Monkey: description and characteristics. Year of the Monkey according to the Eastern horoscope: what kind of people are born under this sign

Find out what kind of people are born in the year of the Monkey - the sign will tell you a lot!

Monkey's lucky colors: white - further emphasizes individuality and increases popularity in the immediate environment.

Monkey: lucky talisman stone- pomegranate. Will ensure fidelity and constancy in love.

Monkey's lucky numbers: 10

Who suits the Monkey, the best signs for the Monkey: Rat, Dragon, Pig

Those who are not suitable for the Monkey are the most bad signs for Monkey: Horse, Tiger

What zodiac sign does Monkey correspond to?
Intelligent, witty and multi-talented, the Monkey is described in the Chinese horoscope as a symbol of exceptional wisdom and humanity. Those born this year always go their own way, and there is something “wrong” and rebellious about them. They are invariably interested in what is happening around them, they never consider that their world is limited to home, this is far from the leitmotif of their life. Representatives of the Monkey sign need constant intellectual stimulation, the company of wonderful people, and finally, new life problems. As the eastern horoscope warns, Monkeys, when they have to lead a monotonous and boring life, change into the worst side: shortcomings that are quite unpleasant for others quickly come to light, such as anger, a tendency to intrigue, gossip, and misinformation.

A pronounced feature in the characteristics of the Monkey sign is its infectious sense of humor, rich imagination and fantasy. It is simply impossible to get bored with her, and therefore she is always surrounded by people belonging to different social circles. Crowds of friends, distant relatives, neighbors, members of various communities pass through her house, because Monkeys always lead an active social life. They are able to quickly win the hearts of other people and gain popularity.

People born in the year of the Monkey are endowed with restlessness. They travel with pleasure, live out of suitcases, and try to do without large companies when traveling, as they love freedom and leisurely exploration of exotic cultures. From trips representatives of this sign Chinese zodiac they bring a lot of souvenirs and contacts of new acquaintances, because they are cosmopolitans and find new friends all over the world.

Monkeys are characterized in the eastern horoscope as rather fickle objects of someone's love feelings. Their chosen ones must work hard to awaken in the rather superficial and conflicting Monkeys the desire to be in a permanent relationship. Such people enjoy considerable success with the opposite sex and, although not polygamous by nature, easily give in to new temptations. But if the partner impresses the Monkey with comprehensive knowledge and original thinking, then this will change such a person, who craves new experiences, turning him into a faithful companion and a wonderful parent. Parent monkeys respect own world and intelligence of children, therefore they raise them very well, especially taking care of the development of their individual talents.

Monkeys live their lives as a game - they are distinguished by their versatile character. From the outside, this animal may seem frivolous and frivolous, but in fact it is capable of making its own plans and thinking through everything to the smallest detail. That is why their characteristics are different and inconsistent.

This sign has different character traits that make her stand out from society.

Here are the positive ones:







Here are the negative features:






Excessive curiosity.


Principle: Do something that can surprise people. It is very important for an animal to surprise not only others, but also itself. It may seem that these animals are acting rashly and stupidly, but this is not so.

Monkey horoscope

These are very sociable animals, to which people are drawn, they can be described as the life of the company and any get-together. Whatever story a person of this sign tells, everyone listens to him attentively, since his stories are very interesting and fascinating. Monkeys treat others and themselves with humor.

That is why the sign has many friends who can help him out at any moment.

But humor may not always be positive; sometimes an animal makes fun of people with all its rage and anger. But opponents themselves seek such treatment for themselves.

But, despite such openness, those who, according to the eastern horoscope, were born in the year of the funny animal, have hidden personalities that are not easy to unravel. No matter how strange it may seem, monkeys are smart people who think through their every action.

This sign has all the prerequisites to become a famous and media personality, of course, if he tries and works hard on himself. Monkeys are purposeful and want to be the center of attention. Their life is full of pleasant emotions and moments; it is difficult to sit still with this sign.

Monkey and compatibility

The sign is best combined with a rat and a dragon - they will be able to get along not only in the same house, but also achieve something in terms of a career. The animal can find mutual understanding with almost any sign; you can go on common business with a bull, wild boar, dog and horse.

But there are signs with which the monkey will not be entirely comfortable. It will be difficult for her to cope with a tiger, since it is a predator who is unlikely to fall for her tricks.

The sphere of money and career

Monkeys usually have no problems with money, despite this, the personality is a thrifty person who can accumulate considerable amounts of money. Only thanks to sociability are such people able to build a good career and do what they love. Monkeys feel best in the following areas:

Show Business.






The characteristics of people born in the year of the monkey are similar to some kind of game. Therefore, the animal associates its purpose as a complex and interesting game, the rules of which it is familiar with, which means it can win all opponents. After all, this is precisely the main goal of life that pursues the funny animal.

The monkey belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the ninth sign of the Chinese horoscope. It controls the 15 to 17 hours of the day. The season that brings luck to the Monkey is summer, and its apogee period is August. According to the European Zodiac, the Monkey corresponds to the sign Leo. Fixed element - Metal. The color that brings happiness and good luck is purple. Flowers and plants favorable for the Monkey are elderberry, sandalwood and cedar. The most favorable countries for the Monkey to live are Hungary, Portugal, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the USA.


John Updike, Sergei Bondarchuk, Bern Borg, Byron, Alistair Cooke, Charles Dickens, James Donnavan, Scott Fitzgerald, Paul Gauguin, Harry Houdini, Linden Johnson, Edward Kennedy, Jonathan King, Pope John Paul II, Omar Sheriff, Rod Stewart, Elizabeth Taylor, Harry Truman, Neville Chamberlain, Marquis de Sade, Buster Kitton, Michelle Morgan, Federico Fellini, Mick Jagger, Boris Gorbatov, Herbert von Caroyan, Igor Kio, Grigory Konovalov, Yuri Kremlev, Marina Ladynina, Anatoly Lepedevsky, Oleg Makarov, Anna Magnani, Meros Merleau Ponty, Yuri Nagibin, Yuri Ozerov, David Oistrakh, Georg Ots, Rostislav Plyatt, Boris Polevoy, Gianni Rodari, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Nelson Rockefeller, Ivan Diaghilev, Alexandre Dumas - son, Jack London, Georges Marchais, Poincaré, Schopenhauer , Baruch Spinoza, Anton Chekhov, Leonardo da Vinci.

Monkey is a mixture of the two elements Yang and Yin. She embodies intelligence, ingenuity and ingenuity, and can also be dishonest. The Monkey owes her Longevity to the Lady of the West, who gave her the peaches of immortality. The Chinese believe that the Monkey can live for several thousand years. But they do not treat her very well and do not like her until she is eight hundred years old, although with age the Monkey gets better and better. Later, she turns into a baboon who has good character and can come to the rescue at any moment.

The Monkey cannot be called evil; she is rather a rogue and a trickster. She can be puzzling with her behavior and confuse everyone. Jumping on the vines, she personifies the world of feelings. The Monkey can master his heart and achieves this through long Buddhist meditations.

In China, Monkeys are considered the children of Heaven and Earth. In India, the Monkey is called Hanuman, he is very dexterous, insightful and absolutely unpredictable. Hanuman serves God admirably and admirably. He is endowed with incredible power, but never abuses it for the sake of his own glory, but completely subordinates it to the service of his god.

In Asia, the Monkey represents the west wind. Like the wind, it appears completely suddenly and disappears just as quickly. The Monkey is a real sorceress, the mistress of instincts and creative forces. She lives in an irrational world. She is a real circus juggler. Sometimes she doesn’t understand what good and evil are because she doesn’t think very clearly. She is too cunning and can escape at any moment, taking with her a stolen toy.

In China, on the eastern edge of the world, there is a rock where moonlight and sunlight have fallen since the very beginning of the world. The rock was filled with light and gave birth to a stone egg. A playful wind caught the egg, it rolled and cracked. Thus the Stone Monkey was born. She had five senses. She learned to move and eat fruits from trees. Afterwards she began to live in the mountains, spending the night in the rocks, and during the day she climbed to the top and struck up friendships with gibbons.

One hot day she went to a pine grove through which a cool and swift stream ran. The gibbons also rushed after her. Seeing such clear water, they decided to dive in and find its source. The first to rush was the stone Monkey; at the bottom she saw a building with the inscription: “Mountain of flowers and fruits, the promised land and the hole in heaven.” The monkey surfaced and told his brothers about what he saw at the bottom. The gibbons began to rejoice and dance, and the stone Monkey said: “Let's go live in the underwater palace, it will protect us from the rain and the sun.” Everyone jumped in and began to live in this palace. The Stone Monkey became the ruler. She was called the king of the monkeys. But despite the fame, luxury and power, she became more and more gloomy and sad, fearing old age and death. It was then that she set out on a quest for immortality. Riding the wind, she sank to the bottom of the hole into the azure sky. During this search, her mind and body completely changed and she became human. You already know how she achieved immortality.

This tale emphasizes the typical Eastern idea that courage and power are nothing compared to the mysteries of life and death.

It depends on the person in which direction he will begin to develop. But the Chinese sages blamed a lot on the Monkey, because, while attributing to it great intelligence and sobriety of thought, it was also endowed with the ability to deceive, slander, and attributed to it inconstancy, secrecy and pretense.


The first part of their life is very successful. Childhood proceeds joyfully and without problems. Monkeys are cheerful, hardworking, and adapt to any circumstances.

But the second half of life is full of confusion, plans fall apart. Their youth is too unstable and full of changes. The Monkey is shocked and unsettled by love problems. But in adulthood she begins to get lucky, and she gradually calms down. Their old age is calm, but they are often left alone. They will die far from their family, most likely from an accident.


People born under this sign have an extraordinary nature. They are very playful, smart, spiritual, sparkling with fun. The Monkey is the type of true player; he boldly manipulates his ideas and manipulates those around him. They do not act with malice, but they do not have much integrity. They are often accused of wanting to order and decide for others. But they do not strive to rise: everything they do happens as if by itself. They know how to make correct and wise decisions that they can safely follow. Being very sociable people, they give the impression that they can have a good time with anyone - this is just an external impression. In essence, Monkeys are self-loving egoists. Their righteous friendship sometimes hides a bad opinion of others. Monkeys never trust them; they believe that they are superior to others.

Monkeys are arrogant, but adapt very quickly and know how to benefit for themselves. This often causes envy among others. They have a fabulous imagination, combined with incredible indifference. They instantly replace one grimace after another, changing masks in such a way that you can never understand whether this is a witty, merry fellow or a pompous snob. They do everything with an ironic and mysterious grin. They are often very comical, but never allow others to go beyond what is permitted or become familiar with themselves.

In no case can they be called idle and vain people. They have something of an intellectual about them. Monkeys have a great thirst for knowledge. They read and watch everything, they are well informed about what is happening in the world. They are well-mannered and well educated. These people have a fantastic memory, so they can reproduce everything in detail. This is a huge advantage for them, since they themselves do not like to think and rely on memory.

Monkeys easily express their thoughts, know how to behave independently, their nature is full of fervor and enthusiasm. They absolutely cannot stand routine and monotony. They love it when people agree with them and make requests to them. They always show resourcefulness and make decisions quickly. From the outside you can never understand how they get out of difficult situations. They can do anything, everything is easy and deft for them. They are absolutely independent and have a lively mind. They often talk all sorts of nonsense, but they have no equal in an argument, because they will always find the right argument. Sometimes they lack persistence.

They are inventive and original in everything. Monkeys can solve any problem with incredible speed. And they begin immediately what they decide to do, otherwise they lose interest. They are very intelligent and have fantastic ingenuity. They are very artistic, they can even captivate the Dragon, but he is stronger, stubborn and not at all stupid.

Monkeys love variety and therefore find it very boring to do just one thing. They get distracted easily and are overly curious. Sometimes they seem superficial, but in reality this is not the case at all.

They are born travelers, love a change of scenery, and tend to stick their nose into things that aren’t their own. They solve other people's problems instantly, even if they are not asked to do so. And this is their problem. No one can come to terms with their criticism, absent-mindedness and ability to command, and this causes an unpleasant impression on others. People believe that the Monkeys are mocking them and try to get away from them. They are very difficult to defeat because the Monkeys are always chosen.

Monkeys will not hesitate to lie or play a double game to get things done. And rarely can anyone catch them in the act or reproach them. Some representatives of this sign can come to terms with their conscience to such an extent that they even justify theft. Well, all Monkeys lie!

And whatever they do, everything is charming. They are so good at being liked that they irresistibly attract people. Endowed with an incredible sense of humor, they take absolutely nothing seriously. But often this is a deceptive shell, because they can suffer greatly from loneliness. At such moments, they fall into pessimism and begin to grieve, but no one notices this, because they do not like to show their weaknesses. Monkeys love to be admired, loved and understood. If they reveal their weaknesses, they will never succeed. That's why they always have to deceive everyone. When a hand is extended to them, they will definitely remain grateful and will always help.

Monkeys are generous and chivalrous. They try to act tactfully, but it is difficult for them to put themselves in the shoes of others. And this makes it difficult to correctly assess the situation. They love to spend time with friends. During these meetings they simply blossom. Their eloquence knows no bounds and therefore their field is literature, not a military career. Monkeys do not know how to be insensitive; both old age and youth live in them at the same time. They strictly ensure that their actions look original. Monkeys are observant; not the slightest detail can escape their attention.


In addition to the twelve signs, there are five elements that strengthen or weaken the influence of a given sign. We describe the effects of these elements on the Monkey below.


The west wind blew, bringing with it dryness. She touched the Earth and Metal was born. Metal represents evening, autumn and cold. Metal is clear and hard, it cuts and tears. He has a stern character and chastity. His speeches are always cutting. Metal oscillates between beauty and destruction. He is always trying to achieve his goal. On the one hand, he has the instinct to get his way, and on the other, his severity gives rise to sadness. During the harvest, he plays the role of a sickle and cuts the ears. Sometimes too much gloom makes him sad and gloomy. Typically, these people are endowed with a strong constitution and strong bones. They have hard and straight hair, but with age the hair begins to thin out, they are dark-skinned, have dark eyes, straight nose, heavy jaw and strong limbs.

These Monkeys always carry with them eternal dissatisfaction, which forces them to look for the impossible and inaccessible. Metal Monkeys are absolutely irreconcilable and sometimes plunge into mysticism. Then they withdraw into themselves, shutting themselves off from the outside world. They suffer from their own unsuitability and do not want to fight the manifestations of other people's aggressiveness.

They have a strong will. They do everything with unwavering determination and prefer to work independently. They are ambitious, intelligent and self-confident, and are not intimidated by work. Metal Monkeys love to command, succeed and control everything and everyone, in this they can be very dangerous with a complete lack of flexibility. These Monkeys are fanatical, since Metal is very dangerous for them; it chains the Monkeys in harsh armor, which prevents them from moving. This may also have its positive aspects, because Metal can force Monkeys to follow the laws of ethics, but such a path is not typical for them and can destroy their individuality.

Such individuals quickly reach a high position and know how to bear responsibility, but under any conditions the Metal Monkey needs changes. She absolutely cannot stand monotony at work. She is very inventive, but her mobility suffers from her strictness. These people always take the courage to make serious decisions. They are very demanding of themselves and those around them, sometimes frightening them with their pedantry. For Monkeys, they are too inaccessible and do not have ease in transactions and combinations. They can become excellent employees, lawyers and judges. Their behavior is often mysterious, which is why they do not like to make excuses or explain themselves. They always try to free themselves from any guardianship. Their need for originality usually entails difficulties, and they risk living alone. But they suffer too much from isolation and therefore they should come down to earth and soften their assessments.

Monkeys are well versed in financial transactions and where to invest money. They are independent by nature. Metal Monkeys love to visit and socialize. They treat their loved ones with warmth and care.

They love autumn and do best in dry climates. The most vulnerable organs are the lungs and large intestine. They love spicy food, but it is better for them to eat dishes made from oats and horse meat. Since they are attracted to peaks, they can engage in mountain climbing, but great attention should be paid to breathing because it is the key to their balance.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is purple.


Cold was born in the northern sky, it descended to Earth in the form of snow, and Water was born. Water is a symbol of cold and ice, the source of life. Deep water is a symbol of toughness, severity, and evokes fear and respect. Sleeping water provides shelter for fish and sea animals, as well as water spirits. Typically, these people are endowed with a long and fragile torso, weak limbs, thick but thin hair, round eyes, a round face and delicate skin.

Water enhances the Monkey's irrationality, protecting it from the harshness of the outside world. The Water Monkey looks with an uncertain gaze, its gaze seems to be covered with fog. But we must not forget that the Monkey hides both Yang and Yin in itself; it knows how to revive this water. The Monkey brings dynamics and tone to this element, making Water more creative. They need to look for clean springs and escape from the swamps.

These people are comprehensively developed, they are determined and receptive. They are more disciplined than other Monkeys, and therefore can achieve their intended goals, rather than being scattered around. But they are not used to sharing their intentions and always answer questions evasively.

Such people are patient, thoughtful and know how to suppress their pride while listening to others. Sometimes they are very sensitive to comments, but they know how to convince and attract people to their side. They show understanding and easily find a common language. Water Monkeys prefer moderation to excesses. This gives them a chance to advance in a responsible position. They always work calmly and quietly. But do not forget that such behavior is just a game and an experiment for the Monkey. Water Monkeys know how to take advantage of the opportunities of those around them, but at the same time they are not taken seriously.

A good mood and fantasies are usually followed by boredom. Water Monkeys need to communicate more with people and get them moving. Because such a Monkey is more of a humanist by nature than a mystic. She needs to move and travel more.

These people thrive in cold weather, and their lucky season is winter. Their most vulnerable organs are the kidneys and bladder. They prefer salty foods, but it is better to eat legumes and fish. If sleeping Water attracts Monkeys. They must beware of activity. There is no need to splash around in such water for too long. This can lead to disruption of nervous and mental balance.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is ultramarine.


A tree is a symbol of spring, morning, temperate climate and falling in love with beauty, harmony, elegance. These people have a stocky figure, strong limbs, square shoulders. Their face is endowed with a peculiar beauty, straight features, they have a wide forehead, overhanging eyebrows and light eyes.

The tree gives the Monkey fertile creativity, bringing him into balance and making him inventive. Such Monkeys know how to live and often become artists. They are true humanists who preach understanding and tolerance. When passions awaken in them, they find peace in solitude, communicating with nature for a long time. The tree pacifies the Monkey's excessive activity, but at the same time makes it suspicious.

They are efficient, very conscientious and love order. Tree Monkeys have a rich imagination and try to extract maximum benefit from new ideas and knowledge. In society, they behave at ease, and sometimes cheekily. But this is only a means of defense that helps them hide their weaknesses. And as a rule, they manage to confuse others; under this mask no one will guess about their fears. They know how to play with words, and no one will question their veracity. They should never doubt the correctness of the chosen direction.

Sometimes Tree Monkeys succumb to a rush of enthusiasm, and if their hopes are not met, they become very nervous. These people have an adventurous streak in their character and are not afraid to take risks. As a rule, they are respected by colleagues and friends.

They love spring and thrive in windy weather. The most vulnerable organ is the liver. They prefer sour tastes, but it is better to eat dishes made from grains and poultry. Tree Monkeys must suppress their anxiety and not get upset over little things. They can keep all impulsive manifestations under control and must develop their will from a young age.

The color that brings them happiness and good luck is coral.


Heat was born in the south of the sky, it descended to the Earth and fertilized it. From this merger Fire was born. Fire is characteristic of summer, the south and hot midday. This is full-fledged Yang, it burns, burns and destroys. As a rule, such people have a beautiful and bright face, widened below, an aquiline nose

Fire releases the Monkey's energy and further expresses its need to move. But this Fire consumes a lot, so Monkeys must save their reserves. You can't waste yourself to the point of exhaustion. Fire Monkeys need to learn to stop in time and control their overactive nature. Their inner Fire does not allow them to get enough sleep and fully restore their strength. But, fortunately, Monkeys also have Frost, which helps them achieve balance.

Fire Monkeys intelligent, resilient and respectable. They love to fantasize and have broad interests, which sometimes distracts them from their main occupation. They are very ambitious and usually interfere in everything that happens around them. Such people get angry when you don’t please them, and try to impose their points of view on those who have more weak character. Fire Monkeys are very cheerful and usually popular with the opposite sex, but are usually faithful to their partners.

Fire often gives rise to war, passions and anger. But it also gives insight and clairvoyance. Such Monkeys will not make good diplomats because they are too aggressive. These are people of action who are distinguished by originality. Their temperament can lead them to the cell of a monk or to the study of philosophy. These Monkeys oscillate between material needs and mystical inspirations, often bordering on fantasy. They should not stagnate, but, nevertheless, they should moderate their ardor.

Their favorite season is summer, and they feel best in the heat. Their most vulnerable organ is the heart. When it comes to food, they prefer bitter foods, but it is better to eat dishes made from lamb and rice. Such Monkeys should not get angry and lose control of themselves, because they can waste all their energy.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is purple.


The wet Zenith slowly descended from the sky and gave birth to the Earth. A beautiful Earth, warmed by the summer sun and creating all the blessings of the world. Earth is a symbol of life and home. The hot and humid Earth of the afternoon heat is endowed with the fertility of green pastures. Such an Earth symbolizes nook for thought. It slows down, crushes, sticks to your feet with its dirt and hampers your movements. People born under the auspices of this sign have a solid appearance, yellowish skin, large facial features, thick eyebrows, a slight stoop, and a rounded belly. They are like moles because they are slow. They move forward slowly and confidently.

The earth is a symbol of slow and profound change. Like all signs, the Monkey is only a temporary resident of the Earth, but it is the best at settling on its surface. And for the sake of her comfort, she will stop at nothing. Earth Monkeys are very selfish, they forget about everything, often go into their element to relax and gain strength. As a rule, Monkeys use the Earth to hide their treasures. These materialists put their imagination at the service of power.

These people are always well educated and well read, they can rise quite high in their work. They are not as sociable as other Monkeys, and prefer to devote themselves to more serious and quiet activities. Earth Monkeys are principled, caring, and extremely generous towards more unfortunate people. They know how to calm people down and always enjoy love and respect. But they always carefully select those to whom they can entrust their own secrets.

Earth Monkeys are very pragmatic and realistic. They do everything because of the thirst for profit, although they love to produce material values. They are attracted to all kinds of speculation, banking fraud, real estate and valuables. They are always suspicious, which makes them very difficult to live with. They are very concerned about their future and always strive for security. Earth Monkeys are afraid of difficulties, but they always build happiness with their own hands. And you can understand their greed! After all, this is just a defense mechanism that sits very deeply in their subconscious. As a rule, in old age they become very rich.

They feel best in late summer when the climate becomes more humid. Their most vulnerable organs are the spleen and stomach. They prefer sweets as food, but it is better for them to eat more greens and dishes made from corn and beef. They need to be more active, otherwise they will quickly gain weight.

The color that brings them happiness and good luck is terracotta.


More than anything else, Monkey Men hate careless spouses and boring friends. Although they themselves are sometimes incorrect, they cannot stand their partner’s tactlessness. They try to understand the people who revolve around them.

Sometimes they become extremely irritable when the object of their advances is talking to someone else. They find it difficult with independent women who prefer a career. Such women do not allow them to dictate, and the Monkey man will suffer from this. There is no need to worry if you do not impress such women because wherever Monkey Men appear, they always attract attention. If this impression does not arise, they may be offended.

Sometimes these men can be easily conquered because in their intimate essence, despite their self-confidence, they are like shy children. They approach each new acquaintance very carefully. Sometimes they are overly trusting and therefore do not always achieve success in love. The reason lies precisely in them, because they do not strive to study a person and notice his shortcomings too late. They should not rush at refined girls who shower them with compliments, and they should not take any unhappy love affair too seriously.

Such men need proof of love, otherwise they lack confidence. There is no need to be so insatiable and expect more from a woman than she can give. Monkey men, disappointed, find it difficult to forget grievances, and if they do not break up with their partner after the betrayal, they will not be able to maintain their good attitude and passion.


These women are often disappointed because they have unsuitable men in their lives. These women are open and therefore they should sometimes hold their tongue, since frankness does not always bring benefits. Monkey women must prove their love for their partner, because sometimes their beloved is not entirely sure that she belongs only to him.

They need to express their soul in marriage in the best possible way, because they are generous, helpful, and no one can compare with them in this. And if their partner is not a daredevil, but rather a little shy, the Monkey woman will not lose her dignity if she takes the initiative into her own hands. Such men will only be grateful to her.

Of course, if Monkey women wish, they will quickly drive their partner under their thumb. This is often unintentional if these women are too proactive and tend to make decisions themselves.

Often they are not aware of the waste of money, and then they suffer family budget. After all, they are used to shining in society, they need beautiful clothes and jewelry. And therefore it is better if the spouse has a lot of money.

If a spouse flirts with others, Monkey women begin to behave like furies and become simply unbearable. They begin to take revenge, start affairs left and right. They constantly need success and therefore often do not want to give up their profession, even after getting married. They are not satisfied with the life of a housewife; they must constantly be in society.


This child is very easy to raise, as he is diligent and listens to his parents. Little Monkeys are capable, sociable and adapt well to school. They are very predisposed to exact sciences and foreign languages.

It is easy for them to adapt to any parents, but if something does not suit them, they will find a way to get rid of the unpleasant environment. Time does not mark them, and if the shame of the family leaves an indelible mark on the young Dog, the Monkey child experiences this without any tragedy.

If Monkeys feel bad in their own home, they try to visit its uncomfortable atmosphere less and spend more time on the street, creating their own secret societies and noisy games. They are not imaginative about this. And if parents want to keep a little Monkey in the house, they must create an interesting atmosphere. Then the Monkeys will share the difficulties of their parents. They try to show greater curiosity in their homework and in the professions of their parents. We need to help the Monkey learn to take others into account, suppress his irony and explain the difference between funny joke and evil mockery.


Monkeys do not know how to be slaves to their environment. They become more attached to beautiful things and to their places of residence. They are very refined and have good taste. They love to decorate everything, often redo everything for this purpose, and then go to another place. When they do not have sufficient funds, they try to change the furniture, but if there is no money for that, then they will simply turn everything upside down and decorate it with a new and original accessory.

To be a Monkey, you need to be born into a millionaire family to satisfy all your needs. After all, Monkeys can do everything themselves, but for this they will also have to purchase a tool. As a rule, they fill their lives with an incredible amount of clothes and unnecessary little things. Outwardly, they try to maintain some kind of order, but this is only externally; when you open one of the drawers of the table or cabinet, a lot of all sorts of rubbish will fall on you. Periodically, Monkeys get rid of unnecessary garbage and again begin new accumulations.


Monkeys know how to seduce and charm. They will roll their eyes, stun you with passion, interesting and unexpected events, intoxicate you with words and convince you that life with them will be simply extraordinary. They skillfully maintain a conversation and convince their interlocutor that there is no one in the world better than a Monkey. At the same time, they provoke active actions. If a Monkey falls in love with someone, he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. And they are difficult to resist. They expect people to constantly understand them, to feel the need for them, and make every effort to keep their loved one. The monkey will sweep through his life like a whirlwind and will not let him get bored.

The monkey may change, but he will do it for the sake of variety. There is no need to remind her of morality - at that moment she was simply bored. But if her partner cheats on her, it could end in tragedy, she is absolutely not jealous, but does not like to be fooled. The monkey is prone to insidious revenge and will definitely leave the traitor in the cold. It is useless to hide anything from them, because Monkeys are the most observant animals and always sense danger before others. If you break up with them, it is better to remain friends, otherwise you can expect any scenes and even blackmail from the Monkeys.

If you want to give a gift, then it is better to give her a beautiful fabric so that she can sew an extravagant outfit. If funds allow, it is better to give her a plot on which she will build a country villa. A monkey can be carried away on a long journey to unfamiliar and alluring countries. But if there is nothing to talk about and the time has come to part, it is better to rudely pull them back in the presence of others and say that they are not at all original.


In history, there are rarely such Monkeys who would not succeed in matters of the heart. And yet they are not very happy in love. Their relationships with the opposite sex are very unstable. Monkeys fall in love easily, but they quickly get bored with everything and move on to a new object. But they cannot find a suitable partner because they are too mobile. These people may be passionate, but they are very critical and therefore quickly cool down. Only a sense of humor saves them from misfortune. But they know how to laugh at their own failures better than others and always draw the right conclusions.

Always lively when surrounded by friends. Of course, Monkeys can also be lonely, because the area of ​​Monkey feelings is too complex, they look at the world in a very unique way: they are instantly carried away, they are intoxicated by feelings, but they do not remain in this state for long.

They are very smart and express their thoughts clearly. They instantly catch the moment when their partner’s feelings begin to fade. Then they will provoke him and force him to leave. Monkeys act very loyally and do not force their partner to justify himself or humiliate himself. They perfectly understand all the flaws of the soul.

Monkeys know: for love to last, it needs a blind feeling that allows you not to notice the shortcomings of your partner. But the Monkey cannot do this - the partner’s vices exceed any affection. They perceive everything soberly, and this makes it difficult to find a soul mate, since they quickly find a stumbling block. Monkeys quickly break the connection in order to maintain a pleasant impression of her, and in the depths of their hearts they continue to love. They easily get carried away and charm their partner, and then rush into new love. They are only faithful when they are not bored.


Monkeys are quite diverse in sex. They prefer to leave the initiative to their partners, reserving the right to say the last word. They are gentle towards their partners, but love to be obeyed. The purpose of their sex life is to prove to their chosen ones and themselves what they are capable of. They strive to create the impression among others that they are experienced in sex.

Sometimes they are jealous, this is embedded in their subconscious: they are afraid that their partners may meet others, better ones. Occasional failures cause them great grief. Monkeys are terrified of them and are sometimes prone to sexual neuroses. Only an obedient partner can bring them out of their state of despondency.

Monkeys are used to being one and only, but this rule does not apply to them at all. They want to be free and go far in their hobbies. There are too many people willing, because Monkeys are the most popular of all the signs. They love people, but are also selfish. It would be better for them to maintain their dignity, since they are too vain and amiable. There is one significant drawback: Monkeys see the problems of others only if these problems concern themselves. They often fall in love, but rarely know how to love. If the affair is convenient, they become lazy and take things for granted in the bedroom.

As a result, the Fire they lit in their lover often burns out and his sexual desires slowly fade away. Change is always needed to stay in good shape, which makes Monkeys annoying lovers who are difficult to get along with.

They can be faithful to those they love, but if their affection dies, then this will become a reason for betrayal. Other people may even envy them, because there are always a lot of admirers around them. They attract a partner effortlessly, but if they smile at someone, this does not mean that they are flirting. Their coquetry becomes a habit, which can be simply unbearable for the partner. And anyone who wants to extend their relationship with the Monkey must get used to this.


Despite the fact that love cannot flare up in full force due to their rationality, Monkeys often marry early. And, as a rule, such marriages last a long time. We have already noted that Monkeys adapt perfectly to everything and just as easily get used to marriage. They rarely abandon their prey. If they are hinted that there is a better option, they will never rush there headlong, but will try to scout out and evaluate everything as best as possible. Despite the fact that by nature they are not very faithful. Monkeys are not considered traitors. For them, family is a long-awaited goal; they adore children. Compared to other representatives of the Chinese horoscope, Monkeys maintain their appearance very well: their life experience gives them eternal freshness of soul. This probably reflects their romantic nature.

But the main calling of Monkeys is parental duty. They are always tolerant and understanding because they realize that no matter how bad their children do, they themselves would do much worse. You won’t hear strict instructions from Monkeys; they are very correct and raise children with great humor. None of the parents will be able to find a common language with their children and participate in their games. They find a sincere approach to children, know how to captivate and instruct them.

But for some reason, Ox and Dog children do not adapt well to Monkey parents. Such children need discipline and moral support, and Monkeys are absolutely incapable of this. But Sheep, Hares, Tigers, Snakes, Dragons, Horses, and Boars will always learn useful lessons from communicating with their parents. Rats and Roosters will imitate them, but the power of love of the Monkey parents will not always be able to achieve the reciprocity that they so dream of.


By nature, Monkeys are exploiters, and that is what they must be in order to succeed. Despite their negative traits - fussiness, deceit and sloppiness - people seek contact with them, because they are intelligent and sensitive to everything. They skillfully manage large enterprises, are shrewd and cunning in financial transactions. Monkeys are wonderful workers wherever quick reactions, forethought and dexterity are required.

Monkeys are too ambitious, dexterous and independent. Therefore, they like to comprehend everything on their own. They do not like to be in debt, but they know how to use the goodwill of others. Monkeys boldly use the services and support of others. They are very active and do not tolerate routine. They always try to find situations in which they can use their ingenuity.

If the Monkey cannot find what he wants, he will create such chaos around himself in order to feel his favorite environment. Then they come up with original and varied hobbies. Monkeys are kind of champions in the use of time; they do not waste a single minute. And if others waste time, looking for something to do, then Monkeys do not need this. No one can do as much work at once as the inventive Monkey. This virtuosity gives excellent results in professional life.

Monkeys are endowed with a deep mind and good memory. Many paths are open to them, they just need the desire. Most suitable for them are those professions that require contacts, movement, mediation and the need to make decisions. They are brilliant mediators who, without thinking about the nuances, carry out delicate work. Monkeys love to be in first place and are always responsible for their actions, acting at their own discretion.

They can succeed in their profession. They are able to do any job and are lucky, especially if they are well educated. Such people have every chance of becoming famous if they follow their calling. There is only one thing that can threaten their success - their sharp tongue! No need to talk much. Despite their charm, they can alienate people with their chatter. Usually they have enough money.

They make best cunning diplomats and politicians, ambassadors, writers, merchants, comedians, speculators, businessmen, directors, charming swindlers and thieves.


The Monkey is the most restless sign. They do not like to pretend to be philanthropists and therefore can rarely be seen at charity events. Monkeys are always concerned with ensuring personal comfort, respectability, and value independence. And only money can provide them with independence, and they know how to make it. Generosity is shown only to close family members. Here they do not stop at expenses, but spend the rest of their time only for their own pleasure. Men - Monkeys are faithful to their habits and know how to save money for a rainy day, but women of this sign are more wasteful, and you can go broke with them. They like good clothes and they are simply improvident. But they know how to get out of any difficult situation and often do this at great risk to their own reputation. You can expect everything from them. Their financial agility always borders on carefree extravagance and adventurism; they know how to increase their wealth and are always very consistent in raising money. They do not like to deny themselves beautiful trinkets; they often give themselves and their loved ones luxurious gifts. Sometimes they can be seen as beggars with an outstretched hand, but do not believe them. These are wonderful comedians who, as in Conan Doyle’s story, pretend to be beggars and make millions.



This Ascendant gives birth to very boastful and proud people. They encounter many difficulties on their way, because they are too curious, love tricks and adventures. They find it difficult to sit still and love to explore and travel. They very cunningly avoid all obstacles and will never enter into open conflict, because they are insightful and far-sighted. But due to the fact that they are too accustomed to scattering themselves, they may not notice their happiness. After all, they spend too much time on themselves.


This is a very careful and prudent combination. Such people can foresee everything, even the slightest accident. True, sometimes this borders on the comical, because when going for a short walk they can take their entire wardrobe with them. These are two vengeful and capricious animals. The Rat sets all kinds of snares in front of the Monkey and tries to lure the Monkey into them. But the Monkey is not so stupid, she sees the cunning of the Rat and tries to enslave her, and she also does not hesitate to use any means. This forces them to be on guard all the time, so they have no love. One can only wait for the strongest to win,


The charm of such a person is difficult to resist. He has an incredible ability to captivate those around him. This combination immerses interlocutors in peace and reflection. They are very strong animals and you need to be careful with them: they are too sensitive, because this is exactly the bull of Jupiter that swam across the ocean. They are very mobile, they can do anything and don’t be surprised if you meet these people at the circus: they are endowed with the strength that is necessary to overcome difficulties. But there are also some disadvantages, since the fidgety Monkey is capable of playing with the power of the Ox and wasting it on trifles.


This is a very interesting personality, where the deception of which the Monkey is capable coexists with the insight and ease of the Tiger. This sometimes surprises the Tiger and makes him bristle. But the Monkey has a lot of inventions in its assortment, and it will help the Tiger become more flexible. In this respect, she is very similar to the Sheep, which is why this combination is dangerous. Such a personality combines the restraint, arrogance and constant fidgetiness of the Monkey, which makes her life too fussy.


This is a very lively and inventive hybrid, completely shameless and carefree. He perfectly assesses any situation and calculates everything down to the smallest detail. Not one percent is left to chance. These people know how to work and show great scrupulousness in any matter. If necessary, they can deceive. These are natural players, so they often fall into traps. To achieve the goal, these individuals use any means. You shouldn't get in their way if they want to get something. At such moments they are simply dangerous


This is a real robot, endowed with a metallic sheen and the talent of a tightrope walker. This daring knight is always armed and ready for war, day and night he is on guard. Although he has great charm, he is still a real ghoul. His main drawback is excessive pride and contempt for people. Those around him, as a rule, seek his advice, but he does not seek to help, this pushes people away. They should not trust him and tie their fate with him.


These are insightful individuals with a talent for organizing. But they cannot hide their superiority complex, which often causes problems. Therefore, they need to carefully monitor all their actions. They are smart and fast, which fully corresponds to the depth of their thoughts. Such people rarely listen to other people's advice because of pride. They do not tolerate having their actions questioned and do not tolerate controversy. They themselves love to chat, try to behave with dignity, and are sometimes capable of boasting. In any case, their dexterity and subtlety are a serious trump card.


Such individuals are chivalrous and overly eloquent. Their life resembles a knight's tournament, where they try to win. To do this, they have every chance and ability to quickly find balance. These people are always fascinated by castles in the air, which makes them a bit of a hermit, but at the same time brightens up their monotonous everyday life. They live their lives stably, fearing nothing and relying on their optimism. You can't force them to bow their heads. They are unusually talented, charming and even cunning. They should not be particularly trusted, because to achieve their own goals they will lie. Often they follow the path of fame, which they do not even notice.


These people are endowed with incredible intuition and intelligence; it is impossible to keep them in place. They are very dreamy by nature and generously share their fantasies. They are proud and very constant in their habits. Everything they undertake is completed with incredible consistency. But at the same time, they are very frivolous and are accustomed to giving freedom to emotions, allowing themselves to be distracted from the intended path from time to time. For such people, life is easy and cloudless.


These people are very proud of themselves, but they try to follow the path of life in such a way as not to be noticed. They are sensitive to the opinions of others; they can never be accused of lack of taste or poverty of mind. However, their attention is often attracted by some bright details. They cannot resist temptation, which causes them to make mistakes. However, they will be able to find the right way out of any difficult situation.


Endowed with extraordinary intuition, they are difficult to lose track of, although they encounter many obstacles and difficulties along the way. Such people complicate their lives because they try to look more sophisticated and are afraid of simple thoughts and laid out paths. Their exaltation is often replaced by depression. They can admire endlessly and be confident today, but tomorrow they see everything in dark colors and question all new projects and their own decisions. You should not follow such individuals - it is difficult to find peace with them.


Such people love solitude and are endowed with super insight. Of course, they will listen to all sorts of fables with pleasure, but they will never believe them. These are born clairvoyants and police officers. They are laconic and always feel when they have to come into play. They have strong principles and established views, it is difficult to convince them or force them to dance to their tune. They know how to keep secrets and accumulate material wealth. But they do not acquire all their values ​​in an honest way. They have their own concepts and ideas about honesty.



This is a very favorable combination, it gives birth to frank and assertive people. They are used to always moving forward and do not like to stop in the face of difficulties. Such Monkeys are very smart, cunning and will never lose their interest. Their steadfastness gives the Monkey’s actions greater efficiency, and Aries endows them with their honesty. This combination only benefits from this. They use the strengths of both signs. Aries-Monkeys are born fighters, they are dexterous and diplomatic, but they cannot sit still, what pushes them to rash actions. Such personalities know how to impress others. They are able to handle several cases at once, know how to unravel situations, are endowed with a good memory and instantly assess the degree of risk. As a rule, they never get into trouble. They are very lucky, but they do not always have deep feelings.


These people are too slow for a Monkey and too fast for a Taurus. They are very sentimental, but prone to lies. It cannot be said that they have many virtues. This combination is good for a businessman. They have an excellent memory, a developed imagination, but lack concentration. Often sprayed.

Such Monkeys are very sociable and love to enjoy Life. If they see something interesting, they will fall into pieces just to get it. By nature, they are big owners, and if they cannot succeed by honest work, they will definitely begin to cheat. They know how to earn and spend money, they know where to invest capital in order to extract maximum profit. Very constructive, always improving their knowledge. According to calculation, they may agree to a fictitious marriage, get involved in some kind of speculation or fraud


This is probably the most suitable combination of Monkey. From this combination, the pure Monkey type is born according to all the canons of the Chinese horoscope. As a rule, such people are either ideals or scoundrels, but in any case they are endowed with extraordinary intelligence, they are always educated, they have a very practical and agile mind. These people cannot sit still, they constantly get involved in some dizzying adventures and are capable of unraveling any Gordian knot.

They are distinguished by incredible eloquence and sociability. With all this, they are often unstable, overly nervous and fickle. This type is used to working spontaneously, and if he works under someone else's leadership, he cannot concentrate in time. These people can never focus their attention on one thing. In their youth they are very difficult to tolerate due to their constant mood swings, but in the second half of their life they become courteous and charming.


The most intelligent and emotionally reserved Monkeys. These are very deep people who can get to the bottom of any, even the most complex problem. They can even be called geniuses. This is a very rare hybrid that hides an extraordinary ability to navigate changing directions and turn fantasy into reality. These Monkeys do not tolerate leadership; they themselves are accustomed to extricating themselves from the most difficult situations. Under undesirable circumstances, they turn into unstable types, which can make them vagabonds and wanderers. But, as a rule, they adapt very well and use the positive traits of both signs. These are successful businessmen who have almost no enemies or ill-wishers. Very gentle, happy in their personal lives. This is probably the best sign for the Monkey. They look at life very sensibly and judiciously, and this helps them a lot in marriage. Monkeys - Cancers adore children and treat them as friends and accomplices.


It's not too much good option, because it gives rise to violent and unrestrained types. Such people are very dangerous, they are predatory and cunning animals. The monkey gives the Lion cunning, and he, in turn, gives the monkey the fangs of an animal. You can expect anything from them, they quickly get irritated and attack unexpectedly, without thinking at all about the consequences. It is better not to engage in polemics with such people. If you work with this type, you should always think through all your arguments and steps, otherwise the punishment will be terrible.

Monkey-Leos demand great respect for themselves; even the smallest of such people considers himself a giant. As a rule, they are well educated and always up to date. They are one of those animals that are fed by their feet. They always try to delve into all the details and lavish both praise and punishment on a royal scale. These are white people dirty work they leave it to others.


This combination is not very favorable for the Monkey, because it makes him too nervous. Such people are too mobile, although they try to give the impression of stability and balance. Thanks to self-control, they maintain balance. But in the most extreme situations, their nerves lose control, which affects those around them.

These people constantly strive for excellence. They are very honest, although in some situations they behave very cunningly and cautiously. They have unexpected and strange behavior. They are too scrupulous. In all situations they try to express their point of view, which turns out to be too moralizing. These are very kind and courteous people. They love to communicate with others and forget about the Virgo complexes that have haunted them since childhood. Of course, there are also negative aspects to this union: the Monkey enhances Virgo’s sense of superiority over others.

Virgo does not feel entirely comfortable in the skin of a Monkey, but in love she is more constant than fidgety monkeys. Her hard work and realistic views allow her to maintain her partner’s affection for many years.


These are the most contact and sociable Monkeys in the entire Zodiac. They have an open nature, they are very sweet and eloquent. These are excellent mediators who can resolve even the most terrible conflict. They will be able to seduce the enemy with eloquence and will definitely come to agreement. They are very peaceful and therefore do not like swords.

These individuals are versatile and can thrive in almost all areas. They are carefree, very humane and always try to maintain freedom. But they don’t like loneliness, so there are always a lot of people around them. Their advice is useful and people often turn to them for help. They are often unrestrained - this is their main drawback. Their noisiness often scares them away. But if you get used to them, you stop noticing.


These people are used to constantly doubting and checking everything. They often have a gloomy mood, which makes them too cynical. Their nature is always full of wild fantasies. Scorpio Monkeys are very intelligent, they look at the world soberly. In all their actions they are prone to some tragedy. There are always two principles fighting in them: the actor and the controller. They often show excessive curiosity, which can result in quite unpleasant situations. But they try to hide all their emotions in the mysterious corners of their soul.

They would make good detectives who could quickly predict the enemy's actions. These are excellent advisors who will not let you get into trouble. If there is a disagreement between you, know that he did not offend you out of malice.


These Monkeys are real diplomats, very careful in all their actions. These are businessmen who are able to sell even air for money. Their minds are endowed with common sense and sobriety. Despite their insight, they behave very condescendingly, and this offends others.

Sagittarius Monkeys do not like to ask questions, but prefer to look for the essence of the problem and, thus, quickly achieve what they want. But this does not mean that they are not contactable; on the contrary, they are very sociable, but not curious. These people love noisy companies, where they behave very excitedly. They love to travel because they have the essence of being a true wanderer. They quickly captivate people and are very easy to live with. But this combination also has disadvantages. For example, an excessive passion for freedom. You don't need to chase them, otherwise you might break your neck. Sooner or later these tramps will find their refuge.


These are very extraordinary people, endowed with a complex nature. The tense behavior of Capricorn gives the fidgety Monkey solidity and stability. Restless and restless, Monkeys become very inventive and give up their great needs. Of course, Capricorn also brings changeability of moods into her nature. Such Monkeys can be cold, motionless, when hot metal is boiling inside. They have the same ambivalent attitude towards almost everything, both at work and at home.

These people have a strange attitude towards money. You can’t call them selfish; rather, it’s passion, because for the sake of money they are ready to throw themselves into the fire. In adulthood, Capricorn Monkeys become more balanced. They are brave, dexterous, and outwardly they become respectable and slightly indifferent. If life does not work out for them, they lose heart and withdraw into themselves.


These are very inventive and resourceful Monkeys. They have no equal in this. In their development, these people are ahead of their peers: Aquarius endows the Monkey with supernatural abilities. In childhood they are very restless and become the leaders of a gang of children. They can turn everything upside down. Often these people lack scope, and then they boldly break into other people's territories. They should not be disturbed, because real geniuses often grow out of them. This guy is absolutely unpredictable; he himself doesn’t know what he will do in five minutes. Aquarius Monkeys are a little absent-minded, but always enterprising. They are often approached with personal requests, which they are ready to quickly fulfill. They know how to keep secrets and make excellent companions. The only thing they cannot guarantee to their friends and family is safety. Such Monkeys really need support and are created for teamwork. They make excellent researchers, but often lack the funds and time to complete their work. They will never make a good businessman, since their interests are too intellectual and noble.


The most elusive and slippery Monkeys. Such people never fall into traps, because they feel trouble is approaching and will try to prevent it. Very cute, charming and convincing. Like all Monkeys, they quickly adapt to their environment, instantly find the right tone in all conversations, and know how to get into the soul. We must not forget that Monkeys are excellent imitators and always imitate their interlocutors. And Pisces only increases this ability of foresight and expands their microcosm.

Sometimes, however, they can become confused if they have a worthy opponent in front of them. At such moments, Monkey-Pisces become irritable, lose their appetite, and will think until they find a way to defeat the enemy. They are very helpful and do not like to sit idle. In any situation, they will find a suitable activity that will brighten up life not only for them, but also for those around them.



The life together of these two tailed friends will not lead to good things. Their relationship is absolutely devoid of development and, therefore, cannot be interesting and easy. They are too smart and perspicacious to compete with each other. Of course, they can use their knowledge and use such an alliance to work effectively. After all, they understand each other well and can support each other difficult moment. Such businessmen will go far, and their work will be interesting and fun. Of course, it is better to have a common goal, then the union is possible for a long time.

They are not characterized by crazy love. When the time for vows and mutual outpourings passes, they will need something else. If they don't make a cult out of emotions, everything will be just great.


It is better for such people to avoid meeting each other. It would get them out of trouble. Such an alliance is too heavy a burden, although they love complications and sometimes artificially create them. In many ways they are similar. They know how to have fun and quietly strive for power. Each of them considers himself stronger than the enemy, but this is not true. If they are friends, then their friendship is not sustainable, it is a kind of competition. In love, the situation is different; the rationalist Monkey does not want to follow the Rat forever. She does not know how to surrender to the passion that the Rat so needs. At best, the Monkey will shower the Rat with compliments, and then become cold and indifferent. The Rat cannot stand the Monkey's games; this relationship can be fatal.


The monkey is too dynamic and fidgety, and therefore it is difficult for Ox to keep up with her. He'll fall behind quickly. He will lose his vigilance and forget about his mistrust, watching the charming dance of his tailed girlfriend. The Monkey is the most original sign of the Chinese horoscope. She will be able to notice that Vol is a balanced and interesting partner, which is what she lacks in her life. The only thing their characters agree on is that they are both not sentimental, love does not take first place in their lives, and therefore they will be very happy when they meet a partner who does not know jealousy, does not speak unclear words about love. Their union is favorable for both marriage and business. In tandem they will be very dangerous and no one will want to play tricks with them.


Despite his adventurism, the Tiger is not as cunning as the Monkey. He respects his partner's freedom and loves clarity in relationships. The monkey loves to chase two hares, he is used to being liked by everyone and cannot deny himself this weakness. She is used to adapting and is constantly trying to escape from the Tiger. This really irritates him. The monkey is a mocker and loves to mock people's weaknesses. Of course, she cannot be indifferent to the delightful Tiger and cannot resist the temptation to pull his mustache. In this case, the Tiger waits for the moment when the Monkey falls asleep in order to devour it. This union is possible only if both show maximum restraint.


The Monkey is smart and cunning, knows how to deftly manage the situation, but likes to take a break from family ties from time to time, counting on the understanding of the Hare. Sometimes, in order to get out of a difficult situation, the Hare becomes cunning.

The Monkey should not advise the Hare to become more flexible and efficient, he absolutely does not need it. Their union can achieve incredible harmony in intimacy, where there is no room for others. These signs are very interested in each other, they have no desire to have a partner on the side. In business, misunderstandings may arise between them, because the Hare does not like to violate principles, and the Monkey is accustomed to cruel jokes and can cause a scandal with its irritability. Such actions will cause criticism from the Hare, which may lead to unnecessary misunderstandings.


They suit each other very well. They can philosophize together for hours. And yet their relationship lacks depth, even though they believe otherwise. They should think about living together in advance. The Monkey has every opportunity to seduce the Dragon and keep him, because the Monkey is so fidgety, knows how to give fiery compliments, and sometimes even respectfully remain silent. With this she conquers the Dragon, and she has a chance to keep him near her. The Dragon, selfless and airy, will be able to capture the Monkey and will cause a wave of admiration from her. There is no rivalry between them; on the contrary, they value each other. This helps them succeed and fool many outside observers. But everything else is a matter of time.


This is a wonderful intellectual union. Both signs are the most gifted in the entire Chinese horoscope. These people adapt well to circumstances, think easily and quickly find a way out of any situation. They complement each other because the more agile Monkey can give the Snake depth of feeling. Professionally, they will give each other a lot of crazy and interesting ideas, which promises great opportunities. Here they are inseparable from each other.

Emotionally, not everything goes as smoothly as we would like. The Monkey is the only sign that can suppress the Snake. But the Snake is not one of those who will allow itself to be swallowed. In this case, the Snake will not insist that the Monkey linger near it for a long time. She will try to find a worthy victim. Their mutual loyalty is not very long-lasting, but they can always remain good friends, which is much more beneficial for both of them.


There are difficulties in mutual understanding between these signs. The Monkey lives by passion, giving it all of himself, and the Horse lives by common sense, avoiding any traps along the way. She cannot become attached to the fickle Monkey. The sympathy that initially arises between them will quickly disappear. The sincere Horse tries to help the Monkey find balance, but this will only make the Monkey laugh, because she considers her quick friend to be short-sighted and naive. For its part, the Horse cannot tolerate sharp jumps and in the behavior of the Monkey one begins to notice cold calculation. They are probably too demanding of each other, but nothing can be done about it. Such an alliance is very rare; even at the first meeting, the Horse and the Monkey behave extremely reserved and suspicious.


This is a very interesting and cheerful union, full of fantasies and fairy-tale dreams. These people are never bored together. They can talk for hours, inventing new entertainment and planning their future lives. They play the role as if on stage, playing along well with their partner. The union proceeds ideally if they are friends, allies, like-minded people, and if they also love each other, then they will achieve complete harmony. True, it is undesirable for them to live together for a long time. If their relationship is episodic, it can last until the end of life. They must take a break from each other from time to time, because the Monkey is skeptical of emotions, and the Sheep constantly requires love and support. When the stormy feelings pass, the Sheep remain disappointed, and the Monkey cannot play the role of a shepherd all his life.


These signs can understand each other, but only superficially. The dexterous and cunning Monkey in many ways complements the sincere and honest Rooster. Although he secretly still cannot resist criticism. The Monkey begins to treat the naive Rooster cruelly, and he doesn’t even notice. He will open his mouth in admiration, looking at the Monkey’s circus tricks, and only then will he begin to take a closer look. The superficiality of the Monkey will not escape his eyes, and this can cause great conflicts, because people, as a rule, notice the shortcomings of others more often than their own. They will always have difficulties that they do not want to admit. This will constantly kindle antagonism and rivalry between them, for which the slightest reason will be enough. Apart from the love of social life, these people have absolutely nothing in common. After the ball, quarrels will begin at home.


Both signs are too critical and cynical. They have no illusions towards each other. Both try to prick their partner as subtly as possible. The Dog is too much of an idealist and cannot connect his life with the Monkey due to moral differences. And the Monkey, in turn, is too cunning and cannot understand how one can be so disinterested and divorced from the real world. Of course, the union can survive if, for example, the Dog and the Monkey were raised together for a long time, but there will be no love in this union.

The dog, as a rule, will remain disappointed, but will not admit this to anyone. Gradually, she will accumulate many grievances against the Monkey and sooner or later she will throw out what she has accumulated. The Monkey, because of its unscrupulousness and frivolity, will ignore everything and simply will not notice the angry Dog near it. She will begin to get bored, and nothing will keep her anxious soul near the boring and angry Dog.


Probably, the Pig is the only sign that is capable of manipulating the instincts of the Monkey and thus disarming it. Boars are so loyal that they show royal patience. The Monkey's actions cannot surprise you at all. They only want understanding from the Monkey and believe in higher feelings. Sometimes, however, the Pig begins to doubt: Is the Monkey a sage or just crazy?

In this union, the Monkey falls as if into a trap. She never stops asking herself questions, sincerely; Is there a Pig and what causes his generosity. The Monkey will not be able to hurt the Pig and will become a little cleaner next to him. She will look at him more and more closely and will eventually decide that the Pig is not so bad. In fact, the Pig is not so naive; he knows what goals he is pursuing.



This is a lucky year for the Monkey. No need to worry. These years are very fruitful, they can succeed in everything. Profits will come from unexpected sources. This is a great time to move up the career ladder and get loans. All problems will be solved painlessly. Responsible individuals will seek contacts with the Monkey. There may be new additions to the family.


This is a medium-intensity year, but the Monkeys will be happy. True, profits and entertainment will be extremely limited, and there is a possibility of facing losses, especially in property. Monkeys are better off using the services of intermediaries; their success does not correspond to the efforts made. You can't be overly ambitious. Everything is fine in family life, but the Monkeys will be forced to travel frequently and may develop a chronic disease.


This is a very turbulent year. Monkeys are too vulnerable to enemy attack and are forced to flee, travel, or work for others. Loans at high interest rates are possible. In the year of the Tiger, Monkeys will not be able to be outside observers and sit idly by - this is dangerous. This is exactly the year in which something new needs to be done.


This is a good year for the Monkey. He will be favorable to her in every way. The future has become clear again, help will definitely come from an unexpected direction. Calmness in work will return, but profits will remain average. Now they need to seize new opportunities to bring about change in the future.


This year the Monkeys will play a major role, their profits will be significant. They will be able to gain experience in advanced technologies. Naturally, after this new profits will come. They may be frightened by worries and misunderstandings, which is why they will have to spend part of their savings to get things moving. Especially favorable year for observation and study. It is better not to make risky transactions.


This is a pleasant year, and Monkeys will definitely take leading roles in society, because they will be able to become not only useful to many, but also indispensable. They will receive help from friends, support from their superiors. Despite minor misunderstandings, this is a very favorable period. Monkeys are required to hold their tongues to avoid collisions.


This is a good year, although some worries remain. This year you can find a profitable job, but Monkeys should not spread themselves too thin. All troubles will disappear if they themselves rock the boat and keep their expectations. This year it is necessary to conclude an alliance with the opposition if it is impossible to repel it. It is necessary to show maximum conservatism and observation in order to succeed.


This is a business and working year. Money comes very easily, but will be spent on unexpected things. Monkeys will find new and useful employees, but will be forced to meet many guests and travel more than usual. They will be disturbed by minor troubles. You will have to intrigue more, and therefore it is better to refrain from self-praise. Someone will try to take advantage of the Monkey's secret debts.


It's a wonderful year and the Monkeys can start independent work. Good luck and recognition await them. Monkeys will like everything, they will have fun and enjoy success. Only a few worries will arise from subordinates, debtors and people who finance their bold endeavors. Only health can suffer from overexertion.


This is an average but stable year. The monkeys will have additional funds that they really need, as well as the people they need to carry out their plans. They will be quite restless, so they will run a little own house. They have a tense time ahead. public life, so don't underestimate your opponents.


This is a difficult year because plans born under this sign may fail - people are not inclined to keep promises. But the Monkeys will be smarter and will survive the financial difficulties. Otherwise, they will face large losses in investment. They will find real friends who will help them figure out where and when they made a mistake.


This is a productive year, a year of complete abundance. The monkeys will become simply unbridled and irreconcilable. There will be official strife, financial and legal difficulties, even health complications. But Fortune will not leave the Monkeys and problems will be easily resolved, albeit with big compromises. Monkeys will be forced to give new concessions and even endure insults from their opponents. This year you don’t need to trust even your closest friends. Joint undertakings will turn out to be unsuccessful and even dangerous.


This year everything will end happily if the cheerful Monkey does not betray. It is necessary to use absolutely all opportunities - then even seemingly impossible undertakings will definitely end successfully. Improvised luck is possible. Politicians, financiers and businessmen will boldly throw themselves into the game, and each will try to beat the other. This is a pleasant and exciting time when everyone has the opportunity to try their luck. There are no skirmishes foreseen, because Monkeys are one of those who know how to treat their own mistakes with great irony and avoid them in the future.

In such years, each of us will try to grab a fat piece, outwitting his opponent. But it will be difficult to understand who actually won, since the left hand never knows what the right hand is doing. One thing is certain: more difficult, stressful months will come. People will strive forward and will not always be able to calculate their own strengths. Those who are more proactive will be able to meet the end of the year with huge dividends. Monkeys do not give concessions, but they do not want them either. Under her bold influence, business will only prosper. It is believed that the year of the Monkey brings new and unusual ways to solve problems.



The culmination of this year is autumn. Then the Yin of autumn balances the Yang of the Monkey. This makes the Monkey more patient and moderate. This year brings openness and clarity, so it is necessary to lay down your weapons, soften your tone and smooth out rough edges. The year demands freedom of action and heart, people are finally given the opportunity to breathe in some fresh air and let go of control. There is no need to show stiffness, feel free to move forward.


The culmination of this year is winter, the best period for ripening. There is no need to force events, everything is in the preparation stage, this is precisely the key to future success. But there is no need to stay in the sleeping Water, where the dead swell reigns. This year you should be afraid of unexpected storms, they can be destructive.


The culmination of this year is spring, a time of abundance and prosperity. This is a rather harmonious year, where you can allow yourself the freedom of imagination and move in any direction. However, you should suppress your suspicion and not let it get the better of you. These unnecessary emotions can have a fatal effect.


The culmination of this year is summer. During this period of creation, the Yin of the Monkey is strengthened even more by the element of Fire, which gives rise to excess energy. The year is very favorable for action, surprises and intrigue. Under no circumstances should you waste your money this year, otherwise you may lose your chance. This may lead to complications related to willpower and physical health.


The culmination of this year is summer, when the Earth gains moisture and warmth. Years like this are like full cup, and therefore we need to turn our eyes to the heavens in order to expand our capabilities and open new horizons. The year is very favorable for creativity and new beginnings, as well as for projects for the future.



Those who believe that those born under the sign of Aries are distinguished by an idealistic outlook on life and sociability are absolutely right. For this reason, people born under this sign find it difficult to make decisions. Therefore, they always doubt what prevents them from achieving personal happiness. In addition, Aries should not try to command their partners.


The admiration and respect of Taurus friends will help him become charming and delicate. In the year of the Monkey, they will undoubtedly take advantage of the favorable opportunity to meet the person of their dreams. However, they will keep a certain distance from him. Judging by their actions and appearance, you can expect anything from them. ^


If their partner is attentive and generous, then the year of the Monkey will give Gemini many pleasant moments. Then they will do their best to create healthy foundation for happiness and love. But if their partner does not express their willingness to support them in all respects, Gemini will feel extremely offended.


It’s a sin for Cancer to complain that they have few opportunities to make new acquaintances. Many people like their inner conviction and poise. If they meet that one person they have been dreaming about for a long time, let them connect their fate with him, because such cases do not happen often.


These people have an irresistible charm and can use their abilities to overcome any difficulties. In addition, they will be critical of people of the opposite sex, but this should not be expressed out loud at all. Otherwise, undesirable consequences may occur. Leo's indecisiveness can reveal their true nature.


They tend to frighten loved ones when they do not give Virgos the opportunity to express their opinions on various issues. Such people act on the principle of “either all or nothing.” They would like to idolize their loved one, but first they have to meet him. Keeping in mind their character, this will not be so easy in the Year of the Monkey.


Libras strive for a loving, healthy union. This year they will be looking for a meeting with the only person they dreamed of, and therefore will often become despondent. Libra's chances are not so bad, but they suffer from one tangible drawback: they do not know how to present themselves in the best light, although they are sincere and constant.


Their ideas about morality are fickle and depend on the mood of Scorpio. In the year of the Monkey, they will be pressed against the wall - their partner will demand a definite answer. This is exactly what Scorpios cannot stand, so they will try by all means. oratory avoid a serious relationship. Thus, they will suffer from their carelessness.


Friends of Sagittarius know that they have a heart of gold, and therefore they forgive their misdeeds and even rudeness. For this reason, clouds often appear and darken their personal happiness. Despite this, everything will end well, because their heart is filled with love for their chosen one.


With their charm and sensitivity, Capricorns attract attention in any company. In the year of the Monkey, happiness will smile on them, but their tendency to exaggerate will only bring them trouble. Capricorns need to trust their partners more.


This year they will have a lot of acquaintances with people of the opposite sex, many will envy this. But the time has not yet come when Aquarians will feel like winners in all respects. They must learn to respect others and turn them into objects of desire fulfillment.


Life for Pisces consists of difficulties and hardships. They draw strength and joy from the consolation of their work colleagues, instead of sometimes pleasing themselves. And therefore, it is difficult for Pisces fans to conquer this difficult sign.

Source - Alexander Alexander Alexander - Chinese astrology.

They are somewhat contradictory and eccentric, and in some ways inventive and smart. They have developed intuition, they are dexterous and resourceful. And the Monkeys also have a very interesting and incredible fate. Let's talk about this.

General characteristics of Monkeys

We suggest that you first find out the character of these people. It should be noted that the year of the Monkey is 1980. The characteristics of those born in this year are especially interesting. Monkeys are distinguished by intelligence, intuition and are able to predict events. They will never voice their thoughts without thinking and calculating future events. By nature, Monkeys are twofold. On the one hand, they are calm. It sometimes seems that no circumstances can make the Monkey lose his temper. She does not have conflicts and does not tolerate quarrels or gossip. He will never allow himself to throw mud at people he knows. If a conflict is brewing in her environment, she would rather watch what is happening from the sidelines than take part herself. On the other hand, the Monkey will never forgive insults, insults and betrayals. Moreover, the ill-wisher will be punished severely. She will not accept any pleas or requests for forgiveness.

It should be said that people with a special gift are born in the year of the Monkey. Astrological characteristics suggest that they have many talents since childhood. They feel and know how to see beauty, have a subtle and pleasant ear. It is important to recognize a special gift and begin to develop it in time. It should also be said that the Humanities are easy for Monkeys, and they can learn several without much effort. foreign languages in a short time. In mathematics they feel like fish in water.

Friendship with a Monkey

Those born in the year of the Monkey, as astrological characteristics suggest, are very loyal and reliable friends. These people are ready to do anything to help a loved one. They will not hesitate to do anything if it helps a friend in any way. The monkey does not forgive betrayal. She has to do it once to erase him from her life forever. People born in the year of the monkey, whose characteristics are given above, jealously choose interlocutors and friends. Monkeys are trusting and do not believe in human cruelty and evil. Because of this, they are often disappointed in people.

Love and relationships

Of course, it is worth saying about the love and relationships of those born in the year of the Monkey. Characteristics: the man is a very passionate and attentive lover, the woman is full of sensuality and eroticism. For Monkeys, loving is as necessary as breathing. It is important for both a woman and a man not only to know that they are loved, but also to see signs that confirm feelings. They like to receive unexpected gifts, they are delighted with unplanned dates full of romance and pleasant surprises. Those born in the year of the Monkey, characteristics and stars claim, are the most faithful companions in life. With them it is always comfortable and cozy, interesting and pleasant. Every day spent with a Monkey is a holiday.

Briefly about the main thing...

We can talk about Monkeys and their astrological characteristics without stopping. These are very interesting people. To fully study people born in the year of the Monkey, a person’s entire life is not enough. And that's what makes them interesting.

Years of the Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.

In order to understand the essence of a person born in the year of the Monkey, Chinese horoscope, you need to have an idea about the monkey itself.

Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope: Astropsychological characteristics

As you know, there are large and small monkeys: gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, monkeys... All monkeys have rich facial expressions and lively eyes. From morning to evening they move through the trees in search of food. Only at heights do they feel safe from tigers, leopards and humans.

Monkeys live in groups. This is a herd animal. They are shy, cautious, secretive and very vigilant. They survive and thrive due to collectivism and excellent ability to adapt to any conditions.

Monkeys feel confident in their territory. In case of danger they raise a cry. Rivals are also driven away by shouting. They often quarrel with each other and with larger animals. Sometimes they behave like predators. The constant struggle for survival leads monkeys to increased aggression. But they usually do not attack first unless provoked.

All monkeys are cunning, inventive, and prone to theft. They skillfully beg and take everything that is bad. Monkeys do not like to get food themselves and prefer to live off the results of human labor. To this end, they settle near hotels, where they feed on waste or steal corn from farmers' fields.

Monkeys are prone to narcissism. They are fascinated by their own reflection in the mirror. They love to pose for tourists and always expect a reward for this.

Brash, dangerous, sometimes charming and funny, monkeys prefer to live near noisy cities rather than in the wilderness. Being around people doesn't bother them at all.

In the monkey community, there is a complex hierarchy that they observe. They treat the patriarch with respect. They care about their children.

This is how monkeys are in nature. Now let's talk about people born in the year of the Monkey. What traits have they inherited from their four-legged counterparts?

A typical Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope is cunning, acumen, stormy temperament, a logical mindset and a complete lack of scrupulousness. Monkeys are the most unreliable and superficial people. They are conservative, pragmatic, cunning, selfish, envious and very aggressive. They live in society and for society. These are herd people with developed herd instincts.

The strong qualities of the Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope include the desire for education, high learning ability, curiosity, impeccable acting skills, and the ability to compromise. They understand that they cannot do without compromises in real life.

Most Monkeys have absolutely no patterns in behavior, family relationships, or communication with the outside world. It is difficult to catch them by the tail, although you know for sure that they are lying to you every minute.

Amazing resourcefulness and the ability to adapt to any circumstances helps them to stay afloat in any life situations. Monkey high level developments create true works of art, especially in cinema.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Monkeys are arrogant, vain, restless, internally unstable, often fall into hysterics and are influenced by more strong people. They are not scrupulous, they can commit dishonest acts, they can even steal if they are confident in their impunity.

Being extremely inventive, they can easily get out of a difficult situation. Honest people cannot “play” by the Monkey’s rules, so they avoid its company. However, natural predisposition does not mean that all Monkeys according to the Chinese horoscope are liars. (You also need to take into account the month and day of birth, as well as upbringing).

Posturing and an irresistible craving for entertainment - this is how one can define her inner essence. You've probably noticed that most Monkeys absolutely love to dress up, take pictures and look in the mirror for hours.

“Oh, how beautiful I am, how smart and cunning!” - she thinks, standing in front of the mirror. Her life strategy is to jump from branch to branch all her life, eat bananas and not work. The Monkey sincerely believes that others should work for him.

She madly loves noisy parties and holidays, where she can show off her non-existent advantages. The Monkey always tries to be in the center of attention and has a hard time with situations when they do not pay attention to it, for which it is ready to go out of its way.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Monkey, according to the Chinese horoscope, is very fond of flattery. And if she is flattered, she relaxes, loses control over the situation and easily falls into the network.

The monkey is extremely sociable, he is afraid of loneliness and therefore needs communication. It’s normal for her if the phone rings continuously, endless negotiations are carried out, new faces flash by. She loves turmoil, confusion in business, acquaintances, contacts, connections. She has little energy, so she spurs herself on with fussiness.

You may get the impression that the Monkey gets along with everyone, is on good terms with everyone. But this impression is deceptive. In fact, the Monkey is secretive, withdrawn, never opens up completely and only demonstrates his sociability.

Outwardly she is all politeness, but in her soul she is selfish and very contemptuous of people. There is no deep content in it, there is only form. This empty glass, from which you cannot drink water on a hot day. Even her knowledge is superficial, although she reads a lot and tries to keep abreast of everything that is happening.

However, there are exceptions to every rule. So among the Monkeys according to the Chinese horoscope there are decent and even brilliant people with deep philosophical view for life.

According to the Chinese horoscope, if the Monkey has an enemy, it will not fight him in a fair one-on-one duel. She will call all her relatives and friends to help, and having called a “support group”, she will feel confident, climb onto a branch and from an unattainable height will drop “coconuts” on the enemy, that is, fight him from a distance.

If, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Monkey stole your “banana” and you are going to declare war on it, you must remember that the Monkey is extremely cowardly. She is afraid even when nothing threatens her. To fight her, it is necessary to create an unreliable, unstable, uncertain environment around her, in which she will become even more insecure and fearful.

Monkeys are karmic people. Thanks to its ability to make connections and establish contacts, the Monkey can achieve certain success, but it does not have true friends and it is difficult for it to find happiness in love. This is understandable: connections do not help in matters of love.

People born in the year of the Monkey prefer to live in the bustle of cities. They are afraid of silence, so when they come home from work, the first thing they do is turn on the TV, no matter what program. They need noise for mental comfort.

Monkey Monkeys are different. But in general, according to the Chinese horoscope, Monkeys are skeptics, melancholics, pessimists, and have a very gloomy view of the world. Outwardly they look energetic, but in reality they have little energy.

Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope: business skills

Most Monkeys are rarely lucky in material terms. They do not have the inner core, perseverance, or independence necessary to implement ambitious plans. Even slight obstacles spoil their mood for a long time.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Monkeys do not strive to be leaders because they are afraid of responsibility. Absence business qualities prevents them from achieving success in life. Thanks to their artistry and ability to work with information, they make good artists, journalists, intermediaries, and secretaries.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Monkey is the ideal administrator. They can find their calling in the theater, cinema, and television. And they will be happy and successful in this field. Commercial activities will also bring them success.

In order to successfully maneuver in life and adapt to people, many of them go to study as psychologists. However, for the most part, Monkeys have a good sense of the mood of the people around them, know how to find weaknesses and use this to achieve their goals.

According to the Chinese horoscope, many Monkeys are skilled intriguers, swindlers and charlatans. They often achieve their goals by deception. They are completely devoid of conscience and remember it only when they are treated unfairly. They don’t need morality, and they don’t need morality either.

Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope in relationships

As a rule, relationships with the opposite sex do not work out for the Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope. She herself does not know how to love, and it is difficult to love her. Her personal traits are not disposed to this. She is superficial and selfish, the main thing for her is to be loved.

She cannot stand loneliness (she is a herd animal), so she tries to climb on someone’s shoulder so that she can be protected from the difficulties and dangers of life. In family life, the Monkey is not constant. Frivolous and flighty, she is afraid of deep relationships that require responsibility and duty.

Usually she has several marriages, several side love affairs. The concept of fidelity and devotion does not exist for her. For her, personal freedom and the opportunity to indulge in all earthly pleasures are more important. With such a contradictory character, it is difficult for her to find a loving partner.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Monkey usually becomes the dictator in the family. She is very aggressive, loves to suppress and impose her will. Behind her rigidity and desire to completely control her family members lies her lack of self-confidence, internal instability, low self-esteem and all sorts of fears.

In order to keep his life partner, the Monkey, according to the Chinese horoscope, tries to have children. But in most Monkeys, paternal and maternal feelings are poorly developed. They will water, feed their children, clothe them, pay for their education, but true love and they cannot give warmth of heart to their children.

Caring parents and good parents are not the same thing. Therefore, when children grow up, they also have problems in love - after all, love needs to be taught, but no one taught them this.

Monkeys are often threatened with lonely old age, which they are very afraid of. Due to increased nervousness, accidents often happen to them.

Compatibility of Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope

MONKEY - RAT. Violent emotions towards each other. The Rat is under the influence of the Monkey, but strives to control the situation itself. They are constantly fighting for supremacy.

MONKEY - BULL. They are indifferent to each other, too different people. The Ox will demand the Monkey's submission, but she will find a way to deceive him.

MONKEY - TIGER. Energy incompatibility. Strained relations. The Tiger disdains the Monkey's cunning, and the Monkey manipulates his decency.

MONKEY - HARE. The relationship is cold, the Hare will force the Monkey to obey him. He's stronger.

MONKEY - DRAGON. A harmonious union, there is mutual understanding and energy compatibility. But the Monkey must know his place. For her, this is the best partner in marriage and business.

MONKEY - SNAKE. Difficult relationships. The Snake will psychologically and magically strangle the Monkey and completely subjugate it to its will. The worst option for the Monkey.

MONKEY - HORSE. Complete misunderstanding, constant quarrels and conflicts. Energy incompatibility. These are completely different people. Marriage and business are impossible. The Horse is allergic to the Monkey's tricks.

MONKEY - GOAT. They will be able to understand each other, have fun together, but joint business and marriage are impossible, since they both lack independence. The Goat will use the Monkey to its advantage, it will always succeed.

MONKEY - MONKEY. Energy compatibility. Complete mutual understanding and common interests.

MONKEY - ROOSTER. Completely different people. Stormy disputes and showdowns. The Monkey manipulates the Rooster, playing on his weaknesses.

MONKEY - DOG. Energy incompatibility. Mutual hostility, too different people. Joint business and marriage are futile.

MONKEY - BOAR. Completely different people. Energy is incompatible. It is advisable for the Pig to understand that the Monkey is using him.

Relationships for the Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope

Ideal relationship - Dragon, Monkey. Comfortable relationships - Rat, Boar, Rooster. Dangerous relationships - Snake, Tiger, Horse.

Weaknesses of the Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope

According to the Chinese horoscope, a typical Monkey is hot-tempered; it creates enormous nervous tension around itself. She is afraid of loneliness. For her, loneliness is worse than death.

Many Monkeys lack celebration, generosity, and kindness in their souls, which is why they have few real friends. Monkeys are absent-minded in everyday life, everything is in disarray - both in their heads and at home.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Monkeys want to be helped. Cunning and the desire to deceive their neighbor often turns against the Monkeys themselves.

Their inconstancy, resourcefulness, and aggressiveness can drive even close people out of patience. Many Monkeys have a psychological crown of celibacy, due to character traits and lack of energy in the genitourinary area.

Man - Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope

The Monkey man according to the Chinese horoscope is ambitious, resourceful, and not without talent. Physically strong. Doesn't tolerate loneliness well. He, like air, needs communication, exchange of thoughts. However, it is difficult to understand him: he is always on his own mind. You never know how he feels about you.

He prefers women who are independent, bright, self-confident, and admired. His wife has to take on all household and family responsibilities, since he is completely unsuited to life. Having married, he cheats on his wife without remorse, although he believes that he loves her. He is fond of gambling.

Woman - Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Monkey woman needs a man as the support of her life. She is attracted to men by material security, reliability and intelligence. If family life It seems monotonous to her, she easily commits treason.

Likes to criticize others and provoke scandals. Having splashed out negative energy during a quarrel, she feels better.

She can look feminine, playful, flirtatious, but at the same time remains ambitious, pragmatic, and mercantile. She uses a lot of cunning to get what she wants. Those around her see through her tricks, but forgive her for her cunning. Probably because she seems defenseless to them.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Monkey woman is very touchy. She does not like to listen to the truth addressed to her. Because of their dictatorial habits, desire to suppress and dictate, the husbands of these women take walks, abuse alcohol (drink too much), or simply run away from home. Women born in the year of the Monkey have great difficulty organizing their personal lives. They need to learn to love.

Astromagical capabilities of the Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope

The monkey is afraid of everything mysterious, mysterious, inexplicable. And this is understandable: she is a deeply material, conservative person. She is interested in magic, but it doesn’t go beyond fortune telling. She is scared: what if something happens to her. The Monkey even tries to do fortune-telling in a group, and most often someone else does the fortune-telling for him.

But according to the Chinese horoscope, the Monkey feels respect for religion and believes that by turning to God in difficult times, he will receive help.

Since the Monkey is a weak, helpless creature, it needs strong energy donors. It is these that she exploits to the fullest. Strong people hear that some Monkey is calling for help (she cannot peel a banana herself) and run to help her.

And that’s all the Monkey needed. She will immediately shower her benefactor with compliments and, as if by chance, ask for help in one more matter, then in the next - and so on ad infinitum.

Strong people are usually trusting and sensitive, they sincerely believe that everyone around them is as honest and decent as they are. So the Monkey takes advantage of this. A strong man spins like a squirrel in a wheel, trying to help the Monkey, and at this time he either pretends to be sick, or is having fun in some company, laughing in his heart at the strong “fool”.

Thus, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Monkey cures some strong people of excessive pride. Before parting with his benefactor, the Monkey will definitely try to steal from him everything that is possible and hide the stolen items away so that he does not find them.

If the indignant benefactor wants to return his property back, the Monkey’s cries for help will immediately spread throughout the entire area. And again there will be strong personalities who are ready to protect the poor, weak, frightened Monkey with their breasts. And the circle closes.

After some time, the Monkey will “learn” his next intercessors and will look for new ones. It is in such games that the Monkey’s whole life passes.

Why does the Monkey, according to the Chinese horoscope, enjoy studying practical psychology, but is afraid of magic like the devil of incense?

Yes, very simple! Few people understand the laws by which magic works. And everything incomprehensible brings fear to the timid Monkey. In the same time the smartest people A number of win-win psychological techniques have long been created, for example, neurolinguistic programming.

By the way, no one calls psychologists receiving doctoral degrees “black sorcerers,” although some of them successfully program huge masses of people and, accordingly, change their destinies. These are the psychological techniques that the Monkey strives to master, especially since he is not devoid of acting talent from birth.

So, to summarize: Monkey and magic are absolutely incompatible. But the Monkey and psychology are one. If you think about the Monkey, you mean psychology. If you think about psychology, you think of a Monkey!

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Monkey is strong because of its environment, that is, its benefactors, who willingly do all the “black” and “white” work for it. It is precisely such benefactors that the monkey’s enemies should be wary of. As a rule, the average Monkey is able to gather around himself up to thirty benefactors who have been fooled by him, who together can represent an impressive force.

We call the tactics that Monkeys use to solve their problems the “Monkey Method.” In addition to the Monkey, this method is successfully used by Goats, Dogs and Snakes. It is easier to understand the essence of the method using a specific example.

Kirill was born in the year of the Monkey. For two years now he has been living in a civil marriage with Elena, also a Monkey. One day on a holiday, Elena received a call from her ex-husband Vadim threatening to hire a hitman. Elena knew that Vadim was a harmless, almost drunk man, incapable of action, but she was still scared.

After the holiday, Kirill went to the director of the Palace of Culture, where Elena’s ex-husband worked as an accordion player, with a complaint about him. In addition to the director, Kirill went through all the offices and talked about the “emergency” incident.

After that, he talked to Vadim in front of the whole team and warned that if something happened to Elena, there would be many witnesses. Considering that this was not enough, Kirill called Vadim’s new wife in the evening and asked to pacify her husband. Since then there have been no more calls from Vadim.

What is the essence of the method? The fact is that Kirill did not sort things out one-on-one. For own safety he notified everyone, spoke in front of witnesses, played it safe several times, and only then calmed down. The resulting effect exceeded all his expectations.

How to influence a Monkey using psychology and magic

According to the Chinese horoscope, if the Monkey “accidentally” became your enemy, do not rush to immediately confront him and restore justice in noble anger. Why? Yes, because to your one simple question: “Why did you do it (did)?” - you will receive a hundred or two very “convincing” versions of the answer.

We must not forget for a minute that Monkeys have no equal in resourcefulness, cunning and deception. As a result, all your righteous anger will be cooled down by an avalanche of false excuses. And at the end of the conversation, you will probably get the impression that it was you, the “brainless donkey,” who made the mistake, and not her.

In this way, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Monkey fights for a place in the sun, that is, to survive. That's why people say it's easier to catch an eel with bare hands than to grab a monkey by the tail! So don’t delude yourself too much about a direct, honest conversation with the Monkey.

Conscience (in the usual way for everyone normal people sense) you won’t find it in her soul! Of course, she also has a conscience, but it has such vague boundaries that the Monkey herself is often unable to define them.

So what to do? Is there really no control over her?

Eat! There is a rule over the Monkey, and what a rule! If suddenly some Monkey puts a spoke in your wheels, weaves intrigues around you and discredits your good name, first of all, do not pretend that he is your blood enemy. Otherwise, you will scare her off ahead of time.

Collect all the facts where the Monkey, according to the Chinese horoscope, made a mistake, and document them. In this case, it is advisable to have witnesses from the Monkey’s environment. When there are enough such facts (for several life sentences), move on to next stage retribution: gradually begin to familiarize yourself with the collected documents the right people.

Start with the Monkey's outer circle. Then move on to your neighbor. Thanks to this method, the Monkey will not only lose the support of his benefactors-guardians (relatives, friends), but many of them will break off all relations with her.

No Monkey can endure the contempt of his environment. She will either fall into the deepest depression or run away to another region or even country.

You can also painfully prick the unprincipled soul of the Monkey in another way. It is used by those who know about the artistry and vanity of the Monkey. Any competition is announced in advance, for example, “Miss the wisest head”, “Miss splendor” or “Miss long tail”.

The main thing is that the Monkey is confident in his victory. And then they arrange everything so that she takes last or second-to-last place. The first places should go to obviously weaker competitors. Such monstrous injustice takes away the Monkey’s taste for life for a long time. She turns into lethargy,

But this is all a psychological effect. What about magic? Is the Monkey's energy protection strong? We have said more than once that the Monkey is strong because of his surroundings. And if she feels her impunity, then she becomes impudent and dangerous. She herself is very weak energetically.

That is why the Monkey is affected by any kind of magic. According to the Chinese horoscope, the Monkey is very superstitious, and if they slip her “cute” magical trinkets or only hint at the possibility of magical influence, then fear paralyzes her will, and she stops military operations. Your life is more valuable.

In addition, specialists in high magic, using the Monkey’s ability to subtly sense what its surroundings are thinking about this moment, can shape public opinion in the right direction in relation to the Monkey itself according to the Chinese horoscope. And then everything will develop without the intervention of interested parties.

Let's say that those around him treat the Monkey well and do not know about his tricks. With the help of high magic you show what the Monkey is really like. And the opinion of others sharply changes from positive to negative. This is the principle of a magical pendulum, and in relation to the Monkey it fits perfectly.

One has only to remove the veil from the eyes of those around him (maybe even give them a little energetic push) - and the obvious becomes clear! As they say: “You can’t hide an awl in a sack!” She is a Monkey, no matter how much she hides in sheep's clothing, she will never become a “little lamb”!