What is black crushed stone? Recommendations for the repair of road surfaces with crushed stone with reverse impregnation of bitumen Bitumen mastic for impregnation of crushed stone

Black crushed stone refers to mixtures of products of crushing and screening of rocks and mineral and organic binding materials. They have a wide range of applications, the most popular area being road construction. With a slight increase in price compared to conventional brands, this variety is characterized by increased durability, moisture and wear resistance. The manufacturing process is considered simple; if you have special equipment, they can be obtained at home, but if there are high requirements for performance characteristics, preference is given to products with factory quality.

The material is obtained by treating igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, products of processing metallurgical waste and river gravel with binders. standard size. The proportion of impregnating substances varies between 1.5-4.5% (the smaller the grain, the higher the consumption) and with penetration from 60 to 250, most often they have an organic base. To improve their mobility, PAD and mineral additives (from 1 to 3%) are also introduced. Produced in mixers drum type, equipped with heaters and tilting systems, cooking times depend on the recipe and fractions.

Depending on the production method and laying methods, the following types of black crushed stone are distinguished:

  • Hot - obtained at a binder temperature of about 120-160 ° C and laid at about 100-120 (the material must cool slightly). For impregnation in this case, medium-thickening bitumen SG, BND, BN or tar D-6 are used. Of all the varieties, this is the most expensive, 1 m 3 costs at least 2,500 rubles.
  • Warm - based on road petroleum bitumen or D-5 tar, heated to 80-120 °C and forming a coating at 60-100. By analogy with the previous one, it is laid immediately; to prevent sticking to the body during transportation, the walls are treated with lubricants.
  • Cold - crushed stone or gravel that is not heated during the manufacturing process, impregnated with slowly and medium-dissolving emulsions, liquid bitumen and D-3 tar. These brands are characterized by minimal adhesion, when organizing the right conditions They can be stored for up to 4-6 months without sticking together; if necessary, they can be purchased in advance.

A separate group is represented by dark crushed stone of natural origin - crushed marble, dolerite (pieces of rocks of rich gray and black-green color) and similar varieties, used mainly in decorative purposes. Their price varies from 2500 to 4500 rubles per 1 m 3; the use of these brands in general construction work is not economically feasible.

The requirements for the filler are regulated by GOST 8267 and 3344, the minimum acceptable frost resistance grade is F15, the proportion of grains with irregular shape should not exceed 35%. Strength depends on the intended purpose and base and varies from M300 to M1200. The volumetric weight of such crushed stone is determined by the same factors and reaches 2.6 t/m3.

The amount of adhesion is directly related to the manufacturing method: black hot and warm mixtures outperform cold ones in this regard. This material has good water resistance and wear resistance; the bitumen coating lasts for at least 4-6 years.

Scope and nuances of application

The main area of ​​use is road construction. Good results at the same time, they are achieved by laying different fractions: large - in the first layer, smaller, wedging - in the top layer. Mixtures impregnated with bitumen or tar have good waterproofing properties, which explains their demand for arranging the foundations of buildings in areas with risks of flooding. Important conditions for the technology include installation in dry and warm weather; spring and early autumn are considered ideal seasons.

Black decorative crushed stone and shiny gravel (natural or painted varieties) are used in landscape projects. Brands impregnated with bitumen are suitable for arranging paths; hot and warm mixtures are laid in areas with high traffic, and cold mixtures in low traffic areas. Dark color rarely used as the main, maximum decorative effect achieved by combining shades.

Material cost

The minimum cost of m 3 subject to self-pickup is 2000 rubles. Approximate prices taking into account delivery within 30-40 km are shown in the table.

Requires reliable waterproofing. Particular care must be taken in waterproofing buildings with a basement and ground floor. After all groundwater, which are located below the surface of the earth, can penetrate into the basement. Constantly acting on the unprotected foundation of the structure, they will gradually destroy it.

To avoid this phenomenon and protect the basement and plinth from moisture, a waterproofing method using bitumen is used. And it doesn’t matter at all how deep the groundwater lies. In any case, you need to protect the basement from water. For horizontal waterproofing The premises are waterproofed using crushed stone poured with bitumen.

Bitumen is a hydrocarbon compound obtained during the distillation of petroleum. Essentially it's a waste oil production. Bitumen can be liquid or solid. Solid bitumen must be heated in a special boiler before waterproofing.

Waterproofing technology

In the pit, which is prepared for the future basement, a not very large crushed stone 20 40 mm. can be supplemented with small crushed stone to maximally fill the voids between individual stones. The crushed stone layer is carefully compacted to achieve uniform thickness and uniform density. The layer thickness should be about 40 mm.

After this, the layer is shed with bitumen, which fills all the voids in the crushed stone layer. Bitumen strengthens crushed stone and protects it from water penetration. Then, on top of a layer of crushed stone with bitumen, cement strainer. This waterproofing technology has existed for a long time. As shown many years of experience, this method of waterproofing is very reliable and effective.

Technological map No. 2

Approximately the need for crushed stone per 200 m of foundation is determined by the formula

Q u = b h K y K p 200,

where Q m is the volume of crushed stone, m 3;

b - base width, m;

h - the conditional thickness of the base in a dense body is taken to be 2 cm less than the design thickness, m;

K y - safety factor for crushed stone compaction (1.25 - 1.30);

K p - loss coefficient of crushed stone during transportation and laying (1.03).

Q = 9.77*0.16*1.3*1.03*200 = 418.6m3

Table 9

Process no. Grip no. Sources of production standards Unit Replaceable volume Productivity per shift Vehicles required to capture Coef. machine use Link of workers
By calculation Accepted
Calculation Breakout work Transportation of crushed stone fr. 40 - 70 mm with a KamAZ-5320 dump truck at a distance of 6.31 km Laying crushed stone with a self-propelled distributor DS-54 Compaction of a crushed stone base with a DU-98 vibrating roller in 5 passes along 1 track First pouring of bitumen in a quantity of 5.75 l/m using an asphalt distributor SD-203 Transportation proppant material fr. 20-40 a/s ZIL-MMZ-4508-03 Distribution of proppant material with a stone fines distributor DS-49 Compaction with a self-propelled vibrating roller DU-98 in 4 passes along 1 track Second pouring of bitumen in a quantity of 3.45 l/m using an asphalt distributor SD- 203 Transportation of proppant material fr. 10-20 a/s ZIL-MMZ-4508-03 Distribution of proppant material with a fines distributor DS-49 Compaction with a self-propelled vibrating roller DU-98 in 4 passes along 1 track The third pouring of bitumen in a quantity of 2.3 l/m using an asphalt distributor SD -203 Transportation of Klints fr. 5-10 a/s ZIL-MMZ-4508-03 Distribution of proppant material with a stone fines distributor DS-49 Compaction with a self-propelled vibrating roller DU-98 in 3 passes along 1 track m m 3 m 2 m 2 T m 3 m 3 m 2 t m 3 m 3 m 2 t m 3 m 3 m 2 418,6 10,7 20,4 20,4 6,4 20,4 20,4 4,3 18,5 18,5 34,7 40,6 40,6 40,6 12,05 6,9 0,41 0,31 0,5 0,23 0,34 0,18 0,5 0,23 0,34 0,12 0,46 0,21 0,25 1,01 0,99 0,41 0,31 0,5 0,23 0,34 0,18 0,5 0,23 0,34 0,12 0,46 0,21 0,25 2 work Machinist 4 grades - 1 Machinist 4 grades. - 1 Machinist 4 grades. - 1 Machinist 4 grades. - 1 Machinist 4 grades. - 1 Machinist 4 grades. - 1 Machinist 4 grades. - 1 Machinist 4 grades. - 1 Machinist 4 grades. - 1 Machinist 4 grades. - 1 Machinist 4 grades. - 1 Machinist 4 grades. - 1 Machinist 4 grades. – 1 Machinist 4 grades. - 1

Squad composition

Table 10

Cars Profession and rank of worker Demand for machine shifts Need for cars Load factor Number of workers
for capture
Dump truck KamAZ-5320 Driver IV category 12.05 1.01
Distributor DS-54 Driver IV category 6,9 0,99
Roller DU-98 Driver IV category 1,34 0,34
Asphalt distributor SD-203 Driver IV category 0,61 0,20
a\c ZIL-MMZ-4508-03 Driver IV category 1,46 0,49
Distributor DS-49 Driver IV category 0,67 0,22
Road worker II category
TOTAL: 23,03

Technological map No. 3 Construction of a coating layer made of porous hot metal asphalt concrete mixture

Table 11

calc. Cleaning the surface of the coating base from dust and dirt using a KO-304 (ZIL) polywash machine. 6872,73 0,25 0,25 Water cat. WITH
calc. Delivery and filling of bitumen emulsion using a DS-142B (KAMAZ) asphalt distributor with a material filling rate of 0.0008 m 3 / m 2 24391,6 0,07 0,07 Water cat. WITH
Marking work m 2 slaves 2nd time.
calc. Transportation of a/c mixture for the bottom layer of coating by KamAZ 55111 dump trucks over a distance of 2.49 km. 472,73 43,09 10,97 1,0 Water cat. WITH
calc. Laying a mixture 7 cm thick using a DS-126A asphalt paver. 132,664 472,73 0,28 0,28 driver 6 times and 7 slaves
calc. Raising the bottom layer of the coating with light smooth drum rollers DU-73 in 4 passes along the 1st track. 132,664 0,21 0,21 driver 5 times.
calc. Compaction of the bottom layer of pavement with heavy BOMAG BW 184 AD-2 rollers in 18 passes along the 1st track. 132,664 196,27 0,68 0,68 driver 6 times.

1 - Cleaning the surface of the coating base from dust and dirt using a KO-304 (ZIL) polywash machine:

Sweeping width – 2.0 m;

Operating speed – V=20 km/h.

The productivity of this machine is calculated using the formula:

K in=0,75; K t=0,7;

n– number of passes along one trace (2);

t P– time spent on moving to an adjacent track (0.10 hours);

l PR– passage length (200 m);

A– width of track overlap (0.20 m).

Determine the cleaning area:

In i– width of the crushed stone layer, m;

L– flow rate, m/shift.



t pr

2 – Delivery and filling of bitumen emulsion using a DS-142B (KAMAZ) asphalt distributor with a material filling rate of 0.0008 m 3 / m 2:

We determine the performance of the asphalt distributor DS-142B (KAMAZ):

q a– load capacity, m 3;




V– filling rate, m3/m2;



We determine the number of cars/shifts using the formula:

We determine the machine utilization rate:


tf– actual number of cars/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.


4 – Transportation of a/c mixture for the bottom layer of coating by KamAZ 55111 dump trucks over a distance of 2.49 km:

We determine the performance of KamAZ 55111:

q a

L– soil transportation distance, km;

ρ – density a/b, t/m3;

υ – vehicle speed on a dirt road, km/h;

tn– vehicle loading time, h;

tp– vehicle unloading time, h;

K V– coefficient of internal time use (0.75);

K T– coefficient of transition from technical productivity to operational productivity (0.7).

We determine the number of cars/shifts using the formula:

We determine the machine utilization rate:


tf– actual number of cars/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

5 – Laying a mixture 7 cm thick using an asphalt paver DS-126A:

Asphalt paver productivity: 130 t/h = 130 · 8 / 2.2 = 472.73 m 3 /shift.

We determine the number of cars/shifts using the formula:

We determine the machine utilization rate:

tf– actual number of cars/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

6 – Treading of the bottom layer of coating with light smooth drum rollers DU-73 in 4 passes along one track:


K in=0,75; K t=0,75;

n– number of passes along one trace (4);

t P

l PR– passage length (200 m);



h SL

V r- operating speed, (8 km/h).

We determine the number of cars/shifts using the formula:

We determine the machine utilization rate:


tf– actual number of cars/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

7 – Compaction of the bottom layer of pavement with heavy rollers BOMAGBW 184 AD-2 in 18 passes along one track:


K in=0,75; K t=0,75;

n– number of passes along one trace (18);

t P– time spent on moving to an adjacent track (0.005 hours);

l PR– passage length (200 m);

A– width of track overlap (0.20 m);

b– compaction width per pass, m;

h SL– thickness of the laid layer;

V r- operating speed, (11 km/h).

We determine the number of cars/shifts using the formula:

We determine the machine utilization rate:


tf– actual number of cars/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

Squad composition

Table 12

Cars Profession and rank of worker Demand for machine shifts Need for cars Load factor Number of workers
for capture
Watering machine KO-304 Driver IV category 0,25 0,25
Asphalt distributor DS-142B Driver IV category 0,07 0,07
a\c KamAZ 55111 Driver IV category 10,97 0,99
Asphalt paver DS-126A 0,28 0,28
Roller DU-73 Driver IV category 0,21 0,21
Heavy roller BOMAG bw 184 Driver V category 0,68 0,68
TOTAL 12,46

Technological map No. 4

Installation of a coating layer of dense hot m/z asphalt concrete mixture

Transportation of the asphalt concrete mixture is provided by a MAZ-510 dump truck, the performance of which is determined by the formula:

Where T- duration work shift, hour; T=8 hour

k- coefficient of intra-shift time use; k=0,85

g- load capacity of the machine, t; g=7 t

L- transportation range, km; L=4.6 km

V - average speed movement, km/h; V=20 km/h

t- downtime during loading, t=0.2 hour

P=72.1 t/shift

Table 13

Process no. Grip no. Sources of production standards Description and technological sequence processes. Machines used. Unit Replaceable volume Productivity per shift Vehicles required to capture Coef. machine use Link of workers
By calculation Accepted
E-17-5 tab. 2 clause 3 calculation § E17-6 E17-7 clause 26 E17-7 clause 29 Pouring bitumen emulsion with a consumption of 0.5 liters per 1 m 2 using a DS-82-1 asphalt distributor. Transportation of fine-grained mixture a/sMAZ-510 at an average distance of 4.6 km with unloading into the hopper of an asphalt paver. Distribution of a fine-grained mixture in a layer of 10 using a DS-1 masphalt paver Rolling during operation of the paver - 5 passes on 1 track with a DU-50 roller (6 tons) Rolling with a DU-42A roller weighing over 10 tons with 20 passes, on 1 track Quality control of work t t m 2 m 2 m 2 0,7 17,3 72,1 0,04 5,96 3,5 0,54 1,2 0,04 0.99 0,88 0,54 1,2 Driver V p.-1 Room mash. IV p.-1 mash.IV p.-1 MashVI p.-1 A/concrete workers V p.-1 IV r.-1 III r.-2 Mash V p.-1 MashVI p.-1 2work

Calculations for technological map

1. Pouring bitumen emulsion with a flow rate of 0.5 l per 1 m 2 using a DS-82-1 asphalt distributor:

At a filling rate of 0.5 l/m 2, the volume of material is 700 l = 0.7 t


m = 0.7/17.3= 0.04 cars

2. P=72.1 t/shift

m = 430 /72.1= 5.96 cars

3. Distribution of the fine-grained mixture in a layer of 10 with a spreader

P = 8*100/2=400 m 2 /shift

m = 1400/400= 3.5 cars

4. Rolling when the paver is working - 5 passes along 1 track with a roller

P = 8*100/0.31=2580 m 2 /shift

m = 1400/2580= 0.54 cars

5. Rolling with a DU-42A roller weighing over 10 tons with 20 passes along 1 track:

P = 8*100/0.72=1111 m 2 /shift

m = 1400/1111= 1.2 cars

6. Quality control of work

Squad composition

Table 14

Cars Profession and rank of worker Demand for machine shifts Need for cars Load factor Number of workers
for capture
Asphalt distributor DS-82-1 Driver V category 0,04 0,04
Assistant Driver IV category
Dump truck MAZ-510 Driver IV category 5,96 0,99
Asphalt paver DS-1 Driver VI p.-1 3,5 0,88
Roller DU-50 (6t) Driver V category 0,54 0,54
Roller DU-42A (6t) Driver VI category 1,2 1,2
TOTAL 11,24

Technological map No. 5 for strengthening roadsides and planning work

Table 15

Refilling roadsides with imported soil. h = 7 cm.
I Marking work m 2 slaves 2nd time.
I calc. Transportation of soil by MAZ 5516 dump trucks over a distance of 4.14 km. 66,78 51,81 1,29 0,65 Water cat. WITH
I E17-1 Leveling and profiling of soil using a DZ-99 motor grader over the entire width. 5333,33 0,16 0,16 driver 6 times.
I E17-11 Soil compaction with a DU-31A self-propelled roller on pneumatic tires with 6 passes along one track. 6153,85 0,14 0,14 driver 6 times.
Refilling roadsides with crushed stone. h = 5 cm.
I Marking work m 2 slaves 2nd time.
I calc. Transportation of crushed stone by MAZ 5516 dump trucks over a distance of 4.14 km. 44,1 52,62 0,84 0,84 Water cat. WITH
I E17-1 Leveling and profiling of crushed stone using a DZ-99 motor grader over the entire width. 5333,33 0,11 0,11 driver 6 times.
I E17-11 Compaction of crushed stone with a self-propelled roller DU-31A on pneumatic tires with 6 passes along one track. 6153,85 0,1 0,1 driver 6 times.
Planning work.
II Marking work m 2 slaves 2nd time.
II E2-1-39 Leveling embankment slopes using a DZ-99 motor grader in 2 circular passes along the 1st track. 33333,3 0,14 0,14 driver 6 times.
II E2-1-5 Covering embankment slopes plant layer 0.4 m thick using a DZ-9 bulldozer at a distance of up to 20 m. 6153,85 0,78 0,78 driver 6 times.

1 – Breaking work: a 200 m long catch is broken by 2 workers of the 2nd category.

2 – Transportation of soil by MAZ 5516 dump trucks over a distance of 4.14 km (the quarry is located at PK 15+00 at a distance of 1.5 km from the road):

q a– load capacity of a dump truck, t;

L– soil transportation distance, km;

ρ – soil density, t/m3;

υ – vehicle speed on a dirt road, km/h;

tn– vehicle loading time, h;

tp– vehicle unloading time, h;

K V– coefficient of internal time use (0.75);

K T– coefficient of transition from technical productivity to operational productivity (0.7).

We determine the number of cars/shifts using the formula:

We determine the machine utilization rate:


tf– actual number of cars/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

3 – Leveling and profiling of soil using a DZ-99 motor grader over the entire width:

P i– surface width, m;

L– flow rate, m/shift.




N time– standard time according to ENiR.

We determine the number of cars/shifts using the formula:

We determine the machine utilization rate:


tf– actual number of cars/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

4 – Soil compaction with a DU-31A self-propelled roller on pneumatic tires with 6 passes along one track:

In i– width of the sand layer, m;

L– flow rate, m/shift.

T– shift duration, h;

N– unit of work volume for which the time standard is calculated;

N time– standard time according to ENiR.

We determine the number of cars/shifts using the formula:

We determine the machine utilization rate:


tf– actual number of cars/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

5 – Breaking work: a 200 m long catch is broken by 2 workers of the 2nd category.

6 – Transportation of crushed stone by MAZ 5516 dump trucks over a distance of 4.14 km (the quarry is located on PK 15+00 at a distance of 1.5 km from the road):

We determine the performance of MAZ 5516:

q a– load capacity of a dump truck, t;

L– soil transportation distance, km;

ρ – density of crushed stone, t/m3;

υ – vehicle speed on a dirt road, km/h;

tn– vehicle loading time, h;

tp– vehicle unloading time, h;

K V– coefficient of internal time use (0.75);

K T– coefficient of transition from technical productivity to operational productivity (0.7).

We determine the number of cars/shifts using the formula:

We determine the machine utilization rate:


tf– actual number of cars/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

7 – Leveling and profiling of crushed stone using a DZ-99 motor grader over the entire width:

The surface area is determined by the formula:

P i– surface width, m;

L– flow rate, m/shift.

We determine the performance of the DZ-99 motor grader:


T– shift duration, h;

N– unit of work volume for which the time standard is calculated;

N time– standard time according to ENiR.

We determine the number of cars/shifts using the formula:

We determine the machine utilization rate:


tf– actual number of cars/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

8 – Compaction of crushed stone with a self-propelled roller DU-31A on pneumatic tires with 6 passes along one track:

Determine the compaction area:

In i– width of the sand layer, m;

L– flow rate, m/shift.

We determine the performance of the DU-31A roller:

T– shift duration, h;

N– unit of work volume for which the time standard is calculated;

N time– standard time according to ENiR.

We determine the number of cars/shifts using the formula:

We determine the machine utilization rate:


tf– actual number of cars/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

9 – Breaking work: a 200 m long catch is broken by 2 workers of the 2nd category.

10 - Layout of embankment slopes using a DZ-99 motor grader in 2 circular passes along one track:

We determine the productivity of the DZ-99 brand motor grader:

T– shift duration, h;

N– unit of work volume for which the time standard is calculated;

N time– standard time according to ENiR.

l slope= 6 m (conditionally accepted).

We determine the number of cars/shifts using the formula:


We determine the machine utilization rate:


tf– actual number of cars/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

11 - Covering embankment slopes with a 0.4 m thick layer of vegetation using a DZ-9 bulldozer at a distance of up to 20 m:

We determine the performance of the DZ-9 bulldozer:


T– shift duration, h;

N– unit of work volume for which the time standard is calculated;

N time– standard time according to ENiR.

The surface area of ​​the embankment slopes is determined by the formula:

l slope= 6 m (conditionally accepted).

We determine the number of cars/shifts using the formula:


We determine the machine utilization rate:


tf– actual number of cars/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

Squad composition

Table 16

Final composition of the squad

Table 17

Cars Profession and rank of worker Demand for machine shifts Need for cars Load factor Number of workers
Dump truck KamAZ-5320 Driver IV category 25,6 0,98
A/grader DZ-99 Machinist of the VI category 0,53 0,53
Watering machine MD 433-03 Driver IV category 0,6 0,6
Smooth roller DU-96 Driver V category 1,2 1,2
Dump truck KamAZ-5320 Driver IV category 12.05 1.01
Distributor DS-54 Driver IV category 6,9 0,99
Roller DU-98 Driver IV category 1,34 0,34
Asphalt distributor SD-203 Driver IV category 0,61 0,20
a\c ZIL-MMZ-4508-03 Driver IV category 1,46 0,49
Distributor DS-49 Driver IV category 0,67 0,22
Road worker II category
Watering machine KO-304 Driver IV category 0,25 0,25
Asphalt distributor DS-142B Driver IV category 0,07 0,07
a\c KamAZ 55111 Driver IV category 10,97 0,99
Asphalt paver DS-126A Machinist VI p.-1 And 7 workers 0,28 0,28
Roller DU-73 Driver IV category 0,21 0,21
Heavy roller BOMAG bw 184 Driver V category 0,68 0,68
Watering machine KO-304 Driver IV category 0,25 0,25
Asphalt distributor DS-142B Driver IV category 0,07 0,07
a\c KamAZ 55111 Driver IV category 10,97 0,99
Asphalt paver DS-126A Machinist VI p.-1 And 7 workers 0,28 0,28
Roller DU-73 Driver IV category 0,21 0,21
Heavy roller BOMAG bw 184 Driver V category 0,68 0,68
Asphalt distributor DS-82-1 Driver V category 0,04 0,04
Assistant Driver IV category
Dump truck MAZ-510 Driver IV category 5,96 0,99
Asphalt paver DS-1 Driver VI p.-1 3,5 0,88
Asphalt concrete workers V p.-1 IV r.-1 III r.-2
Roller DU-50 (6t) Driver V category 0,54 0,54
Roller DU-42A (6t) Driver VI category 1,2 1,2
MAZ 5516 Water cat. WITH 2,13 0,71
Motor grader DZ-99 Machinist 6 times 0,41 0,14
Roller DU-31A Machinist 6 times 0,24 0,12
Bulldozer DZ-9 Machinist 6 times 0,78 0,78
TOTAL 62,75

Determining the number of dump trucks for transporting diesel fuel to the highway

Table 18

km Carriage range Performance Calculation Number of vehicles
Sand medium (1490 )
9,5 40,32 1490/40,32
8,5 43,90 1490/43,90
7,5 48,50 1490/48,50
6,5 49,20 1490/49,20
5,5 50,13 1490/50,13
4,5 51,20 1490/51,20
4,5 51,20 1490/51,20
5,5 50,13 1490/50,13
6,5 49,20 1490/49,20
7,5 48,50 1490/48,50
Crushed stone (488 )
8,5 35,65 488/35,65
7,5 37,12 488/37,12
6,5 39,51 488/39,51
5,5 43,91 488/43,91
4,5 52,16 488/52,16
4,5 52,16 488/52,16
5,5 43,91 488/43,91
6,5 39,51 488/39,51
7,5 37,12 488/37,12
8,5 35,65 488/35,65
K\Z asphalt concrete (170.6 )
7,5 28,72 170,6/28,72
6,5 31,06 170,6/31,06
5,5 33,54 170,6/33,54
4,5 36,56 170,6/36,56
4,5 36,56 170,6/36,56
5,5 33,54 170,6/33,54
6,5 31,06 170,6/31,06
7,5 28,72 170,6/28,72
8,5 26.46 170,6/26,46
9,5 24.15 170,6/24,15
M\Z asphalt concrete (128 )
7,5 24,01 128/24,01
6,5 26,23 128/26,23
5,5 29,02 128/29,02
4,5 35,03 128/35,03
4,5 35,03 128/35,03
5,5 29,02 128/29,02
6,5 26,23 128/26,23
7,5 24,01 128/24,01
8,5 23,81 128/23,81
9,5 22,64 128/22,64

Section 6. Planning, finishing and strengthening works.

The planning and strengthening of roadsides must be carried out after the construction of the road surface. At the same time, all temporary entrances and exits should be eliminated.

Drainage ditches and ditches must be strengthened immediately as they are installed.

The planning and strengthening of slopes of high embankments and deep excavations (including the installation of drainages) should be carried out immediately after completion of their construction individual parts(tiers).

When strengthening slopes by sowing ladders over a layer vegetable soil It is necessary to loosen the slopes of excavations developed in dense clay soils before laying plant soil to a depth of 10-15 cm.

Hydroseeding of perennial grasses should be carried out on a pre-moistened surface of slopes or roadsides.

When strengthening slopes with prefabricated lattice structures, their installation must be done from the bottom up after installing a thrust concrete berm. Upon completion of installation, it is necessary to fill the cells with vegetable soil (followed by sowing herbs), stone materials or soil treated with binder.

Strengthening slopes using geotextiles should be carried out in the following sequence: laying geotextile sheets by rolling rolls from top to bottom along the slope, overlapping the sheets by 10-20 cm and securing them within the edges; filling of vegetable soil with sowing of herbs; installation of a drainage layer and installation of prefabricated fastenings on flooded areas of slopes.

When using geotextiles and treating them with a binder, work should be performed in the following order: planning the surface of the slope to be strengthened; laying geotextile fabric with securing its edges with pins or powdering with a sand roller; watering the canvas with a binder, for example, bitumen emulsion; sanding.

The junction of geotextiles with adjacent prefabricated or monolithic concrete fastening elements must be carried out by placing the fabric under the element or gluing the geotextile with hot bitumen to the surface of the element.

When strengthening flooded slopes, cones, dams with prefabricated slabs, material must first be laid reverse filter or leveling layer. The slabs must be laid from bottom to top. IN winter period the prepared slope surface must be cleared of snow and ice.

When strengthening slopes with flexible filterless reinforced concrete coverings The blocks should be laid on a slope from bottom to top, close to each other. In cases where the project provides for securing the blocks using anchor piles, the blocks should be laid from top to bottom. The clearance between adjacent blocks should not exceed 15 mm.

When strengthening slopes with cement concrete using the pneumatic spray method, it is first necessary to lay metal mesh and secure it with anchors. Spraying should be done from the bottom up followed by maintenance of the cement concrete.

When constructing roadsides, it is necessary to eliminate deformations roadbed over the entire area of ​​the roadsides, add soil to the level established by the project, level and compact.

The technology for constructing roadside pavements made of monolithic and prefabricated cement concrete, asphalt concrete, bitumen-mineral mixture, black crushed stone, crushed stone (gravel), soil-crushed stone (soil and gravel) materials is similar to the technology for constructing bases and road surfaces from these materials, given in the relevant sections of these rules.

Monolithic concrete drainage trays should be arranged mechanized way using attachments to the machine for laying reinforcement strips. The edge of the tray should not exceed the edge of the coating at the longitudinal joint.

Expansion joints when installing trays, it should be cut in freshly laid concrete using a metal lath; it is allowed to make seams in hardened concrete with a single-disc cutter.

Section 7. Road development

Design solutions highways must ensure: organized, safe, convenient and comfortable movement of vehicles at design speeds; uniform traffic conditions; compliance with the principle of visual orientation of drivers; convenient and safe location of junctions and intersections; necessary adhesion of vehicle tires to the roadway surface; necessary arrangement of highways, including protective road structures; necessary buildings and structures of road and motor transport services, etc.

When designing plan elements, longitudinal and transverse road profiles according to standards, an assessment should be made design solutions in terms of speed, traffic safety and throughput, including during unfavorable periods of the year.

When designing roads, it is necessary to develop schemes for the placement of road signs, indicating the places and methods of their installation, and road marking schemes, including horizontal ones - for roads with permanent and lightweight pavements. The markings should be combined with the installation of road signs (especially in areas with prolonged snow cover). When developing layouts technical means organizations traffic GOST 23457-86 should be used.

To ensure traffic safety, installation of advertising on roads is not allowed.

Lightened coatings are recommended to be used to highlight pedestrian crossings (zebra crossings), bus stops, express lanes, additional lanes on slopes, lanes for car stops, roadways in tunnels and under overpasses, at railway crossings, small bridges and other areas where obstacles are difficult to see against the background of the road surface.

Stationary electric lighting on highways should be provided in areas within settlements, and if it is possible to use existing electrical distribution networks - also on large bridges, bus stops, intersections of roads of I and II categories with each other and with railways, on all connecting branches of intersection nodes and on approaches to them at a distance of at least 250 m, at roundabouts and on access roads industrial enterprises or their sections with an appropriate feasibility study.

If the distance between adjacent illuminated areas is less than 250 m, it is recommended to arrange continuous road lighting, eliminating the alternation of illuminated and unlit areas.

Outside populated areas, the average brightness of road sections, including large and medium-sized bridges, should be 0.8 cd/m2 on category I roads, 0.6 cd/m2 on category II roads, and on connecting branches within transport interchanges - 0.4 cd/m2.

The ratio of maximum to minimum brightness of the roadway surface should not exceed 3:1 on sections of roads of category I, 5:1 on roads of other categories.

The glare index of outdoor lighting installations should not exceed 150.

The average horizontal illumination of passages up to 60 m long under overpasses and bridges in the dark should be 15 lux, and the ratio of maximum to average illumination should not be more than 3:1.

Lighting of sections of highways within populated areas should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-4-79, and lighting of road tunnels - in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-44-78.

Lighting installations for road and road intersections railways at one level must comply with the standards of artificial lighting regulated by the system of labor safety standards in railway transport.

Lamp supports on roads should, as a rule, be located behind the edge of the roadbed.

It is allowed to place supports on a dividing strip with a width of at least 5 m with the installation of fences.

Lighting and signal devices located on bridges over navigable waterways must not interfere with navigation of navigators and impair the visibility of navigable signal lights.

The lighting of highway sections should be turned on when the level of natural illumination decreases to 15-20 lux, and turned off when it increases to 10 lux.

At night, it is necessary to reduce the level of external lighting of long sections of roads (over 300 m in length) and approaches to bridges, tunnels and intersections of roads with roads and railways by turning off no more than half of the lamps. In this case, it is allowed to turn off two lamps in a row, as well as those located near a branch, an abutment, the top of a curve in a longitudinal profile with a radius of less than 300 m, a pedestrian crossing, a public transport stop, on a curve in the plan with a radius of less than 100 m.

Power supply to highway lighting installations should be carried out from the electrical distribution networks of the nearest populated areas or the networks of the nearest industrial enterprises.

Power supply for lighting installations railway crossings should, as a rule, be carried out from electrical networks railways, if these sections railway track equipped with longitudinal power supply lines or electrical blocking lines.

Management of outdoor lighting networks should be provided centralized remotely or use the capabilities of outdoor lighting control installations in nearby settlements or industrial enterprises.

Section 8. Set of measures operational control quality up to


Related information.

So, in order, the information is confirmed by test reports from leading manufacturers of polystyrene concrete, I drew a conclusion for myself and wrote it at the end of the commentary. MOISTURE RESISTANCE and HYGROSCOPICITY This is the most important property of any building material, especially in areas with high humidity. The higher the moisture resistance of the material, the more durable, stable and warmer it is. Polystyrene concrete absorbs no more than 6% moisture from the atmosphere; it can be exposed to open air almost unlimited time. STRENGTH Due to the super-strong cement-polystyrene matrix, polystyrene concrete has unique strength characteristics. This material is so durable that a fall from a five-story building will not cause significant damage to the block. FIRE RESISTANCE Polystyrene concrete does not burn; it is able to withstand enormous temperatures caused by fire, due to its unique thermal conductivity coefficient, and does not allow heat to penetrate deep into the wall. Flammability class NG. Fire resistance class EI180. DURABILITY The service life of a house made of polystyrene concrete is at least 100 years. Over the years, the strength of polystyrene concrete only increases. FROST RESISTANCE Tests for frost resistance and the amplitude of temperature fluctuations from + 75°C to - 30°C were carried out on 150 freeze-thaw cycles without loss of integrity and heat-insulating ability. THERMAL INSULATION It has long been recognized that polystyrene (foam) is the best thermal insulator in the world; it is warmer even than wood! A house made of polystyrene concrete does not require insulation: it is cool in summer and warm in winter. SOUND INSULATION Polystyrene concrete provides best indicator in terms of noise absorption, 18-20 cm dampens 70 decibels of sound. Consequently, a house made of polystyrene concrete has special comfort: noise from the street and inside is not disturbed. neighboring rooms and bathrooms. ECONOMICAL Cost square meter finished wall cheaper than other materials. Due to high level heat preservation, walls made of polystyrene concrete can be built 25% thinner than from alternative materials(aerated concrete and foam concrete) and 4 times thinner than brick. Saving on wall thickness leads to overall savings on the construction of the box (foundation, roof and walls) of up to 50%. At the same time, the quality of the house will be even higher, and the house itself will be warmer. EARTHQUAKE RESISTANCE Seismic resistance 9-12 points. Polystyrene concrete has not only compressive strength, but also the highest tensile and bending strength. Therefore, polystyrene concrete is considered the most reliable and earthquake-resistant material. LIGHTWEIGHT A large-sized block of 200x300x600 mm does not exceed a weight of 17 kg, which facilitates the work of a mason and reduces the time for laying walls: it replaces 20 bricks in volume, and is almost three times lighter in weight. ANTISEPTICITY The additive used in the production of polystyrene concrete does not allow insects and rodents to enter the walls, and prevents the formation of mold and mildew, which have negative impact to your health. VAPTOR PERMEABILITY Walls made of polystyrene concrete “breathe” similarly to walls made of wood, and there is no danger for them from condensation and waterlogging. This ensures a comfortable environment in houses made of polystyrene concrete. PLASTICITY Plasticity is the only material from cellular concrete, allowing the production of window and door lintels, its bending strength is 50-60% of the compressive strength, for concrete this parameter is 9-11%. CRACK RESISTANCE Polystyrene concrete, due to its elasticity, is incredibly resistant to cracks. And this guarantees a long period of preservation of the interior decoration and durability of the entire house. TECHNOLOGY High speed of construction of wall structures due to the lightness and convenient geometry of the blocks. Easy to saw and groove, the ability to give building material any geometric shape. ENVIRONMENTAL International building code(IRC) classifies polystyrene as one of the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly insulation materials. Thus, polystyrene concrete has a lot of undeniable advantages over materials such as expanded clay concrete, autoclave and non-autoclaved aerated concrete, foam concrete, wood concrete, etc. The disadvantages of polystyrene concrete only appear if the brand is chosen incorrectly and the technology of masonry and preparation for construction is violated. interior decoration. We can say with absolute certainty that there is not a single significant advantage for materials such as aerated concrete and foam concrete over polystyrene concrete. At the same time, polystyrene concrete significantly surpasses them in key characteristics.