Soil thermal stabilizers. — Design of soil thermal stabilization systems Individual soil thermal stabilizers

Thermal stabilization of foundation soils— a set of thermal reclamation measures aimed at ensuring a stable thermal state of soils in accordance with the selected design principle of using soils as a foundation throughout the entire period of operation of the facility (STO Gazprom 2-2.1-390-2009).

When designing structures on permafrost soils (permafrost), design organizations face the following problems:

1) Soils in a frozen state do not have the necessary load-bearing characteristics (high-temperature frozen soils), which leads to an increase in the number of foundation piles to carry the loads from the structure and an increase in the cost of the project.

2) The geological section at the construction site is represented by permafrost of a non-merging type, which during the operation of the facility can lead to both further thawing (settlement of foundations) and freezing (heaving of foundations).

3) For technological reasons, there are restrictions on the installation of a ventilated underground under a heat-generating building or structure (or its height is not enough), which without additional measures can lead to thawing of the MMG.

4) In the area of ​​distribution of permafrost, the designed site falls on an area of ​​distribution of thawed soils with low load-bearing characteristics.

5) Due to the remoteness of the construction area and difficulties with the delivery of drilling and piling equipment, the Customer wants to reduce costs and is considering the option of installing a shallow foundation instead of a pile one.

6) Heaving soils are widespread in the area, which has a negative impact on the foundations of structures and leads to their deformation (this is especially true for lightly loaded foundations of masts, overpasses, small block boxes, etc.).

7) It is necessary to design a soil dam for local purposes, but there are not enough soils with the required characteristics (low filtration coefficients).

All these problems, to one degree or another, can be solved by using soil thermal stabilization systems.

Our company performs as full set project documentation on thermal stabilization of soils (sections: thermotechnical modeling of thermal stabilization systems with prediction of soil conditions, geotechnical monitoring), as well as partial modeling of the interaction of a structure and the geological environment, variable calculations of thermal stabilization, etc. An example of a graphical application for the project can be viewed

An example of calculating the thermal stabilization of soils using BET

Instruments and devices used for thermal stabilization of the soil base: seasonal cooling devices ( SOU), year-round cooling devices ( KOU), open cooling devices ( OOU), heat-insulating screens, monitoring systems (loggers, thermo streamers, benchmarks).

SOU ( in the literature you may find the name thermosyphons or single thermal stabilizers) - devices based on accelerated heat exchange between soil and air due to phase transformations and coolant circulation in a closed heat exchanger. The SOU consists of a condenser (which is located in the above-ground part) and an evaporator (the underground part); sometimes a transit part is separated, which is important for the anchor-type SOU. The performance of the SOU largely depends on the ratio of the evaporator area to the total condenser area. On this moment SOUs are widely used in all northern regions of Russia. The SOU is installed both vertically and horizontally. On some devices with a large evaporation part, pumps are installed to speed up the heat exchange process.

SOU with a bifurcated radiator system, in the upper part there is a refueling tap (Komi Republic, Vorkuta).

SOU with one radiator, in the upper part there is a refueling tap (Komi Republic, Vorkuta).

Sou with a bifurcated system of inclined V-shaped radiators. A similar form was conceived for more efficient work with and without wind (Komi Republic, Vorkuta).

SDU with horizontal fins and the use of a sleeve that serves to control the freezing process, as well as for the possibility of changing the thermal stabilizer.

The use of single SOU with horizontal fins for freezing part of the site (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yubileiny field Gazprom Dobycha Nadym).

Application of SDU with vertical fins for freezing the dam core (Republic of Yakutia (Sakha), Yakutsk).

Model of interaction of horizontal thermal stabilization systems from single SOUs with a building without a ventilated underground.

KOU - year-round thermostabilizers are connected to refrigeration machines that are turned on during the warm season. Such systems are usually used in two cases. The first is under difficult soil conditions (fluid soils, etc.), when it is necessary to freeze (lower the temperature) the soil(s) in a short time. The second is objects on a surface foundation with a high requirement for bearing capacity(large tanks) when it is not possible to use a heat-insulating screen. The actual application of CDU exists on the Kharasaveyskaya oil pipeline system. There is also a legend that a similar system is installed under the building of Moscow State University to ensure better bearing capacity of Jurassic clays.

OOU - various air injection devices operating, as a rule, due to natural air movement. before active use CDUs were the main means for cooling the underground under houses. The device consists of an air intake of various designs and an air-conducting duct (pipe). If the ODU is installed in an underground space equipped with snow shields, when air from the street passes through a narrow opening, a throttling effect occurs, lowering the temperature in the underground.

To correctly design thermal stabilization systems, it is necessary to carry out thermal calculations interactions between soils, structures and thermal stabilization systems for the entire period of operation. Carrying out modeling until the design temperature is reached is not enough, due to possible overcooling of the soil and activation of frost cracking. Our company has all production permits design work for soil thermal stabilization, all calculations are made using our own certified software, created for the production of such work.

To work in Yamal conditions, it is planned to use special materials for strengthening soil surfaces - biomats. This is a complete artificial soil substitute for the period of its restoration.

The biomat is a multi-layer, completely biodegradable base, between the layers of which a reclamation mixture is laid, including seeds. perennial plants, nutrients(mineral and organic fertilizers, plant growth stimulants, soil-forming bacteria) and water-retaining components (in the form of synthetic polymers) that improve the soil's ability to retain moisture.

The use of biomats is aimed at protecting and strengthening the surfaces of soil embankments and slopes, and soil embankments of pipelines. The use of biomat is especially effective in complex natural conditions in the regions Far North, Where natural environment is especially sensitive to external influences, and the ongoing complete or partial destruction of vegetation extremely sharply activates the processes of water and wind erosion and gully formation.

The use of biomats makes it possible to practically restore the soil-vegetative layer within the first summer season without laying a fertile soil layer and subsequent sowing of grass.

They are manufactured in industrial conditions and delivered to the site in full finished form. The builders will only have to secure them with the help of special rods at the site of the completed work.

Soil thermal stabilizers.

One of the most important areas reflecting modern practice northern construction is to preserve the traditional state of permafrost soils in the human economic zone. Under this condition, the equilibrium state of the environment and the stability of structures erected on these soils are maintained.

An effective way to maintain or enhance the frozen state of the soil in the foundations of structures is to use low temperatures outside air using vapor-liquid thermosiphons called thermostabilizers.

Thermal stabilizers are designed to cool and freeze permafrost soil in order to increase its bearing capacity.

The area of ​​specific use of soil thermal stabilizers is very wide: stabilization of soil in the bases of foundations and structures, bridge supports, pipelines, power lines.

The design of the soil thermal stabilizer is a gravity-oriented heat pipe in which the evaporation-condensation process of heat transfer is carried out using vapors of a low-boiling refrigerant (freon, propane, ammonia, etc.). finned aboveground part is a condenser; the part of the thermostabilizer buried in the ground is an evaporator.

The thermal stabilizer for soil contains inside a sealed housing structural elements, ensuring its stable operation in both vertical and inclined positions.

Polymer lining profile (rail).

Polymer lining profile is designed to protect outer surface pipeline when installing cast iron or reinforced concrete weights (weights), as well as for protection from mechanical damage to the insulating coating of pipelines during the process of pulling the pipeline through the underwater passage casing in difficult terrain. Neftegaz profiles can also be used as lining mats for supporting elements and pipeline fittings.

The use of profiles significantly reduces lining time, ensures guaranteed safety of the pipeline insulation coating and extends the service life of the underwater passage. The profile materials are not subject to rotting and are suitable for use in aggressive environments, are environmentally friendly, do not harm the environment and can be used in reservoirs with fresh drinking water.


The geogrid allows for optimal load stabilization and soil erosion resistance, which ensures a stable soil position.

Geogrid is used in the construction of gas pipelines to strengthen the coastal coastline.

Artificially created embankments that arise during construction or work on construction sites cannot be imagined without the use of proper fixation. In this case, the resistance of slopes can be increased with the help of a geogrid, which will increase the pace of construction of facilities.

The geogrid filler, consisting of a special layer passing between the geogrid and the soil, plays an important role in the reliability of the created structure.

The geogrid restrains the energy of water flows, prevents erosion, and reduces shear forces directed along the slope in the contact zone with the aggregate.

Polymer rock sheet for protecting the insulated surface of pipelines.

The rock sheet is designed to protect the insulated surface of pipelines with a diameter of up to 1420 mm, inclusive, when underground installation in rocky and permafrost soils with sharp fractions, as well as in mineral soils with inclusions of debris, pebbles, and individual stone blocks.

The rock sheet consists of a non-woven synthetic material with a special plastic and at the same time hard coating. SLP is a completely new environmentally friendly coating designed to protect the insulated surface of a pipeline of any diameter. DES can be used in any climatic conditions.

The design of the rock sheet satisfies such basic requirements as:

  1. Ensuring ecological cleanliness of the environment;
  2. Simplification of the pipeline lining process (installation process);
  3. Simplification of the process of transportation and storage;
  4. Does not interfere with cathodic protection.

Polymer container ballasting device is a modernized double design PKBU-MKS.

Polymer-container ballasting device - a modernized dual design PKBU-MKS - is a product that consists of two containers connected by four power strips, as well as metal spacer frames. Such containers are made from soft synthetic materials. For the production of ballasting devices, technical fabrics are used, which are highly durable and ensure long service life in ground conditions. They can be used for ballasting pipelines with a diameter of up to 1420 mm, as well as those structures that float in a flooded trench or are operated in marshy area provided that the depth of the trench exceeds the thickness of the peat deposits.

The main feature of PKBU-MKS is the absence of contact between the metal frame and the insulating coating of the pipeline. PKBU-MKS includes the container part of the KCh, represented by one bag, as well as four longitudinal and four transverse pipes - elements of the ERRZ stiffening spacer frames. If necessary, ballasting devices can be combined into groups using couplings. With a pipeline diameter of 1420 to 1620 mm, the group can consist of four devices, and with a diameter of 720–1220 mm - of two.

Seasonal cooling devices (SCU) designed to maintain the soil in a frozen state, which ensures the stability of buildings, structures on piles, and also preserves frozen soil around power line supports and pipelines, along embankments railway tracks and highways. The technology of seasonal cooling devices is based on a heat transfer device (thermosyphon), which winter period extracts heat from the soil and transfers it to the environment. Important feature This technology is that it is naturally acting, i.e. does not require external energy sources.

The operating principle of all types of seasonally operating cooling devices is the same. Each of them consists of a sealed pipe containing a coolant - refrigerant: carbon dioxide, ammonia, etc. The pipe consists of two sections. One section is placed in the ground and is called the evaporator. The second, radiator section of the pipe, is located on the surface. When the ambient temperature drops below the temperature of the ground where the evaporator lies, refrigerant vapor begins to condense in the radiator section. As a result, the pressure decreases and the refrigerant in the evaporator part begins to boil and evaporate. This process is accompanied by the transfer of heat from the evaporator part to the radiator part.

Heat transfer using a thermosyphon

Currently, there are several types of designs of seasonally operating cooling devices:

1) Thermal stabilizer. They are a vertical thermosiphon pipe around which the soil is frozen.

2) . It is a vertical pile with an integrated thermosiphon. The thermal pile can carry some load, such as supporting an oil pipeline.

3) Deep seasonal cooling device. It is a long (up to 100 meters) thermosiphon pipe with an increased diameter. Such cooling devices are used for temperature stabilization of soils at great depths, for example, for thermal stabilization of dams and dams.

4) . This type of cooling device differs from a thermal stabilizer in that the evaporator pipe is installed at a slope of about 5%. In this case, it is possible to install an inclined evaporator pipe directly under buildings built on concrete slabs.

5) Horizontal cooling device. A special feature of a horizontal seasonal cooling device is that it is installed completely horizontally at the level of the prepared bulk foundation. In this case, the building is erected directly on non-subsidence soil located on the insulation layer and evaporation pipes. The advantage of horizontal cooling devices is the ability to use them in two configurations: on slab and pile foundations.

6) Vertical cooling system. This type of seasonal cooling device is similar to a horizontal cooling device, but unlike it, in addition to horizontal evaporator pipes, it can contain up to several dozen vertical evaporator pipes. The advantage of this system is more efficient maintenance of the soil in a frozen state. Disadvantage vertical systems cooling devices is the difficulty of their repair and maintenance.

Designed for cooling (freezing) soils in order to increase their bearing capacity, as well as to ensure stability and operational reliability of any types of foundations.

Application area

  • during the construction, operation and repair of oil and gas transportation systems;
  • development of oil and gas fields, as well as supports of overhead pipelines;
  • during the construction, operation and repair of transport construction facilities, power lines and lighting poles;
  • during the construction of railways and highways, permafrost curtains, water intakes, dams, ice islands, roads, crossings and other structures for industrial and civil purposes in cryolithozone conditions.

Soil thermal stabilizers are a hermetically welded metal pipe filled with refrigerant with a diameter of 32 to 57 mm, a length of 6 to 16 m or more. It consists of a condenser with fins (above-ground part with a length of 1-2.5 meters) and an evaporator (underground part with a length of 5 to 15 m or more).

The capacitor fin material is aluminum. The number of fins per 1 m/p is about 400 pieces, the fin pitch is 2.5 mm, the fin diameter is 64 and 70 mm, the fin height is up to 15 mm. The heat exchange area of ​​1 m/n fins is up to 2.2 m².

The work is carried out without external power sources, only due to the laws of physics - heat transfer due to the evaporation of the refrigerant in the evaporator and its rise to the condenser part, where the steam condenses, giving off heat, and then flows down along the inner walls of the pipe.

Thermal stabilizers are divided into two types: single-section and multi-section.

The technology of thermal stabilization of frozen soils of bases and foundations is effective measure on the protection of frozen soils (MSS) from degradation. The use of thermal stabilization technology makes it possible to protect MMG from the effects of nearby fuel-generating objects, to create winter time crossings, roads and ice islands for drilling wells.

The choice of technology (methods) for active thermal stabilization of soils, as well as types and models of vehicles, is determined design features buildings, structures and technological features their construction and operation. OS and TS are autonomous refrigeration devices operating at low temperatures atmospheric air in the cold season and do not require any costs during operation.

The invention relates to the field of construction in areas with complex engineering and geocryological conditions, namely to the thermal stabilization of permafrost and weak soils. The technical result is to increase the manufacturability of the installation process of long-length thermal stabilizers, reduce installation time, and increase the reliability of the design. The technical result is achieved by the fact that the year-round soil thermal stabilizer for accumulating cold in the foundations of buildings and structures contains a steel thermal stabilizer pipe and an aluminum condenser pipe, while the thermal stabilizer condenser is made in the form vertical pipe, consisting of a capacitor body, a capacitor cap and two finned capacitors with outside, the fin area of ​​which is at least 2.3 m 2, while the heat stabilizer has an element for slinging in the upper part in the form of a mounting bracket. 1 ill.

The invention relates to the field of construction in areas with complex engineering and geocryological conditions, namely the thermal stabilization of permafrost and soft soils.

It is known that during the construction of capital structures, roads, overpasses, oil wells, tanks, etc. on permafrost soils must be used special measures on conservation temperature regime soils throughout the entire period of operation and to prevent softening of load-bearing foundations during thawing. Most effective method are the location at the base of the structure of plastically frozen soil stabilizers, usually containing a system of pipes filled with refrigerant and connected by a condenser part (for example: RF patent application No. 93045813, No. 94027968, No. 2002121575, No. 2006111380, RF Patents No. 2384672, No. 2157872.

Typically, the installation of SPMG is carried out before the construction of structures: a foundation pit is prepared, backfilled sand cushion, install thermal stabilizers, fill the soil and install a layer of thermal insulation (Journal “Foundations, Foundations and Soil Mechanics”, No. 6, 2007, pp. 24-28). After completion of construction of the structure, monitoring the operation of the thermal stabilizer and repairs individual parts is very difficult, which requires additional reservations (Magazine " Gas industry", No. 9, 1991, p. 16-17). To improve the maintainability of thermal stabilizers, it is proposed to place them inside protective pipes with one plugged end, filled with liquid with high thermal conductivity (RF patent No. 2157872). Protective pipes are placed under the soil fill and a layer of thermal insulation with a slope of 0-10° to the longitudinal axis of the base. The open end of the pipe is located outside the contour of the soil fill. This design allows, in the event of a leak, deformation, or other defects in the cooling pipes, to remove them and produce Maintenance and install it back. However, in this case, the cost of the product increases significantly due to the use of protective pipes and special liquid.

To cool the soil at the base of structures during the operational period, heat pipes of various designs are used (RF patent No. 2327940, RF utility model patent No. 68108), installed in wells. To ensure ease of manufacture, transportation and installation of heat pipes, their body has at least one insert made in the form of a bellows (RF patent for utility model No. 83831). The insert is usually equipped with a rigid removable clip to fix the relative position of the body sections. The rigid cage may be perforated to fill the space between it and the bellows with soil in order to reduce thermal resistance. The heat pipe is supposed to be immersed in the well section by section, by static pressing. This results in large bending loads on the structure, which can lead to damage.

Close to the present invention is a method for removing sediment from embankments on permafrost by freezing thawing soils with long thermosiphons (JSC Russian Railways, Federal State Unitary Enterprise VNIIZhT, " Technical instructions to eliminate sediment from embankments on permafrost by freezing thawing soils with long thermosiphons" M., 2007). This method involves drilling several inclined wells towards each other from opposite ends of the structure, after which cooling devices (thermosiphons) are immersed to the final depth of the well with a static pressing load. As already noted, this creates significant destructive loads on the structural elements of the cooling device.

The closest to the present invention is invention No. 2454506 C2 MPK E02D 3/115 (2006.01) “Cooling device for temperature stabilization of permafrost soils and a method for installing such a device.” This invention is aimed at improving the manufacturability of the process of installing long-length thermal stabilizers, reducing installation time, increasing the reliability of the structure and replacing damaged areas, while simultaneously reducing the cost of installing the device.

The declared technical result is achieved by the fact that the installation of a cooling device for temperature stabilization of permafrost soils includes:

Passing a through well;

Pulling in the direction opposite to the direction of drilling the thermal stabilizer well;

Installation of capacitors.

The thermal stabilizer (long thermosyphon) contains condenser and evaporator pipes filled with refrigerant, connected by bellows hoses (bellows). Each of the sleeves is reinforced with bandages. The condenser pipes are located at the edges of the thermal stabilizer and are pulled to a position where the condenser pipes are located above the ground surface.

Condensers (heat exchangers) include condenser pipes with cooling elements installed on them (flanges, disks, fins, etc. or radiators of a different design). Typically, the heat exchanger is installed by pressing disk flanges onto the condenser pipe. This method is the most convenient in such climatic conditions. If necessary, welding and installation by means of bolted connections. Capacitors of other designs can also be used within the scope of the present invention. What final installation the condenser is carried out after pulling the thermal stabilizer through the well, allows the use of wells of smaller diameter and does not require large material and labor costs.

Installing capacitors on both sides of the thermal stabilizer allows you to increase the efficiency of the device. And the installation method allows the use of heat stabilizers of much longer length and, as a result, significantly increase the cooling zone. One of the capacitors can be installed at the factory, which simplifies the installation procedure in difficult climatic conditions. (Because the present invention uses pulling instead of the usual procedure of pressing in the thermal stabilizer, the risk of damaging the capacitor when installing the thermal stabilizer is reduced.)

Thus, this invention improves the manufacturability of the installation process of long-length thermal stabilizers by changing the direction of installation of the thermal stabilizer; reduces the installation time of the device by reducing the number of operations and the ability to carry out work on one side of the structure; increases the reliability and safety of installation; simplifies the procedure for replacing damaged areas. Due to the low cost of installation work and the possibility of carrying it out already during the operation of the facility, it is more cost-effective to replace failed thermal stabilizers by laying additional lines than to dismantle and repair them.

The disadvantage of the known technical solution is a complex structural solution and, as a result, a narrow scope of application due to the limited depth of the pile and deep freezing of the soil in other cases, as well as a low efficiency due to horizontal system forced cooling.

The objective of the present invention is to create a rational, reliable thermal stabilizer for soils that meets the high technological and design requirements for maintaining the temperature regime of soils throughout the entire period of operation, thanks to the compliance of the thermal stabilizer architectural features structures.

Thermal stabilizers are delivered to the installation site fully assembled and do not require assembly on site. At the same time, the thermal stabilizer is manufactured for seismic areas (up to 9 points on the MSK-64 scale) with a service life and a service life of the anti-corrosion coating of 50 years. The heat stabilizer has an anti-corrosion coating (zinc), made in the factory.

The thermal stabilizer is immersed immediately after drilling the well. The gap between the thermal stabilizer and the well wall is filled with a soil solution with a moisture content of 0.5 or higher. The soil drilled out when drilling a well or a clay-sand mixture is used.

The bottom level of the thermal stabilizer and the bottom level of the well are determined when installing the thermal stabilizer.

The essence of the invention is illustrated in Fig. 1.

The thermal stabilizer consists of: thermal stabilizer capacitor 1, capacitor housing 2, capacitor cap 3, steel thermal stabilizer pipe 4, aluminum condenser pipe 5, thermal stabilizer mounting bracket 6, thermal stabilizer housing 7, thermal stabilizer tip 8, heat-insulating thermal stabilizer insert 9.

The thermal stabilizer capacitor 1 is made in the form of a vertical pipe - the capacitor body 2, consisting of a capacitor cap 3 and two finned capacitors on the outside, the fins are rolled by installing the aluminum pipe of the capacitor 5 close to the weld.

The fins are highly efficient, the helical direction of the turns is arbitrary. On the surface of the fins, deformation on turns of no more than 10 mm is allowed, coating the surface of the aluminum pipe after rolling is chemical passivation in a solution of alkali and salt. The fin area is at least 2.43 m2.

Effective cooling of the thermal stabilizer is achieved due to the large surface area of ​​the fins.

The heat stabilizer body can be made of two or three parts, welded using an automatic welding installation steel pipes MD (non-standard seam, welding is performed with a rotating magnetically controlled arc).

The weld seam is tested for strength and tightness with air at excess pressure 6.0 MPa (60 kgf/cm2) under water.

Roll the fins of the condenser by installing an aluminum pipe with a cone close to the weld.

On the surface of the fins, deformation is allowed on turns with a depth of no more than 10 mm - linear, longitudinal and radial - helical, as well as up to seven turns from each end less than diameter 67. Coating the surface of the aluminum pipe after rolling is chemical passivation in a solution of alkali and salt. The fin area is at least 2.3 m2.

The heat stabilizer has an element for slinging in the upper part in the form of a mounting bracket. Slinging is carried out using textile sling in the form of a loop, with a lifting capacity of 0.5 tons.

Thermal stabilizers have an external anti-corrosion zinc coating, made in the factory.

Climatic conditions for installation of thermal stabilizers:

Temperature not lower than minus 40°C;

Relative air humidity from 25 to 75%;

Atmospheric pressure 84.0-106.7 kPa (630-800 mmHg).

The location for installation of thermal stabilizers must meet the following conditions:

Have sufficient illumination, at least 200 lux;

Must be equipped with lifting mechanisms.

The gap between the thermal stabilizer and the well wall is filled with a soil solution with a moisture content of 0.5 or higher. The soil drilled during drilling of the well or a clay-sand mixture is used.

Thermal insulation of the thermostabilizer 9 is carried out in the seasonal thawing zone.

The steel for the steel pipes of the heat stabilizer is adapted to northern conditions and has an anti-corrosion zinc coating. The thermal stabilizer is lightweight due to its small diameter, while maintaining a wide radius of soil freezing.

Thermal stabilizers are delivered to the installation site fully assembled and do not require assembly on site. At the same time, the thermal stabilizer is designed for seismic areas (up to 9 points on the MSK-64 scale) with a service life of the anti-corrosion coating of 50 years. The heat stabilizer has an anti-corrosion coating (zinc), made in the factory.

A year-round soil thermal stabilizer for accumulating cold in the foundations of buildings and structures, containing a steel thermal stabilizer pipe and an aluminum condenser pipe, characterized in that the thermal stabilizer condenser is made in the form of a vertical pipe consisting of a condenser body, a condenser cap and two finned capacitors on the outside, area the fins of which are at least 2.3 m 2, while the heat stabilizer has an element for slinging in the upper part in the form of a mounting bracket.

Similar patents:

The proposed device relates to the construction one-story buildings on permafrost soils with artificial cooling of the building foundation soils using heat pump and simultaneous heating of the building using a heat pump and additional source heat.

The invention relates to systems for cooling and freezing soils in mining construction in areas of permafrost (permafrost zone), characterized by the presence of natural brines with negative temperatures(cryopegs).

The invention relates to the field of construction in areas with complex engineering and geocryological conditions, where thermal stabilization of permafrost and plastically frozen soils is used, and can be used to maintain their frozen state or freezing, including in wells that are unstable in the walls and prone to sliding and landslide formation.

The invention relates to the field of construction of structures in complex engineering and geological conditions of the permafrost zone. The invention is aimed at creating deep thermosyphons with ultra-deep underground evaporators, about 50-100 m or more, with a uniform temperature distribution over the surface of the evaporator located in the ground, which makes it possible to more effectively use its potential power to remove heat from the ground and increase the energy efficiency of the device used .

The invention relates to the field of construction, namely to the construction of industrial or residential complexes on permafrost. The technical result is to ensure a stable low permafrost temperature in the foundation soils of a construction complex in the presence of a bulk leveling soil layer. The technical result is achieved in that the site for a construction complex on permafrost contains a bulk grading layer of soil located on the natural surface of the soil within the construction complex, while the bulk grading layer of soil contains a cooling tier located directly on the natural surface of the soil, and located on the cooling tier there is a protective tier, wherein the cooling tier contains a cooling system in the form of hollow horizontal pipes located parallel to the upper surface of the platform, and vertical hollow pipes, the bottom of which is adjacent to the horizontal pipes on top and the cavity of which is connected to the cavity of the horizontal pipes, while their upper end has plug, the vertical pipe crosses the protective tier and borders the outside air, and the protective tier contains a layer thermal insulation material, located directly on the cooling tier and protected from above by a layer of soil. 1 salary f-ly, 4 ill.

The invention relates to the field of construction in areas with complex engineering and geocryological conditions, namely to the thermal stabilization of permafrost and soft soils. The technical result is to increase the manufacturability of the installation process of long-length thermal stabilizers, reduce installation time, and increase the reliability of the design. The technical result is achieved by the fact that a year-round soil thermal stabilizer for accumulating cold in the foundations of buildings and structures contains a steel thermal stabilizer pipe and an aluminum condenser pipe, while the thermal stabilizer condenser is made in the form of a vertical pipe consisting of a condenser body, a condenser cap and two finned capacitors with an external sides, the fin area of ​​which is at least 2.3 m2, while the heat stabilizer has an element for slinging in the upper part in the form of a mounting bracket. 1 ill.