Lunar calendar October favorable days. Lunar calendar of favorable and unfavorable days in October

October 2017 can be called a rather treacherous month: behind the completely calm and romantic atmosphere provided by Venus and Mars in the signs of Virgo and Libra, dangers and difficulties, sometimes quite insurmountable, can be hidden. This can also affect health, especially the health of some representatives of the Zodiac.

This month, the most unfavorable dates can be considered from October 8 to 11, when the concentration of negative aspects will be especially high.
On October 17, Mercury will move from the sign of Libra to Scorpio, which may increase interest in everything secret and unconventional. People will strive to get to the truth at all costs.
If you have any strange symptoms or unclear illnesses, go to the specialists on October 18, 24 (after 15:00) or 28 October. These days there will be especially chances to get answers to your questions. Information can also come from nowhere. Notice any signs that fate throws at you, analyze your dreams. Important information may come in a dream, especially on the night of October 23-24.

Health and general state: what can we expect from October 2017?

The passage of the Sun and other planets through the sign of Libra helps to smooth out conflicts and, accordingly, reduce stress levels, however, one strong sign is not enough when the aspects of these planets are negative. In particular, the Sun will now be affected by Pluto, and a little later by Uranus.
On October 8-10, you can expect some serious psychological experiences, which can ultimately lead to general physical ailments. Psychological impact people from your inner circle, manipulation of feelings and deep internal crises - all this will not be uncommon these days. If you experience any symptoms during this time, take them seriously, as they may be signs of more serious illnesses.
Also, closer to October 8, the risk of contracting colds increases. The kidneys and bladder should also be protected from hypothermia and colds. Bad mood and depressive thoughts these days can lead to exacerbation of various diseases, especially those related to the kidneys, bladder, and thyroid gland.
Also on October 8-11, there is an increased likelihood of problems associated with bones, spine and teeth. It is better not to visit the dentist these days, at least from October 8 to 11 until 17:00.
October 10-12 - not the best favorable days month, but right now it is important to think about your lifestyle, nutrition, and habits. Keep everything in moderation. Try to choose the right food, or better yet, fast, especially on October 12, when the Moon changes phase. These days it is also good to stick to a routine and not overdo it with work to avoid overwork.

October 14-19: Dramatic and unexpected events that are difficult to predict and difficult to influence may interfere with your life these days. It is better not to turn to alternative medicine, as there is a high risk of mistakes or encounters with impostors. It is also better not to start new types of treatment or experiment with health, as these days are quite dangerous and stressful. The most unfavorable days for health are October 17 and 19. This is the very end of the lunar month, when the body is exhausted, and stress on it can only provoke the development of diseases. Also these days there is a high risk of nervous exhaustion and accumulation of stress, which, as is known, leads to physical problems.

October 18 is not the most unfavorable day: quite the opposite. On this day you can expect improvement in the condition of sick people. You can even prescribe surgeries, including plastic ones. In any case, on October 17-19, refrain from heavy overload; do not exercise too hard so as not to cause physical exhaustion.
The end of the month can also be dangerous for some people. On October 24-27 you may feel unwell. These days, it is extremely important to notice any suspicious symptoms and consult a doctor, as they may be symptoms of serious illnesses. Also these days there is a high probability of catching a cold and catching a cold in the kidneys.
On October 26, you should also expect an improvement in the condition of patients, especially in the afternoon. There may be a surge of strength and optimism, which is especially important for those who suffer from serious illnesses. And although on this day there may be nervous tension, in general you can avoid them and have a good day. The main thing is to avoid excesses, too much stress on the heart and physical activity. You can’t overeat, because when the moon is waxing excess weight picks up much faster.

What diseases are at greatest risk now?

Worries over trifles, excessive excitability and various experiences can lead to overexcitation these days. nervous system. Patients with heart disease should also be more careful: there may be pressure surges, increasing the likelihood of heart attacks, strokes, and heart attacks.
Infection with sexually transmitted diseases is possible, and there is also an increased risk of intestinal disorders and problems with the genitourinary system. Reproductive system will be especially vulnerable this month, so we advise you to refrain from unprotected contacts. Kidney stones or bladder, especially October 8, 26, 27.
Who should fear for their health in October 2017? Health problems may most clearly manifest themselves in representatives of the signs Aries, Scorpio, Virgo and Libra.

When is the best time to have surgery in October 2017? This month is not the most successful for operations, but if you still cannot procrastinate, choose the most successful days according to the lunar calendar: October 6-8, 13-15 or 18. Remember that it is better not to perform operations on organs that are vulnerable on this day. Plastic surgery can be done on October 12 (after 16:00), 13-15 and 18 October. But on October 5-8, 26, 27, plastic surgery can lead to unwanted side effects!
When is the best time to start treatment in October 2017? You can start treatment on the most successful days of the month: October 1, 2, 7, 14, 20-22, 25, 29, 2017. But look at the lunar calendar and avoid serious effects on organs that are vulnerable on this day.
When is the best time to start losing weight? You can start losing weight as early as October 1, just before the full moon. This will allow you to lose weight faster in the coming weeks as the moon begins to wane. During the waxing moon (after October 19) overweight will go away more slowly, and excess weight will come on much faster. Therefore, we advise you to cut down your consumption too much fatty foods from 1 to 4 and from 20 to 31 October.

Calendar unfavorable days in October 2017.

Is there a risk of serious injuries and accidents and when? Yes, this month can be very traumatic. October 7-11 will be especially dangerous. Accidents and various work-related injuries may occur these days. It is easy to damage bones and the spine, and there is an increased risk of falls from heights. Now it is very important to follow safety precautions in everything, postpone extreme sports, and not risk your health.
You should also be wary of various injuries due to negligence on October 3, 9-12, 17, 24 and 26.
Exacerbation of chronic diseases, crises in patients: October 3-5, 8-12, 17-19, 24 and 31.
Nervous breakdowns and overstrain: October 5, 6, 12, 15, 19, 26.
Poisoning, infectious diseases, allergies: October 3, 5, 9, 12, 16, 18, 23, 16, 30.
Electric shock, falls from height: October 6, 12, 15, 19, 26.
Colds of varying severity: October 8, 10, 16, 24, 28.
Serious problems due to use alcoholic drinks may be 4, 10, 13, 17, 24, 27 and 31 October.


Growing Moon in Aquarius. Today is the best day to take on everything new, go to college, enroll in courses, master something you have never done before.

Growing Moon in Pisces. The best activity on this day will be active rest. A burst of physical activity will provide you with good mood and excellent health.

Waning Moon in Taurus. On this day you should do things that will increase your income.

Waning Moon in Gemini. This day promises a surge of mental abilities and energy.

Waning Moon in Cancer. A “slow” day promotes hard work or thoughtful work.

Waning Moon in Libra. A good day for planning important events, including banking transactions and any financial investments.

Growing Moon in Sagittarius. The area of ​​abstract thinking will appear in all directions.

October 10, 22, November 3— Successful days for any positive deeds - both monetary and personal. Any action will get a very good start and every chance of success.

Dates are not suitable for those born in the year of the Rat

October 12, 24— days are good for official openings and special events. It's good to sign important agreements and start new work.

The dates are not suitable for those born in the year of the Tiger.

October 18, 30— The days are favorable for long-term affairs. For everything you would like to do for a long time and get stable, reliable results. But business started these days may lead to some unplanned expenses. Also, the days are not suitable for starting travel or repairs.

Not suitable for those born in the year of the Monkey

Unfavorable days and hours of October 2017

October 7, 8, 19, 20, 31, November 1- these days it is unfavorable to start important things. Difficulties, obstacles, problems are possible.

October 13, 25— days are not suitable for great activity, organizing important events, or starting treatment. But you can use them to complete old tasks.

November 5,7Days without wealth . Not suitable for starting a new business, important financial matters, or investments.

Sunday, from 19 to 21 hours.

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In October, all nature looks very solemn. And we, too, need not to “make a mistake,” but also to appear before our beloved in all our glory. And the lunar calendar for October 2017 will help us with this.

The brightest time of autumn is coming - Golden autumn. Trees, before plunging into a long sleep, throw on golden clothes made of rapidly turning yellow leaves. Autumn forest covered with picturesque paintings. Since ancient times, October was considered the month of weddings. Despite the approaching cold, this is a time of luck and love.

New Moon - October 19, 2017 at 22 hours 12 minutes 21 seconds.
Full moon - October 5, 2017 at 21 hours 40 minutes 16 seconds.
First quarter - October 12, 2017 at 15 hours 25 minutes 46 seconds.
The last quarter is October 28, 2017 at 01 hours 22 minutes 10 seconds.
Waxing Moon - from 1 to 4 and from 20 to 31 October 2017.
Waning Moon - from October 6 to October 18, 2017.

When will the favorable days be in October 2017:

From October 1 to October 4 - Waxing moon (new, young, waxing, rising moon, new young month)
from October 6 to October 11 - Waning (old, descending, defective) moon
from October 13 to 18 - waning moon
from October 20 to October 27, 2017 - waxing Moon
from October 29 to 31 - waxing Moon

Days of growing new moon- these are good favorable days, you can start various new things: on these days you can plan the future, make important decisions, these are the most favorable days for losing weight, dieting, fighting bad habits, you can start quitting smoking, etc.

Luck and success in business and in your personal life will accompany you on these favorable days of the waxing (new, young, ascending, waxing) moon.

When will there be unfavorable days in October 2017:

October 5 - Full Moon
October 12 - 4th quarter
October 19 - New Moon
October 28 – 1st quarter

These are unfavorable, negative days, be careful! It is not recommended to start any new important things on these unfavorable days, and if possible, try to move them to the days of the waxing new moon. Also, pay attention to your health these days.

The full moon period can be called mystical, since all the energy that has accumulated in the previous phases of the moon begins to be spent. How your body will use energy is the main mystery, this is where the mystery begins. If a person is a psychic, during this period he is very strong. If a person is normal, healthy, then the full moon can sometimes control his emotions. But for people with weak psyches, there comes a moment of exacerbation of illnesses.

The lunar calendar for October indicates Moscow time. Always consider your time zone to determine your local time. Moon month begins with the new moon, from phase 1.

A lunar day (lunar day) begins with the rising of the Moon on that day. The detailed lunar calendar also shows the transit of the Moon in the zodiac sign.

October 1, 2017, 11-12 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. On this day, it is not advisable to undertake or start something. It is good to pay off debts and fulfill what was promised, especially to children. Refrain from visiting large stores and generally places with a lot of people. Watch your thoughts, forgive the offenders.

October 2, 2017, 12-13 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. Don't overexert yourself and don't give in to the hustle and bustle. If possible, relax or spend time in nature. Think over and plan your actions: today’s plans, thoughts and desires have every chance of coming true.

October 3, 2017, 13-14 lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces. A day of self-improvement, knowledge and humility. Don't lie or gossip, don't give in to vanity, avoid haste and harsh judgments. Take the first steps towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself. It is beneficial to communicate with those who are close to you in spirit and energy.

October 4, 2017, 14-15 lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces. The day is quite intense emotionally. If you want to make a decision today, think it through first. Only well-thought-out and carefully planned activities can be started, otherwise there is a risk of encountering problems.

October 5, 2017, 15-16 lunar day. Moon in Aries. Full moon at 21:38. Today is the day of assimilation and absorption of the energy of the Cosmos. The most favorable time for establishing and restoring contacts, in search of like-minded people. Call old friends. Provide support to those who need it. On this day you can improve a lot in human relationships, turn your life for the better.

October 6, 2017, 16-17 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. A good day for active activities that require a lot of energy, for communicating with nature and building creative ideas. Today you should not live according to plan: fate can bring unexpected surprises. You can ask bold questions - there is a chance that you will receive honest, sincere answers.

October 7, 2017, 17-18 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. The day is associated with the awakening of the forces of nature. It is believed that a revelation can descend on a person. Don't indulge in sadness or idleness. If you have long wanted to change something in your life, today is the time, especially in the first half of the day. It's good to go on trips and trips.

October 8, 2017, 18-19 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. Today you shouldn’t try on other people’s roles, imagine yourself in the shoes of others - it would be good to sort out your problems. Don’t give up on what you planned, even if the circumstances are unfavorable at first glance, see it through to the end. Avoid chaos and nervousness.

October 9, 2017, 19-20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini. If this day does not go well, if everything falls out of hand, this means that something urgently needs to be changed - and rather not in external circumstances, but in oneself. Listen carefully to those who come to you with criticism today: they will help you look at yourself soberly, evaluate your achievements, capabilities and resources.

October 10, 2017, 20-21 lunar days. Waning Moon in Gemini. Best time for relax. Communication with nature is beneficial. It’s good on this day to think about the traditions of your family, ancestors, and how to support and strengthen these traditions. Work with information, listen to your inner voice. Try not to give in to vanity, talk less and listen more.

October 11, 2017, 21-22 lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. A day on which caution and attentiveness are required in performing any task. Don’t give up what you start, be sure to finish everything. This is the time of awakening hidden reserves, transforming human nature. In order to use such power, one must be absolutely pure spiritually.

October 12, 2017, 22-23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. On this day, it is not advisable to undertake or start anything. It’s good to pay off debts and fulfill promises, especially to children. Refrain from visiting large stores and generally places with a lot of people. Watch your thoughts, forgive the offenders.

October 13, 2017, 23-24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. The best day for important, long-term projects and long trips. All business started during this period works out as well as possible. You will have to wait a whole month for your next chance. Listen to every word spoken. This will help you find out your path, your destiny, and understand your purpose in this life.

October 14, 2017, 24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. The day is quite intense emotionally. If you want to make a decision today, think it over a hundred times first. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned things, otherwise there is a risk of getting into trouble. difficult situation, encounter problems.

October 15, 2017, 24-25 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. Emotionally unstable day. Avoid impulsiveness and thoughtless actions. Conflicts are possible today, so give yourself a good physical activity in gym. Refrain from excess. Control your emotions and desires. You may feel vulnerable; it will be difficult to find mutual understanding with people.

October 16, 2017, 25-26 lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo. A good day for active activities that require a lot of energy, for communicating with nature and building creative ideas. Today you should not live according to plan: fate can bring unexpected surprises. You can ask bold questions - there is a chance that you will receive honest, sincere answers.

October 17, 2017, 26-27 lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo. On this day, mental comfort is very important: rest, relaxation, meditation will help you overcome the troubles of this day. Envy and anger signal spiritual slagging. Today the stars will favor those who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly.

October 18, 2017, 27-28 lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra. The stars tell you: if the day of paperwork or decision important issues fell at the time of a lunar eclipse or a few days before or after it, abandon your plans. You need to restore lost strength. If possible, try not to overexert yourself or work beyond measure.

October 19, 2017, 28, 29, 1 lunar day. Moon in Libra. New moon at 22:10. The day as a whole is not very favorable, you need to try to get rid of negative energy. Think about your thoughts. Provide support to those who need it. The “crowd instinct”, base instincts, are becoming more acute, so you should not follow your impulses and indulge your desires.

October 20, 2017, 1-2 lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio. Day of illusions, delusions, deceptions and poisoning (you can even get poisoned quality products). Do not give in to suggestion, laziness, or earthly temptations. Put off all important matters, no matter how urgent they may seem to you. Be alone with yourself.

October 21, 2017, 2-3 lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio. A smooth and harmonious day, a time of mercy, patience and spiritual transformation. Practical efforts will not yield much results. But don’t give up what you started and be sure to finish it. Overload is contraindicated today. Dedicate the evening to home, family, loved ones.

October 22, 2017, 3-4 lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio. An active, creative day associated with change, victory, triumph, strength and movement. Today you can show decisiveness in your actions and give up bad habits well. Make contacts, communicate and resolve urgent issues.

October 23, 2017, 4-5 lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius. This is a day of wisdom and generosity. Dare non-standard solutions, they will bring good results. It’s better not to make any plans today, but to follow your desires, intuition, and intelligently adjust everything that happens, focusing on what works best. Successful work with words and information.

October 24, 2017, 5-6 lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius. A critical day, one of the most difficult in the month. Limit communication, control emotions. Beware of misunderstandings related to management decisions. Do not trust promises and obligations: they will be broken, willingly or unwillingly. Activities that require intellectual effort will not bring success today.

October 25, 2017, 6-7 lunar day. Growing Moon in Capricorn. The day is associated with the awakening of the forces of nature. It is believed that a revelation can descend on a person. Don't indulge in sadness or idleness. If you have long wanted to change something in your life, today is the time, especially in the first half of the day. It's good to go on trips and travels.

October 26, 2017, 7-8 lunar day. Growing Moon in Capricorn. This is a day of wisdom, solitude and focus that will require prudence and rationality. An ideal time of self-knowledge, deepening, asceticism and humility. Physical and spiritual cleansing is recommended; light a candle and walk around the room or apartment with it. Avoid fuss, don't waste energy.

October 27, 2017, 8-9 lunar day. Growing Moon in Capricorn. Today, mental comfort is very important: rest, relaxation, meditation - this is what will help you overcome the troubles of this day. Envy and anger signal spiritual slagging. The stars will favor those who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly.

October 28, 2017, 9-10 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. This is a day of false seduction by your own achievements: you can sin with vanity and pride. Under no circumstances take unjustified risks - adventures are contraindicated. Refrain from vigorous activity. Rest, relaxation, meditation - this is what will help you overcome the troubles of this day.

October 29, 2017, 10-11 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. The day is quite intense emotionally. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned activities, otherwise you may encounter problems. You should not make appointments with those who are not related to you, no matter how important they may seem - this communication will not bring success.

October 30, 2017, 11-12 lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces. On this day, it is not advisable to undertake or start anything. It’s good to pay off debts and fulfill promises, especially to children. Refrain from visiting places with a lot of people. Forgive the offenders.

October 31, 2017, 12-13 lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces. On the last, final day of the month, you should not show any destructive emotions. This is a period of some kind of completion, but at the same time it clears the way for a new cycle. Today you can light a candle, close your eyes and mentally imagine how November will go for you.

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Fifty to seventy percent of people worldwide are affected by disease magnetic storms. It is known that different people the beginning of the body's stress response to disturbances in the geomagnetic field may shift relative to the very moment of increase in geomagnetic activity. Some people react by feeling worse just in the midst of a magnetic storm. Others experience a deterioration in their condition 1-2 days before this moment, when flares on the surface of the Sun are still being observed. The third one becomes ill only after a certain period of time after the end of the magnetic storm. Therefore, you need to analyze changes in your well-being in connection with the forecast of the geomagnetic situation. This is the only way to reveal individual characteristics reactions of your body to changes in geomagnetic activity.

Halloween. On the 31st, or more precisely, on the night from November 31 to November 1, Halloween is celebrated. In 2017, this night falls from Tuesday to Wednesday. This holiday originated in what is now Great Britain and Ireland, its roots go back to ancient culture Celtic tribes. Halloween is a traditional holiday with a long history in English-speaking countries. Emigration of residents of Great Britain and Ireland to the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand became the reason for the spread of traditions to celebrate Halloween in these territories as well. Since the second half of the twentieth century, the theme of Halloween began to appear in works of art: episodes in literature and cinema began to be dedicated to this holiday, which contributed to the emergence of interest in the symbols and traditions of Halloween in all European countries, as well as in the CIS countries, including Russia. Until the early 90s of the last century, this holiday was practically unknown in the CIS countries, but in last decades The audience of Halloween fans has expanded significantly. In the post-Soviet space, Halloween is especially popular among young people and students. Many entertainment venues hold themed events on this night.

Nowadays, only a number of funny and exciting traditions have been preserved from the ancient majestic festival. During Halloween, many of the world's largest cities organize various "horrible" attractions. A Halloween parade is held in New York, which is usually broadcast by major television channels. Up to 2,000,000 demonstrators take part in this event. In Japan, parades are also held, and in Ireland, this holiday is celebrated with large-scale fireworks. Baltimore has a tradition of pumpkin throwing. This is a kind of competition for the most effective invention that will allow a pumpkin to survive when dropped from the 10th floor...

There is a tradition of dressing up in costumes on Halloween night. evil spirits and various monsters. Masquerade costumes for Halloween usually come in rich colors of red and black. The most popular images are vampires, witches, ghouls, skeletons, devils and ghosts. But there are no strict dress code rules during Halloween: you can dress the way you like. Costumes of presidents, pop stars, famous personalities, movie characters, cartoon characters and so on. Everyone spends time in bars, where competitions are held for the most shocking, “sophisticated” and original costume.

It is also common to tell fortunes on Halloween. The girls eat the apple and throw the peel behind their backs. Allegedly, by the shape of a fallen apple peel you can guess the first letter of the betrothed's name. By the way, apples are a mandatory ingredient in most traditional dishes on Halloween. They bake special raisin bread, in which a coin, a sliver, a ring, a pea and a cloth are baked. Based on the object that you get while eating this bread, you can predict the future: a coin means prosperity, a cloth means poverty, a sliver means a lot of annoying troubles, a ring means a wedding, and a pea means loneliness. Even during Halloween, you can tell fortunes with chestnuts: for this, women put 2 chestnuts in the flames of a fire. If the chestnuts burn, lying calmly nearby, then until the next Halloween the woman will live in harmony with her husband. If the chestnuts crack and fly apart different sides- quarrels, disagreements and separation are coming.

A mandatory Halloween attribute is a Jack-o'-lantern (a head made of a pumpkin with a candle inside and a carved mouth and eyes). This symbol simultaneously signifies the completion of agricultural work and evil spirit, and the flame of fire that scares him away. In such a bizarre way, various ancient images and beliefs are intertwined in one object. There is an Irish tale that explains the origin of this Halloween symbol:

One night from November 31 to November 1, a drunkard blacksmith named Stingy Jack was in a pub indulging in his favorite vice. He had already reached such a state that he freely communicated with devils, and his soul had matured to the point that the Devil himself became interested in it. Stingy Jack agreed to sell him his soul for a glass of beer. Then the Devil turned into a coin so that Jack could buy himself a drink. The cunning drunk, instead of buying beer, threw the coin into his pocket, and there he had a silver cross. The devil fell into a trap and experienced terrible torment from his proximity to the cross. He begged Stingy Jack for release, and Jack finally let him go, but before that he bargained for himself a dozen years of a calm and comfortable existence. After 10 years, the Devil came to Stingy Jack again. Jack reminded him of how humanely he had acted by letting him go, and asked him to fulfill his last wish - to give him an apple from the apple tree. Then the Devil climbed onto Jack's shoulders to reach the branch with the apple. At this time, the cunning Stingy Jack managed to quickly scratch a cross on the tree bark. So the Devil again fell into a trap. This time he swore that he would never take Stingy Jack's soul at all. Be that as it may, after some time Jack died. It is clear that the soul of this drunkard and sinner was not allowed into heaven and was sent to hell. But on the threshold of the underworld, the Devil blocked her path and said: “I vowed not to take your soul. I can’t let you in!” Stingy Jack asked: “Where should I go?” The devil replied: “Back where he came from.” As a result, Jack's soul could not find its place in either hell or heaven and was doomed to wander in eternal darkness. One day Jack asked the Devil to give him at least some source of light. And the Devil pulled out a smoldering coal from the fire of hell, such that it could never burn out, and threw it to Stingy Jack. Jack had turnips with him - his favorite food. He cut out the middle of it, put the coal inside and went to wander in the darkness, searching and not finding peace. Since then, he was no longer called Stingy Jack, and he received his new name, Jack the Lantern. And to this day, the Jack Lantern wanders in the dark, waiting Last Judgment. He became a symbol of the rejected and damned soul. Such a fairy tale!

Over the long history of Halloween celebrations, scary faces with candles inside were made from beetroot, turnips and potatoes, but pumpkin was the best choice for creating a Jack-O-Lantern. Tradition chose this one. Halloween is a fun and cheerful holiday and every year it becomes more and more confident in our lives.

It can be very different: beautiful and not quite, dirty and clean, warm and cool... Much is determined by the presence of sunlight - if the sun is shining, then the day turns out to be bright and clear, and our mood becomes the same; If the sun is not visible because of heavy gray clouds, then on such a cloudy day waves of autumn despondency roll in. So people treat it differently: some love it for its unique yellow-crimson extravaganza, cool weather and cozy warm sweaters, while others cannot stand the cold, dampness and darkness at all, and therefore eagerly dream of the coming of a warm spring. How do you feel about the second one? autumn month? Many people adhere to the stereotype that autumn is a period of time intended for self-pity and sadness; in the fall, melancholy falls on them, they become depressed. If you, or someone you know, is one of those people prone to autumn gloom, try to focus on all the positive things that this time of year brings with it. After all, indeed, there is nothing bad in this month, and you should always enjoy life! The sweltering summer heat is over, the annoying flies and mosquitoes have disappeared... in between boring autumn rains There are unusually clear days. And the cool air is sometimes so fresh that it is simply impossible to breathe it. And rainy days are not at all as terrible as they might seem at first glance. Remember how nice it is when outside it's raining, and with a cup of hot coffee and looking at the raindrops on the window glass - nature is seething, everything is flooded with rain, gusts of cold wind, and you are warm and comfortable... they are finishing harvesting, and the markets are still full delicious vegetables and freshly harvested fruits... You can still find a lot of mushrooms in the forest... The beauty of nature has been said more than once, and in the cities this month cultural life is in full swing - many concerts and exhibitions are taking place just in 2017.

Magnetic storms - schedule for October 2017. Unfavorable days in October 2017 was last modified: October 27th, 2017 by Magnetic storms