DIY suspended balcony. How to make a balcony in an apartment: real photos. Gallery: photos of original cabinets made of wood, plastic, lining

Need for self-construction Balconies often arise among owners of private houses or residents of apartments in which the presence of such a room was not initially provided for by the design.

The work of constructing and finishing a balcony can be handled on our own. Read the instructions provided and get started.

Construction options

There are 2 main options for building a balcony, namely:

If the structure is attached to the second and higher floors, it must have additional supports. It is prohibited to attach the building exclusively to the wall - it will not hold up.

The function of supports is most often performed by columns. They fit well into the surrounding environment and complement the architecture of the house.

Before starting work, draw up or order from a specialized organization a balcony project with a detailed diagram.

Construction of a balcony on a foundation

If the balcony is attached to the first floor, a simple strip base will be sufficient. In the case of arranging an extension on the higher floors, build.

In general, the order of arrangement concrete foundations remains almost the same. The following are instructions for constructing a strip-column foundation. By removing the pole installation recommendations from the manual, you get ready-made instructions for installation of strip base.

First step. Mark the future foundation on the ground. Use pegs and string to mark.

Second step. Get rid of the top layer of soil. Dig a trench of the required depth (determined in accordance with the soil characteristics of the area) and holes for the posts.

Third step. Drive (screw in) the support piles. You can also make supports yourself from pipes, concrete pillars or other suitable materials. To ensure additional strength of the installation, before installing the pillars, the bottom of the pits can be filled with a 20-30 cm layer of concrete. The empty space between the walls of the pits and the pillars after their installation is also filled with mortar.

Fourth step. Compact the bottom of the trench, fill it with a 10-centimeter layer of crushed stone and a 15-20-centimeter layer of sand. Thoroughly compact each layer of backfill.

Fifth step. Assemble the formwork from durable boards.

Sixth step. Lay the reinforcing frame. Use reinforcement with a diameter of 10-14 mm. As a result, you should get a reinforcing mesh with a cell size of no more than 150x150 mm.

Seventh step. Pour the concrete and give it a month to gain strength. It is recommended to dismantle the formwork after the concrete has completely hardened.

Eighth step. Cover the frozen foundation waterproofing material(bitumen, roofing felt).

Ninth step. Fill all voids with soil.

Tenth step. Tie the pillars along the upper edges using a channel. The height of the balcony foundations must match.

Balcony design

First step. Place a wooden or reinforced concrete slab on the finished base.

Second step. Using a hammer drill, create an opening in the wall for installing a balcony block.

Third step. Install balcony block. After installation, level the slopes with cement mortar and seal any existing cracks with polyurethane foam.

Fourth step. . The most convenient way to do this is to use building blocks, for example, from foam concrete. They have a relatively light weight and will put a noticeably less load on the foundation compared to the same brick.

The thickness of the walls should be at least 25-30 cm. Bring the walls to the upper ceiling.

During the construction of walls, perform reinforcement every 3 rows.

Finally, all that remains is to arrange the roof. Roof structure must be made with a certain slope in the direction from the house.

To arrange the roof, it is enough to lay wooden joists or mount metal carcass, and then lay the finishing roofing material.

Will cope perfectly with the functions of support columns wooden beam square section. Select the parameters of the timber individually. Most often, supports with a side of 100 mm are sufficient. You can use another one instead of timber suitable material at your own discretion.

Columns must be installed strictly vertically, otherwise the reliability balcony design there will be no question. To ensure verticality, support the columns with temporary struts while the foundation dries.


Lay a 4 cm thick planed board on the floor. Pre-treat the material with an antiseptic and fire retardant.

Lay the boards across the support beams. Leave a 2-3 mm gap between the boards to drain precipitation.

Use self-tapping screws to secure the boards. The heads of the fasteners should be slightly recessed into the material.


And the last structural element of the balcony is the railing. The choice of manufacturing material, design features and appearance of the railing remains at the discretion of the owner. If you wish, you can do without them altogether by making fences of suitable size from concrete slabs.


Can be used for wooden frames or metal-plastic structures. At this point, everything also remains at the discretion of the owner.

Balcony insulation

Necessarily . Start from the floor.


Foam boards are good for flooring. The material is characterized by high thermal insulation properties and tolerates it well various kinds loads.

Level the base and glue the foam boards to it using a specially designed binder composition. Provide additional fixation of the slabs using plastic dowels.

Place the mounting mesh on top of the insulation with glue, and then fill the entire structure with a self-leveling mixture.

Instead you can do based on wooden sheathing, fill its voids with thermal insulation, and fill it with plywood or boards on top.

Linoleum is a good choice as a finishing floor covering for a balcony. You can also use waterproof laminate and other materials with similar properties.


Attach the frame to the walls wooden slats. The spacing of the slats is determined by the width of the insulation.

Cover the frame waterproofing film. To attach the film, use construction stapler. Be sure to seal the joints of the waterproofing material with tape.

Fill the sheathing cells with the selected one. Place a vapor barrier on top of the insulation. You can also fasten the material using a construction stapler.

Place a second batten on top of the finished insulating pie, perpendicular to the first, to install the finishing material.


The ceiling can be insulated using mineral wool.

Nail a sheathing of 10mm thick boards to the ceiling. Fix the boards edge down.

Fill the gaps between the boards with insulation.

Cover the insulation with waterproofing material and nail additional cross-bars to the boards. They will retain heat and moisture insulation, as well as provide the necessary ventilation gap between the insulation cake and the finishing finishing material.

Prices for popular types of insulation


Lining is well suited for a balcony. The material has excellent properties even without extra effort attached to the sheathing using clamps.

Exterior finishing of a structure is most often done using siding. This material is characterized by high reliability and excellent performance, has an attractive appearance and is easy to install without the involvement of third-party installers.

In general, when choosing a finish, focus on your personal preferences and available budget.

Good luck!

Prices for popular finishing wall panels

Wall panels

Video - How to make a balcony with your own hands

Usually the topic of building a balcony is asked by the owners of private houses. But often residents decide to build such a building apartment buildings, where balconies were not provided. If your case is the second, then you will have to run around with information from the relevant authorities to obtain a building permit. Such a construction, of course, cannot be unauthorized. But if you start from the fact that all the documents have been settled, only the construction itself remains, you begin your “balcony” story from scratch.

How to make a balcony with your own hands: construction options

Even at the stage of coordinating the construction of a balcony with official organizations, you must submit your project for approval. You have two options for building a balcony.

Installation of a balcony can be done in two ways:

  • On the foundation. Such option will do only to those apartment owners who live on the ground floor. You can also attach such a balcony to a private house yourself.
  • On hanging frame . The essence of this method is to move the structure forward from the wall of the building and arrange it on a frame made of metal elements, or on brackets.

If your structure will be attached to the second or higher floors, it must have additional supports. It is only prohibited to attach an extension to the wall, as it will not hold up.

How to make a balcony in an apartment: according to the “do it yourself” principle

It’s already clear where to start – take permission and make a project. Next moment– purchase of all materials and tools. Tools can be rented; today many housing and communal services provide this service for little money.

  1. First moment – installation of a balcony metal frame, which must be firmly tied to the wall with reinforcing bars. For greater reliability, the frame is fixed at the bottom metal supports. They look like isosceles triangles with right angles.
  2. The reinforcement belt is laid out inside the balcony frame. Lay the reinforcement so that the ends of the metal frame protrude slightly. We do this in order to then weld the balcony railing to the exposed ends of the reinforcement.
  3. Next comes the production of formwork according to the size of the balcony. This is done to form and install the concrete slab. The formwork rests on beams towards the ground or towards the building at an angle (depending on the floor).
  4. The base of the balcony is poured with concrete, but first the mortgages are installed.
  5. Removing the formwork, but only after it has set well concrete slab.
  6. Metal fencing is welded to the mortgages that are installed above the concrete surface.
  7. Next comes the installation of balcony railings. Wooden ones are bolted to the fence, while metal ones can be secured by welding.
  8. Pour a small screed onto the balcony concrete slab to get a level floor.
  9. The floor can be further tiled or other material, or simply leave it concrete.

Usually the work does not end there, since you can insulate the balcony with your own hands.

DIY balcony (video)

How to make a loggia from a balcony and is it possible?

How to make a balcony is stated above, but how to make a loggia from a balcony with your own hands?

Typically this process consists of the following activities:

  • Inspect the balcony; sometimes it’s better to call specialists so that they identify any shortcomings, if any, and conduct a professional audit.
  • If the need arises, you need to replace (sometimes it is enough to simply strengthen the fence) and the supporting slab.
  • Foam block is often used to construct the side walls and new parapet. It is light in weight, which compares favorably with brick, and its low weight accordingly reduces the load on the floor slab.
  • After this, the finished room needs to be glazed. Both wooden and plastic profiles are used for this.

All surfaces must be protected from water before finishing; waterproofing will be provided by special films. They also insulate, taking into account the characteristics of the material. For example, penoplex is suitable as insulation under tiles. And if you are covering the walls with clapboard, you can use mineral wool.

It’s worth saying once again: making a balcony or loggia with your own hands is not the easiest task; if you have any doubts, contact a specialist, and the above measures are just a guideline for the work.

Any changes must be coordinated with the authorities that control these issues.

DIY loggia: drawing and ideas

Creating a loggia with your own hands - technically difficult process, which is extremely rarely done completely without the help of specialists. Another question is turning the loggia into a living space, in fact, another room in the apartment.

To do this, the loggia must be glazed. Good decision There will be installation of plastic windows with double-glazed windows. They retain heat well, protect from external influences and noise. Usually this work is performed by specialists.

As for the drawing of the future loggia, you can find an online service that designs drawings. But this, too, will most likely be just a guideline, and not an accurate verified drawing.

Balcony pillars: stages of construction

Some apartment projects simply do not provide a balcony. Therefore, people who want to expand the area of ​​their apartment and acquire extra room, you have to build a balcony with the help of builders or yourself.

To build a balcony, they use the technology of constructing a strip-column foundation, which is necessary for subsequent construction work.

Construction stages:

  • Mark the foundation. For marking, you should use stakes and cord.
  • Dig a trench and post holes of the required depth.
  • Drive in support piles or pillars made from pipes or concrete that you made yourself.
  • Compact the bottom of the trench by covering it with a layer of gravel and sand.
  • Construct formwork from boards.
  • Lay a mattress made of reinforcement, which forms a strong mesh with special cells.
  • Pour concrete for a month so that it hardens thoroughly. After which the formwork should be removed.
  • The frozen material should be covered with insulating material.
  • Fill the remaining voids with soil.
  • Tie the pillars together using a channel along the top edge.

During construction, it is important to ensure that the level of the pillars of the balcony and the house should be at the same height.

How to make a balcony a room

You can turn a balcony into a room with your own hands, but it’s not just about the interior design.

For a balcony to be called a room, it:

  1. Must be completely isolated from the street and insulated;
  2. Must be glazed;
  3. In case of complex insulation, such as removing a battery, all your actions must be coordinated with the relevant authorities.

What could be on the balcony? For example, mini gym. Popular options - office, workshop, play area, dining area, relaxation and reading area, library, greenhouse.

If the balcony is large, then the work is worth it - you can create a small but separate room with a specific function. And sometimes it is precisely this that is not enough for complete happiness.

Combining a balcony with a room (video)

Arranging a balcony is not an easy task, and its construction requires a lot of knowledge and experience. Do not overestimate your strength, seek the help of specialists, do not do it at your own peril and risk, follow safety precautions.

Attention, TODAY only!

The balcony often becomes an indispensable part of the apartment: someone arranges it as a living space, someone organizes a flower garden or a small vegetable garden on it, and many simply store seasonal items, furniture or Construction Materials. In any case, it is very difficult to imagine an apartment without a balcony or loggia, and their presence becomes a huge plus when buying a home.

IN modern buildings There are balconies even on the first floors, but they are not provided for in the designs of Khrushchev-era houses. For this reason, many decide to build a balcony for themselves. But to carry out such work, not only special knowledge and skills are required, but also everything Required documents, permits and technical justification for the extension project. Let's try to figure out step by step how to build a balcony on the first floor correctly from the point of view of both construction technology and the law.

How to legally build a balcony on the first floor?

The most difficult stage of adding a balcony to an apartment on the first floor is, oddly enough, preparation for construction. It includes obtaining the necessary permits and developing the project.

An approximate procedure for preparing for the extension of a balcony:

  1. Obtaining neighbors' consent. Often it is at this stage that a problem arises for which it is difficult to come to a compromise. The main thing here is to convince the other residents of the building that the presence of a balcony near your apartment will not in any way affect the appearance of the building itself, local area, as well as the strength of the house.
  2. Prepare a design for the balcony itself. It must take into account all technological and architectural solutions, as well as SNiP standards.
  3. Take photographs of the part of the territory where the balcony is supposed to be built.
  4. To obtain official consent, it is necessary to submit all of the above documents to the technical inventory bureau, as well as pay a certain state fee.
  5. In addition, you will need permits from Rospotrebnadzor, state fire supervision, the city department of culture and public utilities.
  6. The next step after project approval is to apply to local authorities to obtain a building permit.

The easiest way in this case is not to try to deal with all the paperwork yourself, but to contact a law firm that provides services for coordinating construction and redevelopment. This solution will significantly save you money and nerves.

There are cases when residents are refused permission for such construction. This may be due to the fact that:

  • According to the project, the balcony will be located on the front side of the building, and not from the yard;
  • If there are various communications in the immediate vicinity;
  • If the building is in disrepair and the extension may cause serious damage.

But such nuances are quite rare, and most often it is possible to obtain the necessary package of documents, although not always quickly.

Options for adding a balcony on the ground floor

Three main types of balconies can be attached to the first floor:

  • Suspension;
  • Attached (on a foundation or piles).
Suspended balcony on brackets

In the first case, the balcony floor slab is “suspended” on brackets that are attached directly to the wall of the building. At the same time, the larger the planned area of ​​the balcony, the more supports will be needed. Such an extension requires a thorough check of the building wall for danger and the ability to take on the weight of the structure.

Attached balconies are built as if separately, on own foundation. This option is possible if the distance from the ground to the required height of the balcony floors is small. There is no particular load on the wall of the house, but additional difficulties arise associated with the proper construction of the foundation. But at the same time as the balcony, you can build a cellar under it.

Extension balcony on stilts

A balcony that rests on piles or a columnar foundation also does not place much additional load on the wall of the building. Such a structure will be quite reliable and durable, while under the balcony there will be free space, which can be used for growing a flower garden or laying a lawn - this fact can be an excellent argument when obtaining consent for construction from neighbors.

Let's take a closer look at each of the presented methods.

How to attach a suspended balcony on the first floor

Procedure for constructing a suspended balcony:

This option is the easiest to implement, since there is no need to carry out excavation.

How to attach an attached balcony (on a foundation)

The beginning of construction in this case is laying the foundation. Most often used for attached balconies belt type foundation, since it is cheaper and at the same time allows for optimal load on the soil. But there is also an option with columnar foundation or a balcony on stilts. The principle of constructing such balconies is generally the same.

The procedure for attaching a balcony to the foundation:

  1. The depth of laying the foundation is determined, taking into account the characteristics of soil freezing, and the load on it is calculated based on the weight of the structure, and the type of foundation is determined.
  2. Beacon pegs are driven into the corners of the future balcony, and a level rope is pulled between them.
  3. The necessary earthworks are being carried out. If you plan to lay a strip foundation, a trench is dug around the perimeter; in the case of a columnar foundation, holes are dug.
  4. The foundation frame is constructed and concrete is poured.
  5. After some time, after completely dry concrete, a balcony frame is constructed, a floor slab or wooden logs are laid.
  6. Walls are being erected, glazing and finishing of the balcony are being carried out.

It turns out to be a beautiful balcony

It is important to consider that the height of the balcony foundation must match the height of the building foundation.

Tips and nuances for adding a balcony to the first floor of a building

There are a number of individual points that relate to the addition of a balcony to an apartment on the first floor of the building. From a construction point of view, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • Any type of balcony must have a very solid foundation. This is especially true in cases where it is planned to expand the space of the living room through partial or complete combination of premises;
  • The foundation of the balcony must fit tightly to the foundation of the building. The quality of further insulation of the room depends on this;
  • The roof must be installed at an angle;
  • Under no circumstances should the door open into the balcony. The surest option is when the door opens into the room. Firstly, it will save space on small balcony, and secondly, it will protect you from situations with “slamming” plastic doors;
  • Choose stained glass or panoramic glazing a balcony attached to an apartment on the ground floor of a building is a bad idea. In this case, you should take special care of security and at least install bars on the balcony windows, or even better, an alarm system.

And a little about the legal side of the issue:

  • A solid strip foundation is the most reliable option, but before installing it, be sure to consult with lawyers. The fact is that the city authorities can force you to pay for the part of the land on which the foundation was erected, since in this case it passes from public use to your personal property;
  • Obtaining permission to add a balcony on the second floor is much more difficult. Good option, when the neighbors below have already built a balcony for themselves, and it can serve as a support for the structure on the second floor. Otherwise, the structure must be supported on special supports that do not threaten the integrity of the load-bearing wall of the building;
  • Remember that collecting documents and permits before construction begins is much easier and cheaper than trying to legalize an extension after it has been completed;
  • It is almost impossible to make a design for an attached balcony yourself. To do this, it is better to turn to specialists, because they are already familiar with all the possible nuances and pitfalls of approving and legitimizing such buildings.

Adding a balcony to an apartment on the first floors of a building is a very complex and lengthy process, which should be approached with special responsibility. You can independently carry out such a redevelopment only after thoroughly studying all the nuances of the legal legitimization of such structures and the technological side of the issue. But most simple option you will contact a proven construction company that has successful experience in implementing similar projects.

In some residential buildings balconies on the lower floors are not included in the building design. But the desire to increase the area of ​​the apartment is pushing residents of the 1st and 2nd floors to add a balcony themselves, and homemade extensions are increasingly appearing on the facades of buildings.

Today, most restrictions on attached balcony removed, and the opportunity has arisen to make the dream come true and make an extension on completely legal grounds. Next we will talk about whether it is possible to attach a balcony to a balcony with your own hands apartment building, how to obtain permission, what materials to use, as well as detailed instructions How to install a balcony from scratch.


Regardless of whether it already exists unauthorized extension, or are you just planning to start building a balcony so as not to fall under Article 29 of the RF Housing Code, which obliges you to demolish the building and return the premises to original appearance, you need to assemble the package permitting documents onto the attached balcony.

The process is long, but mandatory, therefore, in order for the building to meet all legal requirements, a few words about how to legalize a homemade attached balcony. To do this you need:

  • Certificate of home ownership.
  • Floor plan and certificate from BTI.
  • Permission for an attached balcony from the head of the HOA (or other organizations on whose balance sheet the house is located).
  • Written consent from residents living above, on the right and on the left.
  • Redevelopment project. To do this, you will need to draw a sketch and make a drawing of the balcony by hand, contact an organization that has a design license, and order specialists to develop a project for an attached balcony.
  • Coordination of the attached balcony with the utility service.
  • Construction permit from the Department of Architecture.
  • Application for an attached balcony to the district administration.

Construction of a balcony, drawing of the 1st floor:
1 – pegs; 2 – contours of the foundation; 3 – cord;
4 – balcony slab second floor; 5 – first floor window;
6 – level brickwork; 7 – contours balcony door

Based on the approved documents, a warrant is issued to begin construction. Next, you can build a balcony with your own hands or involve specialists. After the construction is completed, a commission comes to the site, draws up an acceptance certificate and confirms that the attached balcony fully complies with all stated requirements. Based on the received act, since the extension increased the area of ​​housing, changes are made to the ownership documents, this fact is recorded in the BTI.

If the construction is planned on a foundation, the development and approval of a project for the allocation of land will be required.

You may be refused if:

  • The house is located on a central street or is an architectural monument; construction in such buildings is strictly prohibited.
  • Adding a balcony will worsen the appearance of the building or may cause the destruction of the house.
  • The extension is being built according to an outdated design or the construction technology and materials do not meet modern requirements.
  • The design of the attached balcony requires the demolition of the load-bearing wall.
  • The extension is closer than 2.5 m to underground utilities.

Building a balcony from theory to practice

The attached balcony has 2 connection principles:

  1. Building on a foundation. Such a balcony can only be made on the 1st floor. This configuration allows neighbors on the 2nd floor to attach a ceiling and make a balcony for themselves.
  2. A suspended balcony is an extension on brackets or a building on a metal frame, extended a considerable distance from the wall of the house.
Important: An attached balcony above the first floor must have support on the ground. Only such buildings cannot be attached to walls.

Before starting construction, it is necessary to study the drawings and draw up a work plan in order to transfer the project from paper to the ground.

The addition of a balcony on the ground floor on the foundation allows, without affecting the neighbors, to create a wide building along the entire length of the wall. The base for a balcony can be of several types; let’s look at the features of each.

The recessed strip type is installed below the soil freezing level by 20-30 cm. This construction makes it possible to dig a full-fledged cellar.

Strip foundation, 50-70 cm deep, construction possible if level groundwater below 1.5 m.

Construction of balconies on the first floor, construction of a strip foundation

Construction on stilts is arranged only to a depth below the freezing level of the soil. Piles can be driven or screwed, which are much more expensive.

How to calculate how many piles will be needed? According to SNiP standards, piles are installed at each corner along the perimeter, and the middle ones are at least 2 m from each other. For example, if the extension measures 1.5 m by 3 m, 4 piles will be required in the corners and 1 pile in the middle. Total: 6 pcs. The piles are screwed in strictly vertically; if the pile is at an angle, it must be pulled out and screwed in in a different place.

Design of a balcony on the first floor, built on a pile foundation

The columnar foundation can be either shallow, such a building will be cheaper, or buried. The extension is made on asbestos or iron pipes, on pillars made of brick, reinforced concrete or reinforcement frame.

DIY balcony, project photo, extension on a columnar base

The construction of any foundation has a certain sequence:

  1. Mark the perimeter of the base on the ground, hammer pegs in the corners, and pull the rope. Check that the angles are correct so that the building does not warp.
  2. Take off fertile layer soil. Dig a trench of the required depth for the strip foundation, and holes for the columnar foundation. The piles are driven or screwed in with a drill.
  3. The bottom is compacted, 10 cm of crushed stone is poured on top sand cushion 10-30 cm.
  4. Formwork is made from boards, in which a frame of reinforcement is mounted; the strip foundation can be made from ready-made reinforced concrete blocks. To make the building reliable, before installing the pillars, a 30-40 cm layer of concrete is poured into the bottom of the pits, and pipes are inserted into this layer.
  5. Next, the structure is filled with concrete.
  6. When the base hardens, the formwork is removed, then roofing felt or bitumen mastic The sides and surface of concrete structures are waterproofed.
  7. Held backfilling soil. The pillars along the perimeter, along the heads, are welded with a channel.

Concrete gains strength within 28 days, only after which can the foundation be loaded. The heights of the foundation of the extension and the house must be equal. Construction begins with laying the floor on the foundation, this can be reinforced concrete slab or wooden logs, which are covered with boards on top. Then an opening is hollowed out with a hammer drill, a balcony block is installed, and the slopes are leveled cement mortar, the cracks are sealed polyurethane foam. Right installed door should open into the room.

Next, walls are built from bricks or blocks; the masonry must be at least 250 mm thick. The height of the front wall before the glazing cannot be lower than the level of the window sill. The side walls are usually blank. In essence, this is building a loggia with your own hands, since all the walls are load-bearing. The walls are brought under the top floor.

Important: To prevent the building from collapsing, the masonry walls should be tied to the wall of the building every 3-4 rows; for this, a hole is drilled in the main wall and general reinforcement is laid.

If the construction of the balcony continues on the 2nd floor, then concrete floor and the build continues. If the extension is only on the ground floor, then the roof extension is made at an angle from the building. To do this, wooden logs are laid or a metal frame is welded onto which the roofing material is laid. The extension is glazed. After which you can insulate and cover the attached balcony from the inside.

Suspended extension

A suspended balcony extension does not require time and eliminates excavation work. The construction of such a balcony begins with attaching the support. These are usually specially designed metal corners, which are attached to the wall using anchors, then an extension is made on them - welding the parapet and wall frame. To protect the metal from corrosion, it is coated with paint on top. The ceiling is installed - a concrete slab or wooden floor with insulation. Then the old window is dismantled and an opening for the door is hollowed out. The slopes are leveled and a new balcony block is installed.

Many homeowners, soon after purchasing or building their homes, have a desire to make their home even more convenient and comfortable. For example, equip a balcony on the second floor.

In general, the work plan will be as follows:

  • Consideration and selection of possible design solutions;
  • Design;
  • Construction works;
  • Preparation of documentation for the house.

Options for equipping a balcony on the second floor separately standing house there may be several:

  • Installation of a balcony on a platform fixed to the wall on the second floor with brackets;
  • Extension of a balcony on the extensions of the interfloor floor beams;
  • Extension of a balcony on separate supports (pillars) not connected to the walls of the house;
  • Extension of a balcony as an upper room on the outbuilding. This option includes double balconies - simultaneously on the first and second floors.

Select from possible solutions depends on the features building structures home and the owner's preferences.

To identify opportunities load-bearing walls At home, it is best to consult a specialist construction companies. But you can make a preliminary assessment yourself. The evaluation criteria will be:

  • Material and thickness of load-bearing walls;
  • Age of construction;
  • Condition of building elements.

Having examined the house, having studied project documentation, if any, and technical certificate one of the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. 1 If the house is built of brick, the wall thickness is at least 50 cm (two standard bricks), there is no destruction of the masonry, the foundation is without damage, then on the second floor you can attach a balcony of any of the above structures;
  2. 2 If the walls of the house are built from timber measuring at least 20x20 cm, the house is no more than 15-20 years old, the timber is not damaged by grinding insects, interfloor ceilings in excellent condition, made of beams or assembled from boards, with a cross-section of at least 20x10 cm, the foundation is not damaged, extensions are possible interfloor beams. Options with separate support pillars and an outbuilding. It is advisable to make the same decision if the house is built from foam concrete or aerated concrete blocks;
  3. 3 In a house with lightweight frame walls, as well as in the case of walls made of slag-cast (expanded clay concrete) blocks, on the second floor it is possible to add a balcony only using schemes with separate support pillars or additional rooms on their own foundation (outbuildings or verandas).

After choosing an option, you need to make a drawing of the future balcony or the entire structure and calculate the required amount of materials. If there is no construction experience, then it is better to order a project from a specialized organization.

To facilitate further arrangement of access to the balcony, it is necessary to design its location where there is already a window opening on the second floor. Another excellent solution would be to add a porch and install a balcony supported by its roof.

Important! Before starting construction or installation work, you need to coordinate the redevelopment of the house with control authorities, such as the city architectural department or the housing inspection. There may be additional requirements for appearance, in case the house is located with a facade on the red line of the street. In the future, the approval procedure will help to avoid difficulties with registering changes in documents for the house.

Tools, accessories and materials

General list of basic tools required for installation work additional balcony On the second floor:

  • Standard carpenter's set: hacksaws, axes, plane, hammer, chisels, pliers;
  • Measuring and marking tools: building level, plumb line, squares, tape measure, metal rulers different sizes, markers and pencils;
  • Power tools: drill with drills for metal, wood and concrete, screwdriver, angle grinder (grinder) with a set of cutting wheels for metal;
  • Wrenches for working with threaded connections.

If the project provides for a device metal brackets or working with metal, you will need welding inverter, electrodes and welder's tools - mask, clamps, brushes with metal bristles.

For constructing structures with separate support pillars or separate foundation to the list the necessary tool The concrete mixer and excavation tools should be included.

List and quantity necessary materials depends on the option chosen and will approximately include:

  • Lumber, quantity and type depend on the size of the balcony;
  • Metal profiles - corners, channels, rectangular pipes;
  • Wooden, concrete or metal poles (pipes) for support;
  • Screws (self-tapping screws), connecting threaded rods, nails;
  • Electrodes for welding metal structures;
  • Cement, construction sand and small crushed stone for installing support pillars;
  • Paints and varnishes.

General installation procedure

For a balcony on brackets:

For a balcony on supporting pillars:

Important! A balcony can only be built against a wall perpendicular to the interfloor beams;

For a balcony on the continuation of the floor beams:

Balconies on the roofs of outbuildings and porches are easier to install; it is enough to dismantle the roof, replace the rafters with stronger ones if necessary, and attach the subfloor of the balcony to them. After these steps, the installation of fencing, finishing and installation of the balcony door on the second floor is carried out.