Strelnikova breathing exercises complex. Strelnikova's paradoxical breathing exercises

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova was a singer and actress who once lost her voice. In addition, she suffered from a choking cough. Her mother helped her to recover, voice teacher Alexander Severov. She picked up a set of breathing exercises for her daughter, which helped to quickly restore the ligaments and voice, and at the same time improve the general condition of the body.

Alexandra Nikolaevna took into account the experience of her mother, supplemented and systematized these exercises. As a vocal teacher, she worked with singers, set their voices, offering them to perform the exercises that once helped her out for chants and restoring the sound of the voice. Gradually, she noticed that proper breathing affects not only the voice and its sound, but also the body as a whole. Especially on the respiratory organs. Alexandra Strelnikova continued her experience on sick people. And what was her surprise when the technique began to help her patients. The fame of the healing properties of breathing exercises soon spread throughout Moscow and throughout the country. In the early seventies of the last century, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova received a patent for the breathing exercises she developed and since then began to officially help asthmatics.

The essence of breathing according to the Strelnikova method

The essence of Strelnikova's technique is proper breathing. The author tested all the developed exercises of Strelnikov directly on herself.

The main feature of this breathing gymnastics is a special breathing technique, in which the main attention is paid to the duration of breath holding and exhalation. Inhalation should be energetic, powerful, through the nose, and exhalation should be passive, slow, smooth. All movements are performed at the same pace, but energetically. Breaths of air are performed in multiple series (from 4 to 32 times). After that, a break of 3-5 seconds is taken for a short rest.

During exercise, it is forbidden to hold air when inhaling and exhaling. Correctly performed inhalation is carried out simultaneously with compression chest, as a result of which oxygen enters the tissues of the body faster, saturates them with oxygen and improves well-being. All charging movements are performed along with exhalations.

Through a coordinated combination of breathing and movement, the development of the muscles associated with breathing is stimulated. They become stronger and get stronger faster.

It is noteworthy that the technique of Alexandra Strelnikova gives a very fast result. If you perform a set of exercises recommended by the author, the effect can be felt on yourself after 15 minutes.

To understand whether you are doing gymnastics correctly, your condition will help. If breathing has become easier, lightness has appeared in the body, efficiency has increased, mood has improved, there is a surge of strength, you are doing everything right.

It is noteworthy that breathing exercises can be successfully carried out while walking on fresh air, while resting. It is ideal for both individual and group lessons. It is enough to take a few “correct” breaths at an average pace. For example, eight breaths, a short pause of 3-5 seconds, eight more breaths. In 20-30 minutes of such charging, the body will have enough time to saturate with oxygen.

Who shows Strelnikova's breathing exercises

Properly performed breathing exercises Alexandra Strelnikova has practically no contraindications. It is ideal for men and women, children, young people, middle-aged people and the elderly.

Breathing exercises can be used as a prophylactic against respiratory diseases in children. She copes well with asthma in children and adults. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews published in print media, on Internet forums, and in social networks.

Indications for breathing exercises are diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system,
  • respiratory tract,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • nervous system,
  • urinary system,
  • thyroid gland,
  • digestion,
  • voice device.

Successfully use breathing exercises for:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • allergies,
  • overweight,
  • snoring,
  • viral diseases,
  • anemia,
  • diabetes,
  • stuttering
  • nicotine addiction,
  • deviated nasal septum,
  • stuttering
  • during the normal course of pregnancy.

Contraindications for breathing exercises

Despite the usefulness of breathing exercises, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting training. This is especially necessary in the presence of chronic diseases, so that the doctor correctly determines the degree of load and intensity of exercise.

The first workouts should be done with caution. At this time, you should listen to your body and its reactions to exercise. Start with minimum load, then at normal condition- Gradually increase it. At the first stages of gymnastics, it can be difficult for the body to adjust to deep breathing, so you need to do it without fanaticism. In this case, the “do no harm” rule should be followed.

Breathing exercises are contraindicated in:

  • fever and high fever
  • severe diseases of organs and body systems,
  • brain injury,
  • concussion,
  • chronic cervical osteochondrosis,
  • spinal injuries,
  • severe myopia and glaucoma,
  • stone disease of the kidneys and gallbladder,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • bleeding
  • high arterial, ocular or intracranial pressure.

Breathing exercises

Full complex breathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova consists of more than a dozen exercises. One basic complex includes 12 exercises. But you don't have to master them all. At first, it is enough to study three or four exercises and regularly perform them, gradually adding new ones to them.

"Fists" or "Palms"

For this exercise, turn your open palms away from you, bend your elbows and raise them vertically, as psychics do. Take noisy, powerful breaths, sharply clenching your palms into fists. Repeat the exercise 4 times, exhaling slowly each time. Then take a short break and repeat the exercise again. The entire series must be completed 24 times.


Stand in the starting position (stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders relaxed, head raised). Clench your hands into fists and place them at waist level. As you inhale, sharply throw your hands down, open your fists and spread your fingers. In this case, the "shoulder straps" - the muscles of the shoulders, forearms and hands should be in tension. One series of exercises consists of eight such breaths with a short pause of 3-5 seconds. In total, you need to complete 12 series of exercises.


Starting position, as in the exercise "Shoulder straps" (legs slightly wider than shoulders). Lower your shoulders, and stretch your arms along the body. Slowly bend down, imagine that you have a pump in your hands, inhale sharply and noisily. Then exhale slowly. The series consists of eight breaths with a short pause. There are 12 episodes in total.

These are the basic exercises. But in the Strelnikova complex there are still no less effective ones. Learn them and put them into practice. But do not forget to listen to your body, pay attention if pain occurs.

Answers to frequently asked questions

1. Who is A.N. Strelnikov?

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova (1912-1989) - opera singer, theater teacher, author of the respiratory gymnastics that bears her name. In the 30s of the last century she was a soloist of the Opera House under the direction of K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. Having lost her singing voice, she developed (together with her mother - A.S. Strelnikova) a set of breathing exercises, which later turned into a harmonious health system, successfully used in the treatment of a number of different diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, central nervous system, etc., etc.

2. What diseases helps gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova?

Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova has a complex effect on the whole organism as a whole, that is, it is a method of natural healing of the whole organism. It helps with a number of diseases. Since breathing is overriding function of the human body, with which all metabolic processes are associated (a person without food can live for several weeks, and without air - for several minutes), saturation of the body with oxygen activates the work of almost all internal organs, thereby helping the body to resist a variety of diseases. Strelnikova's breathing exercises are so popular because they are extremely effective! In Europe and America it is called "Russian National Gymnastics".

3. What is the difference between gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova from other breathing techniques?

The main difference between our gymnastics and all existing ones is that it is the only one of all that trains only the breath! Moreover, an unusual breath - noisy, short, active ... Like a prick, like a blow of a whip, like a shot from a pistol! ..

No wonder Alexandra Nikolaevna liked to say: “You need to attack the disease, and not defend yourself!”

4. What is the mechanism of action of Strelnikov's gymnastics?

The mechanism of action of the breathing exercises created by my teacher, unfortunately, has not yet been fully studied.

A short noisy breath through the nose goes to the maximum depth of the lungs. When inhaling, the lungs expand. Due to this, the vital capacity of the lungs (VC) increases. Uniformity of ventilation, gas exchange in lungs improve.

With a noisy short "Strelnikov's breath" the lungs are filled with air instantly from top to bottom. During Strelnikov's breathing exercises, there is an active rush of blood to all internal organs, they are "recharged". And if some organ “jumps”, then over time it starts to work much better.

5. What is the advantage of Strelnikov's gymnastics over the rest?

Strelnikova's gymnastics is extremely effective. And often my patients feel its healing effect literally after the very first treatment session. The nose begins to breathe better, cheerfulness appears, mood improves, pressure normalizes, headache and even lower temperatures.

Secondly, it is universal. It can be done not only standing, but also sitting, and in a serious condition even lying down! It can be performed on the go, between times, walking around the apartment, doing household chores. Or while walking in the park. It can be done by going up to the top floor. This gymnastics will help you climb the stairs without shortness of breath and without heart pain. Try to rise like this, “sniffing” at the same time as you put your foot on each subsequent step, and mentally counting 2 or 4. The result will pleasantly surprise you!

6. At what air temperature can you do gymnastics outside?

I recommend doing our gymnastics at +3 °C. Below - it is impossible, otherwise a person may become overcooled. Many people with weakened respiratory system there is a cold allergy, that is, an allergy to cold air. Therefore, do Strelnikov's gymnastics on the street at a temperature of +3 degrees and above.

7. How many times a day should Strelnikova do gymnastics?

You will find the answer to this question in all my books: twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. In the morning: before breakfast or 40 minutes after it. And in the evening: either before dinner, or after some time (30-40 minutes) after eating. If there is an opportunity to do gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova in the afternoon, please! It will be even better. Three times a day is more effective than two. One workout should take an average of 30-40 minutes. If it's a little more or less, don't worry. The main thing is to do the gymnastics correctly!

8. What mistakes do people most often make when doing Strelnikova's gymnastics?

Sometimes I receive such calls: “Mikhail Nikolaevich, I visited you 7 years ago, underwent a course of treatment, everything was fine. But recently I caught a bad cold. I started doing your gymnastics, but for some reason, as before, it doesn’t help me ... ”And when I call such a patient (or patient) for a“ control ”treatment session, I usually see two very common mistakes. These are: fast pace and excessive overexertion. The opposite situation is very rare - the patient begins to do gymnastics more slowly than necessary. So she stops helping him. These nuances are very important.

9. Does gymnastics have disadvantages?

I don’t know if this is a disadvantage or an advantage, but Strelnikova’s gymnastics is unusually specific. This is hidden behind seeming simplicity and accessibility. There are no trifles in Strelnikov’s gymnastics, everything is important in it: the technique of performing breathing exercises, and the tempo-rhythm (it can’t be faster or slower), and the dosage (you need to give each patient just as many breaths-movements necessary for the body of a particular person to go to " amendment"). After all, there are no two absolutely identical people in nature. That is why we need an individual approach to each patient, taking into account the diagnosis; history; age; physical condition on this moment; heredity; hormonal background; character and much more, which is noted by an experienced specialist only in personal communication with the patient. Therefore, only at a doctor's appointment, and in no case in absentia, the patient can receive the help necessary for recovery.

10. Are there any contraindications to doing gymnastics?

You can not do breathing exercises in a room with a freshly painted floor; in a dusty, very stuffy and heavily polluted room, as well as near the highway and in the immediate vicinity of the car's exhaust pipe. I do not recommend doing it in front of a fire with a suffocating pungent smell of smoke.

When performing Strelnikov's gymnastics, there are certain restrictions. They are listed in all my books: head injuries, spinal injuries, stones in the liver, kidneys, bladder, etc.

Special mention should be made of the "contraindications" indicated in the books of other authors writing about breathing exercises Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova. I would like to ask these authors: “Gentlemen! And how do you know what contraindications our gymnastics have ?!. Do you treat your patients with it? .. You spent in the clinics where you work, Scientific research of this technique, in which these very “your” contraindications were revealed? .. When did you manage to do all this? In what year, in what clinic, what research methods of our gymnastics did you use?..

And you, gentlemen, without a twinge of conscience confidently give your recommendations to gullible readers? .. Yes, be afraid of God! .. What right do you have to a technique that has nothing to do with you ?!.

11. Does gymnastics have A.N. Strelnikova side effects?

From my 35 years of practice, I know that sometimes (not for everyone and not always) slight dizziness is possible at the beginning of a workout. But it usually goes away by the end of the treatment session. A slight muscular crepitus is possible (the neck, arms in the elbow and shoulder joints and legs under the knees slightly ache). But after a couple of days of regular daily training (if you do the breathing exercises correctly, without muscle strain), the discomfort in the body disappears, and it becomes more mobile and obedient.

These "side effects" that I am writing about can sometimes occur in a person who has begun to engage in Strelnikov's gymnastics. I repeat: just starting to practice. And, as a rule, at the beginning of a workout, that is, in the first two or three sessions.

If a person is very tense, makes too sudden movements (bows low, turns sharply, etc., etc.), that is, in fact, he does not know correct technique performing Strelnikov's breathing exercises, his arms, legs, neck, lower back and even his head may ache.

That is why any practical method is best performed under the supervision of a specialist.

1 2. At what age can a child be taught Strelnikov's gymnastics?

I take children from the age of 4 for treatment. Sometimes I make an exception for those kids whose parents managed to teach them to “sniff” their noses correctly even after 3 years.

In general, Alexandra Nikolaevna and I have always had and still have such an “unshakable” rule for children up to 7 years old inclusive: one of the parents comes to the first treatment session alone, without a child. And he receives a full-fledged treatment session, at the end of which the parent is explained how to deal with the baby at home.

Firstly, there are practically no healthy people now, so our gymnastics will be useful for the parent himself. Secondly, he will know the specifics of classes with young children (it is described in detail in my manual book "Strelnikov's breathing exercises for children").

At home, such an adult will be able to independently educate his child. A baby is brought to me already prepared, trained. And he, as a rule, already performs our breathing exercises without any whims. The effectiveness of treatment from this is undeniably higher.

13. What exercises do you need to start mastering Strelnikov's gymnastics?

From the very beginning, that is, from the first three exercises: "Palms", "Shoulders" and "Pump". These are the initial exercises of the Basic Complex of Strelnikov's Breathing Gymnastics, which is described in all my books. These first three exercises are not only possible, but also necessary to be done with any, I repeat: absolutely any diseases, because breathing, and even more so, breathing correctly, has never been contraindicated to anyone!

14. When can I start doing exercises from the auxiliary complex?

You can start mastering the exercises of the so-called Auxiliary complex only after you have worked out all the exercises of the Main one, starting with the “Palms” and ending with the “Steps”. Only after you perfectly, absolutely correctly perform the entire Main Complex in terms of technique, when our gymnastics begins to really invigorate you, and your body begins to receive physical pleasure from performing breathing exercises, only then can you add additional breathing exercises to the basic breathing exercises. But this is already three or four months after the daily, at least two-time performance of the entire Basic complex of Strelnikov's breathing exercises.

You need to conduct training only in this way: first, you did the entire Main complex, starting with the “Palms” and ending with the “Steps”, and after the “Steps”, do the exercises from the Auxiliary complex.

15. After what time can you feel the therapeutic effect of gymnastics, when will the result be?

The result of treatment depends on many factors. First of all, three factors are important:

1. What makes a person sick.

2. How old is he.

3. How correctly and seriously he is engaged in Strelnikov's breathing exercises.

On average, it takes one month of daily classes twice a day (in the morning and in the evening for 30 minutes) in order to feel the effectiveness of our gymnastics. Although there are improvements not only after several days of regular classes, but even after the very first treatment session in the clinic where I see my patients. Breathing improves, shortness of breath is relieved, pressure normalizes, cheerfulness appears, mood improves, excitement goes away, cough decreases and even stops, the head may stop hurting and the temperature drops. That is why I recommend doing our gymnastics when you feel unwell not twice a day, but several times a day (every 2-3 hours). And you will definitely feel better.

16. Is it possible to take medications in parallel with gymnastics?

You can, because they were prescribed to you by the doctor who treated you. How can a type 1 diabetic manage without insulin? Or a severe hormone-dependent asthmatic without steroids? He can simply suffocate during the next attack of suffocation, because an ordinary inhaler no longer helps.

I do not treat with drugs, I get rid of drugs. Any patient who comes to me - a heart patient, an asthmatic, a hypertensive patient, who takes medications - is my task to get rid of medications. Which is what I do in the vast majority of cases.

But it is impossible to immediately cancel all the medicines that the doctor has prescribed and that the patient has been taking for several or even many years! It is necessary to gradually reduce the dosage against the background of daily correct execution breathing exercises of Strelnikovskaya gymnastics under the supervision of a doctor.

I tell my patients this: “The human body is not a chemical factory for the processing of pharmaceutical industry products: we treat one thing, “heal” another!” – Considering that almost all drugs have side effects.

But I repeat once again: only a specialist should participate in any method of treatment!

1 7. Is it necessary to do the entire basic complex or is it more correct to give preference to some individual exercises depending on the disease?

It is imperative to do the entire Main Complex of Strelnikov's breathing exercises, and not to "procrastinate" some two or three exercises. It harmoniously affects all internal organs. There is no such organ in the human body that would function separately (autonomously) from the whole organism. The human body consists of many organs and systems, on the "well-coordinated work" of which his well-being, his health, his life expectancy depend. Therefore, it is impossible to influence only one organ or one part of the body (it is not advisable to train only the arms or only the legs). must happen harmonious development of all parts of the body, all internal organs of the human body.

18. Is it possible to include dumbbell gymnastics and additional strength exercises in the complex?

In fact, our gymnastics does not need "improvement", it is unusually effective without this. My teacher passed away twenty-four years ago, and all these years I have been fighting for the authenticity of performing Strelnikov’s breathing exercises, fighting plagiarists who “tear apart” a unique technique, disfiguring its description, emasculating the unique, purely Strelnikov’s manner of explaining natural physiological processes occurring in the human body, thereby reducing the phenomenal effectiveness of the "national heritage" of Russia.

I, as a student and the only creative heir of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, recommend doing our gymnastics in exactly the unique version in which it was performed during the life of Alexandra Nikolaevna, as it is described in my books and how it helps my patients in those medical institutions where I work.

Many times at meetings with readers of my books, I heard, for example, such words: “Working in the country, I get very tired: my blood pressure jumps, my heart aches. But the dacha feeds me, because you can’t live on one pension ... I began to attend your classes at the clinic. I took several treatment sessions, went to the dacha to plant a garden. I had to dig a bed for onions. Before that, I “breathed” for about 20 minutes, as you taught me. I started to dig. I came to my senses when I dug up almost half of the site. And no fatigue, no shortness of breath - nothing! .. "

First, do our gymnastics, and then you can run cross-country, skiing, swimming, wrestling, any sports games, and so on. After any physical activity, do a couple of "hundreds" of the "Pump" exercise, and your breathing will quickly recover.

As for exercises with dumbbells, the load is selected strictly individually. The only recommendation I can give without seeing young man who wants to “pump up” the muscles in his arms (biceps): first do our entire Main complex of 3 “thirty” (i.e., “hundred” of each exercise) from start to finish. And only after that do 96 (“hundred”) exercises “Hug your shoulders” with dumbbells of 0.5 kg (i.e. 500 grams in weight), resting after every 16 or even after every “eight” breaths-movements.

19. What are "sound exercises" and when should they be done?

When actors and singers with “torn” voices come to me for treatment (with singing nodules on the vocal folds, with hemorrhage, with “lack of connection”, etc.), then in addition to breathing exercises at the end of the treatment session, I also give them additional special "sound" exercises for "staging" the voice. I give the same exercises to stutterers. Thus, laryngospasm of any severity is eliminated. That is, our gymnastics, together with "sound" exercises, cures diseases of the vocal apparatus, including stuttering.

I make not only singers and actors, but also stutterers, sing in my treatment sessions. In general, singing is good for health, singing heals. It strengthens not only the nervous system, but also the psyche, increases emotional and vitality.

People who love to sing and often sing (not necessarily professionally, but “for themselves”, in everyday life) are more durable. And after all, Strelnikov's breathing exercises were originally invented specifically for singers who lost their voices. That is why the voice improves even from one breathing exercise. Before a concert or before a performance, it is enough for a singer or actor to “breathe along Strelnikova” for 10-15 minutes - and his voice sounds louder, cleaner, louder. So sing, gentlemen, sing to your health!

20. What is the "Urological complex" of Strelnikova's breathing exercises?

Alexandra Nikolaevna and I always had men and women with problems “below the belt” come to us for treatment. Strelnikovskaya breathing exercises cause a sharp rush of blood to the pelvic organs, thereby eliminating congestion in them and relieving inflammation.

At the doctor’s appointment, a confidential conversation with the patient is very important, since the sphere is intimate, the topic is sensitive, there are many complexes, there are few hopes ...

My first patients, whom Alexandra Nikolaevna gave me “for practice”, were precisely men who had urological problems. Therefore, in almost every book of mine there is a chapter on "Sexual Disorders" in both men and women. Even the brochures "Urological Diseases" and "Sexual Attraction" were published, in which there is a so-called "Urological Complex" for men with diseases such as prostatitis, impotence, varicocele, phimosis, etc., and a "Gynecological Complex" for women with uterine fibroids, tubal obstruction, ovarian cysts, endometriosis and other diseases of the genitourinary system. By performing special breathing exercises, you can not only push back menopause and prolong the reproductive period of a woman, but also make her intimate life brighter and fuller.

After all, the health of a woman largely depends on the man walking with her through life.

And the health of a man and the duration of his life depend on the state of his sexual sphere. With the extinction of sexual function in men, working capacity decreases, character traits that were previously unusual for him intensify and even appear: suspicion, suspiciousness, irritability, anger. According to many psychologists and sexologists, men with a sharply reduced potency often fall into depression, from which it is almost impossible to get them out.

And since Strelnikov’s breathing exercises make all hormone-producing organs work actively, the production of male sex hormones also normalizes. Men of all ages, do Strelnikov's gymnastics and you will be happy not only in intimate life!

21. Can Strelnikova do breathing exercises while walking?

Can. First of all, you can do it by moving from room to room, around the apartment. For each step, “sniff” with your nose, mentally counting the breaths with steps: one, two, one, two (these are 2 breaths-steps). Or one, two, three, four. And again: one, two, three, four. Step - inhale, step - inhale. You don’t need to count 8 breaths-steps, because the apartments of most Russian citizens are not very large, you won’t run away. Therefore, it is better to count 2 or 4 steps-inspiration. And like this, “sneak”, walking around the apartment, moving from room to room. You can squat slightly with each step, do a light, dancing squat. Walk around the apartment and dance, briefly and noisily “sniffing” with your nose at every step, sit down.

In the same way, you can “walk” along the boulevard, along the square, along the street. But I remind you that the temperature on outdoors must be at least 3 degrees above zero.

22. Is it possible to combine Strelnikova's breathing exercises with Buteyko breathing? How do you feel about this radically opposite system?

Normal attitude, positive. Even before Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, I attended the classes of Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, hoping to recover from bronchial asthma. That was a long time ago. Konstantin Pavlovich then still lived in Novosibirsk and visited Moscow on short visits. I "caught" him on every visit, working with other asthmatics in different parts of Moscow. Konstantin Pavlovich told me: “You breathe deeply! ..” And I was perplexed: how can I breathe deeply if I don’t have enough air at the same time ?!

I studied very hard and persistently for a year, but it didn’t make me feel better. On the contrary, fear also increased - he tried to control his every breath, he began to sleep badly at night. On one of his visits to Moscow, Konstantin Pavlovich, seeing my deteriorating condition, advised me to start taking hormones. Hormonal preparations were also offered to me by other doctors, to whom I had previously addressed. But I tried to grasp at any straw - just to avoid taking hormones. So I left K.P. Buteyko. He went to Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

And for 35 years now I have been thanking the Lord every day for bringing me to Strelnikova! If this had not happened, it is terrible to imagine what would have happened to me.

Of course, if Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko could cure me, I would be his devoted student (my parents taught me to say “thank you” for everything good in life).

But it was not Buteyko who saved me, it was A.N. Strelnikov. Therefore, I treat patients not with Buteyko breathing, but with breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova.

I have seen patients benefit from Buteyko breathing. Therefore, each person has the right to choose the method that, in his opinion, is more effective, which helps him. Buteyko or Strelnikov - the right to choose is for everyone.

However, these two methods are completely incompatible. Try both. And, of course, leave and do only the method that helps you personally.

23. Is it possible to do gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova based on books by other authors?

You can, but you don't have to! For the task of other authors is not to cure, but to earn! Thanks, of course, to all other authors who write books about Strelnikov's gymnastics, but she does not need such advertising. I lost count of the patients I had to retrain (and this is always more difficult), who got worse, who because of this stopped doing our gymnastics. But in many cases it is the only salvation from pain, from suffocation, from bad mood. Therefore, do not do our gymnastics according to the books of other authors, you risk harming your health!

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As humanity develops, more and more diseases appear. Pharmaceutical companies are investing millions in the development of a variety of drugs, but ordinary people are increasingly giving preference to folk and alternative methods recovery of the body. Modern medicine has long proven that a complete saturation of the body with oxygen can save a person from excess weight and help to cope with some serious diseases.

Breathing exercises are recognized worldwide as one of the ways to improve human health.

Based on the characteristics of the human body with the help of breathing to fight diseases, various methods of a healthy lifestyle and cure for ailments have been developed. In Western countries, breathing exercises were implemented in the direction of a healthy lifestyle "oxysize" or "bodyflex", and in the East a fashionable movement "qigong" appeared.

On the territory of the former Soviet Union Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova's gymnastics is considered the most popular and effective method of healing, based on breathing exercises.

Initially, A. Strelnikova's breathing exercises were intended to restore her singing voice, and she did an excellent job with this. And later, when people began to notice positive changes in other aspects of health, after carrying out these breathing exercises, Strelnikova's gymnastics began to be used to treat many diseases.

This breathing technique really helped to cure diseases, became effective tool fight against many human ailments. Subsequently, it gained wide popularity and was even recognized by the Ministry of Health of the Union, and Strelnikova received a document confirming the copyright for the developed methodology.

Alexandra Nikolaevna began her career as an opera diva in the first half of the last century, and after the 2nd World War she became a well-known vocal teacher in the USSR.

The impetus for the development of unique gymnastics was the loss of voice. The way to restore ligaments with the help of breathing exercises was suggested to the singer by her mother. Gradually, the individual elements of the methodology formed a whole system, which turned out to be unusually effective.

In 1972, Strelnikova officially registered her invention with the All-Union Research Institute of State Patent Examination, having received a copyright certificate for it.

Currently, the Center for Respiratory Gymnastics, named after its founder, operates in the capital. The application of this technique has been repeatedly tested in medical institutions of various types, and studies each time confirmed its effectiveness.

Is voice loss such a common problem, readers will ask us. Why are these exercises so popular? The thing is that Strelnikova's method has a beneficial effect not only on the state of the ligaments, but also on the blood, muscles, and respiratory organs.

With this method you can:

  1. Raise the general tone.
  2. Cure asthma, logoneurosis, angina pectoris, tuberculosis.
  3. To get rid of bad habits(smoking).
  4. Deal with obesity.

The mechanism of action of the exercises is based on breaths of different frequency and intensity, in which the diaphragm is actively involved. And exhalation, according to Alexandra Nikolaevna, should be carried out spontaneously with the “ejection” of everything unnecessary.

As a preventive measure or for the treatment of diseases, breathing exercises must be done daily for 1 hour. Repeat the exercises both in the morning and in the evening. M.N. Shchetinin (a student of Strelnikova, the creator and leader of the Center mentioned above) recommends 12-15 sessions.

Specific exercises largely depend on the purpose for which they are used. Not having the opportunity to seek help from specialists, they can watch a video of Strelnikova's breathing exercises and master the technique on their own.

The main principles of breathing exercises A. Strelnikova

The main feature of respiratory gymnastics was special breathing technique - energetic inhalation and passive exhalation.
As when sniffing, the air should be inhaled through the nose quickly and noisily, and exhaled through the half-open mouth, trying not to strain at all.

An important point technique, it is considered that all gymnastic movements should be performed along with exhalations. With this strategy, the muscles become more resilient and strengthen faster. Like many other types of gymnastics, all movements are counted at the same pace, calmly, but energetically.

Movements - breaths of air should take place in multiple series (for example, from 4 to 32 times). And between such series of exercises, short pauses are made - from about 3 to 5 seconds, for a short rest. Strelnikova's complete gymnastics complex consists of more than a dozen different exercises, but only a few of them are considered the main ones.

Indications and benefits of breathing exercises

In fact, Strelkova's breathing exercises, if done correctly and in good health, have no contraindications. However, each of us is worried about something, and sometimes we suffer from some kind of ailment. Therefore, this gymnastics, as well as any effect on the body, must be treated with caution. Let's find out what indications and contraindications, benefits and harms Strelnikova's breathing exercises can bring and in what cases this most often happens.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova are not prohibited during a normal pregnancy. Most often, it is used as a preventive technique for respiratory diseases, especially in children. At right approach, it is able to cure asthma in children, as evidenced by many positive reviews on the Internet, in print media and on television. She is the best at dealing with this illness.

Also, according to many active followers of Strelnikova,gymnastics helps with:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • heart and blood vessels;
  • musculoskeletal system and nervous system;
  • genitourinary system;
  • digestion, thyroid gland;
  • allergies; viruses; obesity snoring curvature of the nasal septum; diabetes mellitus; anemia; nicotine addiction; stuttering.

Breathing gymnastics by A. Strelnikova has gained great popularity in countries former USSR

Contraindications and possible harm from breathing exercises

If you suffer from chronic diseases, you should be very careful about breathing exercises. At first, the intensity of classes should be minimal, and later increase.

It is important to gradually increase the load in order to reach a good pace without harm to health. The main thing to remember is that improperly performed exercises can bring not good, but harm. At the beginning of the lesson, it is worth resting more often in between sets. When the body is not yet accustomed, it is difficult for it to cope with the increased loads and the results of deep active breathing.

Harm from gymnastics can be in the following cases:

- osteochondrosis of the upper spine;
- injuries of the spine and head;
- acute thrombophlebitis;
- internal bleeding;
- high blood pressure (arterial, ocular, intracranial);
heat body.
Also, do not smoke during periods of gymnastics.

Advantages of gymnastics Strelnikova , as an independent method of healing and getting rid of diseases, consists in a general positive effect on the body. The organs of the body are saturated with oxygen much more than in ordinary life improves metabolism and blood circulation.

Most often, gymnastics normalizes breathing, restores the strength of the vocal cords, calms the nerves, gets rid of allergies and bronchial asthma, develops the lungs and strengthens muscles, lowers blood pressure and relieves pain during various attacks.

Despite the majority of positive reviews from the use of breathing exercises on oneself, there are also negative examples of its use. Harm from gymnastics occurs in people whose body cannot tolerate respiratory stress. or has an individual intolerance to breathing technique.

In some negative cases of its use, people did not familiarize themselves with the contraindications and did some harm to themselves while doing gymnastics.

So that gymnastics does not cause harm, it is best to consult with your doctor before classes. . Only he knows the characteristics of your body and can unequivocally answer whether you should try this method of self-treatment. In any case, Strelnikova's breathing exercises brought a lot of benefits. different people around the world, so many use it on themselves and recommend it to others.

Breathing exercises

Video tutorials on how to do Strelnikova's gymnastics

The benefits of breathing exercises for strength of mind and self-confidence

AT modern world the opportunity to be in silence with your thoughts is quite rare. Regular breathing exercises will help to establish harmony with yourself, put your mind and body in order, improve psycho-emotional and physical health.

The practice of gymnastics has helped many people, the results are fraught with an incomparable feeling of unity with oneself.

According to psychotherapists, by performing breathing exercises, a person gains unity with himself, harmony, comprehends the ability to find a solution to many problems: to find inner peace, weed out and remove worries and heavy thoughts.

Perhaps that is why Strelnikova's gymnastics has helped so many people and has been practiced for many years, gaining more and more new fans.

Interesting fact! Scientists have long established that there is a connection between the internal psychological state of a person and his immunity. The ability, with the help of simple breathing exercises, to bring the system of internal organs to work by filling it with oxygen, helps to increase the body's resistance to various diseases.

For whom is breathing exercises especially useful?

Frequent practice of breathing exercises is especially beneficial for middle-aged and elderly people. During this age period, the regenerative abilities of the body decrease, resistance to diseases decreases and immunity decreases.

With the help of breathing practices, you can solve the feeling of inexplicable fear, panic conditions, heart palpitations and sudden attacks of psychosomatic asthma. Just 1 hour of practice will help relieve psycho-emotional stress, gain confidence and breathe deeply.

Popular Action Exercises

Exercise "Fire breath"

This exercise is able to clear the mind and replenish internal energy. Performing it is quite simple.

  1. Straighten your back, close your eyes.
  2. We connect together on each hand the index and thumbs so that they join together. The other fingers should be stretchable.
  3. We direct the palms up. Hands should be on your knees. The hands rest with the wrists on the knees. You need to breathe through your nose.
  4. We try to keep our attention on direct breathing. After each exhalation, we powerfully compress the abdominal muscles.
  5. We exhale air sharply, only through the nose.
  6. We press the stomach to the spine. Powerful exhalation.
  7. After - a short breath. Only the belly moves. We do not strain the press. The face is relaxed. The chest does not move.
  8. We rest for half a minute.

Repeat this at the end of each set. For the best effect from the practice, perform 3 sets of 10 times.

Exercise "20 breaths"

  1. Take 4 short breaths and then 4 short breaths.
  2. Then a deep breath in and out. We breathe through the nose.
  3. Perform each hike through the nose. Perform each approach 4 times. You should get 20 exhalations and inhalations, without stopping. Everything is done without interruption.
  4. Breathing is whole and coherent. After a while, the in-breaths and out-breaths will become conscious and relaxed and become continuous. Gradually you will reach the pace that suits you best.

With regular performance of this exercise, breathing cycles are normalized and nervous tension is relieved.

Exercise "Tonic and relaxing"

This exercise cleanses the body, improves brain activity and strengthens the nervous system.

  1. We take the lotus position. Head, back, neck on the same line - straight. Shoulders are melted.
  2. We report the breath to the pulse. You need to feel the pulse on your hand and remember its rhythm.
  3. Continue execution to the rhythm of the pulse. In harmony with yourself.
  4. Deep breath, release the lungs. We inhale through the left nostril.
  5. We make a delay, exhale air through the right nostril, inhale with the right.
  6. Exhale with the left. We alternate. It turns out one cycle.

If on the count, then the following proportions should be observed: inhaled, one, pause, four, exhaled, two.

As a result of this exercise comes physical and emotional peace. A balance is achieved between the positive forces in the body. There is a proper redistribution of forces.

Maintaining the necessary state of internal balance with the help of breath holding helps to improve the functioning of the lungs, spleen, stomach, and intestines. Continuous Compliance correct technique breathing exercises reduces the risk of asthmatic and sclerotic phenomena.

Because breathing is life, and if you breathe properly, you will live long.

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Today, humanity is constantly experiencing unnatural interventions in the nature of our organisms, people go under the knife of plastic surgeons, take medications: all this is done with the cherished goal - improving the body, improving appearance, rejuvenation.

Modern people, based on the experience of other generations, are gradually convinced that only a healthy lifestyle will allow a person to get rid of many diseases and look good at any age. sports, proper nutrition not all that mankind has come up with to maintain health. Created special techniques for the restoration and maintenance of health, complexes of gymnastic exercises, methods. And Strelnikova's breathing exercises are no exception.

This method is a system of exercises. At the peak of her popularity, popular artists and Russian pop stars, such as Andrei Mironov, Margarita Terekhova, Laima Vaikule, Sofia Rotaru, Alla Pugacheva and others, were engaged in gymnastics.

Strelnikova's gymnastics is designed for the type of people who are actively engaged in recovery, want to improve their voice, struggle with respiratory diseases, strive to restore vigor of mind and body in a short time.

And the most amazing thing is that only 7-8 minutes a day are given for practicing the method.

The technique does not involve medical intervention. The author of the methodology, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, originally created this complex to restore the voice for singing.

The essence of the technique is extremely paradoxical and differs from the usual breathing exercises. Typically, breathing exercises focus on different durations of inhalation and exhalation. Strelnikova's exercises are accessible and easy to perform. The exercises are based on a strong forced inhalation through the nose and a smooth, calm exhalation.

According to Strelnikova, it is forbidden to hold air, as well as expel air from the lungs when exhaling. You need to learn how to combine an active and strong breath with chest compressions. Thanks to this breathing, oxygen penetrates into the tissues of the body and this leads to an improvement in human well-being.

Everyone knows that certain muscles of the body are associated with breathing. Breathing and muscles work in a coordinated and systematic way. The technique of breathing and movement stimulates the development of the muscles associated with breathing. Seen very quick effect from each correctly performed breathing exercise. The positive effect on the body and the benefits of Strelnikova's exercises are felt within 15 minutes after class. It is important to follow all the recommendations and then the desired result will not be long in coming: lightness will appear, performance will improve, you will feel ease of breathing, your mood will rise.

How was the complex born?

In the creative family of Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova, the daughter of Alexander was born. Alexandra Severovna taught singing at the Stanislavsky Opera and Drama Theater. Thanks to her mother's talent and the surrounding creative atmosphere, little Alexandra decided to devote herself to music and art and became an opera singer.

It is not all dreams come true quickly and easily. Little Sasha has many difficulties in store for her. She had a bad heart, which subsequently led to problems with the girl's breathing. Frequent suffocation gradually developed into a loss of voice. Then the already accomplished young singer lost the instrument with which she earned her bread. It was very difficult for her, but she could not give up her beloved work and the career of an opera singer.

The Strelnikovs were naturally fighters. Here the struggle for the ability to sing began. Mother and daughter worked with the breath. Developed necessary exercises. Gradually they developed a complex effective exercises based on correct breathing. Their work did not go unrewarded. Soon they returned Alexandra Nikolaevna's voice and the ability to sing. Alexandra no longer had problems with her voice, and she delighted the audience with her singing until old age.

Specialists, having studied the created set of exercises, have found its use in the treatment of other respiratory diseases, including sinusitis and bronchitis. Snoring can also be treated with the help of such correct breathing.

Advantages and disadvantages of the system

As in any system, the Strelnikova complex has its positive and negative points. Understanding this in more detail, you can understand that there are much more pluses.

People who are professionally engaged in speaking, for example, singers, actors, teachers, lecturers, announcers and others, can safely engage in Strelnikova training. These exercises focus on working with the muscles of the diaphragm. After all, it is the muscles of the diaphragm that allow you to control your voice and speak low, “on the bottom”.

Speaking on the "lower classes" is customary in theatrical circles. Ordinary people in Everyday life in the course of a conversation, they use ligaments, but people of art cannot afford such a luxury. The secret of the theater goer's voice is to be heard in the back rows great hall, they have to use a diaphragm.

Training not only puts your health in order, but also makes you the owner of a unique theatrical voice timbre.

It remains only to choose the method of training. It is better if this happens under the strict guidance of professionals. Specifically, in the special and only center of respiratory gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova. Only a student of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin, works there.

Be careful and vigilant. In case of improper exercise, the patient's health may deteriorate.

What does breathing exercises treat - indications for exercise

In fact, the number of ailments that can be cured with the help of Strelnikova's breathing exercises is large. The Soviet surgeon - otorhinolaryngologist Valentina Alexandrovna Zagoryanskaya-Feldman for many years witnessed the positive effect of the well-known technique on the voices of singers, actors with various diagnoses of the vocal apparatus.

If you ask yourself: what does Strelnikova's breathing exercises treat, then thirty years of observation by a Soviet surgeon led to the conclusion that this exercise is shown to everyone. Age does not matter. For children who are prone to frequent colds, such physical education will help improve metabolic processes and strengthen immunity.

Why recovery comes faster, reasons:

  • Better oxygenation of the blood, as the amount of air in the lungs increases,
  • The lungs are cleared of dust, gases, ventilated, thanks to the correct inhalation and exhalation,
  • Blood flows faster to the respiratory organs
  • Breathing becomes easier, freer, respiratory muscles are strengthened,
  • The muscles of the larynx begin to work better, relax. And breathe more freely.

Charging according to Strelnikova is also relevant in the fight against pneumonia and hypertension.

System efficiency

Gymnastics for breathing Strelnikova helps:

  • Speak,
  • Breathe,
  • Scream,
  • Sing.

The whole thing lies in a special right breath. It should be sharp and at the same time short. Simultaneously with inhalation, chest contraction occurs.

All over the world there are no similar methods in terms of their effectiveness.

Respiratory physical education, if the Strelnikova technique is used, involves all parts of the body: arms, legs, hips, shoulder girdle, press.

During exercise, oxygen deficiency occurs in the body. The technique involves a sharp breath and at the same time a calm and passive exhalation. Exercise stimulates active oxygenation of all organs and tissues at the cellular level.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Along with the positive aspects, there are also contraindications. And don't forget about them. People with elevated temperature body and with internal bleeding, this technique is contraindicated. In these cases, it will not only not help, but also harm the body.

Breathing according to Strelnikova has the following contraindications:

  • pathology of internal organs;
  • feverish state;
  • brain injury and spinal injury;
  • cervical osteochondrosis (old);
  • hypertension; increased ocular or intracranial pressure;
  • myopia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • stones in the gallbladder or kidneys;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

In order to find out if breathing exercises will harm you, you need to consult your doctor. He, in turn, will conduct a series of additional studies and tell his decision.

There are cases when a sparing gymnastics regimen improved the well-being of bedridden patients.

In other cases, Strelnikov's training is useful, safe and can cure respiratory pathologies.

How to train?

Before starting classes, it is advised to familiarize yourself with the rules:

  • noisy and active breath, reminiscent of clapping hands,
  • natural, smooth exhalation,
  • if not all the air came out through the nose, then the rest is exhaled through the mouth,
  • exercises are performed on the account,
  • you need to inhale and perform movements synchronously,
  • the number of exercises should be a multiple of 4,
  • exercises can be diluted with pauses of 10 seconds.

The key to the effectiveness of the system is the regularity of classes, good spirits, good mood. During classes, slight fatigue or dizziness is allowed. This is due to the fact that the brain is temporarily oversaturated with oxygen.

A set of exercises

There are 12 basic exercises. To begin with, it is recommended to master only three of them. Gradually, you can add a new exercise, and so on until the end of all 12.

Easy to use, suitable even for children. Starting position: arms bent at the elbows and lowered down. The palms are open and turned forward. As you inhale, quickly clench your palms into fists. Do not forget to take powerful breaths and smooth exhalations. We repeat 4 times. Pause 4 seconds.


We perform standing. Shoulders relaxed, head straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands hold fists at waist level. On inhalation, the hands go down, opening the palms. The movement is carried out abruptly. And so 8 times. Break 3 seconds.


Shoulders are relaxed, arms are freely lowered down. We make a slow tilt forward, at the same time sharply inhale and then exhale smoothly. The exercise is repeated 12 times. Pause - 3 seconds.


Standing, feet together, shoulders down, arms along the torso. While inhaling, we do a half-squat, turn the torso to the right. We change the position of the hands at the same time, bend at the elbows, squeeze the palms. On a slow exhale, we return to the starting position. Similarly in left side. And so on 8 times in each direction.

"Hug your shoulders"

Exercise for asthma patients. Hands at shoulder level, bent at the elbows. Right palm located above the left elbow, left above the right. On the inhale we make the shoulders, on the exhale we return to the starting position. We repeat 8 times.

"Head Turns"

Turn your head to the left while inhaling, exhale and turn your head forward. Likewise on the other side. 8 times in each direction.

"Big Pendulum"

The exercise consists of two simple ones. First, we perform the "Pump", then, without a pause, the exercise "Hug your shoulders" immediately. We do 8 movements.

We perform head movements, in which we alternately try to reach the left shoulder with the left ear and vice versa. Let's not forget to breathe. The body is relaxed, only the head works.


Strelnikova's respiratory gymnastics complex is an effective tool in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the vocal apparatus and breathing. It has practically no contraindications, easy to perform. Strelnikova separately developed a set of exercises for children, pregnant women, patients with bronchitis, asthma, gymnastics for weight loss, treatment of stuttering.

If there is a desire to get rid of respiratory problems, to improve your body, you can contact a special center for respiratory gymnastics under the guidance of M. N. Shchetinin, a student of Alexandra Strelnikova. Beware of scammers. Improper implementation of the complex can lead to the opposite results.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises are a non-drug healing method created at the turn of the 30s and 40s as a way to restore a singing voice. In 1972, the author of the method, teacher-phoniator Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, received a copyright certificate for her development, which passed the registration procedure by the State Institute of Patent Examination.

Since singing is the most complex function of the respiratory organs, gymnastic exercises that restore even a singing voice, on the way to achieving the goal, restore simpler functions, and first of all, normal breathing. As a result, daily exercises help stop asthma attacks, relieve headaches and heartaches, normalize blood pressure, strengthen immunity, and also increase mental and physical performance.

Indications for the use of exercises are:
- pneumonia and bronchitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- vasomotor rhinitis and sinusitis;
- skin diseases;
- violations of the musculoskeletal system (injuries of the spine, scoliosis, kyphosis);
- disorders and defects of the genitourinary system (enuresis, phimosis, etc.);
- stuttering and diseases of the vocal apparatus;
- Various neuroses.

Exercises (classes for various diseases)

Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova includes a lot of exercises, but the basic ones are three - “Palms”, “Pogonchiki” and “Pump”. These exercises are present in all specialized complexes aimed at the treatment of certain diseases.

1. Exercise "Palms".

Starting position - standing or sitting straight, arms bent at the elbows, palms directed away from you. Clench your palms into fists while taking sharp and noisy breaths. After completing a series of 8 breaths, take a short break and repeat the exercise (20 series of 8 breaths in total).,

2. Exercise "Carriers".

Starting position - standing or sitting straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, hands at waist level, palms clenched into fists. As you inhale, lower your arms sharply, unclenching your fists and spreading your fingers, and at this moment try to strain your hands and shoulders with maximum force. Do 8 sets of 8 times.

3. Exercise "Pump".

Starting position - standing or sitting straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width. Inhale loudly and slowly bend over, and then just as slowly return to the starting position, as if you were pumping. Do 8 sets of 8 times.

Gymnastics Strelnikova with bronchitis

With this disease, therapeutic exercises Strelnikova helps to facilitate coughing and stimulates the excretion of sputum. You should do 2 times a day for 30 minutes, performing the following exercises:

1. Exercise "Pump".

2. Exercise "Hug your shoulders."

Starting position - standing or sitting, arms bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level. Inhale sharply and at the same time move your hands towards each other, as if trying to wrap your arms around your shoulders. As you exhale, spread your arms slightly apart. For greater effect, it is recommended to alternate breaths through the nose and breaths through the mouth - both of them should be performed 16 times.

3. Exercise "Eight".

Starting position - standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward, inhale quickly through your nose and hold your breath, and then while holding your breath, count aloud to 8 over and over again, trying to get as many "eights" as possible.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova for weight loss

Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method will also help people suffering from overweight. Along with exercise "Palms", "Leaders" and "Pump" the main complex includes an exercise "Cat":

Starting position - standing straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, arms lowered along the body, and the body is relaxed. Inhale through your nose and slowly squat down while turning your torso to the left. During the turn, the arms should be slightly bent at the elbows, and the palms clenched into fists. After completing the turn, exhale and repeat the exercise with a turn to the right. In total, perform the exercise 12 times for 8 squats.

The complex ends with the exercise "Hug your shoulders".

Gymnastics Strelnikova with asthma

Performing gymnastics according to the Strelnikova method is also indicated for patients with bronchial asthma. With the help of special breathing exercises, you can reduce the dosage of medications and learn how to prevent asthma attacks. Here are just some of the exercises recommended for this disease:

1. Performed in bed, after waking up. Lying on your back, pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, while exhaling for a long time through your mouth. Repeat the movement as many times as you can.

2. Put your hands on your waist. While inhaling through your nose, inflate your stomach as much as possible, and then exhale sharply, drawing in your stomach.

3. Breathe alternately through the right and left nostrils. Close the left nostril with your fingers, inhale, then close the right nostril and exhale, then repeat the exercise in reverse order.

4. Sitting, hands on knees. As you inhale, spread your arms to the sides, and as you exhale, pull your left knee to your stomach with your hands. Repeat the exercise, this time pulling your right knee up.

5. Sharply, jerkily inhale through the nose at the expense of "one-two-three", then exhale through the teeth, pronouncing the sounds "z", "sh".

6. Exercise "Lumberjack". Starting position: standing, hands clasped in the castle. While inhaling, raise your hands up, and then, as you exhale, sharply lower them down with the sound “uh” or “uh”.

Gymnastics Strelnikova with sinusitis

To get rid of the disease as soon as possible, exercises should be done in 4 sets, making a small 5-second break between them. The most effective for sinusitis are exercises such as “Palms”, “Crosses”, “Pump”, “Cat”, “Hug Your Shoulders” and “Big Pendulum”. The last exercise is a combination of the “Pump” and “Hug Your Shoulders” exercises: from a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, on an inhale, lean forward as if working with a pump, and on the next inhale, straighten up and wrap your arms around your shoulders.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova with stuttering

For the treatment of stuttering, it is necessary, first of all, to perform the exercises “Pump” and “Hug your shoulders”, which allow you to improve ventilation of the lungs and develop extremely deep breathing.

As a result of the regular performance of these and other exercises from the Strelnikova gymnastics complex, a person suffering from laryngospasm changes the stereotype of breathing and speech, which helps to get rid of the disease. For achievement best results gymnastics should be performed daily 2 times a day before meals or 1.5-2 hours after meals.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova for children

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova can be performed from 3-4 years old. Such gymnastics allows you to increase immunity, so it is especially recommended for children who often suffer from colds. In addition, exercises contribute to the development of flexibility and plasticity, help eliminate postural disorders and, in general, optimize the work of a growing organism.

Before learning gymnastics according to Strelnikova, teach your child to breathe in the air correctly: the breath must be jerky and short, only with the nose. Smell the flower together with the baby, inhale the aroma of an apple or freshly cut grass, and only then proceed to mastering the three basic exercises: “Palms”, “Crosscarts” and “Pump”. Exercises must be done in the rhythm of a drill step (imitating the soldiers on the march, walk 2-3 minutes in place and then you will feel the rhythm).


Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method are contraindicated at very high blood pressure, a heart attack, a high degree of myopia, glaucoma.