.

    If the ficus disappears in summer or spring, then the prerequisites should be sought in improper care of the indoor tree.

    Unhealthy leaf shedding

    Unhealthy yellowing of leaves and further loss of ficuses is observed in the following cases:

    • frequent change of plant position. Ficus is a rather sensitive tree that does not want constant disturbances. Constant changes in its location in the house and turns to sunny side to ensure uniformity, they will cause excessive waste of nutrients to adapt to new conditions, which causes the plant to lose its greenery;
    • unsuccessful transplant. After transplanting ficuses into suitable soil, they may lose a few leaves in the first weeks - this is normal. But if the plant loses greenery in excessive quantities, then this indicates unsuitable soil used for replanting. In addition, it is forbidden to frequently replant the tree, since such a measure becomes a regular source of stress for the plant;
    • incorrect lighting. Benjamins need good, long-term light, but they do not tolerate direct sunlight. As a result of sunburn, the leaf will turn black, become dry and tough, and with constant exposure to aggressive sun, the foliage will begin to disappear en masse. Ficus benjamina loves diffused light about a meter from the window. Leaves also darken or turn yellow in case of insufficient lighting. In addition, the greenery of a shaded plant runs the risk of appearing misshapen;
    • drafts. Ficus care includes choosing the right place for the plant pot. This place should not be in open drafts, especially in summer, when windows in apartments are constantly open. An even worse option, which will cause the greenery to fall off and turn yellow, is to place the plant under an air conditioner;
    • non-compliance with temperature conditions. To prevent the leaves from falling off, efforts must be made to create the correct temperature regime for the tree. In winter, the temperature should not fall below +18, and in summer it should not rise above +25. The greenery of a plant that is too cold or hot will begin to become covered with abundant white or dark spots, after which the flower will shed it;
    • low air humidity. Ficuses, for the most part, are very sensitive to low air humidity, and clearly signal about it - the leaves darken and disappear. Benjamins born in tropical climates need to maintain humidity at 60–70%;
    • watering. Ficus Benjamin does not require too much care, but the frequency of watering should be decided immediately. Deformation of the foliage, its poor development and covering with brown spots indicate that the roots are rotting due to excess moisture. Dry foliage indicates insufficient watering;
    • lack of nutrients. Often, the shedding of greenery can be observed in the case of insufficient nutritional value of the soil, as a result of which the plant tries to get rid of excess “consumers” of nutrients;
    • and pests. If the flower not only begins to shed its leaves, but also generally loses its vitality, most likely pests have infested the soil. In addition, detection on sheets white plaque, larvae, midges, worms, white drops, black putrefactive spots and cobwebs are also a clear signal of the painful state of the tree.

    How to save ficus

    What to do if ficus benjamina sheds leaves abundantly? Reviving a plant is a difficult task, so it is better to do something right away to improve the condition of your flower. This is easy to do: you should once again go through all the points of caring for the plant and pay attention to which of these does not meet the requirements of the ficus. This point is especially important in the first year of a tree’s life.

    In insufficient lighting do artificial lighting, and if there is an excess of sunlight, the plant is removed deeper into the room. Does excessive moisture make the flower sick? It is enough to reduce the frequency of watering. In case of insufficient moisture, Benjamin is sprayed 1-2 times a day, depending on the season.

    Feeding and replanting the tree in a neutral acidity fertile soil will help revive the plant, and improving the temperature and getting rid of cold air masses will relieve the flower from stress.

    If the first signs of disease appear on a flower, it is important, without delay, to make efforts to rid the ficus of the pest. For this purpose there are insecticides and traditional methods, which includes publicly available laundry soap and ammonia.

    Transplants and rearrangements will impair the viability of the plant. The root system of the tree does not develop quickly enough to replant it every six months, and the leaves will not grow more evenly from daily turning the pot towards sunlight. You can turn the pot once every 2-3 months, and do so as the roots grow.

    Video “Ficus Benjamina sheds its leaves”

    From this video you will learn why the Benjamin variety drops its leaves and how to fix it.