How to arrange a nursery for a baby. Design of a small nursery - how to arrange a room for a child. Design of the sleep area

How does life become easy when a child goes to play in his room, finds the necessary toys and activities there, and then puts it back in place... what is needed for this? Wait a few years after the birth of the child and - most importantly - arrange a comfortable space for him. The designer told the website about what exactly needs to be done to create a cozy nursery for a girl. family interiors Daria Mikhailova.

Daria, what size is the optimal room for a child in general? It is clear that Russian realities they don’t allow much choice, and often the child doesn’t have his own room at all, but let’s try to talk about ideal layouts.

It is hardly possible to name a specific number of square meters that a child needs for a room. It’s better to think in categories when planning a room for a girl. functional zones. In the children's room, the child is engaged in a wide variety of activities: sleeping, playing, watching TV, working on the computer. In short, the children's room consists of two main areas - for relaxation and for active activities. In the relaxation area, the center is always the bed. But the area of ​​activity changes depending on the age of the child. The preschooler has a place for games, a table and a chair for studying, perhaps sports section. For a student, the main thing in this zone becomes workplace. We must not forget that in children's rooms there should be an area for storing children's things.

In Russian reality, as a rule, the size of a children's room is 9–15 square meters. m. This is quite enough to organize all functional areas, necessary for the child. If you have the opportunity to choose the size of the children's room yourself (you are building a house or you can influence the layout during renovation), then when determining the size of the children's room, I would advise you to proceed from two main factors. First, you need to decide how many children this room is for. And secondly, understand exactly how the child will interact with the room: he plans to only sleep in it or also do creative work, play, watch TV, play the piano.

Everyone is used to the fact that a girl means ruffles, pink bows, sparkles and other princess accessories. How much are they really needed? How do they affect a child's mood?

I can say with confidence that not every girl will like ruffles, pink bows and sparkles. Therefore, when designing a children’s room for a girl, involve your child in this activity - show him the photographs different options, let her choose what she really likes. And then the resulting room will really create a positive mood in the future. The design of any room should respond, first of all, to what the child wants, because all children are different in character and preferences.

At the beginning, we talked about dividing into zones, and it is on the basis of them that lighting should be installed. It would be good to illuminate each of these zones. Most often, one lamp is installed in the center of the room, and several small ones around the perimeter. These could be floor lamps, sconces or other lamps. Also work well Spotlights around the entire perimeter of the room, as children like to play in the far corners. It is necessary that their vision is not threatened.

A girl’s children’s room, as far as I understand, appears when she’s three years old; before that, the child spends most of her time in the same place as her parents, because she doesn’t yet know how to play. How to take into account the interests of a child at different ages?

In the very early age Of course, a changing table and a cozy crib are enough. Which, by the way, may not be in a separate room. The little princess usually gets her own room after a year.

Before the age of three, a child grows very intensively, mastering new skills. The child learns to talk, learns about the world, and determines his preferences. It is at this time that the child acutely experiences everything that happens to him, he gets used to a certain system. And it can even be a tragedy that he, now independent, is unable to do something completely banal, even just put the toy back in its place. To prevent this from happening, parents must provide the most accessible and comfortable room for the baby.

Furniture that should be in every nursery

  • Bed . Children aged 2–7 years can sleep on a safe bed with sides of at least 25 cm.
  • Table . Preferably with height adjustment.
  • Chair . It should have an ergonomic shape and, preferably, height adjustment.
  • Closet . It should be a low cabinet so that the child can put away toys or things himself and get them out. Also, the cabinet should be easy to open - you should use the appropriate fittings. To avoid pinching your fingers, it is better to install limiters.

How to organize a storage system for dolls, soft toys, doll houses, creative objects?

This is very important point: storage system. Of course, a girl should easily take her favorite dolls, but the system is important, there should be no clutter. So that the child is interested in the location of his things and learns to treat them with care, putting them back in place after playing, you can arrange everything in an interesting way. Beautiful boxes, boxes, bright colors. You can use walls, doors, floors, awkward corners. Hinged fabric pockets on the door - what could be more convenient? After all, this space is usually not used.

The most important recommendation that I can give may seem obvious, but it is often neglected by parents: take into account the child’s height, do not place important and often necessary shelves, cabinets, boxes high. A long narrow rack with your favorite clothes, books and toys - perfect solution so that the child can constantly independently get everything he needs for games. Cabinets should be easy to open, but all pull-out drawers should have good fittings and limiters.

Let's look at a couple of examples of already designed and implemented nursery ideas for girls. What and how were they invented?

Since childhood, the girl has dreamed of being in a real fairy tale. Bring a fairy tale to life real life, giving her the comfort in which she will live day after day is quite simple if you plan the room correctly. Here are just three obvious examples.

Timeless classic

Let's assume that your apartment is decorated in classic style. Then the nursery will look about the same. This the design is suitable for those who see a subtle creative nature in their daughter. If a girl is interested in art and literature, she wants to be a real lady, then this type of design is for her. In this case, you can use furniture made of wood, always in a natural color.

If you intend to completely style the room, you can use curtains or a canopy over the crib. Large ones are suitable as accessories. family photos or portraits of a daughter, a massive “not for children” chandelier, Roman blinds on the windows.

Shabby Chic Option

There is such a style as shabby chic. It will fit well even into an apartment where all other rooms have a minimalist design. Because a child’s room is a place for fantasies; they can be realized by introducing elements of shabby chic. This style appeared in England after the war, when the interior was created according to the principle “I made you out of what was there.” Today, the understanding of style has expanded, but the basis remains - shabby furniture, a combination of modernity and classics. Main colors used - pastel shades pink, blue, gray - girls will like them. They can be used when choosing wallpaper or paint for the walls, or you can place accents using curtains or other textiles.

Option "Minimalism"

What needs no introduction is minimalism. Space, light, lines! Of course, this does not mean that you need to remove coziness and dolls. On the contrary, from furniture, choose only the essentials - a bed, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers and a desk. Let the rest of the space become a platform for creativity and games.

As it turns out, creating a girl’s paradise in ten square meters is quite difficult. But if you make an effort and listen to the advice of experienced experts, you can instill in your child a love for his personal space. And maybe even if you plan convenient system storage, then teach them to put away toys before bedtime. After all, it is the dolls and books laid out in an even layer that often interfere with the perception of what a girl’s nursery actually looks like.

Photos of girl's room interiors

How is a child’s room different from other rooms in the house? The obvious answer is that a child lives in it. This imposes its own requirements on the materials used and the interior design of a nursery for a boy or girl, for a toddler or a teenager. And for children it replaces the playroom, office and bedroom. Therefore, without proper zoning and selection of furniture, especially in small room, there's no way around it. Finally, the design of the room can and should reflect the character and interests of the child and help develop them.

The good and bad of a small nursery

A small area is not always a bad thing. A small nursery also has its advantages:

  • Small rooms are perceived as more comfortable than spacious ones. This is important for a child’s room.
  • Even a small nursery is better than no nursery. This is the child’s personal space that he needs to have.
  • The shape of such rooms is often not too elongated, which makes their arrangement easier.
  • It will be easier for the child to learn order and cleanliness. Because such a room is both easier and necessary to keep clean, otherwise it will become cluttered and uncomfortable

The disadvantages of a small children's room are obvious:

  • It is difficult to place all the necessary pieces of furniture and decor in it.
  • There may be no room left for outdoor games at all.
  • It will be inconvenient to receive guests in such a room

Given this, it is important to approach the design of the room wisely. If you overload it with accessories and interior items, it can become like a pantry.

Interior style of a room for children and teenagers

The design of a nursery for a boy and a girl will differ in color and style. When choosing a style, it is important to take into account not only the tastes of the parents, but also the hobbies of the children. Let's look at several popular interior design trends for a child's room.


This modern style is a compromise. Teens and parents will love it. What is important is that it is well suited for a small room. The main features of minimalism are the absence of details in interior decor, laconicism and functionality. The design is dominated by light colors. Common design technique- creating color contrasts - for example, dark floors and light walls and ceiling. Are used glossy surfaces, plastic along with natural materials.

High tech

The main difference between high-tech and minimalism is the active use of technology. Its characteristic materials are chromed metal, plastic, glass. Current colors- white, gray, metallic. High-tech loves the right ones geometric shapes, smooth lines also have a place in it. This interior is more suitable for boys. Using this style, you can play on many themes - for example, decorate a room in the form of a laboratory, an airplane cockpit or a spaceship.


Country or rustic style is suitable for a child of any gender. It is distinguished by exquisite simplicity. Along with other natural materials, wood is still the main one. The furniture is made from it and the finishing is done. Country also means an abundance of textiles used as furniture upholstery and decorative items. The color scheme is dominated by brown and wood shades. This interior creates a unique feeling of home warmth and comfort.


An interior in this style is ideal for a girl or girl. Provence is called French country. His calling card is floral designs and delicate pastel shades. Otherwise, it is similar to country and is distinguished by sophistication, the use of natural finishing materials, wooden furniture, which is decorated with carved elements.

It is also well suited for decorating a nursery. It is characterized by features of minimalism, but without strict laconicism. Current colors are white, creamy as the main one, and bright colors are used to create color spots that make the interior unique.

Scandinavian style is an abundance of light. That's why the windows don't close heavy curtains. Main finishing material a tree protrudes. An interior in this style does not seem boring, while at the same time remaining calm and cozy.


This design style will appeal to teenagers. Business card loft - rough brickwork or its imitation, ceiling beams, exposed communications, rough finishing, natural materials. Loft loves high ceilings And free space. It is difficult to implement this in a small room, but many loft features can still coexist in it. You can use a suspended ceiling for visual increase rooms. It is better not to cover the windows with curtains, but to use light modern pleated curtains or blinds.

Photo gallery: room design for a child in various styles

The interior of the children's room is made in a modern style with a suspended ceiling
High-tech in children's room design
The area of ​​the room in Scandinavian style was increased due to the loggia
Beautiful carved furniture, delicate floral patterns are inherent in the Provence style Room for a teenager in a loft style
Minimalism is the minimum of everything: colors, furniture, decor
Bright combinations flowers enliven the minimalist interior of the room
Comfort and peace of country interior
Small checks are typical for the Provence style An example of a nursery design in country style for two children

How to organize space - planning and zoning

In the interior of a child's room, ideally, three zones should be distinguished: work, play and relaxation. In a small room you can leave only two of them. Depending on the age of the child, this can be a recreation area and a work area or a recreation area and a play area. In a girl's room, you need to provide a place for a toilet.

To highlight zones, you can use design techniques:

  1. Use spot lighting, floor and hanging lamps, LED lighting
  2. Use different flooring and podiums for individual areas
  3. Multi-level ceiling in the room
  4. Glass and lightweight partitions
  5. Combining the described techniques

Partitions in a room are often used for zoning, for example, to separate a relaxation area from a work area.

The combination of a multi-level suspended ceiling with lighting is also a popular zoning technique in a children's room.

Selecting the color scheme

The child's psyche is extremely sensitive to environment, and vision acutely perceives colors and shades. That is why soft, calm tones should prevail in a room for a child under two years old. Bright colors and bold designs will be appropriate in later life.

Ideal color combinations for your baby

One of these is a combination of neutral blue tones with soft yellow shades. These colors create a feeling of security and comfort. For example, walls painted in a calm blue tone go well with a classic white ceiling and wood floor color. Yellow shades decorative items and furniture add warmth and comfort to the interior.

The combination of sky blue with light tones in the interior creates a cheerful atmosphere in the room.

The wood color of a floor finished with parquet or laminate is also a good solution for a nursery, since wood has a good therapeutic effect - it calms, creates a feeling of warmth and comfort, closeness to nature.

At a slightly older age - from the age of four - you can actively use bright colors in the interior to create accents - red, green, yellow, blue. But it is better to avoid transitions to black colors in the nursery - such a design will have a depressing effect.

Two-color combinations

Two-color combinations in children's design in most cases are a good decision. The ceiling can be painted in White color or color Ivory, the floor should be finished with parquet, laminate or linoleum with a wood pattern. Walls and pieces of furniture and decor are the elements for which we will select colors.

Good solutions in a girl’s room would be combinations of light green and sand, soft lilac with a gray palette, green and pink.

In boys' rooms you can use shades of blue and moderate blue. Too much blue light can cause depression. However, small accents promote rest and relaxation.

Decoration of walls, floors and ceilings

Not all finishing and Construction Materials Suitable for decorating a children's room. Let's consider the most successful options.


As flooring Cork is popular for children. It is eco-friendly and warm material, and most importantly - soft. He is not afraid of moisture.

Another popular material is laminate. It is easy to clean, highly durable, and looks beautiful. Laminate flooring is easy to install and is most suitable for underfloor heating systems.

You can also use parquet boards as flooring in the nursery. It is less noisy than laminate. It can also be laid with my own hands. Parquet board easily restores its appearance using varnish and sanding.


IN modern practice popular ceiling solutions are suspended and tensile structures. Dropped ceilings Drywall can be made multi-level, and also create a variety of shapes. PVC stretch ceilings raise concerns among some parents regarding their health safety. High-quality canvas does not pose a threat to the child. By using suspended ceilings you can create design masterpieces - for example, starry sky or clouds.

A common option is a combination of suspended and suspended ceilings.


The simplest option for decorating walls is wallpapering. Since all children love to draw, it is better not to use expensive wallpaper in the nursery, so that if necessary, they can be easily replaced.

In addition to wallpaper, there are several ways to give your child’s room a fabulous and unusual look: painting the walls in different colors, decoration with ornaments, use of photo wallpapers, drawings.

Furniture for a children's room-bedroom

When choosing furniture for a nursery, two basic rules apply: it must be safe and functional in order to save space in the room. Therefore, sharp corners should be avoided and the use of metal parts should be limited.

Common pieces of furniture are a desk and a bed. Bed with drawers will fit well into the design of the nursery and help free up additional space. Boxes can be used to store toys. You can diversify the interior with poufs and frameless pear chairs.

The location of the furniture needs to be thought out based on the existing conditions and zoning. Working area with desk It is ideal to arrange it opposite the window or so that it is on the side. When sitting at the table, the child should not have his back to the door. On the contrary, it is better not to place the bed directly under a window or next to a heating radiator.


High-quality textiles for children's rooms are an integral part of the interior. It creates a feeling of warmth and comfort. Textiles should be bright, but at the same time harmonize with the color scheme of the room.

Lighting and decor

IN modern interior lighting plays not only a functional, but also an aesthetic role. This is also true for children's rooms. With the help of light you can create an amazing atmosphere in your child's room.

It is necessary to consider not only the main lighting, but also the night lighting. Today the market offers a variety of night lamps of all shapes and types.

Particular attention should be paid to natural light, which is so necessary for the child. There should be quite a lot of it. Therefore, it is better if the children’s windows face south.


Decorating a nursery is a challenge for parents' imagination. Decorative elements in the nursery correspond to the theme of the design. For example, for the room of a young sailor, ropes are suitable, Lifebuoy, ship's wheel and so on. The room of a little princess can be decorated with cartoon characters, flowers, and butterflies.

Large and small would be appropriate in the nursery Stuffed Toys- animals, cartoon characters, various objects, etc.

Photo gallery: small nursery for a girl

Calm interior in brown and chocolate tones, enlivened by green, blue and white colors
Children's room modern style: if there is no other way out, it is allowed to place the bed next to the window
Interior of a nursery for a girl in Scandinavian style
Accommodation option working area on the podium
Children's interior for two girls
Interior in pink tones for young princesses
Photo prints with cartoon characters decorate a girl's room
Minimalistic interior of a room for a teenage girl
Provence style is popular for decorating children's rooms for girls
Accessories, musical instruments, the design of the room matches the personality and interests of a teenage girl or girl

Photo gallery: small nursery for a boy

Room of a young discoverer and traveler
Decorating a room for two boys
Option beautiful finishes floor in a teenager's room
A bed in the shape of a racing car along with other details will help decorate the room of a young racer
Boy's room in a modern style
An example of highlighting different functional areas in a children's room
Room for young athletes
Bright interior design of a nursery for two boys
Restrained stylish interior rooms for teenagers
Interior of a young football player's room in minimalist style

How to arrange a small nursery for two or three children?

The peculiarity of the interior of a room for several children is that parents need to find a compromise based on their interests and gender. For children of different genders you need to choose a neutral color scheme, which is suitable for both boys and girls. This can be a light background in combination with green, yellow, purple shades. If the children are of the same sex, the choice task color design simplified.

An integral attribute of a room for three children is a bunk bed. In the case of two children, and if space allows, you can put two regular beds in the nursery. To save space, you can use beds with drawers.

Photo gallery: small room for two, three children

Minimal amount necessary furniture in a nursery for two boys will save space
Selection play area in a nursery for two children using a podium

What should a child's room be like? Beautiful, but at the same time cozy and safe. Here the baby gets acquainted with the world around him and begins to develop, so some important details need to be taken into account in the interior.

Psychologically, a child's room plays a serious role in the development of a child's individuality. Taking this into account, parents need to approach its arrangement with all responsibility. The task is not easy: in one room you need to place an area for sleeping, playing, studying, and you also need some kind of “lost things corner” and “laboratory”. What is this, why does the baby need all this? Read our article.

1. Mirror

Psychologists strongly recommend placing a mirror or dressing table in the rooms of both girls and boys. It will allow the child to view himself from different angles. A mirror will help your baby form a correct idea of ​​his appearance and normal self-esteem, and will also teach him to be neat.

“We are just finishing up making a nursery for our four-year-old girl, and what I want to say is that a mirror in the nursery is not only necessary, but necessary!

We must not forget that this is a children's room, so everything should be reliable and safe, but also convenient for the child. After all, this is very good and necessary for a child, so that she can always look at herself in the mirror, preen herself when going out, and learn to comb her hair herself. After all, from early childhood, a child develops a taste, so there is no need to prohibit painting lips with children’s lipstick, but you need to show the child how to do it so that she is beautiful and not funny, and knows how to do it.

In our case, we placed a mirror in one cabinet door and an additional dressing table, the size of the room allows us to do this since there is a lot of space, it turned out very original, tasteful, beautiful.”

We also read:

Let's watch the video: is a Mirror necessary in the Children's Room?

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

2. “Corner of Lost Things”

Such a zone in the nursery will allow parents to instill composure in their child (by the way, not only the child’s composure, but also your own!). This is where household members will bring items that were out of place. So, perhaps, among them you will find not only children's things, but also mom's cream or dad's socks. What is not mutual control in action? Such visibility will give a hundred points ahead to any pedagogical instructions.

3. “Bag of good deeds”

You can make such a bag together with your baby and decorate it with embroidery or appliqué. A bright box painted with funny pictures will also work. Place large buttons or small cubes or beads nearby different colors. Bright ones will indicate good deeds, dark ones will indicate bad deeds.

At 2-3 years old, a child already knows what is good and what is bad. And, for sure, you have talked about this more than once. But words alone are not enough with children. The bag will allow you to demonstrate this clearly. So, if your baby feeds the dog or washes his mug, place a bright button in the bag. If he hit another child on the playground or refused to clean up scattered toys, mark such actions with a dark button.

Be sure to explain why certain actions are considered good or bad. After talking with your baby, make sure he understands everything. (If a child argues with you, does not agree, listen to his point of view, express yours, because at this moment it is extremely important for parents not to dictate something, but to come to an agreement so that the child really understands you.) At the end of the week, arrange a family debriefing. : Place buttons on the table and count them.

4. Laboratory

Children will learn the world every minute. These are little explorers who study toys and various objects around them. If a child is interested in how his car works, why it drives, how and what it is made of, why the clock is ticking all the time, and what is this screw for and why doesn’t it go back into place? Parents should be happy that if a child asks you these questions, it means he is developing normally.

You can create a whole laboratory in the nursery, it’s not difficult. Place a couple of shelves or drawers, and in them store things that might be interesting for the baby: a magnifying glass, binoculars, magnets, a calculator, a broken home phone - whatever. Add new things periodically, explaining what they are for and how they work (not forgetting to remove the ones that are already used and in which the child has lost interest).

5. Lost and Found

To arrange this area, not only a closet, but also a bookcase or simple shelf, where you can put items found by your child or other family members. It can be beautiful leaves, colored candy wrappers, pebbles, etc. Findings and talking about them will help develop your child’s powers of observation, imagination, sense of beauty and spoken language. Therefore, talk about the finds, ask the baby to explain why they liked them so much, what they look like.

Arrangement children's room - a very difficult and responsible task. The designers who were entrusted with the design of the nursery, or the parents who decided to equip the room on their own, face whole line requirements for safety, environmental friendliness, etc. With so many tips and restrictions, it’s easy to get confused and make mistakes.

We have prepared a list of the most common mistakes made when arranging a schoolchild's nursery that should be avoided:

1. Overclutter the space with furniture. In the children's room you need to leave enough space for games and communication with friends. Instead of installing another chest of drawers or ordering a huge closet, think - perhaps you can use other storage options: use niches under the sofa, space under the bed, or place shelves in the closet more functionally and arrange books on the rack more compactly. 1

Better: A child's room with plenty of space for play and entertainment

2. Use complex design elements. For example, in the past, such a favorite technique among many designers as complex multi-level ceiling made of plasterboard, literally hanging over the sleeping area, is absolutely inappropriate in a nursery. Some of these unnecessary design elements include: decorative niches and (equipped with lighting, they will look much more appropriate in living rooms), arches(to ensure privacy, it is better to install a door in the children's room) and other purely decorative techniques that do not carry a functional load.

Better: a children's room with functional niches, shelving and other useful elements


3. Buy furniture that is too expensive. Yes, parents often want to show others that they don’t mind anything for their baby and expensive furniture, brought from Italy, is worthy of their future excellent student. BUT in the end, the baby will constantly hear: “be careful, don’t scratch”, “don’t climb on this sofa with your feet”, “no, you can’t stick your drawings or a poster of your favorite band on this wallpaper” and so on. There is no need to turn the nursery into an exhibition of parents’ capabilities; this is a “living” room that will grow with the child, and the interior here will have to be changed quite often.

Better: a “living” nursery that changes with the child

4. Buy furniture “to grow.” Making a room for a child too old - “we won’t change anything until he finishes school” - is certainly very economical, but a faceless room in which the child doesn’t like anything is unlikely to make him happy. Try to involve your child in choosing furniture as much as possible, listen to his wishes when choosing a color, and take into account his preferences when decorating the nursery.

Better: children's room, arranged according to age


5. Ignore the interests of the child when arranging the nursery. A themed nursery is much more interesting than a faceless, “gray” room like everyone else’s. Choose a theme that is close to the child and apply its main attributes in the nursery decor. If the child is very enthusiastic and often changes his preferences, it is better to use it with replaceable accessories.


Better: Themed Children's Room


And most importantly, when arranging a room for a schoolchild, be sure to listen to his opinion. He is no longer a baby and is able to decide for himself which wallpaper he likes best and what color sofa he wants. Absolute freedom should not be provided, but providing a choice from several options is simply necessary. For example, you can say “choose which of these two chairs you like best.” In this case, the child will have a feeling of involvement in the interior design of his room and he will treat it attentively and in an adult manner.

A children's room is a rather specific room, the arrangement of which will require certain skills, knowledge and abilities. So, it is worth considering that this is where the child can spend absolutely all his time. free time. Efficiency of use of each square meter children's room - this is the main task that needs to be set when starting to arrange this room.

When trying to create a living space for a child, it is necessary to take into account many nuances, and if we're talking about about several kids living in one room - the task becomes several times more complicated. It is worth considering not only the location of the study table, but also the direction of lighting, maximum efficiency use of every square meter of the children's room.

When arranging a nursery, it may also be difficult to divide the space when two or even three children live in one room. In this case, rational zoning of the room may be necessary in order to provide each child with a proper place for study, sports and recreation. In addition, each child is individual and it is worth taking into account his preferences and hobbies, creating maximum conditions for the development of his growing personality.

The most difficult task that accompanies the arrangement of a children's room is dynamics. Children grow up quite quickly and in a few years, all the toys, dolls and trains will be hidden in the closet, and new hobbies will appear that will completely displace old passions. Therefore, it is also worth considering that your child is growing and developing. When it comes to choosing the color, shape of the bed, size of the furniture, you need to look broadly, understanding that in a few years your baby will cease to be the little one he is now, or a daring teenager will soon realize his place in society and will not want to live in the room with black walls and rock star posters.


The color scheme of a children's room can be one of the most important issues. Quite often, the color is chosen according to the gender of the child - boy blue room. For the girl - pink. However, if we consider this issue more deeply, it becomes clear that the baby, in principle, does not care what the color of the walls in his room is, children preschool age can also rejoice at such, quite bright color solutions, but when the child grows up, he may develop his own tastes, hobbies, etc. Therefore, in order to give room for thought and further arrangement of the room (in the distant future), it is better to choose a neutral color scheme.

Light beige tones always look impressive in a room for any purpose. The same can be said about the nursery. In addition, light colors will make the room even lighter and airier, visually expanding the walls of the room and making it larger.


Choosing furniture is a difficult, but quite feasible issue. To begin with, the most important thing is the bed. There may be several options here that differ not only in pricing, manufacturer and external characteristics, but also in the important criterion- design. Design features various types beds can allow you to save space in the room or successfully hide some of its shortcomings.

You might think about bunk bed, if two children live in this room, or buy two separate ones, but pay attention to the presence of drawers under the bed where you can store everything you need. These two options are considered the most effective in terms of saving living space in a children's room.

Table. A child’s desk will be the main place where he will gain knowledge, do homework, or just read. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the child with the most comfortable working space. It's worth remembering a large number of drawers and shelves where notebooks and other educational supplies will be stored.

There is a chair next to the desk. He plays one of the most important roles in the formation of children's perseverance. Therefore, pay attention to the quality of this chair - its back should maximize the child’s posture. In addition, again remembering that the child grows quite quickly - take a close look at the design of the chair - it should be able to adapt to the physiological characteristics of your child's body and serve him even when he grows up a little.

Closet. One of essential elements children's room, because this is where children's things, toys, and even some secrets will be kept. Therefore, it is worth finding or building the most capacious closet, with a large number of different shelves, hangers and other things. This will not only allow you to keep the room in order, but will also teach your child that every thing has its own place.


Of course, arranging a children's room with your own hands simply needs to start with preliminary planning. And before you buy furniture, choose a color, or decide on a design concept for the design, pay attention to the features of the room you will be furnishing.

Having considered all the nuances, you can determine the location of the main zones in the children's room - study, play and relaxation areas. This zoning is easiest to do as follows - the most better lighting for study, cozy corner- for relaxation, and the rest of the space is for games.

Little children's room

Children's rooms are often not fun large sizes and that is why quite a few problems can arise in their situation. In this case, the most beneficial is to use the most efficient furniture.

Sliding wardrobes, bunk beds or even folding beds allow you to maximize the living space of the room, without at all reducing the ease of use of these pieces of furniture.


Modern design of children's rooms: