Mattresses. How to choose a mattress for a double bed What is the highest quality mattress for a bed

Year after year, the Toris research center has created dozens of new mattress models that meet ever-increasing demands for sleep comfort. Using global experience and its own developments, Toris today offers a unique methodology for selecting a mattress according to a person’s individual characteristics: weight, height, age, gender, etc. Now you can easily and simply find for yourself optimal model mattress that meets your characteristics and wishes. This approach was used for the first time in this area and gave an amazing result: our clients are invariably satisfied.

People are so different, they differ from each other in gender, size, weight, age, habits and much, much more. This is why there are so many sizes and styles when choosing clothes and shoes. A mattress is considered something universal, “one cut”, equally suitable for everyone, that only the cost and quality of its fillings can determine how comfortable your sleep will be. This was before today. From now on, the mattress will simply be... yours, that is, selected according to your individual parameters: height, weight, age, gender, etc. It should “know” all your habits and serve as proper support for the spine. A properly selected mattress will give you a wonderful sleep and an unforgettable vacation, and as a result

  • You will look and feel better
  • You will feel a surge of energy and vitality
  • You will slow down the aging process of your body

In order for your sleep to be truly healthy and comfortable, the mattress must perform two main functions:

  1. Remove the load from the spine, support it evenly. In this case, normal metabolism is restored in the intervertebral discs, which play the role of shock absorbers. As a result, the risk of back pain and spinal diseases (especially osteochondrosis) is significantly reduced.
  2. Avoid compression of soft tissues that prevents free circulation of blood and lymph.Such compression causes frequent turning over and, ultimately, poor sleep.

The implementation of the first function, namely, the prevention of spinal deformities and maintaining it in a physiologically correct state during sleep and rest is called the orthopedic effect, and the mattress itself is orthopedic. The more accurately the design of the mattress follows the contours of your body and supports it evenly, the better the orthopedic effect is manifested and the higher the class of the mattress. It is important to remember that the manifestation of the orthopedic effect is individual and determined by the pair: specifically your body + mattress.

This is why it is so important to choose the right mattress support system, its core. The supporting system determines the orthopedic effect, which can be divided into the following levels: average, good, excellent, excellent.

There are load-bearing systems spring And springless. In the first case, the level of orthopedic effect directly depends on the number of springs per unit area. Such mattresses can be based on a block of independent or dependent springs.

Springless mattresses, in turn, are based on synthetic or natural materials.

So, the choice of the carrier system. The carrier system is selected in accordance with the main individual characteristics: height, weight, age, gender, body type, and even favorite sleeping position. To correctly select its degree of rigidity (version), it is necessary to calculate your individual load index. Note that if the mattress is intended for two, the index is calculated for each person separately.

Load index = (Weight in kg / (Height in meters) 2) * K in * K p

Where K in- coefficient taking into account age

  • K in= 1.05, if under 20 years old
  • K in= 1 if you are between 20 and 40 years old
  • K in= 0.95 if from 40 to 50 years
  • K in= 0.9 if you are between 50 and 60 years old
  • K in= 0.85 if you are over 60 years old

The older the person, the softer the supporting system should be.

Where K p- coefficient taking into account the preferred sleeping position

  • K p= 0.95 if you usually sleep on your side. We recommend a softer support system that allows the shoulder and hip areas to sink deeper into the mattress, aligning the line of the spine.
  • K p= 1.05 if you are used to sleeping on your back. A more rigid support system is recommended. It is more comfortable to sleep in this position with more rigid support for the shoulder and hip areas.
  • K p= 1.1 if you sleep on your stomach more often. You will need the most rigid support system possible.
  • K p= 1 if you are comfortable in any position.

The obtained result determines the version of the supporting system



Degree of rigidity (option) of the supporting system

Then you need to determine the preferred level of orthopedic effect and bring the calculated degree of rigidity (version) of the supporting system into correspondence with it. It is important to remember that the higher the level of orthopedic effect, the higher the cost of the mattress.

Level of orthopedic effect

Spring mattresses

Springless mattresses


The second main function of the mattress is to ensure free circulation of blood and lymph in soft tissues your body is performed by a system of fillers. How soft or hard it should be depends on your individual preferences, and first of all, on the most comfortable position for you during sleep and rest.

If you usually sleep on your side

As with support system selection, if you typically sleep on your side, a softer filling system is recommended.

Let us illustrate this with the readings of the ErgoCheck test system. This sensor system allows you to take a three-dimensional “photo of the body” with color highlighting of zones of different pressure. Light green and green colors indicate areas of low pressure, yellow - normal, red - acceptable, blue - unacceptable.

This is a “body shot” on a mattress with a rigid filling system. The presence of unacceptable pressure in the areas of the shoulders and hips prevents the free circulation of blood and lymph in the soft tissues. As a result, frequent involuntary turning over during sleep, rest will not be complete.

This is a mattress with a softer filling system. This system allows you to avoid excessive compression in the area of ​​the shoulders and hips, evenly distributing the load over the surface of the mattress. Your sleep will be comfortable.

If you are used to sleeping on your back or stomach,

When selecting a filler system, it is also necessary to take into account the physiology of the human body depending on the time of year. Thus, with the arrival of cold weather and shortening of daylight hours, the body’s metabolism slows down, overall energy levels decrease, the need to retain heat increases, and sleep becomes longer. In this case, for a good rest, a softer filler system is recommended. With the onset of warmth and increasing daylight hours, reverse processes occur, the duration of sleep decreases, and the human body requires increased air exchange to relieve excess heat. A more rigid filler system is recommended for this time of year. They successfully cope with this task of creating all-season comfort. mattresses with different hardness sides.

In cases where it is difficult to clearly determine the rigidity of the filler system, it is recommended Expert series mattresses, providing the ability to independently select its hardness by combining fillers in any combination.

Composition and properties of filler systems

Materials that can be used


Soft filling system

Latex foam

Natural soft material. Made from the sap of the Hevea tree (rubber tree), it is considered the “perfect sleeping surface.” Does not cause allergies, has excellent breathability and durability (service life up to 15-20 years!).

Viscoelastic memory foam

High-tech heat-sensitive material. Smoothly takes the shape of the sleeper's body, sensitively reacting to his temperature and weight. Creates special comfort - the so-called “zero-gravity effect”. After removing the load, it gradually returns to its original shape. The anti-decubitus properties of this material are widely used in medicine. Durable and does not cause allergies.

Profiled polyurethane foam

Modern highly elastic material with a cellular surface structure. This structure provides a light massage effect and excellent ventilation in the surface layer of the mattress.

Semi-rigid filler system

Non-woven bulk material "struttofiber"

Modern environmentally friendly non-woven material. Its polyester fibers are arranged vertically - this provides increased elasticity, excellent recoverability, and durability.

Combination of latex foam and coconut fiber layers

A thin layer of coconut fiber makes the surface of latex foam more rigid.

Rigid filler system

Coconut fiber

Tough, environmentally friendly, durable natural material. Made from walnut fibers coconut tree by thermal bonding and latex impregnation. It has a unique combination of properties: strength, elasticity, resistance to any humidity, exceptional breathability, anti-allergenicity.

When everything is decided, you can think about the nuances. Toris offers a unique comfort-enhancing technology - a combination of several layers, each of which has its own unique inherent properties. If you imagine that your mattress is a separate planet, then such a system is its “atmosphere”.

The system consists of several layers connected by deep stitch technology.

Inner layers are responsible for comfort at one time or another of the year. They keep you warm in winter, cool in summer, provide softness to your bed and protect it from allergens.

Outer layers are high quality fabric coverings. They also differ in their characteristics and have thermoregulating, antibacterial, antistatic, water-repellent and even health properties.

Inner layers

Winter side - This is preserved warmth, so necessary with the onset of cold weather. The “WINTER” side contains natural wool, which eliminates all the inconveniences winter period takes on himself. Wool has a low thermal conductivity coefficient and that is why wool products are the warmest. Wool absorbs moisture, allowing the body to breathe. Wool relieves static electricity, helping to relieve muscle and nervous tension.
Due to possible allergic reactions to wool, an alternative for comfort to the “Winter” side is the “Balance” and “Lux” sides.
In mattresses with sides of different hardness, the “Winter” side is on the softer side.

Summer side- a sound and healthy sleep even on the hottest days. The Summer side contains 100 percent cotton. The most valuable properties cotton are his:

  • hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb moisture and evaporation from the human body;
  • high breathability - cotton cools well and allows air to pass through;
  • anti-allergenic

In mattresses with sides of different hardness, the “Summer” side is on the harder side.

Side "Balance" - guarantees heat retention during the cold season. The “Balance” side contains padding polyester, a hypoallergenic material that creates optimal microclimatic conditions for sleep. If you have an allergic reaction to wool, the “Balance” side is an alternative to the “Winter” side in terms of comfort.

Luxury side- an exceptional feeling of comfort at any time of the year: excellent thermoregulation, breathability and hygroscopicity. The “LUX” side is made of high-quality, modern materials of the latest generation, making upper layer the mattress is unusually soft and voluminous, improving the orthopedic effect of the entire mattress. In addition, the “Lux” side is unique for its exceptional anti-allergenic properties.

Depending on individual needs, there may be the following combinations of sides:

  • "Balance/Summer"
  • "Balance/Balance"
  • "Balance/Winter"
  • "Balance/Lux"
  • "Winter summer"
  • "Winter/winter"
  • “Summer/Summer” (standard for most mattresses).
  • "Lux/winter"
  • "Lux/summer"
  • "Lux/Lux"

Outer Layers (Fabric Coverings)

The standard cover for most mattresses is jacquard fabric. "Classic", possessing high density weaving, very durable and wear-resistant.

However, you can always choose something special based on your individual preferences. And rest assured: Toris offers only the best.

Comfort and freshness for active people

Since ancient times, fabrics made from linen fibers have been highly valued, because even in hot weather they give a feeling of freshness and comfort. Such amazing properties Even cotton doesn't have it. Linen is a proven fabric and will never let you down, because it

  • absorbs and quickly evaporates moisture;
  • does not form an electrostatic charge;
  • durable and wear-resistant.

Thanks to flax fibers, the feeling of freshness will not leave you either at night or in the morning. It is important to note that the Actiguard system ideally protects the bed from all kinds of allergens invisible to the eye: household dust mites, mold, bacteria, etc.

Linen and Actiguard system will protect your sleep!

Living Silver

You're buying a mattress to last for many years, so it's important that it's covered with durable fabric that will protect your bed from germs and static.
Silver fabric with unique silver threads embodies all the beneficial properties of this metal. Your bed is absolutely hygienic: the ability of silver to reliably protect us from harmful microorganisms has been known for many centuries.
Silver also solves another important problem. Static tension accumulates on the human body, on pajamas, bedding and on the mattress itself. It is this that causes those unpleasant clicks and sparkles that are familiar to each of us. Silver will save you from this problem once and for all: unique silver threads, having high electrical conductivity, instantly remove static electricity. There is no place for tension in a dream: with Silver you will real relaxation!

Thus, unlike conventional fabrics, Silver fabric provides a double effect:

  • Antimicrobial effect: the material suppresses the activity of bacteria and destroys them by 99.9% in less than an hour.
  • Antistatic: The coating relieves static tension and relieves your body of stress when you sleep.
  • Catalyst: The more humidity and heat there is in a room, the more efficient Silver becomes.

Silver. Your silver bed

Health plant

Aloe Vera is a unique plant that has long been widely used in medicine. It accelerates healing processes, has a beneficial effect on attention and memory, makes sleep healthy and sound, and wakes up pleasant.

That is why the use of Aloe Vera in the manufacture of fabrics for mattresses is a logical step forward. The unique texture of the material, created using a special technology, is impregnated with aloe extract - it takes excellent care of your skin and the health of the whole body as a whole.

Fabric with Aloe Vera

  • slows down the aging process;
  • increases body resistance and immunity;
  • has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects,
  • accelerates regeneration processes;
  • Suitable for sensitive skin.

Aloe Vera is always guarding your beauty and well-being.

Life in balance

Until recently, no one could have imagined that tissues could influence human health, but now the innovative Shenergy system proves this. It creates around you almost the same atmosphere that reigns on the sea coast or next to a waterfall. It is in these natural areas The level of negatively charged ions is especially high, which is good, because these particles neutralize the positive electrical charge of the human body, which is the cause of many serious diseases.

In contact with the body, Shenergy complex

  • increases vitality;
  • improves oxygen circulation;
  • eliminates the causes of stress and insomnia;
  • serves as a prevention of arthritis and other common ailments.

King Koil mattresses are handcrafted using traditional artisan techniques and latest technologies.

A hard mattress is good for your back

WRONG The myth that you can use a wooden board instead of a mattress is wrong. An overly hard mattress puts too much pressure on the shoulders and pelvic area. Too soft, on the contrary, cannot provide the body with sufficient support and does not allow the spine to straighten.

You can buy one mattress for life

WRONG The lifespan of the mattress is 10 years, or 3650 nights. However, the need to change the mattress may come earlier - if it sagged or deformed, the springs began to be felt, or depressions appeared on the surface. Attention! Even if the covering fabric is absolutely clean and the mattress looks like new, this does not mean that it is in good condition.

Mattresses from the Platinum collection are based on a double system of independent springs made of hardened steel with a high level of memory and different elasticity coefficients. Manual through stitching of the mattress in height and length prevents the layers from shifting. Special air channels facilitate the removal of moisture and active air circulation.

A thick mattress lasts longer

WRONG Thickness has nothing to do with quality, although if the mattress is thinner than 15 cm, you run the risk of pressing hard on the mattress with your elbow and resting it on the base of the bed. But there is no noticeable difference between a mattress with a height of 15–20 cm and a thicker one: it is the upper centimeters that bear the main load during sleep.

Inside Vi-Spring mattresses there are steel springs with six curls. This number of revolutions is considered optimal for ideal body support. Filling and covers made of natural materials - Shetland wool, silk and cashmere.

A mattress pad makes sleep more comfortable

YES AND NO There is an opinion that a mattress pad makes a too-hard bed softer. This is true, but only if it is intended specifically for this bed! Be that as it may, it is impossible to improve a bad mattress with a mattress topper. In countries with cold climates, you can change mattress covers depending on the season - if you did not bother to buy a mattress with “winter” and “summer” sides or simply do not want to turn it over again. Get two mattress covers with different compositions - one will warm you in winter, the other will refresh you in summer.

Water-repellent mattress cover GOKERT, IKEA,

A quality mattress can be used without a base

WRONG This Japanese practice, which came into fashion in the West in the 1970s and is still popular among teenagers, is harmful. The base provides support and allows the mattress to breathe. Every night we lose an average of 400 milliliters of water. It evaporates through the underside of the mattress thanks to the base. Without it, you are guaranteed condensation on the carpet or fungus on the parquet!

Adjustable slatted bed bottom LAXEVOG, IKEA,

Mattresses made of latex, polyurethane foam and spring blocks differ in quality

WRONG What material and type of mattress to choose depends on individual characteristics his owner. You cannot recommend the same mattress to a person who moves a lot in their sleep and a person with a bad back or someone who sleeps on their stomach! For all types of mattresses, at the same quality level, prices are approximately the same. There is no filler that is an order of magnitude more expensive than the others. It's also helpful to know that there are no universally accepted standards for how "hard" or "soft" a mattress is; they vary depending on the brand.

AVS (Active Ventilation Support) is a new line of ergonomic ventilated mattresses, mattress bases and accessories from the Dutch brand Auping.

A good bed is expensive

YES AND NO Even the most expensive brands, as a rule, produce sets of bed base and mattress in several price categories. Each of them has simple and complex models. You can easily choose something based on your budget.

Bed with convertible platform Ergomotion 633, Askona. A full double bed changes the angle of inclination, creating Better conditions for sleep, work and daytime rest. You can control the mechanism and massage modes using your smartphone.

When choosing a bed, you need to consider your dimensions

RIGHT Standard width beds vary from 140 to 180 cm. Which one to choose depends on the height and weight of those who will sleep on it. The wider the bed, the better you sleep on it. The length is determined by the height of the tallest of the sleepers: you need to add 20 cm to this figure. An equally important indicator is weight. The more a person weighs, the more support a mattress should provide, especially in the hips and buttocks. And vice versa: the lower the weight of the owner, the less rigid the mattress should be, since if not all parts of the body are in contact with the surface of the mattress, the support is excessive. If two people of different sizes sleep on the bed, you should choose a “two in one” mattress - hard on one side and soft on the other. You can also place two mattresses side by side.

Mattress with base Treca Paris,

You can purchase a new mattress for the old base

WRONG Within six months, or even earlier, the new mattress will be damaged. It is necessary that the bed and mattress fit together. Otherwise, such a bed will be as uncomfortable as a car with poor depreciation! Unfortunately, this prejudice is very tenacious: in France, for example, it sells twice as much fewer beds than mattresses. Keep in mind: the spring base fits the innerspring mattress. Rack base - latex, polyurethane or spring. The easiest way to avoid mistakes is to buy a set of one brand. In this case, the mattress and bed will definitely fit together.

Smart Bed by King Koil is a true luxury for those who appreciate a personalized approach to sleep. The “heart” of the mattress is a five-zone inflatable system, controlled using an application in automatic or manual mode. The figured configuration of the mattress provides restful sleep throughout the night, and the ability to adjust the rigidity of the sleeping place in any position (sitting, lying, on your back, on your side) is ideal comfort.

The height of the bed is determined by national traditions

RIGHT In Japan it is customary to sleep at floor level, in Italy they like low beds, in Anglo-Saxon countries, on the contrary, they prefer high ones. What are the advantages of a high bed? It's easier to lie down on and easier to get up from. This is especially important for older people.

The Mythos mattress uses a patented elastic shoulder support system. In the corresponding zone, springs of lesser rigidity act and the elasticity of the mattress covering is increased, all together this provides a soft supporting effect.

How to choose a mattress and bed in a store?

It's impossible to choose a bed in three minutes! Just by sitting on it, you won't know whether it's right for you or not. So feel free to lie down and lie around for a few minutes. It is important that the surface is soft and the support is rigid. The body should be in full contact with the mattress. If there is a gap in the kidney area, it means the mattress is too hard. And if your elbow sinks in when you lean on it, the mattress is too soft. It is preferable to test the bed in light clothing. The correct body position is when your spine is completely straight. If it sag, this indicates that the mattress is too soft. Tip: Don't test more than four mattresses at a time, otherwise you'll get confused!

The “filling” of the Adaptive H22 mattress consists of four independent layers. They provide ideal support for sleepers of all sizes, from light weights to the heaviest. The fabric cover is removable, it can be washed or dry cleaned, for this purpose there is a sewn-in zipper.

A person is always in a hurry, working, leading a hectic life. Sleep is the main component of life. How to make sure you sleep sweetly and comfortably. The answer is extremely simple. It's about not about expensive sleeping pills, but about comfortable mattresses. The choice depends on many components. The bedroom is the main room of the house. Here a person can relax, take a break from the hectic rhythm that repeats itself every day. To have a good bedroom, you need a comfortable bed, and most importantly, an excellent mattress.

How well and efficiently we rest at night determines what our mood and well-being will be during the day.

A well-chosen model is the key to excellent sleep and health. Allows you to get a good night's sleep and create favorable conditions for the spine.

How to choose a mattress for a bed, what filler and covering to use? Choose orthopedic or simple? What types of bed mattresses are there? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

Choose a comfortable mattress according to your preferences

A mattress is an element of our home that can give us a wonderful rest, so its choice should be approached with all responsibility

Taking accurate measurements is the first step to a successful purchase. How to take measurements and get quality product? It is enough to follow a few rules.

Dimensions must be selected taking into account the characteristics of your bed

There are several measurement options.

The standard size by European standards is 80-200 centimeters. The height is chosen based on your own wishes. According to the standard, it ranges from 5 to 50 centimeters. Depends on the height of the spring block. There are thin designs; they are used to cover the main one to make sleeping more comfortable. Experts have established that a comfortable height is 16-18 centimeters. You can determine the height by taking into account the deepening of the bed.

Different standard sizes suitable for different occasions

The opinion of experts is that you can purchase a suitable option without using a tape measure. There are two possible solutions.

  1. Buy a bed together with a mattress from one manufacturer. If purchasing at the same time is not possible, order from the bed manufacturer. This ensures that it will fit perfectly.
  2. You cannot buy at the same time, then we measure and order according to your sizes. It is better to use the services of a domestic factory. First of all: the prices are moderate. Secondly: it will meet the requirements and be 100% suitable. European manufacturers They also manufacture according to customer sizes, but this is a bit expensive in terms of budget.

Most furniture and mattress manufacturers make products in standard sizes

Design types: spring and springless

There is no particular difference between spring and springless mattresses in terms of providing favorable conditions for your sleep.

It's not so easy to choose. There are several types, each unique in its own way. To settle on one, you need to study the characteristics of each.

Spring and springless types are very popular. They are divided into subspecies.

The spring blocks are directly responsible for providing proper body support in a spring mattress, and the main load falls on them

The spring structure can be dependent or independent.

Natural or artificial fillers – which one to choose?

The main difference is the fillers. Which one is better is decided by the buyer, based on the budget and his own wishes. Natural materials are especially popular; they are durable, non-allergenic, harmless to health, and an ideal choice for people of different sizes.

Types of natural.

Besides natural fillers, use artificial ones. The result is budget options that are affordable and not inferior in quality.

Types of artificial fillers

The product must have a “face” that attracts consumers. Let's talk about upholstery - how to choose the right one, what to start with?

Aesthetic appearance - choose upholstery

Each body is individual and your main task is to choose a mattress based on individual preferences

When choosing a mattress for a bed, the buyer pays attention to appearance. Upholstery plays an important role. To attract buyers, manufacturers put cases on their products. different colors, pleasant to the touch, able to last for many years. Covers are made from high-strength fabrics - cotton, linen, polypropylene, polyester. The mattress covers are coated with a special impregnation that will protect against allergic reactions and dust.

The key to a comfortable sleep is rigidity

When choosing the right stiffness for yourself, you need to take into account the parameters of age and weight

To prevent sleep from turning into torture, you need to choose the right firmness. How to do this, what to start from? It's simple, the stiffness indicator depends on the weight of the sleeper. Weight 55 kilograms - it is recommended to choose a soft surface, sleep will be comfortable. Anyone who sleeps on such a mattress will not feel bruised in the morning. The product is of medium hardness and is suitable for weights from 55-90 kilograms. Finally, people weighing 200 pounds can choose the hard option. It is comfortable not only to lie down, but also to sit. The edges do not bend, and the middle does not press through.

The optimal solution would be to purchase a mattress of medium hardness, regardless of whether it is a spring or springless model.

Why, the buyer will ask, should you choose based on your own weight? The distribution of body weight guarantees an increased level of sleep comfort. A person weighing 100 kilograms, if he lies down on a soft surface, will feel uncomfortable in the morning. Muscles, ligaments, joints will remain in a tense state, due to heavy weight the product is constantly being pressed and sagging. And, conversely, a fragile girl weighing 48 kilograms will not be able to sleep on a hard surface. Increased stress on the vertebrae, joints, and hips is the result of a health problem.

How to Buy a Great Mattress for a Double Bed

The mattress sag differently depending on the weight and position of the person

Need a model for a large double bed? Here are the subtleties of choice. How to choose the right mattress for a double bed? The first is a particularly durable design that can withstand heavy loads. How to choose if people have different weights? The wife has 50, and the husband has 100 kilograms. There will be a way out. Experienced specialists highlight the main way out of this situation - to buy two different ones, taking into account the weight category of the sleepers.


  1. A man and a woman sleep on their halves, maintaining personal space. By purchasing two models of different hardness. A soft one is suitable for a woman, and a hard one for a large man. Everyone will be able to sleep with an increased level of comfort. Get rid of the gap between two products by using a thin springless product, place it on top, or purchase a cover that connects it together.
  2. Buyers don't want to wake up on different mattresses? You just need to purchase a model that has two different sides with different levels of rigidity. Using an experiment, determine which side is comfortable for both spouses to sleep on. An acceptable way in financial terms, a way out for both spouses.

Orthopedic mattress with longitudinal zoning (mattresses with an asymmetrical design) - two mattresses with different hardness in one cover

Advantages of orthopedic products

The orthopedic effect is achieved only when you use a mattress selected for your physical characteristics

How to choose an orthopedic mattress, why is such a design needed? Elementary - it allows you to sleep comfortably, without harm to your health. Due to the fact that it accurately follows the contours of the human body. Joints and ligaments relax, there is no stress on the vertebrae. To choose, you need to know the main condition. The more springs in the structure, the better the orthopedic properties. The presence of 500 springs allows the product to follow the contours of the human body during sleep.

The main effect is twofold.

  1. Repetition of the exact silhouette of a person.
  2. Spinal support.

Having made the right choice, there is confidence that in the future there will be no troubles such as displacement of the vertebrae or intervertebral discs. Sleep is compared to sleeping on the clouds, a person completely relaxes, the product follows the contours and curves of the human body. This model has one drawback - its high cost, but it fully pays for itself.

How often to change your bed mattress

The durability of any spring or springless mattress depends on the quality of the manufacturer and the filler from which it is composed

The opinion of experts is that it is recommended to change it every 7 years, regardless of care and quality indicators. Why is replacement necessary if it is in perfect condition? During operation, a breeding ground for dust mites and bacteria is created. Even if decent care is provided, over time dust mites appear. The result is increased allergenicity. This will lead to chronic diseases. You can’t believe the time frame of 15-20 years. Whatever the mattresses are made of, it lasts a long time. The maximum permissible time for use is 7 years, and for orthopedic latex ones 10 years.

The key to a comfortable sleep is a thoroughly selected mattress. Based on the above points, buy ideal model any buyer with different weight categories is realistic. When choosing a design, you need to remember the nuances. Otherwise, you will have to pay for a low-quality product, and sleep will become agony. High quality model– the key to consumer health in the future. It’s better to pay once and get a decent option than to suffer every night.

Video: How to choose a mattress? Main selection criteria

Updated: 09/12/2018 12:42:02

Expert: Savva Goldshmidt

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

A good rest is, of course, sleep. It allows you to restore strength so that a person can subsequently spend a productive day. A high-quality and correctly chosen mattress will not only provide the opportunity to get such rest, but will also take care of the health of the spine, and also improve overall well-being. Modern mattresses are complex engineering structures. Entire laboratories of qualified specialists develop models that later go on sale. In this article we will consider the question of how to choose a suitable product, and what you should first pay attention to when purchasing.

How to choose a mattress for a double bed

  1. Varieties. There are four main types on the market: with a dependent spring block - the most budgetary, but least popular option. Does not distribute body weight evenly, and also makes any movements noticeable. If someone sits on the adjacent edge, then the wave will reach by inertia, rocking the one who is already lying on the mattress; with an independent spring block - unlike the previous one, the most popular choice among buyers. Here, each spring is placed in a separate fabric case and works autonomously, independently of the others. This orthopedic design correctly distributes body weight, and any movements of the second person will not disturb the sleeper; springless ones also belong to orthopedic ones. They consist of several layers of different densities. Usually these are latex, polyurethane foam, struttofiber, coconut fiber, padding polyester, horsehair, etc. Most often, such mattresses are recommended for people with a large weight, although they are suitable for any body type, including thin ones; combined ones consist of a block of independent springs and layers of other materials. This allows you to adjust the degree of rigidity of the product.
  2. Rigidity. Correct rigidity ensures the natural position of the spine. For people weighing up to 55 kg, you should choose soft models, those who weigh from 55 to 90 kg should choose medium hardness, and people over 90 kg should buy products with increased hardness.
  3. Mattress size. The optimal dimensions are considered to be a width of 160 cm. For small rooms You can choose a 140 cm mattress to save space. But the most comfortable sizes will be 180 and 200 cm. The length of the product cannot be less than 190-200 cm, as this is the standard.
  4. External cladding. The appearance of the mattress and the durability of its service depend on this parameter. Choose products with a thick layer of fabric. Jacquard and dense calico, as well as high-quality synthetic analogues, are considered the best.

Rating of the best double mattresses

Nomination place Name of product price
The best double mattresses 160 cm wide 1 RUB 34,730
2 RUB 35,600
3 RUR 25,490
4 RUB 13,589
The best double mattresses 180 cm wide 1 RUB 41,583
2 RUB 20,192
3 28,500 ₽
4 RUB 13,287
The best double mattresses 200 cm wide 1 RUB 52,752
2 32 652
3 RUB 25,392
4 19,550 RUR
5 16,355 RUR

The best double mattresses 160 cm wide

Ascona Just 4 You 160 x 200

In first place is a double mattress with a patented spring block, which is a development of the Ascona company. Each spring is made in the form hourglass. Their number is 256 pieces. on square meter. There is also a layer of latex, coconut coir and memory foam. A polyurethane foam box acts as stiffening ribs. It separates the finishing fabric from the spring block. The outer material is quilted knitwear on synthetic padding, which gives additional softness to the product.


  • orthopedic design;
  • medium hardness:
  • height – 20 cm;
  • memory effect;
  • independent spring block;


  • relatively expensive - 37 thousand rubles.

Magniflex Merino (Merinos) 160 x 200

The second place is occupied by a springless mattress. The model was created by Italian specialists 20 years ago. It is still produced today with some improvements to meet modern requirements. There are three layers inside: the main layer is Eliocel 40, characterized by softness, elasticity, and firmness; antistatic layer and thermoregulating anti-allergenic layer. The outer covering is double-sided (winter-summer). The summer side is made of cotton, and the winter side is made of merino wool.


  • orthopedic design;
  • increased rigidity;
  • height – 16 cm;
  • memory effect;


  • relatively expensive - 35,600 rubles.

Dreamline Mix 160 x 200

The third position goes to another springless double mattress. The base contains layers (6 pieces) of coconut coir, which alternate with layers of latex. All of them have a thickness of 3 cm. Due to moderate rigidity, the model is suitable for people with spinal problems. One side is medium hard, the other is above medium. The cover is made of quilted dense cotton material – jacquard.


  • orthopedic design;
  • medium hardness;
  • height – 16 cm;


  • relatively expensive - 40 thousand rubles.

Promtex-Orient Soft Standard Combi 160 x 200

The fourth is a double mattress Russian production, characterized by different hardness of the sides: one, consisting of polyurethane foam - soft, the other, consisting of coconut coir - moderately hard. It is based on an independent spring block. There are 500 springs per square meter, which increases maximum load on the product. The cover is made of embossed knitwear, quilted on synthetic padding.


  • orthopedic design;
  • height – 19 cm;
  • acceptable cost - 13 thousand rubles.


  • not found.

The best double mattresses 180 cm wide

Dreamline Memory Mix Smart Zone 180 x 200

In first place in the category is a double mattress with an independent spring block. Each of the springs is placed in a separate fabric cover. This system increases the functionality of the product. There are 512 springs per square meter. There is a special felt material on both sides that levels the surface and prevents the springs from protruding. On one, softer side, there is an innovative material - memorix, which is capable of taking and remembering the shape of the body, and on the other, hard side - coconut coir, pressed with a latex solution.


  • orthopedic design;
  • height – 22 cm;
  • memory effect;


  • relatively expensive - 28 thousand rubles.

Promtex-Orient Soft Latex 180 x 200

The second position goes to an orthopedic double mattress with an independent spring block. The number of springs per square meter is 512 pcs. Screen the block layers dense material– spunbond. Both sides are lined with natural latex, which adds softness and provides excellent ventilation. This model is not suitable for people with spinal problems, but it will be an excellent option for healthy people who prefer soft mattresses. The knitted cover, quilted on padding polyester, is tactilely pleasant and does not allow the sheet to slip on the surface.


  • height – 19 cm;
  • removable cover with zipper;


  • there is no division of the parties according to the winter-summer principle;
  • relatively expensive - 25,300 rubles.

Ascona Fitness Sprint 180 x 190

The third line goes to the orthopedic mattress, which provides support for the spine in seven zones. The basis of the product is an independent spring block, where each spring has the shape of an hourglass. Such a system can withstand heavy loads. An artificial latex (ORTOFOAM) is laid on top, which is specially impregnated with extract green tea, which means it has antibacterial properties. The case is made of knitwear containing silver particles. It does not absorb excess moisture and is safe for people with sensitive skin and allergy sufferers.


  • long service life - up to 10-15 years;
  • medium hardness;
  • 550 springs per square meter;
  • height – 22 cm;


  • relatively expensive - 30 thousand rubles.

Ormatek Flex Standard 180 x 190

Fourth in the ranking is a model of a springless double mattress from the Russian company Ormatek. It has a degree of rigidity above average, so it is recommended for people with a sore spine and problematic joints. The basis is a monolithic slab made of special foam. This material is ideal for allergy sufferers, as it has bactericidal properties and allows air to pass through well without accumulating dust. The knitted cover is quilted on padding polyester, which adds softness to the sides.


  • orthopedic design;
  • height – 17 cm;
  • acceptable cost - 12100 rub.


  • there is no division of the parties according to the winter-summer principle.

The best double mattresses 200 cm wide

In first place is an orthopedic double mattress with independent block springs There are 512 pieces per square meter. Each spring is in a spunbond case. Spring block covered on both sides with latex with a relief surface. The material perfectly allows air to pass through without accumulating unpleasant odors, as it has many pores. There is also a layer of coconut coir, which gives the product strength. The mattress quickly restores its original shape.


  • memory effect;\
  • medium hardness;
  • height – 28 cm;
  • “Antistress” case;


  • there is no division of the parties according to the winter-summer principle;
  • high cost - 56 thousand rubles.

LONAX Cocos S1000 200 x 220

The second position goes to an orthopedic mattress with sides of increased rigidity. The product is based on an independent spring block S1000. There are 1020 springs per square meter. On top there is a layer of coconut coir, pressed with a solution of natural latex. The outer covering is made of jacquard with voluminous stitching. The cover is pleasant to the touch and does not accumulate dust, so it is suitable for people prone to allergic reactions.


  • perfect option for children, teenagers and people with spinal problems;
  • height – 20 cm;
  • there are handles for carrying;


  • there is no division of the parties according to the winter-summer principle;
  • relatively expensive - 32,600 rubles.

Dimax OK Medium hard 200 x 225

The third place is occupied by a double mattress with an independent spring block and sides of different hardness. One has a medium degree of hardness, made from a combination of coconut coir and natural latex. The other one, of high rigidity, is made of coconut fiber and has a thickness of 2 cm. The sides are divided according to the winter-summer principle, which allows you to slightly sink into the softer one in cold weather, and to choose the hard one in cool weather, which is much more comfortable on it in the heat.


  • 500 springs per square meter;
  • orthopedic design;
  • height – 22 cm;
  • cross zoning;
  • memory effect;


  • high cost - 40 thousand rubles.

Promtex-Orient Soft Standard Combi 200 x 200

In fifth place is an orthopedic mattress, where the sides differ in rigidity. The base consists of a block of independent springs. The hard side is made of coconut coir, which provides elasticity and increased strength. The medium-hard side is made of eco-foam, that is, artificial latex. The cover is quilted with synthetic padding and is made of knitwear.


  • height – 19 cm;
  • height – 19 cm;
  • 550 springs per square meter;
  • dividing the parties according to the winter-summer principle;
  • removable cover;
  • acceptable cost - 16,400 rubles.


  • not found.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

It may sound trivial, but sleep (day or night) is very important for physical and mental health each person. During this time, our body, brain and nervous system rest and restore their resources. But it happens that you seem to have gone to bed not too late, but you wake up completely exhausted. What's the matter? In many ways, the quality of sleep depends on what and how we sleep. In today's review on the pages of our online magazine, we will look at how to choose a mattress for a double bed, what criteria it must meet, and its varieties.

Read in the article

How often should you change your mattress: expert opinions

Almost every person asks the question: how often should you change your mattress? Experts from the International Sleep Products Association (ISPA) recommend using the product for no more than 8-10 years. Several signs have been identified that, if identified, should prompt you to think about changing your mattress. So, replacement is required if:

  • when lying on you feel the springs;
  • metal frame elements can be clearly felt;
  • one part of the mattress is less comfortable than the other;
  • uneven surface of the spring block;
  • the mattress has become too soft or, conversely, hard;
  • the dimensions of the product no longer correspond to your dimensions;
  • there are signs of severe abrasion or wear;
  • a depression has appeared in the mattress, which leads to rolling down to the middle of the bed;
  • When moving, extraneous sounds and creaks are heard.

If at least 2 of these signs appear, you need to replace the mattress and choose a better and more effective product, especially since manufacturers of sleep products offer a wide range.

Structural differences between mattresses

All modern mattresses can be divided into: according to their internal design. The main difference between the latter type is the low springing effect. Also, each type of mattress design has its own subtype, which we will consider below.

Blocks with dependent springs

Mattress blocks with springs are called “bonnels” and, as a rule, are used in the production of “economy class” products. The peculiarity of such blocks is that each spring element is rigidly connected to the neighboring one, and when pressure is applied to one, the surrounding ones also sag. The main disadvantage of such blocks is considered to be a decrease in the supporting effect due to the rigid coupling of the springs to each other.

Independent springs

In this design, the springs are placed in separate cases connected to each other. Thanks to this, the load is distributed evenly, which allows the mattress to more accurately adapt to the body of the sleeping person. This type of construction has excellent supporting properties and is quiet. Blocks with independent springs are standard (200-300 pcs/m2) and with metal spirals of small diameter (more than 500 pcs/m2).

Springless designs

At the moment, manufacturers of sleep products produce a wide variety of springless mattresses: from elastic-soft to very hard models. Springless structures are a monoblock made of any one material or a combination of several different layers that differ from each other in properties and degree of rigidity.

The following materials are used to make springless mattresses:

  • natural latex. Mattresses made from this material are soft or medium hard, but always elastic and at the same time accurately conform to the contours of a sleeping person;
  • artificial latex, polyurethane foam, foam rubber, etc. Such mattresses are well ventilated, can withstand significant loads and are recommended for children, teenagers and people with problems of the upper spine;
  • combined – “Coconut-Latex”. These are hard mattresses that are preferred by supporters of natural materials. There is a weight limit of 90−100 kg per sleeping area;
  • coconut flakes. Mattresses with such filling are very hard and, as a rule, are prescribed by doctors for people with spinal problems and newborns.

Combined mattresses

Combined mattresses are a structure made of dependent or independent springs and a layer of latex, polyurethane foam, coconut fiber, etc. Thanks to this combination, you can adjust the degree of mattress hardness by simply turning it over to the other side.

How to choose an orthopedic mattress for a double bed

The term "orthopedic" refers to the ability to correct various deformations musculoskeletal system or compensate for their deficiencies. Although this concept is applied to mattresses, this is incorrect, since they are not able to cure diseases of the spine, but they can reduce pain. The undoubted advantages of orthopedic mattresses include the following:

  • the contours of a sleeping person are repeated;
  • relieves fatigue and tension;
  • ensuring proper rest.

To choose a high-quality orthopedic mattress for your bedroom, you need to pay attention to the following: important parameters, How:

  • rigidity;
  • dimensions;
  • fillers;
  • outer covering.

A properly selected mattress will ensure a sound, healthy sleep and allow you to fully relax after a hard day. working day.

Mattress hardness

This parameter directly affects the well-being of a sleeping person and his feelings during rest. There are three levels of mattress firmness:

  1. Low. Such designs are made of natural latex and are recommended for people of small build and weight.
  2. Average. Such mattresses are made from artificial latex, polyurethane foam and other similar materials.
  3. High. The hardest mattresses are made from hard-filled fillers. More often similar models used by people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system, for example, with osteochondrosis.

There is a certain relationship between the rigidity and weight of a sleeping person. So, for example, a soft mattress is suitable for a person weighing about 55 kg, 50-90 kg - medium hardness, and over 90 kg - increased hardness.

Important! When buying an orthopedic mattress and deciding on the firmness, you should consult a doctor.


Very important criteria When choosing a mattress, consider its dimensions and ability to withstand certain loads. It is necessary to select a model taking into account the length and width. Therefore, you need to specify the sleeping place and only then purchase the appropriate mattress.

You also need to pay attention to the thickness of the mattress, on which sleep comfort largely depends. It is selected according to age. So, for example, for children under 3 years of age, a thin mattress with a thickness of 5-9 cm is chosen; for a seven-year-old child, the thickness of the product should be at least 11 cm, and for an adult it is preferable to use models with a height of 15-16 cm.


The hardness of the surface on which we sleep and the immediate comfort of rest largely depend on the material from which the mattress is made. Let's look at the most basic types of fillers. It’s worth saying right away that batting and foam rubber are the most unpopular and useless materials due to their rapid deformation and wear.

Polyurethane foam

This material, which is essentially foamed and improved foam rubber, has excellent orthopedic characteristics and is quite often used in the manufacture of mattresses. Sleeping surfaces in which polyurethane foam (PPU) is used as a filler are very convenient and comfortable, as they provide good support for the sleeping person’s body.

Orma Foam

Modern material is based on polyurethane foam and has very good orthopedic characteristics. Orma Foam allows you to make mattresses very comfortable and convenient, as well as follow the contours of the human body and evenly distribute the load on the surface. The material has anti-allergenic properties, the ability to remove excess moisture and high breathability.


Natural or artificial latex is widely used to make orthopedic mattresses. This material is well ventilated, does not rot and has anti-allergenic properties. The difference between artificial and natural latex lies in the degree of rigidity, and because of its characteristics, this filler began to be used for the production of children's mattresses.


Another modern and popular material used as a mattress filler is struttofiber. It consists of vertically arranged polyester fibers, which makes it more resistant to stress and wear. Due to its characteristics, the material is used to create a mattress frame, onto which other types of fillers are added, which makes it possible to obtain products with varying degrees of rigidity. Struttofiber has high orthopedic characteristics and a long service life, which makes it one of the most popular fillings for mattresses.

Coconut coir

This is perhaps the most popular mattress filling. Coir is a natural and environmentally friendly material, which is why it is so valued by both manufacturers and consumers. This filler does not absorb moisture, allows air to pass through well, is not subject to rotting and prevents the growth of various bacteria and bed mite.

External covering of the berth

When choosing a mattress, in addition to the above characteristics, you should pay special attention to the upholstery (mattress cover) of this necessary piece of furniture. The appearance and durability of the sleeping place depends on this detail, namely its quality. To make a mattress cover, synthetic and natural fabrics with different densities are used. It is recommended to choose upholstery made of jacquard or thick calico. It is good if the outer coating has dust-repellent properties, high strength, hypoallergenicity, breathability and elasticity.

How to choose the right mattress for a double bed according to the degree of hardness

When choosing a mattress, the most difficult thing is to determine the required rigidity of the sleeping area, which cannot be assessed using conventional measuring devices. One of the main misconceptions is that many people believe that mattresses that are too hard are the most beneficial for the back and spine. However, a very hard or soft sleeping place is equally harmful to health, since it does not provide a natural body posture during rest.

Two-type hardness

Mattress manufacturers offer consumers models that combine two levels of hardness – one side is hard and the other is softer. Also in such sleeping places there are various types of covering. For example, by turning the mattress over, you can achieve greater comfort.

Variable hardness

Modern technologies have made it possible to create mattresses with varying degrees of hardness for each longitudinal half of the product. There was nothing complicated about this, it’s just that more rigid steel spirals are installed on one side and less tight steel spirals on the other. This double mattress will allow two people with different weights and medical conditions to rest comfortably at the same time.

Independent springs with asymmetric filling

The stiffness of the mattress can be adjusted not only by tensioning the springs, but also using a combination of various types filler. For example, coconut coir, on the one hand, provides a fairly high level of rigidity, and latex, on the other hand, will make the sleeping surface softer and more comfortable. These mattresses use independent spring blocks that provide additional support for the spine.

Spring blocks DS

DS blocks are a special design located in the very middle orthopedic mattress. The block consists of double springs: metal spirals of small diameter are placed inside larger ones. If a person of small or medium weight lies on such a mattress, then only the external springs will be used, and the internal spirals will be connected to support the body only if the sleeper has a significant mass.

Which mattress company is better to choose?

A large number of mattress manufacturers did not make the choice any easier required model, but only made it more difficult. Each brand offers products of varying rigidity, comfort, quality, from the most different materials and with a wide price range. So, which manufacturer’s products should you choose, and what can you ignore at all?

The majority of consumers are convinced that it is necessary to purchase mattresses only from the most famous brands, since they are the ones who can afford to produce products of the highest quality. However, this is partly true, since little-known companies, hoping to make a name for themselves, produce products that are not inferior to those of the industry giants.

Lapis lazuli

This is a manufacturer of high-quality furniture, which began its activities more than 20 years ago, and has also mastered the production of sleep accessories. Despite the fact that the cost of the company's products is quite high, its mattresses have excellent performance characteristics. Even for budget models, the manufacturer uses blocks of independent springs, coconut coir and Ortho Foam as filler.

The company's assortment also includes additional sleep accessories:

  • orthopedic pillows;
  • and mattress covers;
  • pillows, etc.


The Strong company appeared on the Russian sleep accessories market in 1998. The manufacturer produces the most various designs orthopedic mattresses, which are designed specifically for use in sanitary-resort establishments. Despite a large number of lines, the company gives preference to classic spring mattresses, including for children. The brand's products belong to the middle price category.


A well-known manufacturer of mattresses, pillows, orthopedic bases and much more. The company's products, even in the budget segment, are highly expensive. All brand products are tested, which guarantees high quality mattresses, which also have good orthopedic properties and resistance to high loads. Ormatek sleep accessories are made from environmentally friendly materials and have a fairly long service life.


Despite the fact that Dreamline was founded in 2007, it quickly gained popularity among consumers. Currently, only 15 model lines are available, and all products are certified, and the cost of the products allows almost everyone to purchase them. The company produces mattresses of almost any design and uses a wide variety of materials.


This brand is a leader in the production of mattresses of various configurations and purposes. In the manufacture of its products, the company uses the highest quality fillers and proprietary technologies. Consul mattresses are produced under several brands and are offered in a fairly wide price range - from budget to luxury models.


Perhaps this is the most famous mattress manufacturer. The company offers a fairly large range of orthopedic mattresses for medical purposes. The brand's products are highly expensive, however, there are also budget models available to everyone. Askona mattresses are made only from environmentally friendly pure materials and have all the necessary quality certificates.

Rating of mattresses for a double bed 2017−2018.

Before choosing a good mattress for a double bed, you should familiarize yourself with the rating, which is based on customer reviews. We have ranked the most popular mattress models in 10 places - from the cheapest to the most expensive.

5th place: Ormatek Softy Plus

This model belongs to the sofa category and has a height of 60 mm. The small thickness of the mattress does not visually enlarge the sofa, and the withstand load is about 90 kg. The Softy Plus model costs at least 3,000 rubles, which makes it affordable for any category of consumers.

Advantages Flaws
Springless baseSmall size chart
Medium hardness
Polyurethane foam is used as filler
Long service life
Rectangular shape
Availability of calico cover
Low cost
Medium hardness
High wear resistance
Has an anatomical effect

4th place: DreamLine “Classik +10 TFK”

Soft orthopedic mattress with independent springs and filling made from several types of material. The low cost of the model makes it accessible to almost all segments of the population. Price 8000-14500 rubles depending on size.

3rd place: Ascona Fitness Arena

A model with a high price justified by excellent quality. A mattress with wide functionality and a therapeutic effect, capable of satisfying the needs of any consumer and ensuring high-quality healthy sleep. This model uses coconut coir as a filler, which increases the wear resistance of the product. The mattress is suitable for people with heavy weight. Price 11,800-25,000 rubles depending on size.

2nd place: Virtuoz Arietta

This is a mattress highest quality, it is not available to every person due to its high cost. The jacquard cover allows you to keep warm in cold weather and provide pleasant coolness in summer. A block of independent springs and a filling of several various materials creates varying degrees of rigidity. The model also has a memory function. The average price is 29,000 rubles.

1st place: Hilding Anders Viking

Double-sided orthopedic mattress with impressive characteristics. The basis is a block of independent Bodyfix springs, and polyurethane foam with bamboo charcoal and coconut coir are used as a filler. This model has a long service life, high wear resistance and can withstand significant loads without surface deformation. Price 13300-23500 rubles.

Prices of mattresses for a double bed

To buy an inexpensive mattress for a double bed, you need to study prices on specialized websites, official resources of manufacturers and read consumer reviews. The collected data will help you avoid making mistakes when choosing this essential sleep accessory. It is worth saying that the price of a mattress depends largely on the fame and popularity of the brand, model, materials and design used, as well as the region of sale.

Model Brief characteristics Average cost, as of April 2018

  • Standard mattress - 1600×2000 mm.
  • Hardness is above average.
  • Springless.

  • Block of independent springs.
  • Mattress width: 600−2200 mm.
  • Length: 1000−2300 mm.
  • Combined filler.
  • The level of hardness is above average.

  • Sofa type mattress.
  • Medium level of hardness.
  • Size: 900×2000 mm.
  • Bonnell spring block.
  • As a filler: felt and polyurethane foam.
  • Low level of rigidity.

  • Low level of rigidity.
  • Bonnell block with dependent springs.
  • Filling: artificial latex.
  • Jacquard cover.
  • Hypoallergenic.

Which mattress to buy for a double bed: reviews from specialized forums

As has already become clear from the information presented above, buying a good orthopedic mattress is not an easy task. We reviewed the designs, materials and manufacturers of sleep accessories. We suggest that you read consumer reviews posted on specialized forums to choose a mattress for a double bed.

Review of the Askona Sleep Control Meditex mattress:

More details on Otzovik:

Review of the Vega mattress:

More details on Otzovik:

Review of the Vegas 8 mattress:

More details on IRecommend:

Review of the Consul Monolith mattress:

More details on IRecommend:

A few words in conclusion

We figured out how to choose and how much it costs to buy a double mattress, as well as what to pay special attention to when buying it. We hope that the information provided by our experts will help you, and if you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.