Small kitchen with bar counter. How to place a bar counter in a small kitchen? Beautiful small kitchens with a breakfast bar

The bar counter appeared in American saloons - it was a high table separating the bartender from the customers. Behind him they sat on stools of increased height, drank and ate. These days they call it that various options countertops, they can be different heights and located in different places in the kitchen.

Functionality of the interior of a small kitchen with a bar counter

As a rule, in small kitchens it is quite difficult to allocate a special place for lunch group, and the need to quickly have breakfast or lunch on a quick fix exists. This is where a bar counter comes in handy. It doesn't take up much space and it's comfortable to sit at. Moreover, it is also additional surface for cooking food.

The standard stand is a tabletop on a support. If space allows, a wide tabletop can be placed on a cabinet so that the knees of people sitting next to it fit under it. The photo shows a bar counter with a work surface and a sink built into it. This allows you to use the entire width of the counter when working, and organize a mini-dining area for two or three people.

In the interior of a small kitchen with a bar counter, the latter often serves as a space divider, which is important for studio apartments, when the kitchen and living room are located in the same room.

Design of a small kitchen with a bar counter: placement options

The location for installing the rack is determined based on the size and shape of the room allocated for the kitchen.

  • Perpendicular. The bar table is attached to the main one work area perpendicularly, forming an L- or U-shaped kitchen set in plan. In small corner kitchens, a bar counter sometimes becomes the only option for conveniently combining work and dining table. It may be round or rectangular shape and separate the food preparation area from the rest of the space.

  • Parallel. In this version, the bar island is located parallel to the kitchen unit.

  • Windowsill. If the kitchen window opens beautiful view, it makes sense to arrange a mini-dining area near the windowsill. It takes almost no time separate place and is multifunctional. Depending on the shape of the room and the location of the window in a small kitchen, the bar counter is located either perpendicular to the window opening or along it, while usually the tabletop and window sill form a single whole.

  • Along the wall. This option is used when they want to extend the working surface and at the same time have a place where they can drink coffee and, if necessary, have lunch, but there is no room for a perpendicular arrangement.

  • Island. In this case, the bar counter is located separately in the center of the room. The island can have any shape and separate the cooking area from the rest of the space, if the kitchen and living room are combined.

Interior of a small kitchen with a bar counter: examples

  • Working surface. If you don't have enough space for cooking, the most logical option is to use the counter as an additional work area. You can install it at an angle to the main one, parallel to the work area, or, if the room is elongated, make it a continuation.

  • Plus a table. The bar counter can be combined with a regular table, if there is room for such a design. The countertops in this case are at different heights.

  • Plus a storage system. The bar counter is combined with a cabinet, which increases storage possibilities in a limited area. The cabinet can consist of open niches, closed drawers or drawers. Equipped with wheels, it can move freely around the kitchen.

Advice: Small kitchen with a bar counter, located in the same room as the living room or recreation area, will look isolated, remaining in the overall volume and not visually reducing the space.

Design of a small kitchen with a bar counter: placing accents

IN small room It is inappropriate to use elaborate, complex shapes, therefore, to prevent the kitchen from looking too simple, it is worth using decorative elements that emphasize the functional purpose.

For example, even in the smallest kitchen with a bar counter, you can place additional shelves or racks for glasses, beautiful teaware - they will serve as a kind of decoration.

Another way to emphasize a winning element of the decor and enhance its decorative effect is additional lighting. So, you can place decorative pendants above the counter, or attach a row of directional lamps to the ceiling.

The interior of a small kitchen with a bar counter looks expensive and elegant if its base is made of natural materials, for example, a supporting stand is made of brick, or made of wood, decorated with carvings - it all depends on the chosen style of kitchen design.

Since the bar counter itself is not so often found in kitchens, especially small ones, it is already its decoration. Additionally, you can enhance the effect by using contrasting tones in its decoration.

Small kitchen with a bar counter: structural elements

In some cases, placing a stationary counter is difficult; this usually happens if the kitchen area has an awkward shape or is too small. But this is not a reason to abandon it completely. For such cases, special designs are provided that will allow you to enjoy all the benefits of this piece of furniture without taking up much space.

  • Foldable. Even a small free space near the wall can be used to place a bar counter there. In this case, it is attached directly to the wall on hinges, and the base is made foldable. This design is easy to assemble and just as easy to disassemble when not needed. It can also be attached to a windowsill.

  • Retractable. This option will do for amateurs multifunctional furniture. It is more expensive, but also more effective. This photo of a small kitchen with a bar counter shows one of the options for such a retractable design. The base is equipped with a wheel, and when the tabletop is pulled out, it moves out of the provided niche, taking its place.

Materials for making a bar counter

As a rule, standard materials are used for finishing. Sometimes they may differ in color from the main furniture, if this is provided for by the design. To make countertops, they use stone, both natural and artificial, coated chipboard, wood, or lay out the surface with tiles.

Most popular in Lately became a composite material, similar in appearance to marble, but characterized by greater density and strength, as well as a lower price. Corian is a plastic material, it is easy to make a product of almost any shape. This is especially convenient if you have to equip a small corner kitchen bar counter, stylish and modern.

The rounded shape of the tabletop is not only beautiful, but also convenient, since indoors small area, also saturated with furniture and appliances, protruding corners can cause bruises. The use of durable glass as a material for the tabletop can make the design visually lighter. The material for the base is selected based on the design style of the kitchen and the selected type of counter.

Tip: Above the bar counter you can place shelves for tea, coffee utensils and glasses, decorative items- small vases, beautiful shape bottles, candles. This will become an additional decorative accent of your interior.

The bar counter often seems like a rather voluminous and cumbersome structure, so it is chosen for particularly spacious kitchens and combined spaces - with a dining room and a living room. In fact, such a tabletop increases the working surface, provides extra seats for a snack or a full meal, it allows you to harmoniously arrange pleasant functional and decorative little things - holders for glasses, fruit bowls, etc. Considering the wide range of possibilities that such a design provides, it is worth thinking about arranging it in a modest room.

A small kitchen with will be more functional and original. This non-standard solution For small premises, so the interior will turn out to be unusual. This technique will make it individual and more harmonious. But for this purpose, it is still worthwhile to correctly position the tabletop so that it really does not become too bulky a part of the decor.

Bar counter in a combined space

A traditional solution is to use a bar counter as a zoning tool in a room that combines. In this case, the size of the kitchen block does not even matter, because behind it opens up a free area, which makes the work area more comfortable.

Bar counters in such a room can be different sizes and shape - depending on the total area of ​​the room and the location of functional areas in it. Of course, there must be a passage of sufficient width between the countertop and the nearest capital structure.

The design of the stand itself may vary. Despite all the correspondence to the design style, the supports under the tabletop can differ significantly. These can be supports, like a regular table, and brickwork, and a cabinet with cabinets. Obviously, capital structures are more bulky, so they are chosen for more spacious premises. When the tabletop rests on the wall and one leg, it looks unobtrusive.

Often a bar counter is part of an island set, but it should be remembered that the island is only for large kitchens, so even when combining rooms, there may not be enough space.

Separate kitchen: is a bar counter appropriate here?

For a small place, a bar counter is a rarity. Despite the minimal area, you can still see ordinary tables with stools or even a soft corner, but the work area is then presented as compact, most often corner set. But designers offer the latest functional solutions that literally everyone can use square centimeter with maximum benefit.

  • A bar counter instead of a dining table is a laconic and not bulky solution. It is located approximately in the place of the dining group, but rests on the wall and 1-2 legs. This makes the structure lighter, although less mobile - move it like regular table, will not work. Accordingly, such a tabletop is at the usual height and is equipped with ordinary chairs or stools.
  • Folding bar counter- another compact option that helps save space. If necessary, it folds out, and when not needed, it is removed and stored along the wall. This frees up space, which is already small here.
  • Window sill as a bar counter, of course, involves expanding the standard design, but it eliminates the need to organize additional dining area. This is undoubtedly only suitable for small families - no children. You can enjoy the view from the window while enjoying a cup of coffee or lunch. This option is also convenient when the dining room is moved to another room. For example, in the same room as the living room there may be a full-fledged dining table or a transforming table. adjacent to the kitchen, then a bar counter instead of a window sill is also applicable in houses where people live quite large families. It’s just that then it will become a place for the housewife to relax, as well as an additional work surface for cutting food.

  • For the interior of a small kitchen with a bar counter, you can choose a U-shaped set, part of which will be located near the window. The absence of top drawers in this part makes the furniture visually lighter and less bulky. The same effect is promoted by the bar counter, which is not a continuation of the tabletop, but intersects with it at different levels. This increases functionality work surface, as there is space for storing small utensils or other items. The distance between the work table and the bar surface can serve as a “shelter” for small things that the housewife always needs at hand, but there is not enough space for them in the drawers or it is simply not convenient.
  • An interesting solution is a parallel set with a bar counter. A window is involved here one way or another if it is on long side rooms. A project like this is most appropriate in narrow kitchen, where the distance between the furniture parts will be small - about 1 meter. Looks luxurious in such interiors wooden table top from expensive variety wood, which is also used for arranging the window sill.

In the photo - a kitchen with a bar counter

You can come up with a lot of options for arranging a bar counter in a small kitchen; it is only important to calculate the distance between the structures for free passage.

Design features of a bar counter for compact spaces

Kitchen Design small size one way or another, it is developed taking into account the small area and the requirements for it. Here, compact dining groups and even folding structures are not uncommon. The bar counter also meets the requirement of compactness. Even when combining rooms, it should remain proportional to the work area. But its dimensions do not affect the choice of design. The main difference is the supports.

  • For a small kitchen space, the easiest visual solutions are usually chosen.. And this is traditionally the only metal support in the form of a pipe, which is often placed between the floor and ceiling. On the part above the tabletop there are hanging fruit bowls, holders for glasses and simply nets for storing various small items. The other side rests on the wall. This is how it is possible to achieve maximum stability and compactness of the structure.
  • On one leg without extension can be made as a traditional bar counter, and retractable design. In this case, the tabletop is supported on telescopic guides, and the support is equipped with a wheel for free movement of the legs.
  • Also a lightweight version of the bar counter is the console, one side of which also rests on the wall, and the other continues in the form of a leg of the same width. In fact, it is a complete canvas, as if folded at a right angle. There is plenty of space under the tabletop to store chairs.
  • Brick or masonry looks and is a more permanent support for a tabletop of any size, therefore it is chosen more often for spacious rooms. This design is appropriate in a combined space, since in small kitchen it just doesn't make sense. The material for support is selected depending on the design style.

Design solutions today sometimes amaze the imagination. These include transparent supports, similar chairs, and transformable furniture. It can even include hidden functions thanks to folding and retractable designs. Of course, such solutions are not cheap due to the cost of the mechanisms. But for a small kitchen, they become a real way to actually increase the functionality of a small area.

The bar counter is an element of furniture that has recently ceased to be associated with drinking establishments. Now this is what they call an elongated tabletop in kitchen interior, which can be attached to the wall, can be a continuation of the table, or can even stand alone. Nowadays, bar counters are found in many kitchens. This original element looks very interesting and gives the entire kitchen a modern, relaxed style. It is generally accepted that the bar counter is an interior item designed for large kitchens. But are there small kitchens with a breakfast bar? And how practical is this? The designers claim that this is possible. And with a reasonable approach, it’s also very convenient!

Which bar counter to choose?

So, if there is little space in your kitchen, but you have been dreaming for a long time, then you should not deny yourself this whim. It’s enough just to calculate well what exactly your stance should be. Of course, we will immediately refuse classic version with cabinets below and above, plenty decorative elements and coasters. Such a stand will look bulky and take up quite a lot of space.

How to place a bar counter?

Since we have limited space, then we need to place the bar counter so that it does not clutter up the kitchen and is convenient to use. There are several options for this:

  • You can use the bar counter to extend the work surface. The bar counter in the form of a small appendage is installed perpendicularly kitchen furniture. If you have - and usually they are installed in small rooms - then from L-shaped it will become U-shaped. This will expand the space to work when preparing food.
  • The bar counter can be placed by the window. Placed perpendicular to the window, it can easily replace your dining table, although with this arrangement it should not be very high. Or you can make a bar counter-window sill, then it will be located along the window, and sitting at it, you can enjoy the street landscape.
  • If there is very little space, you can place a bar counter along the wall. Here it will look elegant and modern and will significantly save you space in the kitchen.
  • The bar counter can also serve as a partition to separate zones, for example, to separate the kitchen from the living room in.

Original idea registration

What else do you need to consider?

A bar counter for a small kitchen should be small, neat and simple. So that it does not look boring, you can think of small accessories, elegant elements, on which the glasses will be placed.

You can also play up the bar counter area with lighting, which evening time it will be advantageous to distinguish it from general interior and give it a festive look. And, of course, you need to remember that the bar counter should not look like an alien object in your kitchen - try to choose its style and color scheme so that it is in harmony with the entire surrounding environment.

Simple and concise design

Decoration in wood

Video dessert


Judging by Hollywood films, the bar counter is almost required element every American cuisine. However, it is not surprising - from the saloons of Dixieland she came to modern life, of course, having undergone some changes. Similar in Russia interior solution is also becoming very popular.

Many people believe that a bar counter necessarily requires a large area, and do not risk changing their home. But in vain! With the right design, even in a small kitchen, saving square meters, it will increase the functionality of the room, while simultaneously creating an original, relaxed atmosphere. In a small isolated kitchen, it can be used instead of a table; in the case of a studio apartment, a bar counter will effectively zone the space.

Interior design options

There are no unconditional requirements for a bar counter; it is just a table top on a support, most often 110-115 cm high. It can be mounted on consoles or lie on a cabinet; can be combined with a table or work surface; have a rectangular or streamlined shape - all this gives a lot of opportunities to make your kitchen unique.

In the classic presentation, a bar table separates the food preparation area from the dining area. It doesn’t matter whether the tabletop is attached perpendicular to the work surface kitchen set, parallel or standing separately as an island - visual effect the same one is created.

This arrangement is ideal for a studio: a conditional line expands the space, while simultaneously creating clear boundaries between the kitchen and living room. The main task here is to maintain the unity of style throughout the apartment.

It is unlikely that a high counter will be comfortable for small children and older people. Therefore, if the area allows, you can connect it with a table. In such cases, it is logical to place the table surface inside the kitchen and the bar area outside.

For a “Khrushchev” apartment, where every centimeter is precious and the kitchens are mostly “corner”, the bar counter can be both a dining and work surface.

Unfortunately, there are apartments with such a small kitchen that the most modest set can barely fit in it. In this case, great idea will combine the bar counter and the window sill. You will see how pleasant it is to watch other people’s moments of life through a window and at the same time be fenced off from what is happening with glass. It’s not for nothing that almost all coffee shops in the world use this trick.

In a long rectangular kitchen, narrow wooden countertops along the wall look elegant. By organically selecting lighting and accessories, you can create the atmosphere of your own cozy cafe.

Another way to save space is folding or retractable designs. You don't have to pick them up and put them away every time, but it's nice to know that you have the option.

Whether your bar counter is an independent element or a monumental part of the set, it is very important to correctly fit it into common decision kitchen ensemble. This doesn't mean you have to give up bright colors. Red, light green, orange-black - any rainbow whim can be fulfilled if you carefully think through the details.

Structural elements

Whatever option you choose, probably your main desire is to do kitchen space as free as possible for passage, without compromising its functionality.

For a two-level bar counter, which is mounted on a metal console, it is reasonable to top part rod, place special stands under wine glasses, shelves for fruit or a minibar. And high chairs slide easily under the counter.

Many zealous housewives choose a countertop on a cabinet in which to store kitchen utensils. You can also use multi-tiered structure, if it fits into the overall set.

It’s easy to see that the last two examples are convenient for housekeeping, but are not conducive to long gatherings. To prevent your knees from resting against the wall, try a cabinet with wheels. You can always roll it out at the right time.

There is also a transforming stand, a kind of remake of the secretary. The folding part turns into a dining table, and the inner one serves as a cupboard, a bar, or whatever you want.

Light plays an important role in our lives. We love sunny mornings because they charge us with positivity and set us up for work. During the day, it’s nice to hide in a little shade to take a break and look at the bright world from afar, before getting back to business. In the evening we want more romance, half-shades, half-tones. That’s why it’s so important to think about kitchen lighting. This can be traditional lighting of the rack with LED tape, Spotlights, romantic sconces or a row of small chandeliers.

Beware standard errors when planning the kitchen interior. Everything should be in moderation. Avoid overloading structures, too large quantity bends or excessively filling the space with additional shelves and cabinets. Make sure the materials match the style and color scheme. They may not be combined, but this must be justified.

Bold design option can become the highlight of not only the kitchen, but your entire apartment. However, remember: for a small kitchen, practicality should come first.

DIY materials and manufacturing method

The materials here are the same as for other furniture: glass, chipboard, plasterboard, wood. For consoles, it is better to take chrome-plated brass pipes or polished stainless steel pipes. Don’t go cheap: plastic or plastic-coated steel pipes easily absorb odors and dirt, and they cannot be cleaned with active agents, so such supports will quickly lose their attractive appearance.

In some catalogs you will see photographs where the supporting frame of the rack is made entirely of brick or natural stone. Most likely, this is a good imitation. The fact is that the weight load on the floor should not exceed 250 kg/sq.m. All buildings above can only be built with the permission of certain authorities for the redevelopment of apartments. Light rocks (slate, limestone, shell rock) are unlikely to be suitable for construction, as they get dirty. The only option to avoid overloading on the floor, if you really want to natural material, is to connect a cantilever bar counter on a brick support into one brick.

In order not to spoil the overall impression with a too obvious fake, do not use basement siding and others plastic imitations stone They give themselves away to the touch and are also fastidious in cleaning.

It is easy to achieve an elegant look by covering the frame with durable flexible stone. Terracotta, clinker, porcelain stoneware facing tiles will also cope with this task perfectly.

The design of a kitchen with a bar counter is a bright highlight of the design and at the same time a functional element of the interior. A bar counter will help save space, add an effect of novelty and diversify the atmosphere. A large number of models allows you to choose exactly the option that will be optimal for a particular kitchen. Everything will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

Do you need a bar counter in your kitchen?

This element of the interior in itself sets the mood for casual conversations in a relaxed atmosphere. It creates a relaxed effect and combines originality with comfort.

The bar counter can perform several functions:

  • replace a bulky table, which is important for small spaces;
  • serve for zoning, separating, for example, the kitchen area from the living room;
  • create a place with a relaxed atmosphere for snacks;
  • be an additional working surface for the kitchen interior;
  • serve as an effective interior detail.

Since the bar counter is equipped with high stools, it may be impossible to completely abandon the presence of a dining table if there are small children and elderly people in the family.

What should a bar counter be like?

The stand can be either an element of the headset or represent separate design. What is preferable: buy a ready-made bar counter or order it?

If you have a kitchen complex shape, is too small or already has a lot of furniture, then it is advisable to make a custom-made stand. In this case, all the features of the room will be taken into account, including size, as well as individual wishes.

In other cases, you can pay attention to ready-made options and choose a model that will satisfy all the requirements.

Choosing a bar counter to suit your requirements

In order for the entire appearance of the kitchen to be harmonious, it is advisable to select a counter in the same style as the rest of the furniture. The best option can be a stand with a tabletop in the same color and material as the desktop surface. A tabletop made in a contrasting color or unusual texture will look no less interesting.

There are no clear rules on the material for the countertop.

The following material can be used for the countertop:

  • metal;
  • tile;
  • plastic;
  • laminate;
  • natural wood;
  • impact-resistant glass;
  • stone (artificial or natural).

Depending on the effect you plan to achieve, the color and material are selected. For example, a light-colored counter top will go well with wooden furniture natural shades. Or, conversely, a bright counter will be an interesting addition to a calm kitchen set. This approach will create a fashionable bright accent.

A massive wooden countertop with an accentuated texture will be a good addition to decorating a kitchen in a country or Provence style. Chrome surfaces will complement the techno style interior. Glass surface will create the impression of lightness, the stone, on the contrary, will emphasize the reliability of the structure.

Classic model

Usually the counter is complemented with high stools or half-chairs, which may have small armrests. In the classic traditional version made of wood, the bar counter looks respectable. Such an addition to the interior will emphasize the authenticity of the style.

If the design intends to give the atmosphere the ambiance of a real bar, then additional equipment may be needed:

  • special hangers for glasses;
  • roof rails;
  • shaker;
  • coffee machine;
  • juicer, etc.

Another advantage of the classic version: at such a table, with comfortable half-chairs, it is convenient to work on a laptop or with papers.

Small kitchen: choosing the optimal model

Stand connected to the kitchen work surface

A good solution to several issues at once will be provided by installing an elegant bar counter, which can even be connected to the work surface. In this case, its height will be less than a meter.

An additional advantage of such an interior solution is another work surface that can be successfully used as a cutting table while preparing food. You will have to choose low chairs for such a stand - up to 0.6 m.

Unfortunately, a solid structure with storage space and all kinds of hangings cannot be located in a small kitchen. But a mini-rack option is possible. It should be a lightweight and necessarily ergonomic design that will have laconic outlines.

Even visually, additional furniture for a modest-sized kitchen should look weightless and very light. Creating the illusion of spaciousness is the main task.

“2 in 1” option: dining table + bar counter

Combining a dining table with a bar counter is one of the interesting solutions, which can be beautifully used in kitchen design. This combined interior element has a two-level tabletop.

The higher part plays the role of a counter, and the lower part acts as a dining table. This option is for those who want to have both pieces of furniture in the dining area. Besides similar model Perfect for families with small children and elderly relatives.

If the spaciousness of the room allows, you can install a stand separately and a table separately.

When they are combined, compactness and an interesting appearance are achieved. In addition, the combined option can be a godsend for the kitchen-living room. The combined model can be installed so that the high half is adjacent to the living part of the room, and the dining half is adjacent to the kitchen.

This approach to zoning space allows you to clearly separate the living room from the kitchen. But at the same time the feeling of open space will be maintained.

Kitchen studio: which design to choose

Such a delimiting structure is usually equipped with shelves in the lower part.

If a balcony is attached to the kitchen, the area increases significantly. In this case, the bar counter will fit perfectly on the border of the kitchen and the former balcony area. If the window sill is preserved as a partition, it is often converted into a bar counter.

Island counter: only for large kitchens

If the kitchen space is large, then when creating the interior, you can give yourself freedom and create a counter in the form of an island. This can be an independent structure and attached to a sink or, for example, a stove located in the center of the room.

In this case, the bar counter is installed so that the cooking area or sink is not visible from the entrance, covered by a high counter. At the same time, there should be enough free space for a free approach and comfortable arrangement of chairs.

Modular model

This type of bar counter looks like a narrow side table. In most cases, it has a simple form without any frills. The main advantage of this option is its mobility, which allows you to move the rack to any part of the room.

Conciseness appearance makes this addition universal - regardless of the location, the stand will look organic. It does not have to match the color of the main furniture.

What to choose for a narrow room

The rectangular shape of the room space is often quite narrow. It can be difficult to install a table in such a kitchen. In this case, it is advisable to place furniture along parallel walls. You can also place a bar counter here.

In this case, you need to choose a bar counter that will be made in the same style as the rest of the furniture. This can be a continuation of the working surface along one of the walls or a model placed perpendicularly near the end wall or along the window opening.

U-shaped kitchen: where to put the counter

If the room already has furniture arranged along several walls, then it is more likely to include workplace and lunch. In this case, there is a danger that new additional furniture will weigh down the interior and make it overloaded.

To maintain a balanced space, we can recommend a level rack with a high tabletop butted to the work surface. Another option is to place the stand near the wall so that it is not in the way or conspicuous.

Corner kitchen: balancing the interior

An L-shaped kitchen layout is a common option for small spaces. With this arrangement, they try to free up space as much as possible. But the effect of an unbalanced situation may arise when part of the room has an overabundance of furniture and equipment.

In this case, an additional bar counter allows you to “deliver” the missing furniture in order to balance the interior and create cozy atmosphere. Best options in this case, the classic stand on a support will become.

Rounded tabletop: how convenient is it?

The rounded shape of the rack is an option that is only available in rooms with a large square footage and sufficient free space, unoccupied by furniture. The most important advantage is originality, which will distinguish the kitchen interior from similar ones. In addition, the unusual shape allows you to add another seat.