What is an air fryer: what is it for and how does it work. What is an air fryer? Review and recommendations from an experienced user How the air fryer works

To make cooking easier, many housewives choose new appliances and devices that make dishes tastier and healthier. One of these devices is the air fryer.

It makes cooking much easier and more enjoyable, and it doesn’t take much time. But to do right choice air fryer, you need to carefully study the features and characteristics of the equipment.

Air fryer: what is it?

This is a compact device that can fit in the kitchen small area. The device can easily replace a toaster, yogurt maker, grill and steamer. The main advantage of the device is that due to hot air treatment during cooking, all useful vitamins are preserved in the products.

Device structure

An air fryer consists of a transparent bowl or flask, which has a stand or lid that covers the entire structure. A heating element (tubular electric heater) and a fan are installed inside the lid, and a control panel is located outside.

Budget models of these devices are equipped with halogen heating elements instead of heating elements. The main advantage of such elements is that when heated, the glass of the bowl does not undergo oxidation and corrosion.

But halogen-type heaters have low operating capabilities, and their service life is short. Typically, the service life of models with heaters of this type is no more than three years. For metal heating elements it is much longer - 8-10 years.

Halogen heating element

In addition to the main elements, the convection oven has additional components:

  • grates that are used for cooking different varieties meat - beef, veal, pork, lamb, poultry. There are usually three of them, and they may differ in height;
  • often in included mesh baking tray. It may be required for steaming and deep-frying food; it can also be used to dry food;
  • budget convection oven models are often equipped with a metal ring. It is installed on top of the bowl and is required to increase and regulate its volume.

Standard device

Air fryer: what is it for?

To choose the right air fryer, let’s figure out why it is needed and what can be cooked using an air fryer.

The device cooks using streams of hot air, which circulates freely in a special cooking container. During the cooking process, the user does not need to constantly turn the food. Also, no oil is required for cooking, and the food turns out juicy and aromatic, the dishes are soaked in their own juices and become tender and very soft.

That is, first of all, an air fryer is needed for cooking. It cooks soups, stews vegetables, meat, fish, and can also work as a smokehouse.

Three-tier device

Modern air fryer with large set functions can easily be replaced whole list various kitchen appliances:

  • a regular gas stove;
  • oven;
  • steamer;
  • toaster;
  • microwave oven;
  • drying device, which is used for vegetables and fruits;
  • electric kebab maker, grill;
  • yogurt maker;
  • the air fryer can be used as a pan for preparing first courses - soups, broths;
  • as a sterilizer for canning jars.

Features of work

Each convection oven model must have a container in the form of a round transparent flask. Its volume can be different - from six to 12 liters.

Let's consider the principle of operation of the device:

  • the heated air is accelerated by the fan in different directions;
  • first it blows from top to bottom, then from bottom to top. This ensures even cooking of food. It does not burn when baking, frying, stewing;
  • Depending on the device model, the vortex flow indicator may be constant, or it may have several modes. The option with several modes is the most versatile and convenient;
  • in some models, glass halogen heating elements are installed instead of conventional heating elements. They are safer, but also weaker;
  • The temperature indicators of the device are from 60 to 260 degrees.


Different models of air fryers have distinctive functions. In more modern devices It is possible to regulate the temperature and blowing speed.

The main functions of air fryers include the following:

  • possibility of temperature control. This feature is considered mandatory. It should be in all modern models;
  • temperature maintenance is an additional function with which you can warm up a dish after it has been cooked;
  • convection speed control - this function is not mandatory, but is very useful; it allows you to adjust the level of airflow to the dish during cooking, which affects the final result (you can get an appetizing crust) and cooking time;
  • Some models have a delay switch. The function provides maximum convenience when using the device: you can set a timer for right time, and the device will turn on when needed, and the food will be prepared for lunch or breakfast;
  • The cooking program is a smart function, available in many models. Convenient for those who do not want to monitor the temperature or time while cooking: you can place food in the device, select the desired cooking mode and wait for the result.

Also, some manufacturers equip the device with additional convenient features:

  • defrosting food - vegetables, meat, dough, fruits, berries and others;
  • drying;
  • grill;
  • frying;
  • bakery;
  • smoking.

What can you cook

The air fryer is a universal device and is suitable for preparing almost any treat.

Potatoes with meat and seasonings are especially tasty.

Let's look at what you can do on an air fryer:

How to use an air fryer correctly

Instructions on how to use the air fryer are included with the device. If you follow all the rules, cooking in the appliance will be simple and easy, the main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations.

Cooking process

When using the device, you should do the following:

  • First you need to connect the device to the electrical network;
  • the necessary products are laid out in a transparent container;
  • The top of the air fryer is tightly covered with a lid;
  • On the built-in panel you need to set the necessary parameters. There are usually few of them, only three: temperature regime, cooking time and speed;
  • after the temperature reaches the set level, the fan turns on, which begins the process of distilling hot air flows inside the device;
  • when cooking is complete, the appliance will beep;
  • Do not immediately pull the plug from the socket. This should be done when the device has completely cooled down and the fan has completely stopped.

Before buying an air fryer, you should carefully study its technical characteristics.

Air fryer model

  • container size. The best option- a device with a flask volume of 8-9 liters. You can easily make any treat in it, and you don’t have to use the dishes in the air fryer, they will be superfluous;
  • type of heating element. It can be of different types - a metal heating element and a glass halogen lamp. The first has high wear resistance, but slow heating. The second is fragile, its service life is only two to three years, but it does not undergo oxidation and cooks food much faster;
  • type of cover. The quality of the work process and food preparation depends on how securely the device closes. Covers can be with or without fasteners;
  • control. It can be mechanical or electronic. Mechanically controlled devices have the ability to set temperature and time. In electronic versions, the functionality is much wider - you can set the temperature, time, blowing speed, various cooking modes, delayed cooking;
  • power. Electricity consumption depends on this indicator. Small models with a minimum number of functions usually have a low power rating of 1000 W. Large devices with a large volume bowl and a wide range of functions have a power rating of up to 1700 W;
  • It is worth paying attention to additional accessories that can affect the cost of the device, but at the same time make the cooking process much more convenient.

An air fryer is a convenient kitchen appliance; with its purchase, you will no longer have to put the pan on gas.

Today, every housewife can prepare any dish using different appliances. It can be like a microwave, multi-cooker, double boiler, or a completely new and interesting device- air fryer. What is this actually? Air fryer is very useful device, on which you can cook Tasty food without using oil. This device operates from the electrical network.

An air grill can very easily replace a microwave, multi-cooker, oven, and even a regular gas oven in the kitchen. It is very convenient and capable of preparing food on its own while you go about your business. It is also a very compact device that is capable of cooking or processing food using heated, rotating air.

What is an air fryer for? Primarily for cooking and heating food, as well as for heat treatment of products. You can cook two at once different dishes– it is very convenient and cost-effective.

The home air fryer consists of a transparent, glass flask and a cover in which the fan and heating element (heating element) are located. There is also a control panel on the lid, with which you can set any cooking program. There are simple and multifunctional air fryers. Simple models can perform only a few basic functions, but multifunctional ones have great opportunities. With their help you can prepare very complex and unusual dishes. However, such devices are quite expensive than simple models.

A wide variety of functions of more expensive devices:

  • Defrosting;
  • Languor;
  • Frying;
  • Bakery;
  • Drying;
  • Sterilization;
  • Smoking;
  • Grill;
  • Washing.

Using expensive models, you can smoke any meat, dry various fruits, mushrooms, berries, and also ferment milk. But with the help of cheaper models you can cook soup or borscht, fry or bake meat, bake various pies and buns.

Small air fryer: its advantages

An air fryer for home is very convenient and useful acquisition. The device itself, unlike others, does not take up much space at all; it is very compact and beautiful. But the benefits from it are very great. Especially for those people who eat proper and healthy food. Air fryers are divided into small, large and medium, depending on the volume of the flask.

The small air fryer has a flask volume of 8-12 liters. It is very compact and convenient for one person, since you can cook small amounts of food in it.

The small device is very light, you can easily move it or take it with you to the country or on vacation. It is also easy to disassemble and assemble, and is very convenient to care for. However, all air fryers, regardless of their size, have many positive qualities.

Advantages of all air fryers:

  • Multifunctional;
  • No oil, fat or margarine is used in the cooking process;
  • The food retains all its beneficial qualities;
  • You can cook several different dishes at the same time;
  • Compact;
  • The device is capable of sterilizing jars;
  • Its temperature ranges from 60 to 260 degrees;
  • There is a long warm-up mode;
  • You can cook food in any container.

The disadvantages of the air fryer are: the unusual taste of the cooked food, the ability of the flask to heat up, which is very unsafe. Also, such a device consumes a lot of electricity and is not economical.

Expert advice on choosing an air fryer can help you choose the right appliance for you. To begin with, you need to do short review all models and find out which technical characteristics suit you most.

How to choose an air fryer so that it can delight you with its work for a long time? First, you need to find out all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular model. Then, decide on the purpose of the device and why exactly the device is being purchased. Do you need a multifunctional and expensive device, or can you get by with a cheaper, simpler model?

It is imperative to check that additional accessories are included with the main device: grilles - there should be 2-3 pieces; skewers for preparing kebabs; baking tray; tongs, you can use them to take hot things; drying device; There is also an expansion ring; there can be one or several of them. Also for convenience - electrical cord must be removable. With a removable cord, it will be easier and more convenient to store the device without damaging it. Choosing a device is not that big of a deal. difficult task, the main thing is that it meets certain parameters.

We select a device, paying attention to some basic parameters:

  • Heater. It can be metal or glass, but it is better to choose the first option. Since it is more reliable and its service life can be 10 years.
  • The cover can be removable or mounted on brackets.
  • Volume.
  • Control type. There are: mechanical and electronic.
  • Power. The power of the devices ranges from 1000 W to 1700 W.

It is best to opt for a device that has a power of 1300 W. Such an air fryer will not dry out food, and most importantly, it will save electricity. When choosing, you also need to take into account the presence of a timer. With it you can set the desired cooking time. And also, pay attention to the fan, it must work with at different speeds blowing Considering all this, opt for an electronic model.

Which brand of air fryer is better: popular models

Many manufacturers produce different models convection ovens. Some of them are very easy to use and suitable for everyday use, while others are more complex and expensive models, characterized by the presence of many functions and additional accessories.

Air fryer, which brand is better to buy? There are many different companies that produce air fryers. The most famous of them are: SUPRA, Polaris, Smile, VES, Hotter.

Each company has its own best, high-quality and reliable copies. Some of the air fryers are very expensive, while others are cheaper models that use in great demand from many buyers. You can buy any of them. But it is best to choose a device from the company that you liked best in terms of quality and price.

The best companies producing inexpensive air fryers:

  • The first place is taken by SUPRA AGS-1101. This model is very convenient and simple, with many functions.
  • Second place can be given to UNIT UCO 2500. This model has a timer and a self-cleaning function.
  • Third place – REDMOND RAG – 240.

All these models are very good, they are very convenient and practical, and have some additional functions. And also their price will please many buyers; it is affordable for the masses (budget model).

Air fryer rating

Having figured out what kind of air fryer you need and why, let’s start choosing. The selected model must differ in the necessary functions and power. The cooking time will depend on the power of the appliance. The most powerful of them are air fryers from the well-known company “Vinis”. The power of such devices is 1700 W, so food is cooked in a very short time.

Hotter devices are distinguished by excellent quality and reliable heating elements. These devices heat up very quickly, and can also operate even at low electrical voltage.

  • SUPRA AGS-1221;
  • Polaris PAG 1207;
  • VES SK-A;
  • Smile AG 1906;
  • Hotter HX-1097 Tiger.

All of these models have excellent reviews. They differ only in their cost and some technical characteristics. But they will all help you in the kitchen in preparing your favorite dishes.

How an air fryer works (video)

A home air fryer is very useful, because with it you can prepare not just food, but healthy and beneficial food for the body. There are many different types, but they are all beautiful and comfortable, and will also suit any kitchen design.

Surely many have heard about such a device as an air fryer. How can it be useful on the farm and what is it even? In fact, an air fryer (or, as it is also called, a convection oven) is a very useful thing in the kitchen. This electrical appliance is designed to process and cook food using heated air streams.

Air fryers were invented in the mid-eighties of the last century in the USA. Well, in the nineties they appeared on our market. And that’s when it stuck with them beautiful word"air fryer".

Device and equipment

A modern convection oven is a transparent bowl or flask with a stand and a lid that covers the entire structure on top. Inside the lid there is a heating element (tubular electric heater) and a fan, and outside there is a control panel.

Some budget models use halogen heating elements instead of heating elements. When using halogens, the glass of the bowl is practically not subject to oxidation and corrosion, and this is a clear plus. However, halogen heaters have a modest working life and not a very long service life. Usually it is 3 years. For metal heating elements, by the way, this figure is much longer - 8-10 years.

In addition to the items listed above, the air fryer usually includes grills for cooking meat. As a rule, there are three of them, and they differ in height. You can often see a special mesh baking tray included, which may be needed for steaming and deep-frying food, as well as for drying. Majority inexpensive models, plus, they are equipped with a metal ring - it is installed on top of the bowl and serves to increase and adjust its volume.

Operating principle and varieties

The operating principle of the air fryer is as follows: the heating element heats up to desired temperature, then, under the influence of fans, multidirectional hot air enters the bowl, evenly blows on the food and warms it up efficiently. As a result, you can bake, fry, stew, or cook the dish in the air fryer. By the way, the heating temperature of the air here varies from +60 to +260 degrees.

Air grills can have one of two types of control:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic.

Models with mechanical control are quite simple - they have only one operating mode. In general, this option is gradually becoming a thing of the past, but it has one obvious advantage: the price of air fryers with such controls is quite low.

Devices with electronically controlled have several speeds and operating modes, as well as different additional functions. For example, modern convection ovens are equipped with timers, and therefore the presence and constant control of a person is not necessary. The device will automatically turn off at the desired time.

Many electronic air fryers have a “Keep Warm” function. It allows you to continue simmering the dish in hot air after the cooking process itself.

Another useful feature is Self-Cleaning. The bowls of modern air fryers are made of unbreakable heat-resistant glass, so they are quite heavy and not easy to care for. The self-cleaning function makes everything extremely simple: you just need to pour water from detergent inside the air fryer and press the button.

The presence of a height adjustment function will also become a nice bonus for buyers. This function allows you to place dishes higher or lower in relation to the heating element.


The convection oven can replace other appliances, such as a microwave oven, toaster, electric stove, steamer. This is a very powerful argument in favor of purchasing it for those who still doubt whether it is needed or not. this device in the kitchen.

  • The advantage of the air fryer is that you can cook on it without oil, margarine and fat - absolutely nothing will stick to the bowl.
  • In an air fryer you can cook several dishes at the same time, and this distinguishes it from a similar device - a multicooker.
  • Since the cooking container is transparent, the whole process can be observed from the outside.
  • The air fryer allows you to cook or reheat food in absolutely any container.

How to choose a good model?

First of all, the buyer should find out about the functions of the device. And you shouldn’t always choose the most “sophisticated” convection oven. Why is it needed if it is supposed to be used only for certain purposes? A large number of functions in many situations seems unnecessary.

It is also worth looking at the equipment offered. It would be nice if the set included tongs for replacing and gripping ready-made dishes. Having a chicken spit and skewers is also a significant advantage.

Another important point– it is better to choose models with a removable cord. This will make it easier to both clean and store the device. But the removable lid on the air fryer is not very convenient. During the cooking process, you will probably have to look for a place where to put it, very hot. A cover attached to the body with a bracket is much more practical - it will always be in its place. And you should definitely look at the place where it joins the body. The fasteners should be metal, not plastic, since the lid has a significant weight.

If possible, choose a convection oven model with a removable protective grill (it is designed to protect the heating elements). Of course, this grille gets clogged quite quickly, and if it is removable, it will be much easier to care for. It is enough to unscrew the bolts, take it out, wash it and put it back in place.

What can you cook in an air fryer?

  • You can cook borscht, soups and other first courses in an air fryer. Here, for example, you can make delicious porridge, bake potatoes in pots, and cook pizza.
  • Defrosting various foods and heating ready-made dishes is also quite possible in an air fryer.
  • You can cook, stew and bake vegetables in an air fryer.
  • In preparing homemade yogurt and cottage cheese, this device will definitely become a faithful assistant for a housewife.
  • You can’t do without a convection oven when making preparations for the winter - when pickling and canning, as well as drying mushrooms, fruits, berries and vegetables for the winter.
  • It is also important to use this machine for hot smoking processes, deep-frying and steaming.
  • Those who want to test their culinary skills can bake pies, buns or, for example, homemade fragrant bread in the air fryer. It is also important that you can prepare baked goods from almost any type of dough without any problems.
  • In the air fryer, meat and fish are perfectly fried, without using sunflower oil. Want to cook fish fillets or chicken cutlets? No problem! An air fryer is also quite capable of frying shish kebab.
  • Among other things, using this technique you can, for example, make jam and prepare mulled wine.

So, an air fryer will, without a doubt, facilitate the cooking process and take its rightful place in the kitchen. And many consumers have already seen in practice that this is a device that can replace several other household appliances with similar functions. That is, buying an air fryer is an economical and smart choice.

Surely in your home there are already such helpers as a multicooker, microwave, or maybe a kebab maker and the like. Would you like to buy an air fryer as well? For what? We'll tell you now.

Let's look at what an air fryer is for. There is a lot of talk and writing about cholesterol in last years, because this is a serious threat. It’s also scary because the harm of fatty foods is unnoticeable at first, and then suddenly... However, despite all the warnings, it is extremely difficult to decide to make fundamental changes in your lifestyle and diet, and there are objective reasons for this.

First job. It takes a lot of time, as a result we don’t have free hours to prepare healthy food and we rush for fast food.

The second is habit. French fries dripping with oil, crispy chicken leg... Daily stress leads to stress, and your favorite delicacies are a great way to relieve it!

The third is cost and effort. To cook dietary, low-fat food, you need not only to buy the appropriate products (for example, salmon is recommended - not a cheap pleasure), but also to have a double boiler at home and other special equipment...Which, by the way, is already cluttering the kitchen. As housewives grumble, soon they will invent their own unit for each dish!

Finally, the fourth reason... these are stereotypes. There is an opinion (and for some reason no cookbooks or talk shows can change it!) that healthy food is, yes, good, but so dull and tasteless! A little bland! It doesn't crunch! Doesn't melt on the tongue at all!

So, is an air fryer necessary in the kitchen? definitely needed! All of the above reasons can be eliminated using a convection oven. It’s not called that way for nothing – AEROGrill. Products are cooked on grates due to the uniform influence of hot streams clean air. They do not burn, no oil is required, and the fat will melt and flow out on its own.

What do we get as a result? Well-done meat – once. Juicy inside, with a safe (no carcinogens!) crust on the outside - two, without excess fat - three. (For example, a glass of fat is rendered from a chicken. Once you see this, you will never want to drink this glass along with the meat again).

This way, you can prepare dishes that are familiar – but safe! Essentially the same as French fries, but not harmful to the body! There will be no need to give up your usual way of eating and buy special products.

The air fryer is equipped with a delay start function and does not require attention: you do not need to watch so that it does not burn, you do not need to stir, it will even turn off on its own. It will not distract you from your work and will allow you to maintain your work pace.

An air fryer is a combination of as many as ten kitchen appliances, including a steamer, microwave, oven, dryer, etc. You don’t have to rush around the kitchen from one unit to another, perform complex manipulations with settings, and so on. That is, healthy nutrition will not require additional effort.

And the most important thing! With an air fryer you will not only be protected from cholesterol, but also lose weight. Up to six kilograms minus in one month. Even fitness will not give such a result! How is this achieved? The air fryer cuts the number of calories exactly in half, and useful material, which keep the body in shape, preserves everything. After all, in fact, everything is prepared in an air fryer only in a dietary way! But it remains just as delicious!

So, in order to protect yourself from cholesterol, you have all the conditions and whether or not you need an air fryer on your household, you decide for yourself. Be healthy!

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The modern kitchen appliances market offers consumers a huge choice functional devices. They not only save time and make the cooking process enjoyable, but also allow you to eat healthy. IN Lately The air fryer is very popular among health-conscious consumers. How does this device work and what are its advantages?

What is an air fryer for?

This device is used for various processing products and preparing complex dishes. There is an opinion among consumers that an air fryer, thanks to its functions and operating principle, can replace almost any kitchen appliance. But it is not so.

Important! Some dishes, such as baked goods or soups, are still better prepared using alternative options.

At the same time, this is an excellent option for students, young families or small kitchens, where it is not possible to place all modern kitchen appliances.

How the air fryer works and its equipment

The device consists of:

  • bowls made of durable heat-resistant glass that can withstand high temperatures;
  • a cover with a built-in heating element and fan;
  • metal ring, which is present in standard models. Thanks to it, you can increase the volume of the bowl, which means you can load more products at a time.

Grilles are also most often included in the basic configuration. different heights, a baking tray with small holes for steaming, deep-frying and drying vegetables and fruits, skewers for preparing kebabs of meat, fish and vegetables.

As an example, look at the Hotter air fryer device

The question of what a convection oven is, why it is needed and how it works has been sorted out. Now we can move on to consider its capabilities.

Functions and principle of operation of the device

The device operates on the principle of convection. Thanks to the built-in fan, products are prepared by blowing hot air, the source of which is most often halogen heaters.

Cooking programs may differ depending on the model. Generally speaking, what is a convection oven, the functions and operating principle of which are based on vortex propagation warm air inside the bowl, the following possibilities can be distinguished:

  1. Puts out;
  2. fries;
  3. Bakes;
  4. Cooks, including steaming;
  5. Marinates;
  6. Smokes.

In addition to cooking, you can defrost, reheat, sterilize and preserve.

The device also has a self-cleaning function. At the end of the work, the user needs to pour water into the flask and start the process - the air fryer will become clean again.

Video about how the air fryer works

Types of air fryers

These can be divided into three groups:

  1. Traditional models. In this case we're talking about about the usual devices with a glass bowl and a lid with heating element and a fan. The difference between the models of this group may be in the volume of the bowl and the control system. IN budget options it is mechanical - two regulators (power from 60 to 250 °C and timer from 5 to 120 minutes). In more expensive ones - electronic, with a small display where the settings selected by the user are displayed;
  2. Air fryer lids. Convenient accessory for multicookers from the Rendmon company. The device itself is no different in functionality and capabilities from the lid of a conventional convection oven: the same mechanical control with two regulators, only smaller in diameter. This accessory can be used with any suitable cookware. For example, a glass bowl of the required diameter for cooking in microwave oven, saucepan or 5-liter multicooker bowl;
  3. Multi-aerogrills. Improved models that recently appeared on the air fryer market. A few words about what such a device looks like. In addition to the halogen heater and fan built into the lid, they have a lower heating element, which is hidden under the non-stick surface. The latest models also provide a function for stirring food during cooking.

This is what a traditional air fryer looks like Air fryer cover Rendmon

Multi-aerogrill Multi-aerogrill with food mixing function

Attention! Instructions for use and capabilities of the device depend on the choice of model and manufacturer.

Pros and cons of air fryers

Based on reviews from users who have already evaluated this device, the following advantages can be identified:

  • opportunity to eat right. For many, this is a primary need, which is why an air fryer is needed. Baking, frying and stewing are possible without adding oil. And thanks to the design and product-friendly principle of the air fryer, most vitamins are retained in them;
  • multifunctionality. The air grill is capable of performing the functions of several kitchen appliances at once, designed for processing and preparing food (microwave oven, multicooker, double boiler, toaster, bread maker, stove, etc.);
  • Ease of use. Most often, to prepare, you just need to put the ingredients in a bowl, select the mode, depending on which the products will simmer, boil, fry or bake. At the end of the timer, all that remains is to take out the finished dish. After use, you can turn on the self-cleaning function and the device will be clean without extra effort user;
  • easy control. As a rule, the user only needs to select the power and cooking time, after which the device will turn off automatically;
  • possibility of sterilization. A necessary function when preparing for the winter or for families with small children;
  • possibility of cooking several dishes at once. But here it is important to make a reservation that everything depends on the type of dish chosen. It is necessary that the ingredients are in harmony with each other to avoid mixing of odors, for example, meat and potatoes or fish and vegetables.

Sterilization of pickles in an air fryer

As for the disadvantages of this device, many note its bulkiness. Before purchasing, you should consider where to place it. But this only applies to regular models. For a small family, separate aerogrill lids are quite suitable, which can be used in conjunction with a multicooker bowl.

Users also often note the cooking time in reviews. Of course, this device is inferior in speed regular stove. But this disadvantage is compensated by the quality and usefulness of the products prepared in this way.

What dishes can you cook in it?

From the above, it is clear why a device such as a convection oven is needed - preparing and processing food. But what kind of dishes can you cook in it?

IN simple models you can easily prepare delicious and healthy dishes from meat, fish, chicken which are cooked in their own juices, and all excess fat flows into the tray, vegetables, pizza, hot sandwiches.

There are many more options for what can be cooked in more expensive and innovative air fryers. Their arsenal includes a variety of baked goods (from the simplest sweet buns and biscuits to choux pastry products), smoked products (both hot and cold ways), cottage cheese, yogurt and fermented baked milk, dried fruits, mushrooms and berries, etc.

Usually, basic recipes, which will help you understand how to cook in an air fryer, are included with the device.

Depending on what you plan to cook in the convection oven and for what purposes it is purchased, the features of choosing this device depend.

Having considered the questions about why such a device as an air fryer is needed, what functionality it has, and what dishes can be cooked in it, we can draw several conclusions:

  • firstly, the cooking process is simple and convenient;
  • secondly, the food cooked in it is tasty and healthy;
  • thirdly, diverse the lineup will allow everyone to choose a device for themselves, in accordance with functionality and financial capabilities.