Roman blinds for a large window in the room. Roman blinds in the interior: modern innovations and stylish solutions for your home. How to make Roman blinds yourself

Roman curtains in the interior – modern choice a practical person who cares about the comfort in his home. This window design option combines practicality and design. It is also unique in that it is suitable for any room, be it a kitchen, living room or even a children's room. The variety of options will allow you to have several options for curtains at once, changing them periodically.


Simple, elegant and functional Roman curtain came to us from the distant past - the times of the great Roman Empire. Design curtains has remained the same as thousands of years ago, but experiments with materials and design continue, never ceasing to pleasantly surprise connoisseurs of beauty.

If you need to save space, but choose an extremely boring office option - blinds - for Houses I don’t feel like it at all, Roman blinds will always come to the rescue. Compact formula style is simple: a flat canvas with horizontal rods, a chain or cord control mechanism and a lower weighting material that adds laconicism to the shape.

Stop at one and possible options mechanism of this type of decoration:

  • rope-lifting;
  • electronic control;
  • rotary-chain.

Roman blinds can easily be confused with roller blinds, but they have several significant differences:

  • Lifting mechanism. The Roman blind folds up, while the roller blind hides in a box.
  • Number of details. Roman blinds have a large number of special inserts.
  • Control method. The Roman blind is easier to control by raising or lowering it to the required height.

Advantages of Roman blinds

The undeniable advantage of Roman blinds is their versatility. Curtains of this type are quite practical for kitchens And bathroom, homely warm and cozy for children's, bedroom or living room, and also somewhat restrained, which is useful for a work-inducing atmosphere office. They easily turn into an element decor, echoing the patterns furniture upholstery, pillows or sounding in time with wallpaper pattern on the walls.

In addition to its versatility, this type of curtains has other equally significant advantages, including:

  • compactness;
  • ease of use;
  • convenience when ordering in the studio due to the accuracy of calculation of the required material;
  • Easy to care for: they can even be washed in a washing machine.

But still, one of the main advantages of these curtains is their functionality. So, you can use them for absolutely any room, be it a nursery, a bedroom, a living room or even a bathroom.

Roman blinds in the kitchen

The kitchen is the room in which we spend the most time. Therefore, I want it to be beautiful, cozy, bright, and also not a brand. It seems that it is simply impossible to combine all these qualities in one type of curtains. However, Roman blinds meet all these requirements.

Roman blinds can decorate any window, but most of all they are suitable for decorating the kitchen. Roman blinds look most advantageous if they are selected exactly to the size of the window opening.

Advice! For Roman blinds in the kitchen, you can use both thick and lighter fabrics, mostly multi-colored.

As a rule, Roman blinds are used for narrow windows, but don’t despair if you have a large kitchen beautiful window. It can also be decorated with the option you like. However, in this case, you should place two or even three curtains at once instead of one.

Roman blinds in the kitchen provide a lot of room for imagination. So, you can, if desired, depending on the style of the interior, decorate them with bows and ruffles, as well as tassels and fringe (see photo in the interior).

When choosing fabric for Roman blinds, you should be guided by considerations of functionality, and then by decorative ones. It is important that you can wash them yourself. In addition, the fabric should not absorb odors. Accordingly, these criteria are most met synthetic fabrics. If you are inclined to trust more environmentally friendly materials, then pay attention to combined options. So, synthetic threads are added to linen, cotton and silk.

Roman blinds in the nursery

Roman blinds are also suitable for children's rooms. Despite the fact that the fashion for this type of window decoration has only recently begun to gain momentum, many housewives have already fallen in love with it. And for good reason. These curtains are suitable for a child's room for several simple reasons.

Firstly, they are easy to dismantle. And this is very important for a nursery, because a child always wants something new. In this case, you can transform the interior of the room by simply changing the curtains.

Secondly, it should be noted their practicality and ease of use. You can choose any length and density, or adjust the curtains so that it is most comfortable for the child.

Roman blinds look good not only on their own, but also in combination with other window decor

Often on windows office premises decorate blinds. Yes, it’s beautiful, but if we talk about the home environment, then for sure everyone here would like a more cozy and gentle atmosphere. To do this, you can hang Roman blinds; they look great in every room. You can verify this by looking at the Roman blinds on the windows in the photo!

Appeared roller blinds(second name) several thousand years ago. Despite such a long origin, they do not lose their relevance at all. Quite the contrary. They are becoming more popular and diverse in the world modern technologies! And it’s not for nothing that they say that all the most ingenious things are very simple! This statement is a 100% statement about Roman blinds for windows.

Types of Roman blinds

They look rectangular or square in shape, smooth panels attached to the cornice. In a parallel manner, the frame rods located in the fabric are distributed to the cornice. Thanks to them, using a lace/special chain, you can adjust the height of the curtain. This principle is basic, and you can modernize it as you wish, it all depends on your own discretion. Let's consider the characteristics and features of the main types of such curtains.

Roman blinds - classic

They are simple and, at the same time, elegant, nothing superfluous, fancy or bells and whistles. If the curtains are unfolded, they look like a smooth canvas; when folded, they have beautiful folds, horizontally. Classic Roman blinds for the kitchen will look very original. They are also suitable for children's rooms.

If we compare this type with the classic one, then in any case, even if they are fully opened (lowered), there will be drapery and waves of fabric. This type roman blinds on plastic windows Perfect for bedroom/living room. The interior style most suitable for such window curtains is country, shabby chic or Provence.

You can make Roman blinds with your own hands, and very easily. This is the frameless type of curtain that you will get!

Quite an elegant look with its lightness and weightlessness, since these curtains do not have hinges.

Once you have decided what kind of Roman blinds you will have in your interior, it is important to choose the right fabric for them. But the question is not what the pattern on the material should be. The task is to select the material directly. After all, there is a wide variety of them, and they all differ from each other in density, degree of light transmission, etc. Roman blinds photo, you can understand a lot by looking through the catalog.

For example, the most popular fabrics that are used for Roman blinds on plastic windows have the following degree of light transmission:

  • Linen from 190 to 270 g/m2.
  • Cotton from 140 to 230 g/m2.
  • Synthetics from 110 to 360 g/m2.
  • Mixed fabrics from 120 to 390 g/m2.

Since ancient times, curtains made from linen fabric have been valued for their excellent quality. For example, we can only talk about the most basic and important benefits of flax, these are:

  • Their environmental friendliness
  • High degree of strength
  • Will keep their shape perfectly
  • Smooth structure
  • They are easy to care for
  • Antistatic properties
  • Roman blinds do not shrink on windows when washed.

First of all, what will be noticeably noticeable is the naturalness of such curtains. This is what allows the use of linen materials in styles: Provence, country, classic or Mediterranean. They do not contain drawings. Their texture is the basis of their aesthetics.

Since in linen curtains Average light transmission, such Roman blinds are ideal for the kitchen or living room.

Cotton curtains

Cotton is one of the most popular materials. This material is valued primarily for its environmental friendliness. Cotton is used to produce designer items high level demand due to the fact that it can be used to make a variety of printed designs. See Roman blinds photos where you can see various ways interior design.

Main advantages of cotton fabric:

  • Variety of bright colors
  • The material is durable and wear-resistant
  • Inherent softness
  • Resistant to chemical and heat treatments.

This material has some disadvantages, namely:

  • It gets wrinkled very easily.
  • It shrinks a little during the washing process.
  • When exposed to the sun, the fabric may turn yellow.

Cotton roller blinds in the interior are appropriate for kitchens and children's rooms. How it will look, see Roman curtains for the kitchen photo.

Synthetic roller blinds

For their manufacture, polymer fibers are used, which do not exist in nature. That is why they can have absolutely any properties characteristic of natural fabrics. For example, they will not wrinkle, do not accumulate dust, bacteria or microorganisms, they are easy to wash, and they are very light in weight.

But it is important to take into account the nuance that under the influence of temperatures (for example, from a battery, etc.), synthetic curtains can become deformed.

Mixed fabric type

Blended fabric is a fabric made from fibers with different qualities. One fabric can contain both natural and artificial fibers. Due to the variety of combinations, a very wide range of fabrics is produced. They can be incredibly light and transparent or, conversely, heavy and opaque.

Accordingly, Roman blinds made of light fabrics are used in the kitchen, but dense fabrics are ideal for a nursery or bedroom.

Various interior design styles


Its emergence dates back to the era when great geographical discoveries took place, when Europeans were constantly exploring one new colony after another. This is where the name of this style actually comes from. Accordingly, the classic interior style of Europe at that time began to spread throughout the planet, acquiring features of a certain area, as well as exotic ones.

World discoveries were carried out largely in the direction of the east and south. This is where the unification of European and Middle Eastern styles into one - colonial - came from. Look at what a Roman blind looks like in a kitchen photo, and what design methods there are.

Soft colors are appropriate in the colonial style, pastel shades. Fabrics should be used exclusively natural, shades should also be natural. To prevent the design from being monotonous, you can dilute it with the help of an exotic pattern, print or ornament.

The opinion that the colonial style is a tie to a particular territory is incorrect. However, in order for the interior style to be consistent and respected, it is important to select all elements in accordance with each other.

Marine theme

Even if you create Roman blinds with your own hands, they will look very appropriate in nautical style. And all because the principle of their production was taken from sailors. They, using transverse cords, collected the sails and also straightened them.

Here suitable use light curtains. Any shade looks great white, blue or light blue. Bright pictures should not be used, in particular if we're talking about O floral motifs. Cascade roller blinds are perfect here.


A very interesting and unusual style for interiors. It can contain a variety of items from different eras: from vintage figurines, boxes, to antique furniture and mirrors. However, textile products are very rarely preserved in their original “fresh” form. It is for this reason that, to put it mildly, the “grandmother’s curtain” will not look “very good” on metal-plastic windows.

Before buying roller blinds for a retro style room, you need to carefully study the existing color schemes of fabrics that were popular at the time, the style of which you are going to embody in your room. For example, fabrics can be checkered, striped or floral...

Retro is quite sophisticated. For this reason, curtains made of coarse fabrics, as well as in neon colors, should not be chosen.

Minimalism is modern

Textile decoration is rarely used here. But, despite this, it is Roman textile curtains that will be very appropriate. After all, there is nothing superfluous in them! In addition, by the way, the use of monochromatic colors, as well as stripes, but always strict.

Different rooms - interior design with roller blinds

To the hall

Here you can hang it as an independent element, or together with curtains. But then roller blinds will be similar to blinds.

Children's room

It is appropriate to use bright colors here. color solutions. The fabric must be thick enough so that your baby can sleep soundly and sweetly. The fabrics in this room can be synthetic.

Roman blind for the kitchen (50 photos)

If your kitchen window faces south, it will be very hot in the summer, especially during cooking. For this reason, it is recommended to choose blackout curtains. In other situations, choose lightweight curtains. See how Roman blinds are installed on windows in the interior photo.


Roman blinds in the living room, as in other rooms, began to be used relatively recently and have already gained great popularity. However, it is still worth paying attention to the subtleties of their selection for a specific room with its own style, talk about what they are and what fabric is best to sew Roman blinds for the hall. Read about all this in our article.

What are Roman blinds and why are they good?

Roman blinds are lifting curtains; they are a rectangular fabric pierced along the entire width with plastic or wooden slats. These same strips serve to form even folds when lifting the product. They are equipped with a special cornice with a lifting mechanism, which ensures comfortable use of the curtains, as well as ease of adjusting the lighting of the room.

There are many positive properties that a Roman blind has, but we will highlight only the most popular ones.

  • Firstly, the simplicity of the design makes the curtains easy to operate, so any older child can handle them.
  • Secondly, Roman blinds in the living room interior are great savings space when it is in short supply.
  • Thirdly, it saves fabric, since sewing requires much less fabric than long classic curtains.
  • Fourthly, this great way decorate your living room in any style.
  • And fifthly, caring for and washing such products is very simple and quick.

Roman blinds can be used as an independent and sole decoration for windows, or they can be used in combination with long curtains or tulle.

Types of Roman blinds

Roman blinds for the hall are divided into three types: classic, cascading and frameless. They differ from each other in the presence of rigid slats and in the way they look when spread out.

Classic rims This is the most popular type of these curtains. They are pierced with slats, when raised, they gather in even folds, and when lowered, they are just a smooth canvas.

Frameless Roman blinds they do not have hard ribs, and rise only from the side parts of the canvas. When raised, their lower part forms an arch sagging downward with ears on the sides.

Cascade rims, from the word “cascade”, they, like the classic ones, have slats for lifting, only these, when lowered, are a canvas with folds cascading down on each other.

Roman curtains in different interior styles of the hall

The modern world of interior design for halls and living rooms is very diverse, and for each of them you need to select window decor competently and tastefully. As we have already said, Roman blinds are universal for all styles, but you still need to choose the right fabric, color and type of product.


The classic interior of the living room will be decorated with Roman blinds of any kind, the main thing is to choose the right tone of the material and it is better to abandon unnecessary decorations such as rhinestones and fringe. Classic is a sophisticated style, where calm pastel shades are acceptable, such as beige or peach, but this does not mean that you should abandon bright colors.

Classic is the absence of pretentious colors and a minimum of decorative elements

At correct selection colored curtains to match the walls and furniture can create a unique image of the living room in classic style. Whether the curtains are monochromatic or with a pattern is up to you, but do not forget that when the walls are all in colorful patterns, and the furniture with other decor is also saturated with patterns, then it is better to leave the curtains calmer, monochromatic.

Roman blinds, like regular curtains, can have a lambrequin. It is often hard or lacy, although for a classic-style living room you can experiment with soft, airy models.


Style French romance has become very popular for decorating living rooms in city apartments, but Roman blinds are not the most good option design of such windows. Due to its strict lines, the style loses its delicate outlines and charm. In a Provence style living room, you can try hanging frameless Roman blinds; they are the most suitable option for this type of room.

Initially, in Provence there should be curtains of a classic cut with tiebacks from light fabric, therefore it is better to use a composition of two curtains: Provencal tulle from transparent fabric and darkening rims. In this case, Roman blinds must match the style with their fabric and color, and in romantic Provence they are known to be delicate pastel shades and small floral patterns.

High tech

But Roman blinds for a living room in high-tech style, unlike Provence, are what you need. After all, they contain the main properties inherent modern style: functionality, a minimum of unnecessary details, simplicity and ease of use, strict forms and clear lines. Therefore, to choose an excellent option for rims for a high-tech living room, you need to take these points into account.

Simple classic cut, plain fabrics in metallic, silver, black, white, navy and brown. Among the bright colors, rich red, dark purple and turquoise are acceptable. Also, the absence of additional accessories on the curtains will be able to convey the whole essence of a given style.


Nowadays, the eclectic style combines the best features different styles, where the main rule is the absence of rules at all, but at the same time all elements of such an interior must be harmoniously combined with each other, including curtains. Roman blinds in a living room of this style can be the most different color and type: bright or pastel, plain or patterned, everything will depend on your imagination and taste preferences.

Baroque and Empire

Living rooms in luxurious style Baroque or Empire style is always something similar to royal chambers, all the furniture is very expensive, accessories are made of gold or gilding, natural luxurious carpets and crystal chandeliers. It would seem that Roman curtains have no place in such decoration, but no, with the right selection of fabric and accessories, you can create a unique image of such window decor.

It is worth choosing the appropriate fabric for Romans in a living room in this style: it can be satin, silk, brocade with shiny embroidery, velvet; these materials look very rich and presentable. The royal image of Roman curtains will be complemented by accessories in the form of fringe, tassels, embroidery and lace.

Roman products both in the Baroque and, for example, in classic interior the halls can be freely combined with other thick curtains, and moreover, the lambrequins on them will add even more idleness to the whole image.

Fabric for Roman blinds

Roman curtains in the interior of the living room, as in the photo, can be made of almost any material, the main thing is that they create a pleasant atmosphere in the room. First, let's look at fabrics based on their composition. For allergy sufferers and connoisseurs of naturalness in textiles, we advise you to take a closer look at fabrics made from natural fiber - linen, cotton. These fabrics are perfect for Roman blinds in an eco-style living room and for a hot, stuffy room.

When choosing satin and silk fabrics, as well as velvet or wool, it is worth remembering that such fabrics involuntarily collect a lot of dust, and in this case they will have to be removed often for washing. Modern polyester fabrics with a special coating that repel dust and dirt are by far the most popular for sewing Roman blinds, both in the living room and in other rooms.

As you can see, choosing Roman blinds for the living room is not so difficult; you just need to listen to the advice of professionals and your taste preferences.

Currently, a lot of attention is paid to the window. Previously, when there was not much choice, only tulle and curtains were used. However time is running and technology does not stand still.

Roman blinds are widely used. What is it, why are they needed, what types are there and how to choose the right one? Such questions immediately arise for those who want to buy such a device.

Advantages and disadvantages

Roman blinds are very popular when decorating the interior of an apartment.

They have such advantages as:

  • Easy regulation of the amount of light in the room. All that is necessary is to turn the mechanism that is responsible for raising and lowering the curtains. The design itself is very reliable and durable.
  • Color does not fade under constant exposure to sunlight.
  • Curtain fabric is easy to wash V washing machine. You can add either soap or special remedy for washing. It is better to run an additional rinse, as unsightly stains may remain on the fabric. It is also recommended to use the delicate cycle when washing so that the seams of the woven fabric do not come apart.
  • Variety in design. Any colors are used: from the brightest to more pastel. It is possible to apply drawings or geometric patterns. They also have a wide variety of widths, which makes them easy to match to any window size. There is a possibility individual order. Roman blinds without special effort can fit into any interior. They will give the window a stylish and elegant look.
  • They tolerate moisture well. Because of this property, they are good to hang in the bathroom and kitchen.
  • Compact and versatile allows you to fix Roman blinds in the internal window space, which will save more free space compared to conventional curtains. And some models are equipped with a special curtain rod, which is easy to hang in the most difficult to reach places.
  • Safety. The lower part is weighted special device, which will not allow the curtains to blow in the presence of a draft in the room.

In addition to all the obvious advantages, Roman blinds also have some disadvantages:

  • Every time you decide to wash the curtains, you will have to remove the plastic or wooden weights.
  • The use of natural fabrics may cause them to gradually shrink after a certain number of washes.

Classification of Roman blinds

As you can see, the number of minuses is much smaller. Therefore, you can safely hang them on your window.
According to their appearance, Roman blinds are made into classic and cascading ones. Their difference is as follows.

Classic Roman blinds When assembled, they form identically folded horizontal folds. At open form The woven fabric weighs evenly without any gathering. With this option, the maximum width of the product can be one and a half meters.

Cascading type of Roman blinds represent the presence of horizontal folds both when folded and unfolded. The fabric should be dense, which will not allow the weights to sag in the closed position. It is best if cascading curtains are made of coarse cotton, taffeta or wool.

First of all, you need to know that according to the design of the cornice, Roman blinds are distinguished with rope, chain-rotor and slatted mechanisms. Everyone decides for themselves what is more convenient for them and what is most suitable for their interior design. Let's look at each of the mechanisms in more detail.

Rope. As you might guess, a rope is used to raise and lower curtains. The main advantage when purchasing this type of product is the low price. When using fabrics that are heavy in weight, it is better not to use such a mechanism, since after frequent use the rope will break due to its thinness. If the woven fabric is light, then this perfect option by combination of price and quality.

Chain-rotor. The operating pattern is very similar to blinds. A shaft is installed on the cornice, which is responsible for the operation of the blocks in raising and lowering the cords. This mechanism allows you to attach curtains to required height. The design itself is reliable and durable in its operation. However, such a mechanism is much more expensive than the same rope mechanism.

Plank. Most cheap look. The intended use of Roman blinds with such a mechanism is small country summer house, where curtains will very rarely be used. It can also be done independently. To do this, hooks are screwed onto a bar with a width of at least ten millimeters, which will regulate the operation of the cords responsible for raising and lowering the curtains.

All the cords are gathered together and passed through a ring mounted on the edge of a wooden plank. This mechanism is weak and short-lived.

In addition to choosing a lowering and raising mechanism, it is necessary to take into account the size of the window, the color scheme of the entire interior, and the type of fabric used for the curtains. Such details will help you most accurately and correctly select the product you need for long-term use. If you want to reduce the penetration of sunlight into the room, then choose Roman blinds with an additional light-proof lining.

Material and colors

The fabric material of Roman blinds also plays a significant role in operation, as well as in external beauty. The densest is considered linen fabric, followed by cotton and synthetic. The last place in terms of density is occupied by mixed fabric.

Linen curtains have a number of advantages compared to all other types of fabrics used. They are valued for their ability to keep their shape, are quite durable, do not shrink even after numerous washes, and have antistatic properties.

Their design may seem simpler due to the lack of printed patterns. They look good in interiors in classic or Provence styles.

According to the place of use, they are most often hung in the living room or in the kitchen, as they have an average amount of daylight.

Cotton Roman blinds have also received great recognition for their environmental friendliness and printed patterns on woven fabric. Because of this, they have different color scheme, which designers like so much.

Their texture is quite soft, which is one of the disadvantages, as they wrinkle easily. They are resistant to chemical influences and temperature changes, which make them indispensable in the kitchen. Shrinkage may occur after washing.

Synthetic fabrics are made from polymer fibers that have different properties. The main advantage that this fabric has is the ability to repel dust and bacteria, and it also does not wrinkle when washed and is lightweight.

However, under constant influence high temperatures, as heat from the battery, deformation of such Roman curtains occurs.

Blend Roman blinds very diverse in their ability to transmit light. This happens due to the fact that such fabric is made from various fibers that have certain properties. It can be a mixture of cotton and artificial fibers, or silk and synthetics.

Caring for Roman blinds

As already written, Roman blinds do not require any careful maintenance. Regular washing on a delicate cycle with the addition of soap or other detergent is sufficient. It is recommended to rinse well to avoid soap stains and streaks.

At hand wash must be pre-soaked in warm water, and if there are stains, remove them with a stain remover. If the curtain is made of heavy fabric, then it is possible to vacuum it or create a draft to blow it.

Roman curtains in the interior

Very important place The bedroom plays a role in every person's life. There he spends a little less than half of his entire life. Therefore, it is so necessary to create coziness and comfort in this room. If you want to create 24-hour twilight, then choose roman blinds from dense material like flax. Plus, it is also very environmentally friendly. Although it doesn't have many colors.

Designers do not advise choosing too much bright shade fabric from which the rod is made. This is done from the conclusion that in the bedroom a person still rests and relaxes, and very flashy curtains can, on the contrary, put pressure on the internal state.

Living room– this is a place where Roman blinds will look very advantageous and elegant. Most often they are combined with other types and decorative elements, such as organza or curtains, or a lambrequin. With the last option, it seems that the curtains are formed into one.

As for colors, it is better to give preference to light colors. They will make the room brighter and airier. If you want to distinguish yourself with a special design taste, then choose a pattern on the Roman blinds that is the same as on the walls. The interior will look very rich.

As for the kitchen, then it is better to decorate the window with Roman blinds made of light fabric, which will not seem as heavy and inappropriate in this interior as velvet or velor. In addition, dense fabric will become dirty more often, and any housewife will not like their frequent washing.

It should also be remembered that synthetic fabrics do not absorb odor as much and repel dust. The main thing is that the style of the curtains matches the rest of the kitchen interior.

It is best to decorate a window in a children's room with Roman blinds made of thick fabric , to daylight did not interfere with the child's sleep. It is also preferable to choose bright colors and various drawings. This way the room will look truly childish and interesting for your child.

As for the material, of course, it is necessary to give preference to natural fabrics in order to avoid the appearance allergic reaction in a still fragile child's body.

If you don’t know exactly what is best for the interior, then seek help from a designer or specialists in the store, who will most successfully help you choose Roman blinds. The main thing to remember is that you don’t need to push an expensive version of Roman blinds into a place where it won’t fit in any way. appearance, nor in functionality.