What is the best underlay for a solid board? Which underlay is better for parquet boards? By type of raw material

When choosing natural wood as a floor covering, the owner of an apartment or house wonders whether an underlay is needed. parquet board? The interest is natural - it is believed that the thickness of the board can provide comfort in terms of warmth and insulation from noise, so an additional layer seems unnecessary. But that's not true. All details here

When choosing natural wood as a floor covering, the owner of an apartment or house asks the question: is an underlay needed for the parquet board? The interest is natural - it is believed that the thickness of the board can provide comfort in terms of warmth and insulation from noise, so an additional layer seems unnecessary. However, the substrate also has other useful qualities, giving the floor covering Better conditions for operation.

  • Substrate properties

    For flooring made of natural wood, such as parquet boards, the presence of an underlay is especially important. It performs the main function - it does not allow the floor below to become damp, which causes pockets of mold and rot. In addition, the purpose of the bottom layer is as follows:

    1. Depreciation. The substrate smoothes overpressure, taking on its force and distributing it over the entire surface. With it, the parquet board experiences less stress and therefore remains durable.

    2. Heat preservation. Wood reacts to hot air currents with its own structure - it shrinks or, conversely, swells when the humidity increases. For this reason, laying heated floors under parquet is not recommended. To maintain comfort, an underlay is required - it will prevent the floor from remaining cold.

    Thus, understanding the important properties of the underlayment, we come to the conclusion that it is impossible to do without an additional rough layer on the floor. However, the types of substrates are different. They have their own pros and cons that need to be considered before purchasing. So:


    A common type of underlay for parquet boards has gained popularity due to its similar nature to the board - it is a natural material. The cork can withstand heavy loads, remaining in place for a long time. original form. It has no odors and does not emit harmful glue vapors into the atmosphere due to their absence - the crumbs are pressed with the adhesive mass released by the wood itself. But the disadvantages are serious:

    Like any wood, cork is afraid of water. It is laid in guaranteed dry rooms. For example, in bedrooms or children's rooms, where the flooring is covered with a carpet or rug. Required condition– vapor barrier layer.
    You cannot lay a heated floor system under the plug. Temperature changes will dry out the fixing mass, and the coating will soon turn into dust. The cork is dense enough to retain heat. If the room is on the ground floor and the cold is still felt, then choose a different type of substrate.
    The material is expensive.

    The cork backing comes in different varieties - bitumen or rubber with the addition of crumbs.
    These types cope better with condensation and pressure, but laying them in living rooms, not recommended - such substrates are not natural materials. Despite the disadvantages, the classic cork backing remains popular due to its cleanliness. During the period when construction products are dominated by styrene, this is important.


    Similar to cork, this substrate is environmentally friendly. It is a slab of compressed pine needles. The qualities are the same - good shock absorption, sound insulation and heat retention due to thickness. Disadvantages: poor moisture resistance and fragility of the material - point pressures can break the slab.


    The types of styrene substrates, that is, made using polymers, are numerous. Today these are Parkolag, Tuplex, polyethylene foam and polypropylene foam. The structure of the substrates is multilayer. Right sides As a rule, there are films or foil, between which air in bubbles and plastic granules are enclosed to maintain shape.
    Advantages of polymer substrates:

    1. Waterproof. Some types are equipped with perforations that drain condensation from the lower surface of the parquet board.
    2. High noise insulation.
    3. Heat retention due to the air enclosed in the shell.

    Unlike natural products, polymer substrates are affordable, easy to install, and remain in working condition for a long time. It is possible to lay heated floors with them. But materials are no longer considered environmentally friendly; if this fact is important for apartment owners, then only natural raw materials are considered.

    Insulating layer thickness

    The qualitative characteristic of the substrate remains its thickness. Under the floor covering it is required to comply optimal size layer. The thickness of the substrate under the parquet board is from 2 to 4 mm - no more.
    Home-grown, ignorant repairmen believe that two-layer flooring will allow for completely silent operation, but they get the exact opposite effect - due to the compaction of the material under the boards, sooner or later a backlash will occur and then creaking and breaking of the locking joints is inevitable.

    Which underlay to choose for parquet boards

    Does it exist best substrate under the parquet board? The answer is ambiguous due to the requirements and conditions of the room itself where the flooring is supposed to be laid. Details:

    Assignment of rooms

    Rooms with low traffic flow, such as bedrooms, do not need particularly reliable polypropylene substrates. There's no excess moisture and pressure. Just like children's bedrooms, bedrooms need natural raw materials, with which allergic reactions are impossible.

    Kitchens and hallways are aggressive rooms. Parquet boards tolerate temperature changes, moisture and steam. For such areas, a Parkolag is purchased. Its structure will allow you to remove condensation and maintain the position of the board even during active actions.

    Living rooms experience light loads and climate change - these are the most large rooms, where the pressure is optimally distributed and air circulation is high-quality. Any type is suitable for them according to your budget.

    Conditions of the rough foundation

    Laying parquet boards with your own hands requires carrying out a whole range of work to level the concrete or wooden base. It will not be possible to level it only with the help of a substrate - cork boards will repeat all the potholes in the slab, coniferous slabs will crumble, thick polymer substrates will cause the boards to move during operation. Therefore, there is only one rule - if floor defects exceed 10% of the entire area, leveling is performed using a new screed or a sanding machine, in the case of a wooden base.

    Only then will any type of substrate last a long time.


    So, the choice of substrate for a parquet board depends on the following factors: the purpose of the room, operating conditions, climate stability. Consultants will help you choose the right insulating layer. If in doubt own strength Yes, we offer a professional service that guarantees the longevity of the floor.

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    Before proceeding with the installation of the parquet board, it is necessary to install a substrate that serves for additional sound insulation, prevents the impact of fumes from the floor on the parquet board, softens vibrations from walking, vibrations, and evenly distributes the load over the floor surface. Depending on many factors, the substrate for a parquet board can be made of materials with different properties.

    An underlay is not always used for parquet, but if you use it, you need to choose wisely

    Depending on the surface, floor humidity, the need for sound insulation, environmental requirements and many other parameters, the material for the parquet underlay is selected. The most common types are:

    • cork backing;
    • made of foamed polyethylene;
    • foam propylene backing;
    • composite substrate Tuplex;
    • bitumen substrate Parkolag.

    Like any other materials, different substrates have their own characteristics, pros and cons

    In addition to the types listed above, there are several more varieties, such as foil substrates made of polyethylene foam, substrates with additional vapor barrier.

    It is impossible to determine which substrate is better, since different conditions the same material can be ideal and, conversely, absolutely unsuitable for installation. Laying parquet boards on a substrate that does not meet the operating conditions will require re-repair, so it’s worth carefully weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of various materials.

    Advantages and disadvantages of cork substrate

    A good and fairly common option is to lay parquet boards with a cork backing. Due to the fact that cork is a completely safe material, it can even be used in children's rooms and bedrooms. The thickness of the substrate installed under the parquet should be exactly 2 mm.

    This is due to the fact that a cork of smaller thickness will quickly crumble. A substrate of greater thickness may become wrinkled over time, which will damage the locks of the parquet board and deform the surface.

    Cork is a very unusual natural material, both in appearance and in properties.

    The main positive characteristics of this material include:

    • possibility of leveling minor defects surfaces due to elasticity;
    • good sound insulation, providing concealment of sounds when walking and noise from neighbors below;
    • the use of only natural ingredients in production ensures complete environmental safety;
    • good resistance to deformation under short-term loads;
    • thermal insulation ensuring comfortable operation;
    • ease of installation, allowing even a non-professional to install the substrate;
    • does not support combustion, providing fire safety coatings;

    Despite the high performance characteristics, cork tends to swell when exposed to moisture and crumble after drying. This usually occurs as a result of laying on concrete screed without vapor barrier. A vapor barrier film under parquet can solve this problem.

    To avoid problems with the floor, each layer needs to be thought out in advance, and you need to start with the mode of operation of the floor in the future

    In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, good decision will use special cork backing with installed rubber or polyethylene insulation. This type of substrate is much more expensive, so a simple cork substrate is usually used. In this case, the plastic film is first installed and leveled, and then a regular plug is laid.

    The relatively high cost of the cork substrate somewhat limits its use. It should be taken into account that during operation the thickness of the parquet board with the backing may decrease.

    Properties of polyethylene foam substrate

    Foamed polyethylene has many excellent properties that allow it to be used as a substrate for parquet boards, but it cannot be called an environmentally friendly material, which significantly reduces its scope of application. There are several varieties of polyethylene foam, differing mainly in the method of foaming; their other characteristics are almost the same. TO positive qualities This material includes:

    • low price range;
    • the material is chemically neutral, which allows it to withstand both alkaline reaction concrete floors and exposure to other aggressive environments;
    • the chemical composition of the material perfectly resists the formation of mold, mildew, the development of bacteria, the appearance of rodents and insects, so it is very hygienic;
    • despite its porous structure, polyethylene foam is a good vapor barrier, preventing moisture from getting from the concrete screed onto the parquet board;
    • the structure of the material makes it a good heat insulator;
    • polyethylene foam exhibits good soundproofing properties;
    • ease of installation (when laying, the sheets are placed end to end and secured with construction tape).

    The disadvantages of the material include large shrinkage and loss of up to 50% of its properties over time and poor resistance to combustion accompanied by release harmful substances.

    Roll of polyethylene foam backing

    Foamed propylene as a substrate for parquet

    Even cheaper, but less quality material For the parquet substrate, foam propylene is used. It differs from polyethylene in its short service life (no more than 7 years, when it fails it turns into powder) and a greater fire hazard.

    When installing expensive parquet boards intended for long-term use, it is not recommended to use a foam propylene backing.

    For a cheap floor that will last no more than a few years, you can choose polypropylene foam

    Multilayer underlay for Tuplex parquet

    Structurally, such a substrate consists of three layers, each of which performs a specific function:

    • the bottom layer consists of a special porous polyethylene that freely allows moisture to pass through;
    • in the middle layer there are polystyrene foam balls, which provide elasticity to the coating and are freely ventilated due to the distance between them;
    • the top layer completely blocks any movement of moisture and is made of dense polyethylene;

    The moisture that accumulates in the middle layer freely exits through the side slots designed for thermal deformation of parquet boards. This prevents the accumulation of excess moisture inside the coating, which allows the material to be used in rooms with poorly dried screed or high humidity.

    Tuplex is a very interesting-looking artificial material with excellent performance properties.

    The high performance qualities of the material are reflected in the price range, which is close to natural cork. With a slightly different price, the use of Tuplex is limited to a much smaller scope, since the material is much better resistant to moisture and other substances. In addition, the installation of such a substrate is much simpler, since there is a special tape that allows you to quickly and efficiently connect the sheets together.

    Tuplex also has greater elasticity, so it is much less susceptible to dents than cork. However, the composition of Tuplex does not contain natural materials, so environmentally friendly people prefer cork backing.

    Possible applications of Parkolag

    Didn't receive it widespread Parkolag substrate. This is due to the presence of bitumen in this layer and a large amount of harmful substances released during operation. Structurally, Parkolag consists of special paper, impregnated with bitumen and sprinkled with pieces of cork, therefore it has a lot of positive characteristics, such as:

    • durability providing long-term operation parquet;
    • good soundproofing qualities;
    • high moisture resistance;
    • ease of installation;
    • thermal insulation properties.

    However, the presence of bitumen significantly limits its use. It is not recommended to use such a substrate in children's rooms, bedrooms and other poorly ventilated places.

    Parkolag is suitable, for example, for industrial premises

    Installation of foil backing

    Foil coating can be done on propylene foam and polyethylene foam substrates. The presence of such a layer on the substrate improves the thermal insulation characteristics of the floor. In addition, this layer creates a vapor barrier, prevents the development of mold and mildew, so the installation of additional plastic film is not required.

    Typically, this underlay is used for installing parquet boards on floors with a high moisture content. Such premises include rooms located above the basement, a bathroom, and a kitchen.

    Roll of foil backing

    Conclusion on the use of all types of substrate

    It is impossible to install a parquet board without a backing, as this will lead to premature failure of the coating, excessive noise when walking, deterioration of thermal insulation and other properties.

    You should carefully select the material for the substrate under the parquet board in each specific room. For example, the use of cork backing is highly undesirable in bathrooms and sanitary facilities, and for halls with high traffic volumes, polypropylene foam is not suitable.

    The article provides detailed description the process of installing parquet boards on a screed. You will learn about the differences between the substrate, the properties of parquet boards and installation features. The article contains step by step photos process with detailed comments on the installation of parquet floor boards.

    Wooden floor covering - profitable solution For cozy interior. Today, the variety of natural materials and imitations is enormous - from dozens of types of exclusive natural small-piece parquet to fiberboard slabs with a wood-like pattern, called “laminate.” Golden mean These options are parquet boards on a plywood base. It combines the exceptional structural strength and durability of plywood (the base board), an abrasion-resistant coating (1-3 mm) and excellent appearance, indistinguishable visually from natural wood.

    Screed requirements

    The parquet board is laid on a pre-prepared base. This preparation has two purposes:

    1. Strengthening the old or creating a new foundation. An old wooden floor can be quite reliable if it is additionally reinforced with self-tapping screws.
    2. Leveling the base. On wood covering lay down OSB boards or plywood, a screed is placed on the concrete. The combination is quite acceptable - when to concrete slab attach the plywood base.

    In the vast majority of cases, parquet boards are laid on cement-sand screed through the substrate. This is the most economical and fastest floor covering option. Screed requirements:

    1. The level difference is no more than 1 mm per meter. It's connected with special fastening separate boards with each other - a “lock”. It does not tolerate (does not hide) distortions - they immediately become visible. Cracks may appear on the surface of the parquet, allowing moisture from cleaning to pass into the body of the board.
    2. Waterproofing. The surface should not absorb or release moisture - this can lead to the formation of areas of high humidity.
    3. Absolutely flat surface, without bumps or random stones.

    The finishing layer of screed for parquet is a leveling mixture that creates an ideal plane in the horizon.

    About cork backing

    Two in principle different types installation - “dry” and with glue. When gluing, no backing is used, but enhanced waterproofing is used. We will consider the option of “dry” installation on a cement-sand base.

    There are only two options for the substrate - natural and artificial. Natural ones are made from cork, artificial ones from polyethylene. There is no decisive difference between them, except perhaps the very understanding of the fact that the wooden covering is laid on a natural substrate with similar properties. Another fact is that when burned, a cork sheet does not emit harmful substances, unlike polyethylene.

    Installation of underlay and board

    So, if the base is prepared in accordance with the requirements, you can begin laying the parquet boards. To work you will need:

    1. Instrumentation and marking tool- tape measure, square, pencil.
    2. Carpenter's power tools - jigsaw, vacuum cleaner.

    Question: What to do if there are cracks in the screed?

    Answer: Such foundation defects are the norm for “high-speed construction.” If the width of the crack is no more than 2 mm, it formed during intensive drying of the screed due to rapid and uneven evaporation of moisture. Such a crack is not dangerous.

    Laying the substrate

    Before starting work, the screed should be dust free.

    Carefully go through all corners and crevices with a vacuum cleaner.

    After cleaning, you need to lay a substrate. The distance from the wall is 5-10 mm. It is better to secure the sheets together with tape so that they do not get confused.

    The substrate can be laid gradually - every few rows. The width of the roll is 1-1.2 m, which means that one sheet will yield 5-6 rows of boards.

    The nuance of this method is that before laying each sheet you need to remove dust from the surface. The screed will wear out from the master's shoes.

    Board installation

    Crucial correct installation first row. However, if the row starts from a flat wall, it is easier to do this - we install the boards through the lining to maintain the distance from the wall.

    The method of installing the board is intuitive - the design of the lock makes it impossible to do it incorrectly. To avoid damaging the edge when seating with a hammer, use a spacer.

    When measuring the board for side cutting, do not forget about the technological distance from the wall of 5-10 mm.

    One of the most effective techniques of the master is reverse marking or marking with reverse side. The teeth on a jigsaw file are located from bottom to top. In order not to damage the decorative edge of the cut, it is better to cut the board along inside. In addition, this way you will avoid possible stripes and scratches from the movement of the jigsaw.

    The last boards of the room are marked according to the fact and cut to length. If you plan to join along a joining strip, observe minimum clearance in 5 mm.

    Laying at an angle

    A popular technique is visual “expansion” narrow corridors due to installation at an angle to the wall. The complexity of installing the first (“beacon”) row in this case is higher than that of the rows “from the wall.” Especially if there are niches, corners, slopes, etc.

    Let's look at the process complex example— pairing of two walls with recessed canvases.

    To install the “beacon”, you should build a straight line (using a laser, thread, or ruler) at an angle of 45° to the junction bar. Then install this straight line at a distance of the technological gap from the tip of the corner. The edge of the first row of boards will run exactly along this line. If necessary, the angle can be adjusted.

    This method really “expands” the space, but you have to pay for it with additional material costs for trimming.

    Final coating:

    If you intend to continue work, be sure to lay protective layer- polyethylene, but cardboard or fiberboard is better.

    Parquet boards are not a cheap material, and their service life is at least 30 years. Therefore, it requires a lot of attention and skill. If you neglect leveling or underlayment, a negative result will appear within a year after installation. Therefore, follow the rules from the instructions and our articles.

    When purchasing a substrate, you need to consider its resistance to moisture. Materials that have a porous structure (for example, cork) require the use of a vapor barrier layer made of polyethylene film, and the joining seams must be taped. The underlay for parquet boards performs several functions:

    • Firstly, it ensures free movement of parquet boards after installation, evenly distributing the load on it.
    • Secondly, it is heat and sound insulation. Thanks to the backing, the board cushions, dampening the sounds of heels or running household appliances.

    How to choose a substrate?

    When laying parquet boards, it is very important to use a backing required thickness. The principle “whichever is thicker is better” does not apply here. The permissible difference in the height of the base under the parquet board is ±2 mm per linear meter (or 0.3 cm per 2 m 2 of floor). The insulating layer under the board compacts over time and, if a thick substrate was used, the difference will be greater than the required 2 mm. In this case, the floor covering will begin to creak over time, and play will appear at the joints, which will ultimately lead to a breakdown of the board’s locking connection.

    Therefore, the thickness of the substrate under the parquet board should be 2 mm, which ensures an acceptable height difference, maintaining it even after shrinkage. Thicker ones (from 4 to 8 mm) are used for other construction purposes and types of floor coverings.

    If using grinding machine It is not possible to “select” the surface under the parquet to the required height difference, you need to use sheets of plywood or chipboard for leveling. It will not be possible to level the base of the floor with a substrate, because it repeats all the differences in the floor.

    Cork backing

    It is made from natural materials and has excellent reviews due to its good noise, heat and sound insulation properties.

    Its main disadvantage is its hygroscopicity; it absorbs water well and swells. Therefore, some manufacturers produce it immediately with a vapor barrier layer. Types of such substrate:

    • Cork backing on a synthetic (rubber or polyethylene) base. It absorbs sound better than other types of substrates. The disadvantage is its high price;
    • Cork on a bitumen basis. It is durable, but is rarely used due to its high cost and toxicity of bitumen.

    Laying a cork backing that does not have a base requires care, as it easily tears and crumbles. Price – $1.7-2.2 per m2.

    Polyethylene foam backing

    Artificial material, which has a closed porous structure, due to which it does not absorb moisture, is an excellent noise insulator, and is not afraid of mold and mildew. For logs with rigid fixation of the parquet board, a foil polyethylene foam backing is available.

    Disadvantages include: fire resistance, severe shrinkage with loss of properties. In addition, it is destroyed under the influence of oxygen and sunlight penetrating into the cracks of the boards. The price of such a substrate is about $0.19 per m2.

    Polypropylene foam backing

    Its properties are similar to polyethylene foam. Despite the low price ($0.17 per m2), she did not find wide application, primarily due to its toxicity, fire danger. After its service life (8-10 years), such a substrate is destroyed.


    The best (in terms of price-quality ratio) underlay for parquet boards. Consists of 3 layers:

    • Bottom layer: porous film. Strengthens the middle layer, allowing moisture to pass into the substrate;
    • Middle layer: polystyrene foam granules (balls). They retain the shape and thickness of the substrate, the spaces between them serve for ventilation;
    • Top layer: polyethylene film, which acts as a vapor barrier.

    Tuplex can be used even on wet concrete screed. The existing water, passing through the lower and middle layers of the Tuplex, exits through the expansion gap between the wall and the laid parquet board. The price of such a substrate is comparable to cork (about $0.93 per m2).


    Produced on the basis bitumen mastic. The advantage of parkolag is its good noise, heat and moisture insulation properties. However, the use of bitumen is prohibited in some countries due to its toxicity. Such a substrate becomes a source of formaldehyde when elevated temperatures(near heating pipes or in hot weather). The price of parkolag is about $0.92 per m2.

    It’s up to you to decide what kind of underlay you will use for the parquet board. However, the choice based on “ low price» not applicable here. In this case, it is better not to save money, but to choose a substrate based on its pros and cons, after studying customer reviews.

    Laminate flooring is one of the most popular flooring options. Parquet boards have a lot of advantages: they are highly environmentally friendly, quick installation, retain heat, and most importantly, from an aesthetic point of view, they are the main decoration of the interior of any room.

    Laminate is a rather “ringing” material. Parquet is not flexible; even with slight unevenness in the base of the floor, it can deform and collapse.

    The substrate under the parquet board is “designed” to resist these negative phenomena. In this article, we will talk about which underlay for parquet boards is best to choose.

    Preparing the subfloor

    It is recommended to lay laminate and parquet on a leveled base

    No matter how hard you try, perfect flat surface the subfloor cannot be achieved. If the laminate was laid on uneven ground by careless workers cement screed, then the new floors will become completely unusable in a short time.

    The parquet boards will begin to separate, forming cracks. Lock connections will collapse, so the concrete floor screed is brought to maximum evenness of the horizontal surface. The standards allow a maximum height difference of 2 mm per 2 running meters.

    To control this tolerance, take a 2-meter ruler. By placing the slats in different places along and across the floor, control measurements of height differences are carried out.

    Mark with chalk problem areas on the surface of the screed. Cement mortar level the floor. After re-checking the horizontality of the base of the floor, lay a lining under the laminate.

    Why do you need a substrate?

    The underlay also serves as a shock absorber for the floor

    Parquet underlay is a necessary component of laminate flooring.

    The lining has the following qualities:

    • optimizes the thermal properties of the floor;
    • fills small differences in the height of the floor base;
    • protects the locks of parquet boards from below from cement dust;
    • reduces the noise level from walking on the floor;
    • promotes uniform distribution of mechanical loads exerted on the laminated coating.

    Let's consider the types of lining material so that everyone can understand which is the best lining to choose for their parquet floor.

    Types of substrate

    The retail chain offers for sale several types of lining material for parquet:

    1. Polyethylene foam.
    2. Cork.
    3. Parkolat.
    4. Tuplex.

    Polyethylene foam

    Foamed polyethylene (PP) backing is the most used material as a backing for parquet. PP is not afraid of mold, fungi and harmful bacteria. PP is a very light and easy-to-install material. The substrate is sold in rolls.

    PP rolls are stored in dark room, since the polymer quickly deteriorates when exposed to sunlight.

    Foil polyethylene foam (FPP)

    Properly laid material reflects heat into the room

    FPP is the same polyethylene foam, covered on one side with a layer of thin foil. FPP is used as a lining under parquet when installing heated floors.

    The substrate is laid with the foil side up to reflect heat into the room.

    FPP has the same qualities as polyethylene foam, retains heat 30% better and does not require additional vapor barrier installation. The service life of the FPP is about 10 years.


    Cork underlay for parquet boards – natural natural material which is made from crumbs balsa wood with the addition of plasticizers and stabilizers.

    The material, due to its porosity, has unsurpassed sound-absorbing and thermal insulation properties. Cork resists mold and fungal growths.

    The cork underlay absorbs moisture and “transports” it to the edges of the floor, where it evaporates through the gaps between the floor covering and the walls.


    The principle of laying parkolag material
    This type The material also serves as waterproofing

    Bitumen-cork substrate is produced under the brand name Parkolag. Ecologically pure material used as a soundproofing lining under parquet. The name itself suggests that cork covering has a bitumen top surface.

    The bitumen layer prevents moisture penetration from below. The cork surface provides ventilation of the floor covering, due to which moisture is removed to the edges of the floor.

    The elastic underlay effectively hides small unevenness in the subfloor and makes walking on the parquet virtually silent.

    Parkolag is laid with the cork down on the concrete screed without laying additional vapor barrier.

    The substrate is sold in rolls measuring 1,000 mm x 15,000 mm. For more information on choosing a substrate, watch this video:


    The Tuplex company produces a substrate made of composite polymer materials. The lining consists of three layers:

    • the lower porous film absorbs and passes moisture upward;
    • the middle layer is a fabric consisting of microscopic balls that removes moisture beyond the edges of the coating;
    • upper polyethylene film serves as a vapor barrier.

    Let's summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the above types of substrates in a table:

    Substrate materialAdvantagesFlaws
    1 Polyethylene foamEasy, comfortable material in stylingDecomposes from ultraviolet light
    2 FPPGood thermal insulatorUse only for heated floors
    3 CorkHigh sound insulationHigh price
    4 ParkolagWater resistanceRisk of toxic fumes
    5 TuplexGood drainageHigh price

    Substrate thickness

    A thick lining will lead to distortions in the coating

    There is a misconception that the thicker the substrate under the parquet board, the better.

    The fact is that the permissible height difference is 2 mm per 2 l.m. The area of ​​the floor base should be equal to the thickness of the substrate.

    As strange as it may seem, a thick lining will only increase the difference in height of the subfloor, which will ultimately lead to the destruction of the entire surface of the floor covering. To learn how to lay underlay under laminate, watch this video:

    A substrate made of any material is used for laying laminate only with a thickness of 2 mm.