Design of a small nursery - how to arrange a room for a child. Arrangement of a children's room with your own hands Equipping a children's room

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A schoolchild's room is a multifunctional space. It should be convenient to study, play, sleep, meet friends, do creative work and store many things. At the same time, I want it to be cozy and easily change as the child grows up.

From this material you will learn how to arrange a schoolchild’s room from scratch or transform an existing interior, and also get ideas from a selection of 60 photos of rooms for boys and girls aged 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 years old.

It is advisable to plan a student’s room so that the play, sleeping and study areas are visually and/or physically separated from each other. This is necessary so that, firstly, the child is not distracted from his studies, and secondly, so that the interior looks orderly.

Below are several examples of how you can divide the space into working and “living” parts.

Another way to create a sense of privacy at your study desk is to simply add a room divider. Reverse side partitions can be used as a drawing area.

In the following photos you can see the interior of a schoolboy boy’s room, in which a partition with sliding doors is isolated game Zone, and the table and bed are placed in the same space.

If you don’t want to share the room, place the gaming corner behind the desk or to the side, but not too close. So the child simply will not see his favorite toys, which means he will be less exposed to temptations.

This technique is a win-win if you want to decorate a schoolchild’s/schoolgirl’s room for growth. When the time comes for change, you can update the interior without making renovations, but only by replacing furniture, curtains or decor. Besides, neutral shades good because they do not interfere with study, games, or sleep. Well, to prevent the room from being too boring, the interior just needs to be diluted with color accents.

  • The most versatile wall shade is soft white. Other great tones: beige, light grey, grey-green, grey-blue.

This selection of photos shows the interiors of schoolgirls’ and schoolchildren’s rooms, decorated in neutral colors.

Tip 3. Decorate your work area with colors that promote concentration and brain activity

Here is a list of flowers that will decorate the interior and help with your studies:

  • Yellow;
  • Green (not too bright);
  • Orange;
  • Blue;
  • Brown.

Use all the listed paints (except green) in large quantities or throughout the room is not advisable. So, for example, yellow and orange begin to irritate with prolonged exposure, and blue risks “freezing” the room.

How to correctly use this advice in practice? Just hang a calendar, map, class schedule or other on the wall near your desk. necessary materials in the colors listed above. You can also put a colored organizer for stationery on the table, and boxes for papers on the shelves.

It is very important to choose work furniture for a student's room according to height. And since schoolchildren grow very quickly, it is most rational to buy a transforming table with adjustable height and tilt of the tabletop, as well as a chair with adjustable seat height.

Below is a table to help you choose the height of your desk.

If you already have a table, but it does not correspond to the child’s height, buy a children’s “office” chair and place a stand under your feet (it can be made from thick books and extended if necessary).

  • The correct tabletop height is just below chest level (2-3 cm). Please note that your hands should rest on the table freely, without tension. Below in the memo there are other tips for arranging a student’s study table.

You can read more about arranging a schoolchild’s workplace in our article:.

Tip 5: Create even lighting and choose the right table lamp

When arranging a student’s room, it is important to plan the lighting correctly. It should be uniform, not dull and not too bright. Ideally, the central chandelier should be complemented or completely along the entire perimeter of the ceiling.

If the renovation has already been done, then floor lamps and table lamps can complement the chandelier.

  • Remember that reading and doing homework only in overhead lighting is harmful to a child’s vision. The desk must have a lamp with adjustable height and tilt, as well as a lampshade/shade. Light bulb in table lamp An LED with a white matte coating (so that the light does not blind the eyes) and a power of 60 W is desirable.

The light source should be on the left if the child is right-handed and on the right if the child is left-handed.

The same rule applies to daylight, so ideally the table should be placed not parallel to the window, but perpendicular.

Children up to about 10-12 years old still need games, so the design of the play area also needs to be given a lot of attention. Moreover, it is games that help children best assimilate knowledge. Here are some ideas for arranging a developing play space:

  • A magnetic board on which the child can form words from magnetic letters. When the child grows up, the board can be used to display drawings, certificates, photographs, etc.

  • Table for playing chess, assembling construction sets, modeling, drawing, assembling mosaics, and handicrafts.
  • Mini theater with curtain and stage.

  • Railway.
  • Toy piano.

And so that the child can relax, warm up and give himself a “break”, it would be good, namely:

  • Swedish wall;
  • Home climbing wall;
  • Basketball hoop;
  • A gymnastic ball.

Globe, geographic map, interior numbers and letters, pictures from botanical or ethnographic atlases, model solar system, reproductions of great paintings - all this will be useful for the child’s education and, at the same time, will decorate the interior. True, you shouldn’t go overboard with educational decor either, because a student’s room is not only an office, but also a bedroom.

Below is a selection of photo examples of how you can decorate a schoolchild’s/schoolgirl’s room.

You should not put certificates, medals and cups in a box; it is better to collect them in one place and arrange them beautifully. It is better to frame especially important diplomas, diplomas and certificates.

An achievement corner can be placed on the top shelf above the desk, on the shelf of a bookshelf, or above the bed.

It’s good when a child has his own library and a nice reading corner - this makes it easier to instill in the child an interest in reading.

  • You can choose a bookcase that is narrow so as not to take up much space in the room, and in addition to books, it should be decorated with cute little things - figurines, favorite toys, photo frames, etc.

Tip 10. Organize a storage system for school things and clothes

Here are tips to help you organize the storage of things in your student’s room and teach your child to maintain order:

  • Distribute notebooks, textbooks, stationery, reference books, etc. according to the principle “the more necessary, the closer.” Thus, notebooks and textbooks should be in the top drawer of the nightstand or on the nearest shelf. If the child is right-handed, then the working cabinet/bedside table should be placed on the right; if the child is left-handed, then on the left.
  • Most comfortable for a child wardrobe– narrow (about 40 cm deep), with a bar installed at eye level, drawers that close smoothly and cannot be pulled out completely. It's great if the wardrobe has lighting.

  • The wardrobe can be replaced with a chest of drawers (it is more convenient for a child) and supplemented with a cute hanger for clothes that cannot be wrinkled, including school uniforms.
  • When setting up a play area, get rid of toys that the child has already outgrown, and organize a storage system for the remaining things: divide them into categories and store them in labeled containers/baskets.
  • Teach your child to put things in their place, not to accumulate rubbish, and also to put things not in piles, but... folded into rectangles or at least rolls and arranged vertically. Take a look at our article about and learn other useful tricks.
  • In a small student room you need to use non-standard places storage and multifunctional furniture. So, for example, you should choose a bed with drawers or with a headboard with shelves. Instead of a bedside table, you can hang a pocket for a book and a bottle of water on the side of the bed. A couple of shelves will also come in handy (they can be hung above the bed, desk, above the door and even above the window).

What should a child's room be like? Beautiful, but at the same time cozy and safe. Here the baby gets acquainted with the world around him and begins to develop, so some important details need to be taken into account in the interior.

Psychologically, a child's room plays a serious role in the development of a child's individuality. Taking this into account, parents need to approach its arrangement with all responsibility. The task is not easy: in one room you need to place an area for sleeping, playing, studying, and you also need some kind of “lost things corner” and “laboratory”. What is this, why does the baby need all this? Read our article.

1. Mirror

Psychologists strongly recommend placing a mirror or dressing table in the rooms of both girls and boys. It will allow the child to view himself from different angles. A mirror will help your baby form a correct idea of ​​his appearance and normal self-esteem, and will also teach him to be neat.

“We are just finishing up making a nursery for our four-year-old girl, and what I want to say is that a mirror in the nursery is not only necessary, but necessary!

We must not forget that this is a children's room, so everything should be reliable and safe, but also convenient for the child. After all, this is very good and necessary for a child, so that she can always look at herself in the mirror, preen herself when going out, and learn to comb her hair herself. After all, from early childhood, a child develops a taste, so there is no need to prohibit painting lips with children’s lipstick, but you need to show the child how to do it so that she is beautiful and not funny, and knows how to do it.

In our case, we placed a mirror in one cabinet door and an additional dressing table, the size of the room allows us to do this since there is a lot of space, it turned out very original, tasteful, beautiful.”

We also read:

Let's watch the video: is a Mirror necessary in the Children's Room?

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Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

2. “Corner of Lost Things”

Such a zone in the nursery will allow parents to instill composure in their child (by the way, not only the child’s composure, but also your own!). This is where household members will bring items that were out of place. So, perhaps, among them you will find not only children's things, but also mom's cream or dad's socks. What is not mutual control in action? Such visibility will give a hundred points ahead to any pedagogical instructions.

3. “Bag of good deeds”

You can make such a bag together with your baby and decorate it with embroidery or appliqué. A bright box painted with funny pictures will also work. Place large buttons or small cubes or beads nearby different colors. Bright ones will indicate good deeds, dark ones will indicate bad deeds.

At 2-3 years old, a child already knows what is good and what is bad. And, for sure, you have talked about this more than once. But words alone are not enough with children. The bag will allow you to demonstrate this clearly. So, if your baby feeds the dog or washes his mug, place a bright button in the bag. If he hit another child on the playground or refused to clean up scattered toys, mark such actions with a dark button.

Be sure to explain why certain actions are considered good or bad. After talking with your baby, make sure he understands everything. (If a child argues with you, does not agree, listen to his point of view, express yours, because at this moment it is extremely important for parents not to dictate something, but to come to an agreement so that the child really understands you.) At the end of the week, arrange a family debriefing. : Place buttons on the table and count them.

4. Laboratory

Children will learn the world every minute. These are little explorers who study toys and various objects around them. If a child is interested in how his car works, why it drives, how and what it is made of, why the clock is ticking all the time, and what is this screw for and why doesn’t it go back into place? Parents should be happy that if a child asks you these questions, it means he is developing normally.

You can create a whole laboratory in the nursery, it’s not difficult. Place a couple of shelves or drawers, and in them store things that might be interesting for the baby: a magnifying glass, binoculars, magnets, a calculator, a broken home phone - whatever. Add new things periodically, explaining what they are for and how they work (not forgetting to remove the ones that are already used and in which the child has lost interest).

5. Lost and Found

To arrange this area, not only a closet, but also a bookcase or simple shelf, where you can put items found by your child or other family members. It can be beautiful leaves, colored candy wrappers, pebbles, etc. Findings and talking about them will help develop your child’s powers of observation, imagination, sense of beauty and spoken language. Therefore, talk about the finds, ask the baby to explain why they liked them so much, what they look like.

Over time, every family has a child. Then adults begin to be interested in the question of how to furnish a children's room. Parents will do everything to create a comfortable and comfortable environment for the baby. cozy atmosphere. To achieve the desired result, you need to take into account some factors.

Room interior

When arranging a room for a baby Special attention are given to the interior. A properly furnished interior will create all the conditions for a child’s normal rest and play. First of all, this concerns color design. Soft bedding colors are ideal for a child's room. Experts recommend careful use bright colors, since they have a negative impact on psychological state child. They are capable of invoking aggression and spoiling the mood.

Of course, bright colors allow you to set accents in the interior. A good option would be a colorful rug, an original lamp or bright decorative pillows that will attract the baby's gaze. The main thing is that such interior elements are selected carefully and in moderation.

As for wall decoration, then the best option This will be the wallpaper. When choosing, take into account not only the shade, but also the pattern. For young children, wallpapers depicting cartoon characters will be interesting. For older children you can choose Decoration Materials with cars or boats.

A good option would be to decorate one wall with photo wallpaper with a bright picture. If we're talking about about a room for a girl, there should be romantic and fairy-tale motifs.

As flooring Linoleum and materials that are easy to clean are widely used. To make your baby feel comfortable on the floor, you should use rugs. Today on the market you can find original products depicting various heroes. It is also worth thinking about installing heated floors. To decorate the window opening, curtains made from natural materials are used. They should not be massive, as this contributes to the accumulation of dust.

Well suited for children's products with various patterns and designs. The main thing is that they are optimally combined with wall decoration and furniture.

Children's furniture

Furniture and other items in the room need to be arranged correctly. It is necessary to create enough space for active games and free movement of the child. Today, room zoning is widely used. So, in the room you can select an area for relaxation, play and study.

As for furniture, it is better to pay attention to durable and quality products, which are easy to clean. When arranging a room, you should adhere to minimalism in objects. This is especially true for rooms with small area. The nursery must have a bed, a wardrobe and a desk. If the area allows, then you can install a chest of drawers. Furniture is usually installed along the walls. This will leave the center for games.

When choosing furniture, consider its functionality. Available on the market wide choose combined furniture. Such products take up little space and at the same time have high functionality.

On video: organization of space in the children's room.

Arrangement of a room for a boy

In a boy’s children’s room you can equip a sports corner. The choice here is quite extensive: horizontal bar, wall bars or other sports facilities. Such an equipped corner will become ideal place to waste accumulated energy, not to mention the fact that such a zone will strengthen the child’s physical health.

You can arrange a room in a car or marine theme. At the same time, it is taken into account that boys are interested in functional objects. Beauty doesn't really matter here.

If the child is a girl

When decorating a room for a girl, it is worth considering an option with fairy tale themes. Using a canopy, ruffles and other textiles will make her feel like a real princess. A good option would be to install a small dressing table or mirror with a beautiful frame. You can place original shelves on the walls, which are ideal for storing dolls, toys, photo frames and other trinkets.

Arrangement of a children's room – this is quite difficult process. The main task is to create a cozy and comfortable environment. You need to start by drawing up a design project. This is especially true for small rooms. With the help of the project, it will be possible to effectively use every meter of space. Therefore, it is best to contact professionals with this question.

IN small apartment It’s very difficult to select a light color for a child’s room. spacious room However, by properly organizing the space, you can create a cozy living space for one or even two children in a small room.

Organization of space

The layout of a small children's room will require combining some areas and choosing the most functional furniture.

What you can’t refuse even in the tightest of spaces:

  • from full sleeping place– not a sofa, but a bed, if the baby has not yet reached adolescence;
  • from the storage area - at least a small wardrobe or chest of drawers, but it must be in the room.

In addition, the room needs a place for games and creative activities, a work area - when the baby becomes a schoolchild. To properly organize the area, some zones will have to be combined:

  • install a loft bed, and use the lower space for installation desk or sofa, creating a corner for games;
  • use the height of the room: remove the bed into a podium on which to organize workplace schoolchild;
  • install corner cupboard for clothes, choose a bed with lower drawers, allowing you to store at least bedding in them.

Important! A bunk bed can be installed in a nursery only if the ceiling level is not lower than two meters: otherwise there may be a lack of oxygen; the air above is warmer and drier than below. This microclimate is harmful for the child.

How to move walls

When planning a renovation of a small children's room, take into account some tricks that will visually expand the limited space and add light to the room:

Use only light paints for decoration; furniture should also be light. But it’s better to make the floor colored - it will make the room visually higher and wider.

In a narrow and long room highlight only the back wall with color - then the room will seem wider. Will help in this case and horizontal stripes on the floor.

Will add space to the room light wallpaper with a small, dim pattern.

In a small elongated room with high ceilings horizontal stripes on the walls will help visually bring the far wall closer and steal the height of the ceiling.

It is better to design a small nursery in soft, warm colors - they will make the room fresher and create a positive mood in the child.

Choosing colors for a children's room

Looking at various photos small children's room, it becomes clear what to choose for small room better light shades. Pastel neutral tones in wall decoration will help create warm interior. White walls look original in combination with white furniture, and color accents creates textiles - curtains, pillows or bedspreads.

You can highlight the color of the wall. The combination of white and light shades creates a harmonious space filled with light.

For a girl's nursery you can use:

  • snow-white;
  • light pink;
  • soft lilac;
  • light green;
  • lemon color.

A boy's room can be made in blue, light turquoise, light green, beige tones. Interesting combination– white, brown and turquoise: light turquoise wall surfaces should be supplemented with textiles with a striped pattern, decorative elements should be made brighter and more monochromatic.

Important! For a small nursery, it is better to take no more than two shades, one of which can be white.

Furniture for a small nursery

There should be little furniture in a small children's area, so it is advisable to choose the most functional options.

If the room is narrow and elongated shape, you should not place all the furniture along the wall:

  • the bed can be placed next to the window, placing it along the far wall;
  • a corner wardrobe for clothes and linen will help to use a non-functional corner and visually change the shape of the room;
  • small spaces near the window can be used as storage space by hanging narrow corner shelves;
  • If you need to place two children in a room, it is better to install the beds not parallel, but at an angle to each other.

IN square room The arrangement of furniture will depend on where the door and window are located. Use angles: the best choicecorner wardrobe With mirror door. Even a very small children's room will become visually larger, and sliding doors will ensure injury safety and save space for games and movement.

If the ceiling height is sufficient, the loft bed will become convenient option to organize a place to rest at night. You can place a sleeping bed below, and equip a cozy play corner in the upper part. The space under the stairs and on the side can be used for storage.

Full-fledged cabinets cannot be installed here, but shelves for books and toys will be the best option for organizing space. Modern version storage - bright boxes and trunks that will hide the contents and will be an attractive decorative element in the nursery.

Important! When choosing furniture for a nursery, pay attention to its safety. The best optionnatural wood, but it is expensive. MDF will become a high-quality and affordable substitute for wooden furniture.

When purchasing children's furniture, pay attention to the absence of sharp corners and dangerous protrusions. The interior of a small-sized nursery needs to be carefully thought out, unnecessary modules should be abandoned in favor of convenience and additional free space for movement and games.

Secrets of a beautiful nursery

Numerous ideas for a small children's room can be found on the Internet. Some will suggest interior items from IKEA. The need to create limited space a comfortable living environment dictates its own rules:

A small nursery should have a little of everything: furniture, dark colors, corners.

Choose White color as a base, light shades are additional, and bright accents there should be a little.

First of all, take care not about the beauty of the interior, but about the health of the child and his safety: avoid sharp corners and clutter in the room.

There is a big “plus” in a small nursery - the need to maintain order in it will teach the child to work. A competent planning and a careful selection of the necessary things will avoid clutter and result in a small but cozy room for your son or daughter.

Photo of a small children's room

Decorating a children's room - difficult task, sometimes even driving you into a corner, especially if you have several children and you can only allocate one room. After all, one must take into account not only their preferences, but also the specifics of child psychology at different ages, and at the same time not go beyond one’s own budget. The task at hand seems, at first glance, impossible, but there are many ideas on how to create a very comfortable, cozy and harmonious children's area, skillfully applying the recommendations of designers and psychologists.

Let's start designing and planning taking into account the child's age

If you are creating a room for a newborn, then the surrounding interior details should be comfortable not only for the baby, but also for the parents. Baby changing table for convenient and safe care, desk lamp with soft light, a chest of drawers for things and shelves for hygiene products - all this must be provided.

If the child is between 2 and 6 years old, then try to organize more free space. At this age, children prefer not only to play on the floor, but also to simply run, slide down a slide, or build tents, houses, and wigwams.

Be sure to consider the child’s gender and interests, at this age he already has his own idea of ​​​​beauty and is more interested in something.

Of course, if your baby really loves pink, blue, purple or red, you can decorate part of the interior area or buy bed linen and curtains in this color, but the entire room It’s not worth creating in bright colors. Because the wrong color can cause fatigue and irritation, as well as pressure on the psyche.

For children school age must be provided comfortable spot for study, correctly positioning the table and all the necessary shelves both for office supplies and for storing toys or all sorts of small items. Multifunctional drawers will help keep the room in proper order, ridding the interior of things piled up in a heap.

You also need to take care not only of spacious closets for things, but also try to highlight space to pursue your hobbies. For example, your child loves to draw, select a wall to realize his fantasies.

If the room itself or your nerves do not allow you to highlight an entire wall, then at least a door turn it into a drawing board.

Display children's art and crafts in a prominent place so that the child realizes that his creations are valued.

To a boy athlete organize a mini-gym or decorate your room with a sports theme.

What if he dreams of becoming a sailor? design like a ship's deck, where there will be ropes to improve agility, a bridge with a steering wheel, Lifebuoy with binoculars and even an observation tower. He will definitely be happy with such a room.

In children - teenagers be sure to ask so that they want to see in their room not only for study, but also for entertainment. Involve children in choosing and purchasing wallpaper, furniture, and all the interior elements of their room. This move will save you from further disputes and claims. Also allow children to hang posters of their favorite bands or athletes on the walls or furniture.

If, when decorating and planning a nursery, you listen not only to these tips, but also to the wishes of your children, which are often smarter and clearer than all our fantasies, then the end result will be a very original and comfortable room.

In the children's room, be sure to highlight the main zones

No matter what age or gender the child is in their room main zones should be highlighted: sleep area, play area, study and leisure area, storage area.

1. Design of the sleep area

This is especially important when there is more than one child in the family. In this case, designing and arranging a sleeping place is an even more important moment, because often this is the only nook for a child.

If there is only one bed, then you can find a lot of location options, most importantly, try to place it not opposite the door, so that it does not catch your eye.

For two children can be used both free-standing and bunk beds, arranging them taking into account the shape and size of the room itself.

Beds for three or more children it’s more difficult to install, but there are also many options and solutions.

If ceilings allow, install three-tier bed, this will significantly save space for active play of children and for comfortable study of older ones.

Or purchase pull-out furniture, it will help to increase the recreation area in a very small room.

You can install the beds like this so that some modules overlap others, in this case free space is also added.

If the room is long, you can have sleeping places line up, organizing interesting option descent from the second tier.

For those who decide to remodel the nursery, there is a very original versionform functional partitions. This idea will help you avoid purchasing the beds themselves; you will only need mattresses.

It would be great if separate beds using partitions, original racks or shelves, which will add space for storing books, toys and cute trinkets. This is especially important if children of different ages or gender, and there is only one room.

If it is not possible to deliver extra furniture or make a partition, use a simple curtain or canopy, this will add not only comfort, but also privacy to each sleeping place.

2. Design of the play area

As a rule, it is created for preschool children, and you can arrange incredible fairy houses and even carriages, tent cities and slides. Here your imagination and the wishes of the child can work wonders. Main, provide the right amount functional drawers for storing all toys.

3. Design of the study and leisure area

Older children need provide a comfortable and multifunctional work area, where you can not only do homework, but also sit at the computer. Wherein don't forget to ask how the child himself sees the design of his personal space and in what color scheme.

Place an instrument in the room, on which he plays or a stereo system, make their space comfortable and multifunctional.

4. Design of the storage area

Children, no matter what age they are, always have a lot of things, toys, books and all sorts of things. Therefore, you need to try to organize this zone so that so that everything fits on shelves or in cabinets. There are many ideas for furniture make it more functional and roomy.

Not forgetting that if there is more than one child, each must have your own personal bedside table or at least a shelf. Will fewer scandals and troubles.

5. Organizing proper lighting for the children's room

Having finished arranging furniture in all areas, pay special attention room lighting. At the same time, it is advisable to make maximum use daylight without blocking the window with furniture or hiding it behind thick curtains.

Place lamps or sconces near the bed; a table lamp should provide additional lighting work area. Don't forget about overhead lighting. The children felt comfortable and light in every corner of the room.

The final touch to complete the design is curtains. After all, they are also capable of miracles, hiding some shortcomings in the room’s layout or canceling out all your efforts.

To decorate a children's room do not use very dark and thick curtains, this will make her gloomy and uncomfortable. WITH color scheme everything is more or less clear. As a rule, it should be similar to the color of the interior of the room itself. Acceptable different combinations, as long as they don't irritate and oppress.

If you want to know how to use curtains to update the entire interior of your apartment, then these are for you.