New games in nature. Outdoor games for a group of adults: fun, active quests

May 28, 2017

Children's imagination really has no limits, and therefore games and competitions in nature should be special for them. Any adult can envy their inventions. Children can come up with a game out of nothing, but it won’t necessarily be safe. To avoid this, you should prepare in advance and select several interesting activities that your child will enjoy and will be safe.

1. Sports equipment. When going outdoors, don’t forget to take along with skewers a ball, a jump rope, a Frisbee plate, a shuttlecock and badminton rackets or something else.
2. Clothes and shoes. In nature, almost all games are active, and therefore flip-flops and flip-flops are definitely not suitable, because it will simply be uncomfortable to run around in them. And clothes should be loose and comfortable. It is best to give preference to a sporty style.
3. Headdress. The first warmth is very deceptive: it seems that it is not very hot outside, but it can easily heat your head.
4. Play with children. Some children are quite difficult to get up, so to motivate them, start playing with them. And when the child is fully involved in the process, you can safely go about your business.
5. Competition. If there are a lot of kids, then organize relay races for them. Children love competitive fun. Just don’t forget that any competition involves prizes, which should be taken care of in advance.

Which games and competitions should we focus on?

"Smart Thief"

To play you will need: a ball, a rope, 15-20 small objects (coins, pebbles, shells, small children's toys, candies, nuts...).

The rope is tied to a tree branch so that it hangs down evenly. A ball is tied to the rope below. This must be done so that there is no more than 2 centimeters between the ball and the ground. All small objects are randomly placed under the ball on the ground. On this preparatory stage finished.

Next, one of the players approaches the ball, takes it in his hands, steps back 2-3 steps, lifts it high above his head and pushes it forward with all his strength. While the ball is swinging, you need to collect all the wealth laid out on the ground as quickly as possible. And, of course, the ball should not touch the player. After which it is calculated total collected things. Then the items are returned to their places and all players go through this procedure. The winner is determined by the number of items collected.

Important: if the ball still touches the player during the theft, then his entire score is reset to zero.

"Twist the rope"

For the competition you will need an unusual set: a ball, a rope, a net.
We put the ball in a net, tie a rope to the net, and tie the rope around a tree. Next, we unite the children into two teams, each of which is placed on different sides of this tree.

The essence of the game is to kick the ball hard and wrap a rope around a tree. Each team takes turns striking: the first - in a clockwise direction, the second - counter-clockwise. It is logical that the stronger the blows, the more revolutions are obtained.

There are no restrictions on the number of hits, which means the game continues until one of the teams winds the entire rope around the tree in this way.

"Hot Ember"

For this game you will need a ball. He can be anything. The number of participants is at least four. But what more people involved, the better.

Everyone stands in a circle. One of them is appointed as the driver and placed in a circle, blindfolded. He will have to give commands to the others. He begins by declaring: “Keep the potatoes from the fire, take care of your palms.” After that, the rest of the players quickly throw the sports equipment to each other in a circle, as if they had grabbed a really hot potato. And when the driver unexpectedly says: “Stop!”, the one who still has the ball in his hands is “burned,” that is, he lost and leaves the game. And so on until only one of the most persistent remains. The winner becomes the driver.

"Pigs Don't Dance"

This game can be called entertaining and intellectual. She will also need a ball and a good vocabulary.

All participants stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other. This can be done either in a circle or in random order. The difficulty lies in the fact that the first player must name any noun, the second - an adjective that would fit the meaning of the first word, and the third - a verb, so that it also fits logically into the sentence. If, for example, at the end you get the phrase “The big pig is dancing,” then the player who said the word “dancing” is eliminated, because this does not happen. It is important to pronounce the words quickly - a maximum of 3 seconds is given for the answer. While the participant is thinking, others are counting out loud. The most resourceful one wins.


This game is a little similar to the previous one, but there are significant differences. Firstly, there is a driver who stands in a circle of other participants. Secondly, there is no need to form phrases here.

At the beginning of the game, the driver says: “We came to the zoo and saw what is here...” Then he throws the ball to one of the participants, saying “beast.” The participant must quickly name some animal and return the ball to the driver. Next, the driver throws the ball to another player and says “bird,” and he quickly says the name of a bird and returns the ball. The third player gets the word “fish”. The words “beast”, “bird” and “fish” can be named in any order and even several times in a row. The one who answered incorrectly, hesitated, or named the animal that another player named is eliminated from the game.

The competition continues until one player remains. He then becomes the next driver.


The game can be quite traumatic, so it should only be played in the presence of an adult. Children stand in a circle, and one child with a ball stands in the center of the circle. This ring should be as tight as possible: the distance between the participants should be 15-20 cm. The task of the central player is to break through the defense, that is, push the ball outside the circle. You can push the ball only with the help of your legs, knocking it out only at ground level. That is, aiming at the heads or stomach is strictly prohibited - the ball must roll on the ground.

The remaining players do their best to prevent the central one from making a breakthrough. But they can only act with their feet. At the same time, closing the circle into a narrower ring is prohibited. The one who misses the ball takes the place of the driver. There is no one winner here. But if you want to create a competitive moment, then you can keep track of losses. Whoever has the fewest is the winner.

"Tail of the Dragon"

This kind of entertainment is perfect when you don’t have any equipment at hand. Unite the children into two teams and line them up in two lines. These will be two dragons. Determine where the dragons have their heads and where their tails are. Place the ranks opposite each other so that the “heads” are face to face at a distance of 1 meter. Next, you announce that there will now be a competition in which the fastest and most dexterous dragon will win. And in order to find out, each dragon must, at a signal, catch the tail of another dragon, but not get caught himself. Only the dragon's head can catch.

All children place their hands on each other's shoulders and, at a signal, begin to move. The team whose tail is caught loses. And two of the team are eliminated - the “tail” and the “head”. The game continues until only one player remains on one of the teams. If this happens, then this dragon is recognized as the weakest.

"Until the thunder struck"

To play, you will again need a ball. Only you don’t have to tie it down. The number of players here is unlimited, but not less than three.

To begin with, a driver is selected and the ball is handed to him. Everyone else stands around him. The ball in the hands of the driver is “thunder”. While it is in the hands, everyone must stand still. As soon as the ball is in the air or on the ground, everyone runs to different sides(the further the better). At the very beginning, the driver throws the ball above him, and until it falls into his hands again, the players scatter. When the driver catches the ball, he loudly shouts “Thunder struck” and everyone stops. Then the driver throws it at one of the players. If he misses, he runs after the ball, and at this time everyone scatters again. If he hits, he changes places with the one who was shot and the game starts again.

"Black Mark"

In this game, all participants, except one, stand in one row facing forward. One (the driver) stands a little further away (2-3 meters from the others) with his back to everyone. At this time, one of the players throws a ball at his back. You just need to throw it lightly so that the driver doesn’t get hurt. The driver then turns to face the players and tries to guess who sent him the “black mark”.

If the driver guesses correctly, he changes places with the thrower. If he doesn’t guess, he turns away and everything repeats all over again.

"The fussy artist"

No additional equipment is needed. To begin with, a driver is selected, who moves away to a distance of 6-7 meters and turns his back to the others. Participants are located randomly on the playing field, the dimensions and boundaries of which should be discussed in advance.

Next, the driver, who is also an artist, turns sharply and shouts the name of a color. For example, "Red". Then the players must touch the named color on their clothes. This will protect them from the picky artist. If it was not found on the clothes desired color, you need to run as fast as you can to avoid being caught.

If the artist still catches the player, then he takes his place. The main thing is not to forget that the other players at this time count to 60. If during this time no one is caught, then the artist returns to the starting position and everything starts all over again.

Important: one artist cannot name the same color - they must be different.

Of course, kids will appreciate relay races and traditional games such as football, volleyball and badminton.

It was so hot over the weekend that I didn’t want to go outside at all. And dragging yourself to the beach is simply torture when the thermometer is +35. Therefore, I stocked up on magazines and newspapers at the kiosk and, drinking a cold cola, relaxed my brain with non-straining reading material, including women’s reading.

Bears - boom!

It’s more interesting if no one (or the majority) in the company knows about the rules of the game. The presenter asks the participants to stand in a line, he himself becomes the first and declares: “You are bears. The bears go for a walk (everyone is waddling in place), the bears are tired - they sat down to rest (the “bears” squat down), rested - they went again. They walked, walked - tired, sat down. This can be repeated, providing the story with details in the style of “the sun was shining, the birds were singing,” etc. When everyone relaxes and sits down again, the leader says: “Bears - boom!” - and lightly pushes the next one with his shoulder player. The bears fall one after another like dominoes. Everyone laughs in surprise: indeed, the bears - boom!

Who's going north?
Here it’s the same as in “Bears” - the fewer participants know the rules of the game, the better. Ideally, only the presenter knows them. He suggests going on an expedition to the north. To do this you need to get together. Everyone should offer the things necessary for the trip. Everyone sits in a circle, the move is passed from participant to participant with some object (spoon, fork, pencil - whatever). The leader (he knows the rules and always goes north) begins. He says: “I’m going north and taking with me... a warm scarf,” and passes the move to his neighbor. When passing a move (that is, some object), he says the word “please” and adds “And I’m going north.” The next player, who does not know the rules (usually there are no those who guess right away), says “I’m going north and taking with me... warm gloves” and silently passes the move. The presenter states: “And he is NOT going north.” Actually, the point of the game is that when passing the turn, the players must say the magic word “please”, and everyone, as a rule, focuses on the list of things and cannot understand the logic why the leader takes some on the expedition and not others. After some time, those who managed to guess what was going on try to push the right thought the rest, and begin to take with them to the north all sorts of extremely “useful” things for this journey
- swimsuits or tanning products, while saying the word “please” louder. You can also give a hint by saying that only polite and well-mannered people go north. The game ends when everyone has guessed how to go north.

Maternity hospital
All participants are divided into pairs: M and F. Outside the pair - only the leader. All men in the game are mothers of newborns, all women are fathers. The game simulates a situation where mothers in the ward are closed window trying to tell the fathers standing on the street details about the baby. Accordingly, they cannot hear each other - they can only use gestures. The pair members sit opposite each other. The presenter hands out pieces of paper to the “mothers” on which details are written, for example, they need to show with facial expressions and gestures that “this is a boy, and his ears are just like your grandfather’s” (it is advisable that each pair have tasks of equal complexity in the display). The presenter gives the “fathers” pens and blank pieces of paper. On command, the couples begin the game: the male “mother” tries to convey to his partner what the presenter wrote to him. The woman “father” writes down on her piece of paper what she saw and understood. Time is limited - for example, a minute. The winner is the couple in which what the woman “father” saw is closer to the presenter’s task.

The presenter approaches each player and says: “I am a snake, snake, snake... I crawl, crawl, crawl... Do you want to be my tail?” He answers: “I want!” - and stands behind him, clasping the “snake’s head” around the waist. So they approach everyone else and ask them to join in unison. When the snake gets long and no one else wants to be the tail, the snake says: “I am a hungry snake, I will bite my own tail!” - and tries to catch his tail. Players need to hold on tightly to each other and keep the tail away from the head. Those who broke away leave the game, and the snake continues to catch its tail.
You can make the game more difficult: when new players join the tail, they must crawl on all fours between the legs of the snake, starting from its head. This game has a rule - you can't refuse. If the company is large, you can gather two snakes, each trying to catch the tail of the other. The winning snake “eats” the losing one - it crawls between the winners’ legs.

Swap places!
The company sits on chairs (there is one less of them than the participants) in a circle, the leader is in the center, he announces: “Change places, everyone who has...” - he can name anything, from “who has blue eyes” to “who has had more than ten lovers” or “who loves blondes (blondes)”, “who doesn’t wear thongs”... The longer the game, the more frank the questions. The named players (blue-eyed or blonde lovers) must stand up and quickly move to one of the vacant seats. If the selection criterion also applies to the presenter, he also takes part in the search for a seat, then the one who did not have enough chair becomes the new presenter. If only one person stands up, then he will continue to lead the game, and the old leader sits in his place. To prevent people from staying too long, you can periodically command: “Change places, everyone who is in a good mood right now!”

Ministry of Railways
This requires one “dunno” victim. The rules are explained to him: he asks questions to the players in a circle, the players answer him “yes” or “no”. The task of the “dunno” is to guess who is hiding under the abbreviation MPS. Everyone stands in a circle, “Dunno” (he is in the center) begins to ask questions. The trick is that when answering the question “Is this a man?”, one player can say “yes”, and the next one can say “no” (because MPS is “My right neighbor”, and each player standing in the circle says about your neighbor on the right). Usually the “know-nothing” guesses who the MPS is when he starts asking the same question in a circle. But this happens, as a rule, on the fifteenth lap. There is also a variation on the same theme: a sticker is glued to the “victim’s” forehead, on which any character is written - be it Alexander Pushkin, Pinocchio, or even the victim herself. You can mock them even more and call the victim a pumpkin or swine flu. The victim’s goal is to receive “yes/no” answers to his questions and guess as quickly as possible what is written on her forehead.

Hanging pear
Prank game. You need to choose an artistic couple - preferably a girl and young man, but not required. The two presenters separate them and explain the task. One is told that he will have to go into the room, take a chair and pretend to screw in a light bulb. A partner or partner will interfere with him in every possible way. The goal of the player “with the light bulb” is to use gestures to explain to his friend that he is doing the right thing and soon there will be light in the room. You can't talk. They explain to the second that the first player is portraying a man who has decided to hang himself, and the task is to wordlessly dissuade him from taking an insane step. While they are being instructed, the others are also explained what the essence of the matter is, and when the participants in the game enter the room, the audience is already having fun.

Everyone in the company is given a “snowflake” - a small ball of cotton wool. Participants loosen their “snowflakes”, at the same time launch them into the air and begin to blow from below so that the fleeces remain in the air as long as possible. The winner is the one whose snowflake falls to the floor last.

Noah's Ark
The presenter writes in advance the names of the animals on pieces of paper (each creature has a pair: two hares, two giraffes, two elephants...), folds the pieces of paper and puts them in a hat. Each participant draws out “their purpose,” and the presenter announces that now they need to find their pair, but they cannot make sounds or speak. You need to use facial expressions and gestures to portray your animal and look for “one like you.” The first couple to reunite wins. You can think of characteristic animals like a hare (show your ears - and you’re done), but it’s more interesting to come up with something less recognizable, such as a hippopotamus or a lynx.

Broken fax

Two teams play. Everyone runs after each other, everyone gets a piece of paper and a pencil. Last in both rows, the presenter shows a simple drawing; the participants must draw the same on their sheet, lying on the back of the player standing in front, who, in turn, reproduces the drawing according to his feelings. The team whose final drawing is more similar to the original wins.

The more pairs, the more interesting. It is necessary that each couple has a guy (even better if it is a guy and a girl). The cavalryman puts on a cap or Panama hat and sits on the stove (on the back) of the “horse”. The goal is to rip off as many hats as possible from the “enemies” without losing yours.
You will need a couple dozen balls of two colors and a lot of space. Each participant ties an inflated balloon to his leg (so that the ball lies on the ground, or better yet, drags a little). The task is to destroy all the opponents' balls with kicks and protect your own. The player whose ball is tapped is eliminated. The one with the last whole ball left wins.

This prank game is reminiscent of the popular “crocodile” (or “association” - when players are divided into two teams, a “victim” is selected from the group of opponents, a word or phrase, the name of a movie or book is given to her, and she needs to convey this information to her with facial expressions and gestures. to let them guess). But here everything is simpler.
The presenter, calling one player aside, asks him to show the kangaroo. The catch is that absolutely everyone knows what this word is. Their task is to make whatever ridiculous guesses they want, just don’t say “kangaroo.” Usually the game goes on for a long time: the unfortunate kangaroo points at his belly and jumps in front of the spectators dying with laughter, who suggest in bewilderment: “a pregnant hare... a limping dinosaur...” The main thing is to take pity on the unfortunate kangaroo in time, who is waving his arms in despair from the incompetence of his friends and shouts: “I’m showing it again for the idiots!” - and stop.

You need to draw two lines on the ground at a distance of two to three meters. The players' task is to get from the start to the finish line as slowly as possible, but in no case stopping or changing the direction of movement. The slowest snail wins.

Words words
A game for a quiet, rainy evening in the country. There are several variations.
First: No more than three minutes are given for everything. In this short time, participants must write a short story in which all words (including prepositions) must begin with the same letter.

Second: The word chosen is not very long, but not very short either. It must necessarily be a singular noun. The same three, or maybe five minutes are given. During this time, only from the letters present in the word (if there is only one “N” in the word, then the word cannot be used with a double “N”), you need to make as many words as possible (also nouns and also in the singular). The one with the most words wins.

Third: almost man-made "Erudite". A word is invented, and prefixes and suffixes are added to it to form new words. You can assign both horizontally and vertically. Strictly one letter per player.

Princess on the Pea
The participants of the game stand facing the audience, with a chair behind each. The leader places a spoon, a spool of thread or a small cube on it and covers it with a thin pillow. Players take turns sitting on a chair and trying to guess what the object is under them. Time - 2 minutes, no more. Another variation: placed on a chair walnuts(well, almost peas?). In this case, the player tries to determine how many there are - this option is closest to the fairy tale.

Evgenia Mitina, Cosmopolitan magazine (July/August 2009)

Thank you all for your attention, love

Not a single noisy and cheerful holiday is complete without outdoor games, fun relay races and mass entertainment. They create a special atmosphere of general fun, enliven the fading holiday and unite all guests. Various competitive games are especially good at corporate parties, as they promote team unity and, in an unobtrusive game form, raise team spirit in the team.

Many outdoor games and relay races, which are included in the entertainment program of adult holidays, come from childhood, but adult guests who are amused to a certain degree play them with great excitement.

We offer large selection outdoor games for any holiday, which contains games and competitions for different cases: for family celebrations, for youth parties or for corporate events - the choice is yours.

1. Outdoor games for any holiday:

"Two centipedes."

This is a fun activity to lift your spirits. All guests are divided into two teams - these will be two “centipedes”. Each player stands behind the other and takes the one in front by the waist.

Then they turn on cheerful music and the “centipedes” are given various commands: “go around obstacles” (you can first place chairs), “move while squatting,” “separate the second centipede,” etc.

This idea can be made a team one by coming up with a scoring system, but it’s better to arrange it just for fun and excitement, or during the dance break.

"Music has tied us".

Depending on how many pairs of players the presenter plans to call, he will have to stock up on so many skeins of narrow ribbon. The length of the tape is at least five meters.

The girls wrap this ribbon around their waist (it’s more convenient if someone helps), and their gentlemen, at the command of the leader, approach their partners, attach the free end of the ribbon to their belt and quickly begin to spin around their axis to the rousing music. This is necessary so that all five meters of tape are wound around his waist.

Whichever pair moves the ribbon from the female waist to the male one the fastest wins.

"Trouble in the Coop."

For this outdoor game pairs are called or created in place, each with one representative of the strong and weak half of humanity, they will have to take part in a funny chase.

Men are blindfolded, but first they agree with their ladies who will “cluck” and how: ko-ko-ko, cluck-tah-tah, chick-chick, pee-pee-pee, chiv-chiv-chiv, and so on. - to the extent of your imagination, according to this call, every blindfolded man must catch his “chicken”.

It’s worth warning right away that the room for an imaginary chicken coop should be small. If the presenter has too impressive a space at his disposal, then we advise you to fence off the “chicken nook” with ordinary chairs. The “commotion” is best done with music - in this case, the musical theme from the cartoon “Well, Just Wait!”, when the wolf also ends up in the chicken coop, is suitable.

"The artist's feet feed him."

The toastmaster solemnly announces that to stage a new blockbuster he needs the “brave seven,” seven of the most talented and beautiful guests. If there are none, then he conducts the selection process and selects candidates for the roles. Then he gives them small props or just cards with the names of the roles: Kolobok, Grandma, Grandfather, Bunny, Wolf, Bear and, of course, Fox.

Then he says that we are wrong to think that artists have an easy life. “The life of a Russian artist is hard and unprepossessing” - sometimes they have to run a lot to get a role. Therefore, if you want to become stars, you need to practice.

There are 7 chairs, the “artists” sit down, but as soon as the name of his hero is mentioned in the text, he quickly gets up and runs around the chairs. The presenter reads the fairy tale “Kolobok”, only to make it more interesting and unexpected for the participants - he improvises, and then sticks to storyline, then he composes on his own - so that no one sits for a long time.

Here is an example: “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a grandmother... Then a bear comes to visit Grandma and Grandfather! And he menacingly asks why Grandfather and Grandmother don’t have children. Frightened, Grandfather and Grandmother grab the first Bunny they come across and present it to the Bear. But the Bear is not so easy to deceive. Then Grandfather and Grandmother begin to bake Kolobok..."

When the guests flock to their heart's content, you can present everyone with a diploma of an Honored Artist, ask the audience to applaud them and once again remind you that “the feet feed the beginning artist.”

Such runners can be themed and universal, and they belong to the category of popular

"Adventures in the Swamp".

Two participants in these “swamp” competitions are given a pair of sheets of paper - they will represent hummocks. The players' goal: to move from one end of the room or hall to the other, placing one sheet of paper at a time under their feet. You can only step on the designated bumps.

The winner is the one who can complete the obstacle course there and back faster without ever stepping off the paper.

By the way, you can complicate the task and require the competition participants to bring something from the opposite end of the room, that is, they go there lightly, and carry back in their hands, for example, a glass or shot glass filled to the brim with alcohol. Whoever comes last drinks both as a penalty, and the winner gets a prize

"Pull the string..."

For this game, two chairs are placed in the middle of the hall, a rope is placed under the chairs (the length should match the width of the two chairs), so that its ends stick out just a little from under the chairs. Then two players are called, who artistically walk around to the music seats, and as soon as the music stops, they must stop quickly sit down on a chair and pull the string lying under it. This is repeated three times.

The winner is the one who can pull the rope in his direction more often - and he gets a prize!

"Fight for Survival".

Participants (the number can be any) are tied to the ankles inflated balloons, two balls each. On command, everyone rushes to burst each other's balloons with their feet, trying to protect their own.

The game continues until the last ball. The winner is the owner of that very last ball.

(More extreme versions of an outdoor game with balls can be found)

2. Team games and relay races for any holiday:

"Pass the sausage."

2 teams are formed, with any number of participants, the main thing is to get equal teams. They line up behind each other's heads, each team is given a long ball - a sausage. Task: quickly pass the “sausage” sandwiched between your legs from the beginning of your column to the end. The last one in the column, having received the ball, clamps it tighter and runs to the first player, taking his place. And so on until, again, the first player takes his place. For each ball fall, one point is deducted.

The team that does everything faster and with fewer penalty points will win.

"Nimble spoon."

The presenter assembles two teams - male and female. They stand against each other. Each team is given a large tablespoon. At the leader’s command, each player must “pass” the spoon, that is, thread it through some hole in his clothes (through the sleeves, trouser legs, belt, straps). Then the “nimble spoon”, having reached the last player on the team, must return back in exactly the same way.

The team whose boat is “faster” wins.

Fun relay race "The ferry and the ferryman."

For this relay race you will need two ice sleds and a long rope, about ten meters. From each team we select the strongest participant and send him to the “opposite shore”. Those who remained on “this shore” (there must be at least ten people) take turns sitting in the sled. The strongman on the opposite side pulls them towards him, as if crossing the river. Then the presenter’s assistants deliver the ice cubes back, and the next batch is loaded onto them.

The second time, the “ferryman”’s work is much easier, since his comrades who have already been transported can easily help him in his work. By the way, different things happen “on the way”, and if there are people who fall off the sled, they drop out of the game and are considered “drowned”. At the finish line, there is always a count of players who have safely crossed to the other side.

The winner is the team that transports the most people and completes this task faster. Such outdoor games are especially exciting at youth parties or corporate events.

"How is your health?"

For variety, invite guests to take each other's temperatures. Then present a huge fake thermometer. The presenter recruits a team of boys and girls. Naturally, a huge thermometer is placed under the left armpit of the first male player. He must measure the temperature of the lady opposite him without using his hands, that is, the thermometer must move from one supposed patient to another. And so on until the players figure out which of them has a fever. The “sick” person, that is, the one who dropped the thermometer, is eliminated from the competition.

The “healthiest” team (those that lost the fewest players) wins. If both teams find themselves in an equal position, the competition can be repeated, complicating the conditions, for example, speeding up the pace (making it a timed competition) or offering to pass through one, while the player who ends up in the middle should not help in any way.

"Racing in a mortar."

In this game, participants will pretend to be hedgehog grandmothers, so they will need a “mortar” and a “broom” (bucket and mop). The bucket must have a handle, since you need to hold it when running.

The leader assembles two equal teams. He places one part of each team at one end of the hall, the other at the opposite. The first participant places his left foot in the bucket, takes a mop in his hands and, holding the bucket by the handle, hurries to his team standing at the other end. There he passes the “fairytale” props to his teammate, and he, in turn, runs in the opposite direction.

A trip to nature by a friendly and large team is always a positive emotion. Music, barbecue, informal communication - all this is conducive to this type of recreation and makes it especially popular. In order to make it even more interesting and memorable, it is necessary to prepare various competitions in advance, and then everyone will have the opportunity to have a lot of fun and recharge positive emotions for all working days. Fortunately, today there are no problems with choosing entertainment: just go to the Internet and you can choose any competition from hundreds of presented ones. This article is intended to help a little, which also talks about various fun competitions and competitions for corporate events. So, let's begin!

Competitions in nature


To hold the competition, you will need two teams, each consisting of 5-7 people, several kilograms of potatoes, which can then be baked in a lighted fire, and two buckets. The potatoes are divided in half, the teams line up along a line, opposite which a bucket is placed at a distance of 5 m. The task of each team is to throw as many potatoes into their bucket as possible and make as few mistakes as possible. They throw everything one by one, without going beyond the line.

Tug of War

This fun is hundreds of years old, but it is still relevant! Two teams, a car rope with a mark in the middle - and the competition for advantage in physical strength can begin!

It must be said that very often the winner is not the team whose members have more muscle volume, but the one whose members were able to achieve greater coherence and organization of actions.


Everyone probably remembers this game from childhood too. The clearing is a swamp, the cardboards are the hummocks laid out on it, and the two teams are tired travelers who need to cross the swamp and back as quickly as possible. The winner, of course, is the team that does it faster..

Jumping over the fire

The jumping over the fire stated above is a rather dangerous activity, so it is better to jump over Kostya. He ate, drank and fell asleep next to a pile of backpacks, and therefore let him serve the purpose of entertaining the team, which must jump over him without disturbing the vacationer’s sleep. By the way, the number of jumps should be even, because Kostya is still growing and growing. And if you don’t have Kostya in your team, look at the drinks box - there will definitely be someone there to replace you.

Loaders team

The competition is exciting, fun, and the people chosen for it are sand beach. Two teams, two buckets and two sieves. The team lines up in front of the bucket. The one who is farthest from him scoops up the sand with a sieve, passing it along the relay race. The time is fixed, the team whose bucket is fuller wins.

Nimble jumper

There is every reason to hold this competition outdoors: it is moving, “wet” and noisy. The participant holds a glass of water and jumps over a rope, which is rotated by assistants. The winner is the one who has at least some water left in his glass by the end of the sports session..

Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip!

Another water competition, but here almost everyone will have to get wet: the presenter sprays water around him, and team members collect it in the glasses provided. Whoever has the most water in his glass wins.

Ladies don't have a chance

Participants in the competition are given newspapers or advertising brochures. Each participant can take the most comfortable place for him, sitting or standing - at his choice. Participants are given the task: roll up the trouser leg on their right leg, while reading the given text loudly and with expression. Ideally, it would be good to read loud enough to shout over everyone else. But the funny thing is that in this case you won’t get a prize. But if the exposed calf is the hairiest, victory is yours! It's a pity, You can only do it once in one company: such a burst of laughter awaits everyone at the end.

Cossack robbers

This name even hides not a competition, but a whole adventure that requires preliminary preparation . A treasure is prepared, which can be anything: from a bag of candy to a box of beer, cards are drawn, clues are hidden, and the whole cheerful company looks for the treasure with laughter and jokes.

To introduce a competitive spirit, you can either split into two companies, where the winner will be the one who completes their mission faster, or arrange it so that one part of the team will hide the treasure, and the other will look for it.


To hold this competition, you need many, many apples or oranges - enough to form a neat pyramid of two of them. From the erected structures, at a distance of 15-20 meters (as space allows), both teams line up. Each participant runs to his own pyramid, grabs, no, carefully takes the fruit and runs to his own, where he needs to build exactly the same figure. The goal of the competition is to complete your task faster. If desired, you can tighten the conditions, making the destruction of the old pyramid unacceptable.

Striptease competition

The name reflects the fact that participants will have to undress during the competition, so it is better to warn everyone in advance to wear swimsuits under their clothes, so as not to put anyone in an awkward position. All participants are divided into two teams, after which they begin to undress, laying out their clothes in a line. The team whose track is longer will win. The piquancy of the situation can be added if the participants in one group are men, and in the other – women. In addition to reaction speed, intelligence is also trained, because sometimes clothes can have complex shape, and the success of the team depends on how exactly it is laid out.

Poke the ball

This competition can be held indoors, but in the open air everything is much more intense and fun. To carry out you need buttons, Balloons according to the number of participants and a band-aid. Each of the revelers receives an inflated balloon tied to the back of their waist and a pushpin glued to their forehead. Hands are tied behind your back, and the fun begins - you have to save your ball and burst the balls of your opponents.

You can play for yourself or as a team. The winner is the one who remains “alive” last.


This game is simple, but you can have a lot of fun while playing it. A line is drawn, the players line up along it, and the leader begins to call out: water now or dry land. When you hear the word “water,” you need to jump back from the line, when you hear the word “land,” you need to jump forward. Everything would be too simple, but instead of “water” the presenter can say “river”, “sea” or “lake”, and instead of the word “land” - “island”, “mountain” or “mainland”.

Fill your cart

If a corporate event takes place in the forest or on the edge of the forest, one of the competitions may well be a competition to see who can collect a full basket or bucket of cones the fastest. Then, with their help, you can light a fire, and make the competition a team competition for more laughter. However, you should not neglect safety measures and pre-treat your clothes with an anti-tick product..

Running in sacks

This competition requires very little - a couple of garbage or propylene bags, as well as a decent supply of enthusiasm and fun. You can choose a slightly rough track for jumping, having previously made a supply of plaster and brilliant green.

Glass of vodka

To hold this competition you will need several real strong men. The presenter's command sounds, and all participants drink what is poured into their glasses. All the glasses (except one) contain water, and only this one contains vodka.

Men should not show emotions and not show what was poured into their glass.

The guest who correctly guesses which participant gets vodka wins.. The rest of the participants can get their glass of vodka after the competition.

Roll, roll away!

The required attribute for this competition is a pair car tires. The participants' task is to roll up their tire as far as possible with one push.. If you race cross-country, the results will be unpredictable and it will be a lot more fun.

Grandmother Hedgehog Races

For two teams - two brooms. A distance is selected, a turn sign is placed, after which each team member must “fly” to it on a broom and return back. The same broom is used as a relay baton.

Hunting with a harpoon

A stick with a nail is used as an improvised harpoon, or rather, two for each team. The fish can be foam or paper, they are laid out “in the sea” - in a clearing, and fishing begins. The players' task is to catch as many fish as possible.


Here, not only the most accurate player wins, but also the one with the best vestibular apparatus. The goal is marked, a stick is placed in front of it and a ball is placed. The player must not only score the ball, but do it after turning around the stick five times. The number of attempts is limited, and the one with the most successful throws wins.

Do you know why they are so popular among brides? We have many useful tips for planning a Hawaiian themed birthday party. At the following address you can read about how to make your own paper Easter decorations.

Motorcycle racing

If you take children to a corporate event, then it is quite possible to arrange races on their tricycles. The spectacle of adult men and women spinning miniature pedals is extremely comical, and if it is done at speed, then it is doubly funny. The final part of the corporate event can be another event, which can be framed as a competition - this collecting packages of bottles and other rubbish. This kills several birds with one stone: a spectacular end is put at the end of the evening, the environment is in order, and next time it will be much more pleasant to come to a clean clearing. And another small portion of fun competitions held outdoors for corporate events awaits you in the following video:

When adults go out into nature, into the forest or to a barbecue for just a few hours, they want to leave all their seriousness for this time and arrange games in nature for fun company adults.

Of course, outdoor games fresh air require certain preparation, fresh ideas, but you can limit yourself to the usual set:

  • playing cards;
  • fun with the ball;
  • famous game "crocodile".

But vacationers will enjoy much more fun, playful games for fresh air, which will captivate everyone present at the picnic.


For this competition you will need a rope that needs to be pulled chaotically between the trees to form something like a web. After this, participants must quickly make their way through the “web” without touching it.

Silent system

The presenter must line up the participants and explain to them the rules of the game. So, the leader, passing behind the line, will slap each participant on the back with his palm different quantities times (being his serial number). Then, at a signal, the participants must silently, without uttering a sound, line up in the designated order. The joke is that the host can assign the same numbers to two participants and skip some. This is where there is confusion with the rows. It is useful to film such games in nature for a cheerful company, since later the participants themselves will find it funny to look at themselves from the outside: winking, inarticulately mooing, jostling one another. Fun fun!

Boar hunting

This game can be added to outdoor games for a group of adults with great success, in which you first need to recruit two teams of hunters and a “boar prey.” Hunters' weapons can be stickers, and each team has its own color. They need to be glued to the target - a cardboard circle drawn in circles, tied to the “boar” just below the back. The fleeing “boar” must dodge, and the hunters’ goal is to hit as accurately as possible. After the agreed time has passed, the game stops and the winning team is determined which hits the target more often. She gets the prize or comes up with a punishment for the losing team. This and other fun competitions in nature will amuse any company, turning an outing into nature into a great vacation.


In this game, each participant, in addition to Have a good mood, you will need a piece of cardboard or paper. Nearby, it is necessary to fence off the territory of a conditional “swamp” with branches and other available materials, which the participants must overcome. But they cannot walk straight through the swamp, but only over hummocks, which are pieces of cardboard. The game is quite simple, but requires a certain dexterity, and participants who stumble and “drown” will cause everyone to laugh.


This is the name of the game, which is a classic game of hide and seek turned inside out. If in the latter one driver is looking for all the other hidden participants, then in the “sardines” everyone is looking for one. Moreover, the one who found the hidden person joins him, and so on until the last participant has to look for everyone else. Of course, the hiding place must be large enough to accommodate all the players hiding in it.

Gift hunters

Perfect for a barbecue picnic by the lake shore similar game. Its participants need to be divided into several teams, which will be united by the goal of finding hidden treasures faster than others:

  • beverages;
  • fruits;
  • snacks.

A dozen notes are made, each of which indicates where to look for the next one. In this case, some of the notes need to be hidden, and the other can be placed in the exchange office. To get it there, you will have to complete a pre-conceived task, which can be very unusual and fun. From this fun you can make an interesting corporate game in nature that can unite a new team.

Rip off your hat

Anyone looking for outdoor games can play this simple yet fun game in any outdoor area or park. Participants in the game must form a circle, in the center of which two players are launched who have:

  • one arm is tied to the body;
  • a hat is put on his head.

In the game, everyone strives to remove the hat from their opponent’s head and not allow theirs to be stolen. Noise and fun for 20 minutes are guaranteed.

Deliver the egg

This fun game is good for a picnic and will require you to form two teams of participants. A member of each team must bring to a real or simulated frying pan a raw egg, which lies in a spoon clamped between your teeth, and pass it to the cook. Of course, you cannot pick up the egg.

Video about outdoor games for a group of adults


Participants are divided into pairs or teams, they are given an arbitrary number of pieces of paper on which they write phrases or individual words. The pieces of paper are rolled up and put into a hat. The first team is determined by lot. One participant must make a guess and the other must guess the word. In a minute, you need to explain to your team as many words from the pieces of paper as possible, without naming them directly or using the same root words. The game continues until all the papers with riddles are finished. The results are then tallied and the team that guesses the most words wins.

Ball games

Comic football variant

Outdoor games for teenagers can be interesting not only in classic football, but also in its parody form. For example, you need to divide the participants into two teams, mark the goal, because goals will have to be scored here too. Then the players of each team are preliminarily divided into pairs and the right leg of one player is tied to the left of the other. And so the players, hobbled in this way, try to take possession of the ball, bring it to someone else’s goal and score a goal. More often than not, they fall onto the grass laughing.

"Blind" football player

Another variation on the football theme. You can safely play it in the forest, since even the semblance of a football field is not required. A participant who is ready to look funny is chosen as a “blind” football player who is blindfolded. The ball is then placed in front of him, and the player himself is spun. Next he must hit the ball blindly. The first participant can be chosen by drawing lots, and the winner can nominate another “victim” as a prize. It turns out to be a kind of active ball game in the air.

What games do you like to play outdoors? Tell us about it in