Creative project using stool technology. Creative project using "stool" technology. Economic justification for the project

Municipal educational institution

Average comprehensive school № 47

Creative project



Student 11 "B" class


Polyakov Vladimir



technology teacher


Panov Alexander Nikolaevich


2007-2008 academic year year

2. Thinking scheme

4. Theoretical information

5. History and modernity

6. Bank of ideas

7. Sketch development of the basic version

8. Product requirements

9. Design specification

10. Tools and equipment

11. Materials

12. Safety rules during operation

13. Manufacturing technology

14. Quality control

15. Environmental justification

18. Self-esteem

Glossary of terms


1. Justification of the problem and need that has arisen

The apartment in which we live, work and relax should be comfortable, cozy and, of course, beautiful. To achieve this, there is no need to spend a lot of money. To do this you need to do a lot with your own hands.

The main thing about this project is that the product can be made independently. When choosing this project, we took into account following points.

In the process of making this stool, acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of mathematics, physics, chemistry and technology are used.

Making a stool helps to consolidate previously studied material on such topics as “Marking”, “Drilling”, “Repairing furniture at home”.

The equipment of the training workshops makes it possible to carry out this project, this work not dangerous. During the process, you can become familiar with interior design technology and acquire furniture repair skills. By making such a stool, you can make a personal contribution to the decoration of your apartment by making a nice gift for your parents.

When making a stool, precision and accuracy are required.

2. Thinking scheme

3. Identification of main parameters and limitations

The product must meet the following requirements:

1. The product must be made carefully.

2. The product must correspond to the chosen style.

3. The product must be beautiful.

4. The product must be durable.

4. Theoretical information

The product that I decided to make, as stated above, should be neat, beautiful and durable. I decided to make the stool from wood.

In this case, it is best to make it from oak wood.

Oak is a deciduous ring-vascular wood species. Oak wood is characterized by high strength and hardness, resistance to rotting, the ability to bend, and has a beautiful texture and color. It is used in carpentry and furniture, plywood planing and parquet production; in wagon train and shipbuilding, as well as in agricultural engineering, in the production of stave blanks for barrels.

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2. Justification for choosing the product…………………...2

3. Product drawing…………………………………..5

4. Analysis of the selected material………………...7

5. Drawings of parts……………………………..10

6. Manufacturing technology………………………15

7. Manufacturing time…………………………18

8. Economic calculation…………………………20

9. Analysis and evaluation……………………………...23

10. Advantages and disadvantages………………………24

Justification for choiceproducts.

This year I decided to make a stool for a project project. I have never made a product of this kind, and therefore the manufacturing process itself is interesting. I made wall lamps, I made shovels, but never a stool of any kind.

At first I had the idea to make a bench: for the street or, for example, for the bathhouse. But I thought and reasoned this way: we have a couple of small chairs to sit on the street, and if there are a lot of people, then one bench will not save. The bathhouse needs benches, but this was taken care of as soon as it was built. Therefore, another one there will be of no use, except to take up space.

Then I had many more ideas about the future product. For example, I was going to make a table, a chair, etc. I especially liked the idea of ​​making a chair because of the shortage of such at home. The idea was good, but I rejected it. Firstly, it is unlikely that I would be able to get required material; secondly, due to the sufficient complexity of the technological process: it is still necessary that the back be at an angle so that it does not dig into the back so that it would be impossible to sit; there are other small nuances in the manufacture of a chair; thirdly, I would like a soft, comfortable chair, but I still wouldn’t insulate it, even if I did. And who needs a small, hard chair that digs into your back? Absolutely no one. So I came to the conclusion that I would do stool.

As for me, this is the most optimal option from the above: there is probably enough material, nothing will poke you in the back, and there is absolutely no point in making it soft. On normal stool sitting, of course, is much more pleasant than sitting on a stool. But you can’t even drag the chair out into the street. And the stool can go anywhere, even on the street, even at home, even in the bathhouse.

So, it's decided. I'm making a stool. But here’s the catch, and not even just one. First - how to do it? Second - what to make it from? And finally, the last one - how do I want to make the stool? It can be classic, or patterned-painted, it can be “with three legs” or in the “de la raskoryaka” style. In general, there are tons of options. Just do what you think. But I didn’t think for very long. Of course, I wanted to do something more beautiful: instead of corners, smooth transitions, and instead of ordinary legs, something more elegant.

Under number 1 I show a version of the stool cover and its legs. Smooth transitions, grace, the lid could be more concave, but... I still rejected this option, although I was inclined to it. It would take a long time to turn the legs on a machine, and it would take a long time to cut out the lid. This is all a labor-intensive process, and it would take a lot of time.

The 2nd option is also very good, not as labor-intensive as the previous one. And the look is quite noble. But here you need to make either six legs, or connect them like this. Both would definitely come out askew for me.

Subsequently they told me: “Shurik, what’s the point of all this fuss? Do you have a lot of time? Do a simple stool, there will be time left - you will ennoble! In general, short and clear. That's what I decided to do classic version stool.

This is exactly the option shown under number 3. I may not make a partition (4), depending on the strength.

I will make the product from wood, pine, birch, linden, oak, ash - whatever I can find. More details in “Analysis of the selected material”.

Product drawing.

Draw which one you need yourself


part name


tire board


Analysis of the selectedmaterial.

I have already decided what I will do (stool). The question remained unresolved: “What to make it from?” I will deal with this issue now.

Manufacturing methods different types There are many stools, which means that each type must have its own specific material.

Plastic is very good material, it is waterproof, quite strong, lightweight, even plastic. From such material you can make almost anything your heart desires. The stool is no exception either. But I don't have any sufficient quantity this material, nor the ability to handle it. Therefore, this material is not suitable for me.

Various types of metals: steel, iron, cast iron, etc. these materials are also good, but in their own industries. You can't sit well on an iron stool. You can’t even take one like that out into the street: on such a stool you can freeze everything in the world, or burn it, and the stool itself will soon rust. After all, they say correctly: “Rust eats iron.” And products of this kind, made of any metal, are unlikely to look presentable, especially since stools are not made of iron and, thank God, such an idea does not occur to anyone.

The stool should be wooden. And I will adhere to this position. My stool will be made purely from wood, although in many cases the top is made from chipboard and then covered with veneer. This idea is not bad, but chipboard swells with high humidity, just like fiberboard, and this is a big drawback.

There are many tree species, and therefore another question arises - which species to choose? Oak. This is, of course, a noble species; oak has a beautiful texture and good strength. But oak is a rare tree in our area, it is difficult to process, so this option is eliminated. I also did not take ash for these reasons.

Linden is a very soft species, the texture of its wood is not particularly beautiful. All trees have poor water resistance, but linden and birch. They don't have that quality at all. This means that the linden tree is no longer needed. The stool will also not be made of birch due to the disgusting workability of this species.

There are many more options, but you won’t have enough time or patience to go through all the advantages and disadvantages of each breed. Therefore, we will focus on pine. It is from pine that I will make my product. Pine, in my opinion, is generally the most optimal and best material. Products made from pine do not warp and delight the eye with a pleasant wood texture. Pine's water resistance is not the worst, and it is processed better than others. Pine wood is easily amenable to any type of processing. This is, of course, a resinous rock, but I don’t see a big drawback in it. Pine still has some disadvantages, but good workability, beautiful texture and its presence in large quantities cover up her shortcomings. Moreover, pine is the most common material in our country. And some of the “pros and cons” of other tree species are listed in the table below.

water resistance



prone to cracks

I think not to use nails and various screws or self-tapping screws in the product, although I do not deny the possibility of their use. The parts will be attached to the grooves and glue.

I'm going to polish the stool later. Then sand and apply a second coat of varnish. All this is done so that there are no bubbles.

Parts drawings.

Draw it yourself

Manufacturing technology.




Selection of workpiece.

Sawing four tire boards to specified dimensions.

Drilling 3 holes in each of the tire boards for dowels.

Rounding corners.




Selection of workpiece.

Cut the workpiece to the desired shape.


Make cutouts (grooves)




Selection of workpiece.


Make cuts (fastenings).




Selection of workpiece.

Cutting the workpiece to size (4 pcs.).


Make cuts (fastenings).




Selection of workpiece.

Make the desired length.

Round off.




Connecting tire boards into a single cover.

Connection of legs with inserts and partitions.

Secure the cover and the rest with screws.


Hand drill

Saw, plane

Sanding paper



Sanding paper


Sanding paper


Sanding paper


Sanding paper


Glue, mallet

Glue, mallet


Caliper, ruler, keen eye

Manufacturing time.

It took me a long time to make the stool - eight hours and twenty minutes. It took me two hours and twenty minutes to make a complete lid. I spent about ten minutes sawing the tire boards to length. Then it took ten minutes to drill the holes for the fasteners. It took about five minutes to make each of the fasteners, and there are nine such fastenings. Forty-five minutes - making fasteners. Another half hour - sanding the parts that make up the lid. Then I spent forty minutes rounding the corners and spent another five minutes finishing sanding.

It also took a lot of time to make the legs of the stool. We had to make four blanks from the timber. Then they had to be sawed off required length and planing, because there were a lot of irregularities. Then grooves were made in the legs with a slotter. This work took one hour, twenty minutes. It took another forty minutes to finish sanding and cleaning. In total, the work on making the legs lasted two hours.

It took twenty-five minutes to make one insert. These twenty-five minutes included: five minutes of sawing to size, another five minutes of planing, ten minutes of fastening into the grooves, and another five minutes of sanding. It turns out that it took one hour and forty minutes to manufacture and process all the inserts.

Next is the manufacture of partitions. Here we had to plan, cut to length and sand. It took me thirty minutes to make the partition: five minutes sawing, another five minutes sanding, ten minutes planing. It took about ten minutes to cut out the fasteners, but this was only for the first partition. I stamped the rest in twenty minutes.

It only took half an hour to assemble the stool. In total, it took eight hours and twenty minutes to make the stool.

Economic calculation.

I Wood costs.

1.Vdr.=4(410H30H30)+(330H330H35)+4(210H70H15)+ +4(240H15H15)+9(80H15H15)=4(0.41H0.03H0.03)+ +(0.33H0.33H0.035 )+4(0.21×0.07×0.015)+ 4(0.24×0.015×0.015)+9(0.08×0.015×0.015)=0.006551mі

2. Costs for a given volume of wood.

1st month -- 1800 rub.

0.006551мі-х руб.

x=1800Х0.006551=11.8 rub.

From wood = 11 rub. 80 kop.

II Calculation of screws.

1. Weight of screws used.

4 screw 7g each 28gr. 0.028kg.

2. Costs for these screws.

1 kg. --40rub.

0.028kg. --x rub.

x=0.028Х40=1.12 rub.

Ssur.=1rub. 12kop.

III Varnish calculation.

1.Calculation of the area for weaving.




8(0.21 × 0.07)+4(0.21 × 0.015)= 0.6498 m²

2.Weight of the varnish used.

1mI --170gr.

0.6498mI --x gr.


3. Costs for varnish.

1 kg. --100rub.

0.11kg-- x rub.


Slaka = 11 rub.

IV Calculation of glue.

I used 30g. glue.

1 kg. -- 80 rub.

0.02kg. -- x rub.

x=0.03Х80=2.4 rub.

Glue = 2 rub. 40kop.

V I used 100 W bulb lighting. within 8 hours. 20 minutes.

1 kW. -- 1 rub. 80kop.

0.1 kW. -- x rub.

x=0.1Х1.80=0.18 rub.

I worked 8 hours. 20 minutes.

1 hour -- 0 rub. 18kop.

8.20h. -- x rub.

x=8.20Х0.18=1.48 rub.

I worked on the machine for 1 hour.

1 kW. -- 1 rub. 80kop.

I worked for 1 hour.

1 hour -- 1.8 rub.

Sov. = 1.48 + 1.8 = 3.28 rub.

Sov. = 3 rub. 28kop.

VI I received a salary for my work.

I worked 8.20 hours.

1 hour -- 1 rub. 80kop.

8.20 hours = x rub.

x=8.20Х1.80=14.76 rub.

Sz/pl.=14 rub. 76kop.

VII Total costs.

C = Wood+Shur.+Slak+Glue+Consist.+Sz/pl.=

11.8+1.12+11+2.4+3.28+14.76=44.36 rub.

C=44rub. 36kop.

Total costs amounted to 44 rubles. 36.kop

Analysis and evaluation.

Having assembled my product to the end, I rated it a “five”.

The stool turned out not as planned, but even better. Take a look - a feast for the eyes. Beautiful shape stool, its practicality indicates great effort and a considerable investment of time.

The stool has rounded shape lids, so you don't have to worry about sharp corners. It took a lot of time to make the parts needed for the stool, but this does not mean that all parts of the stool were made “without a hitch.” Some parts are not sanded very well, but this is not due to the fact that there is “reluctance to sand”, but a defect in the material. Some of the grooves and fasteners did not fit during assembly, but stamping in almost home conditions is impossible. This was a drawback during assembly and, I hope, it will not affect the stability or strength of the stool assembly in the future.

The product would have looked better if it had been patched, but there just wasn't enough time for that. But the appearance of the stool is not spoiled by the heads of nails or screws coming out.

Everyone rated my work “excellent.” Even my father, who reproaches me for being careless, appreciated my work well, although we made this stool together. The brother said that the product was good, but he could still take a minute to fix it. In general, the product turned out great.

Advantages and disadvantages.

The product turned out good, but it has both advantages and disadvantages.

I consider the advantages of my product:

Stability of the stool;

Sturdy build;

Correctly selected material;

Good processing of all details;

Nails and screws are nowhere to be seen;

The product looks good;

Rounded lid shape, safer than regular lid.

The product has no less shortcomings, but they are not so significant. Flaws:

Slight roughness on one of the stool legs;

It took a long time to make;

The actual dimensions of some parts differ slightly from the drawings;

There are small gaps at the connection of the legs with the partitions;

The stool was made with my father's help;

During assembly, a small crack appeared on the leg;

Excess glue is swollen;

Large product weight


1. Drawings are missing

2. In “Manufacturing Technology”, complete the sketches

3. No title card

4. The project may not display correctly in 2003microsoft officeword

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Creative project


Lakhin Danil

8th grade student


Lakhin Alexander Nikolaevich

technology teacher

Shubnoe village, 2016.



Blanks explanatory note


Historical reference



The stool is made of pine wood. Manufacturing technique: artistic wood processing. The product is varnished. The design of the product is reliable and stable. The seat has rectangular shape. The legs of the stool are low, so it can be used as a footstool or as a place to sit while peeling potatoes, for example, or putting on your shoes. This beautiful, original chair can decorate any kitchen and be useful.

Selection and justification of the project topic

The house in which we live, work and relax should be comfortable, cozy and, of course, beautiful. To achieve this, there is no need to spend a lot of money; a lot can be done with your own hands.Wood for me is the most available material, providing ample opportunity for creative activity for the production of original products in a school workshop. I have already made several for my homedecorative items: cutting board, book shelf, shoe stand.Unusual handmade products will not only bring warmth to the house and decorate the interior - they will give a piece of a fairy tale that will stay with us forever.

After researching my family's needs, I came to the conclusion that we needed a low stool for the kitchen.

I set myself target :

design and make a beautiful and inexpensive stool from wood.

When working on the project, I decided on the following: tasks:

    develop an economical, technologically advanced, durable and reliable design wood products;

    develop a simple technological process making a stool based on studied wood processing technologies using equipment that I already know how to work with;

    manufacture a product in accordance with the developed technical documentation in a limited time.

When choosing the project topic, I took into account:

    My skill level.

    A necessity for me, work done.

    Costs for purchasing materials and tools during the project.

    The amount of time required to complete the project.

Expected Result

So, the issue is resolved! I'm making a stool for the kitchen! But which one? What kind of legs should I make, the shape of the seat? What decor should I use? I found several chair options online that might suit me.

After considering all the options, studying their features, the need for materials and other components, the decision was made: to make a stool with solid legs. The result should be a beautiful, original product that can decorate any kitchen and be useful for many years.

Historical reference

Wooden art products are household items that organically combine beauty and utility. These include decorations wooden houses - carved frames, valances, skates on the roofs; decorative elements in the interior - parquet floors, carved decorations of doors, ceilings, wall panels, etc.; furniture and lamps; household utensils- dishes, cutting boards; wooden Toys and souvenirs (turned, carved, painted); clothing decorations, etc.

Art products made of wood, in addition to expressive proportions, color, shape, often have some kind of decoration: an ornament or a revealed texture of the material. Contemporary artists of decorative and applied arts - folk, professional, amateur - in search of forms and means artistic expression based on centuries-old traditions of national and world art.

Artistic woodworking is one of the oldest crafts mastered by man. In our country, especially in Russia, wooden architecture, , furniture, and various household items made of wood belong to one of the most important types of art and occupy a significant place in the national culture of the people.

Selection of material, tools, equipment

Having made a choice of object of labor, I began to collect information about similar products produced by enterprises: materials used, sizes, types of structures, prices. For this purpose, I visited shops and the market. But I didn’t find a similar chair. Therefore, I chose the material myself, developed the design and manufacturing method.

Choice of wood. During production of this product I used pine.Pine is the cheapest and most pliable material; bars and boards made from it are used in the production of many products.

Selection of screws for assembly and varnish. The stool is intended for use inside a heated room, so I decided to use self-tapping screws to connect its parts.

Varnishing helps protect the surface of the product from moisture penetration and rotting. I chose alkyd varnish grade PF-283

Tools and equipment:

1. When making a stool, you need hand tools: a hacksaw, a hammer, a punch, a mallet, a plane.

2. The seat of the stool and the legs are shaped, so it is better to cut them out electric jigsaw.

3. Drilling holes can be conveniently and quickly done on drilling machine.

4. For decorative finishing the edges of the chair seat and legs are used manual frezer, since doing this manually is difficult and will take a lot of time.

Environmental justification for the project

Products made from natural wood are environmentally friendly. They do not harm the environment and are completely recyclable. Use of production waste in productionthe frame of the chair will allow you to avoid their disposalwhich contributes to pollution environment. The varnish has a state certificate and is approved for use.

During the manufacture of the product there may be danger following works:

    Drilling, sawing, surface cleaning (wood dust);

    Decorative finishing (smell of varnish)

If you follow the safety rules (work uniform, glasses, respirator, ventilation), these dangers are very small.

The product is also safe to use. Therefore, the manufacture and use of this product will not lead to violations ecological environment society.

Economic justification for the project

Price utilities(electricity costs when working with an electric jigsaw, milling cutter, drilling machine) Total operating timeis approximately 2 hoursequal to the electrical energy consumption of 4 kW. 2.26 x 4 =9.04 rub.

The cost of equipment depreciation is not significant and can be neglected.

Cost of the stool: 149 rubles

Conclusion: Having studied the market conditions, I came to the conclusion that the price of my product is significantly lower than the market price. Therefore, it is profitable to make products yourself.

Stool manufacturing technology




Number of parts

Execution Sequence

Equipment, tools and supplies

Make a template for a stool

Pine board

Make a rough blank of the legs according to the template

Mark the blanks, saw off 2 legs

Pencil, ruler, carpenter's workbench, cross-cut saw.

Make a rough blank for the stool seat according to the template

Cut out the stool cover

Ruler, pencil, saw.

Plane the legs and cover of the stool

Workbench, plane, ruler

Cleaning parts

Clean parts


Polish front side and lid edges

Clean the cover with sandpaper


Process the edge of the workpiece using a manual milling machine

Milling machine


Collect parts

Screws and screwdriver.

Final finishing

Coat the product with varnish

Brush, varnish

Give a gift to yourself and your loved ones

If you are interested in original products made according to individual orders, contact our workshop.


    Borovykh V.P. Artistic processing of wood products. Volgograd 2010.

    Simonenko V.D. Technology. Technical labor. 5th grade. M. Publishing center "Ventana-Graf" 2014.

    Simonenko V.D. Technology. Technical labor. 6th grade. M. Publishing center "Ventana-Graf" 2014.

    Simonenko V.D. Technology. Technical labor. 7th grade. M. Publishing center "Ventana-Graf" 2014.

    Chernyakova V. N. Creative project using technology 5-9. M. "Enlightenment" 2012

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How the idea was born Many guests often come to our dacha and sometimes there are not enough chairs. In this case, you have to arrange random seats in the form of benches - this takes a lot of time, space and is not very convenient. Many guests often come to our dacha and sometimes there are not enough chairs. In this case, you have to arrange random seats in the form of benches - this takes a lot of time, space and is not very convenient. When the problem of choosing a project arose, I turned to my father, and he suggested a reasonable way out of the current situation with a shortage of seats, to try making folding stools. When the problem of choosing a project arose, I turned to my father, and he suggested a reasonable way out of the current situation with a shortage of seats, to try making folding stools.

Identification of the main parameters and limitations When manufacturing a “Multifunctional stool” product, I must rely on the following requirements: When manufacturing a “Multifunctional stool” product, I must rely on the following requirements: The product must be made carefully. The product must be made carefully. The product must correspond to the chosen style. The product must correspond to the chosen style. The product must be beautiful. The product must be beautiful. The product must be durable The product must be durable

Theoretical information When developing the project and constructing it, I relied on the principle of variability, unification and typification. When developing the project and constructing it, I relied on the principle of variability, unification and typification. I had to select proportions such as: stability, simplicity and convenience during assembly and disassembly, reliability during operation. To do this, I made templates from packaging cardboard according to the pattern. I had to select proportions such as: stability, simplicity and convenience during assembly and disassembly, reliability during operation. To do this, I made templates from packaging cardboard according to the pattern.

History of the origin and development of the stool Chair in Ancient Greece Medieval chair Rococo chair Chair in Ancient Greece Medieval chair Rococo chair Classicism chair Empire Neo-Gothic Classicism chair Empire Neo-Gothic (I used the Internet to select information)

Safety rules when sawing: securely and correctly secure the workpiece on the workbench; correctly and securely fasten the workpiece on the workbench; Do not hold it while sawing left hand close to the jigsaw blade; while sawing, do not keep your left hand close to the jigsaw blade; At the end of the work, remove sawdust only with a special sweeping brush. At the end of the work, remove sawdust only with a special sweeping brush.

The workpiece should be correctly and securely secured to the workbench; You cannot check the sharpness of the blade of a plane knife and chisel with your hand; Do not place the plane on the workbench lid with the blade facing down. Place the plane and chisel in the workbench tray with the blade facing away from you; work with a file only with a firmly attached handle; while working, do not grab the tip of the file with your left hand; sawdust and grinding dust must not be blown away; it should only be removed with a special sweeping brush. Safety rules for cutting and cleaning surfaces

Self-esteem I independently made a multifunctional stool and prepared to defend a creative project. As production progressed, I became more confident in working with electrical and hand tools. While developing design and technological documentation, I needed the help of a teacher, which I asked for and received. In the process of working on the project, I began to better understand drawing and perform many operations on personal computer. The manufactured product turned out to be beautiful, comfortable and, of course, multifunctional. The cost of the stool was 641.5 rubles. In addition, the family budget saved 400 rubles on the difference between the costs of purchase and production. I coped with the task and I am pleased that it turned out to be an excellent multifunctional stool that my loved ones also liked. (see Appendix - reviews)

Municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 47

Creative project



Student 11 "B" class


Polyakov Vladimir



technology teacher


Panov Alexander Nikolaevich


2007-2008 academic year year

2. Thinking scheme

3. Identification of main parameters and limitations

4. Theoretical information

5. History and modernity

6. Bank of ideas

7. Sketch development of the basic version

8. Product requirements

9. Design specification

10. Tools and equipment

11. Materials

13. Manufacturing technology

14. Quality control

15. Environmental justification

18. Self-esteem

Glossary of terms


1. Justification of the problem and need that has arisen

The apartment in which we live, work and relax should be comfortable, cozy and, of course, beautiful. To achieve this, there is no need to spend a lot of money. To do this you need to do a lot with your own hands.

The main thing about this project is that the product can be made independently. When choosing this project, the following points were taken into account.

In the process of making this stool, acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of mathematics, physics, chemistry and technology are used.

Making a stool helps to consolidate previously studied material on such topics as “Marking”, “Drilling”, “Repairing furniture at home”.

The equipment of the training workshops allows this project to be completed; this work is not dangerous. During the process, you can become familiar with interior design technology and acquire furniture repair skills. By making such a stool, you can make a personal contribution to the decoration of your apartment by making a nice gift for your parents.

When making a stool, precision and accuracy are required.

2. Thinking scheme

3. Identification of main parameters and limitations

The product must meet the following requirements:

1.The product must be made carefully.

2.The product must correspond to the chosen style.

3.The product must be beautiful.

4.The product must be durable.

4. Theoretical information

The product that I decided to make, as stated above, should be neat, beautiful and durable. I decided to make the stool from wood.

In this case, it is best to make it from oak wood.

Oak is a deciduous ring-vascular wood species. Oak wood is characterized by high strength and hardness, resistance to rotting, the ability to bend, and has a beautiful texture and color. It is used in carpentry and furniture, plywood planing and parquet production; in wagon train and shipbuilding, as well as in agricultural engineering, in the production of stave blanks for barrels.

5. History and modernity

The history of chairs dates back to ancient times. Even ancient people realized the usefulness and necessity of such a thing on which they could sit and relax. Chairs primitive man They were a flat stone with uneven edges. Subsequently, people began to improve the chair and added some details to it. Gradually he began to accept, albeit distantly, modern look.

In later times, chairs decorated precious stones and made from expensive materials have become a luxury item. The royal chairs (thrones) were hollowed out from a huge block of marble, inlaid with diamonds and other precious stones, and trimmed with gold.

Hunters and fishermen also use chairs, and their role can be played by a wide variety of objects: boxes, even stones, logs, etc.

Every home also has chairs. Their designs in different times were different and corresponded to different people's ideas about beauty and convenience. These were chairs from different varieties wood, ranging from cheap pine to extremely expensive mahogany. There are also several more popular modifications of the chair - armchairs, rocking chairs, sofas, ottomans. And although they look different, their purpose is absolutely the same.

In normal wooden chair the most commonly used designs are those with four legs, but you can find specimens that have only three legs.

6. Bank of ideas

Having studied the theoretical material, the history of the emergence and development of the issue, it was decided to make a product using wood processing techniques, with which it would be possible to make a stool from wood.

During the information collection process, a number of options were considered:

1 Make a banquette

2 Classic stool

3 Small bench

After considering the three presented options, studying their features, the need for materials and other components, a decision was made: to manufacture the “Stool” product, taking option number two as a basis.

7. Sketch development of the basic version

To decorate the stool and improve the aesthetic appearance, we decided to treat the legs of the stool with lathe. The legs are also turned on a lathe. They decided to make the stool cover from laminated particle board covering the edge with texture tape.

8. Product requirements

9. Design specification

10. Tools and equipment

When making a stool of the above design, it is necessary to use hand-held woodworking tools and equipment:

1. Carpentry workbench

2. Hacksaw

3. Planer

4.Drilling machine with drills


11. Materials

When making this product, it is best to use hardwood.

Hard wood species include: birch, beech, oak, elm, rowan, maple, walnut, apple, pear, ash, white acacia. From the list of wood species we could use to make the product: birch, oak, pear and acacia. We don’t use pear and acacia because we don’t have any in stock required sizes. And preference was given to oak over birch due to the more beautiful texture and color of the wood.

12. Safety rules during operation


on safety precautions manual processing wood