Do I need to fertilize seedlings? Fertilizing for tomato seedlings at home. We use proven folk recipes for fertilizing homemade tomato seedlings

In Russian latitudes, it is better to grow tomatoes in seedlings. For inexperienced gardeners, tomato seedlings raise many questions: how to grow them, what kind of nutrition do the plants need?

One of the most important activities in caring for tomatoes is fertilizing the plants. Quite often, beginning gardeners ask the question: is it necessary to feed tomato seedlings, since the best soil composition has been selected for them, and when to start this procedure? Here the answer is unequivocal and cannot be questioned - of course it’s necessary! Even during seedling growth, it is fed three times, regardless of how balanced the soil was.

The fact is that as plants grow, they “pull” all the nutrients they need from the soil. In boxes with tomato seedlings, where the soil has been created in accordance with all requirements, over time there will be no elements necessary for plants left. And the seedlings need to be full-fledged, strong and healthy, capable of long-term fruiting.

Adult plants in the garden also need constant “feeding”. They devote all their strength to forming fruits. Without feeding, having exhausted all the necessary elements from the soil, the tomato will give nutrients to the ovaries, using its potential. This can cause the seedlings to become weak. Therefore, the question of whether tomato seedlings need to be fed becomes rhetorical.

Tomatoes love fertilizing; without them there is no point in counting on a good harvest.

Norms and rules for fertilizing seedlings

Feeding seedlings - required element agricultural technology. Even if the soil was purchased from a specialized store, within two months the constantly growing and developing tomato shoots will deplete the soil, and then they themselves will become weak. There are quite a lot of recommendations on how to feed tomato seedlings at home. should be carried out in accordance with simple rules and regulations.

Rule #1. As in any matter, it is important to observe moderation when feeding. By overdoing it with fertilizers, the farmer will not only not help the plant, but, on the contrary, will complicate its existence, if not destroy it altogether.

Rule #2. If industrial fertilizers are used, it is better to give preference to liquid rather than dry fertilizers. The root system of seedlings is still very delicate, so it will cope better with liquid “nutrient feed”.

Rule No. 3. If for some reason dry fertilizers are still used for fertilizing, they must first be diluted in water and watered with a liquid solution on the tomato sprouts. Dry additives take too long to dissolve in the soil; during this time, seedlings may lose strength without receiving nutrients.

Rule #4. Before fertilizing, the seedlings must first be watered with plain water. It is not advisable to feed the plant on dry soil.

Rule #5. Fertilize seedlings better in the morning, since evening feeding can lead to the formation of fungal diseases in the soil.

Rule #6. Each fertilizer has its own purpose. If a gardener does not have a fertilizer specifically designed for seedlings in his arsenal, but does have fertilizers for adult plants, he needs to correctly calculate the volume of substances applied.

Rule #7. To make fertilizing more effective, the soil should be loose. If the soil is not “fluffy” enough, it can be loosened. This should be done as carefully as possible, superficially, so as not to harm the fragile roots of the plants.

Fertilizer application timing

In addition to the rules, you should also know when to feed tomato seedlings so that the plants constantly receive the entire necessary “set” of nutritional components.

You can hear many opinions about how often to feed tomato seedlings after germination. Experts say that seedlings should be fed three times during their growth. It grows within two months, “three meals a day” for such a period of time is the most suitable option.

Feeding for seedlings No. 1

There is also disagreement about when to feed tomato seedlings for the first time. However experienced gardeners and gardeners advise carrying out the first fertilizing on the tenth day after picking. The tiny seedling has already taken root and taken root by this time; now it needs strength for further growth. Nitrophoska is best suited for the first feeding, as it contains phosphorus and nitrogen - the most necessary elements at this stage of plant development. The fertilizer is diluted in water, observing the proportion indicated on the package. As a rule, the dosage of such fertilizer is 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 liter of water.

Feeding for seedlings No. 2

Carried out 14 days after the first feeding. During this period, plants need phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, nutritional feeding is made on the basis of potassium sulfate and double superphosphate, which contain these two elements in sufficient quantities. In addition, they contain the following elements: nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, copper, boron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, boron. As in the case of the first feeding, the amount of fertilizer diluted in one liter of water is 1 tablespoon.

Feeding for seedlings No. 3

The last time the tomato seedlings are fed is shortly before planting in the beds. Seven days before transplanting, tomato shoots are fertilized again with a nitrophoska solution.

Alternative ways to feed tomatoes

People have long figured out how to feed tomato seedlings to grow thicker without the use of industrial fertilizers. What methods have not been invented by skilled farmers to support seedlings and supply them with the necessary useful substances. Looking for something on the windowsill to germinate faster, summer residents use many available means: milk, banana skins, eggshells, ammonia, potassium permanganate, iodine, ash, yeast.

Iodine for tomato seedlings

Everyone knows the properties of iodine. But few people know that it is used as a fertilizer for tomatoes. Having purchased iodine, you no longer have to worry about what to feed tomato seedlings for the growth of healthy shoots after planting. In addition, its disinfecting properties will help rid plants of many diseases and harmful insects.

Before feeding tomato seedlings with iodine before picking, it is dissolved in warm, settled water (10 grams of iodine/10 liters of water). The effect of such a fertilizer can be enhanced by diluting another 20 grams of potassium and 10 grams of phosphorus. Feeding with the resulting solution is carried out during watering.

Ash is an affordable fertilizer for tomatoes

Ash, like iodine, has disinfecting properties. It is used as a means to prevent fungal diseases of plants. But wood ash is also valuable because it contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium - unusually important elements for proper growth and development of plants.

Before fertilizing tomato seedlings with ash, you need to select it correctly and sift it. You need to choose it for feeding carefully. It must be obtained by burning only natural herbs or wood. If they were placed in a fire (or oven) plastic bottles, plastic bags and other hazardous waste, of course, it is absolutely forbidden to take ashes from such a fireplace.

The best ash is obtained after burning sunflower or buckwheat stalks. Among wood species, the best ash, the most enriched with potassium oxide, comes from birch firewood.

There shouldn’t be any difficulties with feeding tomato seedlings with ash at home. You just need to take two liters of water and dissolve 1 tbsp in them. spoon of wood ash. The solution must infuse for 24 hours. Then the usual feeding is carried out in compliance with the above rules.

Yeast is an effective fertilizer

The confectionery properties of yeast turn into agricultural ones when it comes to how to fertilize tomato seedlings with yeast to stimulate their growth.

By making yeast concentrate, you can get a natural and inexpensive seedling growth stimulator. The recipe for its preparation is completely simple. For 10 liters of settled water (warm temperature) take 10 grams of yeast and 4 tablespoons of sugar. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The result is a concentrated yeast solution. To use it as a top dressing, you need to dilute it with water (1 part concentrate to 10 parts water).

Wheat grains can also act as a yeast substitute. They are pre-prepared before making the fertilizer. Wheat grains are left in large quantities water until it swells, then grind until it becomes mushy. After this, add sugar to the resulting grain gruel (proportion: 2-3 tablespoons/1 cup of unsoaked wheat grains).

This wheat-sugar mixture is heated and left to infuse in an unlit place for 24 hours. After this, the yeast substitute is ready, it is used in the same way as yeast concentrate - diluted with water and used for feeding.

Milk is a natural food for tomatoes

Milk is extremely useful product, everyone knows about this from childhood. It is saturated with a large number of substances, without which it is difficult to imagine normal functioning. human body. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen are far from full list all the elements that make up it. All of them have a beneficial effect on human health.

As it turned out, it brings exactly the same benefits to plants. Therefore, they began to use it as a fertilizer for plants, including tomatoes.

The choice in favor of milk was made by “people’s farmers” also because it has a peculiar “anti-secicidal” property. If you spray the leaves with milk, you can get rid of many harmful insects. They simply will not digest foliage covered with a milky coating. Insects do not have a pancreas, which processes lactose and milk sugar that are part of cow's milk.

Speaking about how to feed tomato seedlings with milk, many gardeners advise, first of all, to choose quality product.
It is advisable to give preference to unpasteurized homemade product, since it contains maximum amount substances necessary for its use for agricultural purposes.

The question of how to properly feed tomato seedlings with milk can be solved easily and simply. Take water and milk at a ratio of 4:1 or 5:1 and mix. As a rule, a small amount of iodine (≈14-15 drops) is added to such “milkshakes”. But you can do without it.

When using milk as a plant food, it is important to remember not to use this product undiluted. This may harm the plants. It must be mixed with water before spraying.

Banana peels as fertilizer

A banana peel can be an equally extraordinary answer to the question of how to feed tomato seedlings at home.

It contains a large amount of potassium, which is necessary for good nitrogen absorption. Without processing nitrogen in sufficient quantities, plants become frail and may wilt.

Therefore, without throwing away banana peels, you can very easily solve the dilemma: how to feed young tomato seedlings without much hassle.

To get “banana top dressing”, take the peelings, put them in the bottom of a three-liter jar and fill them with water. After three days, the banana skins are taken out, and the resulting infusion is watered over the seedlings.

Eggshells for seedlings

When discussing what fertilizer to feed tomato seedlings if they are very thin, one cannot fail to mention eggshells. Thanks to the increased content of calcium carbonate, as well as other elements - magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, shell chicken eggs acquires valuable properties fertilizers for plants.

The fertilizer is prepared in the same way as in the case of banana skins. Egg shells (from 3-4 pieces) are soaked in water (3 liters) for three days.

Nettle infusion

After planting the seedlings on " permanent place residence,” its strength can be maintained with the help of other plants, which sometimes come to each other’s rescue. Nettle infusion is also excellent feeding for tomatoes.
However, you need to be careful here. It is not recommended to water tomatoes too often with this fertilizer (no more than twice a month).

You can make fertilizer by taking fresh, chopped nettle (2 parts) and filling it with water (1 part). The jar is covered with a lid and placed in a warm place. Nettle water is infused for about a week (maximum 10 days). After this, the fermented infusion is mixed with water (proportion – 1:10) and the plants are watered. Tomato bushes are watered with this nettle fertilizer at the rate of 1-2 liters per plant. Watering should be done directly under the bushes.

Thus, complex tasks issues related to whether tomato seedlings need to be fertilized, what to feed them with and how many times are solved quite simply. The only thing you need is to adhere to the rules for fertilizing. And the choice of fertilizers remains with the farmer. Moreover, the variety of existing fertilizers provides unlimited possibilities both for beginner gardeners and gardeners, and for experts in growing tomatoes.

To grow tomato seedlings at home, you need to follow some rules. And one of these rules is proper and timely feeding.

Let's take a closer look at how to feed tomato seedlings.


Traditional mineral fertilizer for tomatoes. It contains three components: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This type fertilizer is the most commonly used for tomatoes. It supplies tomatoes with all the necessary nutrients.

It is added not only when growing seedlings, but also when planting them in open ground. A tablespoon of nitrophoska is poured into each hole and carefully mixed with the soil. In addition, this drug is used in the form of a solution (50g of the drug per 10 liters of water). The resulting liquid must be watered over the plants 7 days after planting in the garden.

It should be noted that when using this drug you get an environmentally friendly product. The main thing is to adhere to the dosage when feeding.


One of the popular dry fertilizers for growing tomato seedlings. The product contains: 13% nitrogen; 20% potassium and phosphorus, as well as magnesium and essential trace elements.

For the first time this fertilizer is applied 2 weeks after planting the seeds for seedlings, repeated feeding is done after the ovaries appear, and the third time root feeding is carried out after 10 days. After another 7 days, the plant is sprayed with this product, and then again after 10 days.

Used in both dry and liquid form. The method for preparing the solution can be read on the packaging.

The nutrients in this preparation are balanced, which makes it possible to supply tomatoes with all the required nutrients. Tomatoes should be fertilized with Agricola only after abundant watering.

Otherwise, you can harm the plant. Be sure to adhere to the required dosages when feeding, otherwise you can destroy the seedlings. The drug should not be used in concentrated form.


An organic fertilizer that stimulates the growth of seedlings, obtained by composting peat with added dolomite flour or shale ash, phosphorite flour and potassium chloride. This drug is widely used both in open ground, and in greenhouse conditions.

This product is more effective than manure. In addition, it does not contribute to the development of pests and weeds in the soil.


This is a fertilizer that is used to slow down the growth of the part of the plant located above the soil surface. It is widely used when growing seedlings at home so that they grow better and not stretch in length, which can cause a decrease in yield.

When using Athlete, the escape gains required thickness, the roots are strengthened, and the number of fruits increases by 30%.

When feeding with this fertilizer, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. While the plant is being processed, it should not be watered.
  2. When spraying seedlings, the soil is moistened only after a day.
  3. If root feeding is carried out, the plant can be watered only after two days.
  4. The use of "Athleta" is stopped 5 days before planting seedlings in the garden.

Tomato seedlings are watered with this preparation after the appearance of four true leaves. This feeding, if desired, can be replaced by spraying. Only in this situation, the seedlings are processed three times with an interval of 8 days.

Traditional methods

Although today there are many different organic and mineral fertilizers, some gardeners believe that it is better to use folk ways. Let's look at some of them.

Using Yeast

Since yeast is rich in fungi (and, as a result, protein), as well as iron, amino acids, macro and microelements, their use can improve the quality of tomato seedlings.

To do this, you need to feed with yeast, which is prepared as follows:

  1. Place the dough as for a dough. We dilute a packet of dry yeast in slightly warmed water with added sugar. After raising the dough, dilute it with 10 liters of water. Watering is carried out at the rate of 0.5 liters of the resulting liquid for each plant.
  2. A large jar is filled 2/3 with dried black bread. All this is poured with heated water and 100 g of raw yeast is added. The mixture should infuse for 5 days. Then it is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

You can use infusions of yeast with herbs (the main thing is that the added plants were without seeds).

You can also use the following recipe: 0.5 liters of litter + 0.5 liters of ash + 10 liters of water + 10 g of dry yeast. All this should be mixed and left for 5-6 days. It is used only in diluted form, in a ratio of 1:2.

Fertilize seedlings with ash

This type of feeding is characterized by the fact that it beneficial features do not lose their power. Ash is applied in combination with various organic fertilizers, as it goes well with them.

Uses of hydrogen peroxide

To disinfect tomato seeds, the usual potassium permanganate can be replaced with hydrogen peroxide. In addition, this drug helps tomato seedlings fight late blight.

To do this, one tablespoon of peroxide is diluted in 10 liters of water and 40 drops of iodine are added. The resulting mixture is sprayed onto the seedlings. For root feeding, dilute 30 drops of peroxide in a glass of water.

The use of hydrogen peroxide promotes:

  1. Disinfect all wounds on the plant.
  2. Prevention of rotting and hygiene of the root system.
  3. Oxygen saturation.
  4. Elimination of diseases.
  5. Increasing immunity.
  6. Spread of pathogenic plants.

What to feed during flowering?

At the time of flowering, you need to feed with manganese. Potassium and superphosphate, 20 g each, are added to it. It is necessary to use iodine supplement.

As it turned out, “iodine deficiency” can occur not only in humans, but also in tomatoes. If a plant does not have enough iodine, the seedlings become sick. Feeding with iodine solution (2 drops per 1 liter of water) is carried out when the first leaves appear, and again after 14 days.

In order for the seedlings to grow better, they are sprayed with the same solution. To disinfect seedlings, you can use the following recipe: 1 liter of water + 5 drops of iodine + 1 glass of skim milk.

When is fertilizing not needed?

If you used a purchased soil mixture before planting, then fertilizing the tomato seedlings is not necessary. In this case, there will be an excess of fertilizer for the plant. This can lead to bad consequences.

Tomato seedlings also do not need to be fed before planting. The first feeding will be after transplanting into a greenhouse or open ground.

When is fertilizing needed?

Fertilizing for tomatoes is necessary in the following cases:

  1. The plant needs nitrogen. In this case, yellow leaves appear on the tomatoes and the seedlings become weak. Usually the lower leaves wilt first. This is the first sign of necessary feeding.
  2. There is not enough phosphorus for tomatoes. Purple lines appear on the veins of the vegetable. You can see a characteristic mark on the stem and leaves.
  3. Lack of iron for the plant. The tops of the tomatoes begin to wither and dry out. The leaves gradually turn yellow and the roots die.

General instructions on how to feed

For proper feeding Tomato gardeners have developed a unified scheme. Fertilizers are additionally applied when the soil in your garden is poor in minerals, the seedlings have a weak appearance, and poor flowering.

However, when good formation Tomato seedlings and excellent appearance, excessive fertilizers can only do harm.

When applying fertilizing, you should adhere to some requirements:

  1. Additional fertilizers are applied early in the morning, later in the evening or in cloudy weather.
  2. Before applying fertilizing and after finishing, the seedlings are watered clean water.
  3. Do not exceed the dosage of fertilizers. Everything is done strictly according to the instructions.

It should be noted that root feeding using any nutrients, is carried out only after good watering.

Seedlings are required to be fed only twice:

  1. 14 days after the dive.
  2. 10 days after the first introduction of nutrients.

In the future, monitor the formation of seedlings. You can fertilize tomato seedlings every 14 days. And when proper development You don’t have to feed the plants at all.

If this is your first time growing tomato seedlings yourself, then keep a diary. It should record: what fertilizers were applied to the soil, and for what date.

First time

The first time the seedlings are fed is when the first leaf appears. This time we need fertilizing with the following fertilizers: “Nitrophoska”, “Agricola - Forward” or “Agricola No. 3”. One teaspoon of any product is diluted per liter of water. This amount is enough to feed 40 bushes. This procedure helps small shoots grow stronger.

Second feeding

The seedlings are fed the second time when the stems have lengthened. For this feeding, superphosphate is used (1 tbsp diluted in 3 liters of water) or Effekton (1 tbsp per 1 liter of water). If the seedlings are too elongated, then use the drug “Athlete”, it will slow down the growth of the top. At this stage of growth, you can already use folk remedies, for example, bird droppings.

Third time

This feeding is carried out 7 days after the second stage. One spoon of “Nitrophoska” is diluted in 10 liters of water. Pour 0.5 cups of the resulting liquid into each pot of seedlings.

Fourth time

This feeding is carried out after 10 days. It is needed to strengthen root system. One tablespoon of potassium sulfate or superphosphate is diluted in 10 liters of water. The soil is watered generously with this solution.

Fifth time

After 10 days, another feeding is introduced. 1 tbsp. l nitrophoska is diluted with 10 liters of water and watered at the rate of 1 glass of solution per 1 plant. This way we fed the root system. And now we need to carry out foliar feeding. To do this, spray the leaves with the same solution as for the roots.

After 3-4 days, it is necessary to spray the plants with clean water. And if there are weak leaves on the seedlings, we spray it for 3 days with the “Bud for Tomatoes” preparation.


We have reviewed the most effective methods feeding tomato seedlings. If you want to get a high yield of delicious tomatoes, you can use one of them. Comply with everything step-by-step recommendations to achieve maximum results.

Many summer residents grow tomato seedlings themselves, trying to create for them comfortable conditions and provide additional recharge. After all, their nutrition depends on the nutrition of plants during the seedling period. further development and fruiting. However, if you overdo it with fertilizers, you can harm them. Therefore, it is very important to apply fertilizers taking into account the condition of the plants and strictly adhere to certain standards.

Do I need to feed tomato seedlings?

Tomatoes need a balanced diet, but you don’t have to rush to add additional fertilizer if the seeds were sown in fertile soil and while the sprouts have strong stems and bright green leaves.

Strong healthy seedlings grow in a nutrient medium

However, as the seedlings grow, they draw all the micro- and macroelements they need from the soil and, as a result of an imbalance of nutrients, become weak. Feeding will help the seedlings grow stronger and improve immunity. What types of fertilizers plants need can be judged by their appearance.

Video: is it necessary to feed tomato seedlings?

When should you feed tomato seedlings?

During the seedling period, plants are fed several times.

If necessary, you can fertilize the plants more often, once a week, while reducing the rate of the applied substance by 2 times.

It is advisable to feed tomatoes in the morning so as not to cause burns from water droplets on the leaves.

What is the best way to feed tomato seedlings?

To feed young shoots, mineral and organic fertilizers. Fertilizing is applied in two ways: at the root when watering or by spraying on the leaf. The most effective method for young shoots is the foliar method, in which nutrients are very quickly absorbed by the plants.

When sprayed, nutrients are absorbed faster by leaves

Mineral fertilizers

Ready-made fertilizers can be in liquid form (Effect, Ideal, Krepysh, Biohumus) and dry (Agricola, nitroammofoska). Fertilize the seedlings nutrient solutions, strictly following the instructions.

Table: mineral supplements

Photo gallery: the best fertilizers for seedlings

Urea - fertilizer in the form of granules white- supplies plants with nitrogen and accelerates the growth of vegetative mass Krepysh - a water-soluble fertilizer, most of which is nitrogen, promotes the growth of seedlings and improves immunity Double nitrogen-containing superphosphate is a phosphorus fertilizer that ensures the development of the root system and accelerates plant growth Nitrophoska, containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, promotes good nutrition seedlings Agricola - complex mineral fertilizer for foliar and root feeding of plants Effecton is a natural substrate obtained by composting peat mass using additives

Video: application of Krepysh fertilizer

Folk remedies for tomato seedlings

To feed seedlings, gardeners often use folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many years of practice.

How to feed seedlings with ash

Ash is a valuable organic fertilizer, rich in potassium, phosphorus and calcium, which tomato seedlings especially need in the early stages of development. The ash infusion is fed to the sprouts at a week old and again after 14 days. The solution is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. ash and 1 liter of water, leave for a day, filter and apply at the root or spray over the plant.

Ash infusion is an ideal fertilizer for weak seedlings

Feeding tomato seedlings with yeast

The yeast nutritional supplement is especially beneficial for young runners, stimulating their growth and the formation of a strong root system. Yeasts containing amino acids, vitamins, and microelements increase the saturation of plants with vitamins and improve oxygen metabolism.

Baker's yeast can be used as an effective fertilizer for tomato seedlings

Fertilizing with yeast in the phase of 2–3 leaves improves the survival rate of seedlings after picking. However, such fertilizer is effective only when applied to warm soil (at least +18°C). In addition, in order to avoid a deficiency of potassium and calcium, which are absorbed during fermentation of fungi, yeasting is combined with the addition of ash (20 g) or egg shells (5 g\10 cm2). To prepare the starter, 200 g of fresh yeast are stirred in 1 liter of warm water, after 1 hour diluted with water 1:10 and applied at the root to moist soil or sprayed on plants.

Instead of yeast, I use bread, because it has a yeast base. I fill the bread pieces and crackers with water and put them under pressure for a week. Before use, strain and dilute with water 1:3.

Thanks to its yeast base, grain fertilizer acts as a biostimulator

Iodine is an effective fertilizer for vegetable seedlings

Using iodine as a fertilizer not only improves the development of tomatoes, but also reduces the risk of the spread of pathogenic bacteria. A 5% alcohol solution of the pharmaceutical preparation contains iodine, potassium iodide and 96% ethanol. The use of such feeding allows you to avoid iodine deficiency, and thanks to its antimicrobial properties, protect against diseases. Iodine solution (3 drops\10 liters of water) is applied in the phase of 2–3 true leaves during root watering or spraying.

Feeding with iodine after picking helps plants cope with stress faster and improve immunity

An excellent feed for tomato seedlings is milk with added iodine. I pour 5 drops of iodine, 200 ml of low-fat milk into 1 liter of warm water and spray. As a result, tomatoes receive the necessary microelements, pathogenic soil microorganisms are suppressed, and the film that lactose forms on plants reliably protects them from fungal spores.

Iodine-milk solution - fertilizer with a protective effect

Chicken manure is a valuable organic fertilizer

The richest source of nutrients is chicken manure. It contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, which are responsible for the growth and health of plants. To fertilize tomatoes, use an infusion of chicken manure: 1 liter of organic fertilizer is mixed with 1 liter of water and left in a closed container for fermentation for several days. Before use, the concentrate should be diluted 20 times.

Chicken manure contains useful microelements and bioactive substances that promote active plant growth

This infusion is best used during the first fertilizing irrigation. However, chicken droppings have bad smell, and when growing tomato seedlings on a windowsill, it is better to replace it with other means.

Green fertilizer for seedlings

A few days before planting in the ground, seedlings can be fed with herbal infusion. Nettle, yarrow, and dandelion are poured with water in a ratio of 1:10 and left for a week. Before use, the concentrated fertilizer is diluted with water 1:10 and the plants are watered (150 ml per bush).

Herbal infusion - an effective organic fertilizer

Video: feeding tomatoes before planting in open ground

Feeding seedlings with onion peel infusion

This feeding has a double effect. Carotene contained in onion skins and has antioxidant properties, promotes intensive growth of seedlings, restores the strength of weakened and damaged plants. And phytoncides present in the onion skin destroy harmful bacteria. 1 cup of onion peelings is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, left for 2 days, then filtered, diluted with water 1:3 and added one sheet at a time.

Onion peel contains nutrients and phytoncides

Nutrition of seedlings vegetable crop must be balanced, so organic fertilizers should be used in combination with mineral ones.

How to feed tomato seedlings with peroxide

Fertilizing with hydrogen peroxide also has a beneficial effect on tomatoes. The use of peroxide is especially useful for weakened, slow-growing or decimated seedlings. Hydrogen peroxide, which is a clear liquid, chemical composition similar to rain and melt water, which is popularly called living water.

To feed tomato seedlings, you can use 3% hydrogen peroxide, which is sold in any pharmacy.

When using peroxide, the soil layer is saturated with oxygen, accelerating biochemical processes in the root system and improved nutrient absorption. Positive changes after such feeding are noticeable after just a few hours - the leaves of the seedlings become more juicy and acquire a rich green color. Watering or spraying with a solution (1 tbsp/1 l) is carried out to accelerate the growth of seedlings or to revive seedlings that are withering after diving.

How to feed weak and thin tomato seedlings

Even experienced gardeners sometimes notice that seedlings begin to grow too rapidly, stretch out, and the stems become thinner. The reason for this may be a violation of agricultural technology, deficiency or excess of nutrients.

If the tomato seedlings have stretched out and acquired a pale green color, then it’s time to feed them with useful microelements

To resuscitate weak and thin seedlings and control their growth, you can use the stabilizing drug Atlet. As a result of using a biostimulant, the growth of the above-ground parts of plants slows down, a strong root system is formed, and the stem becomes strong and thick. Athlete is used when 3-4 leaves appear, adding a solution (1.5 ml\300 ml of water) when watering 1 time. Or spray the seedlings three times with a one-week break with a more concentrated liquid (1.5 ml\500 ml).

The use of the drug Atlet will slow down the growth of the above-ground parts of plants and form a strong root system

After spraying with the drug, plants can be watered within a day, after root application - after 2–3 days. The last treatment should be carried out 3-5 days before transplanting into the ground.

To get strong, healthy tomato seedlings, you need to provide them with a balanced diet. Modern summer residents have a large arsenal of chemical and folk remedies. However, they should be used taking into account the biological state of the plants and strictly following the instructions.

There is no consensus on the need to feed seedlings. Some people are sure that it is better not to do this before planting in a greenhouse or open ground. At home, the plant needs to be watered and maintained at the correct temperature. Sometimes this is not enough: the foliage fades and changes color, the growth of the bush slows down. To avoid these signs, it is necessary to feed the seedlings. Organic and mineral fertilizers are allowed.


Tomatoes can be found on almost every summer cottage. Even inexperienced gardeners try to grow them. To propagate your favorite variety and get decent harvest, you need to take care of growing strong seedlings.

Seeds are planted in a special soil mixture:

  • soil from the garden (you cannot use soil from where potatoes grow);
  • humus;
  • calcined sand;
  • chalk powder.

To make the seeds more likely to germinate, they can be soaked in water. In just 1.5 days the first shoots will hatch. However, some gardeners advise sowing seeds directly into the ground. They are confident that the seedlings will grow stronger and stronger. Seeds are sown in early or mid-March (sometimes even in early April). High-quality soil and the right temperature can ensure healthy seedlings. For guarantee bountiful harvest and active plant growth should be fed.

Fertilizing is carried out in 4 stages.

  1. The first feeding can be done after the development of the third leaf. It is necessary to use combined mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. "Agricola 3" is a fertilizer for better growth of the root system and above-ground parts. In addition to nitrogen, the fertilizer is rich in potassium and phosphorus.
  2. The second fertilizing is applied to the soil 12 days after picking (replanting). It is advisable to use . The main components of the fertilizer are potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. 1.5 tsp. granules are dissolved in 5 liters of water. Plants need to be watered at the rate of half a glass per sprout.
  3. The third feeding is applied on the 26th day (completely similar to the second feeding).
  4. The last feeding is necessary when the tomatoes reach two months of age. If seedlings do not develop well, they need nitrogen. If the green mass is sufficiently developed, you need to focus on phosphorus and potassium. Prepare a nutritious cocktail. Dissolve a full tablespoon of wood ash and half a tablespoon of superphosphate in 5 liters of water. 100 ml of solution is applied under each bush.

If the color of the foliage takes on an unnatural shade (purple, yellow, brown), emergency feeding with missing minerals is necessary.


Eggplants love moisture and oxygen. The seedlings germinate poorly and grow slowly. Seeds are sown already in February. Plants need to be watered regularly and moderately and the necessary fertilizers applied. Before planting in the ground, 3 feedings are carried out.

  1. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers will help seedlings quickly develop root systems and greenery. After the first leaf appears, you need to add “Uniflor Rost” in accordance with the instructions.
  2. To make the root system develop faster, you can add a solution “ Living force"On the 10th day after the pick.
  3. 3 days before planting, plants need to be fed with ecogel. This will allow the seedlings to quickly take root.


Pepper grows in almost every country house. The process of growing pepper seedlings is similar to growing tomatoes. Peppers need to be provided with a warm temperature, moderate watering and nutritional components. The “correct” seedlings will give a decent harvest.

Unlike tomatoes, it is better to germinate pepper seeds. They are slow to germinate, so planting is done in mid or late February. Pepper seedlings love to present “surprises.” In one night, strong, healthy bushes can wither away. Timely and properly selected fertilizing will allow the pepper to grow better and form a harvest in the future.

How to feed peppers for rapid growth?

  1. The first feeding can be done when the bush produces its first full leaf. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of urea (carbonic acid amide) in 10 liters of water. It is rich in nitrogen and potassium. Plants should be watered carefully (no more than 100 ml per bush). 10 days after this procedure, the bushes need to be planted in larger pots or boxes.
  2. To prevent the bushes from becoming oversaturated with minerals, the second feeding is carried out 21 days after the first. The composition of the solution is identical. Before watering the peppers, sprinkle the soil in the boxes with a thin layer of wood ash.
  3. The third and last feeding of seedlings is carried out 7 days before transplanting into the ground. If the seedlings grow slowly, you need to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers. By the time of planting in the soil, the plant should have formed a strong root system. To do this, the bushes need to be fed with phosphorus. Perfect option for feeding - double superphosphate.


Cucumber seedlings grow very quickly. Seeds need to be planted a month before planting in the ground. Germinated sprouts need to be watered moderately so that they do not stretch out and weaken. If cucumber seedlings begin to grow poorly and wither, the root system does not have enough oxygen. The soil must be loosened for better breathability.

Fertilizing cucumbers before planting should be done twice.

  1. For better growth, any fertilizer with a high nitrogen content is used as the first fertilizing. The event is held after the first full leaf appears on the vine.
  2. The second feeding needs to be treated more scrupulously. To prepare the solution, you will need one and a half liters of water, 3 tbsp. l. wood ash, 10 g of potassium nitrate and 5 g of double superphosphate. You can add a complex of microfertilizers (“Master”, “Sizam”, “Oracle”) to the solution. The mixture is applied 10 days before planting cucumbers in open ground or in a greenhouse.

Using this scheme, you can feed zucchini and zucchini.

The opportunity to plant seeds directly in open ground is only possible in warm regions. In most cases, gardeners need to prepare in advance strong seedlings. She needs optimal conditions for development and growth: the right temperature, good mineralized soil and timely application of fertilizers.

Today, quite a lot of people in our country are engaged in growing vegetables on their personal plot. It's no secret that vegetables and fruits from your own garden are much healthier for the body than store-bought ones. To get a high-quality harvest, it is necessary to monitor the formation of plants from the moment they are sowed. The health and strength of crops is almost always ensured by regular fertilizing; it is rarely possible to do without it. Before feeding tomato seedlings so that they have thick stems, which are the key to the future harvest, you need to consider the main options for organic and mineral fertilizers, and then choose the best one for a particular case.

Need for additional nutrition

Most often, special soil is used for sowing tomato seeds with the addition of all the components necessary for proper growth, which means that additional nutrition is required for the seedlings only after transplantation to a permanent place of growth. Folk remedies feeding tomato seedlings suggests that for a high-quality harvest you need to prepare the beds in advance. To do this, even before the winter cold, the area where you plan to plant tomatoes should be saturated with humus or manure.

If necessary, add here:

  • dolomite flour;
  • lime;
  • sawdust;
  • peat.

Before feeding tomato and pepper seedlings, it is necessary to correctly determine what exactly the plants need. The deficiency of one or another element can be recognized by the appearance of the seedlings. When the leaves, after transplanting the bushes, suddenly stop growing and turn pale, and sometimes become covered with dull spots, this indicates a lack of nitrogen in the soil. Its excess leads to a riot of green mass of crops to the detriment of the harvest.

A large amount of phosphorus in the soil is indicated by yellowing and falling leaves from the bushes, and a sign of a lack of this element is the appearance of violet shade on the leaves. An excess of phosphorus can also cause leaf curling if at the same time the seedlings lack potassium and nitrogen.

How to feed tomato seedlings to produce plump and attractive fruits? The quality of the crop is largely influenced by the amount of potassium and phosphorus in the soil. It is important not to overdo it in supplementary plant nutrition, since an overabundance of substances often makes the situation even worse.

First feeding

The first application of fertilizers should be carried out no earlier than the first true leaves of the plant appear above the surface of the earth. At this time, tomatoes need to strengthen the root system, which complex mixtures for feeding tomato seedlings such as “Krepysh”, “Agricole-Forward” or “Nitrafoska” can do very well.

After this, the gravy is repeated with a similar, but less concentrated, composition with the addition of potassium permanganate after 10 days. At this moment, many are wondering how to feed tomato seedlings to make them plump, since their depletion becomes noticeable already at this stage. Topping the seedlings with Atlet or a superphosphate solution (1 tablespoon per quarter of water) can help.

Additional nutrition after picking

It must be carried out only after two weeks from the moment of picking the plants. At this point, feeding tomato seedlings with a serum of superphosphate and potassium sulfate will be ideal. To prepare, add 1 tbsp to a bucket of water. l. each component. You can replace the composition with a solution of nitroammophoska.

After another 2 weeks, the procedure is repeated. The last addition should be made no later than 15 days before transplanting into open ground.

A permanent place to grow

After transplanting tomato seedlings into open ground or a greenhouse, the plants need time to acclimatize, and in order for everything to go as comfortably as possible, it is prohibited to load the seedlings with additional fertilizers for a week and a half. In general, all subsequent fertilizer applications should be carried out strictly when necessary, as evidenced by the condition of the plants. It is also important to know that when planting tomatoes on poor soil and heavy rainfall, the amount of substances for additional nutrition must be doubled throughout the entire growth period, but at the same time a smaller concentration must be applied once.

In order not to burn the bushes, all standard dosages should be reduced by 1/3, but done more often.

Commonly used organics

Feeding tomato seedlings with mullein is most often used in private farms. It is best to apply the substance in the fall, during the preparation of the beds. To feed already growing bushes with the solution, the mullein must ferment well, otherwise the roots of the plants can simply be burned. To normalize the substance, mullein must be filled with water and left in the sun to ferment for several days. After this, the solution is diluted in a large amount of water and applied strictly at the root of each bush.

Feeding tomato seedlings with chicken droppings should also be done with an already rotted mixture. It should be prepared in the same way as mullein infusion.

Feeding with ash

Provides excellent a large number nutrients for tomatoes and seedlings Regardless of where it comes from: from the stove, after burning fallen leaves or after a fire right on the site of future beds, it contains potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Since an excess of these components can also lead to negative consequences, bring in ash better in autumn when digging or directly into each hole when planting. In the first case, it is necessary to distribute ash in the amount of 0.5 kg for each square meter, and in the second - pour 2 tbsp into the recesses. l., but no more.

Pitching Yeast

Fertilizing with yeast for tomatoes gives excellent result, accelerating the growth of green mass and obtaining a good harvest. A solution is used for periodic watering of plant bushes already in the place of constant growth. To prepare it, you need to dilute live yeast in warm water in the amount of 10 grams per 10 liters. To speed up the fermentation process, you can add a little sugar to the mixture.

Fertilizing with yeast is carried out only at the root, while other mixtures can also be used for spraying.

Acceleration of maturation

How to feed tomato seedlings so that the fruits are plump and plump ahead of schedule? Iodine is perfect for this. To water a bucket of water you need to add only 4-5 drops, and for spraying even less, but the effect is noticeable immediately. The substance should not be used frequently, since iodine can burn plants. One preventative spraying per season or treatment when diseases appear is enough.

Nitrogen source

Despite the fact that nitrogen is very important for plants, its excess is no less dangerous and fertilizing tomato seedlings with urea should be carried out only in cases of urgent need, since this element accumulates nitrates in large quantities in fruits. Urea should only be used to feed mature bushes. You can water or foliar spray, which gardeners recommend more often. To normalize the growth of tomatoes, it is enough to apply the substance in an amount of no more than 20 grams per square meter of area.

Ammonia is also rich in nitrogen. Feeding tomato seedlings with ammonia can also be carried out at the picking stages. To do this, the bushes need a concentration of 20 grams per 8 liters of water when topped up. You can also use ammonia to prevent the appearance of mole crickets on the site. In this case, the concentration of the substance should be increased to 10 ml per 10 liters of water and added in doses, 0.5 liters each, into previously prepared hollows.

Potassium permanganate and other folk remedies

To enhance green mass and prevent female flowers from falling off, tomatoes should be sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate no more than once a month.

In summer, supermarkets offer Exotic fruits bananas at a very attractive price. Few people know that their peel can be used as a powerful source of potassium for tomatoes. The skin of one fruit should be infused in a liter of water for 2 days, after which the composition should be used to water the bushes.

You can prepare a nutritional composition by infusing eggshells in water. You can use the mixture after it produces a characteristic unpleasant odor.


Among the wealth of modern preparations for feeding cultivated plants Gardeners still prefer proven means, including:

  • superphosphate;
  • nitroammophoska;
  • "Strong";
  • "Ideal";
  • "Epinom."

It is important to prepare solutions based on these substances strictly according to the instructions, since exceeding the dosage can contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in fruits. All preparations are used both for watering at the roots of plants, and for spraying in case of emergency need for nutrition.

Foliar application

This feeding differs from regular gravy only in the speed of delivery of nutrients to the plant. The fact is that the bushes need a lot of time to receive nutrition from the soil, and the green mass immediately absorbs everything that comes in, providing the tomatoes with not only emergency assistance, and also a higher concentration of fertilizer. That is why, when preparing solutions for spraying, the amount of drugs in relation to water must be reduced.

In order not to harm the tomatoes, you need to follow the following instructions for preparing the mixture:

  • heat 1 liter of water, but do not boil;
  • add 1 gram of substance to hot water;
  • let the mixture cool;
  • spray leaves, fruits and ovaries with the solution.

For each plant you need to allocate at least 10 ml of the resulting solution.

Fertilizing during flowering

If during active growth tomatoes need all the nutrients, then as adults flowering plants emphasis should be placed on certain components. It is best to apply fertilizers by spraying at this time to speed up the receipt of nutrients by the bushes.

It is best to use the following complexes at this time:

  • Kemiru;
  • nitroammophoska;
  • Diammophos.

You can also use individual substances, spraying tomatoes only with boron, phosphorus or potassium. It is advisable to apply organic fertilizers at the root, but strictly in doses so as not to burn the root system.


To get a good harvest, just applying fertilizers is not enough. Tomatoes need a large space for active growth, so immediately when planting in a permanent place, small seedlings should be placed at a distance of at least 45-50 cm from each other. Also, you should not overdo it with watering, otherwise the fruits may crack, losing their presentation. If there is heavy and regular precipitation, additional moisture can be completely abandoned.

It is important to know that when planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, fertilizing is best done mineral complexes, since organic matter in microclimate conditions can behave unpredictably. To get a rich and high-quality tomato harvest, you need to follow all the recommendations at once and not focus on just one direction.

After planting the seedlings, try to care for them as properly as possible, then you are guaranteed a good harvest!