How to cut timber on a band sawmill. How to properly cut a log on a band sawmill. Processing of round timber using milling method

How to properly cut a log on a band sawmill

Is your band sawmill installed and all the necessary settings made? This means it’s time to proceed directly to the sawing process itself. In order to obtain truly high-quality material, you need to correctly install the log and secure it with special clamps.

From correct calculation The quantity and type of material you want to get from this log also determines the quality.

Having gained further experience, one glance at a log will be enough, and you will already know how much and what kind of material can be obtained from it. Learn to accurately determine where the top is and where the butt part of the log is. The butt part is usually larger in diameter than the apex. And this largely affects the thickness of the slab.

How to calculate a log

So, you have measured the diameter of the log, and it is measured from the top. We calculate the approximate amount of material according to the diameter and proceed to further actions.


We pay attention to all the bends and bulges of the log - a perfectly straight trunk is rare. Therefore, we try to turn it so as to get as little waste as possible from it, such as croaker. When the log is laid and fixed, you should make sure that it passes freely between the guide rollers.

Set the diameter size on the ruler of the sawmill, and add to this size greatest height convexities of the log. This is the bulge that is higher than the diameter of the top or narrowest part of the log.

Using a regular tape measure, measure the height of the highest part, and from this size you begin counting the dimensions of the required material, taking into account the size of the cut, which ranges from 2 to 5 mm.


As soon as the cutting width reaches required size, and the remaining height of the log reached the right size, it is turned over. That is, if you cut a beam, for example, at 150, then both the width of the cut and the height of the remaining log should correspond to this value, even be greater, taking into account the removal of the slab.

To do this, after turning the log over, start calculating from the final size until the full height of the log is used, but do not forget to take into account the size of the cut, which, as we already know, ranges from 2 to 5 mm.

For example, you have a log on your overpass that you have cut to a size of 260 mm. Let's turn the log over and continue.

The final result we want to achieve is a carriage with a thickness of 150 mm. Next, in a simple way, calculate that 260 mm-150 mm = 110 mm. We get as much as 110 mm thickness additional material. And it is precisely this that needs to be calculated correctly.

We take this additional size and calculate it to get the block, which has a size of 50 mm, 110-50 = 60, don’t forget the cut, and for us it is 2 mm, 60-2 = 58 mm, then the plank, equal to 25 mm, 58 -25-2=31 mm, hump 20 mm, 31-20-2=9 mm.

As you can see, from our calculations, we get 9 mm slab, 20 mm slab, 25 mm gorge and 50 mm block. And the final size will be 150 mm.

Possible mistakes

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. Often, inexperienced sawmills make mistakes in calculations when they start counting from zero. For example, if the final size of the material is 150 mm, then there is no need to add 2 mm to it for the cut, otherwise it will be 150 + 2 = 152. There should not be such an error, the cut is calculated only between the material, for example, 50 mm board and 150 mm carriage, we get it as described above, 150 + 50 + 2 = 202 mm.

If it is necessary to obtain edged material, we turn the log 90 degrees and perform the same manipulations as described above.

So you have cut your first log, look at the quality of the material and the accuracy of the dimensions. Make sure your calculations are correct. The main mistake When making calculations, it happens that they forget to take into account the size of the cut. Try to take this fact into account. And don't make such mistakes.

In the future, when you gain experience, the calculation will happen automatically in your head; it will be enough to look at the log.

We are sure that everything will work out for you, we wish you success in your work.

How to use a ruler on a band sawmill

Hello dear readers and subscribers of Andrey Noak's blog. In this article I will tell you how to use a ruler on a band sawmill, as well as useful tips from professionals.

The band sawmill allows you to cut lumber into slats, beams and boards to specified sizes. The sawing process occurs due to the movement of the frame with the cutting device along fixed guides.

My books

As many blog readers already know, I periodically release some useful and goodies, so this time I wrote something like this e-book!

Working with technical conditions for the sale of lumber, for example, in winter a third grade appeared in our country, and in the summer (during the season) it disappeared and turned into the first grade;

In order for sawing at the sawmill to proceed without any problems or complaints, you should pay attention to the following factors that may arise during the work process:

  • Uniform feeding speed of material during operation;
  • Correct blade shape;
  • Carrying out the correct layout of the saw;
  • Do not allow resinous substances to stick to the canvas;
  • Watch the saw teeth.

Measures to increase the service life of a band sawmill

  1. For sharpening, use a specialized tool;
  2. During work, monitor the tension of the saw, monitor the width of the cut, the speed of material supply, the quality and cleanliness of the cut;
  3. If possible, use logs (lumber) from 40 to 70 cm in diameter. Such a log is easy to position on the frame. When cutting there is an optimal yield of the finished material;
  4. Select the correct tooth profile for the wood being processed. This will reduce saw wear and increase the speed and quality of the equipment;
  5. Measure the moisture content of the material and only after that select the tooth set and choose the correct cutting speed;
  6. Application of debarkers. They, in turn, will process the upper surface of the log before sawing. This equipment will prevent sand, dirt and small stones from getting on the cutting part of the machine;
  7. Pay attention to the tension of the tape. This will lead to optimization of sawing speeds, quality of processing and will allow timely detection of wear of equipment parts;
  8. Check the belts both before and during operation of the machine for wear. If there is high wear on the drive belt, an unfavorable situation will arise when the belt comes into contact with the pulley. This will damage the saw;
  9. Make sure that no sawdust accumulates on the belts. This will lead to vibration, which in turn will affect the operation of the equipment;
  10. The log should be fed as quickly as possible. Reducing the feed speed will cause the saw to move in idle mode. This will lead to decreased performance and increased saw wear;
  11. During operation, monitor the equipment, the condition of the bed, adjust pulleys and rollers. Carry out all work according to the recommendations. Do not violate safety rules while working.
  12. Application of electronic ruler

    How to use a ruler on a band sawmill? The measuring tool will reduce the time for cutting logs. No need to count and estimate sizes. The ruler is easily attached to the machine. Operator productivity increases and there is no need to bother with mathematical calculations.

    Types of line execution:

  • Wooden;
  • Metal;
  • Sticker;
  • Electronic.

There is a graduation on the ruler, which allows you to know the thickness of the board taking into account the cut.

Electronic ruler compared to wooden version, is an expensive tool. An electronic saw control unit is used as a scale. The principle is simple. Set the board thickness parameters and start. Operations are carried out automatically. I will describe in more detail how it all works in a new article.

Video on the topic

Andrey Noak was with you. Visit my blog and stay updated on all events. Subscribe to updates and invite your friends to read my tips. Good luck and see you again!

Sawing logs on a band sawmill: tables, diagrams

To process logs on a band sawmill, it is necessary to adhere to the accepted technology. In this way you can get the maximum amount quality materials- boards and timber. But first you should familiarize yourself with the basic cutting rules.

Types of wood cutting

Log cutting diagram

At the first stage, a carriage is formed from a log. To do this, cuts are made on both sides of it. In some cases, processing is performed on four sides. A map of the band cut of the workpiece is first drawn up, on which the dimensions of the components are indicated.

The determining parameter when choosing a scheme is the direction of processing of the log. In particular - movement cutting edge relatively tree rings. According to this, lumber of various qualities is formed, with a unique appearance. Not only their aesthetic qualities, but also their price depend on this.

The following types of cuts are distinguished:

  • tangential. The cut is made tangentially to the annual rings. As a result, oblong patterns in the form of arches and rings are formed on the surface;
  • radial. To perform it, perpendicular processing along the annual rings is necessary. A special feature is the uniform pattern;
  • transverse. Processing occurs across the fibers, the cut pattern is an even cut of annual rings;
  • rustic. Can be made at any angle, contains a certain number of knots, sapwood or other similar defects.

The woodworking industry often uses waste from band sawing logs - slabs. On one side there is a flat plane, and the other remains unprocessed.

To create the most accurate cutting, it is recommended to use special programs. They take into account not only the dimensions of the source material, but also the type of wood.

Sawing on a sawmill with log rotation 180°

Cutting map with 180° rotation

To form the maximum number of boards, it is recommended to use a technology in which some belt processing processes are rotated 180°. This allows you to achieve the maximum amount of lumber with different types of cuts.

The principle of processing is to make initial cuts along the edges of the log, located at an angle of 90° relative to each other. They will serve as the basis for further tape cutting. The work is carried out on equipment with a vertical arrangement of cutting elements. The diameter of the trunk must be at least 26 centimeters.

Step-by-step order of work.

  1. Processing the side with the cut-off edge. The result is two boards.
  2. Rotate the workpiece by 90°. The cut is made from the opposite part. The number of products varies from 3 to 4.
  3. Repeated turn 90°. The main part of the source material is processed. Depending on what you plan, you may end up with 7-8 pieces.

Despite all my positive traits, this method has one significant drawback - low production speed. It is recommended to use it on equipment that has a block for automatically changing the position of the log relative to the cutting part of the machine.

The detailed diagram is most often used for the production of rustic boards, which have lower quality requirements.

Sawing on a sawmill with log rotation 90°

Types of sawing

For the manufacture of tangential and radial boards, it is recommended to use a different technique. It consists of systematic strip processing of logs with simultaneous analysis of defects. In this way, products of the required quality can be obtained.

After delimbing, the workpiece is placed on the infeed bed sawing machine. Then you need to complete the following steps.

  1. Removing the primary slab. This is carried out until the width of the base is 110-115 mm.
  2. Removal of unedged boards approximately 28 mm thick.
  3. If the number of defects on the surface exceeds the required level, the material is rotated 90°. If the quality of the board is sufficiently high, the next one is cut.
  4. Repeating the operation.

A similar technique is applicable for processing units that have one cutting surface or have the function of temporarily dismantling the rest.

If there is a sufficiently large number of defects, you can not put the workpiece aside, but rather process it by turning it 180°.

The above-described tape processing technique can be applied to create any configurations wooden products. Often the core area is used to form timber, and the remaining parts are used to make boards. But there may be exceptions - it all depends on the required shape of the blanks.

The quality of work is affected by the current state of the sawmill, the level of sharpening of the saws and the processing speed. These factors must be taken into account before starting the production process. If necessary, preventive maintenance or repair of equipment is carried out.

Log cutting table

The video shows the technique of sawing logs on a homemade band sawmill:

video instructions for DIY installation, how to correctly cut wood in half, lengthwise, radial method, machine, calculation, diagram, photo and price

All photos from the article

Sawn logs are boards, beams, veneer and other wooden building materials known to us. The task of competent and efficient sawing of trunks is extremely important when logging independently or industrially; in addition, knowledge of the basics will help you choose the right lumber.

We will look at the main points regarding this topic and tell you how to properly cut a log on a band sawmill.

Cutting logs on a band sawmill is considered the most effective.

Log sawing

The main task

The photo shows a corner sawmill.

In the old days, entire tree trunks were used to build houses and other structures, from which so-called log houses were assembled. However, cylindrical cone-shaped parts are not in the best possible way suitable for construction, so they began to make boards and beams from logs.

The proportion of solid logs used in construction is vanishingly small, so the logger must master the art of sawing the forest into boards and timber, otherwise he will go broke. This skill will also be useful for those who decide to do the preparation themselves for the needs of private construction.

The wood is used primarily in the form of planks.

So, we are faced with the task of turning an ordinary log into the maximum amount of high-quality useful lumber at minimum costs energy, time and raw materials. That is, we must find a way in which efficiency will be maximum and costs will be minimal.

Here it should be said right away that the solution does not come down to solving a geometric puzzle; in practice, everything is much more complicated. Wood is a heterogeneous material, so the result is affected a large number of nuances and subtleties, which we will discuss in more detail in the following chapters.

The heterogeneity of the wood structure complicates the task of sawing it.

Important! The task of sawing is to obtain the maximum amount of high-quality lumber at minimum costs per unit of time.

Cutting methods

Special equipment will help you understand how to cut a log lengthwise.

As already mentioned, the correct calculation of cutting a log should take into account not only geometric parameters and cutting, but also the heterogeneity of the material structure.

The fact is that wood exhibits its properties differently depending on the orientation of the annual rings (layers): the processes of warping and deformation during drying are most clearly manifested along the layer, when the plane of the board coincides with the plane of the annual ring.

Not only beauty, but also quality depends on the cutting method.

To understand how to cut a log correctly, you should know the basic cutting methods:

  • The radial method is considered the highest quality and is distinguished by the fact that the annual lines at the end of the board form an angle of 76 - 90˚ relative to its plane, and the cut line passes through the core of the trunk like a radius. The result is a board that is fairly uniform in color and texture, which practically does not swell when moistened and does not deform when dried. Radial cut lumber is considered the highest quality, its price is the highest;
  • The tangential method, on the contrary, is the least preferable and is distinguished by the fact that the lines of the annual rings run almost parallel to the plane of the board or tangentially. The coefficients of swelling from moisture and shrinkage in the case of tangentially sawn boards are approximately two times higher than with radial sawing. In general, such boards are less durable and of lower quality, but at the same time they can have a very beautiful fiber pattern;
  • The rustic method is something in between - the angle of inclination of the annual lines in relation to the plane of the product is in the range of 45 - 76˚. Also included in this group are mixed type cutting, which may contain elements of arcs, both during tangential sawing, and inclined and even perpendicular lines. In properties, these groups are a cross between the radial and tangential groups;
  • Central cut. It is made in the center of the trunk and includes its core. Such boards are considered the least durable and most heterogeneous of all of these.

Methods for sawing logs.

Important! Most construction lumber is produced by rustic sawing, and there is also quite a lot of tangential lumber. When purchasing, you can easily distinguish them by eye.

Sawing schemes

You should decide on a work plan in advance.

One of the most important tasks of the sawyer is to choose the most rational cutting scheme. The compliance of materials with the goals set, the amount of output per unit volume of forest and, as a result, the profit of the enterprise will depend on this.

The master must have impressive experience and a special flair for the material in order to determine in advance the order of work, where to start and how exactly to act in the process. Such a skill comes only with time as a result of long work at the sawmill.

There are three standard circuits sawing logs:

Sawing diagramPeculiarities
CircularAfter removing the first slab, the log is turned over 180˚ and placed on the resulting edge. Then during the process it is turned over 180˚ or 90˚ more times, usually at least five turns are practiced.

This is the most rational and economically beneficial method, however, in the absence of mechanisms for turning over when using manual labor resulting performance may be reduced

Simple (end-to-end)The log is sawed to the middle, then turned 180˚ and sawed to the end. The scheme is as quick and simple as possible, but the boards are unedged, heavy and subject to maximum warping.

Used for low-quality raw materials, for which the listed disadvantages are not so important

Sawing timberThe process resembles circular work with the difference that the central part of the log is left in the form of timber 25x25, 18x23, etc. Next, the core is transferred for further processing in the production line or sold in the form of timber.

This method is considered productive and is used in industry when processing raw materials of medium and low quality.

Scheme for sawing logs on a band sawmill with step-by-step instructions.

Important! The cutting scheme is selected in accordance with the quality of the raw material, the purpose of the board and the capabilities of the equipment.

Sawing tool

Modern band sawmill.

Logging is carried out using a special tool. For normal work by today's standards, you need a special machine for cutting logs with your own hands, which is called a sawmill.

There are two types of sawmills: disk and belt. Circular saws use circular saws and are considered less efficient, as they have a larger cutting thickness (from 6 to 9 mm), less accuracy and depth.

Disc sawmill.

The band sawmill is equipped with a different system: the saw is a band mounted on rotating rollers. The cutting thickness is approximately 1.5 – 3 mm, which is quite economical in terms of waste to chips.

Modern models are distinguished by high accuracy and productivity; they are automated and have a tilting mechanism for lifting and turning logs in the case of circular sawing or sawing timber.

Using a chainsaw, you can only cut a log in half, but if you use a special frame, you can cut the log into boards right in the forest.

Working with a frame and a chainsaw.

Important! The band sawmill is considered the most efficient and cost-effective.


Sawing logs is considered one of the most difficult and important tasks in logging and lumber production. The quality of the product and the income of the enterprise depend on the chosen scheme, well-designed work order and preparation of the tool.

The video in this article will tell you about the types of sawmills and methods of cutting wood.

How to learn to saw on a band sawmill

Wood has long been used in great demand in humans. Houses were built from it and fortifications were erected. This substance is still in great demand today not only for construction purposes, but also as a decorative material.

There is a huge number of wood products that are produced mainly at sawmills. You can purchase such products on the manufacturer’s website

Let's start getting acquainted

The band sawmill is a rather complex mechanism consisting of several parts:

  • the frame of the sawmill on which all its components are located;
  • base for placing the tree in a horizontal position.

In order to start working with this type of sawmill, you first need:

  1. 1Familiarize yourself with all the main parts of the mechanism and study the principle of their operation.
  2. Learn how to change the saw and start the device.
  3. Gain skills in adjusting the position of the tape relative to the horizontal plane. This factor is very important, since the size of the product obtained in the future depends on it.

It is advisable to begin work under the supervision of a person who has extensive experience in performing this procedure.

Cutting process

After you have learned how to turn on, configure and change some components of the system, you can start cutting. It is very important to understand how best to position the log and how to fasten it.

To do this, consult a specialist and let him give you instructions, where you will see all the nuances step by step. Before starting the saw, be sure to check the tension of the belt, as well as the level of its sharpening.

The quality of the resulting board depends on these parameters. The first few times, make the cut under the supervision of a specialist who will tell you all the nuances, since there are quite a lot of them and it is difficult to remember them the first time.

When cutting, the saw should enter the tree smoothly and without much pressure, as otherwise this may lead to its breakage. Carry out the cut carefully, without sudden movements.

Remember that the quality of the products depends on the sharpening and setting of the teeth of the tape, correct location it on the machine and the location of the log on the frame. When performing such work, it is imperative to follow all safety rules so as not to injure yourself and other workshop workers.

You need to use only serviceable products for these purposes, and the sawing process at the very beginning should be supervised by a specialist who will teach you all the intricacies. You can watch the process in this video:


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We learn to saw correctly on a sawmill. Rules for working at a sawmill.

Rules for cutting with a band saw.

Every owner of a band sawmill naturally counts primarily on two things: excellent work, that is, high cutting accuracy, and a long service life of the band saw. Band cutting saw - this is quality, high performance over a long period of operation. At the right approach This is quite possible; moreover, this is something we should strive for.

First, you need to correctly assess your needs and choose the right band saw for your sawmill.

Secondly, as a rule, the reason for the low performance of a band saw is its improper preparation and operation.

To ensure smooth band saw cutting, do not ignore factors such as:

Reducing the feed speed when sawing;

Irregular blade shape;

Resin sticking to the canvas;

A defect in the setting of the teeth, when the bend line of the tooth is located too low and passes along the saw blade, as a result, a wave appears, the feed speed is forced to decrease, and, as a result, premature wear of the saw occurs.

You can increase the strength of the band saw blade and, therefore, the period of its operation, if:

1) use special sharpening devices;

2) during the sawing process, it is necessary to control the tension of the saw, the width of the cut, the feed speed, the quality and cleanliness of the material being cut;

3) if possible, use logs of large (40-70 cm) diameter; it is easier to position them on the machine bed; when cutting them, it turns out optimal quantity finished products;

4) select the tooth profile depending on the characteristics of the wood - this improves the quality and speed of sawing, reducing saw wear;

5) select the tooth setting and cutting speed depending on the moisture content of the material;
6) whenever possible, use cleaned logs for sawing, since dirt, sand, and stones irreversibly damage the blade. Use debarkers, which remove the top outer layer of the log before the saw enters the wood;

7) monitor the tension of the band saw. Sufficient tension is important to optimize sawing speed and quality, and to prevent wear on the saw;

8) monitor the condition of the belts on the pulleys; if the belts are highly worn, contact between the band saw blade and the pulley is possible, leading to the rupture of the saw 9) do not allow sawdust to accumulate on the belts and between the belt and the pulley - the vibration that occurs for this reason wears out the saw;

10) the log feeding speed should be as high as possible. Reducing the speed is fraught with the fact that the band saw moves idle, productivity decreases and the saw blade wears out;

11) high-quality cutting with a band saw is ensured by the machine settings, the condition of the bed, and periodic adjustment of pulleys and rollers (according to the manufacturer’s recommendations).

Many operators, especially those who lack the necessary experience, encounter difficulties when sawing frozen wood with bandsaws. It is especially unpleasant if the wood is not completely frozen, and there are unfrozen areas in the log, i.e. different densities.

Meanwhile, the problem is being solved.

And yet, how to saw frozen wood on a band sawmill. Much, when sawing with band saws, depends on correct selection and preparing the band saw, much depends on the geometry of the tooth.

Firstly, saws designed specifically for sawing hard and frozen wood are very effective in this case (for example, Wood-Mizer wood band saws with a 4/32 profile, or “winter” profile saws 9/29)

Secondly, pay attention to the tooth alignment. When working with frozen logs, it makes sense to reduce it to 15-18 or even less, to 12-14.

The performance of a band sawmill is usually influenced by an individual combination of various factors, so if this is your first time working with frozen wood, it is advisable to experiment. Using three saws, make three settings: recommended, smaller, and even smaller. Work with all three saws, evaluate the result and then use the optimal layout.

How to work correctly on band sawmills

Advice from professionals


The horizontal band saw machine is used for sawing wood of any hardness into boards, beams, and slats. Sawing occurs by moving the saw frame with the cutting tool (band saw) along the fixed rail guides of the band sawmill.

The use of a band sawmill allows you to:

produce boards with high surface quality from the material

get a board with an accuracy of 2 mm. with a length of 6 m;

band sawmill allows you to reduce waste by 2-3 times,

reduce energy costs;

quickly adjust the sawing size,

The band sawmill is capable of sawing short workpieces (from 1.0 meters) and producing products up to 2 millimeters thick.

The band sawmill operates under UHL 4 conditions (GOST 15150-69). The band sawmill is equipped with an electromechanical saw unit lift.

2. “Band sawmills” - operation and design:

2.1 Main components and parts of the band sawmill:

A bed that moves along rail guides in a horizontal direction;

Saw frame;

Saw frame lifting mechanism;

Electrical cabinet;

Log clamp;

Movable slider of the driven pulley;

Drive pulley;

Driven pulley;

V-belt drive;

Rail guides for band sawmill;

Band saw tensioning mechanism;

Band saw mounting connector;

Band sawmill pulley housing

Coolant reservoir

Fixed saw guide

Saw guide is movable

The bed of the band sawmill has a U-shape and soles with rollers for moving the saw frame along the rails and felt brushes that clean the guide from sawdust. The saw frame is lifted by two sliders located on the bed posts. The movement is carried out by a two-way, synchronously connected chain transmission, driven by an electric motor, through a gearbox.

The frame is made of two channels, which are located parallel and connected to each other. The driving saw pulley is fixedly fixed on one end of the frame, and the driven one, which has the ability to move longitudinally, is fixed on the other. The saw blade of the band sawmill is tensioned by a spring-screw mechanism, the spring dampens the thermal expansion of the saw band. When making a band sawmill, the tension is calibrated for a saw 35 centimeters wide. The risks on the tensioner body and washer are equal to a tension force of 525 kilograms. In the front beam of the band sawmill and on the slider of the driven pulley there are two locks for removing and installing the saw blade. On the brackets located in the middle of the frame there are two band saw guides (movable and fixed), which are equipped with support rollers and an adjustment system and bar. Torque is transmitted from the sawmill engine to the drive pulley by a V-belt drive. The coolant reservoir is mounted on top of the saw blade protection. The liquid supply is regulated by taps located on the tank. The control panel for the band sawmill is located on the top crossbar of the machine.

The guides are collapsible from 3 sections, which is convenient for transportation. At the bottom there are support plates into which anchor bolts are screwed. On top of the guides of the band sawmill there are log supports. The log is fixed on the rail guides with four screw clamps and a stop that provides 90 degrees.

3.1. The machine provides for adjustment of the position of both pulleys in relation to each other in the horizontal and vertical planes. It is necessary to ensure that the band saw with a tension of 6-8 kg/mm2. in cross-section, one branch did not come off the rims of the saw pulleys.

3.2. First of all, the pulleys are adjusted in vertical plane, setting them at right angles to the saw frame. To do this, on the slider of the driven pulley, a bolt Ml0 is screwed from below to its axis, and on the drive pulley, adjustment is carried out by installing spacer washers or plates. This operation is carried out by the manufacturer.

3.3 To regulate the position of the horizontal plane saw pulleys, two bolts Ml2 are screwed into the ends of the frame from the side of the driving pulley, and one bolt is screwed into the axis of the driven pulley.

It is necessary to adjust the pulleys of the band sawmill in the following sequence:

3.3.1 Turn off the power supply circuit breaker on the control panel.

3.3.2 Open the protective covers of the saw pulleys.

3.3.3 Place the band saw on the pulleys so that it protrudes beyond the edges of the pulleys by the height of the tooth plus 2-5 mm.

3.3.4 Close the movable connectors (locks).

3.3.5 Tension the band saw by turning the tension mechanism nut to the optimal value for of this type band saws (at the rate of 6-8 kg/mm2).

3.3.6. By rotating the driven pulley with your hand as you cut (counterclockwise), you need to see what position the band saw will take on the pulleys. If the belt runs outward by an equal amount from both pulleys, then, without weakening the tension of the saw, release the lock nut Ml6, which secures the axis of the driven pulley to the saw frame (saw frame slide).

3.3.7 Then loosen the M12 lock nut and screw in the Ml2 bolt a small amount, then tighten the M12 lock nut and M16 lock nut.

3.3.8 Repeat point 3.3.6 and if the tape runs out, repeat the adjustment until the correct result is obtained.

3.3.9 If the tape runs inward by an even amount, then it is necessary to loosen the tension of the band saw.

3.3.10. Loosen the lock nut Ml6, the lock nut M12 and unscrew the M12 bolt a small amount, then tighten the M12 and M16 nuts.

3.3.11 If the tape has taken the position according to the instructions, then the adjustment has been performed correctly.

3.3.12 If the band saw immediately runs away from the drive pulley when rotating, then adjustment should begin with it.

3.3.13 To do this, depending on the direction of the belt running (outward or inward), loosen the left or right lock nuts Ml6 and make adjustments in the same sequence as on the driven pulley.

3.3.14 After adjustment, tighten all nuts.

3.3.15 Close the doors of the saw pulley housings.

3.3.16 Turn on the automatic power supply. energy on the control panel.

3.3.17 Briefly turn on the drive of the saw pulleys and make sure that the saw blade is in the correct position. The machine is ready for use.


1. During the operation of the band sawmill, to increase the service life of the band saw, it is necessary to properly tension it on the pulleys.

1.1 The amount of tension, depending on its width, is determined using a “Tensometer” device.

1.2 Attention! The band saw should not be in operation for more than 2 hours. After this time, it must be removed from the machine and hung freely for at least 24 hours to relieve fatigue stress.

2 Use the correct lubricant for the band saw blade.

In most cases, simply water or water with the addition of detergent(“Fairy”, etc.). However, when low temperatures It is best to use a mixture of 50%-80% diesel fuel or kerosene and 50%-20% motor oil or oil for lubricating chainsaw tires. The use of turpentine also gives good results when sawing coniferous trees.

If water is used as a coolant, it is necessary to wipe the pulleys and belt with oil after completion of work.

3. Always loosen the band saw tension.

When you are finished, release the tension from the saw. During operation, the blades heat up and stretch, and then as they cool, they contract by tenths of a millimeter during each cooling period.” Therefore, belts left on pulleys under load overload themselves and develop an imprint from the two pulleys, which causes cracks to appear in the spaces between the teeth.

4. Use correct tooth set.

The alignment is correct if in the space between the saw blade and the wood being processed you have 65-70% sawdust and 30-35% air. If you have too big scam teeth for the available mass or thickness of wood, there will be too much air and not enough sawdust in the cut. You will have excessively large losses due to sawdust, and as a result, greater roughness of the processed wood. If the clearance is insufficient, you will not get a strong enough air flow to remove sawdust from the cut. A sign of this is hot sawdust. This can cause the most devastating damage to the saw: operating intervals will be short and the saw will fail prematurely. The sawdust should be cool to the touch. And finally, if the cut is insufficient and the sharpening angle is incorrect, the saw will cut a wave on the board. From our point of view, you cannot work with the same tooth set with logs different diameters, timber and timber.

You must sort the timber.

For every 20-25 centimeters increase in size, it is necessary to increase the wiring by approximately 18%, depending on whether the wood is hard or soft, wet or dry. The only way to achieve the desired layout is to carry out test cuts on a specific log. Increase the setting by 5-8 hundredths of a millimeter on each side until tooth marks become visible. This means that you are working with a 50/50 mixture of air and sawdust. After this, reduce the tooth set by 8-10 hundredths on each side, and you will achieve the desired result. Please note: You should only spread the top eighth of the tooth, not the middle or bottom. You don't want the gap between the teeth to be completely filled when sawing. When you work with softwood, whether wet or dry, the chips expand in volume to 4-7 times their cellular state. Hardwoods, wet or dry, only expand 1/2 to 3 times in volume. This means that if you are sawing 45cm pine logs, you will need to set the teeth 20% wider than when cutting 45cm oak logs. Always space your teeth before sharpening.

5. Sharpen your saw correctly.

There is only one way to sharpen band saw blades. The stone should go down the surface of the tooth, around the base of the cavity between the teeth and up along reverse side tooth in one continuous movement.

The space between the teeth (gallette) is not a sawdust bin. The power flow of air, cooling of steel and removal of sawdust depend on it.

If you have the correct teeth set, air is supplied along the log at the same speed as the saw, as a result of which sawdust is sucked into the gallet. The sawdust cools it significantly as it passes around the inner and outside next tooth. It is necessary that the space between the teeth be filled by 40%, which will provide the necessary cooling and increase the operating time of the saw.

6. Install correct angle sharpening.

Thanks to the deep gallets, we can use reduced sharpening angles, which transfer less heat to the tip of the tooth. The tape series uses a 10 degree hook angle that is capable of penetrating most medium hard to medium soft wood surfaces.

The general rule is this: the harder the wood, the smaller the sharpening angle.

Caution: Do not trust the scales and measuring rulers on your sharpening machine!

The pins and guides on it wear out. During the work, the profile of the stone changes.

To check the correct sharpening angles, use a protractor. Attention; We recommend changing saws every two hours of continuous operation, allowing them to rest for at least a day.

During the operation of the machine, there is a need to regulate individual components in order to restore their normal operation.




How to saw on a band sawmill

A band sawmill is a machine that produces boards and beams from wood that meet technical standards.

You can choose a high-quality machine for these purposes on the website

Nuances of work

In order to use a band sawmill for a long time for high-quality work, it is necessary to choose a band saw depending on your goals and use it correctly.

When operating a band saw, the following points should not be ignored:

  • damage to the tooth alignment;
  • accumulation of resin on the saw;
  • blade curvature;
  • slowing down the feed when sawing.

A band sawmill is a machine whose operation is based on passing a saw blade through wood material, so the quality of work on it depends 9/10 on the correct fulfillment of the requirements for servicing the band saw.

To do this you need:

  1. Feed the log at the highest speed to prevent idling of the saw, leading to its wear.
  2. Clean the belts from sawdust in a timely manner to block vibration.
  3. Monitor machine settings.
  4. Adjust saw blade tension.
  5. Select material for processing that is free of debris and contaminants.
  6. Adjust the tooth alignment according to the moisture content of the wood.
  7. It is better to work with large radius logs.
  8. Use necessary tools for sharpening.

The main points in the operation of the saw:

  • tooth height;
  • tooth setting;
  • toe angle;
  • sharpness of the tooth.

The saw must be correctly installed on the pulleys. The belts on the pulleys must be of the correct thickness to increase the service life of the saw.

To make work go faster, it is important that the roller guides are located in the desired position. With this help, the saw blade will be firmly fixed when cutting and its productivity will increase.

For high-quality operation of the band sawmill, it is necessary to abandon the use of water as a lubricant. To do this, it is better to take ½ diesel fuel and ½ oil for lubricating chainsaws.

This solution should be sprayed on both sides of the saw blade. The quality of the saw will improve, and the amount of wood bloom will decrease.

For long-term operation of a band sawmill, it is necessary to monitor the saw layout, use a tooth shape specially created for high-quality work, and promptly carry out technical inspection and maintenance of the machine.

How to saw on a band sawmill Taiga T1b:

For a small forestry industry specializing in sawing wood into boards and beams, the optimal equipment for use is. It has good productivity and allows large-sized trunks to be cut into lumber. But in order for the equipment to work to its full potential during the work, you need to know how to saw on a band sawmill. Taking into account certain recommendations and operating features of such a unit will allow you to avoid problems and obtain high-quality business material as a result.

The process of sawing timber with this sawmill comes down to the fact that the log is placed and fixed on a special frame, which also acts as a guide. A frame with a cutting tool mounted on it, driven by an electric motor or internal combustion engine, moves along the slats along the barrel.

Preparatory stage

One of the main conditions for the normal operation of the equipment is to carry out preparatory work before sawing on a band sawmill. And they include:

  • cleaning the sawn log from dirt and sand;
  • wood assessment (species, humidity);
  • selection of a saw (shape, profile, tooth sharpening angles) depending on the material being cut;
  • correct performance of adjustment work (tensioning of the cutting element, drive belts).

Proper preparatory work will allow you to quickly cut wood with the proper quality.

An important factor for normal sawing is correct sharpening and saw wiring. These works should be performed only on special machines. A well-sharpened saw with a correctly selected tooth profile will ensure high speed and clean cutting.

Attention should also be paid to adjusting the cutting blade. A properly tensioned tape will ensure an even cut. Any violation of the tension will lead to “waviness” of the surface of the boards, or to tearing of the cutting tool.

The more sand and dirt there is on the wood, the faster the saw will become dull, which will greatly affect the performance of the equipment. Therefore, it is better to prepare the material before sawing, and also sharpen and set the cutting tool in a timely manner.

Sawing process

During the sawing process, it is important to ensure a uniform speed of movement of the frame along the log. This will eliminate the possibility idle movement tape and will ensure maximum performance.

Before sawing wood with a high resin content on a band saw, care should be taken to ensure the supply of water or cleaning solution to the cutting area. This will prevent the teeth from sticking and ensure good speed sawed.

After each pass, you should evaluate the quality of the cut and make sure there is no “waviness”, and only then cut the log further. This will allow you to immediately identify problems with equipment setup and eliminate them in a timely manner.

Periodically it is necessary to clean the moving elements of the sawmill from sawdust. This will eliminate unnecessary vibrations during operation of the unit, which can affect the quality of sawing, and will also extend the service life of the units.

In general, sawing on a band sawmill is not difficult; the main thing is to fully adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding operation. You should not neglect the preparatory work, because the performance of the unit directly depends on it.

The tree, along with natural stone, is one of the oldest building materials. Despite the currently present construction market a huge variety of all kinds of artificially created materials, wood is still in constant demand. Wood is a universal and affordable material, and not a single construction project can be completed without its use.

The main raw material for the production of lumber (timbers of various sections, edged and unedged boards, etc.) is a log - freed from branches and twigs, as well as from the thinnest upper part of the tree trunk. Logs can be used as a completely independent building material as pillars, piles, masts, etc., but in most cases they must be sawed to obtain beams and boards. How to cut a log into boards, beams and other lumber will be discussed further.

Sawing logs can be done in various ways:

  • manually, using a saw tool;
  • on sawmills;
  • on woodworking machines and specialized lines.

The price of lumber largely depends on its thickness and the amount of production waste.

In order to make the most efficient use of available raw materials and correctly saw a log, the woodworking industry uses special sawing schemes to reduce the percentage of waste and thus reduce the cost of the final product. Therefore, before cutting a log yourself, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with similar diagrams.

Tools and equipment for sawing logs

Depending on the total number logs, their length, thickness and expected quality of future lumber, used for sawing various instrument and specialized equipment. Quite acceptable for obtaining a small amount of lumber at home manual method processing trunks using chainsaws and conventional hand saws with teeth for longitudinal sawing.

The sawmill is a fairly common type of sawmill equipment. It is a woodworking machine with frame saws, designed for longitudinal cutting of logs to obtain edged boards and timber. Sawmills can process logs with a diameter of 15 to 80 cm and a length of up to 7 m.

Sawing tree trunks on circular saws (circular saws) is carried out using a circular saw. Such machines can be single-saw (single-disc) and multi-saw (multi-disc). Single disk circular saws They work, as a rule, with small sizes and low quality source material. Multi-disc machines are designed for cutting large-diameter round timber.

The most popular currently are the so-called band sawmills, both vertical and horizontal. They use a belt cloth mounted on pulleys as a cutting tool. Band machines provide high-quality longitudinal and mixed sawing of logs into boards and beams with a minimum amount of waste.

Wood sawing lines are used at large enterprises in the production of lumber on an industrial scale. They provide high surface quality and precise geometry of the final product and have the highest productivity.

In addition to the above, other types of highly specialized sawmill equipment are used in the mass production of lumber: debarkers, edgers, band-dividers and other machines.

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Types and methods of cutting logs

Before sawing a log into boards and beams, it is important to choose the most optimal sawing method, which is determined by the size, geometry and surface quality of the future lumber, required technical requirements, as well as the type of wood. By orientation to the growth rings of the trunk, types of sawing can be distinguished. This:

  • radial, carried out precisely along the radius of the growth rings;
  • tangential, when sawing is done tangentially to the growth rings, parallel to one of the radii;
  • parallel-forming, when cutting occurs parallel to the direction of the fibers (this way, a minimum inclination of the fibers in the lumber is achieved).

Depending on the direction of sawing, there are several ways to saw logs:

  • waddling sawing;
  • sawing with beams;
  • segment method;
  • sector method;
  • circular sawing.

Tumble sawing is carried out using several parallel cuts along the entire cross-sectional plane of the log and produces an unedged board and two slabs at the output. Tumble cutting is the most in a simple way processing of logs and is used mainly for cutting round timber hardwood small diameter, since other methods greatly reduce the width of the finished lumber.

Sawing with beams involves cutting out double-edged timber and side boards at the initial stage. The timber is subsequently sawn into edged boards the same width. Up to 60% of all raw materials are cut using lumber. The disadvantage of this method is the need to use two sawmills simultaneously.

The above methods are the main ones. Much less commonly used special methods: sector and segment. When sector sawing, the log is first divided into several fragments - sectors, numbering from 4 to 8, depending on the diameter of the trunk. These sectors are then sawn into boards along radial or tangential directions.

With the segment method, a beam is cut from the central part of the log, leaving two so-called segments on the sides. The resulting segments are then cut into tangential boards.

The circular sawing method is used for individual cutting of logs and allows you to separate healthy wood from damaged wood. When circular sawing, after sawing off another board or several parallel boards, the trunk rotates around the longitudinal axis by 90° each time.

Sawing frozen wood using sawmill equipment is associated with a number of problems that need to be solved. In conditions negative temperatures physicochemical characteristics wood undergoes changes.

Let's consider this problem in the context of work on band saws, because The specificity and type of cutting tool contribute to the greatest difficulties when sawing frozen wood due to the fact that the structural parts freeze unevenly, forming areas of different densities.

Why is sawing more difficult in winter?

Sawing as such is possible when the wood crushed during operation is completely removed from the cutting zone. In other words, for high-quality sawing it is necessary that the volume of the cavity between the teeth accommodate the cut chips, and they are immediately released when exiting the cut.

The degree of chip compaction directly depends on the density of the wood and its hydrothermal characteristics - the higher the moisture content of the wood, the higher the value of the chip compaction coefficient.

When the temperature environment drops to -25 C°, the moisture in the wood structures crystallizes, thereby creating additional resistance to the load produced by the saw teeth during sawing.

What should you pay attention to first?

The key to solving this problem lies in comprehensive measures to prepare the machine, saw and the wood itself for sawing.

1. Prepare the log for sawing!

Soaking and debarking logs to equalize the contrast of density values ​​in the structural parts of wood is a mandatory procedure included in the technological cycle of material preparation during primary wood processing. In Russia it is omitted as “unnecessary”.

Such saws are designed with a reduced radius of curvature at the base of the tooth by 2-3 mm and a stepped shape of the teeth themselves, which protects the sawn surface from sticking wood dust and facilitates easy removal of chips from the cut.

3. Optimal setting of saw teeth is the key to quality sawing

An effective type of tooth set is “complex”: one tooth is set to the right, the second is not set, the third is to the left. This scheme ensures the stability of the saw in the cut and high-quality removal of sawdust.

4. Rolling and forging saws are especially important in winter

The rolling and forging processes not only help eliminate defects in the saw body, but also reduce the value of fatigue wear - this is a good help, because The load on the cutting tool in conditions of negative ambient temperatures is especially high.

Do not forget that the profile of the pulleys must correspond to the saw's rolling parameters.

Fundamental Principle

To summarize, we would like to remind you that the operation of any woodworking equipment is influenced by a combination of many factors. If this is your first time working with frozen wood, we recommend that you contact specialists who can give specific recommendations “on the spot.”

The economic efficiency of sawmill production largely depends on the degree of use of raw materials. Equipment used in production, rational cutting of logs according to optimal deliveries, competent planning of cutting determine efficient use resources and, accordingly, high quality products.

Basic schemes for cutting sawn raw materials

Methods and schemes for cutting logs directly depend on the requirements for the quality and size of the products produced, the characteristics of the raw materials and the type of equipment used.

Basic methods of sawing logs
a - waddle; b - with timber; b’ - with the receipt of two beams; b" - collapse of the beams; c - sector; c’ - sawing the sector into radial boards; c" - on tangential boards; g - segmental; g’ - collapse-segment; g" - timber-segmental; d - circular; 1 - unedged boards; 2 - edged boards; 3 - rack; 4- bars; 5 — parts of logs in the form of sectors; 6 — parts of logs in the form of segments; 7 - single-sided edged boards

Cut the logs waddle consists in its division along parallel planes by one or more cutting tools. This scheme makes it possible to obtain unedged boards with different arrangement of layers relative to the annual layers. The method is rational when cutting logs up to 18 cm in diameter and for sawlogs with curvature of trunks (most often used in cases of cutting birch raw materials, which in 70% of cases have simple or complex curvature).

Unedged boards obtained after tumbling cutting are processed into edged boards or transferred for cutting into unedged blanks.

In case the predominant quantity of finished products must have established dimensions cross section, cutting method is used with timber. This scheme is also used for cutting large-diameter logs in the production of general-purpose lumber.

Sawing with beams is carried out on multi-rip equipment in two passes. At the same time, at the first stage, beams with a thickness equal to the width are obtained from round timber required board. These beams are then divided into boards of the required thickness and size.

For cutting large-sized ridges they use segment and sector methods. It is worth noting that these schemes are specific and are used in special types of production to produce tangential and radial lumber.

Individual cutting of large logs and logs with internal rot is carried out in a circular manner.

Processing of round timber using milling method

The formation of a cross-section of sawn raw materials by milling is carried out by combining this method with sawing. In this case, three main cutting schemes are used:

  • obtaining a double-edged beam at the first node;
  • obtaining unedged boards and double-edged timber on the head machine;
  • obtaining profile beams with dimensions corresponding to the cross-sectional dimensions of edged lumber with the production of boards on one equipment.

Double-edged timber is a semi-finished product for the further production of edged lumber by dividing the timber into boards.

Basic methods of cutting logs by milling
a - production of double-edged timber on the head machine; b - production of double-edged timber and unedged boards; c - obtaining a profile beam; d — obtaining long edged lumber; d - production of edged lumber of various lengths; e - production of edged lumber of various lengths and widths; 1 - lumber zone; 2 - edged lumber; 3 - figured beam; 4 - double-edged beam; 5- unedged lumber

The concept of delivery for sawing round timber

A stand is a set of saws, clamping and inter-saw spacers installed in a saw frame to produce lumber with specified thickness parameters.

In other words, delivery is a plan for cutting sawn raw materials (logs) of uniform quality and size into products of given parameters and quality.

When sawing, waddling is realized by a digital series showing the thickness of the boards being cut in millimeters:


This series of numbers means that two boards 32 mm thick are cut from the central part of the log, and four boards 19 mm thick are cut from the side parts.

When cambering with timbering, for example, the setting is written in two rows of numbers, for sawing logs (first pass) and timber (second pass):

19-19-150-19-19 (first pass);

19-32-40-40-32-19 (second pass).

As in the previous example, these figures mean that on the head machine of the first row, on which the log is sawed, one beam with a thickness of 150 mm and, accordingly, four unedged boards of 19 mm each (two on each side) are obtained, and on the machine of the second rows, the resulting timber is sawn into boards 40, 32 and 19 mm thick.

When sawing logs on single-saw machines, the position determines the cutting order.

Preparation of deliveries

Drawing up a provision essentially means determining optimal sizes and proportions of boards in thickness, ensuring rational use cross section of the log diameter.

Basic rules for drawing up supplies:

  • the positions must be symmetrical;
  • in one set there should not be boards that differ in thickness by less than 5 mm;
  • When drawing up the supply, start with the largest lumber in cross-section;
  • the thickness of the boards should decrease from the axis of the log to the periphery;
  • do not provide for cutting more than two thin (16, 19 mm) boards at the edge of the supply when cutting raw materials on sawmill frames;
  • select the height of the timber on the first pass according to the width of the board thicknesses listed in the specifications;
  • saw the face of the timber sawn on the second pass into boards of equal thickness;
  • when preparing supplies for lumber without specifying specifications, use tabular or graphical methods;
  • when sawing using the beam method, determine the thickness of the beam from the ratio (0.06-0.08) of the top diameter of the log - d;
  • the setting should not exceed the maximum coverage of the log diameter;
  • determine the minimum thickness of the central boards by this table:

Graphic method of drawing up deliveries

It is possible to draw up a rational delivery in accordance with GOSTs without specifying specific cross-sectional dimensions (without assignments in the form of specifications) - using special graphs.

An example of using the chart of maximum thickness of lumber according to P.P. Aksenov

In order to determine the maximum thickness, the distance from the axis of the stand to the inner part of the stand face of the desired board is plotted on the abscissa axis. Then a vertical line is drawn until it intersects with an inclined line that corresponds to a given diameter, and the resulting intersection point is moved to the coordinate axis.

Graph of optimal thickness of lumber according to G.G. Titkov